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/fit/ - Fitness

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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the ample anons who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/
>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>75119272
already ate like 700 calories worth of leftover slop out my fridge today
guess i'm just going to fast for the rest of the day, maybe do 45 minutes of cardio
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>Only 488 calories left today
I guess I should go for a walk today
Does being at a heavy deficit make you more sad and pissed off? I feel a rage and sadness burning inside me.
very heavy deficits make me more lazy and docile honestly
Of course, the term "hangry" exists for a reason
Anons who gained it all back after a lot of weight loss — wtf happened?
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Covid lockdowns, depression, university, stopped counting calories when I hit my goal weight.
I stopped running four miles a day. Now I've lost 35 lbs and I'm doing it almost exclusively through diet(with resistance training and HGH peptide injections to slow muscle detioration) to hopefully be more sustainable
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I ate an egg that my dad boiled in the morning and now I don't feel so good anons
I "wanted to give myself a little off time" before going back to dieting, it's only what, 3, 5, 10kg? I lost that I can lose it again. what it's 20kg now? fuck. what, a new all time high? OH SHI
Time passed and I gained weight over time. 5 years passed and now Im fat again
I’m going to make it, father
I just eat too much when I don't count what I'm eating.
And I stopped counting.
I could probably stop counting if I was going to a gym consistently, but I don't have a hobby like that and I don't move much throughout the day.

I am planning on giving a gym another go, though.
turkey teriyaki stir fry for supper
Now I'm curious, what was it
I feel bad now so I’m not gonna say
When I lost 80 pounds was during COVID lockdown completely alone with very few choices for food, nothing to do and no schedule and around the same time I started a new medicine that made my stomach constantly hurt, so I couldn't tell when I was actually hungry and I was bored of the taste of everything.
I started gaining it back when everything was open again, those side-effects subsided, and I was busy with classes again.
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>Weight myself after lifting
>Gained like 3 kilos
Do muscles really retain that much water when working out
We all are, son.
I still looked gross after putting in all that work and it made me want to kill myself so I stopped thinking about losing more weight or maintaining
now I still want to kill myself AND I'm morbidly obese again
Dont take shortcuts /fat/ bros. Ozempic users only lose an average of 10% bodyweight, and gain an average of 7% once use is stopped.
wow thats fuckin sad man. praying for you
>no proof
Hope you're lifting this time anon. It will make you lose better when you're at a normal weight.
Horse meat is such a cheat code.
studies are varied. one says 56% maintain weight loss or continue to lose. Not a bad number, but the odds arent in the favor of us fatties if i had to guess
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cant be serious
Already lost 15 percent of body weight, you need to select for people who are actively motivated to lose weight. I'd say fatties on here are more motivated than your regular joe
Statistics are the excuse of the passive. Be a man of agency, not a clinical average
install 4chanX newfag
you need to be 18+ years old to post in this forum
I lost weight with keto, then I stopped paying attention. COVID and a few tragic events had me down for a while. Because I lost weight with keto I didn't really know how many calories all the carb-heavy foods have. I love pastries, but I had no idea that just a few of them are basically the equivalent of an entire meal in calories. This made me regain all the weight and then some.

