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"Suggest a watch for me."
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd-time zone
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
>Wrist size or desired watch size

Previous thread: >>18255610
Built a franken Vostok clasp, it has a milled inner from AliExpress but the stamped outer with the Vostok "B" on it.
Ratefag has no sex as proven by previous thread. His opinions are essentially worthless.
Tbh I got over being btfo by touching my wife, perhaps you need to find a healthier way to deal with the grief.
>Hidden folder and no photos of his wife to be found
You're a bad bad liar J...
Is this going to be your thing now? Thinking everyone is ratecel?
>post his Seiko
>expect to get a 10/10 from me, the best poster in the previous thread
>get a 0/10
>seethe and accuse me, the best poster in the previous thread, of being homosexual
>be proven wrong by screenshot of my iPhone hidden folder
>seethe even more
>stop calling me a homosexual and decide I'm a virgin because... ?
>ask to see pictures of my dick for some reasons
>seethe to the max when I refuse to post pictures of my dick
Next time post a good watch, and you'll get that 10/10 you've been begging for.
Still not posting my dick btw.

See you in a few hours for the ratings!
Good for you mate
>still can't prove he had sex in any way shape or form
>deflects by saying hes not gay and doesnt wanna post his dick
>none of pictures collected on a period of months have any pictures of his supposed wife
Your faggotry never ends.
Sirs, this is a watch thread.
I donno at least when They were around, watches were posted.
>if you don't post your dick that means you're gay
some monkey-paw shit isn't it?
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One day, I'll get the watch I really like, I'll post it here and it will be the ratetard's first negative score.
I'll rate it fairly mah dood
What is it?
Who do you wear watches for? I'm not a rolex fag but they are the kings of impressing normies so for that I kneel

Probably lowest IQ post - very reddit thinking
>my colleagues
Second lowest one - this changes if you're not a salaried wagie or make over 300k and need to have a machiavellian climb
Pretty retarded as well
>the thread
we're getting based
>other rich men
>really poor wagies
>twinks, trans women, latinas with bbls and andrygynous drag queens from Brooklyn who weigh less then 95lbs
ding ding ding, winner
I wear watches for myself because I'm the one who needs to tell the time.
>obsessed with hating seiko

biased rater. worthless ratings
I can't say, if I do then ratingdello could fix the rating just to punk on me.
>never buy a watch
>never get smacked down by ratingfag
This is the way.
This needs more subdials in the subdials.
Is it true the jannies have lowered the number of quotes in one post just to piss off ratinganon?
I wish they'd lower the allowed number of frogposts to 0
Jannies will do literally anything to get out of doing their job. You would, too, if you did your job for free.
Don't know, but that would only make it worse. Instead of having just one post with a lot a rates, now we will have a lot of posts with a couple of rates.
Mods, just let us have this thread back in /g/. We miss it. Also, fuck fashion, I'm 40 and still use heavy metal t-shirts.
Well let's see.
I love frogs. Cope and seethe.
Jannies really are pathetic.
Cool Diesel lmao.
>, I'm 40
oh my fucking god ok Boomer gramps what u doing here??? lmfao old ass faggots kys
kill yourself faggot
>Ratecel meltdown on last thread
Lmfaooooo bro insecure much?? Lmfao you played yourself hahahahahaha
>what u doing here
I'm here for the /wt/ obviously, son.
>I'm 40 and still use heavy metal t-shirts.
There's nothing to brag about.
Buy yourself a nice shirt, you lazy fuck.

I'm not bragging, it's just a fact. I also have to dress up as a lawyer once in a while since it's my job. I fucking hate dressing like that though.
I do like wearing lumberjack shirts tho (or however they're called), now I think about it. I have like 5 of them. Sometimes I even wear one over a metal t shirt.
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I will buy this chink explorer copy and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
Godspeed anon.
Okay but promise me you'll only reply "So?" to any accusations and criticisms from Rolexfags
Just buy a Rolex, they are not that expensive.
>they are not that expensive.
there are many midlife crisis anons here for the /wt/, and in 4chang in general. in a few years, your watch will also tell when your time is near.
If you made a spreadsheet of all the things that matter when you're buying a luxury sports watch:
>build quality
>brand recognition
>value retention
>ease to service

And try to rank every brands in the most honest and unbiased way possible...
Then Rolex would be first or second in every categories.

I 100% understand why some people don't want a Rolex. Maybe they don't like the design, or they find them boring, or they hate the cult following or whatever... In the end a luxury watch is an "emotional" purchase, and sometimes you just "fall in love" with a watch despite its flaws.
I have no problem with that. I myself have a soft spot for JLC... The thing is, I'm smart enough to admit Rolex mogs JLC in every conceivable ways, so I'm not going to let my pride talk when I'm comparing the two.

