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Previous Thread: >>2923388

>Guides & Resources
Pastebin: https://rentry.org/MMD4Chan



>Search terms
MMD, mikumikudance, R-18, 紳士の社交場, 紳士向け
MMDモデル配布あり, MMDステージ配布あり , MMDアクセサリ配布あり
MMDモーション配布あり, MMDカメラ配布あり, MMDエフェクト配布あり

Pastebin & Catalog: https://rentry.org/3DCG4Chan
anyone has her yet?

Still searching for SURA.'s Alter-Ego/オルターエゴ (3p) motion. Also gonna try and ask if any new people who have come here recently has BroekD-Melancholia's 100 Side Hairs pack.

Top one looks like it is a Dead or Alive costume. Bottom looks like it may be an iDol set. Not 100% certain though. But it should give you a good start on looking for them.
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Where can I get a Super Pochaco model like this one?
Has anyone ported it to MMD?
Also, one with full nudity would be nice.
Why don't you start with the links in the opening post and tstorage catalogue, you retarded baby? Surely, you know that her name is written as ぽちゃ子 in Japanese?
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anyone have this model?
Anyone got these models?
Ok...gonna ask: Does anyone have mocaproject's Mesmerizer motion? That's all I really need honestly.
anyone has this Love Circulation?
Anyone have the Gorimaruko Shishiro Botan model? https://3d.nicovideo.jp/works/td75092 it got nuked a while back
Anybody know where to download these clothes?
Does anyone have this motion? (eu sento gabu)
Does anyone have the Cunt motion?

or All Hands On Deck motion?
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Hello! I casually make MMD videos as a hobby and post them over in the ENF thread. I've been doing it for a while now and I have a basic grasp of most MMD animation concepts (interpolation, MME, ect.) and I want to improve on them. Does anyone have any tutorials for MMD or just normal animation stuff that could help? I'll link my iwara page if anyone wants to look and tell me about anything they see that specifically needs improvement.

Also, does anyone know if softbody physics in MMM work well? I'm tempted to try it out just for that.

>Hello! I casually make MMD videos as a hobby and post them over in the ENF thread.
holy shit someone posts images on an image board?! that's crazytalk, right /mmd/bros
Niggers like you should be put against a wall. God forbid not every post is going to have an image attached to it.
and you have already hit the wall
what a kwaboty
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>> softbody physics in MMM work well

>> Does anyone have any tutorials for MMD or just normal animation stuff that could help?
Anyone got this model ? , there shop is private now
what was the model? if you post an image people will know.
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【MMDモデル】『シロコ*テラー』 - regx - BOOTH
I used the MMD plugin in Blender to convert the FBX format of the model to PMX, but they do not have rigid bodies and J. Is there a way to automatically add rigid bodies and J in Blender?
This is the model I converted
Who has this model or password?
guys while scrolling through random shit I found a 2022 zzz iwara video and a head transplant tutorial in chinese (that I watch until the end for some reason) I think I need to take abreak from mmd
here's the 2022 zzz video if anyone curious https://www.iwara.tv/video/rl4arhkbaaude8wbw/zenless-zone-zero-nicole-demara-model-dl
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Anyone have a good leek/spring onion model?
is there some trick to getting mmd models to look correctly in cycles? i used mmd tools to import a model, then clicked the convert to blender button, but some of the materials like hair or eyes still look wrong in cycles, are the models perhaps only intended to be used in eevee?
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Nico management seems to be accelerating their cuckoldry, as they restricted a bunch of my videos several days ago, announced that they will remove the lewd image section at the end of January, and today they just deleted a whole bunch, all in "compliance with overseas laws." (I wonder if my recent complaint in the feedback form about not being able to access my own device-restricted videos [without a Japanese proxy] had anything to do with this sudden attention.) Be aware of that if you have any lewd favorites there that you can still access but haven't backed up. Their definition of "too lewd" now apparently extends to such clothing.

>> ニコニコでは、継続的な運営とサービス提供に向けて、これまでと同様に日本国内の法令等を遵守していくことを前提としつつ、海外の法令等に違反するおそれがある描写・公序良俗に反する描写を含むコンテンツについても、規制範囲の見直しに取り組んでおります。
Miku model recommendations? I fond yyb pretty nice
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my favorite has been つみ式ミク ever since she came out
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Feel my power
Cry harder, s0ib0i
TDA is the best without a doubt
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Power, huh? You couldn't even fulfill your promises to turn the ruble into rubble with your unprecedented sanctions or spank the Houthis for cucking the world's top maritime traffic artery, brah. This shit with the Japs blowing payment processors like their life depends on it is, too, just an annoyance. Death throes of the America-centric world order. The West is falling. It's over for you.

Plenty of doubt. The only thing it has going for it compared to YYB, Sour, or Tsumidango versions is precedence, which has led to the ubiquity of Tda edits.
sour, but im biased because my favourite miku model is made using sour base.

I remember tsumidango model, is there more nsfw model or just the ntr version because thats the only tsumidango nsfw edit i can find
Can someone please give me the SHAKE IT motion data?

