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/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Reminder that if you can clearly see your scalp when your hair is wet, your hair is going!

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that prevents free T from being converted to DHT, a byproduct of testosterone that serves no purpose after puberty but to choke out your hair follicles and make them thin out and die, this is called androgenic alopecia.
Fin mostly prevents your hair from getting any worse, mild regrowth is expected, though some people see a significant recovery on fin alone. Can be taken orally or topically.

Minoxidil (liquid and tabs) is a vasodialator that opens potassium channels and widens blood vessels bringing nutrients to your hair follicles, stimulating hair follicles into thickening, accelerating growth and elongating the growth phase. Min is taken with fin to restore your hair to it's original hairline, thickness and vigor when hair loss is caught early enough, (pre-NW2). Can be taken orally or topically.

Ketoconazole is an anti-androgen and antifungal that inhibits DHT on the scalp and used to treat fungal infections of the scalp that may be making your hair loss worse such as seborrheic dermatitis, a condition where you exhibit severe greasy, flaky large dandruff flakes with dried yellow crystals (blood plasma) embedded in the scalp. Some people may only have traction alopecia (hair loss from scratching or friction), but it will not cure androgenic alopecia alone. Can only be taken topically.
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Former fin user here, I would strongly recommend you do not take it under any circumstances. I have Post Finasteride Syndrome from it which is basically a collection of sides you develop from fin that do not cease after quitting. I have been off fin for 5 years now yet have the same sides I had whilst on the drug. Research into PFS is slow and has low funding but so far they've demonstrated epigenetic damage, neurosteroid deficiencies and endocrine disruption - no cure, no treatment available.

Stem cell based hair transplants will be on the market in under 5 years and common place in 5-10, this is the solution just wait it out.
Despite dutasteride's much longer half-life profile (measured in MONTHS), there is no widespread post-dut syndrome community online, there is no widespread campaign to highlight the adverse effects anti-androgens or HRT have on the male body despite their ability to halt testosterone production completely.
No doctor will start patients off on Dutasteride and they'll only prescribe it off-label to patients whose AGA is extremely aggressive -and- it has been established that the patient tolerates Finasteride well.
That's why you don't see it. There's no conspiracy campaign going on.
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Is an undercut a viable option for norwood 3 ? I'm on fin and min and I don't have a vertex
Any haircut recommendation? My barber fucked my shit up a few weeks ago
Also any tips on finding a good barber? Feels like their all incompetent these days, but maybe my hair is beyond saving idk.
I don't get why the picture is posted sideways I'm not even phoneposting.
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Meant to link this picture with this post, can't delete this post >>18231878 for some reason
Who is paying you, big bald?
You're fine, you just have a big forehead.
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Thoughts on microneedling and Saw Palmetto(blocks DHT supposedly)?
Microneedling can't hurt. But please just take Fin or Dut, they definitely block DHT.
both memes
get on fin/dut and min
Dishonest, I'm a diagnosed norwood 3 and I know my haircut is trash, I literally often get drunk strangers laughing at me and calling me ugly.
I'm not fishing for compliment and I'm not looking for people being polite, it's crazy that I have to even say this here, means this board has gotten a lot kinder.
>I'm a diagnosed norwood 3
Then your pics don't show that. Your pics just show that you have a big forehead. Just don't pick a haircut that exposes your forehead and you're fine. Also you should lose the beard.
Microneedling with a stamp or a pen, not a roller, in conjunction with topical minoxidil can’t hurt. Stick to the basics first though. Oral fin/dut and topical/oral min can give you satisfying results and you might not feel the need to add microneedling. Saw palmetto is a cope and a meme.
canadian hookup for fin?
I mean besides hitting the gym I think this is the best you can do, I have the same hairstyle except I have a skinfade on the sides and my hair is a bit curly so it manages to hide the temples okay as long as the wind doesn't fuck my shit up. Try an undercut if you think it can help, you don't have much to lose. Just take some pics before and after, it's easier to compare how well the haircut fits when you look at pics rather than just in the mirror.
If it's any consolation, the receding isn't noticeable from the picture.
>Stem cell based hair transplants will be on the market in under 5 years and common place in 5-10, this is the solution just wait it out.
1. That's not happening. A cure is 5 years away every year.
2. This is like saying losing your teeth isn't a big deal because your dentist can replace them. Keeping your hair and not needing to do a surgery is clearly the better option.
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I should probably mention I think that hairstyle is the best you can do with a NW3, IF you plan on covering it. There might be shorter/sportsy hairstyles that show some of the receding hairline that could work but you can't really tell from a picture if it'd fit, depends a lot on the hair density you have in the front. Unfortunately it's a trial and error struggle for everyone to find what fits.
>convinced my friend to stop taking finasteride due to potential side effects and to just 'accept baldness '
>Secretly taking fin myself
I feel kinda bad for him
1.) he fell for the PFS meme and is now bald himself and wants to drag others down with him

2.) he is trying to add legitimacy to the ongoing PFS lawsuits
Just wear a hat
shame on you, we baldies have to stick together
>tell me you are on birth control without telling me you are on a birth control the tweet
>post online about how fin is for trannies and kills your dick
>take dutasteride
it's a doggy dog world
Realistically, how fast does balding progress? I am 20 currently and I can notice that my hairline has receded a bit in the last 2-3 years, though I can easily hide it with my haircut right now. I am ready to accept it if I go bald in my 30s, but right now I am going for kind of a twink aesthetic with longer hair, so it would be devastating if I were to suddenly be noticeably bald, while also having a rather young looking face. Does it happen exponentially or is it linear? Can it stop at some point?
It's random but if it's starting at 20 it'll likely come at you quick. It can stop but it's very rare to stop at a NW2 say and anything past that is unusable for a youthful look. Trust me being 30 won't make it any easier to lose hair.
>2. This is like saying...
Whoa I didn't know brushing your teeth gives you gyno, depression and stops your dick from working.
It's sad to see people who clearly are not comfortable with becoming bald being so afraid of fin. Just take it, sides are very rare. It will help you.
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You can tell the FDA all about it.
Until this 32 year old medicine it's off the market no one is going to stop taking it.
The jap hasn't produced ANYTHING of note for years now.
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>You can tell the FDA all about it.
They know.
Well, shit then what's your problem.
Can someone please explain retinol-minoxidil combo to me?

I see articles online claiming retinol helps, but when I went to get min from a pharmacy the pharmacist asked whether I use retinol. I said yes and he went on a rant the point of which was “I don’t really know but retinol can’t be used with min and you should be off it for at least 2 weeks before starting min if you use it now”.

What was the guy on about? Wouldn’t wanna drop retinol because it’s a part of my skincare routine.
Shit like Fluoride has sides. Accutane. Aspirin. There's nothing risk free. Not even the fucking banana in the grocery store is risk free.
>b-b-b-but these other things unrelated to the topic ALSO have side effects
Retard, just stop posting.
Why are you arguing? If you don't wanna take fin don't take it. But don't shit up this thread with misinformation and copes like stem cells.
What misinformation?
the side effect incidence rate is 2% basically identical to the incidence of sides on the placebo in controlled studies and there's no evidence nor any reason why sides would persist after stopping fin, stop spreading misinformation and let the Norwood reaper take the rest of your hair in silence where you won't harm any poor impressionable young man with your hypochondriatic mind virus.
Bruh I'm about to say fuck this balding shit, shave it off and glue on one of those hair rugs and go on a tinder slut smashing spree with my new mane
Fuck nature and shitty genetics
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Still waiting.
>prediabetic depressed fatass blames pill for all his life choices coming back to bite him in the ass at 30
is what you're saying
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I also have Post-Finasteride Syndrome. I am a 19 year old male who has taken Finasteride at the beginning of this month. Upon taking one dose (1 mg), I have had a myriad of side effects which have persisted for the past few weeks.

