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/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Reminder that PFS isn't real, skull shrinking isn't real and far more people take fin and dut for benign prostatic hyperplasia than they do for hair loss and never report any adverse effects.

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that prevents free T from being converted to DHT, a byproduct of testosterone that serves no purpose after puberty but to choke out your hair follicles and make them thin out and die, this is called androgenic alopecia.
Fin mostly prevents your hair from getting any worse, mild regrowth is expected, though some people see a significant recovery on fin alone. Can be taken orally or topically.

Minoxidil (liquid and tabs) is a vasodialator that opens potassium channels and widens blood vessels bringing nutrients to your hair follicles, stimulating hair follicles into thickening, accelerating growth and elongating the growth phase. Min is taken with fin to restore your hair to it's original hairline, thickness and vigor when hair loss is caught early enough, (pre-NW2). Can be taken orally or topically.

Ketoconazole is an anti-androgen and antifungal that inhibits DHT on the scalp and used to treat fungal infections of the scalp that may be making your hair loss worse such as seborrheic dermatitis, a condition where you exhibit severe greasy, flaky large dandruff flakes with dried yellow crystals (blood plasma) embedded in the scalp. Some people may only have traction alopecia (hair loss from scratching or friction), but it will not cure androgenic alopecia alone. Can only be taken topically.
ACTUAL new thread

Mods, delete this one.
Stop posting, you're not going to hijack the OP and use it to promote shrinking skulls on this slow ass board.
It is a side effect and here is the proof:


qrd / tldw
>former U.S. national guard soldier
>bodybuilder for 15 years
>has everything going in life, educated, successful career, spouse, etc.
>no prior mental health issues

>starts taking finasteride and experiences...
>brain fog
>slurred speech
>motherfucking SKULL SHRINKAGE
>feels zero emotions
>lost the ability to sweat
>perpetually zoned out

>quits finasteride
>severe muscle loss
>can't get gym pumps anymore
>rest of the problems persist for over 2 years and continue to this day

Finasteride basically took everything away from him.
And yet there are disgraceful dipshit zoomers here who claim that pfs isn't real, you must feel really proud of yourselves.
I must have lucked out. I'm less horny, which is a good thing. 6 months on and my dick still works. I still get morning wood. My scalp doesn't itch nearly as much as it used to. My hair seems to be coming back in in the parts that caused me to get on the stuff to begin with. My face was already looking less pregnant with baby fat. the fat loss hasn't seemed to accelerate. it sucks that people can have such bad results. but if I had started while I was still getting drunk every day, I can def see it teaming up with the alcohol to make my dick not work
that's pretty much it, blocking DHT can definitely reduce your libido but actual full blown ED is comorbid with other lifestyle factors. literal trannies who nuke their testosterone to zero usually still have working dicks, even under those conditions it basically takes long term neglect to lose function
How safe is oral min?
I've been on fin for a bit over 1 year now, zero sides, so I want to test stuff out and see how far I can get.
At the moment I recovered all of my lost ground and managed to get additional growth in the corners of my temples.
But seeing some of the guys on tressless getting those insane ape hairlines makes me wonder how much I can push it.
I'm on 10mg, it's pretty safe as long as you acclimate to the dosage you want starting from 1mg and working up after being sure you're not having adverse effects.

You'll have to get used to trimming your nasal hair though because all facial hair will accelerate, not just your hairline.
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should I start out with finasteride or dutasteride if I'm diffuse thinning? doc said he can prescribe me either of those depending on what I want, told me the latter is much stronger and isn't even prescribed for hairloss in my country but that he doesnt see the issue if I want to be sure at preventing my balding
pretty safe
pic rel is what you can get if you get lucky
there's also a guy that basically revived his hair that was mostly gone, I'll post it if I'll manage to find it
Fin is FDA approved for hair loss and you generally only would choose dut if fin doesn't work for you
Some people do fin first and if it doesn't work then they switch to dut. Some people get better results on fin than on dut, though.
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found it
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Started balding, planning on going with the Keith Flint demon clown look
Did you have some kind of autoimmune disease or was is it just regular diffuse thinning?
Keith wasn't bald, he just shaved the middle of his head.
if you're not getting side effects its pretty safe. if you are its a sign it won't be for you.

i got no side effects from oral fin but i know 2 guys who got lifelong zero libido from it.