It's OK if you prefer IWC, Omega or GS to Rolex. Just be smart and don't act like you made objectively the best and most reasonable choice, because you really didn't. Rolex is just something else.
>Rolex is just something else.
Tissot PRX Quartz 40mm still undefeated.
A Casio has more functionality than any Rolex lmao

Stop trying justify your consumerism by meaningless metrics
>It's impossible to "win" in these threa--
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>438 times better than COSC performance
>Perpetual calendar
>Deadbeat seconds
>7 months power reserve

Let me guess, you need more?
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I have this watch and honestly it is the best watch ever made.
The high accuracy thermally compensated quartz movement keeps it on the EXACT time pretty much always. plus it has a perpetual calendar that you'll never have to set again.
It also comes very nicely packaged with a mixed zaratzu polished and brushed case with a super comfy and solid bracelet. The double coated antireflective sapphire crystal is so clear you don't even realize it's there.
Anons seethe at it though, must mean I'm doing something right.
>>Perpetual calendar
Can you please post a picture of the day and month windows?
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Simply put: It is an anomaly in the watch world.
sirs, what dress watch should i get? i would be willing to go up about 1k. dont care about movement as cellphones can do the exact same thing with 100% undying accuracy. i just need it to look good with a leather strap, probably brown but it might be nice to be able to swap it to black. wrist is like 7-7.5 inches
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Please clarify.
I don't want to directly adress that niggerfaggot so he doesn't get any of the attention his faggothole so desperately want, but what is it to be proud of in his shitizen when seiko has more accurate quartz since the 70's? There is nothing groundbreaking or revolutionary or even uncommon. Yet he keeps spamming his peasant tier branded shitter for hours upon hours every single day always the same pictures.
You're claiming your watch has a calendar function, but I don't see any day and month indicators on the dial. Only a date window.

Just by looking at the picture you just posted, can you tell the day and month you took that picture?
I'm in 4chan since 2006. Just remember you are here forever.
>You're claiming your watch has a calendar function, but I don't see any day and month indicators on the dial. Only a date window.
Nta, but damn you are dumb as fuck
That guy got somebody to play along with his retarded perpetual calendar bait once 3 months ago and since then he's been replying to himself in every new thread reenacting that conversation because it meant so much to him
Even me pointing this out will fill him with joy but I'm in a good mood so I'll do it just this time
No numbers
>60% made in china
>#1 choice of italians
>watch thread
>nothing but disgusting poorfag shitters
it's not even funny at this point. I am genuinely disgusted by all of you and wish you had the courage to finally end it. I would feel sorry for you if you weren't such obnoxious disgusting faggots. seeing this shit makes me genuinely puke every single time.
There are 4 watches that got posted.
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that's a woman's watch
the woman in that vid isn't the problem
the very effeminate black man?
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Afternoon /wt/ hope you are all well.
Seiko is the worst though, perpetually purchased by those who know what a good watch is but can't afford one, and so instead of just getting a quartz shitter and saving up for a good watch they instead buy a Seiko because 'it's still good and such good value' even though it's not and is really just a middle-income cope.

Back when you could get SNKs for like $40 they were fine, and I suppose even today you could make an argument for the spring drive GS if you really love that smooth sweep, but beyond that they're all just so middling that there's really no point. They are soulless.
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We have a winner!
>>Your budget
around 1200-1200
>>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz
>>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd-time zone
something to daily
Congratulations. Enjoy your prize, one Seiko Pressage Cocktail Time Mojito Edition.
You know how people sometimes make fun of Tissot or Hamilton for being "mall watches"?
Well, I've seen Seikos sold at gas stations.
Not really. JLC has always been a complications based brand, something Rolex fails at miserably (Yacht-Master 2 anyone?). Rolex also fails miserably at movement decoration, and before you say that’s because they don’t care, look at the movement of a Cellini or that ghastly limited Daytona with the display case back.

Rolex is the be-all end-all when it comes to sport watches but their high end offerings are a joke.
you never see a white man and black woman
me kinda likey despite there being no seconds hand. I cant get down with having no seconds hand. It brings life to the watch
Of those things I think accuracy, build quality and heritage are the most important things. Most of the other things are a matter of personal taste, even heritage really is a matter of personal taste, but a watch with a long history and good stories behind it is probably a pretty decent watch that has interesting things to say about it, and a lot of that ends up playing i to other things like brand recognition and resale value and so on.

I think accuracy is important mostly because of issues with wear and tear, because the more you have to thread and unthread crowns and fuck with the keyless works just means more wear and tear on the components. Not only that but generally watches in the upper echelon pass through chronometer certification and that makes up a large part of the cost you're paying for the watch, so out of principle you'd expect it to be pretty accurate after you spent so much extra to have more people tuning and finishing it and assuring its quality. If you don't care about having a finely tuned and accurate piece of mechanical engineering why not save a ton of money and just buy seikos and casios? I don't have a problem with that, I'm just saying I don't think high end luxury watches are really your thing if you're not interested in that.

Build quality goes without saying. You want a watch that is robust without being overbuilt for what it's supposed to do, all the moving components operate smoothly, all of the external surfaces are comfortable against your skin, the gaps are tight where multiple surfaces meet, etc...

On resale value, it's natural to not want to "lose" money on something really expensive the way watches can be, so that can be a nice consideration. But it's still good to keep in mind that most of the time a watch is not truly an "investment" per se and shouldn't be treated as such, and if you're buying a watch you really love and never want to get rid of it's irrelevant what you could sell it for anyway.
Rolex movements are good looking in a utilitarian kind of way. They're built and finished to exactly the level they need to be to be neat and organized and easy to work on and troubleshoot without anything super extra like hand polishing the tips of blued screws and all that kind of shit.