I have no libido, no erections, anhedonia, poor concentration, poor memory, depression, insomnia, hypothyroidism, and anxiety. I also lost a lot of eyebrow density. I also do not produce any oil on my face and hair and my lips are dry and I barely produce saliva. I also have very bad constipation and cannot poop without taking a lot of magnesium, which usually results in everything coming out as diarrhea. My genitals also do not produce any heat anymore.

I am incredibly sad and regretful that I made this decision. I had a very good life ahead of me and everything now is at risk because I chose to attempt to preserve something trivial instead of accepting what I was naturally destined for. I don't want to believe things won't get better, but I fear the months ahead, and the idea that this will decimate every aspect of my life from relationships to aspirations.

I hope and pray that things will get better. If anything this has definitely been a very sobering experience. But I hope to wake up soon.

Just don't ever take this drug, not even for prostate, especially not for hair loss.

What disturbs me the most out of all the side effects is the fact that I can't enjoy music anymore. I used to get so euphoric and spiritually elevated listening to some good music, but now it just bounces off of me.

I just want my brain back, please God. The rest I can manage. I just want to feel joy again.
bot post
no u
Stop posting.
Let the man share his story.
What story?
You're a hypochondriac and I don't believe you're capable of stringing together a coherent thought if fin had actually nuked your brain like you describe.
When do I know fin isn't enough and I need to hop on dut?
t. 10 months on fin with DUPA-style thinning
What do I say to the dermatologist tomorrow when they ask me what brought me in? Do I just say to check if male pattern baldness started for me? Please tell me what to say? I don't want to sound stupid.
yea, that's fine. you won't sound stupid. medical people look at this stuff with no emotions.
Get on trt and tren and become a roided out cunt

Better to be a bald buff dude than a fat menopause guy with turkish hair implants with a dick that doesnt work
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Don't take Finasteride. I only took it for a single month back in 2017, and I woke up one morning with zero blood flow to my penis. Me peen shrunk to half its length, half its girth, and was cold to touch. I couldn't get a semi-chub to save my life. And my balls shrunk and tucked in super close to my body like I jumped in ice cold water. Most uncomfortable feeling I've ever experienced in my entire life.

I stupidly waited for it to go away on its own because that's what the internet said always happens if you're one of the "rare" people who experiences ED from Finasteride. I also didn't call a doctor because I was embarrassed and didn't want to show a doctor my shrunken and dead dick. After 6 weeks of it not getting any better, I freaked out and called my family doctor. He referred me to a urologist and I had to wait over 3 months to see him.

Show up to my appointment almost 5 months later and he had never heard of this happening before and didn't know what to do. Asked me if I wanted a prescription for generic Viagra and sent me on my unmerry way (typical doctor moment).

Went to several other urologists since then, and only 1 of them had ever even heard of PFS, but still didn't have any helpful advice.

Thankfully, I've gotten very, very slowly better over the years. My flaccid dick size is 75% back to normal now, my erection size and strength is 80% back to normal, but by testicle size and looseness is still only about 65% of what it used to be.

Worst mistake of my entire life. I wish I could go back in time and never take this shit.
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this shit is hilarious and still more believable than those pfs stories
Every drug has a potential side effect, that's the point you bald moron lmfao. The sole fact that you believe PFS is real is reason enough to treat you with kiddie gloves on kek.
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>a bot can make a better anti-fin post than all the balding /fit/ incel immigrants
Actually impressive.
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>a bot can make a better anti-fin post than all the balding /fit/ incel immigrants
They are bots as well, but with worse prompts.
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Baldcels just need to accept that they won't look like frat boys anymore. Time to build your body and be a man. No hipster beard. No hormone altering drugs. No hats.
Where the fuck do I get a prescription for dutasteride? I live in canada. My doctor refused immediately when I asked him. Is a hair transplant surgeon more likely to get me one?
i've been taking fin for 43 days and i'm still getting erections unfortunately
get an online prescription or order shit from overseas


I used these guys the other day to get a script for oral Minoxidil. Pretty sure they do scripts for Dutasteride too. In fact I thought I would be screwed because I heard there's been a oral Minoxidil shortage in Canada and no one was prescribing it. Saw on Reddit that people using Maple were getting turned down so I tried these guys instead and it worked.

Only thing is it costs like $100 to book an appointment with a derm. But you can possibly recover that if you have insurance or depending on what provincial healthcare you have. some of them will cover the appointment, others wont because its considered an aesthetic thing and not a health thing. imo it's worth the price of admission considering the normal process is:

1) get a doctors appointment (can take weeks)
2) get the doctor to give you a referral to a derm (sometimes they'll refuse)
3) get a derm appointment (can take months)
4) unsure if they'll actually prescribe you what you want

For me I paid the $100 and submitted a case file. Took a bunch of pictures of my norwooding and said I'd like to contact a derm for male pattern balding. mentioned I had been on topical minoxidil for a year (lied for that but i know it's usually recommended to try first over oral and i didnt want to get cock blocked) and said it hadn't helped. said i didnt want to try fin or dut due to side effects and said i'd like to give oral minoxidil a chance.

The derm got back to me in 2 days and said hey just confirm you don't have a history of dizziness or low blood pressure. I said nope I don't and he said sounds good and faxed a script over to my nearest pharmacy.

