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gayest shit ever edition

prev >>18236703
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this pic that always gets posted on /fit/ is highly motivating for me
Running confirmed for troons
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i just learn about chewing and spitting from the last thread and its one of the most retarded things ive heard
if youre addicted to food that much that you need to put it in your mouth just to taste it and then throw it out you have the willpower of a cardboard box

muh dick
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how is this thinspo?
how isn't it?
god women always ruin these threads
cry about it tranny, maybe that aids diagnosis will finally help you lose some weight
??? i always assumed these threads were predominantly women
you're a man and you have an eating disorder and body dysmorphia? those are girl problems my guy lmao
how the fuck do I stop thinking about food? sometimes it's just so hard, it's like the only thing that my mind focuses on, and the only thing that I expect is the next meal (on calorie deficit)
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Picked up my three quarter length pants from the dry cleaner today.
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>eating disorder and body dysmorphia
no, just thin
It's mogspo.
ironic bc the plump baddie clears the twig on the left
>you're a man and you have an eating disorder and body dysmorphia? those are girl problems my guy lmao
women ladies and gentlemen
do you have any idea what youre saying?
to each their own
feeders are subhuman
Where do you find /thinspo/-sized clothes? I'm 5 kg away from my gw, and it's already close to impossible to find clothes that fit me around the waist. I'm not even underweight yet.
46 or below
or wear a belt
Learn to sew
I finally have a thigh gap, my shoulders are no longer round, and my hip bones are starting to become visible. Wagmi.
Goal bod desu
ugly fat fingers with short nail beds, barf
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Skinny+Big Breasts=Heaven
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good job bro, cute tummy
why is male thinspo so cool and /fa/ but female thinspo so gross and cringe and sad?
Most male thinspo images seem to be lower end of healthy/underweight while female thinspo seems to be auschwitzmoding.
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You all need to eat, lift and take TRT now my dear friends, you all look so sickly and weak
skinny for guys means an active life, or a bohemian life, and the vascular look is good on guys
as someone said on the last thread, women are supposed to be a little pudgy, they're carrying babies
I love food so much bros
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also the twink look is in rn so
because you're gay
men are more muscular, even guys with relatively little muscle compared to the average man still have enough to look good with low bfp. women with overly low bfp just end up looking like holocaust victims because they're literally nothing but skin and bones
i lost 10lbs and now my butt has no padding and it hurts if i sit for more than an hour :|
(still gonna lose at least 5 more tho)
just under 18 i think
They could be thinner.
yo thx
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Might as well use this as thinspo
just do something else, keep yourself busy

[spoiler] and smoke/ vape nicotine [/spoiler]
it's statistically true, though.
Yeesh, we're looking for inspiration here and you're making me appreciate my bulk
>those are girl problems
you called yourself inferior, foid

not that it isn't true
normies wouldn't get it
inferior how so? women at least have the shared societal experience of being inundated with images of super skinny models their entire lives to account for their eating disorders. most of the moids here are troons trying and failing to overcompensate for their male bone structures or regular run of the mill faggots attempting to make themselves look more sexually appealing to other faggots so they can take more poz loads up the ass.
women are so fucking stupid jesus crhist
Nevermind, I like you
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no homophobia pls
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this is kinda goals, unfortunately is a body like this even possible if your ribcage seems too "big?" like Im nowhere near my ideal bf at all but atm it seems like my ribcage is like literally 10 inches
picrel is my best attempt at showing my disabled ugly body, is it a posture problem? am I deformed?
I kinda fucked up so its not a 100% depiction since I suck at drawing but it kind of gets the point across, just saying in case one of the doctors here diagnose me with extreme barrel chest Down syndrome disorder
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i NEED to look like this!
that doesn’t seem deformed and barrel chested at all, whats your current bmi?
no spine is totally straight and if you feel like your posture is bad you should be working in those core muscles
angles in pictures are everything too, remember that
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goals (jk)
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unfortunately I haven't weighed myself in probably 3 years, so I have no idea what my BMI is. I can tell you that I am pretty skinny-fat though, due to being very sedentary and eating too much (until very recently since I moved out and have more control on what I buy and cook)
Picrel is the pic of my body I used as reference for my drawing, I'll probably get ridiculed in this thread since im a fatass but I really wanna know if I've got like a deformed ribcage or something.
Currently eating 1800 calories a day and doing 30 min walk, should I be eating less?
you seem normal, just high bf%

