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Why aren't you juicing?
Because I don’t want to inject illegal substances into my body that were likely manufactured in some Chinese bathtub in Hiao Ming province
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doesn't help with idiots like this making the rest of us roid chads look bad
Because i already have a beautiful gf thats pregnant with my child, i shall live a long life if possible
Because I'm not prepared to take full responsibility for my endocrine system and health
>doesn't help with idiots like this making the rest of us roid chads look bad
there are no before and after pics for nattys because no one cared about them enough to find an after they stopped lifting pic
Is this all really being posted again?
Is this place that creatively bankrupt?
are either of these dudes meant to look bad?
> have qt gf not wife
> she's pregnant and tells me its mine

gl with that anon. its def not yours
I managed to be a starting D2 defensive tackle for 3 years, and the strongest player on the team aside from some 300 lb former powershitter, without taking as much as a cup of coffee
Meanwhile the only guy I've known to pin, even among my D1 friends, is a pathetic 5'2 "bodybuilder"
This has led me to believe that the vast majority of elite athletes out there really are just built different, and the vast majority of steroid users are coping fags/attentionwhore bodybuilders
I'm not insecure enough
What if I told you can make close to lab quality PEDs in your kitchen? Not using myself, but daamn do I sometimes want to.
because I think i'll probably inject for the rest of my life if i start and i'm not sure if i want to pursue my dream of living alone off the grid yet or not. I wish I could just buy enough roids for the rest of my life but i cant. so i won't start yet.
because it's lying to yourself. just like tra
You can get a kilo of Test E for $720
I don't have body dysmorphia
>Why aren't you juicing?
because I'm not a mentally ill roidtranny
Le obligatory american post
because I genuinely don't like the look that roiders get. especially the funny looking exagerrated shoulders
i'm not in a hurry, i don't have body dysmorphia, and i don't feel like dealing with the associated risks and research needed to mitigate them
It's cheating.
Its not a guarantee you get a insta physique when taking roids. Ive seen plenty of people who got big but still look like shit. wacky proportions gino water bloat. I would feel ten times worse taking roids and look like shit.
>roid chads
>has to cope with his shit genes by roiding
only cheaters win in real life
because i want to be healthy
because im not retarded and vain
because i want to keep donating blood
1/2/3/4 is stronger than 99% of the population.
1/2/3/4 is strong enough.
keep telling yourself that
i'd say hurry up and post the guide
I conceived both of my healthy children while on AAS many years ago and still use them today. Just say "because im scared" or "because I don't really care that much." Honesty is always the best policy.
1. I have an eye condition that could make me go blind sooner if I go on gear.
2. I did "one cycle" 25 years ago which was supposed to last 3 months and ended up being 1.5 years because you become afraid to stop, and I'm not looking to make it a full-time gig again.
3. I don't like spending money on shit that isn't really going to change my life much at this point.
4. I'm old, most I'll ever do is a very low dose of T just to get back to old levels, but not gonna spend $2k/month or risk blindness just to put 20 lbs. on fast, the juice aint worth the squeeze for me.
But you go ahead, nobody's stopping you.
That's funny because I'm not playing any games. Are you?
You just need to do basic filtration and some baseline sanitary measures, you do not need a phD to cook up some test. Any faggot with some willpower and 100 IQ can do it, and they do.
I don't want to be reliant on any drug
I'd probably roid just to lift heavy and look good, but mostly everyone I know who roids ends up looking like a bloated balloon animal. One exception is this one guy at my gym who looks like David Laid, without the faggy baby face. I asked him if he was natty and he said no, so it might be genetics + roids. Everyone else looks like a retarded balloon animal. Also that guy I admired when I first starting lifting 8 years ago now looks like a tranny wojak dyel with inflated gyno nipples, I don't want to end up like him too.
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I want to have children one day.
>go off cycle
>body goes back to the way it was
wow so hard anon
steroids only make you infertile WHILE you are taking them
3/10 bait, a bit too on the nose
It's real though? You just take HCG and Clomid while dropping all steroids and you become fertile again lol.
Yes, that's how mentally ill roidtrannies are
Why would I? Seems mentally ill.
post body
you can buy raw test for $1 per gram
he looks great, he'd mog you natty too. Crabs liek you use this cope to feel better about your mediocre genes. Go ahead take all the roids in the world most of you won't look like he does.
Balding. I have a good head of hair in my late 30s. I don't want to become a baldcel
Because I'd like to live past the ripe old age of 35 and maintain a mean iq above three digits.
does estrogen count?

why be an ugly bald man when you can be a cute girl?
Damn the derek seether is STILL making these mknrhs later?
The one on the left looks like he's never lifted
he hasnt
Honestly would if it wasn't that expensive. But even if I could I wouldn't want to ruin my body using compounds I don't know do what, so I'd need to hire a coach or something ands that's just too much.

