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/e/ - Ecchi

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>>2936868 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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>You either wait extremely long time for each of your gens or you have A6000 in your rig. Curious to know which one is it?
>Once we got a live thread I'll try and get you a bunny girl in leggings with tanlines

Well, I definitely don't have an A6000, but an RTX 4080 Super FE isn't anything to sneeze at (I did get it an MSRP) , and I have a pretty good system around it (mostly for gaming). As for waiting extremely long, it probably depends on your definition of long. This, for example, is a pretty generic example of my workflow (yes, even by my standards); upscaling x1.5, no adetailer, no time consuming LoRA, no ControlNet but without major errors. Accordingly, very simple. Took me 44.57 seconds, which was pretty close to the middle of the sample pool of similar images. Adetailer probably would've added 8 to 10 seconds, and an artist LoRA could've easily tripled that time or more, so this would be considered "a very quick gen", and very simple (or even too simple) accordingly. Maybe that answers the question?


Haha, I wasn't expecting that, even if she is just a girl in a sports bra with bunny ears on. Not bad!
boxo for the extra long horns shuten douji?
This nigga
Requesting villains. Not specific villain characters, but gens that have a villainous aura. High school
Queen Bees, Evil CEOs, Dark Mages, Crazy Stalkers, Demons, etc. Give me your cruelest sexy ladies.
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I'm beginning to understand why the cavemen were into their fertility statues.
What, looking to get bonked? Cute oni, that's a sexy outfit as well.
afaik that's how it works on webui and forge too
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Requesting a 2D drawing of this 3D girl.
How artistic!
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>Evil CEOs
wasnt there some rumor about a return to fft in the last few years
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i coomed before i made something fit to post, sorry
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Bruh these threads are moving quick recently
requesting ENF girls at school
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I suspect since /hdg/ became worthless some people have migrated fulltime.
beautiful but its kinda grey and melty eyes
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Personally I find the dark theme-ish muted color to be quite pleasant.
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I know anon fair few went to slop for sure. And the once a week check on hdg I do for new info / models i still see people 1girl'ing in there
Wow, already activity. Kinda nuts.
I moved here after half-realising that I never generated anything but solo/1girl prompts.
it's just too much slop over there, and the constant schizo trying to rage bait people into responding is insane. I much prefer it here.
I really love this idea but before doing it, to focus on quality over quantity there is one thing I'd like to clarify

How ecchi are we talking about? I mean, an evil character that is sexy but that could feature on a "normal" anime, or over the top parody villaness? Like the ones you would see in an old hentai?
cute kitasan, may i have the box?
File deleted.
uh oh
i'm posting it on /r/eddit instead
Kitty has watched enough hentai as to know where this is going.
There's no need to apologize, since there is so little content of her I'll be happy with whatever

Okami's natural sag has always looked better and more real than other anime characters imo. Do you take requests by any chance?
Something like Okami on a tree branch in nothing but a loincloth with a bow and arrow, or Okami sitting on a tree branch above above a dirt road in a loincloth
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Requesting Fubuki's bra removed.
I agree, I generally lower the denoising to 0.7-0.8, I'm not a fan of oversaturation
Just do your best, anon. The author dies once the request has been posted, so just make the most out of it.

NTA, by the way.
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This is an /e/ board, so keep it /e/
If it looks like a hentai scene, then it belongs to /h/ instead of here.
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Request to nude-edit this pic of Vocaloid IA or to remake it nude through the AI.

Here is the Black & White in case it helps:
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>The tiger seems to be thinking "Seriously? AGAIN?"
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Is this too big for here?
I'm fine with it but in general yeah, probably
Why do you ask if you already know the answer?
We already know you are doing this on purpose.
too me its alright
milkbox btw?
My bad, will take my leave then.

