If you had an infinite amount of time and resources what would you attempt to build yourself?
Super car. Tried videogames for a few years, but that stalled out from the mountain of effort required, need to get back to it.
if I had infinite amount of resources and time, I'd be of jewish legacy and I'd be trying to build a dystopia that builds anything I want at the time
>>2894288Making video games sucks as you need to do 20 totally different jobs at once>>2894269I’d make myself a skyscraper
>>2894269Washing lid for the Instant Pot. Hate how much space the bowl takes in the dishwasher. The Instant Pot already is able to heat up water. Add a squeeze of detergent, lock the cleaning lid, and have it go at it. Would only need to rinse.
>>2894288>>2894389I'm a programmer and I envy nocoders who pick up some gay game engine and can finish a game in few years because they have all the soft skills while all I have is non-functioning autist IQ.
>>2894269A computer. But like, from scratch. Chemical etching, photolithography, plus questionable design choices in implementation. It'd probably take a good chunk of time out of infinity.
>>2894269A time machine, with which I would go back in time and give to myself right at the moment I commit myself to building a time machine.
>>2894401you think you're smart, but in reality you're just putting yourself into a very bad situation where time machines exist but you don't know how to build and maintain one despite being its sole creator
ai playground closer to the black hole center of the galaxy so I can cherry pick tech advancements, while avoiding any retape as the ai playground would be isolated.tldr:robot planet with time dilation.
>>2894401A box like the one they had in that movie primer would be kewl. Not really too much timeline faffing, just crawl in, make your stock market picks, get rich, repeat.
>>2894269nothing because if i had everything i don't anything and if i don't need anything i don't work or make anything
>>2894269instrumentality is the obvious answer but it's millions of years too early in my estimation. instead I would make individuals more powerful like your picture.
an domicile
>>2894269A house made out of grown trees and vines.
Giant underground bunker/shop. Like 10 acres worth of underground awesomeness.
>>2894269the shipstone from Heinlein's book Friday.basically a one time use battery that can be designed to power any device from a flashlight to a very large space ship for a "lifetime".a shipstone for your house would be 5 or so feet across, about 5 feet high and a few inches thick. is "charged" at the factory and lasts a "lifetime" which is not defined in the book, so about 100 years. they were also very cheap to make, but not explained how. sold for very low amounts of money also not specified.not the same as a power wall.
>>2894269Warp drive, and interstellar travel so I can get off this shit stain of a planet and the assholes that inhabit it.
>>2894269the tantalus field device from star trek mirror mirror. so I could delete certain dickheads in power in several countries.bring them up on the screen of the device. press a button and they just disappear forever.
with this board more than any other, I wonder how many threads are just a random image with a barely related caption
>>2894269If I had an infinite amount of resources I could have built anything in a finite amount of time. What should I do with the remaining infinite amount of time then?
>>2894269Movie sets and animatronics for my movies
Dyson sphere capable of both encasing the sun but also piloting the solar system to the center of the galaxy. Rinse and repeat with a black hole powered sphere
>>2894717Somebody frequents /gif/...
>>2894392Many such cases, many jobs can boil down to sales at the end of the day
>>2894689How the fuck aren't the two related? I chose the picture for a reason
>>2894269A woman
>>2895191The point of posting in your faggot thread is to have a discussion. I just wrote the only post that would cause you to respond.
>>2895319Here we have autism so strong anom doesnt understand what a 'subject' or 'topic' is and literally just blurts out words like a goose does shit!House first, garage/shop then probably off the deep end with mechanical things.A way to fix my back :')
Robot girlfriend that looks like 2B
>>2895561>just shut up and post for my entertainmentno. It's a two way street.
>>2895561>A way to fix my back :')I was in a chinese propaganda thread on /his/ and had a moment. Anons were discussing how the chair wasn't introduced to China until 1200 A.D., less than 1000 years ago if you didn't know. The pillow (in the strictest sense of a personal pillow for your head) was also late-developing in China. It made me think about the default state of mankind. European body types are expressive, rising or tumbling or rolling toward some florid expression. Any default was thrown into chaos long ago. There's something ancient about the standing chinese, they're like an ancient civilization. You stand to live, you lie down to sleep. There's no reclining on a couch or melting into a puddle of flesh, unless you're doing it to purposefully flex wealth. That will fix your back.
>>2894269A Whites only country.
Interplanetary bridges. Just drive to Mars xD
>>2894269The most powerful doomsday device possible on earth and detonate it on Mars to see what happens
>>2895597Incorrect, I neither expected nor asked anything of you;thank you for your reply though.
>>2895832You expected the thread to go your way. You didn't consider me at all, maybe you should've.
>>2894269Replica of a Gee Bee R-2 racing aircraft with a custom engine with direct injection and maybe bore out the cylinders. Envision a sewer pipe with wings going at breakneck speed.
>>2894655ventilation, plumbing, sewage, and water ingress would be a nightmare to manage with that.
>>2894269Robots to move leaves, kill pests, work in my crawlspace, plow snow, collect firewood, etc.I really never want to enter my crawlspace ever again but fuck it there's rodents to kill and pipe insulation to maintain.Theoretically though, if I have infinite resources, I'm infinitely rich and wouldn't live in a manufactured home.Would still want bots to maintain the property and kill yellow jackets and the like even if I was in my dream home.
>>2895855Im not the op you fucking faggot
>>2896066good thing he has you to defend him, simp
>>2894269>If you had an infinite amount of time and resources what would you attempt to build yourself?A Dyson sphere/Dyson swarm.
>>2896047A kill bot that lives in your crawl space sounds like a marketable idea
>>2894269Self replicating nano robots
>>2896219I really can't state how much I hate my crawlspace.I may actually do something like this.Although all I've thought of(and I have thought about it before) is a RC vehicle with a night vision camera that has a small dump truck bed to deliver poison bait.I've also thought of a quad copter with a can of wasp spray.A remote control atv with a plow too.I have no experience with programming, robotics or electronics, nor do I have the space to tinker with such things.Not as cool as the rat terminator you posted.
>>2894269nothing, procrastinating without feeling of guilt
>>2894269Thermonuclear "land excavation device"