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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the humongous big back tubby wubby jelly belly big boned big boys who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/
>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>75104295
Cringe op image
How many /fat/ users are regularly fasting for periods 24 hours or longer
None, only fastards
I always recommend everyone to try and fast for three days at least once, but not for the purposes of losing weight per se.
And I don't use fasting as a way to manage my weight either.
I do regularly, just not atm

Week A: Eat TDEE -500 cal
Week B: Fast Mon ~ Fri, re-feed on Sat/Sun

Today is week A for me.
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Im rolling 2-7 day fasts because I actually want to lose weight
I've thought about trying it, but I can't get past 24 to 30ish hours. Intermittent fasting is all I can handle.

I don't know how you guys do multi day fasts. Shit is fucking miserable.
I'm 57 calories over my daily target.
It's over.
I'm going to order five large Domino's and two big bottles of Coke.
>because I actually want to lose weight
You can also do that by just counting calories retarrd
sometimes I go on uber eats and fill up a cart with a bunch of bullshit

and then I clear the cart and close the app

did this probably three times yesterday, it is gonna be a long weekend
Scale didn't go down as much as i want and now i want to fight someone and make them suffer.
When I look at the cicotard posts I refuse to go down that path. Im good fasting. Seethe, cope, mald, cicotard
I also used to be unable to do it but I got kind of used to it I guess. I am two days deep into a fast right now and planning to go another day or two. Biggest advice would definitely be to supplement vitamins and electrolytes.
Fasting is CICO
I do 36h-48h every once in a while, did a couple of 72h just to see how it would feel and they're pretty easy to pull off because I generally don't feel hunger at all since I'm doing low carb but I don't want to have to manage vitamins and electrolytes so I just stick to 48h max
Everyone who fasts says the first day is the hardest fwiw
Keep coping and seething cicotard. Did u relapse on pizza again, is that why you are so mad?
I'm on my second extended fast. ~36h in right now. Going for 3 days.
First extended fast lasted 3.5 days.

It's much easier than I expected. I sleep just fine, and I need less sleep to feel rested. Not really hungry, just bored. As long as I have something to keep myself busy it isn't all that hard.
But I do lose a lot of strength. During lifting I get tired faster, need to rest longer, and I can't grind as well as I used to. It's still worth it though. I will use this as my main form of weight lose in the future.
I wouldn't go past 3-4 days without using something like electrolytes. The last day of my previous fast fast I felt incredibly lame.
Just hopped on a scale for the first time since i started going to the gym about 9 weeks ago and i lost 15 lbs. Under 240 now which feels good even though i still look like shit
I wish i took some before photos, but i want fat me to die and be unremembered
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An entire 32oz jar of spicy marinara, I still can't believe I did that.
Fasting is CICO
Every cicotard is always malding when someone does something other than count calories and relapse on candy and pizza. Cico is a cult
Fasting is CICO
at least get diet coke
First day is always hard, after that it gets easy, like ridiculously easy, because you don't even think about food after that point.
Remember that your body adapts to low intensity exercise so don't count calories burned from walking after the first 6 months or so.
I haven't eaten since Wednesday. Bros, I don't think I can keep doing this.
thats based push longer
>counting calories
Intuitive eating works as long as you eat foods on which our intuition is evolved.
When I went fasting for four full days, I decided to stop, despite initially intending to go for five.
I didn't feel hungry whatsoever but I started getting incredibly exhausted (like "have to lie down" exhausted) from moving around at all.
That didn't feel healthy or a good idea at all.
fat people do not have that intuition
all of the people that are here got obese and morbidly obese by eating intuitively.
Guys, you'll lose about two pounds of weight if you do a colonoscopy.
Can recommend.
everyone knows you mean getting your boy pussy pounded but nice try
No, that'll give you some extra weight, you silly.
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>have 400 calorie frozen mealprep meal
>buy a chocolate waffle (318)
>a bacon sandwich (379)
>and a cheese twist pastry (320)
>eat all these throughout the day
>still in caloric deficit (just under 1500)
>just spread the meals out
>can still eat some stuff i've been craving
feels good man.
> take absolutely massive earth-shattering shit, white knuckled, fingers gripping the porcelain, praying to god that i'll live to see another day
> weigh myself
> +0.1lbs
i'm inconsolable
There's some evidence that spot fat reduction is not a myth, it's just hard to do. Maybe the reason your fat disappears from a weird spot is because you use muscles around that area more?

One of the claims is that you need to 'mobilize the fat' by increasing blood flow to the area. You do this by working out muscles very close to the fat. Then you do cardio to burn the fat off. (Although in the experiment they did it the other way around: cardio first, then torso rotations and crunches.)

The experiment had two groups of people: a control group and the spot reduction group.

The control group did a 45-minute treadmill workout 4 days a week for 10 weeks.
The door reduction group did a 27-minute treadmill workout followed by torso rotations and machine crunches. They did this the same 4 days a week for 10 weeks.

The study made sure that both groups expended the same amount of calories during exercise.