>>2931121 repost
I'm looking for something that looks natural like this
Anyone got this? the download was disabled

you'll find a lot of edits under her alias "crime miku"
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>Cry harder
damn brat
WAIT SO CRIME MIKU IS NAME OF THE MODEL???? why though??? legit I saw a lot of crime type and never connect the dot
one meaning of "つみ" (罪) is crime or sin, so people just named her that way I think
Koron (personal favorite), YYB, kakashitosuzume, and the one from げのげ.
"Crime" was Vocaloid album iirc. Tsumidango just modeled that version after the album cover.
nvm i lied, went to go look at the album cover myself lol
Anyone know how mass select material on the mmd tools panel in blender to set the opaque to 1 on textures?
>how to spot a newfag who takes everything literal and doesn't understand the site he's on

Cucked s0ifag. kek

>inb4 no u
turn on your monitor
>trying to watch Haidaizhu's videos on BiliBili
>Blocked in my area
>Try VPNs
>Every single VPN I try triggers BiliBili's security risk bullshit
for me it's her butt
Can someone please get 2 models and 1 scene from aplay?
Cry more.
What body is KaniPantsu using? I've been wondering about this. So I wanted to ask here.
remember when japan were the cool guys?
Dot Miku
This model's body is called HK (a port from 3D Custom Girl). Tonjiru Lion's models are a heavily modified version of this. There's also the HK Vocaloid pack floating around somewhere (Yuna TBM uses them)
guys I need help on this one, not sure where I went wrong with this one
the password is a 5 combination character of kanji which is nickname sparkle used for to call vita + 4 kanji of faction sparkle from which is masked fool
I already got the first part of the password which is 小鳥兒 but I'm not sure how to convert it to kanji and masked fool full name in japanese is 仮面 の 愚者 which is 5 character already. I tried checking the chinese wiki and found that masked fool is called 假面愚者.
can someone point me where I went wrong
I really don't know. I counted it and the password should be 12440 but I still can't unzip it. I already hate the password autism but I hate it even more when it's a fucking gaijin larping

an easier way than counting by the sounds is looking up the lyric and check where the video starts
guys i still need help on this one
you know what im kinda bored so looked at other apt motion, this man changed the password without changing the clue. APT 2 should have be 12541 but when I BRUTE FORCED it came out as 1621
anyway, anyone who want that motion have a nice day
two prems
anyone have this models?
haha would you believe I knew instantly which models those filenames referred to
thanks, so one of my guess almost correct I just need to remove the の
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Does anyone still have (げのげ)genoge_cg's amane kanata ?
It was shared in the previous thread , but the links is dead
that mf cuts the 20 sec short motion in half so it prematurely ends so you basically have to subscribe to him in order to download the "extended" version what a clown.
anon... please share...
I hope you guys backed up some of the videos or achieved links on NND
The first part is just a single kanji, 娑.
The second part is just the four kanji of the Japanese name for the faction, which you already have.
I know nothing about Honkai, but I could find the info easily through wikiwiki.
>nico committing sudoku
Good, I hope it dies and a better alternative takes its place.
Anon, please.
Does anyone know the pass for this motion?
I tried みむかゥわナイストライ8,but didn't work
What alternatives are there that are like NND? YouTube is not one of them, that's for sure.
I mean usually when a popular site dies, something similar pops up out of nowhere.
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Anon, could drop the update as well?
1.03 added the micro bikini version.


the second one has a purchase password from afdian.com
the first and second are just the images and an empty pmx
the third is clothes for MD
and the fourth is blender without bones
Anybody knows where can I download Genshin Impact Stages from? Google just gives me a devianart account that uploads in on a Chinese Only site
search in ts they were uploaded as stages packs
thank you
Could someone give me the password for jsn, please?
They weren't in the readme file.
hello! looking for passwords to these
https://bowlroll.net/user/19285 (all or most motions)

for your help i will post on tstorage, TTYL, Cherish (My Love), How Sweet, Walkin' On Water and NemoNemo
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If anyone still has this good looking model of Miku (I guess its a pack with includes her in her default outfit + two different versions of her in a swimsuit), please tell me or at least send me a link with her, because for some unknown reason I cannot access to the download link and idk what happened to the autor: https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im10588988

In exchange, I'm going to leave some 'deviantart only' models here so you can enjoy them: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5vrt42vt2rr0aub/Jakkaeront+Pokemon+Oras+Pack+#1.zip/file
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1) Should be the release date of one of the videos searchable by <罪与花 MMD>. Probably 20220128. I can't access aplaybox currently.
2) https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/38399889/mylist/72821682
Open all bowlroll motion pages first. Register on niconico if you haven't. Use a VPN if you cannot access, but you may have to disable it for the like button to work. Go through the playlist and give each distribution videos a like, then translate the hints in the pop-up messages and figure out the answers from the descriptions. Close the tabs after downloading. See if there are any left, check the playlist again and try to look for them in his other playlist if not found, and ask here again if there are any leftovers.

Read the thread attentively, newcutie.
I checked ts and I only could find models
first one didnt work and second is kind of a nonanswer. offer is still open to anyone whod like to provide passwords
speaking of passwords, this one is trumping me because the input i'm giving should be correct
bowlroll 288553 is hinting "風が語り掛けます・・・「○○い、○○○○○」"
and clearly the right answer should be うまい、うますぎる
but it's not working so either the password was not set to that or there's some kind of formatting it expects that i don't understand
Welp, I guess no one is going to help me, even if I shared some models that I had :(
try using vpn, japan vpn specially. in case you didn't know nico nico seiga block all oversea user
nvm, my dumbass brain didnt understand your question. I hope other can help you
Thank you, but all of these are motions...
Wait THAT model by Gouriki? Never thought I would see anyone asking for that model. Been a LOOOONG time since, like, 2011 or somethin' like that.

Easy: https://bowlroll.net/file/179707 I don't care for DA models since they're kinda like "a hay in a needle stack" kinda deal. Just make sure you log into Bowlroll with an account to dl it. The pack got everything in there.
Oh and here too: https://bowlroll.net/file/142110
SCREW IT after some digging around it came from bowlroll 234158 , it originally came from anonymous modeler called 1052 hence the 1052c . the swimsuit probably included in 1.9 because I can only find an archive with 1.8 on it anyway here's the link https://www.deviantart.com/vanilla-cocoflake/art/Miku-1052C-Re-Ver-1-8a-871396302
i'm probably wrong though

yeah mb, 4chan have a habit to
>any copy pasted link
sometime I forgot to remove it
Thank you!!!!
Here is 1.9 with the swimsuit you requested
Then it's the release date of the second video from 8 days later if you sort the search output by date. Even if you don't take the time zone difference into account, this much information should be enough to get what you desire.