At one point I stepped on a scale and saw 114 kg. I decided to stop things there and have gone down to 94 kg by now. This time I plan on weighing myself at least once a week forever.
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didn't get it all back but regained 20kg out of 74kg lost.
Got both my rotator cuffs and cocyx fucked up, couldn't sleep properly in any position, couldn't even sit properly with a special cushion etc., could barely do anything. Physical therapy was incredibly slow, physical therapists said that calorie restriction could slow down progress so I didn't pay attention to calories and only after 3 years of therapy did both the rotators(but not exactly 100%) and cocyx heal.
Still didn't go over 100kg and was constantly between 86-96kg during that time so I'm happy that I least never went over 100kg while not paying attention to my diet, basically not moving and not sleeping properly for years.
Mostly lost the 20 kg again and now I'm working on lowering bodyfat and lifting, that's why I'm back here in /fat/ after 3 years, it's fun doing this shit alongside anons
how did you fuck up your rotator cuffs and cocyx, was it lifting? any tips to not do that? or was it some sort of accident
continuing to maintain and lose just need to figure out the exercise intensity. think i need to intentionally undertrain just so i can do a little something everyday and not get extra hungry
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logging accident when helping out my family, cousin fucked up putting one big ass log onto the truck, it started sliding and would have crushed me and my uncle's skull but I managed to throw up my arms, pushed with all my strength and deflected it sideways. Saved us from multiple broken bones or perhaps even dying but fucked up both cuffs at the same time. Funnily enough I fucked up my coccyx in the 2 weeks up to the rotator cuff injury, spent every morning for 2 weeks reading on a chair like this with my legs up on a stool for a couple of hours but since I completely and utterly lacked ass after my weightloss it seems that I somehow managed to inflict soft tissue damage around the coccyx.
Fuck these chairs
>quit drinking when I started losing weight
>it’s temporary, I work too much and have no friends here anyways, when I go back home I’ll drink again
>decided fuck it I’ve come a long way and I wanna see how much my tolerance has dropped after 65lbs and a few months dry
>drink entire 26 of rum on my couch
>called friend crying about ex
>4 drunk dials, no clue what I said
Fuck it I’m going back to the soberfag lifestyle, I will admit getting drunk is still the happiest I’ve been in months but it also destroyed my progress for the week.
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I don't know. I can't even really blame covid for it since it happened before that. I went to a wedding then when I came back home, I felt extremely sad and just let myself go immediately after. I guess it was a subconscious feeling that I'll never get married myself.