1800cal a day doesn't seem like a deficit at all, maybe sub 1500 you will notice a difference
thx, ill try that.
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this timur simakov dude is so thinspo

i love how clothes look on him
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How do you safely lose weight when you're already in a pretty safe bmi? I'm thinking of doing multivitamins every day and just one regular meal of 800-1000 calories max per day
Sounds like a plan.
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I want to fuck that fat bitch instead of the thin one, why am I like this, both are cute but the slampig just screams SEX and IMPREGNATION
you're not the only one, it seems like most men want to fuck landwhales for some reason

culturally it's like its reversing and men twinkier and twinkier and women get fatter and fatter
Is the discord still up?
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>why am I like this
mommy issues and porn addiction?
Can you link the discord if it’s still up?
Go back you normalfaggots
Both look good in this pic.
Taller is better
I’m 6’1, sub 130lbs, 27 yrs old and trying to build a more mature, casual menswear wardrobe. I’m finding it difficult to find shirts and pants that fit well. It was easy with streetwear to just wear oversized or skinny tops and oversized or skinny bottoms. I think if I had a bit more muscle mass I’d look better. Rail thin only works when you’re young to get alt girl pussy but the older you get I think it starts to get a little more difficult to garner respect from both men and women. Not greatly so, but it’s noticeable
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cool story bro
Might be time for a boiled egg soon
I find it hard to get my steps in when I don't have anything to do outside.
When it's for groceries, I try to go to the furthest store possible to get 10k steps, but without a tangible goal, I can't get the motivation to just pace around.
How do you motivate yourselves to do it?
Much like fasting over multiple days once you get into a routine your desire to accomplish your goal should be enough
If you cannot do a simple exercise for non-immediate benefits it might be very difficult to reach a lower bmi and maintain it
this is my goal body but iwnb able to reach it because my torso is too short :(
right one, please
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>but without a tangible goal
isn't this the problem? what do you want and why would you want to complete the steps? health? losing weight? burning fat?
obviously the goal is what gives you the motivation, seeing yourself change into your goal is intoxicating

also smart watches help, closing the circle is become a daily routine for me and i feel bad when i don't do it

When I was losing weight a few years ago, I did this with sum chocolates during Easter and it was disgusting!
Either eat a small portion or just don't eat it all.
i think if you're skinny enough you would still look very similar to that no matter your height, no?
that dude doesn't look particularly tall
Me 2 Budda, that's why I fast 3 days a week! so I can still be a fat fuck the other 4 (OMAD only off course) and when I hit the goal weight, I'll keep OMAD and 1 fasting day for ever
sadly not
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I used to be a drunkorexic until the last inpatient
My heart rate shows how bad it hits. Only mid 60s now but my best was 38.
Weird thing is I lose weight by not eating of course but it is funny to see
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i will forever prefer a tummy over ribs showing on the skin for women, idk
Anorexic women are mentally ill.
At least it looks good on men.
After shedding some stubborn weight and seeing the numbers on the scale change, I get it now
So you’re a faggot ok. 4c really has been taken over by brown hands since these threads lately have guys false flagging or actually think fat pigs are beautiful.
It is just a reflection on your lack of self respect
The woman in question isn't even anorexic skinny she looks to be at a completely normal level of body fat while the one on the right is overweight. I think people these days, especially Americans, have an extremely warped image of what constitutes as healthy because of just how fat the average person has become.
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Yeah it is funny seems /fit/ bros have invaded this general with their fat = high t nonsense that is actually the inverse if they looked at any studies
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>lost mainly ass and thighs
>shoulders look more pronounced
>cut marks
What was the plan here?
There was no plan, she is actually mentally ill.
have you yet considered that other people have their own aesthetic preferences which may not necessarily align with what makes your dick hard?
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She was anorexic most likely still is but I haven’t seen her post on edtwt lately but that’s normal as most anorexics get forced inpatient if they ever have to visit a hospital. Euginia is an outlier. I got 5150->5250 forced inpatient because I was 13.5 bmi at 6’1
Cutting is common too both are about control self hate etc
Where do you even find clothes that fit when you're that thin? Especially with sizes getting bigger since the average person is fatter than in the past.
I mean as a sick anorexic I always buy clothes that hide me. I been inpatient twice and hate it so fall/winter is nice I can hit 13 and no one will notice
Yes I’m sick but for some reason I just don’t want to eat
15.5-18.5 is the ideal female BMI range.
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But the real advice is to buy children clothes but at my height cannot do that. So if unicolo hasn’t changed I used to buy it when in Japan
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shit this happens to me too when i drink, resting heart rate jumps from mid 50s to high 60s, 70s; its fucking scary, specially while sleeping seeing your heart working so hard

it probably doesn’t help i also like to smoke cigs when i drink
the only thing keeping me from looking like this is anterior pelvic tilt/lordosis. so unlucky... i never even had to consciously keep any diet to get there so also i wonder what that's about.
well I'm back here. again. I am flabby on the inside and out. My skin is red and itchy from overeating, I am literally uncomfortable in my own skin.