Trunk fat mass reduction (belly fat):
>Spot reduction group: 1171g
>Control group: 474g
Lower extremities fat loss (legs):
>Spot reduction group: 500g
>Control group: 507g
Upper extremities fat loss (arms):
>Spot reduction group: 33g
>Control group: 120g
Total fat loss:
>Spot reduction group: 1705g
>Control group: 1134g
Weight loss:
>Spot reduction group: 1.2 kg
>Control group: 2.3 kg

The spot reduction group was fatter to start out with, but they lost 7% belly fat while the control group lost 4%. That's a decent difference.
I ate a salad for lunch bros
I'm currently trying to do this for belly fat, I'm at my goal but the gut is still here so while I'm reducing my bf% I'm also doing intense core workouts immediately followed by cardio on my stationary bike. Maybe it helps maybe it doesn't, would have done both the cardio and core workout either way.
>your body adapts to low intensity exercise
What does that even mean? It's still going to take a significant amount of energy just to move my carcase around, or does my body generate that from nothing?
So what workout would you do to reduce manboobs before doing cardio?
bench press and heavy caloric restriction will do miracles to your fat cow titties
Won't bench press just build muscle underneath the fat and push the boobs out further?
this is the most retarded evil lie that has been propagated by landwhales forever now

bench press contours your chest into a masculine shape and also helps you lose fat; losing fat reduces your cow udders

you need both
got too cocky /fat/bros...
my pants are a tiny bit loose so I bought a new pair online, same "model" but two sizes lower (skipped one)
they won't fit, need another month or two
you bought yourself motivation
Yes, but it will change the shape of your boob to be less like a saggy woman's boob and more like a powershitter.
Your first priority is still to lose weight though.

Life begins at 12% bf. Might as well just lose weight in general instead of chasing memes.
happened to me with a shirt, best fuckup that could happen, gave me nice motivation and made me try much harder in the next month until it finally fit me.
This always happens, every single manufacturer has different measurements for sizes. When I used to be much skinnier I had some t-shirts that would fit me perfectly and were marked ''medium'' and some were large or even extral large.

In my experience the more expensive the clothes brand, the smaller the sizes are.
I went above tdee twice this week, a 3000cal day and a 2800 cal day
I probably underestimated those calories too
its so over
I'm still wearing baggy tshirts on my walks because im too much of a cheap asshole to invest in more clothes that ill shrink out of.

Did buy a couple OCBD's that I plan to get tailored once im at my goal weight.
long live OMAD
Started at 248lbs in Feb, down to 187lbs now. I'm 6'1 so I'm almost back in a healthy weight range. I'm gonna make it bros!
nice progress, got any pics?
Unfortunately never thought to take progress pictures. I'll probably take a few pictures once I reach my end goal. Aiming for 170-175 and a few more months at the gym to get a bit of definition back before being satisfied. Still have some belly fat and a light overhang I want to fix up.
You got any lose skin or are you lucky?
Lucky. Very little loose skin overall currently. I've still got another 12lbs or so to go though. Loose skin might be more noticeable when I get there.
I'm down from near 300 to 215 at 6', no loose skin so far but still have about 20-30lbs to go. I also drank like 1.5 gallons of water every day for the entire time I was fat so I think hydration has something to do with it.
>exercised 17 times in one week
>measly 1 lb weight loss
blackpill. Can I get back all the time I spent working out or no?
Fatty Contest
238.6 lbs
hydration and collagen i think helps, idk how much it varies from person to person. genetics/age etc.
You don't lose weight by working out you mongoloid.
its 90-95% nutrition dude.
am I allowed to post physique and ask for advice here if I'm in a healthy BMI range
keep in mind you are asking for advice from delusional morbidly obese idiots
true, but there's no /lean/ general up right now and I don't want to be one of those faggots who makes their own thread...
Sure but you're better off in /cbt/ unless you're coming down from pretty fat
thanks I'll post there
Fatty Contest
Big Frigate
293.4 lbs
I'm doing them as my primary means of weight loss because a slight deficit is way too goddamn slow honestly. I don't have a million years to lose weight
I could be more aggressive with the fasting but I've lost 40 lbs in about a month and a half so far by fasting on and off, usually a 2-5 day fast and then a few days off eating at maintenance or below
I want to drink 15 cans of beer so badly bros.........
drink 50 cans of diet soda, i'll allow it
Nice cock.
What does rolling even mean. It makes no sense but Everyone says it
You sound very unhappy
This is absolute nonsense
I do and I'm not even that fat right now, kind of need to lose some weight though.
I've fasted up to 48h no problems. 30-36h is enough though, I hit some psychological hunger around 16h and it's done. Disclosure that it's not a true fast in that I do take caffeine from one low/zero calorie energy drinks. Otherwise it's just water.
Just did 168 hours dry fasting and now I'm at 12 hours water fasting. I'll probably go for 108 hours then break it.
Down 32 pounds but I probably won't lose any during the water fasting phase as regain water weight.
>Just did 168 hours dry fasting
Not a larp at all. I posted in /fast/ with my updates but the thread died as usual. This is my second 5+ day dry fast in 2 months
Oh, true
doing them continuously
so you eat once at the 72 hr mark and then go right back into another fast
I wonder why losers like you feel the need to lie when people are actually trying to get better. Faggot.
what the fuck you haven’t drank water for a week?
You can always just lose the muscle later. That part is very easy.
>Life begins at 12% bf. Might as well just lose weight in general instead of chasing memes.
Depends on where fat is on your body.
I attention seek on anonymous forums to feel good about myself and definitely didn't complete a 7 day dry fast last night.
No food or water for 168 hours. Friday 6PM to Friday 6PM.
I hope that I am you in the future. I'm still at 206 lbs.
I feel like you’re gonna give yourself brain damage dude. That is genuinely really dangerous.

