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I'm trying to cast something with clay and I'm having an issue I haven't had before where little patches of the very surface keep sticking to the silicone mold and breaking off.

I don't understand how this keeps happening- I've used every kind of release agent (even though I've never had to before with this clay), having the clay extra hot, cool as possible, pouring all at once, pouring layer by layer and slush casting, etc.

I don't mind smoothing over small issues but I'm casting this shit in clay to save me time, not spend even more cleaning it up
that looks pretty dope is that a bust of Lord Trump?
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2.08 MB PNG
aren't the holes a hint? there's probably lots of water in the clay. dry it out?
oh you are an actual faggot, explains why you are so retarded.
it's chavant nsp hard, fresh packages so unless it came pre filled with water
if it's not moisture then it's air bubbles getting trapped in the mold. it's modeling clay, not mold clay. when using mold you use something that's liquid, solid clay will trap air and make bubbles.
shouldn't expect intelligence from a trump tard
Could there be fats or soap residue in the mold
kids mad

>magatard too retarded to make molds
I would look at chia pet patents videos and ripoff seem like something that a quality assessment team would obsesses over.
dirty jobs did a bell manufacture it was sand casting I recall similar defects were soldered or ground before the buffing process.

massive pressure from vacuum forming over hours with a breather sheet like felt between the bag and material.
thats fucking awesome bro post the finished piece when you get it perfected
it looks like shit you massive faggot
don't worry, hrt will start working for you one of these days bud, then you'll finally be a woman

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