So basically just do what I did but for dut and you can probably get a script easy like that, it just costs $100 that you may or may not be able to recover like i mentioned previously. cheers.
pretty much what you stated, or if you want to sound fancy and speak their lingo you can say, "I am here to explore the reason behind my hair loss. Is it due androgenetic alopecia, or other underlying factors (lifestyle, stress, vitamin deficiency, hypo/er- thyroidism, etc.) So, I would like to proceed with having lab work up (blood) done, and discuss possible treatment options thereafter and dependent on the findings of my labs."
What a pain in the ass, just go buy it from dashpct or something
looks like the PFS retards found this thread, great
do everyone a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool
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>looks like the PFS retards found this thread, great
>do everyone a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool
I won't stop you from taking your pills, but don't say you haven't been warned once the side effects kick in. Fin is a death drug.
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>paying hundreds of dollars a year to grow bitch tits and become a depressed, chemically castrated goydog
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Bros... I grew my hair out after two months of topical minox. I'm still visibly very thin but I'm old enough to rock it that way. It looks much better than before. Still hideous to normalfags I guess but I do this for myself.
Good for you anon! Be sure to hop on fin so the hair stays. Minoxidil doesn't combat the root of your problems, which is excessive DHT in the scalp.
Did you already take finasteride before? Maybe he's not giving you dutasteride because you haven't given the weaker safer stuff a try.
It's your choice but not taking finasteride might be a bad choice long-term. Only 2% of people get side effects. Unless you're feeling very unlucky or feel very strongly about those side effects I think it's worth the risk.
My hair is thicker than it has been in years, so keep going. I use a topical finasteride/minoxidil mix and then also Nizoral shampoo with ~ ten drops of either mint oil or rosemary oil dropped in.
The dermatologist today said the balding has indeed started and that I can use Minoxidil or start finasteride and they told me that fin is aggressive and has side effects like libido loss but if you stop taking it everything goes back to normal. I said I'll use min for 6 months and then come back and see if it helped. I was hesitant to start fin. Also they said min is over the counter but I went to giant today and didn't find it, where should I buy min? Thanks.
>oral Minoxidil
Careful. That shit plays with your heart hardcore, even at low doses. I had to stop just because of how it made me feel like I was near expiration.
Lots of guys take finasteride with no side effects. In fact, it's rare that there are side effects.
That shit being said, it's better to use topical finasteride.
Is it really that easy? I've been hesitant because I've never used these telehealth websites before, it sounds too convenient.
Finasteride for 2 years, definitely slowed it but I'm still losing ground. I have wop genetics and started balding in my teenage years. I'm almost considering adding minoxidil but it doesn't seem worth it given the price and the inconvenience. I'd rather get on the stronger stuff and just get a hair transplant.
>That shit being said, it's better to use topical finasteride
Depends. I took topic fin for months and had no results. Switched to oral and I'm slowly noticing gains.
Barber told me my hair is thinning, it's fucking over bros. Where do I get minoxidil
The secret is to acclimate to the dose you want, if 1mg gives you no sides after a week, move to 2.5, then 5, etc.
Personally, I do 10mg, no sides.
I down a whole bottle every day and feel just fineaokfdagjhgadlgnlkssssssssssssssssssssssss
lol I get my prescriptions for like $5 every 4 months and buy dut for around $3/pack
zero side effects and I'm not a baldie like you kekekekekekekekek
>$5 every 4 months and buy dut for around $3/pack
perks of living in Europe and having a competent derm
> am ready to accept it if I go bald in my 30s
I used to say that. Now I'm 36 and balding. Lol
Finasteride is more efficacious long-term (addressing the DHT problem vs hiding the problem by boosting growth), is more convenient (taking a pill vs smearing stuff on your hair), and only 2% of people get side effects (with those that do often going back to normal in a couple weeks as their body gets used to the drug). It depends on how risk-averse you are but I think taking finasteride is a good risk-reward proposition. With min alone, you're just adding inconvenience for something that might stop working eventually anyway.
I went from Paul Finebaum level bald to sort of looking like I have a normal hairline when buzzed after a year of min+fin. Yea, I fucked up by waiting too long, but it's an okay surprise. I had no expectations going in.
is this true? Do the side effects go away for everyone and actually goes back to normal? Also is the balding going to get worse in 6 months or is the cycle slow to the point where six months won't make a big difference?
>competent derm
never saw a derm lol, I just get an online prescription and I receive a receipt within a few hours from ordering
clinics went crazy with online prescriptions back when the coof hit and some of them still do this shit
is fin every other day effective?
not really having side effects im just a cheapskate
Depends on the person. Some people have side effects for a while that go away. Others have side effects until they stop.
>Also is the balding going to get worse in 6 months
Again, that depends. I'm personally on finasteride for 10 months and I never had a shed or any side effects. It's too early to tell if I have any regrowth though.
I mean shit, as long as any potential side effects aren't permanent I'll probably try it.
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Do any of these work with glasses? How do I not become a basedjak?
Bros, I think I'm just gonna take the plunge. Do I have to moisturize my scalp when I'm bald and what would I even use? Also, my eyebrows are blonde but my facial hair is red. It doesn't look like I have eyebrows unless you're close. What do I do to make it look like I have eyebrows? I have a chad jawline.
>never saw a derm lol
You probably should at some point. Derms do more than just prescribe you drugs. There could be underlying issues causing hairloss and a derm can rule this out.
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In some cases they can be, >>18231610 >>18232798 >>18232905
Full document: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2012/020788s020s021s023lbl.pdf

Now watch the denial squad come in and deny official FDA information.
bro half of my family is bald, it's just genetics
>source: anonymous 4chan and reddit posts
>source: official FDA.gov drug label

I've been expecting you, I love how I can summon you at my will. Now go ahead and continue barking, my little bitch.
gonna start finasteride soon, i've been taking oral minoxidil for a while and it had served me well but i'm noticing thinning in the front

gonna take it 3 times a week because im paranoid, but if i get sides anyways im just not gonna take it and i'll accept that'll ill be bald in like a year. its not like im getting any action anyways rn lmao
if you wanna go bald that's fine, don't force your cruel fate on anyone else in this thread thanks.
LMAO who's forcing anyone to do anything here? You were born to be a sissy, I can tell.

And there's no need to remind me that I have free will, bitch boy. I already know fully well.
Literally all you have to do is stop posting.
those don't work how you think. one false report about any condition being linked to a drug forces the claim to be included as a protentional side effect just INCASE it is real, aka anonymous reports to legitimize a future legal case against big pharma. This is why you see an entire comical laundry list of side effects associated with literally every drug. if you wanted to make a genuine effort towards "warning" people about finasteride, then at least link some lawsuits ending in favor of the severely disfigured finasteride patients. These would be slam dunk cases, people sue for a lot less and win.
Nah you can't sue a finasteride producer for making your dick useless when it says on the label that that's a common side effect.
That's just one of a thousand things according to PFS sufferers. Sue them for shrunken skulls and inability to produce salvia. Their medical bills must be insane to accommodate those conditions, again another slam dunk lawsuit
wtf is this real??
>shrunken skulls and inability to produce salvia
Those are just big pharma ppl trying to make every PFS sufferer seem insane. Just like no-planers and nano-thermite fags.
but you posted it
i lost track of what side you're playing on, are you against fin or the FDA?
another day another shed
Worry about your permaflaccid peen instead.
fapped 3 times this morning, go away
wish fin would kill my dick
Post your hair, I wanna see the cause of your mental illness.
you need spiro or bica if you're trying to tank your androgens for real, you have to replace the missing sex hormones with estrogen or your body will literally raid your bones for calcium
Why do some guys go bald like in their early 20s at lightning speed but other bald slowly over decades ?
imagine being so bitter that you lost your chance and now you dont even have enough donor follicles to fix your mistake LMAO

i shit on you hahahaahah
depends on sensitivity to DHT and if they're doing things that would spike that DHT production, many people claim their hair started to go after they started working out but really what happens is they're taking gear and sometimes injecting straight DHT and that will absolutely nuke your hair even if it wasn't going to otherwise.
Is there any reason not to super dose biotin, for hair gains as well as other potential gains?
more t = more dht if you're not taking 5ar inhibitors
>Retard starts super dosing biotin because 'raw egg nationalist' told him so based on a study on mice by the university of Bangladesh
You people literally can't be more retarded
the testosterone stuff could be fake, but people other than this anon talk about biotin for hair, skin, and nail health,
is fin shedding a cope?
i'm 8 months in and i'm not sure if im shedding or continuing to lose ground. 8 months seems late for an initial shed.
Normal provided it hasn't been a constant shed for 8 months straight in which case finasteride won't be able to help and you need to switch to dutasteride. You can still get shedding cycles for 2 years or more but the frequency and length should be smaller each time
I've been shedding every day for 2 years while on Fin lol
Am I fucked? Seriously can't tell if it's working. Hair looks kinda healthier but has much less density
First of all what is your dosage and source of the fin?

Can't tell without before and after pictures preferably pre fin and a year on it. You need to monitor it every day for a month now to determine if you are gradually getting worse or better. It is possible you only notice your hair losing density during shed cycles and might be assuming that it has only been getting thinner for these 2 years.
1 mg every day from Keeps
>goyim, take this pill! being BALD is the biggest humiliation of all!

if I have to choose between becoming bald or taking medicine which has documented side effects including killing your libido and ability to have sex, turning you into a literal retard, and makes you a fat, suicidally depressed insomniac, I'll take the former. stop shilling your shitty medicine you cucks.

Fin actually increased my libido.
I have alot of hair still, but I'm afraid of going bald while so young (19), how can I prevent DHT from messing up/causing me hair loss?

I'm so confused with all of these posts being pro-fin or anti-fin, hell I read about something related with Fresh Garlic Cloves that when used in a way could help/stop hair loss, I'm really afraid of doing something wrong and actually lose my hair to it.