I didn't, which is why I asked. First time I've posted here.
>"Please don't say anything..."
>"I'm not saying it, but I'm thinking it."
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Kitty politely asks everyone to quit staring and just get her down.
lurk more
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This place is called /e/ for a reason. But it's clear that you were trying to fish for a favorable answer.
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stay here okay
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To be fair, it's in that weird spot where it would look completely out of place on /d/ due to being too small. But is also not really allowed anywhere else.
low /d/ is still /d/
Don't bother, he's trying to be a contrarian on purpose.
I wouldn't say this is /d/ material. Check the Freaky Big Boobs thread to see examples of how big /e/ can go >>2879516
See? Contrarian just for the sake of being a contrarian.
Autist people really shouldn't be allowed to have internet access.
That's what I was using for reference, since I'm in those threads, tags being large_breasts and huge_breasts, but not (arguably) gigantic and above. However, more seem averse to it than not, so I felt I should ask with an example instead of being vague.
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150 seconds for mine on 4070. I could probably shave off half without doing upscale and dropping 12 loras
like this style, catbox please?
Yeah that sounds about right, won't get you banned but people will complain.
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Ah, breast size, an argument for the ages.
Without loras but still on the upscaler is about 70s
>this would barely qualify as "huge breasts" today
What's the explanation for the (literal) inflation of breasts in hentai pics.
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more access to hentai means normal things look too vanilla and coomers need more and more extreme shit, or their penis won't go hard. Larger breasts is one way to do it, but also NTR, grotesqueries, family matters, underage stuff, etc. It all gets more extreme.
Kids don't go outside to see what real life has to offer?
1girl solo no toys far as i can tell. Table / fingerings masturbation is fine far as I've seen but toys are a no go. No implied sex or yuri but again you'll know when janny deletes the image
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/e/cchi is for:
- Pictures of animu girls featuring either sexy clothing or nudity without sex.
- Masturbation and suggestive touching pictures are allowed as long as it's one girl doing it to herself without use of toys.

/e/cchi is NOT for:
- Blatantly-sexual images involving men, the sexual fluids of men or foreplay done by men. These images belong in /h/.
- Images featuring one woman touching another in a blatantly or suggestively sexual manner. These images belong in /u/.
- Images exclusively featuring men. These images belong in /cm/ or /y/.
- Requests. All requests go in /r/. Do not post requests here unless you have at least 6 pictures related to what you're requesting.
- Pictures featuring girls with a loli body type, or Furry pictures. Do not post these anywhere except for /b/.
- Western art. Due to frequent quality issues and lawsuit-happy western artists, western art or fanart is not allowed, with very few exceptions.
women watching hentai
Desensitization, generally, and because the average breast size is slowly increasing globally.
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Now now, kitty, let's not be hasty...
More reasons to keep autists permanently away from the internet.
or, you know, have a society that doesn't crush people's hopes and dreams so hard that they have to resort to NTR hentai to feel something. But I guess we should just stick to the tried and true method of "something is making trouble, let's ban the thing" and then wonder why everyone wants to censor everything.
melty eyes
AI had to learn those somewhere
Forget the booba size, is lactation not /d/ by itself?

Dis Oni is cute
kek. There's also all the shitty anatomy, which I think we all learned from somewhere.
Not being a repugnant asshole is usually enough to get someone's attraction, you know.
No woman will ever want to fuck a fat, smelly, lazy, stupid and childish tard.
The more I look at the stuff that gets posted on danbooru the more I realize why models trained on that dataset have issues with backgrounds and anatomy
>is lactation not /d/ by itself?
I've seen lactation threads here, but I agree that it should be /d/.
And yet, there's people in this very thread who fantasize about fucking fat, smelly, lazy, stupid and childish (quite literally) women. But I'm not talking about fucking, anon, I mean everything. There's more to life than finding a fuckhole, and it all contributes.
i don't think so
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There's been lactation threads and posts before with it on /e/
Are we being raided or what?
Damn the thread got hostile while I was gone. Perhaps this can change things back to normal.
Interesting, I'm usually either here, the doa thread or the physical thread when it's up. I suppose that's fair enough you can have rather tame lactation content.
>palm trees tilting too much

