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>tfw alcoholic
How do I make gains
Stopping being an alcoholic might help
The first gains you’re gonna make are happiness gains, and that’s by quitting alcohol slowly. Don’t go cold Turkey. But you’ll need to build discipline to quit. Once you do quit (you will) you’ll have the discipline you had to go to the gym and work. Get to it.
Drink only clear spirits
>dude just quit alcohol
Impossible. I’ve tried every method and I always come back to it. At this point, I just need advice from alcoholics who are in good shape
Whats your drink of choice and how much do you drink daily?
Around 8 shots of vodka a night
How is alcoholism even real? Just put the bottle down lmao
Kind of an oxymoron but, I'm basically you and I'm in decent shape considering. You have to cut way back and I'm talking 1 tall boy a day or you'll basically just slowly burn out at the gym and never progress. Even with that you're gonna be behind and never feel good working out.
My routine is a basic ppl and I do it 4 days of the week and the other 2 days I do cardio.
I drink one natural ice 25oz can as fast as possible at night and try my hardest not to ride to the store and get another. You're sleep is gonna suck, you're going to feel like garbage, but hey, gotta have that buzz. I'm being completely sincere, it's hell on earth and you know this already. I look okay at best and that's all I'll ever be because I can't stop either.
Try cbd gummies, they work for a little while but then they just become a part of the addiction and you're getting drunk and high every night.
Good luck anon, I know you'll never make it, and neither will I, but we'll anyways have our best friend and worst enemy.
Sounds like an excuse not to quit. It’s your choice.
Was an extreme binge drinker on the weekend for the past couple years, but still managed to keep a better than average build. I think it really depends on your starting point. I was in great shape before the heavy drinking and even though I trained hard during the week, rarely moved the needle one way or the other. In other words, you will basically, at best be doing the same workout every time because you are denying your body what it needs to grow.
I agree with the anon you'll have to try your hardest not to go to the store to get more. That is genuinely the hardest part, because if you're like me, if there's a drink I will be tempted and some nights not be able to resist. I think I'm generally in good shape, I bench 250 and OHP 175 for reps but I could definitely be leaner and the booze doesn't help.
The genuine advice if you really don't care about your health and well being long term is just to pin test. Don't take any orals and fry your liver in conjunction with the booze but if you're just pinning test you'll be ok for gains, but again I can't speak for your long term health
Replace your daily habit of drinking with a daily habit of prayer, many positive changes will result from making this wise decision.
Your problem is that you aren't drinking enough
A lot of people stay behind that threshold and stay miserable alcoholics in poor health, but the secret is that if they drink enough to surpass that barrier, the health benefits and stimulations of alcohol finally kick in. Your liver basically gets so flooded with it that it realises it's better to use it than try flush it out since there's constantly so much of it.
Absolute retarded. To infinity.
Sounds like someone hasn't surpassed the threshold.
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I struggled with my relationship with alcohol and still made gains last year but it was through sheer force of will. I found success by using seltzers, ciders or beer to carbo load before runs early in the morning on my days off.
Try to prioritize high reps as much as possible. If your drinking liquor, use it as an intra workout supplement. I also recommend calisthenics and high reps to minimize the risk of injury. I even blacked out during a training session at home that involved 8 vodka mules. If you want gains you will make them BUT you have to be the driving force.
Just stick to 3-5 drinks during the weekdays. Drink as much as you want on the weekends. Problem solved. Also try and wait until at least noon to start drinking.
It sounds like OP is not the kind of person that enjoys 3 drinks. It sounds like 3 drinks, to him, are like edging and blacking out is like gooning.
this moderation is key desu
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>Just skip that early morning rum
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>drink half a fifth of fireball
>go to gym
>break PRs in both squats and bench
What sorcery is this
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The liquor released your Jungian shadow.
>drink half a fifth
So one tenth?
>50mg zoloft
>50mg naltrexone
That's it
sounds like you enjoy waking up sweaty, bloated, and feeling like complete shit at 1pm then. how the fuck is that not motivation enough you fat fuck?
Anon I’m in the process of beating this vicious cycle I’ll advise you to reward yourself with your daily buzz after your workout, not before on an empty stomach, I eat couple hours after the initial buzz wears off . Which makes me aware how much of an shit high alcohol is after I ate couple of eggs or ate a steakmeal. But the matter of fact is my body will want me to drink tomorrow again, so I try now to cut down every day little by little while also eating better and getting proper exercise and rest. You’ll notice how you feel better after eating well, I write this with a full belly yet with 1.5 beers in my system.. if you focus and really want it you can do it
Vasodilation, more blood for muscle = more oxygen for muscle = more strength. Viagra and cialis works better.
Passable ottermode alcoholic here. I typically drink 6-8 drinks a night, although it fluctuates with some days of no drinking and other days I drink 12 drinks (throughout the day).

