>this is what millennial internet fashion victims shit their pants aboutalso what's the tl;dr with him now?
I remember back in those days, every hispanic was trying to larp as a "chill" long hair japanese yohji high fashion guy lol
>>18373385Id on shoes?
>>18373964this is what google is saying
That C.E sweatshirt is somewhat recent, maybe 2018 or 2019 going from memory. You should've chosen an older photo.
>>18373385That looks like shit. That's what millennial hobos and drug addicts looked like.
>>18373964>>18373990looks like some version of the nike reacts, I still got a pair of the original reacts when they came out almost 10 years ago, they are so comfy but didnt get any hype
>>18373385wasn't this guy some native dude who raped his girlfriend and was run out of every fashion community that used to suck him off?
>>18375454thought this was just some discord drama started by jdotkdot and ex?
>>18375501discord wasnt a thing back thenraping though
>>18375501idr who was involved but im pretty sure his fellow employees at /designer fashion store/ were posting about him being a rapist too
Who is this and why should I care?
>>18374054That's the entire balenciaga catalogue tho
>>18375852Which is hilarious lol. They're making billions from fooling zoomers into dressing like millennial and Gen X degenerates and losers from the 2000's.
>>18375665He worked at Haven IIRC. If you look at his instagram page he shaved his head and fell off hard just dressing in a boring way now.
>>18373390Seriously. I do NOT miss that shit. I always hated the high water pants look, too.