I guess bottom line what matters is whether you get enough reports. There's always someone like the abschizo who's gonna hate it. But just don't go too crazy and don't be obnoxious about it.
When and where?
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Usagi's other BFF
hey whered u get this photo of me
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Ever thought of having your tomboy doing some yoga?
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at least it is Wednesday
I haven't actually. Might try that at some point.
Shit it is Wednesday. The last few days just merge together into one Megaday. Im joking of course but I should really get myself a calendar.
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I wasn't going to bend or break the rules in any case.
I was talking about the vibes. Inside the realms of ecchi you can go villaness "ecchi anime design" or villaness "hentai anime desing" (without going full hentai)

visual example
So you were planning to "test the waters" to see how far you could bend the rules before being called out?
Same shit, same bad intention, same asshatery. If you still can't see why this is bad it means you are autist.
they're both totally fine
so you're asking if they can have their naughty bits out or not? like ninety seconds of lurking can answer this dumb ass question
OR here, very nice.
I wasn't asking if its allowed or not. I was simply asking what the requester had in mind, if something slightly ecchi or something very ecchi, thats all.

I didn't think it was that confusing
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>Good job coming this far!
either retarded or autist, nobody cares about those sorts of minor distinctions
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I was requesting a villain, that's it. The details are up to you. I've been treating "requests" more like thread themes recently so I tend to leave things vague. Don't mind the rude anons you're arguing with, there's some trolls that have been trying to get a rise out of people recently in the threads and it seems you've attracted their attention.
Would be judo thrown by/10
He wants to build a narrative where he did nothing bad.
The more he talks, the more he sounds like a retard who has never been told "NO".
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brought to you by chat gpt, didn't want to use my credits for this one.
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No worries I'm a veteran in these threads I'm used to it.
Peach Panther showing you her Peach. :3
I did try it but I didn't like the results. Maybe I did something wrong that I didn't notice but I was getting strange to bad anatomy. This was the only one I got that I thought was fine, even then I don't like it that much.
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how do we make the BEST girl?
You are asking the impossible my friend.
is AI simply not good enough yet?
prompt with your heart, not your head your feelings will reach the Ai and it will provide
Oh no, what you ask is subjective at best. What defines "the" best girl? That my friend is a definition that differs from man to man, or woman we don't discriminate. But for yourself? It can make what you believe is "the" best girl.
i think your full of shit
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What artists did you use for this?
prompt for the cooler box?
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It's just (merunyaa, mitsu art:0.1)

Ah well, it's solid

Wanna have her in the locker room shower to get clean?
Eh, remind me in a week
Ok then
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darch wizard
Kitty's lastest scheme hit the jackpot.
Inspired by Helen Slater in The Legend of Billie Jean (1985).
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Requesting Isane sleeping
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Requesting this (https://files.catbox.moe/9ljkr8.png) with Ann Takamaki (Persona).
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Best I could do
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Did you really just request a topless upper body shot of an easy character? There's probably 10k copies of the very shot you requested made by real artists out there, why?
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Kind of villainous anyway
catbox for vampire hunter elf?
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90% of requests in every thread are by the same one weirdo
I was expecting pic related like the reference in the catbox.

Yours I like. Thank you!
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box please?
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had a happy accident, prompted two mouth tags, got a little comic out of it.
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I don't gen OC usually, but it's a good opportunity to experiment
nice, smug really suits her
File deleted.
the triple eyebrows strike again
File deleted.
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Pauldrons and fur mantle for a villainous aura.
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Kitty went to the waterfall to meditate, ended up taking a shower instead.
Kitty manages to push the impure thoughts away.
For now.
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>High school Queen Bees
>school Queen Bees
>Queen Bees

>Not wearing a Bee-Kini
[spoiler](Nice gen btw.)[/spoiler]
catbox a crampie on that last one for lore points
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forgot to ask.
what are the rules on monster girls? I feel I'm stepping on a line there.
they go on /d/ for the most part, i'd say if they are over 10% furry
im not going to fuck a sexy evil bee im not going to fuck a sexy evil bee im not going to fuck a sexy evil bee im not going t-
Felicia the Darkstalker kitty is accepted in here, so take her as a guide.
>im not going to fuck a sexy evil bee
Yes you will.
With your beenis.
And one more Darkstalker kitty for good measure.
Katt from Breath of Fire 2 is also another example of a /e/ approved monster girl.
Man, Capcom really knew how to make them.
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in need of hand/feet detail tips, i typically try to keep them low key with prompting/negatives, but would like to get as much out of them as i can from the model before messing with them in post
>7k res
guessing as much but hoping for a bit more specific, ima spend the day on that and maybe check back