I focus on volume work, because heavy compounds are just way too miserable when you're hungover. I do a lot of cardio to compensate for the calories in beer, plus the sweating helps you to refresh. Even better if you have access to a sauna. I also don't eat a lot and focus on protein when I do eat, and avoid carbs.
Shall i feel slight withdrall at 1 pm, or panic attacks, feeling of impending doom, and thoughts of ann hiero... hmmm
Sinclair method?
use your brain, it’s just withdrawal. you’re not going to die
Hope you all make it in your journey of better health. Alcohol sucks
Tell me that when your HR is 170 sitting down and you are certain something bad will happen for no reason
yeah that’s called anxiety. you aren’t special, smoke a joint and go for a run you pansy
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I go to the gym in the evening after work to keep myself busy during regular drinking hours. I've been doing this for almost a year and I've made significant gains and generally feel way healthier.

Added bonus: it's a lot less busy at the gym after 7pm.
Smoking makes it worse and running is for twinks
They gave mice the equivalent of about 4 liters of vodka per day for a sturdily built man, and their muscular gains were unaffected.

You must not even be trying, just stay hydrated and lift hard at least 3x/week.

You are dumb as fuck lol. Dumbest poster 2024 know nothing retard
1 liter would kill most men
1. I don't think so if drunk at a "normal" pace, but they'll almost all get really drunk and many will vomit or pass out.

2. I think they gave it to the mice continuously not all at once.
Steroids. When you want to make gains, alcohol is like a once or twice a month thing.
Holy fuck, you alcoholics are something else.
I don't know how to get away from it either, I need help. I hope it gets better for you.
Listen, you fucking drunk, you are in your shithole because you don't fucking listen. Marijuana may help on small quantities, but running, by far, is about your only hope for crushing the anxiety so you don't drink to cope. Who fucking cares if it makes you a think while you get sober? You'd rather sit in your self pity pathetic shithole and be a drunk or get fucking sober? Start running faggot.
You gotta want gains more than the booze, you weak minded fuck. Let the ascended zyzz be your higher power
t.recovering alcoholic
Don't listen to this /roon/ cirrhotic dip shit. Lift weights
Overweight from the beer, itll blow out my knees, how we feel about bikin?
Already do. Feels gud man
you’re a fat retard and you deserve the suffering you put yourself through. dumb fuck
Lifting weights doesn't do shit for anxiety.
The do some high intensity rows, anything that hurts and takes you to the threshold of constant cardio pain and hold it for 30 minutes. When you are done you should be cured of the anxiety for the day.
this. cardio is the only way
keto diet and cardio in the evening (1.5/2 mile run) made me crave alcohol far less tha usual. Before I was drinking about 10 shots a night
sounds like you don't lift heavy enough
Unironically you MUST get on Naltrexone OP, i don't know about the zoloft

Naltrexone taken 1 hour before drinking was MASSIVE for me, i went from drinking hard liquor every single day, to only drinking beer, within 2 months. Beer is still really bad, but the difference is massive. I quit taking it, because it was very expensive to procure where i live, and within several months, i started going back to vodka.