Then in 2020 I actually caught covid, but I was obese by then and it fucked me up bad. I went to the hospital for a week, then when I came back home, I felt that depression again, and really let myself go. I'm over 30 years now and I haven't had a normal life since then. Just a month ago I decided I might as well pick up the pieces, even though I don't really have anything to live for.
>This many anons already lost it before and gained it back
grim desu...
Hypothetical regarding body recomposition. If I simply went into a deficit (still currently in said deficit ~1.5 years) and then got into working out a couple months after having been in a deficit, would I have ever actually had body recomposition in that time?
I lost it all in highschool, after highschool I became a NEET I stopped working out and counting calories for the next 16 years, now I'm heavier than I've ever been.
as long as this means that nikokado will also gain it back i'm fine with it
Anyone here have experience with a Fitbit or smart watch style device? Did it improve your motivation?
I constantly gain the weight back.
Drinking and sweets binge does that.
lost 70 lbs in 2018
maintained until 2020
covid hit and stopped going to the gym
stopped counting calories
went back to my old ways
saw my weight go up but cope'd and said it wasn't that much and I could just lose it again since I lost it before
I didn't lose it and it just went up and up
started and failed dieting dozens of times in the last 3 years, gained all 70 lbs back
3 months ago I started dieting again and this time it stuck, lost 30 lbs so far, 30-40 more to go
I got a cheap chinese knockoff, it mostly made me pissed off that the step counter was so different from my phone.
Gaining weight is so easy. Now that I am on diet I don't even feel like I am eating much less food
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how do i keep normal protein intake at a cut? and how do i keep my muscles from atrophying? some days i'm in a 1000 kcal deficit, but i feel that's way too much. i lost 30 kgs in few months when i was younger by spamming coffee and cigarettes which i don't intend to repeat, i lost a shit ton of muscle mass as well
>t. aiming to lose ~10 kgs
Lift weights and chicken breasts
Chicken Breast you plebian
Last night I ate this whole pack. 1,200 calories.
I have one. Fitbit is perfectly adequate. I have a couple more upmarket ones and they're all just as accurate. Helps with step and sleep motivation but I'm a cooompletor. Also helps with knowing if youre in your heart rate target zone during cardio.
>Not a low calorie food
Well at least they tried warning you
>come back from vacation
>same elliptical machine on same settings i did before feels much easier now
i did keep doing cardio on my vacation but this is weird. maybe they fucked with the machine
I own a pixel watch and it's great for keeping track of my cardiofag stuff. Plus a lot of good metrics for general health. The only downside is the battery life. It needs time to charge every other day.
It also does keep me motivated just from being able to track and stay on-top of my cardio goals.
I lost all my strength
My pears taunt me
had a nice cheat day + cheat brunch this past weekend. getting right back on the deficit. lost 20lb since July. anyone who is struggling just know that you can power through and achieve your goals.
Your weight is a mindset. If you get fatmind even if you lose it through circumstance or effort it's easy to gain it back if you don't practice dominating your fatmind. It happened to me, I was 320 at 17 and my parents sent me to a military school for kids about to get sent to jail and this was their last chance. They basically used it as a fat camp.
It was nice I ended up losing 80lbs and being in the best shape of my life. When I left I could run an 8 minute mile (when I started it was a 20 minute walk) and could easily keep up with all of the cardio and daily activity. I wasn't skinny again but I was a completely different person physically.
But the problem was the place wasn't designed to help people like me, it just happened because there happened to be a lot of exercise and a controlled diet. So mentally it wasn't enough time to change.
Within a few weeks of getting out I was already back to my old fatmind habits and within 2 years I was over the weight I started. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to change the way you think about food and your life mentally.
kek come on man
turn this ship around today
They did, 130cal for 3 cookies isn't bad. Its not the cookies' fault; it's mine. I just keep getting high and then I binge eat really hard.
>stop getting high
>stop buying cookies
wish salmon wasn't so expensive
The day was going so well too, but lately I'm just fucking miserable and I only feel better getting high. It's complicated abd one of those situations That will end I just have to stick through it. I'm just not coping well.
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Got suicidally depressed due to friends betraying me which turned me full hikikomori. The depression was completely unrelated to lockdown and in fact getting a lockdown related job helped me get my life back on track, mostly. Still lost most of my motivation to lift weights, only just this month starting the journey again.
Never again, bros, WAGMI.
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Don't let the reaper win bro, you'll have all of eternity to feel sorry for yourself or forget. This is your one and only chance you got.
I'm turning 42 in dec and went from 500 start of the year to 399 last week. My body is a horror show that somehow looks worse the more I lose.
I have zero expectations that I will ever find a woman or love. But thinking about all the people that die in their 40's from heart attacks and strokes or the ones that live longer and are bedridden keeps me up at night.
I don't think I could live with myself if someone else had to wipe my ass. I'm just trying to find things in life that make me happy and focus on that.
Who knows, maybe after I lose the weight something good will actually happen. If not at least I bought a few more years for myself and will be able to die on my own terms instead of being abused by some caretaker.
I fear this will be me, I'm way more self-conscious of my body after making a lot of progress, the fat-apathy that made me not care about becoming huge also made me not care what I looked like and that's gone now