Convert it to kanji ("tasty", not "great").
For the first time looks like I need some help. Does anyone have Carlotta's model and could share please?
had to split it in two
Thanks a lot Anon!
tstorage: suz79kon219u

Does anyone know the unzip pass to this file?
So it is that one then? Thank you, anon. I know where to grab it too.
Are there any tricks or hacks to use spline interpolation on morphs? Or on effect (accessory) options (like size)?

I know I can put the accessory position on a bone and move that using splines, but the other things are only linear it seems.
>Convert it to kanji ("tasty", not "great").
i should have known kthx
Do you have a vaginal texture?
that's a pretty personal question
anyone here posts on fantia? is it worth it? what attention do you get there as a western artist?
Tiamat's Thicc miku videos are peak, however the music audio has this echo distortion that just does not sound good to me. I had changed it for myself ages ago, and just thought of seeing if anyone else would want the audio switched out. So here you all go:
pixeldrain com/l/ggNUsmob
fantia is shit because of their over-the-top censoring requirements, worse than any other comparable service
>over-the-top censoring requirement
wait what?
i thought artists used it specially because you can uploading anything there unlike cucked patreon
you can post loli, but everything animated needs a giant mosaic censor or they ban you
even if am not from japan i would have to censor benis and vagene?
only in thumbnails or also in the animation?
Yes everything, because fantia is japanese and needs to abide by japanese laws; they cannot distribute uncensored porn.

On Fanbox it seems they let gaijins get away with links to uncensored versions hosted elsewhere since then the laws don't apply, fantia doesn't allow even that much.
Thats fucking retarded. Why don't those artists jsut use something like substart then and upload uncensored?
Also if i am subbed to some artists in fantia do you think i can ask them to send me uncensored versions of their animations?
Not to mention you're now required to submit proof of identity if you want to run a fanclub there.

Enough for you to marry it?
why is it called fanclub?
Fanclubs are ran by fan, if you start and run your own fanclub thats pathetic and egoistic.
>Fanclubs are ran by fan
that's just, like, your opinion, man

Plenty of sports teams and such organize their own fanclubs, meaning clubs for their fans. Not every word can only have a single meaning.
he's not wrong in his esl wisdom thobeit albethoit in saying that it's "egoistic"
>Thats fucking retarded. Why don't those artists jsut use something like substart then and upload uncensored?
For japanese artists it would be illegal to distribute uncensored porn. A few are like fuck the police and don't care, but every once in a while someone goes to jail over it.
>Also if i am subbed to some artists in fantia do you think i can ask them to send me uncensored versions of their animations?
You can ask at the risk of getting blocked, because it's illegal for them. Unless they trust that you're not going to snitch on them, and they're certain that you won't distribute the uncensored version yourself to give the world a chance to snitch on them.

Pretty unlikely, all in all. For non-japanese artists obviously it's a non-issue.
Meh, I'd rather be in a well organized fan club with actual events and such to meet new people rather than just the same four friends all the time.

It's a service, people can choose to use it or (dis)organize their own club. Calling it egotistic or whatever is just you being snobbish yourself.
OK kids, enough bickering. Now back to the topic at hand.

How do I make a breathing morph that works in poses other than standing? When I make a morph that rotates the upper body bones in X, it looks good in the standing pose but other poses make her lean instead of looking like breathing.

Don't tell me I have to manually animate breathing differently every time...
Anyone can help with any one of these Iansan models from Genshin? Thanks
Even フルオートブレスユニットv162 suffers from this, now that I've checked. But, while it's a bad practice for reusable/public motions, you can just rotate the body using the center/groove/waist bones instead of the torso bones. If it's a premade motion that uses torso bones (which is the proper way), you are shit out of luck, unless you reposition the groove bone to the original bone, like Ademar did last year for his Izumi, reducing the compatibility with conventional models even further. In that case, you could paste the rotation of the first upper torso bone to the groove and nullify the original bone's rotation... though you'd still have to do something about the lower torso (which should rotate accordingly to keep the model from gaining the coveted hourglass figure, except it will definitely deviate if the model is supposed to move), and I have no idea how to automate deducting the rotation of one bone from another's to leave only the difference.
P.S. NO, now that I think about it, you could also just add a bone after the first upper torso bone and rotate that on X along with upper body 2, neck, and shoulders.

You mean, anything that depicts genitals, animated or not.
>you could also just add a bone
I'm kinda clueless and not the op, what does the bone do and attached to?
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Yep, should add there's also a HK model in the WSS pack that has very nice HK Haku & HK Ran models. There are also variations of the HK body such as one with much smaller boobs. I think I've seen it used like once almost a decade ago with Alice from Queens blade. Holy fuck I feel old.

The point of having inbetween bones is to improve motion comparability. Say you want to make the model breath using the upperbody2 bone, if you put your breathing motion on that, it will conflict w/ whatever motion you slap on top of it but if you do your breath motion on a upperbody2+ bone that moves with upperbody2, your breathing motion will be layered on top of the added motion instead of conflicting over the same bone.
This practice is also great for adjusting arm clipping
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Morphs or the aforementioned auto breathing module don't really interfere with motions to the extent beyond interfering with the default states.
The torso bone chain would go like
>> センター > グルーブ (groove) > 腰 (waist) > 上半身 (upper torso) > 上半身1 [your newly inserted bone, a duplicate of the previous one] > 上半身2 (ribcage)
Then, you'll be able to rotate the torso in a more reusable/compatible manner than through rotating the groove or center bones (those are not advisable due to large differences in the location of the rotation pivot between different models) by jointly rotating 上半身 along with 下半身 however you wish, while the added bone and 上半身2 retain their orientation relative to the parent, which lets you use them in a breathing morph or (if you assign the corresponding local parent to the added bone) the autobreather, whether the model is lying on her side or not. Instead of swinging the torso along the groove's X axis, the breathing will follow the orientation of the torso.

