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For me its Comfort Colors blanks, MadeWorn blanks, & Samurai Jeans plain.
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Kirkland signature
I heard Kirkland shirt quality has gone to shit. True or no?
LA apparel
fruit of the loom 10 packs
there are specific things that warrant paying more for higher quality but white tees aren't one of them imo
AVS has been doing a very solid video series on heritage and budget white t-shirts. Knows his shit. Not a shill. Shows you what the tiers are and why things cost what they do. Even if you don't want the type of fit and tees he's into its a solid watch in terms of learning how to actually differentiate quality from trash.
Quality is not always expensive. There are good options $25-40 per tee from japan. There are decent options for $8-15 from china.

>Cheap Vs. Expensive T Shirts! Can You Tell The Difference?

>Who Makes The World's Best T Shirt? 18 T Shirts Reviewed!

>What is the Best Affordable White T Shirt For Men? Bronson vs. Hanes vs. Costco / Kirkland

My opinion might be slightly different than his I think this is what's important in a t-shirt:
#1 Collar Attachment & Collar qual - what separates a shit from a quality shirt and makes the quality ones lower cost per wear. cheap tees cut major corners when it comes to collar attachment and because of it the shirts will only look good for 1 or 2 washes before they lose shape. a good collar can last decades of repeat cycles. Collar attachment is the #1 factor for lifespan.
#2 Fit - your shirt just can't look good (or accomplish the look you want) without fitting right.
#3 Material Quality - can make an excellent shirt stand out, separates the hard-wearing and comfortable from the cheap and flimsy, no one likes to be covered in pilling. Material quality's the #2 factor with lifespan and the #1 factor in luxuriousness.
Swapping #2 and #3 for shirts more intended to be worked in.
They did but they're still OK mowing the lawn type beaters. Different country of origin, collar's a bit different, shape's a bit different, fabric isn't as nice. But its still a 4 dollar shirt. One of the threads on the costco plebbit had a breakdown of every difference with pics in the replies. I haven't bought a pack of the new ones.

Dogshit you can afford to wear a shirt that costs the same as a cheap meal out right? for 10 dollars more you can get 10x better quality.
They shouldn't be allowed to call themselves a made in USA brand because they exclusively hire illegal mexicans and pay them between $4-6 an hour to make the shirts, it shows in the quality and cheap collar attachment.
My favorite all around is whitesville 2-packs because they make my top 5 but they're 25-35 a tee so i can recommend them to normies.
You cannot beat the price to quality ratio anywhere
Never owned any from years ago but the ones they're making now are excellent
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Whitesville, Bob Dong & Sauce Zhan are a better price to quality ratio than Kirkland because of how many more wash cycles they survive. Its a lot more than 4x more cycles so they're more economical.
Kirklands have their place for stuff like working on your car, mowing the lawn, work beaters for sure though. Anything you'll get a stain on. Excellent tees.
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You can get a lot of handmade japanese tees for $20-30 per tee (the cost of a cheap meal or fast casual meal out) that will last and look nice for way way way way way way way more wash cycles than any of the other cheap brands.
Its a white tee. Its not going out of a style. You get some tight fitting ones some loose fitting ones then you're set until they fall apart.
Samurai’s loopwheel tees honestly top other high end loopwheeled tees such as the Merz B Schwanen. Their collar is so beefy, it’s triple stitched, their fabric doesn’t feel as delicate, the stitching in the seems is way more sturdy. Also their cut is perfect
i like the whiteville 2 packs, but be warned that they are super thin. I wish I had known this going in, but they are more like an undershirt. I almost feel strange wearing it alone out in public. the quality is there though, for sure
Has anybody tried Pro Club shirts? I hear them mentioned once in a while
I have a couple Merz B Schwanen white tees. They're nice, but one got some permanent color bleed stains from something blue, my own fault I suppose. The other two are slowly getting pit stains because I sweat. So I agree with other anons that it's probably not something to spend a ton on because they're going to get messed up.

I'm wearing that exact shirt in picrel right now if it's the knock off CarD'art one
kinda basic but the uniqlo supima cotton tees are super comfy. Otherwise I got a couple hanes white tees to wear as undershirts
Black, charcoal and grey is all I need. Also, grey melange t-shirt >>>>>>> white t-shirt. White t-shirts make you look like a degenerate who is wearing an undershirt and nothing else. Especially if it's a regular slim fit white t-shirt with biceps length sleeves. White t-shirts also start to look like shit as they get old and get a yellowish tint from sweat.
Link me to some decent plain white shirts, also some ripped ones like picrel. I want something a little less ripped then the one in picrel.

Honestly should I just play some white ones and fuck around with them
I wish I didn't fall for the white t meme. It's greased to yellow, somehow got black dots everywhere probably from my backpack or my chair. And it cost over 100€.
You're supposed to wash with a little bleach every time.
ID T-time, cheap but good materials (long staple cotton) and construction.
I bought a few from Uncle Ric's recently. I'm very impressed so far. The fit looks awkward on these 'models' because the dude has such sloped shoulders and the woman is wearing a XXL but its a very normal fit.
Should have fallen for the heather grey t instead. The quintessential 90's t color. White t's are undershirts.
Lady White Co. Our T-Shirt 2-Pack
Madeworn which is the pic from the OP
>Read description
>Purchase however-many-the-fuck you want for $7 or less

Great t-shirts.
Whatever color the fuck you want.
Great feel.
Easy care.
Cheap as fuck.
They obviously make long-sleeved variants, too.

