I wish I could be this cool
just go thru your grandpa's closet and you can look just like tha drain ceo OP
are they trying to puke?
>>18317959almost nobody is as cool as bladee don't worry. it takes natural talent and years of experimentation to get to this point
>>18317959is that bladee?fucking zoomers i swear
>>18319375bladee is a millenial, he's 30 years old.
>>18319402>1994nah, thats a zoomer bro
>>18319569Millennial ends in 1996. Sorry zoomies but bladee is ours.
>>18319887it's not a hard line. generational cohorts are only useful insofar as thery describe overall culture and arguably haven't been useful at all except to describe the generational gap between the baby boomers and their parents.bladee might be 30 but he doesn't act 30 and no one his age knows who he is.