It's like the cute cashier at Chick-fil-A, she's not Scarlett Johansson but she'll get the job done.
looks fine to me
They're still too expensive for what they are.
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I have enough.
meh it's too small for most wrists and $200 for mechanical timex is ridic
no the cat eating haitian zombie with terrible fashion sense is the problem in that vid
Yeah, looks absolutely fine. Then you realize it's $84k MSRP and that it is a complete piece of shit for the money. I actually find the sapphire caseback a little insulting.
I think it's really funny how some luxury watch sales people actually use exhibition case backs as a selling point. I had an Omega sales lady say omega is better than Rolex because the movements are so good Omega wants yoi to be able to see how beautiful they are and rolex doesn't have the same pride and doesn't want you to see the movements. I didn't want to be an asshole and laugh in her face, but god damn was that a stupid comment. Even $100 chinese shitters have clear case backs these days, there's nothing special or exclusive about it whatsoever and nobody but you is ever going to see in there.
Long ago the incels lived in harmony. Then, everything changed when the dello nation attacked.
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R8 new pickup
looks faggy af and it's a shitter. kys.
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talk me out of it
I can only imagine how slow this thread would be if it were whites only.
None of our avatarfags would be here, Bittercel is Indian.

>Here's my Rolex
>Hey neat, here's mine.
>Oh shit, we're on page 10
Average wrist thickness of a /fa/ poster
Post your watch (it's a timex)
Rolex makes the best 3k watches in the world, they just cost 15k
I'm sure your gf will like it
Saving the thread with good watches (GUCCI)
Don't they sell these shitters at Sam's Club?
the urge to personafag is only rivaled by the urge to orbit and egg on personafags. it's a force too powerful for us humble boringposters
Where can I find a link for a titanium g shock?
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I wear it pretty rarely desu, mostly just on special occasions. I like the style and an alligator strap feels pretty comfy
Thats kinda rad. Whats the "brand" on that? Got a link?
Beautiful watch anon wear it with pride.
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That would make a good projectile. Like if you pegged it a car windscreen hard enough it might smash it. Maybe you could throw it at your bitch gf in a fit of rage or summin idk
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Nice anon, as far as shitters go you can do worse than Baume & Mercier. I picked up this one awhile back. Its been tiding me over while I hold out for a Polo.
That’s dope, aren’t those almost a grand though?
Cop or drop?
Thanks man

I wouldn't call it a shitter, was about $5k
You paid $5k for an old quartz? And it isn't even precious metal?
Yeah I know its just that any swiss watch that’s not a rolex around here is termed a shitter. No offence intended its a nice looking watch
I paid like 150 bucks for the quartz shitter. The yellow stripes are real gold.
Anon who posted the white automatic dress watch paid 5k for it
I think I got lucky in an auction I copped it for about 150. Most jewellers seem to ask about a grand tho.
Not a fan of that one. Too bulky. I think tanks work better when they’re small and thin. That one looks a bit clumsy
I see it a little more like one of the larger Reversos that doesn't reverse. The specs actually aren't too bad considering it has a whole shitload of complications - center seconds, grand date, moonphase, dual time zone. The lug-to-lug is a little shorter than the typical round 36mm watch, but squares do wear a little big. 11mm thick is pretty modest though, it's kinda weird it looks so bulky on the model. Maybe he's a manlet.
desu you got a better deal, I keep mine in a box 99% of the time because I'm worried about losing it/scratching it. Need to get a $150 banger for daily wear
>>I fucking hate dressing like that though.

you will never enter litigation valhalla
a screw isn't aligned with the rest
>you will never enter litigation valhalla
Made me laugh desu. I guess not. I just wear jeans and a shirt unless I have to go to court. I also avoid going to court as much as I can. Surprisingly my partners actually like to dress in a suit in extremely hot weather and go to court. Fuck that shit.
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If you want a versatile daily wearer under $1200 consider the Christopher Ward C63 automatic.
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Saw this in the wild recently. Looked surprisingly nice. No idea how you style it if you don't have strong art gallery faggot vibes like the owner did.
Horrible. Utterly horrible. And fascinating.
Reminds me of one of those gerald genta watches, which in turn reminds me of something HR Giger would conjure up, and that's not a compliment.
wife said it looked "steampunk" and she's not far off I think
What the fuck rolex?
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I, for one, frankly cannot believe that for the while that I'm gone from the regular threads that ratingcel got so pressured by other anons that he decided to post evidence he had nudes in a secret folder? sirs this is /wt/.

anyway, great to see some anons with Boctoks coming out of the woodworks. Can anyone of you lend me some advice on a cheap chinese toolkit for modding? I'm already planning to get some Bergeon tools but I don't really want to be opting for Bergeon for every single tool that I might or might not use since I'm not an actual watchmaker or servicer. Just trying to do some basic mods with picrel, the real reason apart from old USSR ingenuity to buy a Boctok imo.