Why did you do it dry? What did you feel like?
He didn't go 7 days without water, you can't you'll die. Ignore the faggot larper.
>Why did you do it dry? What did you feel like?
Dry is amazing and is extremely easy except insanely fucking boring. The worst are the nights and doing any exercise. You get extreme reactions to things like endorphins so it's really easy to have a 30 minute walk turn into a 60 minute walk. You feel absolutely high at that point. Once those endorphins are gone though it's such a valley that you'll never want to walk again. Have you ever seen that video of the muscle in the lab that's cramping and you can see it bubbling? That's what my legs felt like all night. I'd lay down at 9PM and I wouldn't fall asleep until 2AM.
If anything, I was getting really tired of being indoors because "hard" dry fasting means no brushing your teeth or taking a shower, so I felt genuinely disgusting the whole time.
I think I could have gone longer judging by people on reddit or youtube, but I wasn't willing to risk it. I started having intense dreams and I was getting really scared of dying despite no actual negative symptoms aside from super chapped lips.
Water fasting with electrolytes is by and far the easiest though.

Starting weight was 287 lbs btw at 6'2", so had a lot of reserves.
Oh, and for the guy that says I'm larping, the cool part is after day 3 when you start peeing a shit ton and it's relatively clear because your body is converting fat to water. It's definitely a weird feeling.
No one believes you
>If anything, I was getting really tired of being indoors because "hard" dry fasting means no brushing your teeth or taking a shower, so I felt genuinely disgusting the whole time.
my fucking sides, excellent larp
Genuinely I'm fine with that.
I don't know what to tell you, look up the dryfasting subreddit.
Don't tell me anything, just stop posting your pathetic larp.
Assuming you started around the same weight and are the same height you shouldn't have any major skin issues. The people I chat with have had only good things to say about my weight loss and current looks compared to before.
And here's the video that convinced me to go for 7 days:
I'll stop replying to people now since that's what you're after. Later anons!
I believe you. The three day thing is for fit people out in the wild. You are a landwhale laying in bed all day.

Still, you should really just water fast man — it has exponentially less risks to your organs and your brain most importantly. You might give yourself refeeding syndrome too.
>Surely you'll believe my larp if i post another person also larping
>Yeah I'm going to go a week without water, this is definitely healthy and will not result in long term damage to my internal organs
Do you also have amethyst crystals in your room and a dreamcatcher over your bed to direct ambient energy into your chakras while you sleep? I'm not doubting there are people on here retarded enough to do something this braindead, I'm doubting the health benefits of it.
I've just completed a 30 day water fast because I was a 16 stone lard ass who could barely fit in his XL t-shirt. I ate nothing for thirty days, but took vitamin and protein supplements, and tablets for electrolytes, accompanied by long walks. I've lost a stone and a half. I felt like crap for the first three days, but ok after that. I'm going to see how long I go before I start to feel bad. I've still got a gut, but it's a smaller gut. My face looks thinner though, and my shirts are not tight anymore.
if you’re taking protein supplements you aren’t technically fasting but congratulations on your progress
Fair enough. I'm new to this, I'm still proud of my weight loss, and I'm going to continue. The only unpleasant part is the terrible taste you get in your mouth while doing it. It's like fruity nail varnish.
Sounds like ketoacidosis
update: I'm seeing stars and my vision can't focus. What the fuck is happening?
>Why did you do it dry?
Because he read some other anons broscience claiming it would give him the hair of a god and make his dick grow three inches.
You fell for the fasting meme you retard
It's a common experience for people on keto. It means anon is burning fat rather than carbs.

Don't hurt yourself anon. Why no just restrict calories rather than not eating? Smaller more nutritious meals rather than nothing.
I wanna lose fat ASAP so my exercising would be easier
>look it up
FUCK I'm whipping up some egggs rn but Ineed healthy shit with sugar. any suggestion?
bananas and crunchy peanut butter
>peanut butter
why do you fat faggots always resort to something like peanut butter? just eat some whole peanuts, almonds, walnuts or whatever
Just eat a teaspoon of sugar
its okay to eat some peanut butter fatbro
Help me /fat/ I've become smitten with a chick I work with who is 14 years my junior. God I hate being a mid 30s crusty loser.

Hoping to get back to the gym on Monday after some real life bullshit and work getting in the way, going to focus more on my form again. Diet was up and down but it's swinging more towards the positive. 230lbs by Christmas that's most definitely what's up.
I went to a fair and ate garbage, no scale, had to guess
>a vegan fair
I can't think of anything more grim.
Do you think peameal is vegan or something?
Even if it isn't a hamburger bun with a couple slices of bacon is not something you need to go to a fair to experience.
>ice cream
It was the cheapest food and I succumbed...
Ice cream is vegan, no animals were harmed in the making of milk.
Why are you guilt tripping yourself? You barely broke 1k calories, even if you wildly underestimated and ate twice as much if you just don't eat anything else for the rest of the day you didn't even do anything bad.
Stop living in an all or nothing mentality, that is going to cause you to fail and backslide much easier.
Weight loss is about changing your mindset for life, if you eat like a normal person you will look like a normal person. Normal people eat whatever and if they get all their calories in one outing they just don't eat until the next day.
Thanks man, I felt bad because I didn't intend to eat at the fair
havent taken a shit in 7 days, im feeling one almost in the chamber now
She isn't interested in you, move on.
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Started adding cardio and I FINALLY broke my 3 week long plateau
Do you like Slimfast or protein shakes as a meal replacement?
>eat too many carbs/sugar to lose weight
>add pointless stress to the body caused by cardio
>burn the carbs
>break plateau
good job, i feel for your joints
Drink hot black coffee. Chug it.
>mix vanilla protein powder and metamucil
>get protein-packed filling orange creamsicle drink
Yeah....I'm a bit of a genius....
not shitting expected because i dont eat fiber and actually digest most of what i eat
i also dont like coffee
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Going outside for some morning cardio is really good to get outside my head and back into reality. I found out my city has a farmers market every Saturday. Been living here 4 years and I never knew that before.
I thought losing weight would make be happy, but honestly, it just made me more sad. The realisation of my wasted 20s is depressing. Guess I'll just have to accept my fate......
Lots of people will waste their 30s, 40s, and 50s as well being fat.
Anon I know people in their 40's and even 50's that are just as cool and care-free as people in their 20's. It's all about your frame of mind
this >>75112785

