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Finally a good Reverso

"Suggest a watch for me."
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd-time zone
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
>Wrist size or desired watch size

Previous thread: >>18257327
Anyone else notice how the quality of these threads dropped by a large margin ever since whoretadello left?
We used to joke /wt/ stands for whoretadello's thread, but little did we know that actually was the case. In the good old days whoretadello and other avatarfrens discussed watches and made fun, quality posts in harmony with regular users. /wt/ actually was a comfy and meaningful place with its own identity.
All this eventually turned to shit when bittercel started his relentless smear campaign. I suppose the only actual reason for that was his jealousy of whoretadello's wealth and social relationships. His mind turned his hard earned wealth into "tax fraud, inheritance money and liquidating his entire networth" and his relationships became nothing more than prostitution and human trafficking.
I am sad that he left, but I understand his reasons. Eventually the smear would've gotten to him and affect his cheerful view of life in general. He did the right thing seeking better, more successful people and I don't blame him.
I guess all good things come to an end and I want to thank you for the good times we had, in whoretadello's thread.
With his incoherent and abhorrent ramblings, bittercel has made himself most definitely a persona non grata among the respectable members of this forum. I, for one, would not like to entertain such a character in our discussion. Therefore, I publicly announce my support for our persona posters. In their own, somewhat bohemian way, they bring forth an epicurean joy and a genuine breath of warm air among our esteemed contributors.
Post women with hairy arms wearing watches.
>immaculate build quality
>made out of hardened steel, which makes it virtually indestructable and unscratchable, will last you lifetime and beyond
Let me guess, you need more?
but I don't want to get 0/10 anon
avatarfagshitcel bittertardniggerdello
Why does this thread hate bittercel so much? He is unironically the best poster we have ever had. Here's my reasons:

bittercel is always brutally honest. He is like water, he will find a crack in your watch and pour in from there. He is the criticism we need. You never get that in watchuseek or reddit, you only get an echo chamber of “nice watch, wear it in good health, champ” bullshit. Not with bittercel, he does not care for your feelings which is why he will tell you the truth. Yes, your watch is too big for you, yes it’s a shitter, yes the lugs look like shit, yes the movement is crap. You, as a critically thinking individual, should embrace this.

We are all protected by anonymity here which is the point of this site. Avatarfags are pathetic going against this. Take reversocel for example; he couldn’t handle a bit of heat from bittercel and immediately fucked off to r/watches as soon as someone wasn’t sucking his cock over his shitters and pens lmfao.

Yes, bittercel may seem bitter at first, but he is the counter force to all this circle-jerking in here. He is harsh but fair. You hold the fact he never posts a watch against him, but that is merely him not taking a side. He is not a brain-dead fanboy to brands (other than Rolex, but Rolex is Rolex). This way he maintains his unbiased position.

And the best part of bittercel? He is always there for you, right here, in this thread.
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you sound bitter
Is today opposite day?
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Thrift store pickup. Anyone have experience with vintage accutrons? Is it worth it to get islt rephased/serviced?
it's a shitter bin it faggot
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Currently have an apple watch ultra. But when it dies, I might just get something like pic related. Basically has all the functions i'm looking for in a fitness/sport watch (heart rate, blood oxygen, steps tracking etc).
Main drawbacks would be:
can not be worn in a professional setting
must go back to wearing multiple watches
unsure of casio software
unsure of casio biometric data accuracy
smaller screen
less versatile display of information
no temperature/weather display
no touchscreen input
Main benefits:
a bit more fun to look at
have a reason to wear multiple watches again (also a downside)

I'm probably just falling into that consumerist trap of always wanting something new and different. But I expect my current watch to last another 3 years (maybe twice that with a battery swap), so I guess it's not even worth thinking about right now.

hey moron you are paying how much for a a movement that costs $25?

>Hurr durr shiny

kill yourself
get a rolex
you dont need any of that just get a 36mm explorer and call it a day
fucking dumb avatard
>inb4 I was merely pretending on being retarded!
it would sit in a drawer because a fitbit is unironically more useful
oh i'm speaking to a yuppi crossfitter, sorry nm go on being autistic
I hate avatards
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lmao where is trump anon who told us to sell our watches to donate to trump
It's amazing that only other retarded watchfags care about what you're wearing.
One of the stupidest wastes of money anyone can make. Pajeet level shit.
Buy better shoes/sneakers. Work out. Get a decent haircut every 10 days.
An iPhone 16 makes you more interesting than a Rolex.
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>weird envious autistic screeching