to zoom in on the broken shit lol
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usually you just propmt good artists and its good
dangerously oppai
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There's nothing strictly against them in the rules, and they've been posted in here plenty of times before, so as long as you don't post something like a centaur or something with major animal/horse parts you should be fine.
Hell one of the themes from a previous thread was mythology girls.
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I could iron my clothes on that belly, very nice.
Stop lying, you don't own iron.
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trying actually prompting for hands/hand gestures and letting them be a focus on the image seems to help canny fix them maybe, but guess it could come down to a style/model thing too because it's still feels like some pretty mid results
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Alright, let's find out what you're working with. Give us catbox of your workflow
Here is a prompt.
>winter snow 1girl :D big smile snowman grey hair holding snowball
What happened to her nose?
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L-loo-look at you, proompter...
Wanted to show that mine were not perfect all the time either and try to help him fix his.
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PixAI thinks that one is just fine, but this one is Sensitive. Don't really understand their criteria.
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I just posted and deleted something so obviously bad that I think I'm officially sleep deprived.
I thought it was cute, but I guess I didn't look at it long enough to see what was wrong with it.
The hands were totally fucked. 4 fingers and one melted wax mess.
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Heres a different one with the same concept thats better, but Im hitting the hay after this. I had to shrink this by literally a few pixels because it was just over the upload limit.
Specified "Pink Bloomers" in the prompt here and it seems to have gotten her bottom-wear more accurate, as opposed to the leggings only seen in >>2937972 or the panties seen in >>2938110.
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I need to get some sleep as well.
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I'd kill for a Catbox of that Nessa in the middle!
Peach fuzz!
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Wow, Misato's been working out.
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Well, if you're using that many LoRAs, you might be generating a lot faster than me in that case, depending on the output resolution.

Whatever the case, time to turn in for the night. If the big areolas anon is still around, enjoy.
This one got the unbuttoned shirt that I was trying to prompt (two others just changed the design of the shirt completely to show off more cleavage). This one's also a bit bushier down there.
I'm enjoying this cat girl posting, man. Good detail on that loose elbow glove. Some people abuse the skindentation tag. Good going.
Thanks. I'm pretty new to this and just using PixAI, but since there was a LoRA of this design that I like so much (Peach Panther from Kemono Friends) I figure I'd start playing around a bit. The LoRA was originally from CivitAI, but I couldn't get good results there, everything looked doodly and scribbly.
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bit late my bad

noob was wilding out so i added general tag

woops forgot link
i also use the simple face detailer from comfyui impact between upscaling, it's just not in the same workflow because lazy
>just using PixAI
I'm on the same boat here. Which model are you using? Once I started getting accurate results with Hoshino I didn't want to move to anything else, unless some other LoRA required it.
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Your pink catgirl gens are awesome bro. I have saved tons of them over the last while. I don't know if it's from a show or not, but if it isn't, damn you have done a great job of making a consistent character. Also love the classic anime style to the gens. 10/10
Have you checked how the base gen looks? Also an in-progress one, if you upscale iteratively. To me those look like upscaling deformations from too high denoise.
nvm I tried the catbox, and some experiments of my own. It's robbutts. Probably because of shit like this in the dataset:
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robutts can't into faces and hands.
I hate this faggot and his pretentious artstyle, yuck.
i do tend to run about .66 to .87 (or start there and scale down to 0.1 to 0.2 when iterative, that one was using canny to see if itd handle fabric nicer) and only go lower when something obvious changes, i get a bit set in my ways once i get settings "working" so i might have overlooked that
gonna make me cry irl