>> but if you do your breath motion on a upperbody2+ bone
You can also use MMM layers for that and then merge them if you're going for a public distribution, although it will reduce adaptability (baked frame-by-frame vs perfectly optimized interpolated keyframes).
ah so just make entirely new breathing bone got it
one last question is there a way to change bone associated with a motion? like if there's a moton using groove bone but I want it using the waist instead (not a good example but thats the only thing came to mind as typing this)
"Paste other bone" on the edit tab of MikuMikuMoving. You can also use it with the Multiply function to isolate select axes via multiplying the rest by zero.
does anyone know the zip pass for this i've been trying but im going insane.

・解凍の際は 利用規約に同意する とローマ字で入力してください。
Romaji, with 同意 written as "doui," no spaces.
>"Paste other bone" on the edit tab of MikuMikuMoving
btw in translated MMD it's edit -> paste to different flame (sic), or the 'F' key
anyone have any what idea the password for this?

https://bowlroll. net/file/324531
hint: ぱすはどーがのひとのたんじょうびと○○~!のところつづけて
by chance is there a new working link for arisumatio's mega folders? all the links from kemono are dead.
yeah they been dead for a year
what are you even looking for from him anyway
sorry to bother, does anyone have this model downloaded befoer they get taken down
Where do you think you are, we have the largest mmd database
just find the right guy
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please a little help here


Number of works: 2
Probably has been asked in a past but could someone manage downloading these to more accessible source?
does anyone have this model?
I am using mmd models for the first time in blender, usually i used smutba models and one thing i love about them is that they all have the exactly same rig, using smutba models is usually pain in the ass since they all have different rigs, mhx, arp, rigify, and various edits of them, but with mmd it's always the same one rig so retargeting and and working with them is very comfy.
it's a shame there's no online aplaybox downloader relay site that grabs shit like them youtube downloader sites
What did you expect? Is China.
Does any one have Zani's model from Wuthering Waves, there are videos on bilibili using her, but i can't seem to find it even on aplay box https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1DyCJYdEBb/?vd_source=4d20e6da264f9aabb8b6ac6ce98696c8
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help with this


I guess I don't have any luck then, then again I cant blame anyone for I myself dont really share model that much (one time I did is on the zzz feet model distributed on past thread) on the off chance modeler gone rouge and make thing more complicated because 1 person break the rule
dont mind my monolouge, alot of model I liked got taken down because of that exact reason so im just coping/ranting
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now get me https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/fsz6VDcTShLp
please help with Swimsuit Lumi
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does anyone have an archive of REO02s vids? i didnt realize his stuff was so scrubbed from the net and it was primo shit for me.
is there any AI voice generator which can make decent anime girl voices?
I need few voicelines for my video
So Nicovideo is deleting the Shunga section in a few hours, anything that is important that needs backup?
I don't find to see any clues about the password, anyone has it? I believe this version it's different from the ones that are on YT
the password still 20171119 but use japan keyboard layout
i have no idea what a shunga is
anon, can you please share yokechi's uma musume models?
i dont think hes ever shared that helios
yet there are people that are using her in their works
The R-15~18 section of NicoNico galleries.
didn't even know that was a separate thing
well i can't even access their all ages version so w/e i guess
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Saw this in an aplaybox thumbnail, where can I get this 416 model?
anyone have this MissGRIM motions?
MMDA jeets calling a model trash because they can't import it into waifu socks simulator
wss is just some patreon kikeshitter ass garbo by some jewedfraggy guy anyway

we used to have a "super deepthroat" thing made for /v/ and that was FREE without money grubbing shit behind it, so i ain't gonna give any respect to some kyle's cousin ass bitch
Have these new-ish destroyer models been shared anywhere yet?
Bro they're fucking free just download them
Only the R15 versions, the R18 is locked behind the paywall Bruh.
its a deleted model, I used to have the model but I lose the drive where I used store it. maybe other is generous enough or you need to wait idk how long until I find it.
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Does anybody have this model?
カルも式初音ミクver2.8 by カルも

that guy never opens his Dm's

Thanks in advance
Found it on the archive, thanks!
Have fun, pw here.:

Thank you very much!
anyone have this model?
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>download model from DA
>skirt physics are fucked and don't interact with legs
>follow youtube tutorial on how to fix them, best i can get is this
What do
did you use the skirt plugin or what tutorial did you even follow
If I have a non-MMD stage with .obj and .mtl file, how would I convert those to pmx?
This one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08DKWGU9ays
Do you have a link to that specific succubus haku? Been trying to find that one in HK
Does anyone have eternal return's summer models?
event. playeternalreturn. com/S5/MakeMymmDS2
Thank you!
By using Blender with mmd_tools.
thank you.
wait which archive? did you found it inside mmda or something else
I need to ask this because I maybe JUST MAYBE there that one model I've been looking for all this time
The /e/ archive, palanq.win
shi- nvm I guess I keep searching have fun with that clukay model (I legit liked it more than gfl2 version)
hmm I tried that and was able to make a pmx, but when I loaded it in pmxe, the materials were there but they had lost all color and textures and were blank, the mesh was there but all gray
anyone got a back up of flyingspirits-p's motions their site is gone.
im specifically looking for weekender girl
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hmmm interesting poll results on iwara
i thought people who like glug glug glug sounds with their music were a minority but it seems it's the other way around
time to start adding plop plop sounds i guess
thats a problem using blender tool sometimes. it would merge the material together for some reason
go to each mesh one by one or what we would call material in pmx, go to shader editor or whatever its called in your version of blender (mine is pretty old so maybe its changed) and then renamed the texture. I fuck I forgot what the word for it, you preferably want to name it accordingly so you can recognize which material for which. after that you want to put the texture file ONE BY ONE on pmxe
in my example if the mesh named "face" I would put "face" (duh) because usually they used the same file name for the texture. the rest is just your own experimentation. and it does take a while, it can take 20 minute depending on amount of material
if I get something wrong someone pls correct me because I dont use convert blend to pmx a lot so im not familiar with the error and such
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forgot to include the jpg for instruction
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anyone knew what this kind of restrain called?
Does a rickroll motion exist? Need to start planning for april 1st
I fucking hate GFL2 and what it did to her. I will continue to deny its existence.
ts majplb0yzh4n
first version only
ts n3ux5uj48exv
anybody know the pass https://bowlroll.net/file/250121
Don't forget the goosh goosh either, its impact cannot be overestimated.