If you've told her how you feel and the woman doesn't show interest in you just move on, its not happening, doesn't matter how much you like them or how much you change yourself, you're just wasting your time, they're not interested.
I was 251 lbs about 1-2 years ago. I dropped to about 230 lbs over the course of a year without active weight loss and have been actively losing weight since end of April this year and got to 206 so far. I've stalled for about a month now due to exercise though.
So far I haven't noticed any loose skin either and I hope I won't get any. I haven't noticed that I've gotten any slimmer though other than my belt on jeans (and the jeans themselves feel a bit too big even with the belt).
>enter thread
>spout retarded shit to people actually accomplishing things
lol @ you
>not shitting expected because i dont eat fiber and actually digest most of what i eat
do carnitards really?
Enjoy your clogged ass then
>3 (You)s in a row
stay mad, retarded fiber eating preachers
Fatty contest
Have you considered trying to actually lose weight?
I've not said anything to anyone outside of this thread. And I never will, eventually it will pass and I didn't start losing weight to impress her or any woman. I started losing weight because I want to be at least physically healthy and get my shit in order once again.
>days since i last shit: 7 -> 0
>can sleep on my back without dying again
I feel like a god
Fiber makes me constipated
>Curious about my testosterone levels since I always had a problem with motivation and always feeling tired and apparently low test does this
>Feel like the doctor won't take me serious because I am fat
I always had these problems but I feel like I would've to lose weight first before asking my doctor for exams
>I've not said anything to anyone outside of this thread.
Then just say something.
You would be correct to avoid wasting that doctor's time. Do you know what else causes fatigue, low mood, and low interest in activity? Obesity.
I was skinny for the large majority of my life and I always had these issues, but yeah, better lose my fat first because they're 100% going to ask me to lose fat first before doing anything.
How long to go from 6’2” 300lbs to 200lbs?
Assume during my job I do 6000-8000 steps and then I go on a walk for another 4000-6000 at the end of the day, so my average daily is about 10k. Assume I eat 1800-2300 cals most days and occaisonally eat as low as 800 cals on the days I can bare it (since trying to get healthy I have entire days where I’m not hungry and force myself to eat, happens like twice a week).

How many months would it take me to get down to 230lbs, 215lbs, and then 200lbs?
Normally I’d agree with the logical don’t worry about how long it takes just focus on building the habits and being patient, but I have a deadline in 8 months to be 220lbs, and then at the 12 months mark to be 200lbs or less and also able to run 3-5 miles and I can’t/won’t start actually running until I’m 220lbs.
What deadline means you have to be 220lbs in 8 months?
Maybe military related stuff
It's weird to assume your doctor wouldn't want to test and treat a hormonal imbalance issue from someone wearing a flashing "I probably have metabolic syndrome" suit.
Don't pick up self-defeating traits and decide it's not worth bothering your doctor with your health conditions.
If you don't expect your doctor to be competent and/or do some basic due diligence, then maybe go look for an endocrinologist instead.
You can probably get to 215lb with a 1k deficit and ~15k steps a day in 8 months.
Don’t worry about it
I may be able to work in an extra hour of walking. 1800 is a 1000 deficit for me with my assumed sedentary calories, I know the activity from work and the walking are making it greater than that though. If I could shed like 20lbs, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8. . . I would crush my goals. Even if there’s like 40lbs of water weight that I lose in these initial first few months
>don't worry about it
So you don't have to be 220lbs then, you're just a schizo who will fail.
It's going to be hard to make it in 8 months. If you want to lose all of that in fat then your caloric deficit would have to be about 280,000 kcal. That's 35,000 a month or 1,167 kcal per day.

You're going to lose some muscle during this, so a more realistic number would be at about 1000-1100 kcal deficit. If you're close to the deadline you could also 'cheat' by going on a keto diet to lose some water weight temporarily, but that's going to account for only 4-8 lbs.

Any way you look at it you're going to have to be on at least a 1000 kcal deficit per day. It's hard to say how much your walking is going to add into it. 1800 kcal a day might be fine for like the first 40 lbs, but after that you will probably have to reduce it. Near 220 lbs you'd have to drop to like 1300-1500 kcal per day even.

It's not technically impossible though. LivingGod (this guy: >>75110176 ) has gone from 232.4 lbs to 190 lbs in 105 days. He says he's doing rolling 48s though - a fasting regimen (if there's a /fast/ thread around it can explain what it is). It's definitely doable without fasting, might be harder though.

Whatever you do though, you must track your calories if you try doing this. You have to be strict with it.