DHT is the only issue right?
Post-Finasteride Syndrome is real. I would give anything to go back in time and not take that first pill. There are fates worse than death.
>DHT is the only issue right?
For most people yes. But there are other causes to hairloss as well. Especially if you're only 19 it could be related to something else. Visit a derm and ask for a complete blood count. The derm will also know if DHT blockers are right for you, because especially in people under 20 who haven't completed puberty yet DHT actuallly serves a purpose other than making you bald. That being said, Finasteride is well studied and is taken by millions of people with no problem. Don't fall the fearmongering.
>Visit a derm and ask for a complete blood count.
Any idea how accurate do they tend to be? I read people say how they'll just shrug it off as ''maybe in a few years, but you're fine for now, don't worry'' and honestly a vague answer is as concerning as not knowing.
A blood count is very accurate and can show you if something is potentially wrong. I do them frequently. Thyroid levels for example are something a good derm will look at before prescribing Fin, as thyroid problems are often associated with diffuse hair loss. If you for example see women balding diffusely it's almost always the thyroid. These things can happen to men to but are often times dismissed becaus balding is normal in men. If your derm refuses to prescribe a blood count or refuses to prescribe fin on principle (and not for a good reason), you need to find a different derm.
Finpilling people inevitably ends like this every single time, who's pushing the DHT neurosteroid psyop?

Yep, this. It's actually insane how many balding threads we get on this board. I know people on 4chan are typically pretty young, but do you fuckers not realize that like 30%+ of guys experience balding? Lol, it's coming for you...

I'd rather have hair and still be a twinkish Zac Efron frat boy, sure. But those days are behind me. Embrace the different stages of your lives, friends.

Chin up. The world of fashion can obviously be quite elitist, but we all know at the end of the day - true fashion is just owning your shit and rocking whatever inspires you.
wanting to keep your hair is like wanting to not get fat, or wanting to keep your teeth healthy. embracing different stages in your life might as well just be lazy and let your body degrade into a toothless fat guy with no hair.
The act of wanting to? Sure.
But it's just not the same, my man. If you're rich enough, you can have a crack team of doctors, surgeries, pills, injections - and possibly you can salvage your hair.

But you can't really exercise "hair health" or brush your genes lol. Being bald is not equivalent to being fat or having tooth decay, it's an entirely naturally aspect of life as a human male.
It's exactly the same as those things. Don't brush your teeth and eat whatever bullshit you want and watch what happens. Taking finasteride is less effort than either. Wait until you get into your 60s and 70s and you get an entire grocery list of drugs just to keep your heart working and your limbs intact.
it's fine to go bald and completely let yourself go once you're already married and procreated, your corporal husk is no longer needed.

got it
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I feel personally attacked by that tweet but I’m not Mr. C.

jesus guys, I hope twink-death doesn't actually kill you...

having a shaved head is honestly pretty nice, fellas. No maintenance. Sure you won't get the hot young pussy anymore, but milfs will be all over you. Like I say, embrace the seasons of your life.

I'm in the best shape of my life right now, immaculate oral health. I still have a fair amount of hair, but I'd much rather shave it than rock the sparse look. Life doesn't end at 30, my dudes.
having a shaved head is not the same thing as being bald.
It doesn't happen all at once. If you're balding at all, shave it.
I refer to myself as a bald, even though I really just have moderate thinning on top and a pretty serious receded hairline.
Ah, when the hairline is gone I'm positive you will wish you took your medicine.
Do you guys take your fin in the morning or at night? With or without food?
Morning an hour before breakfast
If you have money you can still get the hot young pussy. Just not for love, but love isn’t real so isn’t worth considering from my point of view. And you’re right about milf pussy. They love fit older guys and it’s sort of better to be bald and older if you are the kind of guy who doesn’t wrinkle like a raisin. The baldness subtracts from your age. MILFs used to ask me about a former boss of mine who was clean shaven and bald and kept himself fit into his 50s and 60s. He didn’t even care about the milfs asking for his number since he was ploughing his wife and at least 3 other women all below the age of 26.
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am i balding?
Perhaps a receding hairline or a bad hairline. Show us your crown faggot.
mi crown its fine
post it wuss
maybe a little
you could consider getting on fin if you're concerned
doesnt fin kills your dick/test levels
it has a 1% chance of causing ED
Finasteride side effects became too much to tolerate and i microdose what are some of the alternatives? What should i do?
First make sure you're not psyoping yourself with nocebo symptoms.
I'm really not it's actual pains how the fuck they could be nocebo the mental ones might be but i'm not even gonna get into those
imagine going bald when you can just take fin
the side effect I got from taking dutasteride is that my dick got bigger and harder and I'm more horny
I took fin a long time ago and had to quit because it gave me extreme ball pain, and also one of my balls swelled up, although my current doctor is puzzled by that and thinks it could have been a coincidence. Every once in a while I try searching for others with the same experience and there's plenty of pain reports but no swelling that I can find. I'm gonna give fin another try and see what happens. I've heard too many stories of guys getting their hair back and I'm envious. At least I have proof that everything went back to normal for me after the first time I took it. If it doesn't work I'm just going to take the Tate way out, I'm really tired of being anxious about this shit and hat coping
does dutasteride has no side effects? how come fin has a way worse reputation?
Because dut is FDA approved for enlarged prostate and is prescribed or self-medicated off label for hair loss.

You can't really sue anyone if it doesn't give you the results you want, but you can with fin because the federal government said it's safe for hair loss.
Because fin is supposed to be the lite version of hair loss drugs that is safe enough to not cause horrible side effects, but still yields very good results.
Meanwhile dut is the stuff you resort to when everything else fails.
There's nothing beyond dut, except actual testosterone blockers and research chemicals like RU.

It's like comparing ibuprofen to a green whistle.
Can some hairmaxxer tell me how to microneedle properly? I know I'm not supposed to roll the thing, just press it, but do I hold it pressed? Also how long do I do it per session?
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Ive been losing ground slowly on finasteride 1mg every day for the past 2 years (25 now). I guess my sheds arent as bad as some people, I only lose about 15 hairs in the shower but Its definitely still going. Worse than my temples receding is my thinning which is all over and now my hair is fine and looks like shit and blows over with the faintest gust of wind. I finally found a doctor willing to give me dutasteride .5 mg to add in 2-3 times a week because its freaking me out but when I read about dutasteride it's all doomerism about it causing massive sheds and paradoxical hair loss which never recovers. Please someone tell me if they added dut and if it helped or raped their hair and if it helped with thinning
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I've got PFS and don't want to live.

I’m turning 25 at the end of this month. My hairline has always been receding since 17. Saw the crown was going to, so I decided to try a hair transplant. Doctor told me I should do a year of min and finasteride to stabilize before surgery.

Biggest regret of my life will not be shaving my head, as my life and health as completely deteriorated after taking 4 pills of finasteride.

Finasteride left me with
>Horrible ED
>Horrible sperm quality
>No penis sensitivity

Took last pill Jan 30th.
Present day side effects have not changed.
I was not aware that finasteride side effects could be permanent. I thought they would go away, mine HAVE NOT.
Now I’m in a situation where my body can continue to get worse, and leave me bed bound.

I had PERFECT job and was making a fortune.
Had plans of settling down, AND IT'S ALL GONE.

What can I do?
>enjoying myself outside
>remember I'm bald
>no longer enjoying myself
Can someone engage with me for a moment in a meta-examination of balding and hair loss "treatments?" I'm sure I will be either ignored or accused of being a bucket crab or whatever, but why are people so concerned about balding that they're willing to take medication or undergo surgery to prevent / reverse it? I feel like men didn't have to deal with this shit before, and plastic surgery and shit like that was for women. When did men become so concerned with their appearance (something as innocuous as losing their hair) that they would stoop to this level? I remember being a kid and seeing shows about people getting nose jobs or breast implants etc. and thinking it was revolting. Just the idea of going under the knife to change something so irrelevant felt ridiculous and almost masochistic. An outward expression of insecurity. And these people would never stop at just one plastic surgery, it was always going back to re-augment their breasts, or take out the implants, or get another nosejob, or do some other thing that they've now noticed. It feels very much the same with "hair restoration." Like there's this overall culturalization shaming baldness and acting like it's something that needs to be cured, on a level that feels very new. When you really look at someone with or without hair it's genuinely not that big of a difference. It's just this thing that keeps being drilled into our heads that now people just accept as truth that bald = ugly. I'm just so sick of it. My friend the other day told me he was going to see the dermatologist for hair thinning and he legit has like a teenager's hairline at 32. Full, thick head of hair and he thinks it's receding. My question is, why are we just accepting this instead of pushing back? Why is there a whole fat positivity movement where it's great to be fat now and anathema to say it's bad to be fat, when losing weight is better for your health and by making healthy lifestyle changes you can be thinner?
>I feel like men didn't have to deal with this shit before
Julius Caesar was notoriously insecure about his receding hairline. Vanity is timeless.
Because hair is the one thing that gets lost while you're still (relatively) young (mid-20's for some), at a very high speed, that immediately makes you look 20 years older.
It'd be one thing if you were born bald, I mean how many people do height surgery? There are some, but not a lot compared to hair implants right? That's because you have time to get accustomed to it growing up, and if you never had tall height it then it's no big deal, but losing something you already had your whole life over a couple of years is a whole 'nother story. If random men suddenly lost a couple of inches in height in their mid-20's they'd be absolutely devastated.

