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Post about ways to cope with or prevent/reverse baldness.

Holy trinity:
Microneedling: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collagen_induction_therapy
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

Microneedling boosts the efficacy of topical treatments like Minoxidil and increases bloodflow to the area.

Minoxidil (aka Rogaine) is a vasodilator that opens potassium channels and widens blood vessels bringing nutrients to your hair follicles, stimulating hair follicles into thickening, accelerating growth and elongating the growth phase. Min is taken with fin to restore your hair to it's original hairline, thickness and vigor when hair loss is caught early enough, (pre-NW2).

Ketoconazole is an anti-androgen and antifungal that inhibits DHT on the scalp and used to treat fungal infections of the scalp that may be making your hair loss worse such as seborrheic dermatitis, a condition where you exhibit severe greasy, flaky large dandruff flakes with dried yellow crystals (blood plasma) embedded in the scalp. Some people may only have traction alopecia (hair loss from scratching or friction), but it will not cure androgenic alopecia alone.

Finasteride is not recommended because of its common adverse side effects such as gynecomastia, erectile dysfunction and skull shrinkage.
https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2012/020788s020s021s023lbl.pdf <- The FDA's warning label about Propecia
the finasteride shill is a nigger
Welcome, NW0 God.
What tricks were pulled on you that made you fall for the Finasteride trap and what made you stop taking it?
Don't post in this thread, this retard actually believes finasteride shrinks your skull.
Finasteride is a prescription drug and you should not go around shilling it like it's candy. Leave it to real doctors to decide if people should consider it or not, don't mess with people's health like that.
Nobody gives a shit about men, doctors will not offer it to you unless you approach them for a prescription.
Men need to know they have a choice in preventing balding.
Repostan to spread the important message.


qrd / tldw
>former U.S. national guard soldier
>bodybuilder for 15 years
>has everything going in life, educated, successful career, spouse, etc.
>no prior mental health issues

>starts taking finasteride and experiences...
>brain fog
>slurred speech
>motherfucking SKULL SHRINKAGE
>feels zero emotions
>lost the ability to sweat
>perpetually zoned out

>quits finasteride
>severe muscle loss
>can't get gym pumps anymore
>rest of the problems persist for over 2 years and continue to this day

Finasteride basically took everything away from him.
And yet there are disgraceful dipshit zoomers here who claim that pfs isn't real, you must feel really proud of yourselves.
>gives a shit about men
if you did you would be disclosing the health risks of fin alongside its benefits so anons can make an educated decision on what's best for them.
you omit the health risks then chimp out at any discussion of it because you believe in schizophrenic bible conspiracy theories that white people are the nephilims and you're "getting your get backs against dem crackas" by convincing them to go on dick shrinking pills.
you're a crazy person who should be put down like the sick dog you are.
>Nobody gives a shit about men
I can tell by how you go out of your way to recommend taking hormone blockers that destroy the small amount of male virility that these low-confidence, balding men have left.
the fin shill is a literal nation of islam yakub schizo who believes white people are the nephilims
tricking white men into taking dick shrinking quasi tranny pills is his way to get back at white people
he spends 8-12 hours every single day of his life spamming anti white stuff on /fa/ /fit/ and /pol/

if you've seen hairy white women, white women with dreadlocks threads that's him.
interracial porn? that's him.
schizo ramblings about the nephilims? you guessed it.
anything anti white? good chance he made the post.

if fin is so risk free why is an "outspoken nation of islam yakub white people are the nephilim" schizo so deeply invested in shilling finasteride to a bunch of white guys on 4chan?
really gets the almonds moving around.
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We picked up some insane /pol/ shitter who has hijacked this and the last balding thread with claims that finasteride (but curiously not dutasteride) cause an almost unlimited list of symptoms including nonsensical shit like your skull shrinking and your sweat and salivary glands shutting down.

You just know he's gonna start screeching about age of consent next, he already shat up the last thread talking about jews or whatever.
getting shilled that it had no side effects on 4chan made me take it. self medded. got an endo and they told me they don't think i need it so i went off it. i get my dht tested regularly but i doubt i'm going to have a problem since i'm almost 40 and its all there still.
Just an anecdotal warning about finasteride to anyone considering taking it - I took it for no more than 4 weeks just over 6 years ago - I am still struggling with a vastly surpressed libido despite all my attempts to reverse the situation, it simply hasn't gone back to normal.
The stuff is extremely dangerous for people with a seemingly genetic negative predisposition to it - my advice would be to not even bother trying it and just accept the hairloss - it was like turning off a lightswitch the day i starting using it - truly life changing in a profoundly depressing way. If I could go back in time and change my decision to try it I would, but I deal with it now by working out hard, taking creatine, engaging in testosterone building activity and it's given me some respite but I'm nothing like I was before. Please don't take the decision lightly.