It is certainly a modern take on pillory, retard-kun.

Yeah, anon, it does.
I think there are even several versions.

There was something with that name in WSS, but I haven't checked what it actually is.
what in the mental retardation
wow thankyou surely calling me retard on the end helped me to find the thing, its not like english is my third language so i dont know term to refer some things
anyway I already found the thing by searching in bowlroll
anyone have this model ?
You are a retard because you posted an image with penises and semen in it on /e/, not because you're an ETL. Your poor English skills—exhibited by most of this thread's visitors, really—are merely a consequence of your retardation.
Those models suck, don't bother.
https:// workupload.com/file/Nx4Ey7QVcAX
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jesus christ i thought you were exaggerating
I warned you about the shitty Shupo models bro
I told you dog
thanks, I have Blender 4.2.3 so it does look different, not sure where I'm meant to edit the material in this; right-clicking in the top-right panel and renaming has no effect in Pmxe. Blender shows the correct color though (orange in left panel).

Maybe I'm proceeding wrong... I use MMDtools to create a new model, import the .obj, then attach the mesh to the MMD model. But somehow the material properties make it into Blender (both color and texture are correct) but not into MMDtools.
In Pmxe I get all the materials but without texture and all set to gray.
materials aren't image textures but they can include them, if there are image textures attached to your model, you'll have extract them via file>external data>unpack resources and put them in the correct folder.
they are bmp files in the same folder as the pmx, blender loads them correctly but somehow the filename doesn't make it to the pmx

I'm not going to manually fix 94 materials though, this pool was nice looking but it's not worth that much time spent on it...
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complete shot in the dark, but would anyone have these stages?

this was the distribution address: https://bowlroll.net/file/53737
would be titled something like 疑心暗鬼ステージセット
man if you are having a bad day keep it to yourself, do you expect everyone to know what to do and what not? can't you... idk just tell me nicely heck even your first reply doesnt say shit about posting penis and cum if thats the problem. if you have a bad day I hope thing goes better for you or if thats your normal temperament I wont bother again.

anyway so in /e/ you cant post penis and stuff? good to know since a lot of stuff here already border nsfw if not already nsfw so i assume its fine (even last thread have a model covered in cum)
anyone have this mmd model?
anyone have this mmd model?

he's right tho
normally i would feel he's just being overly aggressive with his language even on this website but you really should be enjoying a 3 day rn frfr no cap

Anybody got these silly things?
Haha, the top two are so silly and dorky :DDD
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Anyone have a body model that fits with Miy's model heads?
That brat should stop being so smug all the time if she isn't asking to be corrected.

But they are already naked under the clothes? If you aren't satisfied with barbie anatomy, you could try アリシア・ソリッド改 by YY_works or TararaTarako's less developed bodies.
Was gonna try to do a head swap, but the head and the limbs are merged
nothing like a couple of tools couldn't fix: if youre using that pmxeditor from the OP's pastebin, in pmx view select the body mesh with both vertex and faces enabled (the V and F buttons) and then go to edit>selected faces>truncate to new material OR truncate material w/ vertices.
the latter is pretty useful for not fucking up remapping stuff via the uv plugin (it separates the vertex between meshes, so editing one material in the plugin doesn't carry on to the other) but i think the former will be enough for what you're doing here.
i also recomend keeping some of the neck mesh for the headswap process: that way you can repositionate them and then merge it with the body's new neck mesh, my second advice is also to separate the neck mesh so you can remap it to the new body's texture (the same goes for the head, or simply recolor it to match it)
as a last bit, i'll shill quappael's models for a body for the headswap, i think they look very nice (and has tons of morphs) but probably are too high poly compared to the head
Can you help me out with any of these aplaybox stages? Thanks in advance anon.
had no idea we had females from deviantart here
Has anybody seen a nekomimi model with physics, so they move a little when dancing?
I just deleted the vertexes of the body, but when I loaded it in the neck area dropped and the head stayed stationary. I was thinking I could just add genitals to the body instead.
sounds like the neck is weighted to physics bones, that's weird... or you deleted the wrong bones... but you can just re-weight it to the neck bone I guess, or delete the physics
This happens when you delete bones where mesh is weighed. The weight goes over to the next in-line bone on the list. When head swapping, it's best to avoid the head(obviously),neck, and upper body bones. There are some case where you might need to avoid deleting certain bones because it might me up something like the hair. Those cases aren't common, but do happen. Just know exactly what you're deleting.
got this by any chance?
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kemono feelin like chopped liver here
can you share the models?
Hmm, what's the difference between iwara.zip and tstorage?
Any baidu friends here? Need help with this folder
we're all women here, anon. aren't you?
yes but deviantart, I thought we chased all those fags out
unironically should have
too bad we just invited even more in
there's a difference between a hag and a little girl though
where do mmd anons from here post their videos? i rarely see any iwara links here or otherwise
Someone please

182 mb
What is it?
apparently blender versions of zzz stuff
thank you
Is their any motions that are small model friendly.
Jewtube, nigganigga...