i see what you mean though
>gonna make me cry irl
You're gen is better than whatever robbuts has drawn, even with its errors. Nothing inpainting can't fix >>2938082
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What are some good prompts for more minimalist and abstract gens?
What, no golf ball or is that the other hole?
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box please
She's the hole, they're driving her through the field and will place her in the right spot.
Its just that one western artist that I forgot the name off
this kind of distortion usually means either a lora conflict or not enough steps
butcha-u? it looks like butcha-u.
>weighting all styles up to 1.2
>schizo negs with even higher weights
>"stabilizer" lora
also, for fingers, CSRB is just messy in the first place, have you seen their art?
also, all those negs and you don't have signature, watermark in there to kill the baked in CSRB signature? come on, anon, you can do better than this.
i need a 7/9 lora stat, i blame star trek for my lifelong cyborg obsession
the eyes don't
Just gened this vid, but it seems a bit stiff. Any suggestions to make the motions more smooth and natural looking?

wait like 10 years
Like always, just use common sense.
A tasteful lamia, mermaid or centaur are perfectly fine. Same with ladies with fur and scales.

IF you make a close-up horse pussy or full furry thats out
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Trying to make some bio-organic clothing. Anyone else here have any success with it?

Do leather jackets count?
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i lied, i was making more
so clean. how was it made?
I want to train a character lora.
She is a zombie, she has the chest ripped out, so you can see her ribs and beating heart

Any good ideas to tag that part of the body for training without risking floating spoken hearts appearing randomly in generation later?

In the past I made similar things with heart or heart related tags (for example "heart-shaped print") And they trend to put random hearts. Not always but sometimes happens and is annoying and negative prompting doesn't help

So I wonder if someone has a good tag to tag a beating heart in an open chest
it's downscaled from a higher res image.
low res->tile upscale->img2img on high res image.
and i recently discovered that the DMD2 lora is a cheap way to upscale/inpaint with only ~10 steps. you can also lower the DMD2 lora strength to control how much detail it adds.
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/r6qzjb.png
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Did a few experiments. I don't think the model knows what "bio-organic" means. In general if it's not a danbooru tag all it has is leftover knowledge from base SDXL. Where bio and organic are more likely to mean "sustainably sourced cotton" and not monstergirl clothes.

There's an adjacent booru tag, "living clothes". But it tends to give the clothes eyes or teeth.
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You can also mess around with prompt editing, this is purple scales, [purple jacket:naked:0.2]
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>Your pink catgirl gens are awesome bro. I have saved tons of them over the last while. I don't know if it's from a show or not,
She's Pink, the protagonist of a hentai manga called "Dragon Pink". It has a 3 part ova and a computer videogame.
The manga is worth checking, the Ovas are decent enough to be watched at least once. The computer RPG is unplayable unless you can emulate Nec Pc-98 system and read japanese as well.
Her hair and skin are a lot lighter in the original version, no idea why Pink Pineapple decided to make them darker for the animated version, which is the one everyone knows.
Also, I'm glad that you liked my gens .
>She is a zombie, she has the chest ripped out, so you can see her ribs and beating heart
Gore is not /e/ material, bro.
While we are on it, have a new pic.

I refer to the character as "kitty" instead of "Pink" because I use Pony for all of my Gens (I really cannot use anything else with this old clunker of mine) and some months ago I had a problem with a guy in here who really hated anything made with Pony and wouldn't stop ranting about it, so eventually I told him that I would use the word "Kitty" on my uploads so he could add that word to his personal filters and not see my gens anymore if they annoyed him that much.
I haven't heard much from him since then, so I assume he took the solution I offered to him.

(I apologize for the wall of text)
pony and illustrious/noob have the same hardware requirements
same as anything else trained on SDXL
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The artist is Unbalance.
As I already said before, I can only run Civitai's online generator and the amount of daily credits I can use is limited, so I'm stuck with Pony.
I tried to use other options but it did not work and I think I know my own desktop's limitations better than other people, so I'm going to keep using Pony for the time being.
Since my living expenses take top priority over genning, I'm not going to spend a lot of money just to buy a new desktop so I could run Illustrious and such on it.

Have another Pony made kitty so this post wouldn't be a waste.
ngl its kinda ugly
I like it. Looks totally different on booru and my gens though, I think it's mostly style bias from your checkpoint.
Yeah, I'm afraid it looks ugly, like something escaped from an Euro magazine.
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Did you know the boorus have an specific rule to NOT tag as "guro" that specific thing?
Guro only applies if the organ is outside its natural place and/or if its damaged in a very explicit way.