damn anon that's results.
the fin shill is a literal nation of islam yakub schizo who believes white people are the nephilims
tricking white men into taking dick shrinking quasi tranny pills is his way to get back at white people
if you don't venture outside of this thread:
he spends 8-12 hours every single day of his life spamming anti white stuff on /fa/ /fit/ and /pol/
well known schizophrenic on multiple boards
its shocking you guys take him seriously on here

fin can be the best or worst thing you ever do for yourself. anyone trying to downplay potential side effects or shut down discussion of early signs of them doesn't have your best interests at heart. the risks and benefits should be weighed before deciding to go on it.

he hates you guys with open virtiol. the last thread he was calling me a "baldie" repeatedly until i posted hairline.

if you've seen hairy white women, white women with dreadlocks threads those posts are made by the same schizo who had a meltdown over side effects of fin being caused last thread.
interracial porn? that's him.
spamming pics of nig nogs and white women? same guy shilling fin on here.
schizo ramblings about the nephilims? you guessed it.
unhinged conspiracy theories about russian shills on /fa/? same guy.
the guy who spams doug's pics all the time? 90% sure its him.
anything anti white? good chance he made the post.

if fin is so risk free why is an "outspoken nation of islam yakub white people are the nephilim" schizo so deeply invested in shilling finasteride to a mostly white userbase?
why did he rename the hairloss general to the "balding thread" which is a direct insult to you guys, when he started showing up in these threads?
really gets the almonds moving around.
the finasteride shill has schizotypial disorder so his posts are very recognizable.
here's a random collection of his schizo posts:
I'm soon to be bald so I won't have to do that
>taking life altering medical advice from a dude who's my lolcow
>going on fin because a tariq nasheed bible conspiracy theory nigger told you there's no risks
mfw i pop my head into the balding thread and find out my personal lolcow for the last 6 months has been giving you guys medical advice...
So, steroid user, which immediately taints any data this story could possibly offer.
Finasteride is not going to fucking nullify the inflammatory response to exercise that causes pumps.
The only reason I reply to this is so whoever sees your retardation also sees a rebuttal.
>The only reason I reply to this is because I have a twink gyno fetish and want to create more sissies by convincing them that finasteride is safe
>far more people take fin and dut for benign prostatic hyperplasia than they do for hair loss and never report any adverse effects.
>and never report any adverse effects.
>and never report any adverse effects.
>and never report any adverse effects.
why has it become a religious thing to deny/downplay side effects from fin?
>be me
>be 33
>be balding
>be self conscious
>meet qt college girl
>we hit it off
>start dating
>we both joke about me having no hair
>recently started getting buzz cuts
>legitimately healthy and happy relationship without doing all this weird cope shit to fix my hairline
You fags lied to me and you're lying to yourselves
well that's it I'm adding oral min to my routine
Fin first, dut only if you don't get the results you desire. Give it time though.
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Just bought my first batch of finasteride. 50€ for a 3 month pack from the drug store. Is it worth buying generics online or should I shell out the few extra shekels to make sure my stuff is not spiked?
not even exaggerating when Im saying I'd kill to have a hairline like this
Saving a few bucks on sugar pills made by street shitters in india ain't worth the health risks dunno about you
Nobody is saying you can't have a relationship if you are bald ,but being bald will affect your attractiveness a lot.
Just like being bedridden doesn't really make you undatebale but it will affect your possible relationships a lot.
People want to maximize their success chances and saving your hair definitely helps. Every bald man wishes he had hair again
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this sucks so much i feel like i completely lost my identity i dont care how gay i sound my hair was literally 70% of the reason why i felt confident to go outside and its just been stripped from me fuck man
just shave your head, anons.
All finasteride is indian generics though, it's so cheap to make why would they bother to make fakes
What happens if you chug rogaine?
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What can I do while I wait for my doctor appointment to give me the prescription? It's going to be at least 1 month of waiting
How can I
>Reduce the amount of hair that falls
>Hide it?
I'm in an early phase of balding, any advice is welcomed
To obscure it: cut the sides short so the top looks fuller. If it's early on, you can get away with a basic combover.
To reduce hairloss in general:
>use shampoo only every few days, clean with a conditioner daily
>consider topicals containing things like caffeine, peptides, or other skin-healthy ingredients that help circulation, healthy scalp = healthy hair
To be clear, this won't *replace* treatments like fin, but they'll move the needle. DHT is strangling blood circulation to your hair follicles and aging your scalp, so keeping it healthy will help.
Don't worry about hairfall, the initial fin shed will be about the same, you'll lose up to 10% of your hair density as all your dormant telogen hair follicles purge and start the cycle over.
>use shampoo only every few days, clean with a conditioner daily
Do you have any recommendations? I've realized that when I use conditioner while showering, I lose very little hair when it's wet. However, I tend to notice more hair loss right after using shampoo during the shower and in the days following.

