I need to open up little ~1" holes in metal to get a recip blade started in it without cutting from the edge. Is a hole saw or a step bit being going to be faster/preferable for some other reason, or is there something else even better for this, that maybe doesn't cut a whole circle when I really just need an oval slot?
>>2894860A normal twist drill?
step bit wont last long but
>>2894860How thick of metal? If it's very thin, a step bit would probably be faster than a hole saw. You'll have to drill a pilot for the hole saw anyways, or clamp a guide to your material. If it's thicker material the hole saw will start to shine more. Also how many of these do you need to do?
>>2894860depending on the metal thickness:- oscillating tool with metal-cutting blade- plunge cut saw- angle grinder
>>2895822- oxy acetylene with cutting attachment
hole saw is easier and fasterget a 7/8 carbide saw and go slow with itusually pop out a hole in 4-5 minutes. could make 100 holes without it getting dull. sheet metal ofcs