Did I mention they are less than $7 and LOVE to be purchased in bulk?
>50/25/25 poly/combed ring spun cotton/rayon
No thanks
Sleeper pic.

I have five of the heavy weights that I’ve have for 4 years. I’ve worn them hard, and I didn’t take care of them for shit ( machine dried them every wash). They are all still mostly solid. The collar on my three most worn is pretty flimsy, but that’s all.

I bought them before I knew anything about anything. Next set I’ll take better care of them.
Do you drive a hybrid, too?
I don't wear plastic
Muji heavy jersey t-shirts are the greatest ever made (by a big chain and not a small shop)
It's camber and it's not even fucking close you clueless morons
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>thick fabric baggy tee shirts are the best
Red Tornado are better than Sauce Zhan and go for slightly less
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Anyone here try asket? They're the only place I've seen offering different lengths for my manlet ass
What are decent EU options for under 20 eur? Fruit of the Loom bought off Amazon fits me well and is cheap but the quality is not great.
Spending $50 on a T-shirt is retarded. That being said if you can find me one that doesn’t show my nipples I’ll gladly pay the price.
they're one of the only chinese brands i haven't tried tees from yet. you have? and you like them? just curious how they compare to other brands if you've tried more than sz and red tornado.

expensive as shit but they literally grow their own cotton, mill it themselves, etc.
so also based as shit.

>pre ripped
retarded why limit yourself to the shitty blanks luxury/designer brands use and overcharge for? they're off the shelf ass blanks 99% of the time.
just buy a rotary tool from harbor freight some tailor's chalk and practice a few times on some throw away tees of similar weight. its retardedly easy to do this yourself.
congrats now you can do it to your sick vintage band tee and whatever too.

either needs bleach or fabric blue-r. you can keep it white forever if you know how to do laundry thats the point of white tees.

why though you can get handmade jap tees for the same price.

>That being said if you can find me one that doesn’t show my nipples I’ll gladly pay the price.
you have to get high end tees to not show nips in white lol.
there's like 99999 japanese brands priced between $25-40 a tee in 2 packs you don't need to spend $50+ a tee. the ones in that price range are often better than the really expensive ones anyways.
>there's like 99999 japanese brands priced between $25-40 a tee in 2 packs

Can you please tell me three?
he doesnt want to blow the brands up but mostly vintage style said if you message him on ig he'll give out a bunch of recs of 25-40 per tee jap tees he really likes.

warehouse 4601 (fave) is about 45
whitesville 2 packs = 2 for 70 on rodeo right now normally 2 for 50 but netflix show. still a great deal.
blue blue does vintage fruit of the loom repro for 40ish
buzz rickson pack tees for 40 are good
momotaro, burgus plus, ues, big john all around 50. momo gets you zimbabwe cotton.
tanuki a lil over 50
barns around 60 does relaxed fits trendy rn

of this list i have warehouse, whitesville, momotaro and i've tried on like half of the others.
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Are they heavy?
they're 6.5oz which is like mid weight. same weight uniqlo supimas are if you've had one. white and light colors won't be opaque. collar doesn't last long, very cheap attachment method. and they're not very soft.
cheap beaters you're gonna get stained though? pro club and camber are good. wouldn't wear them as my daily drivers.
Uniqlo supima cotton tees. Whitesville 2pack comes out to 20ish per t-shirt converted from yen and is very good for the price but you'll have to import from Japan, EU stores that I've seen selling them charge like twice as much.
>for $20-30 per tee
whitesville are normally 2 for 50 on hinoya and a couple other japan retailers but out of stock last time i checked bc that netflix show. 2 for 70 on bears, still cheap.
Any tshirt recs from alibaba? Taobao is annoying to shop on from the states
I like my Whitesville too. Wish they had green colors too.
Can you just dye your white t shirts whatever color you want or is that a big no-no?
if you are /fit/ a well-fitting white t-shirt is the absolute most effay color to wear. if you fell for the oversized meme then yes, you look like a poor criminal. if you're a skeleton or a fatty, yes, don't go lighter than heather grey.
What's a high quality white tee that I can buy as a tall man with a long torso?
I need it to be at least 30-31 inches long. Regular mall brands like J Crew, AF, etc have tall sizes but I'd like to try some actual fancy shit too.
Y'already know
Not sure how easy that is but I’m not opposed to it.
bob dong for 25 a tee but you're honestly so close to jap prices you may as well go jap. same tees are like $8 on taobao.
what i always rec is try out the chink tees using alibaba because they ship fast, find the brand you like, then do a bulk order for all the tees you'll need the next decade on taobao for like 100bux.
their shirting's very nice too.
ciano farmer
carhartt k87 sized down avoid colors w/ polyester
american giant everest tee, probably (they don't give an exact length email them)

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