Should I buy some vitamins too?

How much is that cycle going to last?
The brand I buy is produced in europe, so I guess it depends
Look for Sulfate Free and Sulfonate Free Shampoo. I personally use the Herbal Essences Jojoba Oil shampoo and conditioner. Good for soothing and hydrating.
Consider lurking /hg/, the skincare general, to get a feel for what people like to put on their faces. It can give a good sense for what ingredients are good for skin.
fin + oral min and youll be back on your feet lil guy
>how long is that cycle going to last
about anywhere between 1-3 months, the initial shed will grow back much faster if you do decide to stack oral min and fin
>>we both joke about me having no hair

>take 3 different photos in 3 different lighting environments with 3 different lenses
>dude what the fuck my head is shrinking?!?!
i don't think anyone else mentioned this, but consider getting one of those sleeping caps that are often worn by black people. that shit really does protect your hair while you're asleep.
Has anyone tried using AHAs on their scalp? I exfoliate weekly and had a brainwave that maybe the growth factors that AHAs trigger could also help me regrow my hair, similar to microneedling. Am I onto something?
wouldnt an exfoliant on the scalp result in even more hair loss?
Severe dandruff ends up taking small hairs out with the dandruff flakes, it will just eviscerate whats left of your miniturized hair
I'd recommend looking into aripiprazole or quetiapine as treatment options for your condition
That's it, cancelling my Keeps subscription.
please explain to me possible mechanism of finasteride causing skull shrinking
there must be one, correct?
>what are angles and lightning
pfs isn't real, cope and seethe baldo
there isn't one
its the latest fake news spook
next up we'll have people saying it made them 2 inches shorter
Okay so level with me here, let's say I get a hair transplant. What would happen if they transplant the hair follicles right on top of existing miniaturized hair follicles, and I start taking fin and the miniaturized follicles start growing again, am I going to have in-grown scalp hairs?
I might have no hair but you have no hair and no bitches so what's actually grim
im pretty sure the process would kill your existing follicle due to scarring surrounding the transplanted one
You have to take finasteride for life after a hair transplant anyway
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could this be progress? After being in topical fin and minoxidil?
Please don’t fall out hair
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Where do I fall on the Norwood Hamleton scale?
Finasteride ruined my life.
Then why don’t you debate Kevin Mann pussy?
What am I supposed to be looking at here?
The really small hairs (vellus hairs) were probably always there. The slightly longer ones might be progress.
I'd need a better pick of your hairline to confirm but I'm going to be blunt with you I'm not sure how much progress you can hope for even with min + fin.
Not balding but don't wanna create a new hair thread.
I hear shampooing everyday is bad because it strips natural oils. Is it cool if I shampoo every day but add leave-in conditioner and argon oil?
It's kind of true but heavily dependent on your hair texture and personal oiliness, which people swear you can decrease by going no-poo but it's exaggerated. If you have straight hair you probably do need to shampoo daily.
why the fuck is dut so much harder to get than fin?
Post-Finasteride Syndrome ruined my life. Please don't take this drug. You have no idea how bad your life can be.
You mean the childless middle-aged vegan gamer trannylover who's on TRT? Yeah I can't see why he would be dismissive about the fertility issues that finasteride causes.
Finasteride is approved pretty much everywhere for hair loss, it's also very commonly prescribed for the original purpose of treating bph. Dut is used off-label for hair loss outside of a few countries that have approved it and there's less demand for it even if it's more effective
How do I accept my mature hairline?
Look for gentler shampoos as well. Sulfates and sulfonates are too harsh unless your hair is particularly dirty or greasy.
finchad reporting in
my woman sucks my dick religiously and she's jealous of my hair
keep getting made fun of for the chance of getting a pity blowjob from a mid roastie, baldy lololololol
you don't
Three questions about ketoconazole:
1. Is 1% concentration good enough? Nizoral seems incredibly harsh and other ketoconazole shampoos are formulated to be gentler while still having ketoconazole.
2. How many days a week should I be using it? I'm thinking twice a week and microneedling once weekly.
3. How effective is it, really? Anyone got stories from when they first incorporated it?
You have no recession but be careful, your phenotype is known for getting sudden baldness
Your hair is fine but my man, get a gentle cleanser, a moisturizer, and sunscreen STAT.
America is the only country where PFS exists
So I finally started thinning on the back of my head and thought about taking fin but since I already have erectile issues when I'm with a girl IRL due to years of porn addiction and I feel like I don't have a lot of testosterone (high voice etc) I won't take it. I'll just start balding and accept it, while using minoxidil to delay it until I'm old enough where it's not weird to be bald (I'm 28). I rarely get morning woods and I haven't even taken Fin. Staying away from that shit
i've been on dutasteride for 5 years and minoxidil for 3. i don't get any side effects. sex drive increased and face and beard irritation i use to get went away, skin cleared up. hair stopped falling as fast, but i haven't really regrown much.. maybe i'm not a good responder to minoxidil. wish i would have started in my early 20s, probably too much lost ground to recover.
Mature hairline is a reddit cope. It's just a slower form of MPB
Your hairline looks fine but you should also check your crown. My hairline was exactly like yours and I thought I was in the clear in my mid 20s until a friend sent me a pic with my head turned and I could see the contour of my scalp peering through my thinning crown. God knows how long DHT has been raping my follicles back there and I was completely oblivious the whole time.
My bitch is younger and badder than yours, keep taking your jewish chemicals and enjoy your flaccid cock
Honestly I'd just get a transplant at this point and stay on treatment. If your balding stopped progressing it already means the dut is doing its job. Are you on oral or topical min? Oral min could be a game changer
Been on 1mg oral fin daily for 2 months. I feel like density has improved, but my libido is low now and I've also developed mild unilateral gyno. Gonna quit and see if the sides go away :(
It's not quite completely a cope, it is a thing if you observe how most men with no hair loss in adulthood will still have square hairlines compared to women and children. But since hair loss in an area isn't that noticeable until you've already thinned a lot you can get a false sense of security
At the six month mark and I feel like my hairline got VERY slightly better but the top of my head is still thinned out to fuck. Which is odd because usually people experience the opposite.

