/fa/ help me. I've had these boots (austrian paramemes) for several years but mine appear more bulky than some people online (green silhouette) even if I tie them as tight as possible. what are they doing different?
They don’t have cripple flat feet
>>18266316Are you a manlet? It may be just an issue of proportions.
>>18266342I'm average. 5ft 11, 9/42EU feet
>>18266322I am the green silhouette, the picture is someone from here I had saved since 2019
>>18266389dude in the photo is probably size 11 - longer feetsize 9 will look stubbier obviously
>>18266316I owned two pairs of paramemes in two sizes. Apparently, between some sizes the shaft is exactly the same but the vamp is different, acvording to size. That's why some look more proportionally elongated on the foot.Go up a size and wear inserts.
>>18266398interesting. too bad I actually sized down 43 to 42 and I still have to wear insoles and thick socks. but I'm ok the length being longer if it means achieving this look. Also there are no paramemes left so I'd have to buy then be from steinadler
>>18266410Coincidentally those were the sizes I had. Boots were virtually the same everywhere except the forefoot.
>>18266418fuck me
guys I think I solved it. There are two types of paramemes , those with a thicker sole have a bulkier look. Those with thin sole like OP pic have a flatter look at the midfoot.
>>18266562seems like the thicker sole slims down at midfoot making the leather taller, while this >>18266316 is straight all the way. Sadly I like the slimmer silhouette better but what are you gonna do
>>18266562>slimmer soleThat's just a very worn sole, you can see the remains of the lugs. Can happen with surpluss.>>18266567If you can find a proper cobbler, easier said than done these days, you can ask them to resole your boots with something less thick. Like a vibram v-bar or something like that.
The bulkier ones look better.