is this /fa/ or cringe?
>>18313894>me see current thing>me post about current thing
please stop posting twitter/X cringe here, there places for that, such as plebbit.also, kys.
>>18313894Twitterfag's comment>trying way too hard>inaccurate, reaches on overly specific reference>not funny>is gay>many such cases>like op>op is gay
>>18313894>white boi killed in the 10 minutes of moviekek
>>18313894What does that twitter menswear expert, that Asian guy who never posts a pic of himself, think about this?
>>18313894The fuck is wearing? Literally tasteless.
>>18313894I can't stand this guy, but I honestly quite like this suit. The colour and style is kinda nice for me.
I find it kinda sad how double-breasted suits have become a complete joke, only worn by tasteless clowns>>18313894Here's something funny: if you cover his head he basically looks like a fat woman in this outfit.
>>18314262>What does that twitter menswear expert, that Asian guy who never posts a pic of himself, think about this?i think Trump victory broke that guy and he doesn't like suits anymore, saying they are racist and boring, he now likes ethnic fashion slop
>>18314839it does look like could be Hillary Clinton (aka Hilldawg)
>>18314839>double-breasted suits have become a complete joke, only worn by tasteless clownsI wore one for my wedding :3
>>18314997t.asteless clown
>>18314839>double-breasted suits have become a complete joke
>be famous celebrity who gets a lot of attention>your job is to get attention>wear outfit that gets attentionwow that's crazy dude
>>18314262He though the suit needs to hang lower. He said a lot of middle aged men trying to look young or trendy end up doing the opposite by wearing styles that were fashionanlble when they were young
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