thanks for the post
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>mud resist
why does casio advertise their watches for sodomy
>Is it worth it to get islt rephased/serviced?
Good luck finding someone who is willing or knows how to work on them.
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My latest used shitter has arrived and I'm incredibly happy with it despite the issues it has. I missed out on one of these years ago for about £40 and managed to scoop this one up for just short of £60 so I honestly can't complain too much.
Seller had it listed as being in "excellent used condition" despite the fact that it was fogged up and the lume on the hands is utterly destroyed and the dial has a couple of issues as well thanks to the moisture that's been left sitting in it for God knows how long. Debating whether or not to relume it or replace the hands entirely given how cheap it was, but I do really like the original handset it has. What do you guys think? Fuck with it, or keep it original? Since getting it, all I've done is disassemble it all to dry shit out, cleaned everything, reassembled it and everything seems to be running fine after cleaning the case and redoing the seals. Been wearing it for a few days now and it's keeping time great.
It looks literally like af ucfkcing Sekokn tardolinoinus
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Good evening, frens.
Hope you are all well.
Are there any cheaper alternatives to the Cartier Tank? I can’t find literally anything decent. I just really love that vintage look.
Cartier tank must
How much cheaper?
a fake cartier tank
indistinguishable from the real thing
similar disposable quartz module in both
that or that square casio that's maybe $30
Seiko Tank
Accurist 71001 is a great one, but they recently changed the style of the crown to a smooth one for some retarded reason, but you can find used ones with the normal crown on eBay from time to time. The Fifth of all companies do another great one under their "Paris" line of watches too but the straps look fucking awful quality. Not sure if the branding bothers you, but both are fully stainless steel and under £150. If you want to spend a bit more, Herbelin and Raymond Weil have a few vintage ones in their catalogue, and a bit of an obscure one is the British jeweller called "Roy King" who made a few pure silver tanks that look almost identical to the Cartier ones back in the 70's. Depends how much you want to spend and if you want vintage or new, but imo, the Fifth one and Accurist are the best value for money you can get out of everything currently available on the market. Avoid vintage tanks. They're almost all dogshit anyway and it's very easy to get burned on one because of how many fakes are floating around.
Both of these are a bad value proposition these days. When the must de cartiers cost 75 - 120 quid, I'd say go with this, but they're bringing retard money and just simply aren't worth what people are asking for them imo. Same goes for seiko tanks. You used to be able to pick them up for absolutely nothing but now people are asking 100's for a decent one. Clown world shit.
This is also not a horrific option, in all honesty. I have one from jason007 that cost me around 70 quid and it's not too bad despite a minor hand alignment niggle I had with mine. I'd honestly recommend browsing the chinatime subreddit if you want to go down this path, though. Someone there can give you way better advice than anyone here can. I've only ever bought fakes of watches I already own real examples of (because I'm autistic and like to compare them), and yeah, even the cheap chinkshit is pretty good these days to be honest.
>I've only ever bought fakes of watches I already own real examples of (because I'm autistic and like to compare them), and yeah, even the cheap chinkshit is pretty good these days to be honest.
What pairs do you have?
I think more and more people will start doing this because of theft worries.
I have a client who owns about a million dollars worth of watches and when I asked him what watch I should get without hesitation he said "Get an IWC"
I saw some that go for 300, but they really do look fake, in an uncanny valley kind of way. They will surely convince someone who doesn't know what the original should look like, and sometimes they have differences in the details if you know what to look for. Sometimes the dimensions feel off and less refined.
It really depends on what your goal is here
Thank you for the kind words anon.
That is a Casio W-734-9A. It has been discontinued for a few years and it was not a significant model, so it is a difficult find at this point.

Still one of my favourites.
Your watch sucks, and mine is excellent.
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Umm, well what do we think lads?
$1,800 CDN btw

Why arent there any genuine gold cased watches that actually look good? No not rolex that shit is nigbait
Most reddit thing I've ever seen in my entire life.
le heckin redditorino watch!!!1
my wife's boyfriend might let me buy this one for sure if I get a vasectomy!
would go real well with my PRIDE special Nomos
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>no small seconds
the only good looking steel reverso
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Setting a new standard of cringe
holy dinnerplate
absolutely tardalicious thread avatard faggot
You mad you can't afford one, wagie?
He's probably mad some retard thinks dress watches should be over 36mm would be my guess
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Are you dadwatch by chance? I have to know.
I don't think that guy was a a tofuskinned asian like this current wristlet. That fag's never returned. Imagine getting bullied off a thread lmao
even if the watch isn't running it was worth it for that sweet vintage speidel stretch band
if you have the money why not buy a watch that actually fits your wrist
the lugs over hang his wrist
it's too big
This is all besides the point.
If the fag had enough money to buy an iwc portapottyer why didn't he buy a ROLEXROLEXROLEXROLEXROLEX? For 8grand you could get a lolex rather than a low tier model from iwc, though the line between low and high iwc these days has blurred lmao
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>you accidentally make eye contact while watch shopping

what do
Someone talk me out of this meme please.
It looks good. Wear it in good health.

