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when will being clean-shaven trendy again?
It is coming back, but jawlets and chinlets need that shit just to live, so they'll never convert.
Hopefully never. Only prepubescent boys and women should stay beardless.
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Let me do the Math on that real quick... in 3 years.
What sort of jeans are in op image?
hopefully never
Take the stubble pill./
when ww3 hits
its been back for years? I've never seen a tiktok boy with facial hair
I thought it already did, long ago. Beards were so 2017
I'm not able to grow facial hair
I wish I could go clean-shaven, but my face is just way too sensitive. I'm prone to swelling and severe redness. It balloons up for like 48 hours, and can't retain any moisture. Dry, red, swollen is not a good look for anybody.

I'm like 18% body fat, and my face legit looks chubby whenever I shave. I usually use a really low guard and strategically trim before bed, so I have overnight to heal.
This. Psychologically taking a knife to cut off the main visible identifier of adult masculinity requires a society that is intensely interested in young boys or a complete aversion of men. So whenever the culture has that then clean shaven will be the thing.
If you need a beard to look masculine you already lost
Correct, mustache is allowed but no beard
Don't care. I never stopped clean shaving and whamen hit on me regardless. As long as you have a decent face, it doesn't matter if you're soibearded or clean shaved.
Most people here are shitskins with beards
If you dont have a beard in their third world country, you are labelled as gay. Even though a lot of bearded guys are gay bottoms.
It has been trending alongside pornstache for a few years now. You're either a millenial or from a 3rd world shithole.
Beards are gross
>when will being clean-shaven trendy again?
When all men have a good facial structure to pull it off
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Get Aveeno Therapeutic Shaving Gel. And use pic related as an after shave treatments instead of meme aftershaves and shaving colognes.
I wish I could do good stubble but my face it patchy and there's nothing I can do about it
Inconvenient truth but most of you don't take care of your skin well enough to pull of clean shaven anyway
Except our current so-called society – in which every man has a beard – is a matriarchy where the amount of sodomy being committed per day is unparalleled in history.
I have a fairly angular face with a sharp jawline, but I feel like anytime I do a clean shave my face (especially the cheek era around my lips? looks a tad fatter and bloated. With a light beard or stubble however my face looks pretty lean and sharp.
is this placebo? Or does beard hair essentially "hide" the facial fat?
I shave once a week so I'm clean-shaven for a couple days and then have a stubble for the rest of the week. I don't like how facial hair feels on my face after it grows beyond a point but people compliment my stubble so I compromise. Plus I end up saving on shaving stuff because I do it less often.
Head proportions are weird, his face is too upper half heavy
A beard could fix the proportions, but then it will hide the jawline
His elbows are, also, far, far too pointy.
Shaving sucks I'd rather spend that time shitposting
Any tips on how to combat redness and spots on the neck after shaving? I've tried using sensitive shaving gel, a shaving brush, some fancy shaving cream, and a DE razor but to no avail. Shaving WTG doesn't give the closeness I want, and it looks odd when the rest of my face is clean shaven and there's slight stubble on the neck.
I get a good result going a second time with the grain and with lather again.
Zoomers don't produce enough testosterone to grow a beard.
Post pics of your girlfriend's hairy legs plz.
it has been for like 5 years now...
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It's always been trendy, provided you're actually handsome.

Mids and uggo copers will always seethe though, see:
As long as we live in a world where one might need to don a gas mask, clean-shaven will always be in. That said, facial hair is a god given blessing for those with weak chins or dwarfmaxxing
probably never because it only ever worked in the first place when men had testosterone and masculine face shapes.
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stupid question but is the gray shadow after shaving removable?
post chin faggot
No style of facial hair looks as good as clean shaven feels.
It's just the hair that's too deep in the skin to cut, so you would have to pull the hairs out via waxing/plucking which isn't usually a good idea on fully-developed male beard. Guys for whom being clean shaven is crucial to their image will eventually go for laser (e.g. probably a lot of actors and politicians)
you can use concealer for the few short hours before the hair shafts erupt through the skin, but no, you're stuck looking like that for as long as you have healthy follicles.
white male question lmao
Trve whites don't usually have that much visible shadow. The guy in the pic is too Mediterranean mixed.
clean shaven is beautiful
define "hit on me"
thats good tho
actually black people also have hyperpigmentation on beard area
also the gray shadow is less apparent with lighter color beards like blonde or ginger
i wish i had that. looks cool as fuck. but my hair's too light.
it literally is right now, are you living under a rock?
why would you, it looks kino af, especially when you get older
this guy looks unattractive unfashionable and only known by people that should kill themselves
LOL yeah they had an "aversion to men" in the 50s. Unlike the manly 2010s. I look at pictures of the 50s, I can't even tell if I'm looking at men or women. I look at a picture of reddit meetup and I say, "Now those are some visual identifiers of adult masculinity."
It was a feminizing effort to make me softer instead of those austere bearded victorian men. 1950s was a celebration of young boys and women and culturally men were supposed to strive for being youthful boys and soft. And destroy the masculinity.

Today men have a desire to be more manly and revive masculinity so beards becomes fashionable.
>1950s was a celebration of young boys and women and culturally men were supposed to strive for being youthful boys and soft. And destroy the masculinity.

Dudes in the 40s were clean shaven because the majority of American men had just fought WW2 or were starting to fight in Korea, the military was a huge influence in style at the time. The military has always been a large influence on Western fashion,look at the proliferation of chinos post WW2,denim becoming more mainstream, etc.
Do you genuinely believe that a clean shaven man in the 50s who survived WW2 or the Korean war is less masculine that some bearded workwear larping redditor?
Hell ignore the military influence, back then even factory jobs had higher grooming standards. You couldn't show up to work unshaven like a hobo, you'd get fired.

Clean shaven is professional and competent which are a key fascet of masculinity.
To be clear I'm talking about beards, a well maintained moustache was fine at that time.
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>1950s was a celebration of young boys

That's right anon! Look at this soft ass patsy!
I can't believe how they tricked so many people in following the style of weak, soft men
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They did this to trick you into abandoning your masculinity and looking like a 12 year old prepubescent boy like this loser
Thank god there was a change in the 1960s and raw masculine power was celebrated again. Look at how much manlier he looks compared to the others
Maybe all the wars did it and they found it appealing to regress into little boys.
>Sees a picture of one of the greatest actors ever and a literal war hero
>Starts thinking of underage male children

What did anon mean by this?
Little boy with soft sweet cheeks
>modern men: untouched beard and shaved body hair
>50s men: shaved beard and untouched body hair

which is more masculine?
Without first having a masculine chin and jaw, A beard will look bad
So many replies and no one answered properly
You first shave along the grain and then against the grain( down->up) this removes most of those fuckers
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That's because he was fat
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>Correct, mustache is allowed but no beard
I'm not spending that much time shaving. Simple as.
Only true of short beards. Stubble is the most attractive beard style because it shows that you have both a chin and the ability to grow a beard.

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