PS read the OP next time
>it’s gonna be hard
>you’d need to have a 1200 deficit per day
This is gonna be cake. And I know a thing or two about cake.
>lose muscle
Don’t care I’ll rebuild it that’s not the goal right now.
>more realistic number
I’ll just do 1000 and then whatever I gain from exercise, again, I’m using sedentary calories despite the active job and daily walks. I know as soon as I’m light enough to start running without risking aggravating old sports injuries (220lbs) that the rest will come off easily enough. But even then worst case yeah I squeeze the last 10lbs via water weight.
>not impossible
I know it’s not, I’m gonna do it. Thanks man. I’ll post up in May when I’m 220lbs.
I’m not just gonna crush my goals but I’m going to viscously masturbate to the idea of you crying about it which is what will happen because you are already (oddly?) emotional about it like the angry little crab you are.
>its the crab schizo
Lmao what a loser this guy is
It would go disastrously. Better to leave shit be and stay invisible at work.
It’s very possible so long as you keep the diet strict. Honestly just eating 2,000 calories with that much walking around and you’d likely at least be like 230 in 8 months. I don’t see why you then couldn’t easily enough lose the last 30lbs at a rate of 2lbs/week in the remaining 4 months
That’s literally what will happen if you take it seriously. First month you’ll lose a fuck ton of weight, easily 10lbs of fat and 10lbs of water if not more of both, then slightly less and less until you’re losing at a rate of about 8lbs per month. Just be prepared to have times when the weight doesn’t seem to budge until finally you get a whoosh
Nta but he’s unironically right albeit autistic, you’re quite literally acting like a crab. Which is far worse than some autist because an autist is at least a person. Just give it up dude he dangled his dick down your throat after you lashed out unprovoked and you’re now asking for seconds
lmao yeah sure crab schizo
Chair force?
conciously tried for the first time ever a few days ago, went 40 hours. 24 hour mark was horrible but after another sleep it felt alright, like a passed a mental hurdle. honestly planning another soon
But it is wasting a doctor's time. It's like going into the doctor's office saying that you have a tachycardia problem. While you're running in place constantly. Obviously, they're going to see tachycardia and they're gonna say, have you stopped running?And you're going to say, well, it happens whether or not I do it, and they'll say, well, I'd like to assess the situation when you're not running and you're resting. Surely running in place is exacerbating the problem.
> But it is wasting a doctor's time
Is it though?
Your hormone imbalance could be causing or aggravating other medical conditions, including weight gain itself, and you're basically trying to swim upstream because you're not a medical professional and you can't tell the flow is pushing against you, but at least you can tell yourself that as soon as you make it to the source, you'll probably bother someone to look into it.
There's a whole lot of anecdata out there showing people on T getting leaner faster.
It seems crazy to me to pretend it would be wasteful to seek help with this.
At the bare minimum, get tested.
Then once you get a low T number, you can always decide you're going to ignore the issue and power through it until some unspecified future date as a demonstration of willpower, or whatever the fuck makes sense to you.
Except low T didn't make him fat, esting too much did. Ate you some 30 year old fat woman or something?
Telling fat people that they do not deserve medical care because they just need to stop being fat first is harmful advice.
Many fat people are already struggling against a spiral of self-neglect and low self-esteem, and reinforcing the notion they'll just waste a doctor's time with their fat problems is simply cruel.
Eat less fatty
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>Down 20lbs
>Just another 30lbs and I'll stop being an obeast and I'll just be an overweight fatty
It's still aways a way but knowing I'm almost half way there is pretty exciting.
Fatty Contest
yesterday I gave up. today, I’m starting again
195 ish down from 225 in june. been hiking and doing OMAD with some multiple day fasts in between. Goal is to keep my pace and try to do a 10 mile run in october. hopefully around 180 by the end of october then I'm going to join an MMA gym.
>force myself to eat
Stop it, what's wrong with you? Are you retarded? You are trying to lose weight, if you aren't hungry don't fucking eat.
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Obesity causes and exacerbates (makes worse) most common health conditions. Muh hormone cundishun doesn't cause obesity, obesity causes muh hormone condition.
>Muh hormone cundishun doesn't cause obesity
No one in this thread said it does.
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i swear to christ if that fucking scale doesn't move down in a day i'm blastin dnp
>Your hormone imbalance could be causing or aggravating other medical conditions, including weight gain itself
>including weight gain itself
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>nikocado is thinner than me now
>aggravating other medical conditions, including weight gain itself
This part is true.
No, it isn't. A condition might make your appetite increase, it might make you less inclined toward activity, but NO CONDITION ON EARTH makes fat out of air.
>inb4 watah wayt
That's not what we're talking about and you know it
>NO CONDITION ON EARTH makes fat out of air
No one said that
who's fault is that?
He cheated with all the gay sex and aids, don't feel bad at least you still have a functioning rectum. You can lose the weight and not have to wear diapers.
Nikocado’s fault for losing weight
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Something weird happened today. I got included in the catering again today and ended up eating lunch with the office crew. The one who does the ordering said "teehee you are going to get chubby again you never eat hamburgers or pizza for lunch anymore teehee". Told her not really i just eat less later. She inquired into what I ate last Wednesday when they got Olive Garden and I told her that I ate some peanuts and a tangerine because I was not hungry and she got upset? Why is everyone trying to be heroes as if I am bulimic or something.
I admit that I lost weight rapidly but I am eating better now!!
crab bucket mentality
>Oh you think you're better than me now?
>you'll get fat again you cow.
>wh-what no you can't just be conscious of your intake! No!
>I need you to be fat and make me look better again!
Fatty Contest