If I didn't get psyopped by this shit hobby I'd just buy a fun chunky casio and never think about watches again
Get the rescue version with the ocean tides. Way cooler and it comes in fire truck red
But how will I know when the fish are biting? I am not a surfer.
it's too cheap to be a mistake. you have to buy it.
You two convinced me it will be here tomorrow.
>round gshock
If you ocean pier fish, tides are helpful to know since feeding activity increases around swings
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Kofe time.
More Russian watchmaking kino

Why doesn't he just give you a few? You can give one to me then.
>rich men have no taste
the old adage is true
...What *kind* of client?
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>zenith sells you a Seiko cocktail time knockoff for $6000

the swiss have no shame
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The IWC Portugieser is supposed to be huge.
It was originally conceived of as a nice wristwatch but with the accuracy (and therefore movement) of a pocket watch.
The very first ones from the 1930s were 41.5mm.
yikes, how embarrassing.
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It’s ok
>I need a watch that says I'm gay, but I'm also a super huge faggot and really old
>gotchu senpai
explain that to every person you pass on the street. it's like wearing clown shoes to work and explaining to your colleagues that ackshually these shoes were developed by the clown society of 1896 and are purposefully meant to be comically large for comedic effect. that watch is too big for that motherfuckin wrist. perhaps if he wasn't a twink he could wear that model.
>explain that to every person you pass on the street
No need, the design just works.
There's a reason the Portugieser has been an icon for nearly 100 years.
You can always tell who the wristlets in the thread are
ok and WW2 fliegers were 55mm but you don't see people walking around with them in public
guy needs to put on some pounds to wear a watch that big
>WW2 fliegers were 55mm but you don't see people walking around with them in public
The Portugieser was designed as an elegant everyday watch, not an implement of war lmao

>guy needs to put on some pounds to wear a watch that big
Very true.
>designed as an elegant everyday watch, not an implement of war lmao
so a pussy watch
give me an implement of war
which would nowadays be the GSHOCK
Guys, the only true implement of war you can purchase today is Vostok.
are you a fish?
which one?
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Prob buying a 2poor for my birthday.
>There's a reason the Portugieser has been an icon for nearly 100 years.
It hasn't though. Lmao did you buy the retardmont marketing that hard?
People didn't know nor give a shit about this model until maybe 15 years ago when chinks got sick of panerai and wanted some other comically large-for-their-wrists totem to wear to show other chinks just how much better they are than all the other bugs in the bucket. The watch didn't magically elevate them into not being indistinguishable bugs though.
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>this wristlet seethe
Portuguese is too big but that's made up delusions. IWC was never a big brand in China. It's not flashy enough
I like IWC but the Portugieser is questionable at best.
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>Portuguese is too big
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It's the best line IWC makes.
Their entire Flieger line is for manchildren.
Iwc is a shitty laughingstock.
Look at the ingenieur: same movement as a baume&mercier but with dramatically worse magnetic resistance at 500gauss vs 1500 for the b&m at 4x the price. It's even meant to be their specialist antimag watch and the previous gen was 1000gauss. The b&m is even cosc certified and iwc has been known for their crap accuracy at that price point.
The brand will only get more shit and irrelevant. What a shame.
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Pretty much all watch brands are 90% trash, whether it be in terms of design or specs.
At least the Ingenieur looks great, while the B&M looks like complete and utter ass.
And the external finishing is on a completely different level. Plus there's the Genta tax.
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I have to say that this particular model with the champagne dial is in my eyes the most aesthetic watch currently in existence.
For summer, at least.

And this is coming from someone who never liked IWC, always hated logos being anywhere but just below 12 o'clock, had gotten bored of sunburst dials, and never like champagne dials.
There's just something about this thing.
Get this and a bass pro shop baseball cap.

And go fishing. Live the life anon. You can hear it calling.

That was a great episode and now I want a dw6900.
I'd love a pale champagne dial watch, is the silver dial Rolex OP really silver or is it a pale champagne?

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