"Zurück zu den Wurzeln"Discuss traditional European clothing, from Bavarian Tracht to Austrian Loden and more.>What is Tracht?Traditional clothing from German-speaking regions, including:>Lederhosen & Dirndls – Bavarian staples>Loden coats & Janker – Austrian wool classics>Haferlschuhe – Side-laced leather shoes>Embroidered waistcoats and shirtsMore than just Oktoberfest attire, Tracht reflects heritage and craftsmanship.>Where to Buy?High-Quality: Meindl, Lodenfrey, Hammerschmid, GraseggerBudget: eBay Kleinanzeigen, Trachten-outlets, vintage shops
Traditional Russian clothing >>>>>>> everyone else's garb
>>183721101. overseas cringe larper2. even the locals choose their Dirndl/Tracht like a costume nowadays. Even those that buy from trad manufacturers engage with the topic like a gimmick / like a costume. It's joeover
I want to buy a cute dirndl for my gf, the sexier and more costumey the better. Seems impossible to get one outside of Europe so I suppose we’ll have to visit Germany. H&M was selling cute ones for cheap ($50 USD) in 2019 last time I visited. I regret not getting that for her, now all the resells are $1000 from that collection. I hope H&M re-release that collection again. Ain’t no way I’m getting a real dirndl, they’re not sexy enough
we have a cosplay board for a reason go there
>>18372227I never get tired of this Estonia Erasure.
>>18373345The what now?
I once saw a bavarian business owner wear tracht on a meeting. I think they're one of few people in germany or maybe europe with enough confidence in their tracht to do that kind of thing.
>>18373371Even they only do so as a gimmick. They don't do so organically
>>18372110>"Zurück zu den Wurzeln"Google translate accidentally gave you the name of some faggy festival, haha.Let me guess: you're American, but you're 1/8 Italian, 1/4 Lithuanian, 1/8 Polish, and 1/2 German (your great-great-great grandparents immigrated in the mid 1800s) and you get your dark hair and dark eyes from "a Cherokee princess".
>>18373430>>18372265>>18373329>>18373412Damn this thread really seemed to trigger some people! I wonder what their religion is?
>>18372110protip: this board has ten (10) regular users, most of whom post in either the frag or tip containment threads, you are the only person interested in this shit and will always be the only one
>>18372110I was in Germany for 4 years with the U.S army and we all got lederhosen. I only wore it for Oktoberfest some times but it's a nice souvenir. We're basically just Weebs for Germany but all the locals were nice and loved it
>>18373893>>18372110This would do better on the travel board
>>18372110I like your thread op. You should explain some pieces that would work in regular fits, looking like you're going to oktoberfest is good only during oktoberfest.
white ppl so corny
>>18373430>Let me guess: you're American, but you're 1/8 Italian, 1/4 Lithuanian, 1/8 Polish, and 1/2 German (your great-great-great grandparents immigrated in the mid 1800s) and you get your dark hair and dark eyes from "a Cherokee princess".this is every burger
>>18373890No one was triggered but keep living in whatever fantasy land you live in ig
>>18374385Europeans can have dark hair and dark eyes. Have you ever met a European person?
>>18374395Oh yeah fellow (((european)))
>>18374404I’ll take that as a no
Eurocucks can't buy this
>>18374404>Muh southern europeans are not whiteThe only jew here is you.
>>18372110Tracht is not traditional clothing. It's a costume alluding to traditional styles (sometimes rather imagined traditional styles) and it was invented for that purpose.
>>18373890ThisIn Scotland we (just) managed to hold on to our tradition before it was completely circumcised
>>18373890It did. I'm a roman catholic bavarian.
>>18374660cringe /pol/ fascists trying to astroturf again
>>18374673This.Most of what's preserved as "trad/folk costumes" in Europe was fossilized in the late 1800s. It's particularly obvious in women's costumes because they changed a lot faster so you can almost pinpoint the decade when this happened.
>>18375938This is the case with folk costume on the continent but in England you can still wear rural costume and not look out of place despite England being one of the only countries in Europe to not have a codified folk costume. Probably because rural/folk clothing in England has incorporated more modern stuff (wax jackets and wellies). Look up sloane ranger/style anglaise and you'll see what I mean. This style is treated as a sort of folk costume by the British public yet people still wear it in everyday life.This is true of the rest of the British isles where the style is broadly the same. Welsh tracht is only really worn for national celebrations and most of the time rural people in Scotland and Wales dress the same as the English.
>>18372227you fucking languagelet that's finnish or estonian. if it was russian it would be a. in cyrillic, b. the names wouldn't be Järva-Jaani that's obviously Finnish to a fucking blind-deaf-mute man, c. russian clothing looks different but all traditional clothing looks kinda similar and even at this point it's essentially all Hanseatic German - Swedish and some English influences.The only thing which appears traditionally Russian in Russian traditional clothing are the patterns--which are Uralic in origin, too and shared among most Slavic cultures for that very reason. Traditional clothing in Europe is a shirt, coat and pants. Everything else is merely style.
>>18372227these are all estonian wdym?
>>18376462The names are converted from Cyrillic so burgers could read them, dumbass.
>>18376600none of those places are located in russia...
i got this Tiroler loden wool coat from Schneider, from the 80s in the vintage. i live rurally so i wear it on hikes and shit. i own several other more modern long coats and they're all much lighter and less sturdy than this.