Characters wich organs are visible such as zombies, ghosts, skeletons monster girls, etc, should NOT be tagged as "guro"

And AI models work with boorus tagging
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Here you go, a good start.
why do you bother asking questions if you cant take a no for an answer
I thought you may find it curious at least
Even if that was the case and was not allowed, that would be only for posting generated images of such content.
Not a problem in asking advice about how to train them as long as you dont post the results, right?
why are you still here if you cant stand not having everything your way and not having the last word about everything
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there i remembered and it worked for once (or did it? it just comes and goes)

also i think i should something other than noob for a change, beyond just CSRB, still looking for a similar-ish style with less messy training data
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same prompt with noob
nice but she looks a bit flabby so i will call her flabiola
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>Make slop bipeline for SillyTavern image
>Didn't add logic in for the seed
>All images have the exact same pose now
>Seed stuck a dinosaur in for some reason
>All image now have a dinosaur mirroring her emotion like some kind of stand
Change her skin suit color to blue and you basically get Ayla from Chrono Trigger.
Also, have another kitty, this time she's happy for getting her just desserts.
You can use wai-nfsw, it's an undeclared noob merge. As well as anything based on illustrious.
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canonically lazy shipfu

hell yeah desu

currently using a 6gb 3060m, which is slightly awful far as gen times, but 4090 in the mail at least
Bro, my desktop is a 14 year old machine that runs on Windows 7 and only has 4 GB of Ram to share among my other software, which includes Photoshop and my Wacom drawing tablet. It's enough to handle that, but not much else.
And when I said I already tried other alternatives and none worked, I mean it.
I meant that it's enabled for civitai online generation
Are you referring to wai-shuffle-noob or actual wai-nsfw?
How'd you get a good mirror shot? Box?
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*slaps roof of GPU*
you wouldn't believe how many 2+ SD IQs it took to have canonically accurate AI serah flashing her panties in a field.
He's using NAI V5
Ah, I understand. Nevermind then.
Looks like a game ad from a 25 year old gaming magazine.
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beutiful hentai lady looks like real art
Sorry, never mind. I meant the actual https://civitai.com/models/827184/wai-nsfw-illustrious-sdxl
Guy on /hdg/ last thread claimed it's using noob and just doesn't declare it, to avoid the license limitation and allow online gens. He had good arguments and an example pic, but now that I test it further it actually doesn't know e621 exclusive artists, none of the ones I've tried anyway.
I was talking about the Nessa, Unbalance isnt western and draw actual ghoul
I used Haruka for all of these. For most of them I used an additional 90s Anime Aesthetic LoRA.
Yeah I dont think it actually has noob in it. Not much to go off of but doesnt New Noob stuff use V-pred that only works on updated UI's?
it does, but e621 style knowledge is extremely diluted
still knows the concepts tho
We used v-pred before Pony came out, on EasyFluff. It's just Forge and Reforge that dropped support for v-pred during the pony era, and had to bring it back for noob. You can still run it on ancient a1111.

Anyway there are ways to merge vpred and non-vpred models together, they just lose some of the improved color range.
I'm unfamiliar with anything e621 related. All I know is that its a furry booru.
it is
noob added e621 to the dataset during training so it has some concepts added, mostly monstergirl stuff and /d/ and a bunch of /aco/ artists that danbooru didn't want to keep around
I see. I do use a noob merge (not wai-nsfw but I'll try it out another time), so would it be worth my time looking there for anything?
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Narrow waist, (wide hips, thick thighs:0.7) is great. AI likes to blow into dummy thicc territory too often even with toning down the prompt.
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>wide hips
i didn't realize this tag existed
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Because I enjoy being here!
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I would just check the tag list whenever you have an issue like >>2938187, there might be a more descriptive tag or maybe you can use tags both sites.

