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>Images and videos

>DOA XVV guide

>DOA XVV Mod Manager

>DOA5 LR + Beach Paradise guide

>Beach Paradise mod official links

>Anon's Beach Paradise 6.0+ general guide (now included in BP Repack)

>Previous thread: >>2896077
You should just take all the breast bones and remap the physics to a single bone and use a more sophisticated jiggle physics engine rather than try to emulate the DOA5 one. DOA physics operate in a very bizarre and unconventional way and ultimately don't create a particularly convincing effect. Even in DOAXVV they use a refurbished version of their old system but apply baked breast "animation" to dust up the parts the procedural animation doesn't do well.
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Nut inside Momiji
Nut inside Nanami
>ywn have Momiji make this face next to you in your bed
why even bother
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Imagine the smell
Nut inside Momiji
Nut inside Ayane
Nut inside Helena
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The new VV Project announcement even hit ENVV now:
Could mean an English version of whatever it is for Asia.
>it is Penis Vacation 2
>Steam will never get the permasweaty and 2024 DMM swimsuits
Im pretty sure that they will just add stuff from the PS4 version, like voleyball, minigames etc... I even doubt they will add VR, but who know.
It's not going to be an addition to the current VV.
How do you know that?
Speaking of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVs0suPHAX8

A lot of PSVR2 games are being shown, so it could be that it's indeed VR oriented for DOAXVV, knowing that PSVR2 will be compatible with PC soon.
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I doubt since they're woke as shit now.
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I would laugh if they made some spinoff jrpg. Just subvert expectations and hand it over to the atelier team so they make some AA game.
I want to drink Leifang's milk
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Cheating dealer punished
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Nut inside Baefang and give her family a heir
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Is she celebrating to be nutted inside?
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Love Monkers
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Nut inside and marry her
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Finally, time to install it and join the coom gang
Just take it easy anon. This is the kind of game where you play something else while your daily chores get done and only play in HD resolutions when you want to take pictures.
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I do have the game on PS4, I'm downloading it purely to reverse and mods things up
Like anon >>2902754 said, do that. Shame that there aren't in-game graphical options.
Playing it at 4k is quite demanding tho, but looks damn good.
You'll get bored of the gameplay very quickly, but the girls are quite damn addictive.
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It's fine, I do have the "gameplay" on PS4, I want to port as much thing from VV to PS4, so I guess the enjoyment would be on the modding/reversing more than actually playing the VV one, still, will see how it "play" on PC.
Kokoro is for breeding
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Damn right
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the fuck
The game is in maintenance mode right now is it not?
Yeah, just checked, right after I finished the installation lol

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Happens every around this time every week.
Either on tuesday, wednesday, or thursday.
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Good to know, I will bookmark the site for keeping track of it, doesn't want to have to wait for hours while doing test.
I want Miyako & Kokoro oyakodon
Does the DMM version have more stuff than the Steam version? (I see this mentioned on some modded tools pages)
They came first so they're ahead of Steam by at least 1.5 years

The devs treat Steam players like trash, typical Japanese
The DMM/Japanese steam version of VV is roughly 1 year ahead in content. Give or take a few months.
If no one wants Hitomi then more for me
Argh, so I guess I need to also download the DMM version too, fucking Tecmo man...
You can get the JP version on Steam which matches the DMMM version. The DMM player is garbage and you need to launch a VPN every time you want to play. Once the game is launched and DMM is closed you can turn off the VPN, but it's finicky with kicking you off anyway.
>You can get the JP version on Steam which matches the DMMM version
Weird, because I tried to do it with a JP VPN but couldn't get Steam to find DOAXVV in japan.

I will give another try later then, right now i'm working on making the data files easier to read and manage (instead of just hash names).
Did you try the install button on SteamDB?
Ahh I think I was doing with the other one.
I wonder, can we install both btw? (having the ENG and JP both installed)
You can, but I dont think you can run both at the same time.
Ok, so then it's good, I just want to have both folder on the steam folder to be able to reverse/test more easily.
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I wonder what the diamond/gemstone motif means.
I'm surprised that there are no leaks or even hints yet, even Jap press doesn't care about DOA anymore.
NDAs retard. As soon as the stream ends the articles will go up as usual.
>extended maintenance
Reika paypig suits?
5.5 Anniversary?
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If it's 5.5 then it'd be a week early.
They have enough time to do 5.5 next week with a normal maintenance schedule. It's not like valentines day events that go up on the 8th because the maintenance would be after the 14th.