Also - directed at the fellow 710 pillow case chad in the past recent threads - how is your rubber strap? does it indent where the buckle clasps down like on leather straps after a while of wear? wondering since I was looking at buying the revived Tropic branded rubber strap but personally dislike the indents present on the lizard leather of my other piece.
I just have a $60 watch toolkit and the bergeon spring bar tool
I haven't noticed any damage or idents to the strap
it's a Fuerman tropic strap
was looking at doing a bezel swap but still undecided
You poors crack me up
Looks super ugly but if you like it that's what counts
Lol why, are you brown?
Omg I'd rather fuck women my age than wear a cw

I like the moon one they make why didn't you get that
I fixed it for you
nothing but mouth breathing independent woman here
did not expect a reply that fast, thanks anon. I mostly just intend to swap out hands, rehaut, caseback, and get a clean bezel in since I don't see the use in keeping a diving bezel for a watch I just use to swim around gentrified beaches and freedive with.
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was lucky timing
and from what I've seen it doesn't look too bad to remove the movement and swap the hands
What the fuck is there to mod on a disposable $10 watch retard?
>I'm already planning to get some Bergeon tools
Please for the love of god do not get Bergeon tools.
VOC and Horotec are identical in quality (if not better depending on your preferences, I much prefer the ergonomics of the Horotec screwdrivers) while costing less. Bergeon tweezers are particularly bad for their price compared to Dumont (best steel tweezers out there in my experience), HoroSwiss (brass as well as their screwable tips tweezers if you want to have wooden or plastic tips) or some harder to access stuff (Boley has some stupidly cheap bronze and brass tweezers that are great to handle but they only sell to pros so you need a business registration or a VAT number, unfortunately).
Bergeon is good for larger tools that no one else makes and sells you smaller gear because of the "well while I'm at it I might as well get X" effect.
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Kofe time.
Boctoks are shitters yes, but shitters with SOVL. if you want to say otherwise then post your neovintage platinum Rolex day-date or keep quiet chud. oh wait.
noted, thanks anon. I had figured the reality was something like that but I hadnt gone into a deepdive on tools and never intend to so was content with shelling out for Bergeon.
You didn't answer. Let me repeat since you're obviously dumb and deaf. What the fuck is there to mod on a disposable $10 watch retard?
well you can strip the chrome off the bezel to get that brass look
bezel swaps
brushed case
hand swaps
dial swaps
say getting a vintage dial and putting it in on a new movement
you can mix and match all kinds of things to get a unique look that you can't get straight from vostok
For fun
Quartz is unethical because you're basically torturing some ancient spirit trapped in a rock with electricity to keep time.
ironically it seems like you're the one who's illiterate here chudmaster, I already had an answer to what you wanted to know in response to a good faith anon here >>18258083. was even before your original post. cope and seethe more please bad faith anon.
Everything is spirit and all is one, numbnuts.
Why would I read posts that aren't direct replies to me? Pay me to read your retarded shit.
Finally, the day can start now.
Based penis quartz enjoyer
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there are watches you know you’ll never afford, and then there are watches you’ll never afford and also you’ll never even see but you still lust after them
You can keep posting this, but that wasn't one of the criteria given, that marketing shouldn't involve freaks. If anything the repeated posting of this commercial probably adds to the PRX's recognition (which was one of the criteria), since Rolex doesn't have TV commercials.
>Inb4 reeee they don't because that would cheapen the brand!
>TV commerical
it's just a loop from the PRX page on Tissot's website
>No hour or minute markers
>Still has a novel written on the dial
What the fuck was their problem?
>What the fuck was their problem?
crowns are like nipples, and these are way too big
Well how many watches have only two crowns? Most are going to have either a single crown or three. Surely this means the only correct watches are super compressor divers with a crown for turning the bezel?
it's superlative
Anyone else notice how the quality of these threads dropped by a large margin ever since whoretadello left?
We used to joke /wt/ stands for whoretadello's thread, but little did we know that actually was the case. In the good old days whoretadello and other avatarfrens discussed watches and made fun, quality posts in harmony with regular users. /wt/ actually was a comfy and meaningful place with its own identity.
All this eventually turned to shit when bittercel started his relentless smear campaign. I suppose the only actual reason for that was his jealousy of whoretadello's wealth and social relationships. His mind turned his hard earned wealth into "tax fraud, inheritance money and liquidating his entire networth" and his relationships became nothing more than prostitution and human trafficking.
I am sad that he left, but I understand his reasons. Eventually the smear would've gotten to him and affect his cheerful view of life in general. He did the right thing seeking better, more successful people and I don't blame him.
I guess all good things come to an end and I want to thank you for the good times we had, in whoretadello's thread.
Shut up, no one misses you when you're busy getting screened for STDs and your Tudor is the absolute worst thing I have seen in my entire life.
The thread has been trash since it was moved off of /g/, because it stopped being about watches and instead about cryptofags larping as Patrick Bateman over brands.
There's no need for that anymore, bittercel. I am not whoretadello and he won't see your seethe anymore.
Anyone else notice how the quality of these threads dropped by a large margin ever since whoretadello left?
We used to joke /wt/ stands for whoretadello's thread, but little did we know that actually was the case. In the good old days whoretadello and other avatarfrens discussed watches and made fun, quality posts in harmony with regular users. /wt/ actually was a comfy and meaningful place with its own identity.
All this eventually turned to shit when bittercel started his relentless smear campaign. I suppose the only actual reason for that was his jealousy of whoretadello's wealth and social relationships. His mind turned his hard earned wealth into "tax fraud, inheritance money and liquidating his entire networth" and his relationships became nothing more than prostitution and human trafficking.
I am sad that he left, but I understand his reasons. Eventually the smear would've gotten to him and affect his cheerful view of life in general. He did the right thing seeking better, more successful people and I don't blame him.
I guess all good things come to an end and I want to thank you for the good times we had, in whoretadello's thread.
>>18258234 and >>18258241
Have you heard of the notiong of "Mono no Aware"? It is a concept that most westerners will often fail to grasp, a reference to an impermanance they do not like to admit and a spirituality of the material that goes against their sense of importance. The concept is something most are not epistemologically and conceptually equipped to understand. It is reassuring, when confronted to the notion, to simply assimilate it to religion or superstition. That is a very simple way of confronting it without needing to admit that some things exist that you cannot properly conceive, or that some do not exist when you consider them paramount to your sense of possibility within existance and existence. Mono no Awake is something that you cannot comprehend without dismissing its reality.
Similarly, Bittercel does not exist.
Bittercel is not a person. Bittercel is a defensive response, it is the spirit of 4chan is it is intended to exist and act reacting against its own redditification at the hands of forumfags, redditors and discord degenerates. It is a rejection - clear and simple - of those who wish to twist it into their own form. It is gatekeeping and it is necessary.
To the quasi-tripfag, Bittercel has to be a single person they can confront and hopefully "chase off". Bittercel being anything else would invalidate their core idea that their attitude is not welcome and even antithetical to the core of this very place.
Bittercel is the spirit of discussion wishing to exist for its own sake, of thought experiments, of the confrontation of equals in mind as opposed to personalities imposing themselves in a place where they do not belong.
Bittercel is vital.
Bittercel is all of us and none of you.
And Bittercel should be more of us until the putrid de-facto tripfags are booted off of our inner sanctum.
Why does this thread hate bittercel so much? He is unironically the best poster we have ever had. Here's my reasons:

bittercel is always brutally honest. He is like water, he will find a crack in your watch and pour in from there. He is the criticism we need. You never get that in watchuseek or reddit, you only get an echo chamber of “nice watch, wear it in good health, champ” bullshit. Not with bittercel, he does not care for your feelings which is why he will tell you the truth. Yes, your watch is too big for you, yes it’s a shitter, yes the lugs look like shit, yes the movement is crap. You, as a critically thinking individual, should embrace this.

We are all protected by anonymity here which is the point of this site. Avatarfags are pathetic going against this. Take reversocel for example; he couldn’t handle a bit of heat from bittercel and immediately fucked off to r/watches as soon as someone wasn’t sucking his cock over his shitters and pens lmfao.

Yes, bittercel may seem bitter at first, but he is the counter force to all this circle-jerking in here. He is harsh but fair. You hold the fact he never posts a watch against him, but that is merely him not taking a side. He is not a brain-dead fanboy to brands (other than Rolex, but Rolex is Rolex). This way he maintains his unbiased position.

And the best part of bittercel? He is always there for you, right here, in this thread.
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Afternoon kofe time.
The Pasha is a Genta design.
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>putrid de-facto tripfags are booted off of our inner sanctum
fucking avatard bittercels at it again fuck off and kys faggots
Kofe time
nice watch, wear it in good health champ
Do these ever come onto the secondary market? I haven't found one yet.
Absolutely based
Seriously though, where does one go from here? This pics feel is that of someone who's at his peak and has achieved anything he wants from life.
Would a more expensive watch be...."better" at this point? This feels genuine and with a lot of soul.
It's like... he didn't find the watch, the watch and him found each other to create this moment of bliss and appreciation of life itself.
bittercel always manages to give insight without coming off didactic, I appreciate that about him.
Wtf is a gofus?
it's Jolus
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Very nice.
Good afternoon anons.

I'm out here touching grass with one of my favorite Casios. I really like the beige-ish display and lettering on it.
Wtf is that a Tree??
why does it have a Tolstoy novel on the dial?
Can confirm.
Is tree.
do people actually buy expensive g shocks?
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Good evening, gentlemen.
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very nice, tasteful
let's see hitler's watch
I miss the pointingfingeatthingsonroofanon so much bros
The watch he actually wore was a Lange pocketwatch, because he was an old fashioned man and like all real men in the 40's a wristwatch was still seen as effeminate.
That watch has been lost to time.
he served in WWI when wristwatches first became popular. I'm sure he saw them used in combat and would have no problem wearing one.
I've seen him rate the same model once 1/10 and once 6/10, since then I cannot take him seriously
Popular as in recognised as useful in combat, not popular as in fashionable for men.
Is $700+ expensive for a G-Shock? IYOP
And this has 37 reviews, 5 star average, on the G-Shock website
>when confronted to the notion
>to simply assimilate it to religion
I also like bending English over my knee like the broke-back whore that it is, but these were awkwardly phrased at best. Have the editors look at it in #copypasta, please
gofus deez nuts
This is what a well made Invicta would look like.
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Meanwhile the Invicta equivalent looks like this
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The chad neo-chrome wrist-station vs the incel bauhaus financial cope
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Or this monster
yes, $700 for a g shock is ridiculous, it's a casio. I just googled it, they are going for $4000.00.