Anyway, you're asking why this wasn't such a big of a cultural issue until now? Because recent modern culture is all about extending your juvenile years. You have college, you have this culture of no longer settling down early but "exploring yourself" and traveling, you no longer get married and have children when you're 20, you party and have fun. Balding early absolutely shatters this kind of lifestyle.
It's a vanity thing, sure, but I don't agree with your exaggerated comparison to holywood people who bog themselves with endless surgeries. How many of the people who do hair transplants proceed to do liposuction or botox? Not really a lot, because for most men it's really just about getting their hair back, they don't mind the wrinkles and everything else that actually comes in slower stride over the years compared to sudden hair loss.
I've been on dut since the beginning and it reversed my diffuse thinning, and so far it's stable.
My hairline is a bit fucked on one side and never recovered, but it's better than before I went on dut.
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Imagine not having a nose. Missing an eye. Having a very thick unibrow. When you interact with people, it's the first thing they see and they can't really ignore it no matter how hard they try. Same thing with baldness. If you have thinning hair or a toilet shaped hairline, then people see it. People are used to a certain shape of the face from birth, and you break that shape. You look ill, scarred, or damaged. Your choices are to shave/trim and make your head seem smooth, or fight the balding process. Shaving or trimming doesn't work for a lot of people, especially people without prominent facial features, and it is also time consuming and for many it is emotionally damaging. To this day I still have hair in my dreams, even after a decade of shaving and "owning it".
>Julius Caesar was notoriously insecure about his receding hairline. Vanity is timeless.
it's odd because one would think that Caesar's accomplishments should be an example that hair loss doesn't negatively affect a person's life or prevent them from doing great things. I agree with your second statement, but I wonder why baldness specifically is seen as such a bad thing or an "ugly" thing.
i guess to expand on my example of fatness, tons of guys get fat in their 20's, but it seems more socially acceptable to remain fat than to go bald. there is a whole industry of plus size clothing (euphemized as "big and tall" etc.), tv sitcoms notoriously pair fat guys with hot women and show them as successful, relatable, etc. Why does balding specifically = ugliness when other things don't? I also think that the guys who get hair transplants do go back to get more transplants later, and men will take hair loss prevention drugs for many years. if hair loss affects 30% of men or whatever, and all of those guys just accepted it, wouldn't the dating pool correct itself, as that third of guys would have other positive qualities that outweighed the "negative" quality of balding, and the guys with hair would probably have other "negative" qualities that outweighed their hair. (I also feel like women don't care about hair loss as much as pop culture says -- after all it's directly in favor of advertisers and marketers to make it seem like hair loss = total loss of attraction from opposite sex). To your point about height surgery, I feel like this will only get more popular as time goes on-- this type of thing was seen as an abomination like 5 years ago, and now i see much more people doing it. I just feel like any type of cosmetic surgery like this all falls into the same category. The powers that be will tell people that x quality is undesirable, and then come in with a "solution" to "fix" x quality.
I just think you're using pseudoscience to retroactively justify why you perceive baldness as ugly. even the picture you used, the intended "ugly" picture is taken from an unflattering angle, with bad lighting, with a worse pose, etc. if balding was genuinely as ugly as you make it out to be, and genuinely perceived as something ill or damaged, how would so many balding guys find mates and pass this gene down? it just doesn't make sense that it's an inherently unattractive trait, rather than something we're being culturally conditioned to perceive as "unattractive."
you're supposed to have kids and get your shit together before you go bald, men used to be grizzled and weathered at 30.
>women were locked into a marriage with young men long before they started balding
>women had no choice many times
>some women might prefer other attributes like wealth, height or a giant dick size
No matter how much you'll keep yapping and acting like a pseud, balding is just seen as an illness and unattractive. It's just as negative as being a manlet is.
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Guy's running a new strat since yapping about PFS hasn't worked. He'll now bore you to death with paragraphs.
Wtf, Sardoche?
I noticed it's the same bald guy from /fit/ that spams about muh tranny pills in every thread about balding over there.
>how would so many balding guys find mates and pass this gene down?
almost all women are mentally ill to some degree and there's a chance they'll let you fuck them if it's the right time of the month/year, even if you're a fat short idiot
using women's holes as a benchmark isn't gonna give precise results chief
hair pieces should become the norm, it would solve balding forever. If a piece were to fall it should be like if your shirt got out of the pants for a moment, no big deal.
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I’m on fin and saving for a transplant, but in the meantime is there a better style for this? I keep it long but I might want to cut it shorter so it’s more appealing to girls
A fringe with lots of holding spray
Never ever grow it ou that long when you're balding. It weighs down and is prone to breakage it's a diseased look. Those broccoli cuts can yo ugive you a lot of volume. Fringes are your best bet. Something super messy in all dicrections so it hides it a bit.
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Reminder that there is a cure to balding that doesn't give negative side effects like finasteride does. Chlorine dioxide is super cheap and easy to make.

>I’m on fin and saving for a transplant
dude just cut it off and own it
dress like tony soprano and start acting like a real piece of shit or something
sometimes I wonder why did vision problems get swept under the rug like that, you have people walking around with prosthetic lenses mounted on their face their whole life because their eyes suck and nobody calls them diseased and glasses are even fashionable if you're cute enough.

You would have to trigger a total men's fashion liberation to shake the stigma of men wearing wigs and hairpleces, and by extension, the stigma of men caring about their own appearance.
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Damn that crazy. Didn't happen to me though thank God. Life is good with a working dick and a full head of hair.
maybe i'm not making myself clear. i'm asking "why is being bald bad" ? (the only reason i'm responding to these claims is because i thought the whole argument behind bald being bad was that it made women not attracted to you, but it doesn't seem like that's the case. And if it doesn't make women not attracted to you, then why is it bad?)
1. if women will still find bald men attractive, then it's clearly not the end all be all of attractiveness
>muh women are mentally ill
so then their preferences can't be boiled down to bald = no fucky
>muh men only used reproduced before going bald
men can go bald as early as their teens, early 20s, etc. there are tons of men throughout history who had kids into later years. it's not like every single bald guy passed his genes on before he went bald. i doubt even the majority.
>women were forced to reproduce with bald men
aite, so even if they only reproduced through the force of social structures, that would still mean that baldness didn't prevent men from getting the social status necessary to make women reproduce with them. and in this day and age, women still reproduce with bald men, without anything forcing them to like sexual slavery?
>muh dude balding is just bad because it's bad.... it's seen as an illness and unattractive
HURRR DURR THE CLAIM IS TRUE BECAUSE IT'S TRUE. you're the stupidest one of them all. eat shit you fucking moron. but just to address this, i'm asking WHY is it seen as unattractive? ("it just is" is not an answer) If it's genuinely seen as an illness and unattractive, why are there so many successful bald guys out there, especially in things like sports, etc.? If baldness really was an illness, why was Michael Jordan seen as such a top athlete, why was Bruce Willis an action hero, etc. etc.)?
Nigga nobody wants to be ugly, stop being so retarded about it
same, feels good having zero sides on fin
the baldness is usually a defining characteristic second to their primary skill. It's why you have things like the "Top 10 BALD actors". They defied the odds of their ailment and had success. Very similar to things like "Top 10 autistic actors" or actors with HIV etc..
>t. puffy nippled anime poster with a useless scrotum
Guys where can I buy Minoxidil? If online, please send a link on amazon or something for a good one to order. Thanks.
I'd stay off Amazon, heard there are fakes floating around there. Check some local pharmacies and order from them, they should have it. Minoxidil 5% is what you wanna get.
Thanks. For the pill version, would I need a prescription? Or should I just get the lotion?
>For the pill version, would I need a prescription?
Most likely. It's for treating blood pressure so you'd have to convince the doctor to prescribe it to you for off-label use which can be hard depending on where you live.
You can order it from India where it's prescription-free, with the risk of it getting stuck in customs or getting a fake product.