I thought we were supposed to get Lake Elven suits this week desu
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This is bullshit
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>new tier
>27k score for only 2x 100FP bottles
nani the fuck?
source for this bnuuy?
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No idea. I saved the picture nearly a year ago.
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Steam version's servers are fucking dying right now
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Emergency maintenance now.
I wonder what they fucked up on. SSR skills again? Or maybe the polishing mats.
Made a 720p version too in case the 1080p bitrate gets murdered by the filesize limit, but I think they both look okay this time.
Spent 60k stones and 50 tickets and didnt get 1 ssr they are doing maintenance because the rolls are broken right
Nobody knows yet, but that's not really out of the ordinary for a 1.1% banner. It could just be because of the server crashing.
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Leifang's black dress is so hot..
I FUCKING GOT IT. I was seething they released this before the half anniversary but i got it in 100 tickets.
Nanami is always worth it.
>super low rate banner
>swimsuit is pure sex
>need to grind 18k currency for wash clothes and accessories this event
>weeks before half anniversary
I finally broke my unlucky streak boys. Shoutout to the guy who said to change your homescreen girl to trick the game. Seems to have worked
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Even with my lv.80 Nanami it was fine all-skipping everything with no trendies (last match was close because of bad RNG though):
Finishing off the FP drink went better:

There arent even good rewards for it. Seems pointless other than faster grinding
Yeah, that's what it's meant for.
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>Cutout shaped like a phone
It's Over
What suits are you using?
I showed them at the beginning of the first video, but it's Dawn Kimono for Nanami (reruns every New Year's), and Evening Moon Set for Momiji.
for some reasons, your video doesn't play here
kek, nice catch
Any theories on what this can be? I feel like its gotta be a new kind of game but if its going to be a 2nd iteration of VV it has to have something appealing going for it....otherwise its gonna be shit.
>5 girl banner
Yeah...nope. Unless the outfit is making them 90% naked I'm not wasting my stones. Been down this rabbit hole too many times. Good thing my girl isn't in these.
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>Sup nerd
I wish she'd look down at me like this
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>Shoutout to the guy who said to change your homescreen girl to trick the game. Seems to have worked
Also, everytime when rolling gacha is to refresh your ip address to a new one and use a different device to play doaxvv on. I rotate among 6 devices (my pc, my shitty laptop, my windows surface pro, my spare pc from 2009, my sister's pc and lastly my mom's pc). 6 events in a row I had an SSR on first 10x draw. The 6 streak madness of2vnta4 unbelievable luck.
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Looks like DMM is getting a new Meg outfit in a few hours.
Shut up Meg
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Time to slack off with Meg.

Preview [https://youtu.be/wf2IROX3I5o]
Nice side booba
damaged version?
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>Kokoro gets a Holy Grail TEC suit
>She's a POW girl
Kokorobros, not like this..
Kokoro is Owner-han's wife.
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Meg milk
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Thanks to the guy who answered on which mod for the demist scene swimsuit.

Third 10 roll ticket!
I'd bury my face there
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Nut inside Monker's fat ass
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>Adult escort
>Tamaki-centered event
What did they meant with this?
I haven't gotten anything from the tickets...what a scam
>Adult escort
>Nanami is on it
>Getting a drunktard, highly bisexual model and a very cute jk as adult escorts
Lucky sob
Explain Amy and Momiji then
What about them?
They both would be into lovey dovey sex tho
They're not adult escorts even if they're sexo

One is even Ownersexual
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They like to cosplay for Owner-san.
Momiji might look like she's not Ownersexual, but she'd totally would sex him
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Got a delicious blueberry escort with today's free ticket.
momiji secretly beds with owner-san so he'll stop gooning the other girls
literally taking one for the team
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She's trying to lose weight so next time she's on top of him he doesn't get crushed by her.
It's literally canon.
Sexercise is still exercise
Are we really getting the 5.5 anniversary in like 3 days?

They screwed up the schedules and brought this banner too early.

SSS+ matches are only doable with gigawhale birthday teams/trendy only.
If no protection is used, can make a girl fatter for the next 9 months tho
>using protection with Momiji
Scum of the planet
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Who said I would?
I just pointed out the inevitable outcome.
Post more Raise the Sail Momiji
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Making babies with the technerd
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300k rolls later, I finally got Tina, and 2 of them at that.

Also 2 Nanami's, 2 Monica's, and 2 Tamaki's.

Down to 350k v-stones, guess it's time to save up once again.
For being a pro swimmer, she surely has some serious fat cheeks
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Fat cheeks indeed
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Plus other kinds of very big fats
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Go on...
Season ending pregnancy
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B-but her swimming carreer...
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>SSS+ matches are only doable with gigawhale birthday teams/trendy only.
The matches are just for end-game grinding, so no need to do them if you're not there yet since no good rewards are hidden behind them. You just need end-game builds (maxed SSR Accessories, P-skills from RC, EX Lotions from PH, etc.). They're possible F2P if you've been playing long enough:
Steam has actual hentai & porn games on it. You just need to get away from cowardly companies that are too scared to make actual porn and skirt around it with softcore.
>woke as shit now
Ah yes, the woke cannot do porn. They hate men so anything that pleases men must go into the trash.

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