unrelated: to cover up my shitty jawline, I've started growing out my beard for the first time ever, and it has streaks of blonde and red hair in it for some reason. I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes as do my parents. I have a grandfather who died before I was born, maybe he was blonde.

I've been staring at the hairs in the mirror for an hour. It's funny how I've coped all my life thinking I don't care about having brown hair and brown eyes even though they're minority traits for my ethnic group. But now I'm just staring at the hair out of pure vanity.
Went from 114 lb to 117 overnight now I'm malding
Femanons, losing weight will make your face look cuter.
Less fat->less fat in chin->smaller chin->eyes and lips look bigger
Sorry but everyone sees your fat face with a beard. Just lose weight
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Ah forgot 4c uses local store to avoid posts incognito but now posts the text not image
Your cheeks show fat with a beard
Take a shit and chill
congrats you went from fat to fat with multicolored pubes on your face
Thank you I needed this meanspo.

900 calories today :)
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I agree
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so when do you guys think eugenia is gonna finally kick the bucket?
>look up her BMI
My point (>>18258851) stands. Going lower than the mid 15 range is stupid.
considering this is /fa/ board, i think it should be explicitly stated that there are limits to thin being fashionable
easy rule of thumb is that if thighs/arms are visibly narrower than knees/elbows, it's no longer esthetic (also in males forearm shouldn't be wider than biceps, this is not usually problem in females)
that's why in second pic >>18258399 looks like crap
same with >>18258577
but for instance left one in >>18259284 is still fashionable
That's a great metric. I remember how in 1984, Orwell described Winston's thighs as being smaller than his knees so the reader could visualize just how much he had been starving in the Ministry of Love. There's limits to everything, including thinness.
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I wish she'd gain a little bit to get back to whatever her bmi was here but I think she's sadly too far gone at this point to recover. She got memed on a lot back then too but I unironically think she looked great with her blessed chubby cheek genetics still saving her from ana face.
What is or isn't fashionable is completely subjective.
Yeah, she really does look great int this picture. Thinspo, not bonespo.
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>considering this is /fa/ board, i think it should be explicitly stated that there are limits to thin being fashionable
tell that to the anorexic women itt who can’t seem to get the message
>look up her BMI
Twiggy looked like a little girl (in a good, cute way).
yes, she was adorable! peak thinspo for me
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the infantilization garbage stew sucks
Gothcels are seething real hard over cutechads.
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guy tummy
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35 hours into a 72 hour fast, I don't feel particularly hungry but the brain fog and dizziness got to me
Is it an electrolyte issue?
Probably. Try making snake juice (0-calorie electrolyte drink):
>2 litres of water
>2 g of Himalayan pink salt
>5 g of salt-free potassium chloride
>2 g of food-grade Epsom salts
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How skinny and do you fast often? The drink the guy is mentioning should work as most diets are low in potassium which compounds when fasting.
Fat helps absorb potassium (talking 1g of fat not an excuse to pig out) so on days not fasting might want to add potassium
I didn’t really have issues with passing out while fasting (2-4 day fasts) until 15bmi ish but I started to fast longer exercise more and eat less so it was the obvious result
>Shirley Simkin's great big baps
>gives the fellas heart attacks
>meanwhile silly Sally Hayes
>suffers gnawing hunger pangs
where do you people even find the energy to get any exercise in at all at such low bmi's? i'm only slightly under 15 myself at the moment and i'm so perpetually exhausted just walking up a flight of stairs drains me some days.
Yeah, probably because that's too thin.
i'm aware it's not necessarily healthy, which is why my question was "how" and not "why"
probably by being at least a little above 15 BMI
meh i haven't really had the energy to do any kind of proper workout since i got down to around 16 or so but i'm probably just not as dedicated as some others
Here's what she said on the topic of weight:
>I feel strongly that you are what you eat and I do think the obesity problem is a tragedy. They say that what happens in America comes here ten years later and it has. I think it’s a lot to do with fast food and how easy it is to buy it.
>I know people have financial problems sometimes but if one can buy good food and cook it they’ll find it doesn’t always cost more. But it’s whether people have got the inclination or the time. It’s so much easier to buy rubbish. I find that really upsetting actually. The worst thing is fizzy drinks. You see kids walking along the street glugging them down. I watched a program the other night and they were showing four-year-olds with their teeth falling out. We didn’t grow up with that.
>In my 40s I developed a bit of a middle-age spread. So now I follow a healthy eating regime. Some models starve themselves but I was just a naturally skinny kid. I used to eat everything, even big bars of chocolate, but I could not put on weight. I still have chocolate in my fridge but I’ll only eat one square at a time. And I only allow myself one pudding a month. I don’t believe in dieting, though. It’s so boring.
what material are you made of?
>41.2kg 90lbs
>bmi 16.9
You must be tiny if you're 90 lbs and 16.9 BMI.
>really?? thank you
I meant tiny in terms of height, but you're also tiny in the sense of being thin.
boy or girl?
You're literally a work of art
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not me, it just was on my thinspo folder