Now i managed to get a relative to buy me 3 packs of Naltrexone from Turkey, and i am starting again. Within the first night of taking it, i couldn't finish the second 2L bottle of beer i normally drank, normally it was very easy to drink two of those and it didn't feel enough.
Nigger, alcohol withdraw can kill you for real, if he starts schizoing and hallucinating (Delirium Tremens), he has a 70% chance of death, if he doesn't get medical care
i've heard the stopping drinking method works best
Hi bro, I'm on the same boat. I built a habit of drinking beer before lunch and in the evening. I drink from 2 beers minimum, to 5 or 6 maximum. I have managed to cut back a little, first by drinking only two beers. After my body was comfortable drinking just two, i started drinking only one. And then start having days where I drink none.

Believe me it is not easy. I have to make a huge mental effort at midday not to go to the store and grab beer. I have to fight against myself. But I'm discovering that the longer I have been drinking less, the easier that I convince myself not to go to the store. For example, this week I only drank a single beer on tuesday, and the rest of the days I didn't drink at all. I would be ok with it if I could always mantain these week's numbers. But it's hard because the cravings haven't gone away entirely.
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Same bro I struggle through a week without drinking and then webm related is me after work on Friday.
AA is cheaper than all that shit. OP is only at 8 shots of vodka a night. Shit's rookie numbers desu.

Drink more, hit rock bottom, get arrested/go to rehab, and fix your shit. Or progressively overload your liver, training it to failure. Or maybe just quit drinking lol.
Have you tried (((meds)))? Naltrexone and GLP1s both can be used off label for alcoholic misuse disorder. Leave no stone left unturned. Fatty liver disease will fuck you up and alcoholism ruins your cognition
buy some non-alc sparkling water. the carbonation helps give a sensation that helps. it helps me not smoke or drink during the week.
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You don’t

Alcohol consumption significantly inhibits protein muscle synthesis

Stop drinking poison
>anon gets shitfaced for his workouts and even blacked out once while lifting.

You need serious help.
How do you feel on Naltrexone while drinking? Nauseous? Is there no high?
drop half a shot every week?
When did you realise you were an alcoholic? It seems a lot of people are pretty much alcoholic from their first drink, they just seem to be missing that off switch the rest of us have.
Braindead lmao which fitfluencer told u that
literally just get rid of all of the alcohol in your house and don't buy anymore. it's so fucking easy to quit shit like this it's sad
>b-but I WANT IT
fucking child
yeah but that's hard. I want to be an alcoholic AND look amazing.
p.s. I also have a crack addiction and no limbs
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I used to drink 350ml vodka daily. I'm down to 250ml Friday through Sunday.

Don't think of needing to quit straight away, just try a day off every once in a while. And then just add more. A couch potato shouldn't be encouraged to run a marathon and you're very emotionally and physically attached to the addiction still.

Nevermind fitness, your brain gets so fucked up with too much drinking, you're wasting so much money and potentially causing serious health issues later on. Just because you feel invincible now doesn't mean organ damage doesn't accumulate.

okay well ill tell you then. I relapse all the time, maybe once every few years. and I get back on the horse for a few months and fuck my life up some how. but every time I quit I quit a little longer. the first time I quit for a few months. then a whole year. then a couple years, and so forth. and now even if I start drinking again it's not as much as a disaster and I can quit pretty easy again.

what surprised me the most about quitting the first time is how long it took. it was probably 8 months between when I first thought "I drink too much and should quit" to when I actually had gone a few days without a drink. and between the start and that first quit was a very slow winding down of drinking, rather than making a big show of it. see I was in a community that all you could do was drink, that was the culture. so I went through all the normal stuff like losing some friends who all we had in common was drinking.

so my advice is just don't give up, be patient, forgive yourself sometimes but be hard on yourself some times too. but most importantly don't give up. it's totally worth it. I'm way happier now. I feel much healthier and just feel good all the time. I don't fight with my family or friends anymore. and I have lots more energy and focus so I make more money too. yeah I had some great nights drinking until sunrise with my buddies until we puked but that was maybe 1/1000 nights out. the thing is drinking makes you forget the other 999 nights when you just feel like tying a noose or jumping off a building.

