1. How hard would be crafting a release nut, when I don't have access to the lathe or hardly to any electric tools right now?2. What kind of wood would be best for stock? Soft, hard or maybe something inbetween?
>>2894202It’s easy as living fuck, difficulty depends totally how authentic do you want to be.
>>2894202Is a release nut frol wood viable at all?With minimal tools i think you could buy a tin shears, then cut up old soda cand knto sheet metal, cut it into the shape of the crossection of your nut, do this over and over again and then glue them together and sand down the sharp edges.This is just an idea ivea had now, not sure if its really viable.
>>28942021. not hard per se. but you'd need at least some files and a sturdy benchvise. filing takes a lot of time, patience and concentration. the dangerous part is that it's soo fucking boring that your mind wanders off, and then mistakes happen2. i'd go with hardwood for obvious reasonswhat are you planning on using as a rope? i often thought about diy a crossbow out of some leaf springs but thought the rope will be the weak link
>>2894202you can make pretty much every metal part with some hand files and enough time. here, a historic trigger that is somewhat simpler than a rolling nut: https://youtu.be/K-ogGdXTGkM?t=877
>>2894254Stupid image >>2894202Everyone in this thread going on a watch list
>>2894266>Everyone in this thread going on a watch listFuck off, britfag.
>>2894266> Everyone in this thread going on a watch list>implying we’re not already on every watchlist there isHow does it feel, being allowed to board a plane, normie?But fun fact:My dad had pic related as a wee lad, so I got it when I was a kid. Had full instructions for a crossbow (bow from a composite of thin strips of wood, worked really well, no metal parts at all, except for the bolt the trigger was moving on, if you’d replace that with some plastics, it’s TSA approved). So naturally, we built it. Took some thick (20cm?) XPS as target and the bolt just went right through. Now that I’ve got kids, I wanted to have to book too, but turns out it got lost. So I bough a “new” one. Turns out they removed the crossbow in the 1965 edition. Guess it was a really good crossbow.
>>2894202why does this thing have fenders how does it hold an arrow fucks with the roller looking thing in the middle
>>2894375nice lil bookwhen my lil one grows up i wanna build a RC plane together with him, from scratch.
OP here>>2894250Yeah, thought so the files are my only way currently. I got many little files for metal and vise large enough I think.>what are you planning on using as a rope?picrel not related. Just the first crossbow pic I stumbled upon kek. I have no plans to use rope. More like the crossbow from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R4zNBV1Kos&list=PLuz1Pc8ogrySIh3QtOJsd_Bkm7ZkdOVfx&index=42>i'd go with hardwood for obvious reasonsWas just wondering if I'd use softer wood, it won't split in half like oak sometimes does.>>2894254Suck my fart>>2894259Thanks for video. Will check it in few minutes.>>2894266>Everyone in this thread going on a watch listWhere I live, crossbow needa a license, and it's tougher to obtain than firearm license, because you have to put a reason why. "for fun and target shooting in the garden" isn't a reason for the clerks. I just don't give a shit.
>>2894266oy vey suck my semi automatic crossbow>wait 900s to make a postI hate channel 4 so much now
>>2894985Damn that’s sick, I wish I still lived somewhere where I could make this kind of shit. Looks like chukonu action? How is the accuracy?
>>2894985yeah i was just thinking it's pointless if the bow pulling back level thing is not attached to the bow itself because then its slower to load than regular bows which can mog crossbows in range if the arrow is crafted well
>>2895007Yeah basically just a metal chukonu. Just like the historic chukonu it is in truth somewhat of a meme weapon. Accuracy is terrible because bolts are not fletched. Much much weaker than a regular crossbow. As it turns out this is why it was common practice for the Chinese to use poisoned bolts. I did have some plans to make improvements to both power and accuracy along with a few other bells and whistles like interchangeable spring fed magazines. Ultimately I ended up putting these plans on indefinite hold to work on another project.
>>2894202plenty of release nuts were made from antler, so dont really need a lathe - its more needing to get the pawls angled right so you dont risk slippage.a round, and a tri-square file are sufficient. Maple is excellent for stocks, Ash is fine but open grained so gets grubby easier.
>>2894202If you don't mind wearing the string out a bit faster you can make a crossbow without any metal.
>>2894202Google crossbowmans den.Robin was a ffriend and we built many together. I own 3 of them still
>>2894202>Crossbow makingthere is a book that teaches how to biuld crossbows, from the ground, even how to use it´s techniques and everything.it´s 500 pages it´s in englishgood lucksearching for it.it also say everything about the wood and all that is needed.
>>2895056Bows mog crossbows in every measure except they're not as cool
>>2895007>>2895171>chukonu>zhuge crossbowbased zhugeliang