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Why are zoomers so effay?
Thats literally a millenial
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Zoomers mog millennials so badly
Nah, zoomers look 30 in their teens and haggard grannies in their late 20s. Zoomer girls literally only look good until they hit 20 years old. They look completely walled after that
Lookin zesty my nigga. Why you living like a wine aunt anyway?
What's the idea behind this tiktok? This looks depressing but I don't think that's the intent.
This is sad
Unfortunately most zoomers already have worse hairlines than the majority of millennials and even gen x. It's absolutely fucked up. I wonder what the science is on this.
>subtitles on his media
You just know homeboy is scared of his apartment neighbors.
>obese 18 yo with good fat distribution that looks late 20s
o ya wow
This is genuinely so terrible it's giving me horrors. I can't even process it. It's like the experience of being human itself has been distilled into an exhibitionist meme with all the sensibility and substance stripped out.
Social media would do that to you, yeah. Every living generation has experienced it to some degree but zoomers have it the worst. Or maybe it's just normal now and I'm just an old man yelling at a cloud.
Holy shit what a depressing existence. He should just buy a shotgun and retire himself early.
Meh. Plenty of woman can look this good with the amount of makeup she has on, good makeup skills, and filler.

Not saying she doesn’t look good because she’s obviously hot. That look is 100% because of unnatural additions though.
i think the concept is "a date night by yourself is healthy"
but jeans, tucked in button up, and a tight tucked in sweater is pretty much the opposite of something you'd wear to be comfy in your own fucking house
also being a wine snob while eating frozen pizza is grim
also hitting the penjamin like that is ultra depressing
also a purple sweater? really nigga? yeah that goes great with chocolate leather jacket and light wash jeans. jesus christ he has absolutely no concept of dressing himself.
>a date night by yourself is healthy
sounds utterly psychopathic
Its just a gay way of framing something people have always done which is chill out
this guy is a serial rapist
im convinced of it.
When I was single I used to dine while watching a movie by myself a lot. I never thought there was anything wrong with that.
Did you skull a bottle of wine like an absolute faggot while treating a microwave pizza like it was anything other than embarrassing while wearing a 4/10 business casual outfit and then post your massive cringe online for everyone to see?
What does zesty mean ?
Yes, everyone eats good food and enjoy their favorite media when they relax. Zoomers just, again, are trying to frame mundane things as some newage crap. And they also do it in a such creepy way, like, everything suppose to be a some sort of a therapy for a mental disorder. Can't they just be normal?
Damn is this what aging does to you? I allways wondered why boomer have this weird aggressive vibes. Now millennials getting old and bald and they are also aggressive and bitter as fuck
Calm down old man lmao
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Doing this in private would be just regular gay. The fact that he posted it online is what elevates this to cringe but you probably think the world needs to hear your every unoriginal thought and they need to see a picture of your every meal or you may as well not exist.
I think that you immediately think about gay sex when someone posts a video about chilling out is pretty gay itself bro.
You seem very angry about nothing.
Well you seem to think your thoughts are also important since you are talking about a teenagers evening routine lmao
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Hey man enjoy your Red Baron tonite, make sure to post the fit you eat it in.
>no you
Perfect comeback bro
My point stands milennials are as angry and unbearable as boomers
Being old really must suck
If laughing at faggots like you who think this is a good looks is being an angry millennial so be it, it's leaps and bounds better than the faggotry you're on.
You retards know you'll be old soon too, right?
There you go again only talking about „faggots“ really give off vibes like you were molested as a kid. Shouldn’t you be married with a wife and kids instead of screaming at teenagers like a lunatic? Is that why millennials are so angry because of their shortcomings and closeted gay thoughts ?
Lmao but not now old man go polish your bald cueball
Posting a reply on a discussion forum is not the same as food pic posting or facefagging your pathetic night in you disingenuous retard.
Calm down bro why are you so angry lmao you are just the same as him except you don’t have any hairs left and are full of wrinkles.
Dude touch some grass sometimes can you only talk in weird social media buzzwords
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Holy hell you're really trying huh?
A for effort but you can do better.
Trying for what ?
All I said is that millennials are as bitter and angry as boomers and your posts proved me right
Xer here. That looks gay af.
Gaylennials backed tf off
If you tell me you're chilling out watching movies in the evening, that's normal. If you tell me you dress up and light candles, I'll think there's something wrong with you.
Tbh this nigga is setting himself up to be a collected, confident, refined man of taste. I'll wager in 20 years we'll all be licking his boots at the office.
>when he hits the weed pen