Anyone who pays $4000 for this is a retard, full stop.
With his incoherent and abhorrent ramblings, bittercel has made himself most definitely a persona non grata among the respectable members of this forum. I, for one, would not like to entertain such a character in our discussion. Therefore, I publicly announce my support for our persona posters. In their own, somewhat bohemian way, they bring forth an epicurean joy and a genuine breath of warm air among our esteemed contributors.
That's because it's a limited edition and my G-Shock was over 700 so.... NO It was worth it for the best outdoors watch people can get
Mudmans are much cheaper than 700...you got marked, it's fine it happens.
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>Mudmans are much cheaper than 700..
>made in japan
>only 700
Casio kings we won!
I could have sworn I was looking at one last month and it was $250.

You win, the world has gone to shit,
I'd pay for a MT-G or MR-G series, yes. I'd go for a black one tho.
The are different Mudman models. I proudly own the cheapest one, the very classic Casio G-shock G9000. Amazing watch.
>one last month and it was $250.
many are so you aren't wrong
That's a Mudmaster tho. Nice watch.
We prefer to call them Mudgods in the trade
I think the most expensive Mudman (not mudmaster) may be 400 tops. The gw9500tlc made for Japan domestic market.
>I think the most expensive Mudman (not mudmaster) may be 400 tops.
That's a mudmaster too.
>(not mudmaster)
I miss the Fogmaster so much bros
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Found this Orient watch, what do you think, can't find anything about the model.
Sorry anon, but I don't think it's real gold
doesn't matter, was asking more about your opinion on how it looks
>he served in WWI when wristwatches first became popular. I'm sure he saw them used in combat and would have no problem wearing one.
They didn't become popular though. Men went straight back to wearing their pocketwatches when they got home, if they got home. Some men who were in the their prime in this era continued to wear a watch and chain into the 60s.
The wristwatch that made the "wristlet" acceptable and popular for men was the Patek ref.96, aka the "calatrava" original basetype and that was in 1933 or something.

Hitler would award Lange pocketwatches to those that needed some recognition for some commendable act. I wonder how many of those had their inscriptions scratched out after the 40's? Or how many of them are sitting in someone's attic somewhere?

Hitler was known to have worn a pocketwatch of unknown make, however since he was surrounded by military men at all times and virtually everyone carried or wore some kind of watch he never needed to check it in public.

Hitler was known to wear a gold-cased pocket watch of unknown origin. He seldom consulted it, as he was constantly surrounded by men who were more than willing to tell him the time.
this guy, what a bro.
love me a casio. what model is that?
AI check says that this was most likely written by a human.
Very nice.
>how it looks
ay tone/10
Why don't you ever wear your stiletto anymore?
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There's still some steel versions on chrono (the ones with the chickens).
The stilettos go on his feet these days.
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I'll wear mine on ratinganon's funeral.
You don't deserve ratinganon's attention.
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>put watch on
>a little loose
>2 hours later
>a little tight

What causes this?
wrist expansion
New rules prevent too many backlinks per post, so I don't think he can do it anymore.
Those are stupid rules. Man this place really has gone downhill hasn't it.
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Kofe time.
See >>18258277
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See >>18259326
See >>18259324 and also my dick.
Hey /fa/gs of wt, I'm heading to the Arctic circle for work soon. I've got my DW5600; is it going to last or should I try to find something even more sturdy? Temperatures aren't too bad now but come winter it'll be average -29

Hey guys Fortis released a new Cosmonaut finally because all their other nu-shit is shit.

And they only raised the price 200% LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
They're using a new Penisi/Tooter movement instead of a 7750 hence a price hike.
But not THAT price hike, c'mon.
I keep waiting for a crash but it's just not happening, who the fuck buys a Fortis as a "luxury watch"? They should be on the level of Seiko tool watches basically, a little bit more since it's a real company.
>>I keep waiting for a crash but it's just not happening
By which I mean a crash for everything below Rolex basically.
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Raketa polar. 24hrs
The line was designed in the 70's for polar explorers and researchers. The current model has been specifically designed, down to the movement jewels, to be able to function at those extreme cold temps, each watch is officially certified by some russian meteorological agency to be able to be used in such adverse conditions, foe whatever that's worth at any rate. Bezel has the name of some arctic seas research timezones so it functions as GMT.