i agree tho
bros i'm on day 3 of a planned 10 day water fast and i can't fucking take this shitty electrolyte, the taste of salt has been permanently scarred onto my tongue how do i cope bros
Doesn’t just plain water fulfill the need for electrolytes already?
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What BMI is picrel?
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i was binging Soft White Underbelly videos and noticed how all of the homeless (young) guys have gorgeous bodies, now I'm jealous of homeless crackheads lmao
kinda bored should i relapse guys my lowest bmi was 14
Fasting is more boring than anything else, isnt it
What's the lowest BMI that still looks good on a woman?
I hate being a schizophrenic ana
As for how I exercise at 14 bmi I did it from 20 when released so the routine hurts but you keep going
tell us more
you did it from 20 bmi to 14bmi?
you can't say that in general
4'10" can look good with bmi which would make 5'8" girl look skelly-like
No I went to 13 last time but I hate being inpatient unless ect but in cali they legally cannot stop you from walking if you show zero violent behavior just end up longer in those places
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anon wtf are you talking about?
You sound fat.
But I was talking about the dumb life of an anorexic. I should stop eating potassium and save time right
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Even in that quality I can still see her boob job veins.
What fat ass claims running shrinks your dick?
That's mostly trolls anyway. They know they get a rise out of normal people
No fair what was it
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waist is 31 and ab outline is visible but I'm thinking I'll cut a bit more
you are not human
it's actually scaring me
just a pic of an arm

but jokes aside, how do you fix this?
the male body is truly hideous
No BITCH you need to take your meds, stay skinny from 15 to 18 bmi, have a normal life and BE HAPPY.
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get to the gym, you need some muscles
ew dont quote me like that was me wtf
just wondering how would you fix him
Do lower bmi's have much of an effect on facial fat? Does fat disappear from there at the same rate as torso fat does, or does one reach a certain bmi that only torso-fat is burned.

>trying to eat less
>still live with parents
GG for me lads. Legit despise how normalized being a fat fuck has gotten. I'm thin, maybe skinny-fat, and I'm skinny to them.
Where fat gets stripped from at different body fat % depends on genetics a lot so only way to know definitively is to see for yourself. I had a good amount of facial fat at lower bmis but I was never super skinny, just borderline healthy/underweight.
So, what do i do if I have shitty bones? I have high hip bones and a flared ribcage, i can already see my collar bones even though im still ocerweight by about 5-8lbs BUT my face and neck is still fat. I've been thinking maybe my ribs just look wider because I suck in my fat gut so often, but the hips i know are just high.
are you a woman? women have a lot more difficulty shedding facial fat, thats why all the actresses and celebrities are getting the buccal fat surgery thing
If you’re overweight then just losing weight and seeing is still the better choice. But for me my face/neck don’t start showing fat until 22ish and my face didn’t show restriction much before below 15
eat more and exercise more for about 3 years. after the muscles are established, then the weight can be cut. you want your muscles to have a decent chance of surviving the weight loss. they can only do this if they've been well fed and exercised first
Don’t need 3 years. When I actually ate at a surplus with a focus (90g+ of protein everyday sucks) in 6 mo the gains are crazy.
But the whole eating over 2k every day I can’t do that
Do normal people not get tired of eating food?
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ikr, i hate to stop my day or what i'm doing just to eat, ugh
I also fear loose skin, like I can literally pinch my neck and pull fir a good 2.5in easy. From the right angles I can see my facial structure, and I'm definitely pretty under all this fat. I'd been told I was ugly my whole life, then I used one of those super fave slimming filters and it turns out I've just had a fat face my whole life. I fear facial surgery though like a face lift because of scarring.
Nice bad ai art but some people do have issues. Sure I can eat 3k then feel sick the next few days. I try to eat healthy but well I already posted here
Loose skin is for like 40+ if you are 15 lbs fat just lose it
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not ai lmao, its from a dead tumblr from 10 years ago
love this guy I'm his number mar fan
Airbrush is the same as ai
I just found my line to go back to 13
Winter wear will make it easy again
fucking gross why are it's nipples like that
I started at obese class 2. I've seen normal looking women getting loose skin just from pregnancy because the skin stretched
Vacuum maxxing
I'm not even that thin
i coomed
damn thats fucked, you can see the massive skin bulge on her jorts

