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My air handler is in an upstairs closet. The back side of the drywall in the closet isn't finished very good which causes heat to bleed in from the attic and makes the room its in much warmer. I did have rolled up towels plugging the gaps around the air handler but I'm looking for a more permanent solution. I was thinking of plugging the gap with expanding foam but I'm not sure it would pass a home inspection if I ever sell. Anyone know if this is the way or any other solutions? Picrel is part of the gap.
Go into the attic an block it from there.

A possible way is to cut a drywall piece to fit the opening and screw it to a piece of wood longer than the opening then just drop it in place.
If the gap isn't that large, just lay a piece of drywall lager than the opening over the gap.
you have a piece of drywall there which was cut more or less correctly. if you know how to cut drywall, just nail a lil piece of wood at the top and bottom for drywall to sit against, and drywall the hole. you can cut around the pipe if you're careful. otherwise, look on youtroon or call the person who cut that drywall piece
Puda wood. Trace calk edges for kenatow. Got to go to... pinataw pinataw.

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