Everyone said 6 months is the magic number but I still can't tell if anything is happening. If I at least knew it wasnt going to work then I could give up and cope but now I keep getting these tiny bursts of hope from possible growth that may or may not just be in my head. So now I'm stuck using this shit on the off chance that something may happen. Should 1 year be the cutoff to see whether this is worth it or not? Should I give it longer? Everyone always moves the goalposts when it comes to timeframes but do people who dont see growth after the 6 month mark ever actually have any success?
Lol we're on the same boat. 13 months on fin, brought my hairline back to life, but my crown is still visibly thinner (although an itty bitty less horrible looking than baseline).
Did you also start balding from the crown? I think the first areas that start balding are the most miniaturized ones and therefore take the longest time to improve, or if too late, are unsalvageable without min or a transplant (which is probably my case as I'm considering adding min).
However you're still only 6 months in, which means you still have plenty of time to fully assess your treatment, you should usually wait a year for peak results.
the lengths baldies will go to steer people away from fin out of jealousy
jfc kys
What's this I am hearing about doing a 1 or 2 year cycle on spiro? Apparently youthens face and grows 100% of your hair back. But your test is slightly reduced for that year but will bounce back once you're off it. Thinking to try, I am not some tryhard gym bro anyway and the Timothee Chamalee look is very in.
You'd be surprised how far you can get with just skincare alone, I bet >>18257510 was just skincare and not the result of suppressing testosterone.
You have to be extremely careful though, if you suppress too much you'll end up getting bitch tits as your natural male estrogen levels become the main driving force in the body.
Maybe because most Americans eat shit I wouldn't feed my dog.
>t. American

There's a myriad of other things that, among first world countries, plague America alone. Much of it is due to either our food or over-medication. If there's one thing I envy many European countries for it's that they do a far better job at ensuring unnatural additives or ingredients don't make their way into their food supply.