I fell off after a few solid months post-putting my dog down. Just recently I had to go to a family death for several weeks and realized I need to get my shit together as the fat 60-70 year olds are beginning to drop without really enjoying life just bloated and 2 years into retirement and I cannot end up like them. And the ones that aren't dead or actively dieing are on shitloads of meds barely able to do something like walk up some stairs, my sister managed to not get fat after her 4th kid and everyone is harassing her thinking she is anorexic fucking crazy.
>Much research to date has focused on the positive aspects of social support across a range of health outcomes including obesity management. Increasing evidence, however, also points to a more detrimental version of social support including sabotage, collusion, and being a feeder. Further research is needed to explore the prevalence of these forms of negative support and the extent to which they impact upon an individual throughout their weight loss journey whether it be through behavioural interventions, surgery, or medication taking. Furthermore, an understanding of negative social support may help explain the higher rates of relationship change, including divorce, separation, and the onset of new relationships after bariatric surgery, particularly for those who show higher levels of weight loss [87]. Such research could form the basis of interventions targeting family, friends, or partners as a means to maximise their positive impact on weight loss and weight loss maintenance and minimise the detrimental consequences of any forms of negative social support whether intentional and explicit or more benign and implicit. This paper has therefore presented a new model of the more negative aspects of social support which involve more intentional processes which undermine an individual’s weight management attempts. These can be understood as a mechanism of homeostasis and could provide the basis for future research and interventions to support patients as they navigate the impact their attempts to lose weight have on their relationships surrounding them.
let me guess, she's a chubber too
A chubby south american. Nothing disgusting but edging on it.
Anyone have more luck with women after losing weight. Like at the least acknowledging your existence and not forgetting your name 5 mins after telling them it? Will I get a gf if I lose weight
I never had any luck before so I doubt I will after. You might though, I was already mentally fucked up before I got fat. If you're just fat than you'll probably be fine if you get fit.
Yea. I have had two women express interest in me. Really weird.
I think only one girl has been interested in me so I doubt anything will change to me
Lost a lot of weight about 7 years ago. I managed to get dates simply because my confidence was higher in myself so I was able to talk to women without constantly feeling like shit or thinking
>oh no she probably thinks i look gross

also yes if you arent ugly, dress decently and dont smell bad women will notice you if youre their type.

I got my first gf because of having more confidence due to the weight loss, she was a barista at a coffee shop i used to go on the way to work, she was having a coffee before her shift started one day so i sat down with her and chatted her up, asked her number, if i was still fat i wouldnt have dared to talk to her.
>195 ish down from 225 in june.
Damn. You got down to 30 lbs weight? That's impressive, Mr skeleton.
You're gonna make it
You should tell her about the bulimic girl from this thread.
>Oh, I just ate it and then threw up.
I can do 2000 cal per day no problem, but 1500 feels miserable
unfortunately 2000 per day makes weight loss way too slow
Try OMAD, one big filling meal a day is a lot easier than trying to eat 3 tiny bird meals. If that doesn't work try alternate day fasting, then you can hit 2k the next day and still lose a good amount of weight.
Good job getting back on the wagon Anon.
Sorry to hear about your dog.

Seeing the difference between elderly people who let themselves go and are hemorrhaging their assets away into the Healthcare Industrial Complex vs seeing a 100 year old man run 100 meters in 30 seconds really motivates me.

Modern medicine can keep your body alive while your brainstem rots inside your head, but that's not really living is it? Healthspan, not lifespan, should be our goal.

Work hard anon, lets see some results this week.
Mix it with some ground beef next time for proteins
I ate an entire pint of B&J's S'mores ice cream.
I thought I could just have half and eat the rest later but I went back for the rest a couple hours later.
Should have known better than to bring that demon into my house but oh well. A mild setback, nothing more.
I'm gonna do it I'm gonna eat 900 calories of chipotle
I want the chips too but that would put me over 2000 for the day
Wandering farmers markets on a saturday morning is relaxing for sure plus you get in some decent steps for the day. I go to a different one each week, grabbing a coffee from the local coffee shop, seeing what the locals look like. Theres actually a few towns that I would like to move to where the people seem really great. Might even find a GF one day
I shit a few rocks every 2nd day. I suppose it will catch up with me soon enough. Thinking about downing some psyllium husk to try and at least feel like im having a decent shit from time to time.
I think for me it is milk, cant be certain because I still have a good shit every now and then and know ive drinking milk the past few days so I can only scratch my head.
I have more confidence so I make eye contact now when I walk past good looking women and usually get a smile back.
american website
What's generally better? Walking at an incline on a treadmill or cycling machine?
I got groceries instead
Fatty contest
I want to lose wait somewhat quickly, ~3 pounds a week. Should I take that medicine that prevents gallbladder stones?
>Should I take that medicine that prevents gallbladder stones?
you get those from plant oils
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What calorie calculator app are you counting your calories with?
Here's the app I use.
Metabolizing fat from rapid weight loss overworks it the same as a high saturated fat diet
They don't tell you to do 1000cal max deficit because they want you to go slow as a joke, it's because it comes with health risks
Not necessarily going to have anything bad happen just a heightened risk
Pathetic fat shit excuses
>muh dog
No one cares faggot put the fork down
consumed ~2400 calories worth of macaroni and cheese today plus probably ~600 worth of pizza and ~300 worth of milk for a total of approx 3300 calories.

