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are there any somewhat /fa/ hats to wear in the autumn? when it's very cold i wear an ushanka which is pretty cool, but right now it's not quite as cold, but my ears still do get a bit chilly, so i would like something which warms the ears, but i dont like beanies. right now my only idea is something like picrel. or are hats just not a very fashionable thing to wear in the first place? please post suggestions.
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filson's insulated tin cloth logger cap is pretty end game for that niche. regret giving mine away.
Ignatius himself was dressed comfortably and sensibly. The hunting cap prevented head colds. The voluminous tweed trousers were durable and permitted unusually free locomotion. Their pleats and nooks contained pockets of warm, stale air that soothed Ignatius.
I have a hat a bit like these. It sounded like a good idea at the time but I look like a turbo-dork wearing it. Stick to beanies unless you're a 9 foot tall gigachad who looks good in anything

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