It's tru steroid seethers are generally crabs and just reflexively attack anything that makes them feel weak or small. If there were roids as available and safe as creatine everyone would take them. The moral angle is just retarded.
I've no issue with others juicing, and I can appreciate their reasons for doing so. But my own reasons for not doing so would be that I don't want to potentially disrupt my endocrine system or accelerate hair loss and ageing. I can get to the level of fitness/strength that I want naturally and I know that because I've already been at that level and I also know that anything more would just be a cherry on top, not an essential goal for me.
All that being said, if I get to my 50s and my teat has dropped to the point where I'm degrading naturally and can do nothing else about it, I'll gladly hop on test or something else. Doesn't make a difference at that stage
Because you guys won’t source talk
I dont get what the pictures are supposed to mean. Right looks great (could train neck and traps more though). Left could gain some muscle but is ideal for rock climbing and 400m/1000m/swimming.
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why are you trying to get healthy men into this shit? Organ failure, baldness, early death etc... fuck all these roid retards. if you have shit genetics accept it and do something else
i'm too square, idk who to ask or where to get it and googling around doesn't give me any usable leads.
the fact that the product being "illegal" is a part of why you don't do it can only mean one thing
you are a faggot
Why are you juicing?
>Because I'm insecure and retarded
We all know
Because I have a good head of hair and I'm not accomplished, successful, or likeable enough to be forgiven for having a shitty hairline.
This, I am natty jacked with great hair and got complimented on it this past weekend by two girls at a pub and they pointed to a much younger guy and asked what I would do if I had that hairline and I just said I would kill myself and they laughed.
Based, wish you all the best
i'd rather play with my grandchildren than have a heart attack at 38
I made it all up to misdirect all of you haha
Post hairline
Let's see it then. You'd be the fist jacked natty I've ever seen.
Theres forums that source talk, you just go and lurk there
mesorx, eroids, steroids source talk etc
You need a wife first anon
because im not an insecure glorified troon?
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because I'm not gonna chemically castrate myself and become dependent on HRT like a tranny. give me roids that don't shut you down and I'll gladly take it, but there aren't any. ib4 HCG doesn't stop supression, it only artificially supports your balls for the duration, you still need PCT. I know I can take something mildly supressive, like anavar or SARMs, with enclomiphene and don't get shut down, but they're so weak it's barely worth the effort and blocking estrogen receptors with enclo has its own issues.
who is this manlet? i keep seeing this pic everywhere lately
I am not so mentally ill and weak willed to think I need exogenous chemicals to look my best or be strong. You are permanently shortening your life and giving yourself brain damage because your either too lazy to put in work or to mentally ill to like yourself and your body. Unironically you are worse than the 400lb fat asses who spout fatphobia nonsense and you probably won't live as long as them.
When you stop taking it your body's production just goes back to the first state before roids... it only shuts you down when you are taking them.
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I hope you're not implying that the guy on the right is roiding, that's like a 6 month natty physique.
Idk man, 1/2/3/4 should be a solid warm up for the 2/3/4/5 you should be working towards.

Currently 2/5 I'm working on, 3/4 are achieved
Don't juice because there's no realistic aspect in life that requires it.
No male who works on functionality uses roids, only fags who are desperate for admiration and middle aged fags who didn't achieve enough earlier in life use roids

Roids are the facelift/tummy tuck of the gym world. You might look a little better to yourself but everyone you know (aside from other roidfags/attentionfags) is mocking you for it
>pregnant gf
lmao congrats on having a bastard out of wedlock retard
don't even need to drop steroids, all biggest roiders (cbum, shaw, hall etc) have gotten their wives pregnant while in competition prep
I don't have 1/2/3/4 as my goal, I'm already at 1/2/3/4 for reps natty. My lifetime goal is 2/3/4/5, and that's completely achievable natty.
Beta angry guy detected.
>muh boogeyman roids
90% of all srs gains-havers use test to some degree. You are showing your lack of lifting experience.
They always look like you aren't supposed to have that much muscle on your frame it's weird as shit. Not on a humans frame but just theirs in particular.

Seriously what causes this kind of mental state.
>has no functioning balls without HRT injections
>probably considers some bloated caricature the threshold for serious gains
>calls others beta
Im almost caught up with most 1yr steroid users after 1yr of lifting
If your goal is 2/3/4/5 then you don't even lift.
You have no idea how badly proportioned those numbers are
i suggest a paternity test anon
because I have everything I want in life without them
Still not interested in mixing my own bathtub test and taking the other anti-aromitase shit as well. And, like I said, not interested in risking early blindness to put on a few lbs. at my age.
Do you not care enough about your children to be there for them when they’re adults?
Eh. The last time I PRd on bench I was at 275, and my squat is somewhere between 360 and 375. I'll probably get there quicker on my squat but a 315 bench seems super achievable too. My deadlift and OHP are both stuck closer to 135 and 425 respectively. I know people always say OHP is the easiest lift to hit 1/2/3/4 with but it was the last one I hit. And honestly I don't care about my deadlift right now but that seems like the easiest lift to bump up anyway. It definitely seems like 2/3/4/5 is skewed towards upper body stuff but I wouldn't mind having a bigger upper body. What do you think a more balanced version of 2/3/4/5 would be?
because i'd fuck it up and end up with some lifelong debilitating disease
yeah but it expires. I would need test for potentially decades
just mix bleach and ammonia. It'll make crystals. That's pure test. Dissolve the crystals in water and inject rectally.
dude weed lmaoooooo
My body dysmorphia isn't that bad yet
don't wanna
The real redpill is that natty dyel benefits the most from pinning.
mindbroken gynocentrist
yeah bro, all your hair also magically grow back and you your heart will suddenly fix itself to live past 40
My goal body is that of a Calvin Klein underwear model so well within the natty limit. The guy with the best zeek at my local gym is also natty but his programing is insane. His Gramma buys two dozen eggs from my parents farm once a week and if he's not working out he's playing pickup basketball at the outdoor rec center. Very Gaston-pilled.
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>My goal body is that of a Calvin Klein underwear model
Don't be a retard.
Because there is life after 30 and I don't want to have tits or thyroid cancer.
Hiao Ming province here. Our products are thoroughly tested, safe and effective. They are made from the finest local ingredients, sustainably sourced.
You wanna know why?

