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/fa/ - Fashion

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Are you the only person who takes /fa/ seriously in your area?
i live in a big european city so no
Why do thirdies like that show so much?
Combine their two favorite things, violence and gaudy displays of wealth/power.
>literally shorter than every other guy
this but also third-worlders have secret fetish on european history and culture. they are like weaboos but with europe instead of japan.
That guy looks and walks like an actual peaky blinder gangster from older times
Someone thats feared and respected
>like weaboos but with europe instead of japan
This seems well observed, can we set a term for this, I was thinking yuropoos?
This is how dressing /tip/ looks to most people
Thomas Shelby sigma
imagine the smell. thick wool clothes in 35°C 100% humidity Brazilian climate
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Fucking this, dunno what OP, the Igor, intended with that post. To be cool around browns? Lmao.
Those are cheap polyester shit from aliexpress.
This is the cringiest thing you can do
if you live in a thirdie just try to blend in
>that n with a crown
And you're the weird one that's out of place lel
Wearing a hat and gloves indoors is cringe
Slavs are thirdies
Anglophiles have been a thing for centuries you retarded Brazilian.
I never knew how popular it was in places like the Philippines, Brazil, and even Turkey. I worked in Turkey as a teacher and so many teenage boys and early 20s young men loved peaky blinders. When they found out i used to be a tailor some begged me to make them a coat similar to thomas shelby. At least a cheaper alternative
I am a tard, but do you know what weaboo means?
anyone who hates on this guy is a retard
Here in America everyone dresses like shit, when someone actually has stylish clothes that fit them, it's instantly noticeable. I have noticed it when other people wear it, and so have I, gotten a lot of compliments and stares.
>everyone is in awe!!
this is just was I was thinking about
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What level of autism is required to dress like this and walk around a mall?>>18267008
Looking like an idiot is noticeable too.
yes i am. i dress anachronistically like that guy too. it gets rubbernecks and a lot of compliments. people think its a costume or just something i do once in a while but i live that life. boomers love it and give you automatic respect and firm handshakes. women love it. millenial and zoomer men have a computational reboot at the sight of you. i feel like i have a commanding presence everywhere i go.
Yes and women notice
dressing like a bit of a clown got me more pussy than anything tasteful
oh i don't dress like a clown at all my fits are all in the $2000-6000 range and i have a very good old asian grandpa tailor. i hear "looking sharp" like 20 times a day.
Fashion, yes. /fa/, no. I believe most posts are just troll attempts.
Yes.,,, I hate being the only fashion advice guy in my area
it's not better in Europe. everyone wears skinny fit plastic shit from HM, Primark, Zara etc
very true.
fast fashion slop literally originated in europe. zara started the whole industry.
They think you’re gay.
Older woman would always check me out when j wore a suit or had my cowboy boots on. I even got a few numbers (they gave it to me i never asked). I had sed with 3 in total. I’m a manlet too
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>yes i am. i dress anachronistically like that guy too. it gets rubbernecks and a lot of compliments. people think its a costume or just something i do once in a while but i live that life. boomers love it and give you automatic respect and firm handshakes. women love it. millenial and zoomer men have a computational reboot at the sight of you. i feel like i have a commanding presence everywhere i go.
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more or less, as far as i can tell

its almost a nice look, but the blacks too severe, too self serious.
for my money, boardwalk empire is the better show stylewise. a bit of colors nothin for a man to shy away from.
i can attest to this. went thriftin in picrel today, got a lot of smiles.

yup, women love a guy with subtle silly streak.

lucky you. heres hopin these threads can score me a finely-aged sugar mama (or sugar daddy, i ain't picky)

no downside to that, specially if you are indeed gay. easier to get on their good side, they don't clam up when you compliment their outfit neither. even if you're straight, it makes conversating with them a good deal more smooth, and when you lay it on them you're interested, they'll know they hit the jackpot findin a guy with a good sense for the aesthetic and delicate who isn't gay. too few of those around, so the scarcity really ups your market value.

i appreciate your reverence for decorum, but its a mall, so they can skate by on that afaic
just take em off when you enter any other kind of establishment.
And fly away
Doug you need to take better care of your teeth. Nasty
dressing nice in third world country is like polishing shit
britfag here
Walk around like that here and you better be able to fight very very well, because you will be doing that all day and night.
Because you feel challenged, or do you think he gotta get his ass whooped for cosplaying like this?
Who is that faggot?
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Because people like pic related are envious of that kind of drip
Dude, in my area we have freaks who dress up like it's the hunger games and they're fucking Cruella DeVille or something. I'm below average when it comes to /fa/ in my area.
I’m in the small town Deep South, yes. Having a collar makes me different from 90% of men, and I’m generally only out dressed by impossibly ancient men on Sundays.
Imagine if people irl form peaky blinder gangs again
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>that's a pic of a guy wearing modernized fits made out of polyester. not even remotely close.
Fucking badass, this guy is unironically so cool.
Respect dudes that do this, they have infinitely more confidence than anyone shit talking.
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>plastic buttons
>polyester shirt
>paper thin polyester jacket
>zesty colors
>wearing jacket indoors
>anachronistic has to mean suit
you're not even trying.
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this would be a lot closer to how i dress.
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promise you women like how i dress more than how you do
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i dress pretty close to this guy except i'm more into shoes and he mostly wears engies. same time period, level of casuality and brands we're into. and i'm in better shape than him but i'm not trying to shit on the guy i'm posting pics of he's been rapidly losing fat and getting in shape lately.
i do more like 1920's 1930's haircuts. i have the non 2010 lgbt version of the hitler youth cut right now. i don't have to beat around the bush with my barber i can just show him a photo of a nazi ss guy and he'll hook me up.
basically just picture a athletic nordic dude with a hitler youth haircut in these type of fits.

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