I believe in you anon don't forget that.
Based. Lift heavy weights, and lift others' spirits. Keep on keeping on, bro
just switch to weed
Shut the fuck up

Incorrect, i've drank this daily for short periods of time, allways ending in disaster.
First part is actually correct, one way is to drink enough something terrible happens forcing you to quit.

Good advice, maybe it's better to aim for periods of sobriety, some people claim to have been sober for years, and they never shut the fuck up about it.

Shut the fuck up
AA has the same probability of working as not going to AA, it doesn't treat shit.

Basically the only clinical method that works better than random chance is the Sinclair method
I wouldn't really call that alcoholism. I was drinking a liter of vodka a day when I was an alcoholic and got withdrawal if I skipped.
Hit me with the method
Isn't that like equivalent to a 6 pack of beer a night considering an average beer has the equivalent of 1.5 shots of 40% ABV? Most blue collar guys drink like that, at least in Britain anyway.
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In my worst alchy period I used to drink 1L of vodka/whiskey/gin/whatever daily. Start slow and before you know it the bottle is gone.
I don't wanna be that guy, but most alcoholics drink for a reason. You need to find out what the reason is, and what it is you're hiding from.

I guy I knew recently died from alcohol. You'd expect it would be something with his liver or pancreas, but he actually fell while drunk and hit his head. Heavy internal bleeding, was laying there in his place for almost 24 hours before someone found him. Few surgeries trying to save his life, few weeks in a coma and he died.
Sounds insane, but these things happen.
Wish you all the best anon.
Get stranded on an uninhibitet island. Good luck being alcoholic there.
>impossible my ass
>regressive underload

It's really simple, basically you take an opioid antagonist like naltrexone before drinking, and over the course of about a month of drinking normally the dopaminergic effects that your brain associates with drinking, which is the underlying cause of most people's drinking problems, stop happening and you no longer get a chemical compulsion to drink. It's also called pharmacological extinction
Now of course if your life and mental health are shitty you can still relapse but your addiction will be chemically starting from zero, so even then it's a lot easier
My dad drinks about 0.2L vodka daily.
Imho he is very highly functional alcoholic and has adapted so much to this he doesnt look drunk. Hes also smart to not do stupid sbit like hunting or driving wbile drunk. Just does his job, does chores, talks to mom, drink, watches tv or internet. Also 65 so he can do whatever tf he wants.
Buy food in bulk
Get busy with shit thay is far away from drinking
Literally do other less damaging shit like consume weed.
Tapper down. Easier said than done but having scientific discipline imho works. Worked for me to quit coke (!), cigs and alcohol.
Idea is
1)figure out your average daily intake. It is 8 shots so 25ml*8 =200ml.
2)month 1 -you will drink3 shots (buy 8 25ml glasses for visual) vodka 1 shot bitter tonic and then 4 shots vodka.
Month 2 - again take 1 shot away, leaving 6 vodka 2 tonic
Month 3 - 5 vodka 3 tonic
Month 4 - 4 vodka 4 tonic
Around this time your body will have started protesting a bit. Feeling uncomfortable. Youll know when it is that is your new limit.
Month 5 just keep with 4/4. At all costs avoid any chance drinking anywhere else than home and any more ever. Avoid even buying any more than daily dose and avoid drunkard friends.
Month 6 now youll be ok with your 4 vodkas. We will not reduce this amount but rather will try to extend time inbetween.
Start having 1 fully sober day a week.
Fill your cravings with watrr. Consume 3x more than normal on sober day.

