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What does your favourite album say about the way you dress/sense of fashion?
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op my nigga
>black top
>dark blue/grey pants (any type)
>arrowhead necklace
>pale skin
>sleep deprived schizoid eyes
>android phone
>3 contacts, mom, dad, brother (only friend)
>obscure walking style
>talks slowly
>"i'm just tired"
>teared shirts
>teared socks
>yellow teeth
>no skin-care
>either fat or skelly
>no bag, no need, just walks aimlessly
>bottle of painkillers just in case
>has a devil on his back
>has a devil on his chest
>black watch, or no watch, time doesn't matter anymore
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What does mine?
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LL Cool J The Force
Especially Saturday Night Special

"The 7 series new Beemer, really is not a thing
Always gettin' the money, still hustle the max
Always keepin' it real, always gettin' it back
Bitches come with the thrills, all I want is the cash
My niggas still on the rise while I'm chargin' a tax"

Life motivation.
Court jester costume (you're based if it's actually your favorite album)
I love early escape the fate
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You tell me
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i'm not sure

i only recognize one album cover ITT so far which is gy!be (>>18263117). i'm thinking washed and faded black skinny jeans and muted flannel shirt, cigarettes and club mate.
>vetements hoodies, balenciaga pants
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>natural fibres and earth tones
having a favorite album is for children, so i assume everyone itt dresses too young for their age.
file name only has some. Is that Portal center left?
Can we get a list?
the "u ok bro" collection
>low roar
gonna miss that dude
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>wears all black
>pretends to be upbeat but friends are secretly worried
>starting smoking again
>hes really going to do it
>I dont wanna make face anymore
>but if i dont that alllllllllll
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Take a wild guess.
arrowheads arrowheads arrowheads arrowheads
arrowheads arrowheads arrowheads arrowheads
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Jeans and and a tee shirt, I guess
>9 records

I don't know probably like some faggot who likes music because it makes him look cultured rather than actually liking the music
>some faggot who likes music because it makes him look cultured rather than actually liking the music
That would probably be the guy who has a singular favorite album to grandstand on.
Why are you mad?
black sweatshirts or button ups with a white tee
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This is amazing, thank you.
3/9 - Aenima is top tier
Who is the guy on the right?
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Music taste absolutely influences fashion sense to some degree.
I wear mostly baggy preppy clothes
I can even recite all the spoken word tracks from memory
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Either absolutely nothing or that you're easily manipulable by peer pressure and propaganda.
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Oh and I think there's unironically something wrong with me because I relate completely to Electra Heart as well as The Family Jewels. I hate feeling like this. My therapist won't give me a straight answer but I suspect Im a bunch of cluster b messes.
I hate common people and I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!
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I don't know. I listen Bach's music every time, something modal Jazz, but in the last time i obsessed with this album.

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