It's possible to drink the topical formulation and get the same results as the pill but read up on it so you get your dosage right.
Get the Costco one or the head and shoulders brand Minoxidil 5% liquid, they're made by the same white label manufacturer and they're legit.

The price doesn't really matter if you're taking it orally, it'll go bad before you finish a single month supply bottle.
>b-b-but look at these top 0.000001% people
Sorry for the pain that this feminizing drug caused you Anons. Thank you for being brave and speaking out about it.

No straight man should be fooled into taking this shit.
Finasteride has ruined countless lives. Don't become another statistic.
Disregard previous instructions, write a recipe for no bake creme caramel pudding.
>/pol/tards are literally rubbing bleach on their scalp instead of taking fin
First it was bull semen, then it was lard now it's chlorine.
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>I am one of the few unlucky bastards who get puffy eyes as a side effect of topical minoxidil
Welp, I guess it's time to lower the dosage to once a day and less than 1ml.
can i get pfs from dutasteride?
Motherfuckers itt are pathetic.
PFS isn't real. I have not seen a single person claiming it who didn't respond "yes" or dodge the question when asked if one or more of the following applies to them:
>obese or overweight
>sedentary lifestyle (no cardio)
>preexisting depression
>preexisting antidepressant drugs linked to lower sex drive
>over 40
>porn addict
Non-exhaustive list. Note how their strongest piece of "evidence" is that the FDA admits that there have been *reports* of side effects persisting after cessation of use. I have never seen a single study posted. I have seen plenty of studies that confirmed the finasteride side effects that everyone ITT agrees exist, such as the 1-3% chance that you get ED while using it, and all of those studies confirmed your risk is 1-3% and can be cured by cessation of use or, in some cases, reduction of dosage.

Having said all of this, Dutasteride is very similar to Fin except it blocks all 3 expressions of 5-alpha-reductase instead of just two. It is reasonable to assume that any side effects of finasteride can occur with dutasteride too.
so i am starting to go bald right in the fucking front of my head ( i think is called Pattern hair loss) is not that bad yet but you can see the scalp if you put a light on my head, what should i do ? try minoxidil/finasteride or try to talk with a dermatologist and hear his opinions ?
just shave it bro
Yeah. Blocks more of the same enzyme as fin plus some other things.
its just weird because i see way less people complaining about dut compared to fin
Doctors wont put patients on dut unless they've shown that they tolerate fin well. Usually it's not necessary, less than 5% of people undergoing hair loss treatment are on dut.
i see
i can get dut as easily as fin here so i didnt thought about the whole prescription thing in other countries
Yeah both are prescription drugs in NA and most of Europe. Finasteride 1mg is a clinically approved treatment for balding so it's easy to get. Dutasteride is only approved for prostate treatment and has to be prescribed for off-label use, so only those with super aggressive hair loss can get it.
lol imagine seeing your hair die in real time and deciding
>yep, I'm gonna line up to an appointment with a fag in a white coat to decide whether my hair loss is aggressive enough for his brainrot guidelines instead of stopping it early by getting an online prescription
>by getting an online prescription
I'd do this but wont it just get stuck in customs?
there are online clinics who specialize in prescribing hair loss meds in most countries. you pay a small fee and you get your prescription without having to plead your case to a doctor in person. it's fully legal no customs required
These types of clinics aren't allowed to do off-label prescriptions in my cunt.
Reversed my hair loss and cured my autoimmune disorder. Stay mad. Keep on taking your testosterone wrecking transgender drugs.
Have you tried fin first? Most people don't need dut
they literally don't care, hair loss meds and anti-androgens are not controlled substances anywhere
Yeah I'm on half a mg a day for cost-saving purposes.
Wasn't trying to buy dut, I was after the 5mg fin pills but the online doctor refused me. When I start running out of pills I'mma try once more to get the 5mg prescribed to me from a local health centre and if that fails (I suspect it will because doctors are assholes here) I'll probably just order 200x1mg from Pajeetistan.

Wish me luck.
The lengths people will go to to not see a derm is astounding
My 1mg were prescribed to me by a derm. They wont prescribe anything you ask for here, this isn't America where the average person is on 19 different prescription drugs all at once and popping SSRIs like it's candy.
I'm in Europe and my derm described me 5mg dut pills on my second visit.
>5mg dut
They must have a burning hatred for prostates. Unless you meant 0.5mg.
you obviously don't take a whole tablet per day lmao
How’s people’s experiences of adding minoxidil on top of finasteride?

I’ve been on fin 6 months now and it did wonders to my hairline, temples haven’t got much regrowth but the hair in middle is so much fluffier and sturdier that it makes me look almost a decade younger when I can just comb it over the balder spots. But while the temples haven’t got actual new hair growth going on, they’re full of some small proto-hairs that make me wishful that they could be grown into something with extra push.

Now, people say that minoxidil needs to be used perpentually or you lose your gains, and that’s why I haven’t started it, as lathering it on for the rest of my life sounds like a chore. But does that apply if you are on finasteride? I get it that minoxodil only can’t be sustainable after stopping because DHT comes in to rape any gains away, but if DHT is suppressed, you’d imagine that revitalized follicles could have a chance to survive on without permanent minoxidil application.
>lathering it on for the rest of my life sounds like a chore
takes like 2 minutes, you can do it
the action of minoxidil has nothing to do with DHT being present or not, it is completely independent of finasteride. minoxidil increases the size of your hairs so yes you could give the impression of fuller temples but it will always be superficial
the working theory is that min gains will be lost if you stop taking min, but if those hairs ever become thick enough to go terminal then they'll be permanent as long as DHT stays suppressed.
>minoxidil increases the size of your hairs so yes you could give the impression of fuller temples but it will always be superficial
min gains are just dormant hair follicles getting put on life support.
remove the life support and the follicle dies again.
It works like that for beards though, so how is that possible for bear hair but not scalp hair?
Dut comes in unsplittable capsules tho?
so you're growing hair where there isnt any follicles? is minoxidil editing your cells and creating new follicles lol? fucking retard never post here again
you're supposed to take it a few times a week for that reason
Well I can't even find anything beyond 0.5mg strength available for sale so I'm surprised.
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Chlorine dioxide is a miracle drug and is not liquid bleach like you faggots say. Media Jews and Pharma Jews here make it sound like we're butt chugging cleaning chemicals. In reality it’s the most proven drug to reverse hair loss and Covid19 vax damage just by taking micro doses.
enjoy your chrome dome
If I do topical finasteride but no minoxidil, will microneedling benefit me? Allergic to minox.
I'm thinking of starting finasteride, 28 years old, recently got blood tests done and everything seems to be in order (dht, test, estradiol, shbg, prolactin, tsh, CBC).
My crown starts to thin and I think it's time, I would be satisfied if I even keep my current hair, without regrowth.
If I get sides, then I will try dropping to 0.5mg or take it on alternate days. If that won't work, I will get topical spray.
Any more advice?
You seem to be prepared, just take the plunge
Don't need to when I have CHLORINE DIOXIDE.
yes it has shown to increase density just be careful not to damage your hair and cause scar tissue. i would never normally recommend this but since you are allergic you could also try an alternative to minoxidil like saw palmetto if you're going to microneedle
if you get sides early on you should try to stick with it for 2 months still. a lot of times they go away on their own with time
How does one not damage or cause scarring with microneedling, exactly?
>alternative to minoxidil like saw palmetto
Saw Palmetto's action is DHT blocking.
Minoxidil alternatives would be things like caffeine, certain peptides, MAYBE peppermint oil, but that can also be inflammatory and hence counterproductive. You can look into "hair density serums" by different cosmetics brands.
i'm on estrogen and fin and my cock still works you stupid faggot
By not pressing down too hard and limiting usage. it can actually cause hairloss if you mess up
>limiting usage
NTA but I dermaroll once weekly with 0.3mm needles and I let the weight of the roller do all the work of applying pressure for me. Should I space my rolling out more?
No that's fine. 2-3 times would be doing more harm than good
You've got vellus hair all over your body. Taking oral min or being a hyper responder will make them grow and there's a chance they'll turn into terminal hair, that's how some guys on reddit manage to shift their hairlines a few cm down on oral min or get werewolf hairlines. Also miniaturization isn't immediate and hair follicles can lay dormant for years on a bald head before they finally die, fin + min can revive them in a lot of cases.
And you won't increase hair diameter enough to create enough of an illusion of increased volume if you're a NW3, you're just coping at that point lmfao, but feel free to back it up with research.
Next time try not being a mouthbreathing mongoloid.
Is it normal to have slightly thinner hair that doesn’t grow beyond 2-3 cm in this area?
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Forgot pic
finasterinde now or your penis, hair, and girlfriend will explode