Eat right fellow citizens and you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel, like sobering up from a drunken stupor. You'll realize that this is how a human is supposed to thrive.

>but good food is expensive
>goy slop is easy

You can just hear the mega corps, that lobbied the FDA into successfully ruling what chemicals are "safe" to eat, rubbing their hands. I'd personally rather be broke and eat well than rich and eat poor.
I swear the hair loss stack will be low dose HRT in a few years if this scope creep keeps happening, it's not good enough to regrow hair, finasteride is a gateway drug to peter pan syndrome.
You could try halving or quartering the dosage when (if) the sides go away. Get a pill cutter. Taking every OTHER day instead of every day also seems to help decrease sides for some.
but what if it works? it's only temporary and then all the hair is back and you just maintain on oral minox?
HRT + gyno surgery >>>>> hair transplant.
hair transplants are no good i agree. cost way too much and never last or work. the solution is chemical and it always has been. we need to start exploring spiro in cycles
Won't this cause actual adverse effects?
All the PFS somatic bullshit like depression and mindfog would be far more likely if you go low T.
If anything it improves those in studies. Fin is the one with all the sides.
fin causes sides but blocking testosterone won't?
Go look at your studies and find the part where they mention they're taking estrogen to compensate, you will experience actual adverse effects with low sex hormones of either type.
dude people are living on SSRIs, meth, opiods etc for decades and fine. You really think mild suppression is a bad trade for getting all your hair back and taking 5 years minimum off your skin age?
What about the personality changes?
i agree. its only 12-18 months anyway. ill just do some push ups and help reduce sides a bit
Be careful with cutting fin pills if you have a woman around, it's coated specifically to prevent exposure because it causes birth defects.

It's pretty funny, paranoid bald dudes are discovering spiro as it's starting to fall out of favor with trannies.
Is it because trannies now do monotherapy estrogen injections?
T blockers seem kind of redundant when the body will stop making any T in the presence of high E levels.
Plus there's the whole diuretic thing, is bicaculcamide too strong of an anti androgen for this sort of thing?
More or less, spiro is prescribed by doctors because it's an old and safe drug that has some anti-androgenic activity, but it's a meme among medically educated trannies because it doesn't achieve the actual desired goal of castrate/female levels of testosterone and is usually paired with low dose estrogen pills.

Probably not a good idea if you don't want feminization yeah. It's been investigated for androgen-related hair loss in women in mesotherapy form, Dr. Powers Hair Serum has 0.5% bica alongside better known ingredients like minoxidil, ketoconazole, dutasteride etc
I didn't think of Seborrheic dermatits to be a reason for my hairloss actually. Suffering quite some time with it, especially when my hair grows

I have thinning hair, I did 3 sessions of PRP, which actually regrew some hair. Not like back when I was 16 but like here and there I saw some hair.

But here is the thing, I want to go buzz cut, but buzzcut looks shit if your scalp is thinning and the sides are growing fast (and if you are fat) how can I do the buzzcut? I see people online with thinning hair that have a better buzzcut than I did a year ago.
Get on low dose HRT.

I am not interested in hrt anon, sorry. I do think that PRP is something that should be looked further it is in the end stemcells. But what will HRT do?

Regardless I need help with the buzzcut
>But what will HRT do?
Make your hair fuller and help make your buzzcut look better.
Stop washing your hair with soap and it will stop falling out.
Your bitch is so mid that even my local stress reliever seems more attractive in comparison
I also hearing about this on /fit/ thinking to try a cycle next month. dont wanna lose my norwood 2. 3 means game over
Can confirm. Similar phenotype. I had that hairline until I started lightly thinning on the crown around 33. I'm 35 and have a small bald spot on the crown already.
Feels bad man.
>indian pharma site has not just fin but dut, spiro, bica, prog, etc.

resisting the urge to cycle anti-androgens for vanity reasons is very hard
are you guys referring to the north atlantid phenotype?
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You lack iodine pic related

> japan, korea and the rest of east asia

People of East Asian descent and especially Japanese, experience hair loss at one of the lowest rates in the world, and start much later in life than other places. Those that do lose hair, generally, start in their 40s and 50s rather than their 20s and 30s.

East Asians are furthest from the Mediterranean region and also have the lowest rate of baldness which does not seem to be an accident. Incidentally, their baldness rate can range from 20% to the low 30s, which is still a significant portion of the population.

