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A place for anything to do with Welding.

Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.

IDK I just want a place to talk about welding.

Thread Theme: Wintertime Edition
old thread: https://warosu.org/diy/thread/2849067
white collar here. I'm awaiting my first angle grinder. Am I gonna die?
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piddling away on turning an old worm reducer into a positioner with a 1 1/2" - 8 threaded spindle so chucks off my sb9 lathe will fit directly
biggest assache is trying to figure out how to make a foot pedal variable speed control. getting close with a 35 cent NE555 pulse generator board triggering the stepper driver. lots of trial and error with pot sizing to get the right pulse hz range
have to get the carbon brush rotary ground mounted up
still waiting on chinkshit timing pulleys and belt ordered during cny
total cost should be under $200
Any advice on stick welding thin metal pipe together? The type of pipe you’d find on the posts of a chain link fence… about 1/8 inch thick. What works best?
3/32" 6010/6011 @50-60A DCEN which is backwards polarity to normal stick welding. if you only have an AC machine just turn it all the way down. its gonna suck major donkeyballs and youre gonna cuss a lot and burn a lot of holes until you figure it out. or more like youll rage quit
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got changs $23 grounding block mounted up. still needs some fine tuning and a stud on the back to land the lead
Why not just use a variable speed DC motor instead of a stepper?
i already had several of the nema 23 425 oz and drives laying around. also i have some other projects in mind where i want the same manual speed control so i want to figure it out anyways
plus a nema 23 and driver is half the price of a 50mm planetary reduction dc motor and has twice the low speed torque. a positioner usually has a heavier part on it when running at the slowest so the backwards speed/torque curve on the stepper is better than a dc motor in this application
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Sounds like you got it all figured out. I just don't mess with steppers at all so didn't know if there was any reason to not run a simple "stupid" dc motor with speed control and pot to set the speed.

Do you do a lot of round welded parts? There are times when one would be handy and I even bought an old clutch machine that would be stupid simple to convert over to a rotary positioner (pic rel). Really though, on the rare occasion it would be "nice" I'd probably just fucking send it and be on my way in less time than setting up the positioner.
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>was any reason to not run a simple "stupid" dc motor
nope. it would have been easier especially with the cheap pwm boards. but im a retard and get fixated on doing shit the most retarded way possible
>Do you do a lot of round welded parts?
once in awhile. there one of those things that once you have one sitting on the bench itll get used more and more until it becomes a necessity. even silly little shit like welding nuts on plates goes so much smoother. and smooth is fast
>bought an old clutch machine
thats a sweetheart and you should absolutely figure out how to power it. you can get large welding positioner chucks from chinkistan on ebay for much less than a lathe chuck. i think a 12" is around $200. if you were down the street i give you a beat up 12" 3 jaw ive been hoarding for too long
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and for me being retarded i already have an mk aircrafter which is the cadillac of bench positioners. but it was modified to the vertical plate in picel and doesnt quickly change back. i wanted a horizontal unit and needed another busywork wintertime project so here i am
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currently learning stick welding. I know i fucked up with the ends but besides that, what do y'all think? Any tips?
Your balls will whither and die if you even think about putting on that guard.
You’ve been warned
your rod angle is changing as you progress across. focus on keeping it consistent
starts/stops are 75% of the skill so make ot a point to have several restarts in every bead. the goal is to have a start not even be noticeable mid bead. 6010 is easier to learn good starting technique with than 7018 that wants to make a glob
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i only have 7018 at my class to use but yeah, i do struggle a bit with my hand placement and handling. I often find that as the rod gets shorter, my left hand ends up getting in the way and I'll mess up a little as a try to adjust or move my hand out of the way. Any advice?
focus on keeping your dominant arm locked in sync with your torso but not too rigid. hard to explain but you want to hold tight but not tense up. dont use you other hand for anything but a steady reference. your right hand with the stinger should be doing most of the directional control
holding the rod with your left hand doen by the plate like a cigarette is the best way to have good starts and stop shaking around
plus turn your welder up 5 or 10 amps. seems counterintuitive but most welds run better hotter. 1/8" 7018 runs well at 130-5 with the rod jammed completely in the puddle bumping on the flux and pushing itself along
looks like youre moving too fast. Thats why you get those long uneven ripples. if you start getting uncomfortable dont panic, slowly loosen your grip and let go then pull away, everything has to be slow and steady. do a dry run over the metal to make sure your comfortable the whole way around. for flat welds like that id rest my right elbow on the table and hold the rod with my left hand just for the first few seconds then let go, try welding a bit one handed.
The whole weld looks rushed. when you strike that arc you gotta hold it there for a second or two to let everything warm up and establish a puddle, At the end you do the same to fill in that end so you dont leave a big hole like you did in the last weld. Just dont rush and stay calm.
Qrd on laser welding.
Saw it on some (probably many years old) brit tv show (car sos). Guy did a neat weld off the starting block. Had never heard about it before.
Never welded, but want to learn how to, any good tutorial recommendations?
I have a welder, old one and heavy like a motherfucker.
No idea if it even works, the knobs hardly even turn, everything is in german and I think it may have sat in damp basement for a while.
Im honestly kinda scared to even plug it in to test and I don't even have any electrodes.
What do?
that sounds like a eurotrash oil filled transformer old style welder. i think theyre ac. not much to go wrong inside as long as its still fill of oil for cooling. get some rod and burn away
Don't mess with sketchy high amperage power supplies, just buy a cheap new stick welder and get some TIG leads for it if you want after. Youll need a decent welding mask that wont send you to the ER with arc eye and some welding gloves.
For learning Weld.com, Timwelds and weldingtipsandtricks on youtube are good

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