Millenial sisters, hold me or i'm gonna have a bitch fit on his ass.
Lmao I just hope I won’t get so fucking bitter when I’m an old wrinkly bald ass grandpa
What crude nonsense: Israel, fraction of power. You can throw around buzz words all you like but it won’t bring back your hair or change these wrinkles lmao
>also hitting the penjamin
the wot
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Why would you plan this out
Why would you record this
Why would you post this
>gardens uphill
>toilet trader
Kek. Im surprised’a little funny’ wasnt in there but maybe its too vague
Literal pound of make up caked on her face
Zoomers ITT are defending it and calling people mad for thinking it's cringe lol
You still bald though
Why do you want this to be true so badly?
Don't you have a streamer you should be donating to rn? Fr fr
Still won’t change your cueball lmao
Why do millenials make zoomers seeth so hard?
They are jealous of their beautiful flowing hair
Oh wait
Idk but the one ITT is an unhinged broken record. Zoomers are the ones with the most severe endocrine disruption due to all-time high exposure levels since birth.
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Bro is this you too >>18266404
Did some millennial boomer fuck your gf or something you seem upset kek
They are also significantly statistically more likely to identify as LGBT than previous generations.
Thats just women pretending to be bi cause it's trendy. Men declaring themselves as gay has barely risen.
Still won’t get your hair back bro lmao
holy fuck this guy sucks
Seeing shit like this makes me nostalgic for when Gen X was culturally relevant. Sure the Fred Durst clones dressed like shit but at least they weren't faggots
blud be foaming
He just noticed the parade of millennial men rolling through his mom's bedroom had a trend of thinning hair, give the kid a break.
Still bald though lmao
It's absolutely pathetic that this is what you kids consider "trolling"
Going bald isn’t trolling grandpa lmao
>chocolate leather jacket
yeah I have one of those - for a motorbike.
this is just sad to witness
Still bald bro
Most embarrassing thread on 4chan
Bet this zoomie faggot won't post his hairline
Lmao baldies seething
>hitting the penjamin
thank you
It's all the plastic surgery they have in their 20s. They end up looking like a desperate 50 year old wife trying to get laid by her husband again, because that's been the only other people getting this much plastic surgery until now
You said this same thing about millinials when they were in their teens you dumb pedo
it's a joke you retard
its poor posture from being screen/phone time being hunched over all day. every inch that your head leans forward is an extra 10 lbs of force exerted on your shoulder, neck, and scalp muscles. this constant exertion constrains bloodflow and increases the buildup of DHT which minimizes hair follicles. go look out in nature, the only bald men you see with good posture are fit because they got fit after going bald and having a personal improvement crisis
Can anyone explain to me why the fuck somebody would post this in the first place?

Who is it for? Like wtf... you live in a shitty cookie-cutter apartment, or possibly basement suite. Wearing your faggy purple sweater, dress shirt underneath while vaping weed with your stupid little candles. Best friend is a cat. Then you make the nastiest looking $3 frozen pizza.

Is the "aesthetic" in the room with us, desertjack95?
more mikkelson handsomely doing pleb things in a aristocratic fashion
Imagine being triggered by a 10s video
Truly the softest generation
No, he’s not. He’s setting himself up to think consumption of expensive items equals taste.
I'm triggered by social media on the whole, especially 10 second TikToks.
My question was meant in a broader sense. Why do we post this kind of stuff?

I was born in 1990, so I guess I'm one of those elder millennials. Hopped on Facebook way back when it first came out, but I was over it by like 2012... I haven't posted on social media in roughly 12 years. I just don't understand it.
Yeah this doesn't read as mad or defensive at all
Is this what being raised on an ipad does to you? You just short circuit and can't come up with a second insult?
Re-reading those posts would make me sewer slide in embarrassment
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Yea but your style bald lmao
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>he's still running the "joke" into the ground literally days later
Baldbros, no....not like this...
What joke ? Your a bald 30 something seething about teenagers online. Shouldn’t you be married and have a house by now ? Where are your kids ? Did your parents look into your baby eyes and thought to themselves that they have conceived a future bald skinny fat looser who will end their bloodline?
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>implying posting here has any bearing on any of the things you posted
You have a warped sense of reality zoomer, maybe you should get offline and go hang out with your friends or something. Maybe meet a nice girl and dump a couple loads into her in the backseat of your car. Get out of your parents house, have a couple white children. Posting here seems to have mindbroken you.

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