The added artists are all /aco/ and mostly furry, so it would take some experimentation, see which ones are usable. The model can adjust pretty well, this is "lewdchuu (artist)" who probably never drew a single human in his entire career. Style does look heavily diluted on wai though.
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>Misplaced breasts
Either that or they are super saggy.
I don't see it, but you do you.
>Because I enjoy being a complete asshole!

Fixed that for you.
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Thanks, I'll try to put that into use when I come back to this gen idea.

Correction imminent.
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1.49 MB PNG
Please excuse the lack of effort put in to this one. I have sinned
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>tfw you realize you forgot to button up your undershirt
requesting normal nudes of this girl
you can keep her in the cave
Makes me wonder what abnormal nudes would look like.
I guess the first image is a bit abnormal, since the rightmost tit is anatomically creative.
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last of her for the night, still a bit attached to CSRB for the general theme, but thrown a bunch of extra shit at it to make it more coherent

still some things to get autistic about like metal elements/straps but much happier with it than before
It would be more helpful if you said the name of the character,
We can't reverse search ai generated stuff to learn the name of the character to generate her
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>Correction imminent.
she is an extremely good girl...but will correct anyway, just in case
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American girls. (Neither are from America)

grab your workflow
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1.3 MB PNG
Anatomically creative is my fetish
i had to squint hard to tell if this was AI
i meant to say, NOT based
tyvm, will give it a try
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Is that supposed to be Minako on the right?
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Clownpiece on the right. Wonder Woman on the left.
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Requesting a front view of Aishwarya Ray where she is laying on her back topless.
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I feel bad cause didn't recognize her, looks really nice. Guess it's the missing blue triangle on her cheek.
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Do you have what it takes to unga her bunga?
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Requesting these ladies standing in an area of water either a pool or an onsen based on this link.
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Just checked Civit and someone uploaded an Aisha lora 2 weeks ago. Here's a similar prompt with the lora.

High res.
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post girls getting mogged
2 small
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3.61 MB PNG
You'll get there, Chie
The AI can -actually- tell a Z-Saber from a Lightsaber? Nice. Thanks for the Good Stuff.
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smooth cavewoman
Seconded but for any sleeping woman
ugly fetishes
Your taste will mature eventually
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You ruined it!
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morning degenerates,
i found iterative latent upscale before canny helps with the fuzzy bits in robutts some more, and started some extremely grug inpainting on the worst parts
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imagine liking big booba, what a niche fetish
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Uh oooh, something broke....
highlight material.
clip skip? (or lack of?)
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okay, I couldn't resist.
I added a single BREAK on the prompt and it got fixed...
is that some mossa in there?
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3.91 MB PNG

One mogging, coming right up.

Tried to reproduce the medium support meme; without a LoRA, you do probably need to resort to inpainting, and I didn't like how the stripes looked on the creases in the middle of the sports bra.
I just reall, really hope this isn't supposed to be Ulrich from Azur Lane
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Hayami Kanade from Idolmaster
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1.15 MB PNG
bored and horny again, came up with some anime girl.

big forehead is my theme.
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File: Lofi Underboob Girl.png (2.29 MB, 1256x2096)
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Extremely niche.
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3.64 MB
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Elves have the best ear subsurface scattering.
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finally a decent oppai loli
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very cultured post, saved
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It is surprising consistent, looking at it. The model seems to take very easily to it.


Thank you. I suppose my other busty elf girls generally feel more cultured, especially without obvious swimsuit tanlines.
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Nice setting.
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I tried to specify "waist apron" here, which is a booru tag, since her default costume apron only covers the waist down, but it gave her one with a top. Maybe I should have put it earlier in the prompt. Still very nice result, though.
And here the AI got cheeky and decided to have her preparing some peaches in the kitchen. Quite fitting, really.
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very nice.
>What's with dust particles?
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I like to think she has 1 bra to keep the breast shape and the second bra to keep her clothes from bursting.

A combo of Alexi and Krekkov make for a great boob shape.

How do I get eyes to come out perfect like this? Is it an artist thing?
I'm using noob cyberfix and it seems to want to give me lumpy pupils and lazy eyes, even with high res inpainting.
At this point I've taken to drawing them manually and inpainting that.

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