Anybody here experimented with tape worms as a weight loss method? I’m thinking about going worm mode next month.
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but mussolini was a doughy white guy. hitler was none too fit either. nor was most of his rather dysgenic looking cabinet
not to mention it's a picture of Steve Reeves who literally fought the axis powers in WW2
One girl vs all of edtwt
How many excuses are you making to be fat
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So I’ve read some of the advice on here and realized that most of you are either trolling or are really this fuckin’ retarded so I’m just gonna ask from scratch:

How do I stop eating so much and still function with the energy I need for the day? I’m considering take medication.

Pic is my fat ass, I just want to be extremely skinny. Kinda like >>18252866
>Eat nothing but eggs, fruits, vegetables, fish, and lean meat, at least as long you're trying to lose weight. These foods are all very nutritious, but not too calorie-rich.
>Calculate your TDEE and eat 500 cal less than that.
>Do cardio. Find an exercise you enjoy and stick to it. If you're really unathletic, just walk a lot, eventually progressing to jogging or something.
>Try intermittent fasting: Eat in a time window of eight hours or less, and fast for the rest of the day.
>If you're feeling dizzy during a fast, make the following drink: >>18261667.
Ultimately, you really just need to eat less and move more.
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meth / amphetamines

shortcuts are bad in the long run tho
you do know you can fix that, right?
All this is good advice except the only eat blah shit. His wrists say he’s been eating at least 250-500 cals over his tdee for years.
My advice for calculating calories is to use BMR not TDEE as tdee calculations are a fucking joke and will over estimate your caloric usage
30-60 mins of 130bpm cardio daily alone with no diet change (and no binging after the exercise) would show results but reducing calories will accelerate it
hey retard, i used to be very fat and don't even post on this insane thread but here is the real way

>if you diet hard, you will fuck yourself - most people who lost a lot of weight gain it back
>weight loss is actually a mental thing, you'll feel better while cutting its just that your ego is slowly detaching from your fat self

Here is what you actually need to do
>go to fit
>start lifting 3x a week
>learn about TDEE
>cut calories

Healthy weight loss alone is 50lbs in a year, 1lbs a week. So take it slow, build muscle and educate yourself about
>body composition
>fats, protein, carbs
>don't do crash diets, fad diets you can try
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just weighed myself, 125lb lets fucking gooooo

slowly but steadily
18.8 BMI now. I'm very close to finally getting below 18.5. Crazy to think that, about six weeks ago, I had a BMI of 21.
Hello what if my tdee is 1,450
>multi independent minor stressors
Why am I like this
fat mentality
You cope through food because it's legal and gives a hit like drugs. Get a new cope.
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This whole thing (AN-r to AN-b/p pipeline) started when I hit an underfat bf%.

I'm BMI 15. I was BMI 14.6 in 2022, but a quasi-recovery in 2023 means I'm now lower bf% than when I was at my LW. My sex drive is gone, my hair is falling out, I'm totally fucking unhinged in ways highly uncharacteristic of my personality.

What I don't understand is that I'm stagnated at the same weight despite vomiting my binges.
Ah my mistake. You're extremely nutrient deficient. Get a multivitamin that actually covers everything, even if you need 2 or 3 swparate vitamins, and eat as many calories as you can spare in fatty fish like salmon, rainbow trout, or sardines. Not telling you to recover, but you need to be smarter about it. What does your body do when you hold your breath too long? It makes you breathe.
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skinny is the only way
Say this in /fit/, I dare you.

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