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It’s officially been almost 10 years since this phenomenon.
What colors do you still see it as?
Golden and blue.
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White + gold
I personally can only see it as blue and black under exposed yellow light but I can understand why others perceive it as white and gold.

For anyone who can only see it as white and gold, do they at least see it as white with light blueish shading? Or do they literally only see it as titanium white? Whether it’s white and gold or black and blue, everyone can see the dress itself is “darker” than the background, right?
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Like if you put the image in photoshop and use an eye dropper tool, the hex is objectively a light blue/periwinkle. Do people who see the dress as white see it as a white dress in blue overcast..?
There is an actual black and white dress behind on the left side. Do people who see white and gold think these colors are same shade? Can they not see the contrast?
It's black and blue, the light is very warm and the contrast of the original photo is crappy.
The optical illusion is the "bluish shadow" which weirdly makes more sense naturally that's why people tend to think it's gold and white under a shade
the illusion is about whether your brain is automatically white balancing for warm or cool light.
Charcoal and blue.
I've always saw it as black and blue.
The background and the lighting/shading gives you clues that it isn't white and gold.
White and Gold because I'm an Angel of Light.

If you're a subhuman of darkness you'll say black and blue.

It was a test all along.

Simple as.
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Only been ten years, has it...
I see it as blue and black, I saw it as gold and white ONCE I blinked and it turned into blue, never saw it that way again since
I saw white and gold the first time then never again
Same wtf. I wonder why
You can't convince me this isn't a proxy for an IQ test. The dress is literally blue and black. There is no possible way to get a white and gold dress to look like that unless you were A) shining a giant deep blue light at it from behind the camera and B) the "gold" parts of the dress were somehow not reflective of blue light at all... so basically it is 100% physically impossible for it to be white and gold. It just makes no sense.

Question to everyone who sees white and gold: do you seriously think shadows are deep blue? Shadows are black. Shadows are only blue in cartoons...

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