Rakers, along with Vostok, make their own movements and their own hairsprings. There's only a few companies in the world that do this. Raketa sell export their hairsprings, possibly to some "swiss" brands lmao

It's expensive for a mere russian watch, but it's the only specific, purpose built arctic watch I can think of. If I were moving to svarlbard for a year I'd bring one of these for the novelty
>implying russia hasn't outsourced movement/hairspring production to china
>implying certification in russia is worth the paper it's printed on in current year
cute novelty watch though
Okay that's kinda based.
Which russian watch would you recommend me to buy just to support these based companies?
You can see the vids of the old soviet hairspring machines in their factory vids, both for vostok and raketa.
The French raketa owner has snidely implied, in that punchable french manner, that they sell hairsprings to other brands in the world. Considering what happened at Franck Muller 20yrs ago, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
Rolex make their own but don't sell. Moser make their own but sell to many brands. Patek make their own shittycon springs as the tech was shared with rolex and Swatch in a joint collab. Lange make their own on the german side, don't know if they sell to others. Seiko and Citizen make their own. Nivarox sell to all. Chinks makw their own.
There might be a few more reputable brands but I can't think of them.
This looks really good.
A cheap vostok. Ironically the more expensive vostoks aren't vostoks. "Vostok Europe" is a lithuanian brand. The more expensive, newer model russian vostoks have chinese made steel cases, but the old classics are made in the same old shitty factory.
Look to the classic amphibia "scuba dude" in the 420 case. Pic is the 170 cased 24hr version. Tough little dive watches, abeit not so accurate. Hydraulic press channel tested one of these to 80atm of pressure, approx "800m depth". It's only rated for 20ATM. Basically, if it works past its first week without problems, it will keep ticking for the 20yrs before dying. Luck of the draw with modern vostok; the ones made during the ussr were better made and had better accuracy. If modern russia were personified in a watch, it'd be a vostok.
Komandirskies are like 50 bucks. Handwound, chrome coated brass cased field watches. Nasty but durable.

Some anon who went to pooland for a bike tour wrapped his to the handlebars and it kept working despite all the vibrations.

The tolerances on vostok movements are so loose that, ironically, they can handle shocks and falls better than a more finely crafted jap or swiss movement.

Vostok factory tour is hilarious
>"clean" room
>workers are all russian protobabushka's stuck in the 80s hair, nails and fashion wise
>old half drunk mechanics are the only ones still living that know how to keep the near extinct soviet machinery running
it has eng captions
reminder that finncel is a janny
reminder that jannycel is a finn
remindercel to the rescue
Based remindercel, fuck jannycels and avatarcels.
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You may not like it, but this is what peak performance and top tier aesthetics look like.
See >>18259027 and >>18258277
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>>18259429 and >>18259432
just wear the watch you like
>B-BUT /wt/ SAID
not your problem
I miss ratingdello so much, it hurts, it physically hurts.
I'm sorry to hear that, I feel you bro.
0/10, kys.
I hope this helps.
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lol bittercello
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>Vostok factory
Looks comfy, has SOVL.
>Vostok factory tour is hilarious
looks great
buying another vostok right now
>I miss our avatarfaggots
lmfao kys. you are what's wrong with this place. niggerfaggot.
btw fuck you janni.
Would rather listen to a conclave of honest expert level watch advisors or your own monkey brain?
Deep inside you know the right answer.
>nowatches, copium addicts, poors and terminally rolexbrained fanboys
Yeah nah I'll listen to my monkey brain.
>bittertadello clowned himself again
lmfaoooo I'd feel bad (you) a faggot retard

Why? They're all shit anyway.
>Would I rather listen to the primeval, elemental, primordial spirit that resides deep in my being?
Correct, I would.
>not at bump limit in any way
>still on page one
what's wrong with you
Avatard probably cannot wait to make an OP with his shitter on it.
Be thankful they stopped thread-splitting at 240 posts at the very least.
avatarfagshitcel bittertardniggerdello
>shitty lume is applied by hand to every single dial
Holy kek
Brands either print that shit on or use a machine, only holy trinity and Indies might apply lume by hand lmao
Lmao pathetic
That's the beauty of Vostok : because they're so cheap and the factory is so isolated, they have to do everything in-house and a lot by hand because importing parts and getting new machines is too expensive.
So they have to rely on Ivan who hasn't been sober since Brejnev left, and Svetlana who started doing dials here when she heard it pays better than her previous job in a hair salon.
he saw the quality of this thread and nuked it from the orbit.
ratecel is based. I hope he's taking a break fucking one of his sluts and return shortly. ratecel we need you!
>caring about ratings from low-vibrational hylic bound to the material realm for enternity
shut up avatarfagshitcel bittertardniggerdello kys
come on avatards! new new new thread now now now!!!
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New Reverso Tribute in 24x40mm.
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9k eurobucks.
>and Svetlana who started doing dials here when she heard it pays better than her previous job in a hair salon.
kek by the looks of it all the women get their nails done by ole svetty during break
are russian women the only women that still paint their nails in super loud colors like it's 40years ago?
I wonder if they all went and had their nails done because the supervisor told them that they were going to be filmed for a doco.
So they all got their hair and nails dolled up for the occasion.
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Looks like a child molded and painted this with fucking play-doh
If you like watches, leave. Just leave, now. This board has become the worst possible place to discuss horology. Look at the watch threads. Half the posts are now from a new avatard cunt who feels the need to show dozens of shots of his ugly dinnerplates that no one even looks at, all with the same awkward light and angle. Then there is the deathless (unfortunately) shit-eating beetle who keeps telling everyone when he drinks a cup of coffee. This literal subhuman (I wouldn't call him that if he was, say, a guy with down syndrome, as his wrist depicted in the photos seems to suggest, but the issue is really that everything he posts and the way he behaves do make him – it – less than a human person), this literal subhuman, I was saying, loves to carry out its excretory activity in the public spaces that least look like toilets, such as our threads, in fact. It jumps in, it crouches down, it takes a shit, leaves. "Kofe time" – and there it is, its big turd. And you, who came here to discuss horology from Casio to Patek, are forced to smell its huge noisy farts, to take them all in your face. And it's no use arguing with it, because it will fart more. It's no use to report it, because it has never been banned, not even once, and all evidence points to the obvious fact that it is a janny itself, so it will always get away with its compulsive animal urge to smear social venues with its own poisonous feces. An alternative watch thread (/alt-wt/) was created specifically to keep that coprophagous worm and other avatards away from watch discussion, but it was in vain: among them all, the subhuman shit-eater is the only one who keeps encroaching on that space to take its huge toxic droppings on civilized people's shoes. It doesn't matter how many times you report it, the other jannies will take no action against it.
The reason so few Rolexes are posted here is because, once a man buys a Rolex, he realizes he's solved watches and leaves. He may drop by every now and then to check up on /wt/ but he'll never waste his time posting here at every hour of every day.

