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Lets get an abominations thread going.

>wtf is this editon
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Nothing wrong with any of these

I bet you're one of those homos who actually measures stuff and uses levels and shit
of course it's a log cabin
holy sheer strength lmfao
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Guy doesn’t have a saw, only a drill. And lots of time/money. Must be elon’s house.
Ah the legendary home of Damocles
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Battleshits arena
>/abo/ - anominatios thread - #042

you spelled it wrong in your title. goddamn cant you even get something that simple correct? damn, son...
the typo fits the thread theme
Fuckin yuro showers suck
hey at least this one will take a while to overflow when you wafflestom the drain
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I’m saying that he temps the fates walking under the boulder; much like Damocles beneath the sword, but Sisyphus could work too
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Is that a staircase going into a wall at the top right?
Assuming it's properly secured that looks like a neat architectural element.
I assume this is a porn studio
This is gay I slop. Fuck off
The weaponized feng shui is kind of neat. Id have this in the entrance to my meeting room if I was wealthy
why not curbless?
>t. everything i have ever built is wonky as shit and falls down
creative, beautiful, and functional
come the fuck on, creative for sure, but hardly functional all the water overflowing the lowpoint sides would splash the door anyway even without wind and any directional wind would make the rain hit the door directly as well
wider with different fasteners, but great.
Yes, that is not going to make obnoxious sounds during a storm.
it's subtly and tastefully angled to the right. Wind blown rain would be an issue for any design
>I can shit faster than you
>prove it
I like this except for the casters on the table.
That's psychopathic
I'd never put this on any structure of mine, but this specific composition is great. it's the mona lisa of exposed concrete renovation
I have casters on my kitchen table (its stainless though)
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its gimmicky and not functional if it was 4x the area then maybe it would create a dry spot in front of the door, but the way it is in the photo is just pretentious af, form > function bs
What am I looking at here? Daylight? Arcing/fire?
A baby house fire
This is low key kinda hot
Am I the only one who thinks it looks better after?
That's going to kill someone.
I thought that was the main entrance at first. Is that a balcony?
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>Must be elon’s house.
>Teslas have the charge port in the left rear because that was the best spot in the garage at the place Elon was renting when he decreed that's where it would be on all models
It's also a lot safer.
Best board
Video game architecture
The funniest part is the shitty little self tappers that love to pop off under the slightest stress.
Holy shit I can't even imagine what the thought process would be
Those look like the manufacturer required shit thats actually really high grade?

The joists don't pass spec if they're not installed as the manufacturer designs so the manufacturer says you gotta use our speciaonbolts.
It's okay bro the architect signed off on it
Feel like I'd get attached by a balrog crossing that
No way you'd freeze in that thing
>drain error? again???

>someone got paid taxpayer money for this
fantasy will set you free

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