I wish I had just worn a cap.
>pol schizo
i'll trust a pol schizo over an insane nephilim bible conspiracy nigger who has a tantrum when you mention potential side effects with pubmed urls provided.
>full head of hair
>starts finasteride
no wonder the skull shrinkage, there was nothing to prevent that
I've observed the effect of this drug on forums for a while and I've noticed that those with strong hairlines tend to react worse to it. Could it be that these individuals' DHT levels are already on the lower side, and fin brings them to a dangerously low level?
this niggas head isn't changing size, the fuck kinda dysmorphia is this?
Been on oral Fin and Min for 5 months now and have seen no improvements. In fact, the thinning seems to have sped up while on it.

No side effects or anything so I'll stick with it but what's the likelihood that it just hasn't started being effective yet? I know some say it can take around 6 months to see results but I imagine that's on the upper end of the average, no?

Idk I'm just getting nervous. I've only noticed the thinning within the past year but it feels like it's been progressing rapidly ever since. With how fucked everything else in my life already is I genuinely can't afford to lose my hair.
i have no idea how you balding thread guys haven't figured it out yet:
the guy who shills finasteride and gets angry about any discussion of its side effects is a nigger. not just any nigger, he believes in insane bible conspiracies that white men are the nephilim from the bible. he genuinely believes he's doing god's work by convincing white men on 4chan to take dick shrinking pills then turn gay or kill themselves. he sees you as a vulnerable population of depressed white men he can manipulate into committing suicide.
the fin shill is an actual monster, a satanic demon from hell.

he's also the /fa/ board janny but he has to get approval from other jannies to remove posts on here so its often delayed.
just look at the last balding thread. i made him have a melt down after 3-4 hours of non stop posting and he deleted half the posts from the thread -- many of which weren't made by me.
repeatedly in his posts he mocks me for being a "baldie" before i posted my hairline. this lays it bare: he hates you guys and he's not here to help you.

search "nephilim" on the archives warosu.org and you'll see hundreds of threads of his schizo ramblings or me trolling him.
i'm not a conspiracy theorist. nw0 and used to take fin with no side effects.
also going to casually point out the thread title changed from hair loss general to balding general around the time he showed up on /fa/
subtle demoralization bullshit.

your skull can indeed shrink in adulthood. its observed in some neurodegenerative diseases.
>takes 3 different photos in 3 different lighting environments with 3 different lenses
>dude what the fuck my head is shrinking

Just shave / buzz your shit. The time has come
fuck you, Yakub.
What can I do while I wait for my doctor appointment to give me the prescription? It's going to be at least 1 month of waiting
How can I
>Reduce the amount of hair that falls
>Hide it?
I'm in an early phase of balding, any advice is welcomed
First of all, this thread was made by a troll, see the "skull shrinkage" nonsense in the OP. Here's the real thread:
I'll give you advice in there.
placebos a hell of a thing
retarded thread by a pol schizo
Shrunken brain finasteride zombies spotted. You just want to infect others with your scrotum destroying drug.

The evidence is right there on the pic/video but you refuse to trust your eyes. It's too late to help you.
If you're under 20 then it could be that you need stronger DHT suppression in order to stabilize.
If you're over 20 then I'd relax and give it at least 6 months to a year of treatment before truly evaluating. Hair grows slowly so it's a long game.
chance of op being a currycel are 90% btw
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Where do I fall on the Norwood scale?
Taking finasteride was the single WORST decision I have ever made in my entire life.
NW1, don't worry about it. But DAMN brother, you look ROUGH. Fix that skin, you got good eyes and bone structure
How do I avoid finasteride induced metamorphosis?
It's literally impossible. Fin binds to 5AR and the mixture slowly seeps out of your skin to form a cocoon. It can't be washed off because it becomes part of the skin. Ever see Killer Moth from Batman? That's the end result.

Inevitable from even one pill btw.

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