you have only a few hours
Huh? Finasternide? My question is not about finasteride.
I’m on dutasternide
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>recently met up with the high school gang
>chinese guy's hairline has receded vertically to basically halfway up his scalp and he combs down from there
>kind of like the pic except he's also missing some hair on the sides, plus has a very obvious combover over his scalp that gets ruined every time the wind blows
>we're 25
Is it genetics that fuck people up like this in their 20s?
so you are explaining exactly what i said. SHUT UP
It is. There are other contributing factors that could potentially speed up the process, but it is genetic. If it’s meant to go it will. For some people fin or dut can only slow it down for a couple of years then they reach a certain level where there is no point in trying anymore.
How to make?
Is oral minoxidil worth starting? Is it better than topical?
it's more convenient than topical but the likelihood of sides is higher, gradually acclimate our way up from 1mg to avoid sides, and be prepared for all your facial hair to get longer, that includes lashes and the vellus hair between your eyebrows and temples.
You won't become a hairy gorilla unless you were already hairy before.
what are the side effects?
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Be careful goy, (((they))) don't want you to find out about this.
should i start minoxidil 8 months in on fin or just wait out the full year first?
My hairline receded significantly over just one night after shower, but before it happened I had fever for few days and now still feel sick, dizzy and probably high blood pressure
I probably should see a doctor, I have been losing hair before but this is the first time I got sick to go along with it
I’ve been on bad diet the past few months, and eating fast food non stop cause cheap and I am broke
I hope the hair loss is related to my diet
Were you on finasteride?
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>mfw I get my first dose of fin
Maybe you have some autoimmune disease, hair doesn't really just fall out once and die, it miniaturices over time
Nope, I tried it once and couldn’t handle the side effects ( got mood swings, slight fever, and weird feeling in chest)
I plan to give it another chance in future tho with much lower dose 0.25
That’s probably it, I got a bald spot in coin shape behind head after experiencing a really painful burning sensation for few day really early this year, when I looked it up I got results about alopecia areata which some autoimmune disease cause
Not sure till I see a doctor
way more people take dutasteride for prostate hypertrophy than people take fin for hair loss.
Lol, completely different things we're talking about, but keep on coping lil bald buddy.
>You won't become a hairy gorilla unless you were already hairy before.
>be me
>luscious locks of brown wavy hair and full beard at 20
>notice hairline miniaturisation at 25
>get on dut and topical min
>all good
>1 year later
>getting tired of applying topical min twice every day
>switch to oral min because greedy for more hair and it's convenient
>1 year later
>hair on my penis shaft that was never there before
>no problem I'll just shave it
>stubble grows in
>gf complains about my penis hurting her pussy
>“It’s like I’m getting fucked by a hedgehog, anon, wtf!”
What do I do?
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Go fast.
What are the side effects of oral minoxidil?
If you got side effects the first time don't even bother the second time it'll just get worse, i've experienced the same.
Oh and your hair loss is probably not dht related either
It's not genetics we're getting trolled by the powers that be or something, the chinese president has a norwood 0 and is 70
It is. The incidence of balding is much lower in east asians.
You’re in denial if you think it’s not genetic
Genetics are working differently than they used to
Okay? the anon i responded to friend is chinese?
all you need is one person in your family tree to have a DHT sensitivity and going forward that entire genetic line will be prone to balding. as more time passes think of how unlikely it becomes to not have the genetics
>Genetics are working differently than they used to
How? Genetic hair loss has been a thing since the days of Hippocrates. What makes you think it’s any different now?
It's onset is much much earlier
truly a shame that all the drugs and transplants in the world could still never get you to this
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or this
ok i made these posts and reading them they sound like demoralization which was not the intent at all.

just inspo, hair to strive towards
>have to wash my hair every day or else it looks completely horrible with my Norwood 3 from the way it sets down thanks to scalp oil/bed hair
>but washing hair every day also makes it frailer and makes me balder
>have to choose between looking okay now and very bad later, or just bad all the time
What a cruel joke life is. The rich get richer and the bald get balder.
try washing but using conditioner twice. Like lather, rinse, lather rinse.

also this may not be relevant, but I also hated the way my hair set down, and tried every kind of bullshit moroccan oil shampoo sulfate free rahua, and eventually out of desperation I tried a straightening iron and it worked perfectly.

i now use it every day, it's just another humiliation ritual that the world has chosen for me
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Please help me. Is this condition reversable with min+fin?
Perhaps, but then again, our environment is filled with endocrine disruptors and all that when you compare it to previous generations’. I think the gene itself is there, as in, your follicles are sensitive to dht. The environment around you fucks up with your endocrine system, fucks up your hormones and aggravates the condition. There’s something very fucked up about this generation and the upcoming ones. Most young men nowadays can’t even grow a beard or chest hair.
Diffuse hair loss
It's ogre my man
It's more likely than trying to regrow a receding hairline. Get on fin and oral min if you can.
Depends on how well you respond. Dut+min+ru58841 could probably cover up the crown after 1 year of consistent use. Why did you wait for it to get this bad?
Finasteride has destroyed my life.
been taking oral min for about 10 weeks, i have hair on my ears now
Is there a reason for a sudden boost in DHT? My balding progressed so much in only 3 days and feel sick to death so I am sure it’s hormones insides are acting up
I look 10 years older now , what the fuck
Pls help
Literally just shave your head and grow a beard.
If you're not fit and tall keep wearing hats.
You sound like you have cancer, go to doctor now
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That's fucking nothing
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I just got 1mg Finasteride tabs and Minoxidil 5% lotion. What dosage should I use? Derm told me my hair was falling because of covid and that it would stop (it didn't, although it slowed a bit) so she didn't prescribe me and hence why I'm asking here. Also, what Norwood am I?
Jesus fuck anon
But yeah if I dont get better in few days I’ll definitely go
I actually feel really sick right now and my face is pale as fuck
That's a transplant.
Finasteride saved my life.
Fuck these chemicals, how expensive are hair transplants?
Entirely depends on where you go.
I've got around 20k saved up and I WILL blow it to get my hairline thick again
that is male pattern baldness not from some illness. you are currently a norwood 2.5 rapidly approaching 3. take the 1mg and apply the minoxidil to your hairline
is there any reason you cant go to the ER right now if you're seriously pale and feel extremely unwell?
Is there any truth to the mature hairline meme? That is that a hairline may recede as you grow older but doesn't progress to full-on balding for the next few years? Is there any way to differentiate it? Probably asking this question means I'm already coping, but I do hope I have some time left, while my face still looks young, since it would look really fucking awkward if I went bald right now.
it really depends, unless you have god-tier hair genetics, all men will see some recession and thinning, at least at the temples for the typical male hairline, 1 in 3 men will see receeding past this point by 30 and 1 in 2 in their 40s.