But anyway, I hope you guys have a fun thread. I'll be back in a couple of weeks or so to see if there's any fun new memes.
We've seen your watch at least 1000 times but, I took the time to think about it in a more objective manner and my conclusion is that; people don't actually realise what they're seeing here.
It is an anomaly in the watch world. I won't say that it is the best value for money that you can get, because sadly this term has also been dragged through the ground and it has lost its meaning, and yet if you think about it, the fact that you can get this watch below 2000$ does not make sense.
First of all, you get the, possibly, most accurate autonomous watch on the planet, no GPS gimmicks, no radio controll no internet whatever, it's just you, in the woods, knowing the atomic time without big tech and or the government being able to track you. On top of that, you literally have a feature that is usually reserved for much, Much more expensive watches- the perpetual calendar.
Technicalities and specs aside, what do you get on the finishing part? It is as good as a grand seiko in terms of Hands and Marker finishing- Spotless, Sharp and no impurities or rough edges to be found. But what does GS-Level mean? Well it literally means that your Markers and Hands do have, on a macro level, better finished hands than 5 Digit Swiss Watches. It doesn't matter if this fact makes you angry or triggered or in doubt, but it is a Fact. The dial itself, the way they did the perception of depth, shouldn't work but it does and youc an even see the sunburst effect too.
Okay so what about exclusivity? Well what defines exclusivity?
>Low production
>Locked behind the country of origin
>Rare limited edition on top of said rarity to begin with
So what about the case?Well it is not zaratsu but it still shouldn't be as good as it is. It is almost distortion free.
But is it all perfect? I don't think so, no. It is too thick, the movement is ugly and the bracelet is below the standards that the dial and tech have set. But again,it's 2000$
The poster below me is bitter.
Hi, I am acidic and the poster above me is retarded.
recommend a watch for someone who was raped behind the KFC in Doylestown, PA in June 2003
I sort of like it, but its two thousand eu bucks for a watch made in russia. And the movement is crap. You can get swiss chronometer grade watch for half that price.
Burgundy tudor BB58. That way we match, hunny ;)
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in house movements
cute grills assembling
soviet style
what's not to love?
>You can get swiss chronometer grade watch for half that price.
*chinese made, swiss-assembled chronometer grade watches for half that price and a bit above that price
asian superiority scare you?
watch parts are nothing compared to semiconductor lithography
Should skip the swiss middleman and buy Chinese watches
I've basically touched a beautiful russian woman by wearing an amphibia

Later virgins
No I'm sure it has nothing to do with it retard. Like you would wear your best cum stained tracksuit when they film you for the Nobel prize in faggotry.
Yeah, Raketa's very optimistic with their prices. But, as I said it's the only "purpose built" arctic watch I know of. I'm surprised by the brand though, as the previous Polar iterations didn't have anything cold-weather special about them. So of course people bitched about it. And it's true that any mechanical watch can survive in rougher conditions than you'd think. The old version certainly did. But they actually took consumer sentiment into account and have bothered to have their shit tested and "certified" and are more selective with components, taking into account temp size changes with this new version. The old one was more legible IMO though.
The brand is trying, and it's basically fully in-house. That's more than I can say about so much shit out there.
But like some other anon said, just cut out the swiss middleman and get a chinkwatch as it beats all be it Raketa, Nip or otherwise on value if that's what'll you're after.
boc toc boc toc boc toc
If only chinese could copy movements just as good as they can copy cases.
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nice little watch unfortunately for reasons unknown ruined by the 2nd row (mode 12/24) being put on top instead of on the bottom
why did you get a watch that's too big for you?
They can, but they have to cheap out somewhere. It's like that seagull chrono that gets shipped with insufficient lube, dust and hair in the works or flimsy components.
Properly clean it, oil it right and shave off imprecision here and there and you get an ok chrono.
Movements still require some hand work and they chinese aren't going to invest the sake amount rolex did for its level of precision mass production.
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Are you literally a child? If this is an a158 it's really small.
Why? What's wrong with this one? Will the new one somehow be better?
you are a seething schizo nigger lmao
asian male so yes
Why is the lettering always shit on these?
should I just get a patek?
new thread

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