And finally I’ll conclude with this
Japan consumes 10x more idoine than us due to diet
Japanese live longer, less rates of cancers and go bald later

Do not get liquid iodine and start putting it into your water, change your diet to include seaweed and see food at least 2-3 times a weeks and introduce scalp stimulation like link related whenever you shower


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absolute corniest motherfuckers alive going at it, genuinely cringe
Because it is genetic... Is there a increase in baldness for asian people living in the west? no. The more european you are the higher risk you have of possessing the genetic markers for male pattern baldness. It has been this way forever and snake oil will not protect you
asians also have small cocks so no thanks
>Is there an increase in baldness for asian people living in the west?
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America being ranked #4 amongst hair loss is not indicative of any race being pre determined for hair loss rather the American diet is, this allows you to make more than enough of an inference that diet plays a larger role than genetics, to boot all the countries higher than America have very grain heavy diets which gluten consequently inhibits iodine absorption. And asiatic countries main source of carbs is rice which contains no gluten
chinks consume sóy
sóy shoots their estrogen up
they're multi-generational twinks with hight estrogen and low test
that's why their hair stays
So no source?
Stop masturbating
>all but 3 of the top 20 are predominately white countries
>the 3 that aren't are predominately of people genetically closer to Europeans than most non-Europeans
Your little /pol/ screencap concerned itself entirely with the USA.
Give source on gluten inhibiting iodine absorption.
I'd also like to hear an explanation of the alleged mechanism by which iodine deficiency leads to hair loss.
>In conclusion, our data suggest that school age celiac patients present at diagnosis iodine deficiency that partially recovers after one year of a gluten-free diet. This stresses the need for proper dietetic advice on a possible long-term iodine supplementation, especially in these age group patients. Further studies in larger cohorts and hopefully over a more extended study period could be of great help to confirm or deny our findings to better understand the mechanism underlying iodine absorption in celiac patients.


>Hair loss is another possible sign that a person might have an iodine deficiency.

>Thyroid hormones support the hair follicle renewal. When a person has hypothyroidism, a shortage of thyroid hormones means the follicles stop being renewed.

>Hair falls out naturally but is replaced by new follicles. Over time, the fact this stops happening means a person has less hair.


>Thyroid hormones help control the growth of hair follicles.

>When your thyroid hormone levels are low, your hair follicles may stop regenerating. Over time, this may result in hair loss (14Trusted Source).

>For this reason, people with an iodine deficiency may also suffer from hair loss (15Trusted Source).

>One study in 700 people found that 30% of those with low thyroid hormone levels experienced hair loss (16Trusted Source).

>However, other studies have found that low thyroid hormone levels only seem to cause hair loss in those with a family history of hair loss (14Trusted Source).

>If you experience hair loss because of an iodine deficiency, getting enough of this mineral may help correct your thyroid hormone levels and stop hair loss.

Your body uses the idoine you consume where it’s needed, your scalp is low on the list. EG low iodine = hair loss

Eat more seaweed
hair loss is not balding. these are two completely different things
this is 100% false btw. Asian men wear wigs. Human hair wigs from india are very high quality and asians with black hair can pull them off without it looking off. native americans are the race with the least balding, and africans the most. asians are equivalent to whites.
Yeah, full blooded Native Americans virtually never go bald, along with having weaker facial/body hair usually. You see a lot of older dudes on reservations with full on John Redcorn hair despite the shitty lifestyle, and the occasional Mexico with no Euro ancestry who has a hairline so low he basically has no forehead.
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99% of interracial porn spam, anti white spam, and tattoo threads are made by him.

imagine taking medical advice from this guy:
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he's literally grooming you guys to go on tranny meds.
he doesn't even take finasteride btw ask and he will not post pics of a pill or anything.
you're literally getting groomed by some blacked schizo.
Sounds like you are the one who needs to take his pills, bros. The anti-schizo pills that is.
dont care
fin brought back my hair
You would think he wouldn't be the only anti-fin poster on these threads if even a small amount of his claims were true. Almost like he is the one shilling a life of baldness to gullible people
>giving (You)s to a schizo
Let the jannies deal with him. His central claim is that only one person in these threads promotes finasteride. There's no reasoning with him.
I initially thought he was just a troll but he's so determined and emotional about it that I think he sincerely believes what he's saying.

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