Any IK motion as long as you multiply the center/IK position offsets in rough accordance with the model scale ratio. FK motions can be converted to IK using PMX-VMD-Scripting-Tools-master and a model that matches the original proportions.
wtf are you even talking about, schizo?

I used to post them on NND lmao.
you are too dumb to know

But not too loud.
I like something like this guy's Rin video.
Wow, you're a KING. Thank you so much!! (゚∀゚)
i am not asking for platforms but for specific links
is there any list?
it's not like i can go on youtube and type in "mmd anon video"
There is no list. Why do you care though? You should judge videos regardless of the community the creator frequents.

I don't want to get stalked by 4chan anons elsewhere. So I only post links when I have specific questions.
i want to see if anons here make good content of if it's just soulless slop like most of the other content on iwara made by chinks
thank you so much
I use deviant, I just prefer being here because the little popular club is rampant over there and if you don't march in lock-step with them you get blacklisted. Won't even touch on the hypocrisy of it all. Unironically though, DA is a good source for assets. Just gotta make it a point to not post anything over there.
can anyone please grab this please?
thing is 4chan used for its anonymity, I highly doubt someone want to tell their account name apart from small number of people.

.....noooo they missed several stuff
even if you got some links, you'd have a severe selection bias in your results anyway
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I put a lot of work into making the model fit my tastes, and the shaders and lighting, but just download camera and motion. Not sure if slop.
>Not sure if slop.
it's not as long as you edit the motions to prevent clipping
meh, why not: https://www.iwara.tv/profile/piespy
>Jewtube, nigganigga...
Seriously? If found that totally useless, unless you're shilling your videos everywhere to drive traffic to it. My videos get single-digit view after months if I just leave them alone...

Or maybe the bikinis are shadowbanned or something.
well everyone knows you post here. or at least, i do, cause i pay attention.

ooh yeah. i'm not active in the community or anything but i follow some popular creators so i'll see some drama appear on my feed from time to time. it's genuinely crazy shit. some people need to get off MMD and into a mental asylum because this clearly isn't healthy for them.
they started really slow, it took like a month to get all the artists I subbed though
>.....noooo they missed several stuff
it may just not be properly added to the database yet, for some artists the import logs showed it getting way more posts than are visible now

...or the import failed to properly get those, wouldn't be the first time either
>i want to see if anons here make good content
if only they posted stray webbums and mp4s and other things here instead of treating this place like world4ch
i thought about posting some of my mmd creations online but i get grossed out by the idea of other men possibly masturbating to them, it's gross and gay. How do you deal with that?
I always masturbate to it first, and everybody can enjoy their sloppy seconds. Works for me.
>well everyone knows you post here. or at least, i do, cause i pay attention.
I feel so exposed now. j/k. Actually that was surprisingly gratifying, I didn't expect anyone to pay attention.

>if only they posted stray webbums and mp4s
the last time I tried webbums here, nine out of ten got rejected, and between that and the awful captchas I lost motivation.

I recently started making stills out of my videos, I could post those. Though they're already at iwara anyway so it seems a little redundant.
what do you mean by rejected?
all you have to do is make them smaller than 4MB and remove the sound, it's easy to do with ffmpeg
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then post someone else's
like this
>the last time I tried webbums here, nine out of ten got rejected
rejected how
well it was a few years ago, I was following some guides but what came out was either awful quality or it got rejected... could've been an ffmpeg that was too old but I just lost interest then

Though honestly even if it works better now, I have no idea what I would post. If I tease an unfinished video there's good chance it'll never get finished like all the others... and if it got far enough that it's almost finished I'll upload the whole thing anyway in a few days... if I get people begging to finish something I hate now that will surely tank my motivation even further.
does anyone know where to get the official Arknights Endfield MMD models?
>but what came out was either awful quality or it got rejected...
are you saying people said it looked bad or whatever
i'm trying to understand what you mean by "rejected"
Well, yeah. Just gotta cope really hard...
>> the bikinis are shadowbanned
Nicovideo also deletes them now, but very randomly.

I use https://cloudconvert.com/mp4-to-webm to remove the audio codec and reduce the quality to fit inside the size limit.
wait people actually masturbate to their own creation? when I create them I usually lost the horniness when finished and just post them online

to be fair thats what happen when you asked around about specific model and not long after posted with that very model
>wait people actually masturbate to their own creation?
for some people they are the only person who would make the kind of stuff that they want to see while some other faggot goes and makes some stupid foot fetish video for the shit masses
>Well, yeah. Just gotta cope really hard...
I didn't really care, I have very little interest in making SFW stuff. I just tried to see what would happen, but I think now I understand all the algorithm chasing going on there...

>wait people actually masturbate to their own creation?
For me that's the whole point. It surprised me how effective it was, even.
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Any one know how to get rid of the left over shadows, I'm using NCHLShader2, the models have an effect and the stage is plain.
I can verify that, It might even become a habit.
Disable the rendering of those materials on all MME tabs, retard-kun posting nude lolis on /e/.
shiet i wanted to do just a quick simple project with mmd models but i kept adding more and more shit and now it's taking forever
i gotta keep the feature creep down for the next one
i was thinking about posting my stuff here but i didn't want to come off as an attention whore
>i gotta keep the feature creep down for the next one
tell me when you find out how to do that... every time I watch the """final""" version of a video I find something new to improve or add...

>to be fair thats what happen when you asked around about specific model and not long after posted with that very model
yeah I mean I wasn't even trying to be subtle about it... having tried to dabble in MMD several times over the years but quickly losing motivation each time, Samidare gave me a right kick to stick with it
>when I create them I usually lost the horniness when finished and just post them online
at first the idea is hot but when i finish i am sick of looking at it
you can also install the MMJump plugin (available on iwara somewhere), that can hide fully transparent materials from all shaders automatically, among other helpful things like encoding directly to h.264 mp4
Looking through the models I have, and weak google-fu have led me to asking here...