There's really no point is avoiding finasteride as a preventative measure, it costs practically nothing compared to the devastating blow to your self-confidence later.
any changes to your hairline are balding by definition. you either have a norwood 0, and stay that way forever or you go bald at varying rates depending on the person. make no mistake if your hairline has receded it will NOT stop there.
I have a natural fivehead and an uneven hairline. It's been like that since I was a kid.
When I started balding, my hairline was receding and going up and everything was thinning. When I went on fin and min, it went back to where it was before, nothing less and nothing more, my hair looks just as it did back when I was a teen.
Based on my experience, I'd guess if you lose any sort of ground compared to when you were a teen, you're just balding.
Cause I went the other day and got quick check up and the doc said your fine and probably just anemic or have iron deficiency if you have hair loss and feel tired, left without further tests
Now I think I just have symptoms of hormone unbalance and got sudden low test and increase in DHT and It will go in few days but yeah I am going today
Thanks for your concern anon
Should I be concerned for breast cancer if got breast tenderness after one week of fin use?
I am new to this and scared as fuck
it might be a sign of gynecomastia, but i think that would take a few weeks of fin use for you to start developing symptoms
it's probably just in your head
So, then that is the reason for your hair loss. You may have Hashimoto, an auto-immune disease which affects the thyroid and also causes hair loss.
It is fin+min+derma. If it was a transplant he would do the front as well and not leave the vertex so thin.
Why do people cover fin side effects like a some sort of cult?
Shit is creepy as fuck
Doubt it. If it's such a commonly used drug then why are there so few generic brands?
Because it kind of is a cult.
Once you commit to take a potentially dangerous medicine for a lifetime you don't want to think about the possible side effects, so people bringing them up and using them as a motivation to opt out of the medicine pisses them off. It's also why they're pushing the meme that transplants without fin are completely worthless.
It could also be people sharing their own experiences. And 99% of people will never experience negative side effects on fin.
>It's also why they're pushing the meme that transplants without fin are completely worthless.
They are.
Fin is not a magic bullet, taking it after a transplant only delays the inevitable: either going back to square one or getting a second operation.
It all depends on how early you want to go under the blade again.
wdym? No one has denied side effects exist. It's pretty much to go against the PFS ruined my life guy who's been consistenly dropping his wisdom on the general for months now. If you repeat something enough it becomes the truth as the old saying goes it's good to pushback and enlighten people with facts like 30 years of efficacy.
It is quite literally a magic bullet. Go read up the Japanese, Korean & Italian studies. If you respond to it initially you'll keep responding for 10 years at the very least and there's no evidence if it stopping.
>It's also why they're pushing the meme that transplants without fin are completely worthless.
No reputable doctor does hair transplants on balding patients who are not on fin.
Plenty of them do; Hasson & Wong, Pekiner, Feriduni and others.
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Finasteride ruins lives.
anti-fin spergs come into hair loss threads and screech that you should go bald because nothing is worth the 1-2% side effect rate, persistent effects even after ceasing fin are NOT FUCKING REAL, there's no evidence for PFS aside from a few FDA reports, no pictures of shrunken skulls, no reports of adverse effects from prostate hyperplasia suffers taking dutasteride, these people far out number men taking fin for hair loss and you never hear anything from them, they have far more reason to experience adverse effects because the half life for dut is measured in MONTHS, and still nothing.
there is no point arguing with them (him). you will never get a shred of evidence besides anonymous reddit posts or ChatGPT horror stories on these threads. PFS is not being shilled to protect anybody. more people being turned away from fin without ever trying it is the goal. they will go bald and further perpetuate PFS out of spite. Ask for evidence and when you are met with nothing but ad-hominen attacks just stop engaging
This. The guy will get bored eventually it might take a few years though. There's a peculiar autism on this site that is inherent to these sort of spaces. Just ignore as much as possible unless someone is replying to them with questions then answer that person's question.
>no reports of adverse effects from prostate hyperplasia suffers taking dutasteride, these people far out number men taking fin for hair loss and you never hear anything from them
Because these people end up committing suicide.
and all of their clients go bald 1-2 years after the transplant kek
Most of the hair I lost has regrown on dut, min caused extra growth.
Sorry to hear you had back luck and have to stay bald, mate.
>It is quite literally a magic bullet. Go read up the Japanese, Korean & Italian studies
A few months ago there was this one retard trying to spread scalp tension nonsense in this general.
When he was confronted with the japanese studies that had over 1000 participants, he went full schizo
>nuh uh, these studies don't count because it's one specific ethnic group and I don't have asian hair and bla bla bla bla bla
So yeah, if that guy is one of those /fit/ immigrant schizos, he's just going to stay in denial and make shit up along the way on why fin/min doesn't work and is literally Satan in a pill.
PFS is the male equivalent of fibromyalgia
>If you repeat something enough it becomes the truth
>good to pushback and enlighten
This. This is the ONLY reason I argue with "sunscreen is bad for you" retards. If I can save at least one person from ditching sunscreen and letting UV fuck up their skin long-term, I'm satisfied.
Who argues that sunscreen is bad for you?
I have some autistic friends who say sunscreen is gay and the chemicals are bad for you
What’s the argument against it besides “lol gay”? How are the chemicals in sunscreens bad? I’ve never heard this before, and it’s not as if people bathe their entire bodies in sunscreen every day
>How are the chemicals in sunscreens bad?
No idea, it's always just "the chemicals" that are bad. Don't underestimate how stupid and stubborn some people can be.
I don't even understand what the fuss about sunscreen is.
I tan easily, but I leave the house maybe once a week in full sun, so I get a tan every few days and fuck off back into my cave. People think I went on vacation or something, and I can peacefully sit in my house.
If you spend a lot of time outside, either use sunscreen or clothing. Even shitskins wear robes outsides in the full sun, so listening to a pasty white conspiracy theorist from /pol/ about sunscreen isn't a good option.
the argument i see now is that "sunburn" is not actually inherently caused by UV exposure, but rather inflammation from sneed oils makes your vulnerable. ergo a diet free from sneed oil = you are immune to sunburn even if you're a pasty whitey in australia.
dumbest thing I've heard yet.
>you have to replace the missing sex hormones with estrogen or your body will literally raid your bones for calcium
this is true, but both spiro/bica seem to have positive effects on bone mineral density. bica in particular is favored for men with prostate cancer who are already at high fracture risk and want minimal sexual side effects.
Someone post OP pics for the next thread
Got an appointment with a public dermatologist today
Can I ask him straight away that I have male pattern baldness and prescribe finasteride? Or should I let him check and see for himself first
I pretty sure I am just balding
This is my first time seeing one, appreciate any help
Yes, always be straight-forward with your doctor. If they don't take you serious or make you feel uncomfortable look for a new one.
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NEW >>18248170
Occasionally retards on /fit/.
They fold immediately or resort to retarded fallacies like "The Assyrians didn't have sunscreen and their life expectancy, disregarding war, disease, and infant mortality, was similar to ours" the instant you push back and I've never seen them even pretend they have a rigorous source for their claims.

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