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>wah wah im balding
Take the spiro pill. Literally regrow all your hair and take 10 years off your appearance with a pill that costs $5 a month. Test is shit and ages you, if you are a zoomer get on spiro now and stay 20 for a decade. Don't take finasteride poison, it is a meme.
what is spiro?
it's a pill u can get online that blocks the chemicals that make your hair fall out
I can't believe you would discourage a wussy ass anti-androgen that blocks 1 type of DHT and promote something an actual t inhibitor that will force fem you within a year of starting.
Spironolactone. For men, it's a tranny drug that is used as a test blocker.
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I don't get why you guys hate finasteride so much and promote stuff that will either trannify you for real or will never happen in your lifetime, like some stem cell stuff.
Is it because you want the competition to fall prey to the Norwood reaper? If I could choose, I would for sure make every man NW7 except for me. I respect the hustle.
And I feel for the women who have to settle for bald(ing) men. Brutal.
i'm convinced this is an actual psyop, finasteride and other 5ar inhibitors don't actually trannify men and they hate that
For trannies, it's not even very good for that purpose, it's just what gets prescribed first in America and other countries because it's an old cheap drug that doctors are familiar with. It has mild anti-androgenic effects but barely affects the blood T levels.
I have been on fin for over 10 years with no side effects. My hairline is a NW1, at most, and no bald spots. My only regret is I didn't get on it sooner.
Nope you are vastly overstating that you gains goblin. People completely save their hair on spiro unlike Fin which does nothing while killing your dick.
Fin did nothing for me but a mere 2 months on fin + 2.5mg oral min has significantly restored my hairline. The min is so powerful I'm seeing new growth on my forearms, backs of my hands, eyebrows, beard. freaky

I'm curious if there's something even stronger than min that would turn me into a werewolf
spiro. it's really for skin too.
Now let's see the hairline with his hair slicked back
nigga went from serial rapist to alt twink

The spiropill gave my man prey eyes. Its over.
nice cope
and more fin zombie seethe. he ascended
damn spiro did all that??
I've been on fin for 5 years and it hasn't done anything except kill my sex drive. should I take the spiropill bros?
if you are balding or want to make your skin softer and more youthful then yes. 18 months should be more than enough for most men.
Just save for a hair transplant.
is that luke "scarab lord" smith?
So OP, aka the chudcel with a head shape that would put a beach ball to shame, is a schizo poltard that hates fin but promotes spiro in a desperate attempt to make at least one /fa/ user take spiro and go through mild trannification.
Nice one OP, you turned out to be a kike loving fag.
You sound schizo. No one has any idea what you are talking about. Spiro is blowing up right now for the Timothee Chamalet class of enhanced, looksmaxxed zoom chads.
spironolactone is weak as shit. It's primarily a heart medication and diuretic which has some weak anti-androgenic effects
If you actually want to suppress androgens, cyproterone will be way more effective. On the other hand it's pretty unhealthy and will make you feel like shit if you suppress testosterone like that and not also increase estrogen, your body needs sex hormones to run correctly.
OP is a half black psychopath and schizo who believes white people are the nephilim from the bible and he unironically melts down if you mention fin's side effects because he believes he's on a mission from god to convince white guys on 4chan to go on spiro or commit suicide due to sexual dysfunction.
he doesn't even take fin can't post proof he does.
you are a schizophrenic. not an internet meme one you're an actual clinical schizo. the world will be a better place when you kill yourself.
Do you have a mental disorder? You spam this in every baldness thread. It's weird.

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