I'm sick so leave me alone
no one ever got fat off chicken and rice
You can certainly be an asshat about it, but I read his post as another example of using food as an emotional coping mechanism, which, if we're honest, is how most of us put on the pounds.
Well, that and a widespread culture of over-eating slop at every level, from the ridiculous restaurant portion sizes to the malicious and constant advertising of ultra-processed slop as health foods, etc.
Literally just fatty cope the post
Put the fork down
niggy ate his dog
you're a pathetic faggot
Put the fork down you fat shit
post body
back from a 2 week trip, still lost weight but less than normal of course
back to the gym today, i hope i haven't lost any strength
Had a chipotle burrito bowl and a tallboy for dinner but I'm finishing the day at 1400 calories so I'm still on track
If I eat 1500cal as a 5'10 man and lose 500cal through exercise will this lead to health issues?
burrito bowls can have pretty good macros depending on how you build them, but I've only been to chipotle like twice in the past 5 years because of how shitty they've gotten with the portion sizes
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>go to chipotle
>get bowl
>zero options for chipotle
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>go to bowl
>get chipotle
>zero options for bowling
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>bowl to chipotle
>get blown
>zero options to go
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Give it to me straight fellow fatties. I'm probably 35%+ body fat, 6'2" 260ish lbs right now. What's a reasonable timeline to turn this around? Being cutting calories substantially and doing cardio 4-5 times a week lately. I also work a construction type job so pretty active at work.
8-10lbs a month is just hard enough imo, a challenge but not impossible, so about 8-10 months to reach 180, although if you want a six pack you'll probably have to go lower, but you'll have a good idea by then.
unless you were already doing cardio 4-5 times a week before starting your weight loss, I would just start by eating less and only start cardio 3 months down the road, to keep things interesting. you should also start lifting at some point, sooner rather than later, but don't let any of this get in the way of eating less.
Slimfast would have some vitamins/minerals and thickeners added to aid in keeping you full id think.
I used to do cardio a few years back pretty much every day, and I actually really enjoy it so that's mostly why I do it. I've tried lifting while cutting before and I just can't do it. It makes me so goddamn hungry all day.
>stick to ~2000 kcal/day for 3 months now
>lose over 13kg so far
>no problems whatsoever
>eat my breaklunchinner
>1600 kcal in roughly one meal
>still hungry
So this is how it begins...
The start of it's so over...
175 cm, 70 kg as of tonight after another hot soak
15 kg down after 94 days, 13.3 kg to go
down 30 lbs this year. Im now 145 lbs and its been plateau'd for 3 month.

That's a good sign I think. Im keeping it at this level with little to no effort (binges included) because its offset by my new healthier lifetime habits

I have exercise to thank for that. I find myself less hungry and making better dietary choices thanks to a healthier hormone profile from cardio

If you are sedentary, exercise is the best weapon in your arsenal for changing your eating habits
>Be me
>6ft 340 lbs
>has beautiful 4'10 petite GF that likes me just the way I am

Life is good bros. There is someone for everyone.
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Whilst this is true, what do you propose?

How do we stop people feeling sorry for themselves excessively? I understand this because when I was around 20 I was pretty depressed and it pissed me off when the dudebro friends around me would just tell me to snap out of it and start being a chad like them. It made me mad because I wanted to say "bro if you had my brain you'd understand"

but at the same time to them its simple. Just force myself to go to the gym so I get muscular and more outgoing from a healthier body (I was skinnyfat and drank a lot)

Sometimes you need to just suck it up, say its your fault, and to brute force healthier habits until they stick rather than giving up and saying "not my fault, this is how I am, and people wont listen to me"
Fatty Contest
I only worked out twice last week and ate at maintenance or slightly above for 4 days. Yesterday I got back on track but right now it's an uphill battle for sure.
Almost all of them, no doubt.
>He thinks not eating for 24 hours is even fasting
Lmao, pathetic.
2½ days into my water fast.
It generally takes 48-72 hours to enter ketosis as an adult if you go from spiked insulin to straight fasting. During that process, around hour 18-20 your body should not feel as hungry anymore, with hunger mostly subsided by hour 48. The third day is the easiest, and from there, it's more or less the same amount of effort so long as you don't do something foolish like chew gum, drink flavored drinks, smell something delicious, or anything else that may cause your body to be excited to eat. I suggest refraining from binging food porn when fasting as much as possible, as this has a similar effect of whetting your appetite.
Just benched lmao 2pl8s for two for the first time
It might be embarrassing but I didn't think id be this happy finishing those reps
Hi schizo. Saturated fats are essential for humans. That means you're required to eat them or you die. Humans thrive on high saturated fat diets.
Insulin response is what tells the body to store fat. Insulin is a hormone. There are hormone conditions that cause excessive insulin production. You're wrong AND you're retarded.
/ck/ is my favourite board on longer fasts
/fat/ bro, gonna try to lose this shit.

Starting at around 270 lbs (190.5cm) gotta get an actual scale but that's approx.. my current weight, my TDEE is around 2700. I'm hoping to lose between 7.5-10 lbs a month, but I'm trying to switch my mindset from having a goal weight of X and instead just trying to mold myself into a person that stays at a healthy weight.

I'm going to try to stick to somewhere about 1500-1750 calories a day, and try to check in here every day.
what are your absolute meals for feeling full with low calories
I've gone on 3 day fasts before but it just makes me end up feeling weaker and the results are not worth it.
72h also made me feel tired but 48h is great, never felt exhaustion or anything out of the ordinary really
potatoes and sausage
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I finally found something that motivates me after a decade of on and off diets.
Didn't realize when I lost hope, hope I felt it again for the first time in what feels like forever last week.
checking in /fat/ is good, nice way to not feel like you're alone in the fight against lard.
external motivations only last so long. use it to build a habit
yeah I think 48h is the sweet mark
Still, its not for me. I'd rather go slow and steady, build good habits, and enjoy my workouts.
Fatty contest
Gonna try a 72 hour fasting just to see if I can. I'm already super obese and feel like shit so it can't get any worse (besides death, which I welcome at this point). My question is, what's the best source of electrolytes for that period and what vitamins should I take?
Fatty Contest
72h is too short too really need any real supplements. Drink a multivitamin at the start and take some magnesium and table salt the second day if you're worried
found a pack of pumpkin seeds lately which i hadn't seen in stores in a while. turns out they're high in protein, and i find them relatively filling for the calories
Fatty Contest

guess i overestimated my ability to eat lots of food in a sushi all you can eat last friday
Fatty Contest
Hugh Jackman Off
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Fatty Contest