Anyone have a model of side-tie panties with physics, preferably pre-integrated on a model?

I figure stripping panties will be much easier if I can just animate the opening of one tie, and avoid them clipping through one leg (or worse, having to animate the model stepping through panties).
Managed to find a nude model of Daiyan from GFL 2 but the genitals have just been removed from the model entirely. Is there a straightforward way of fixing this or will I have to mess around in Blender and add new ones.
Even better, if anyone has a nude Daiyan model would the be kind enough to share it?
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Anyone got the RENSEN dance motion from ものたまご / monotama_go?
you can also mess around in pmxeditor, I find it more precise for this kind of work
link for people who like me that are stupid
Update: Just wanted to buy it myself but fantia doesn't let filthy gaijin pay for their shit. And I'm not buying some memecoin to pay for porn.
Monotama also lets you buy his stuff on booth but you pay premium and you only get one motion instead of everything from his fantia plan. That's a little too jewish for me.
here: https://workupload.com/file/kZUaU3FDTgL

his stuff on booth is only around $5
think it's more expensive on there because there is a higher service fee or something.
it's better than being subscribed on fantia waiting for a month and end up not caring for the motion/song. plus it's more expensive to get stuff off the back catalog on fantia.
why use mmd over blender?
i tried both and mmd seems way worse, it's basically abandonware frozen in time
I don't know how to use Blender :(
I am curious about something. Question for animations.
Look at the list of your uploaded videos, do the ones you put the most effort in get the most views? Like if you put 10x more effort in did the video pull at least 5x bigger numbers?
Or is all the extra effort pointless and it's just pure luck mostly?
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Thank you my hero!
In my experience it was the opposite somehow, the videos where I've put in the most effort got the fewest likes... although I understand why, and if I had "fixed" them to be more popular I would've liked them less myself. And so they stand, and I have a little more respect for the people who do also like them.

In the end, popularity is built by how much a work pushes the right buttons for people. If you spend 10 minutes pushing the right buttons you win, if you spend 10 hours pushing the wrong ones... they won't care that you did, they just want to get off on things they like.
MMD is janky, but it's OUR kind of janky, and while the core software has stagnated, effects and shader development keeps it alive. And there's MMM and other clones that are still active.

Blender has a much steeper learning curve (though it plateaus much higher also), and everything is basically a one-off effort, there's almost no standardization in terms of model rigging and animation. You can't just plop a new model into an old motion, unless both of them come from MMD in the first place... and then Blender is just a glorified MMD shader in the end.
I'm sure there's some sort of middle ground to be found between attention whore and terminally shy.
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>> Or is all the extra effort pointless and it's just pure luck mostly?
It's more about advertising. If it relates to a popular, trending, slowly populated tag/keyword, such as advertising a motion or another asset of your make, ideally for IP (song, series, character) with a lasting popularity, then it will get more views. If this motion is distributed on a popular, slowly populated website, such as the R-18 side of bowlroll, then more people will stumble upon it. Locking the download password behind going to the video will also give you more "views." Naturally, getting people to watch the video in full is an entirely different story. And if a popular iwara creator uses your asset and doesn't forget to credit you (by the way, fuck you, Enieu), your original work will get more views still. And that largely depends on how easy to use and commonly appealing (as >>2937686 correctly notes) your asset is. If it were solely the effort, the fully original pole dance that took three weeks to make should have had the highest views, but in reality it's only top 5 (and not even that without discarding much older videos). Distributing the motion on the "safe" side of bowlroll likely contributed to that.

Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our gods and saviors kemono and tstorage catalogue?
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I've seen several videos using this motion
but kemono doesn't have the dl, just a link to the youtube and the store. Do people actually buy these for $30? 2700 sales is blowing my mind. It's a good motion but I just assumed there's a siterip somewhere.
The biggest reason I use MMD (actually I use koikatsu, but it's the same reason) over blender is the standardization between assets. You can't drop in a character or motion and quickly produce something in blender. Even with blenders new asset library features the closest thing you have to the compatibility is trying to retarget animations on a rigify rig. Certainly not the ease of the scene card system in KKS
>but i didn't want to come off as an attention whore
you're a fucking anon
you're attention whoring when you tripfag or namefag
>advertising a motion o
but how? all you can do is upload it to the one or two websites that host it and pray people click on it
>and doesn't forget to credit you
did he steal your asset? isn't he a mod? you could always shame him into giving credit after the fact
Already downloaded everything he had on there but in typical kemono fashion the collection was incomplete.
>tstorage has a catalogue
I unironically never knew. Should have read the entire OP pasta.
Found a collection of his motions called "A Motion Pack - monotamago" which contains Rensen among others. A little too late I guess, fuck.
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Dang it! Just as kemono had updated
すやすや's fanbox, they deleted the DL attachments for the PMX models immediately and just give it via DM now. Does anyone had the latest models from them before the Kemono fanbox update was paused/stopped (like the models after Pekomama since the last model that I got was her before the pause)?
bro you are my hero. now if only I could find a similar site for koikatsu scenes
you're mistaken if you believe i want to watch your videos
i just want the models from them
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It's mixed although doing a meta character (e.g. popular gacha characters does get a boost)

The videos where I do more than just a dance definitely get a better view/like amounts relative to just dance videos.

Maybe it's a coincidence but thumbnails with brighter colors seem to get more views.

Yea a lot of my earlier videos that had more effort put into them didn't do as well as the ones with less effort. That seems to be changing though as my rendering workflow has improved a lot.

My most recent video had a change up in my lighting approach and it quickly out performed the video before it.

But then there are factors like dance choice + character choice that may be affecting video performance.