Cause a good natty physique just looks better. I can tell when somebody is roiding or if somebody is natural even if they are the same size. When I see buffed out meat head roiders walking around it just looks a bit silly. More power to them, I don't care what they do , but being natty ripped/strong /in good shape just looks way better. When you see a roiders, it's uncanny for a reason, like we biologically can sniff it out like plastic surgery or something.

Natty bros just win this .
2 will take forever. 5 I find annoying because my squat progresses so much faster than my diddily doodily
holy cope
>go off cycle
>>body goes back to the way it was
So why even bother doing it in the first place?
That's only when you want to make kids.
Ideally you should blast and cruise when you're young and just cruise when you're older on TRT
Finasteride is cheap and very easy to get prescribed.
Because I'm not a competitive bodybuilder, and because you don't need steroids to become ridiculously strong and be built like a brick shithouse.
>cbum, shaw, hall etc have gotten their wives pregnant while in competition prep
Sounds like an exciting episode of Maury.
I don’t know about other people, but for me I am just waiting until I am older. My honest game plan is to stay natural until my hair starts falling out. After that I’m going to go to steroid city and probably live there until it kills me
I want to stay cute
This is true if you are taking test only. If you take shit like tren it will take years and other meds to get it back which at that point are you really willing to risk it feeling like shit? Low test in no joke, just stick to test and an a estrogen blocker if you really want to do it but if you're already ok test level wise it's not really worth it.
I like big big balls and I don't want to lose my gains when I get tired of sticking faggot juice in my ass.
I agree.
this >>75132421
looks better than roid physique
>inb4 woman
i'm a straight male, it's just facts bro
I saw some of the physiques and I'm thinking do they even lift arms it's your job to be big and it'd definitely help to have more power to shove the dudes head around with your arm or something then some are like 8% bf but still not big like a bodybuilder.

Like dude you have smaller arms than some construction workers and also you're full of shit and they're only willing to juice. If someone knew what they were doing you'd have more dominant star players and shit apart from I'd guess skill because it's a strength sport.
>how to juice
This nigg dont even know how to train
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>dont even know how to train
If you don't look at least this big completely natty, shut the fuck up.
Every bronze era lifter who actually looks big is a manlet
Oh come on, they look like shit. I'm natty and look worse than that myself, but lets not pretend these pictures aesthetically pleasing.
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>roid chads
tpbp. The minecraft server isn't fun on creative mode when you can just spawn in diamonds.
>>body goes back to the way it was
yea that's the problem
ok and since you don't have the pretty twink face neither a fake natty physique you're a normie jestermaxxer. completely replaceable with no niche appeal
Derek mogs your entire genetic lineage past and future. Crab dyel
I know most of this shit is just shitposting.
But if you take steroids unironically you are essentially saying that your gains are artificial and not real, don't fall for stupid memes and fuck your body / heart Anons.
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hi derek. still skipping leg day?
still coping even posting photoshopped pics. Stop coping boyo you're never gonna make it with this incel trad cuck outlook
And what's wrong with that? Most of the best things in life are not natural. You have access to literal super soldier serum and you're too insecure in yourself to do it. you'd probably too scared to be one of those "roided for this" guys. never making it regardless
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>aiieeeeeeeeeee its photoshopped you incel
derek plz
Cursed bodytype, instead of abs he has one giant solid ab.
I don't have body dysmorphia
Because I'm strong as fuck and look great without roids. Git gud.
mogs you
Okay, I'm scared of dying early due to steroids. wow that felt good to get off my chest!
t. totally not derek
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Because a well trained natural physique looks better, I'm not interested in shortening my own lifespan more than I already have, I have no desire to rely on a continual supply of test/hrt/chink soup to maintain my relative strength, I'm not a competitive professional athlete and my body dismorphia isn't that bad.
I'm trying to fuck women, not men.
genuinely am freaked out about the possibility of accelerated aging, hair loss, bad skin. if those weren't common side effects, i'd blast.

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