By next year, if I'm not under 100kg, I will disembowel myself and post the video on /fit/.
Fatty Contest
i've been eating so little calories for so long that now i can barely eat a meal thats more than 500 calories without struggling
is that what skinny people feel ?
you mean the end of next year right
By September 11 2025, to be more specific. I will honor the memory of those we lost by going back to the same weight I was when the towers fell.
ganbare Aragaz-sama.
I've started with 144kg and got to like 90kg under a year so can do it easily
Got any tips?
>Eat less
Besides that.
anyone know a good ios app for meal planning / recipes? preferably low carb, high protein and simple stuff that doesnt require 2 hours of cooking
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Today I hit 2-digit KGs for the first time on years!
what helped me
>get a stationary bike
great form of cardio that won't fuck up your joints, doesn't depend on the weather,season and time of the day so you can exercise whenever you want while also listening to music, watching shows or playing vidya
>go low carb if you can't deal with hunger
low carb completely killed my hunger and cravings so I'd recommend it if you struggle with hunger
>count calories and cook for yourself
mostly self explanatory but cooking for yourself while counting calories will make you remember the caloric values and portion weights of food so it will be a good skill to have when you're put in a situation where you must eat out or eat at an event/party etc.
>take a progress picture every 2 weeks
your brain will lie to you about how much you've lost and you won't notice your progress by just looking in the mirror, compare pictures to see the actual progress and how much better you look
>every time you drop a size buy at least a couple articles of fitting clothes
clothes that actually fit you will make you look 10x better and everybody will notice how much you've lost , you'll spend a bit more money but it's a great motivation boost, oversized old clothes make you look like shit and much fatter
Is weight loss as simple as eating less? I lift 3-4 days a week. I tried running but hate it so I’d like to avoid that. I’m mentally fine with a meal a day if I have to. But it can’t be that simple right?
it's that simple.
Calculate your sedentary TDEE, go at least 500 calories below it and you'll be losing weight like a champ
Doesnt have to be. I know a guy who weighed like 290 and had a relationship with a 9/10 for like 9 years. If she is a little bit mentally ill, you have charisma and the relationship starts early, its possible (albeit rare)
So we're talking about the condition that's the result of obesity, right? And we're talking about how that actually makes obesity worse because high insulin means it wants to store all the extra blood sugar as fat, right? If only there was a way to limit how much sugar was in your blood, so your insulin wouldn't spike, like... like eating less sugar?
Insulin isn't just making fat from red blood cells it's SUGAR that fat boy ATE. He's resistant because of years of high sugar.
went to my parents and ate 3000 cals over my target for a week daily

Fatty Contest
88.3 kg
Today, I ate 2000 kcal.
Tomorrow, I will order a pizza and will still eat 2000 kcal.
Feel free to clap.
>eat more than TDEE
>scale go down
>scale didn't go down enough
It's over.....
I hate getting sick so much bros
last week I had the flu and fever
it really ruined my plan for diet and exercise
I forced myself to eat at slightly higher maintenance to get healthy faster
>I forced myself to eat at slightly higher maintenance to get healthy faster
your body spends more energy while you are sick (fever for example) so you dont worry about that
Fatty contest
184.2 lbs
New strat?
Fatty contest

Been a little while since I last posted, started a new job and am figuring out my schedule still. Long days with about 4-5 miles of walking each day and majority of shift on my feet. So busy at times that I forget to eat but I’m loving it. Wagmi
Should i do a 3-split with a musclegroup(back, shoulders, chest + legs to all) or a fullbody with back, chest/shoulders and legs each time?
my BMI is within the natural range according to america but im still overweight according to the br'ish
which ones should i believe ? (i still have mantits)
no, lifting decreases test levels
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Fatty contest
>Time to lockin
>Scale goes up
It's different???
>day 1: -1.5kg
>day 2: -0.5kg
>day 3: -0.1kg
Fatty Contest
is there a definitive answer to the aspartame / zero sugar question? that was my major vice before starting the diet and i find it hard to kick. when it's literally 1 kcal i find myself folding, but is it really ok?
It is the kino that stops you eating slop
can you express that same idea but with 2 fewer buzzwords?
No faggot i can't.
You're probably better off without but if it's torture just keep drinking it.
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest
i'm failing but i will turn it around
Fatty Contest
Do it then
Is it normal to weigh one less pound after pissing? Weighed myself and came in at 162, peed, then weighed myself again and was down to 160.8
How much urine did you pass?
Fatty Contest
249.0 lbs
Fatty contest
Certified Turtle
I didn't measure but if I did it into a water bottle it would've filled it up most of the way. I did the math and a water bottle weighs about 16.9 fl oz which is half a kg which is about 1 pound so it looks like the math clears out.
Seems like a really unconventional way to use the term honestly
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Eat up anon, I made you lunch, raw chicken + nonfat greek yogurt+ lemon pepper seasoning
>raw chicken
raw? why
>have a cheat day last week
>scale went up
>been on the diet past week
>scale went down
>but not below All Time Low
it's owari da...
man any anons here got problems with hard boiled eggs? i fucking love these little buggers like you wouldnt believe, esp cuz cooking them in large batches and eating them over the week is great.
i always ate some oats along with 3 eggs in the morning and i felt insanely fatigued for the morning-noon hours, esp at work, so i skipped the oats cuz i thought it was due to carb crashing
still had the same problem, just skipped breakfast, felt way better than eating just eggs in the morning.
cant do that anymore cuz i hate eating a bunch of shit at the end of the day (troubles my sleep) so i just went with oats + whey + almonds (same macros as my previous oats + eggs breakfast) and i dont feel like complete ass anymore.
i have 0 troubles like that with scrambled or fried, even poached eggs where i cook the yolk through 100%. i dont have time in the morning to do that though
what the FUCK is it about hard boiled eggs that gives me trouble? i dont want to abandon my lil homies but it seems like i have no choice..

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