Interesting enough one of those higher effort videos had someone donate me like a dollar worth of Wura.
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fixed image

Build a twitter/pixiv/fantia following perhaps
kinda jealous of those numbers

>My most recent video had a change up in my lighting approach and it quickly out performed the video before it.
It's certainly a lot shinier... so just more light sources, or did you do something else?

I still struggle with good lighting... and mostly stick to the standard setup, front light back light and oblique side light with slightly different color settings.
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That's rep for you. And the figure might be a total over the years of operation.

Make a video using your motion and post it to NICONICO/iwara/YouTube/n.sfw.video (in order of impact) with correct tags/keywords and a distro link in the description. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You can also shill it on xitter and pixiv.

Based on experiences with other parts of the internet, I feel like trying to shame a mod into giving credit, especially a mod that gives credit in extremely rare scenarios, may not be such a good idea. I'm just irked that he made an exception for whatever reason and listed even effect makers but not those who worked on the motion.

>> thumbnails with brighter colors seem to get more views
Absolutely. Having a distinct, vividly colored, target audience-appealing thumbnail is bound to attract interest. Conversely, dark thumbnails will likely fail to attract many views or inspire engagement unless you're a big shot already.

Prior I just did the typical 3 point lighting + default ambience.
I started setting the RGB values in MMD's light manipulation to 0,0,0 and worked with more spotlights + point lights. I also added some point lights that are child to the model's face, butt, & vag and turned them off/on/adjusted brightness depending on the camera. Relying less on the ambient lighting gave lot more control of the look of the video but of course took much more work.

Using a DoF MME (such as ikbokeh or sdCircularDoF/sdHexDoF if using sdpbr) also helps a lot with the video quality.
sadly I don't think that has paywalled stuff, nor is updated very recently
I like the recent one's lighting. And the editing / outline on the 4th. I think you're spot on about about thumbnails and the "do more than just a dance". Personally when I'm looking for the dance vids the sweet spot is like at least 30-40% sex. But I'm also not an mmd purist.

This guy makes some of my favorites, but it's mmd moves put into KK https://www.iwara.tv/video/9vogcvPcSfyKoS/zzz-miyabi-zhu-yuan-sexdance-supernova
just realized i'm not in the sexdance thread on /h/ same general sentiment though, just ignore the link
thanks, I'll try doing something like that
>The videos where I do more than just a dance definitely get a better view/like amounts relative to just dance videos.
I wonder if that really matters. Because people don't know what the video is before they actually watch it, so i would say the thing that really matters is the thumbnail and the short animated preview when people hover the mouse.
And of course your follower count since if you have 50k followers you are guarnateed higher likes and views even on more mediocre uploads.
It's comfy seeing the MMD community vibrant like this...

The sexier the thumbnail, and more popular the character, the better views I got. Anything too "artistic" received less views, and the more blatantly lewd it was, the more views each video would get. Subtle sexiness was almost completely ignored.
It's sad but there is no getting around it.
If it make a cool arsty original thumbnail i get barely half as many views as when i make a generic thumbnails which is a closeup of a dick in a pussy, same as 90% of other thumbnails on the site.
It's so fucking tiring. Do gooners really just want to see basically copypasted content that is all the same except the character looks a little different?
What is the point in that, there is already more of such content that one can watch, why am i forced to make more of it or else face no almost views and likes?
it's all so depressing
it's all
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Depends if you're making only /e/ or /h/ stuff. If h, you need to show in the title and thumb that the content is there. Do the artsy ones show or imply sex content or just /e/? Sex sells and will always* get more views than just dance

If you want, post one of the cool artsy ones and I'll give some tips.

>copypasted content that is all the same except the character looks a little different
It's not that people want that specifically, it's just that it's what is available.
if I got a penny for every MMD artist who make somekind of sexy simulator I have 2 penny, its not a lot but its weird it happened twice.
OKAY I HAVE QUESTION FOR YOU WHO MADE EFFECT AND STUFF how deep into coding for someone start making effect? like everytime I boot up raymmd I can't help but think about the after and before comparison and what kind of witchery is in the code
Good point, I should've mentioned the dance+ videos usually get a thumbnail that implies there's something more than just dancing. Although how vibrant the thumbnail is seems to matter more than having a dick on it.

Learn how to write shaders, profit (they get paid well)
do people care about story in porn videos?
i have been thinking about including short story intros in my works, but i wonder if people even care or if they just skip it and i would be basically wasting my time
Personally I like my porn to have a decent setup and story
I always enjoy a good intro scene. This here is one of my favorites.
Short, fun, and explains what's going on.
As someone that's been doing it for awhile... it's not that hard. RAYMMD, and all mikumikueffects, really, are completely open source. Just open up the .x or .fx file in notepad (or notepad++). So long as you can understand graphs, formulae and enjoy changing numbers by small amounts, you'll have fun with it.

Here's a tip: if you edit a material .fx file and save it while MMD is running, the changes can be seen immediately (so long as MMD isn't paused). You only need to be very deep into coding if you want to make the more complex/niche stuff.
its fun for the first watch but I always skip it when rewatching something
If the rest is good, then the story only adds to it. But a story won't fix a bad video
Does anyone have this model?


please can anyone help me with this i've been at it for an hour now i don't know what im doing wrong i tried many katakana words for "fake"
shouldn't it be フェイクソクソデ

bowlroll. net/file/331123
I tried a bunch of combos, didn't work. Not sure where the instructions came from.

is this the same motion? https://bowlroll.net/file/326955
you get the hint by liking the video and yeah ikr im so confused why nothing works.

that one seems to be a different and is shorter
>/e/ is a blue board
/e/ is a red board
it is just that penetration level lewdity is not acceptable >>>/h/
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anyway you got the second part wrong and that's it
i'mma not give you any hints tho so you're on your own
where the hell is

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