Month7 4 vodkas a day, 2 sober days a week
Month 8 4 vodkas - 3 sober days
Month 9, the rebirth month
You will now return to reducing amount.
3 vodkas and 3 sober days
Month 10 2 vodkas and 3 sober days
Month 11 2 vodkas 4 sober days
Month 12 - you either quit cold turkey here or keep your drinking to friday nights but this is where you chose. At this point your alco intake is laughably small and unimportant to your daily life which you should a knowledge fully at that point.
lol 8 shots does not an alkie make

This level of drinking won't really affect your gains, just lift and eat normally
you are lying because I started off as an alcoholic but still made gains, and to be honest the gains after stopping drinking did not improve that much

so do this:
1. Stop being faggot
2. Go train
3. Post here how it went
You don't. Throw all your booze out right now. Stop going to bars. Tell all your friends you're not drinking anymore and cut them out if they give you any pushback. You will not be healthy long-term or even make gains short-term if you're drinking all the time. If you can't handle only doing it once in a long while, don't do it at all.
Well I am in pretty good shape. 6ft2 and about 200lbs. I drink about a bottle/bottle and a half of red wine a day which I know is not seen as "really" an alcoholic
Why do I do it?
1. My natural day cycle isn't even close to 24hrs. From personal experience it is closer to 30hrs so tt is nearly impossible for me to just fall asleep normally. Usually it takes 1-2hrs. And no I don't drink any caffine that shit is retarded
2.I have exremelly vivid dreams. As in I am disoriented for a bit when I wake up since it takes a while to realize what I just experienced was a dream
3.I frequently get nightmares. No idea why I don't think I had any trauma from my childhood or anything.
So for me it was a choice between 5-6hrs of shitty sleep out of 8hrs that I have for sleeping
Drink before going to bed so that I fall asleep instantly and no dreams (mostly) so 8-9hrs of drunken sleep
I tried natural remedies like warm milk etc but nothing works. Before someone suggests sleeping pills I tried several and nothing works or rather nothing works without significant side effects
So yeah if I one day figure out how sleep normally I will kick the habbit.
Otherwise I just stay hydrated even when drinking sleepy wine and I work out 3x2hrs + lots of walking and housework
It's less calories then 8 shots of vodka and tastes good.

Idk how you can quit but why drink? So some soul searching and understand how gay and soulless society is and how u need booze to keep living in it.

That's what I did and it helped, although I wasn't an alcoholic so, I can't help u with cravings
>I drink about a bottle/bottle and a half of red wine a day which I know is not seen as "really" an alcoholic
I hate to break it to you man, but health experts consider over 15 units of alcohol per week to be heavy drinking in men, and a single bottle of wine is ~10 units. You're drinking 7x the amount that would be enough to consider somebody an alcoholic.
based retard accidentally killing OP
based juden sinisterly poisoning OP
Shit dude really? I tried looking up alcoholic calculators and all were just questionares
Do you daydrink? No
Do you hide your drinking? No
Did you ever miss important events due to beign drunk or hungover? No
I guess I am just a functioning alcoholic
I'm this anon;

Just because you're not drinking to the point where you'll literally die without it does not mean it's no problem. Yes, it *could* always be worse, but that's just providing yourself another excuse justifying your damaging and problematic drinking habits.

Not to mention bodyweight and general tolerance impact the proportion of how much you're drinking. I know people who can have 12+ beers and wake up feeling chipper the next day. For me, anything more than 8 in a day and I'll feel like garbage for the first half of the following day. If you know it's a problem, then it's a problem. No amount of deluding yourself will undo the damage you're causing to yourself.
good. imagine poisoning yourself to the point of dying without the poison. truly a subhuman mental weakling
>fat drunk retard is angry at real advice
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Just KYS before you splash damage those around you

Fucking alchies are pathetic
>AA doesn't work
>it worked for me
>your advice is to take le drug cope
>naltrexon won't stop OPs life from being a mentally ill spiral

Everything other than just stop drinking and getting your life put back together is shit advice or at best can only be performed adjacent for good long term results.

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you are misattributing a random spontaneous remission to your own actions as cope for not understanding how brain chemistry works, you are literally fucking retarded.

"just stop drinking" is not a real plan to stop an alcoholic from drinking

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