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Since when are portions of perfectly good family homes marked for section 8 housing? Would it be a safe bet that the remaining units are used to gouge college kids looking for a cheaper alternative to on-campus housing?
That's one of the ways they force blacks and browns into places they don't belong. So you will pay full market rent while your shit colored neighbor paid half of that and introduces roaches and bed bugs into the building while they smoke crack and ignore their 15 screaming children.
3rd unit probably doesnt meet minimum specs. like doesnt have a full bath or bedroom closets
imagine the smell inside
I've been doing my research on why japs are so poor and sleep on the floor but then found out that american mattress warranty is voided if you use it for sleeping on the floor and your post is the only explanation for it.
I was briefly a maintenance worker for a property management company and the Section 8 houses we worked were absolutely NOT well-maintained. The things we looked for in inspections were like the bare minimum of what's livable.

>Make sure the smoke/CO detectors work
>Make sure every bedroom has a smoke/CO detector near its door
>Look for broken windows
>Railings have to be secure
>All bedroom windows need blinds
>Light switches have to operate at least one functioning light bulb
>Receptacles have to be functional and hold the plug tight
>Toilets have to flush

In nearly every home I inspected, I would have to put new 9v batteries in the kitchen smoke detector. Whoever was living there ALWAYS took them out (or even threw out the detector) because of course they'd go off every time they cooked something on the stove. And just about every time, there'd be roaches hanging out in the detector. Section 8 homes are disgusting and we didn't even slap lipstick on the pig, we just made sure it had a mouth and an asshole.
When I did pizza delivery in West Seattle a long time ago I would see shit like that every day at this one housing complex near the shop. You could always tell who paid and who was section. The tiny shitty cramped houses all looked the same on the outside. But on the inside of the paid ones there it actually looked nice. The section 8 ones had all pastel white walls, little to no furniture, and at least 5 more hellspawn running around and screaming like banshees.

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