I'm trying to frame it around health and being able to enjoy physical activity rather than feeling good about my looks because I don't think I'll ever have that
That tiny thing is 1200 calories? I find that difficult to believe.
30 cookies fat ass
It's sloppa. Fed the same feed as chicken and pigs, along with coloring to make it pink again.
It's just expensive way to eat corn oil.
i suppose you only eat locally sourced free range meat too? what ever man
I should start buying more expensive food so I go through my food budget faster and cant afford to binge
Anybody here on minoxidil and finasteride? Has weight loss fucked with your hair gains?
Another summer done. Another summer of complete failure because I’m a greedy pig with no self control. Ah.
That's the blessing of this terrible inflation/economic downturn/corporate greed. Everything's so fucking expensive. Even fast food.
My inner cheapskate is fighting off the inner fat kid.
Right? I really can't afford to eat like I did at my fattest
Weight loss thinned out my hair
I already started going bald before I lost weight, doesn't matter there is no hope. I'm letting what's left grow wild like Samson and shaving it all off once I reach my goal weight.
Covid lockdown completely fucked me up. For a while I didn't know what day of the week it was and my sleep/wake cycle was something crazy like 28 hours so I'd sleep for 14 hours and then be awake for 14 hours and I'd never wake up at the same time each day.
Weight loss will theoretically mess with your hair since fat is involved with estrogen production, which preserves your hair.
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>Keto started in January
>Keto still going now, no breaks
>make sure to go to my doctor to get physical/blood test
>every single test is markedly improved and back in the healthy range
>diet is grilled chicken, broccoli, onions (light), sunflower seeds, dried seaweed, dry ribs, omelettes, salami, cheese, and sparkling ice with vitamins
>BMI is (barely) in average metric now, no longer obese or overweight
>feel the best I've felt in 10+ years
Why does /fit/ hate this diet again? Heading towards my goal weight of 125 before I go for a 60 carb a day and put more fruits and veggies back into the mix. Dropping all the weight has just been insanely healthier than keeping it on while I slowly filter down.
Pretty sure keto is supposed to be high fat, I don't see where that fat is coming from. Are you drowning the meat and veggies in butter?
Nope. I guess it's... modified keto? It's high protein more than anything. The sausage, cheese and salami are pretty high in fats but I more just avoid carbs than focus on fat. Is what I'm doing not keto? It's 20g or less per day
I dunno I'm no expert on the subject I just see every keto shill on youtube and everything they eat has 5 gallons of butter or lard on it. I'm sure there's different ways to do it. It clearly worked for you, congrats.
good for you bro, keep those positive thoughts rolling and stay disciplined
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>entering month 3 of the cut
>down 25lb or so
>down like 1.5 shirt sizes, xls fit snugly in a good way i just dont like my belly so i dont wear them
>forearm veins are showing passively even if faint most days unless im loaded up on salt, look insane while im lifting and pumped
>between fupa shrinking and generally stronger erections dick feels like it's 'grown' and i have self confidence to feel good about putting it in a woman and it not being a floppy piece of shit
seriously fellow fat anons, if youre having any doubts, keep fucking going
the results are so worth it
i feel better about my body than i have in like 18 months
does anyone have the 'why would you want it to be easy' comic
gf got on BC against my advice, tanked her libido/hormones, we started fighting and stopped fucking, made me depressed as fuck for about 10 months, and was too lazy/comfortable to work on fixing it at a reasonable pace until recently, i just half assed it for half a year
I went to law school. Gained 30 pounds over the last 2 years due to stress, an a lack of time for working out and cooking. Trying to reverse this in my final year and have good habits post graduation. I have a high paying firm job lined up post graduation so the pressure is off to a large degree, other than passing the bar.

I am a bit worried about how things will go once I'm working and expected to put in 50+ hrs weeks every week. But I'll be rich enough to afford a personal trainer, private chef, and maid, so I can manage my time.
It sped it up . ..
Been working out a bunch more, feel stronger, stamina way better, blah blah blah. Haven’t taken food into consideration but still lost 7.4 pounds over the past 2 months (last time I tracked cals got too extreme.) Wanted to try and lose 10 more pounds by end of October with a ~500 cal deficit. Only issue I’m having is I’m also training for a race, and forcing myself to eat sucks. It’s 7 pm and I still have 1,083 cals left for the day but not hungry whatsoever. I’m worried I’m gonna lose muscle but that probably won’t happen since I’m still training the whole time… idk.
>cut down to breakfast and dinner
>Exercise just before dinner

This has got to work right (I am stubborn so can stick to it)
how do i deal with nasty hunger pangs?
sometime it takes an hour to just wait for it to pass
its working on my machine
i eat a little in the morning and a big 'omad' after lifting
i dont feel hungry til bed time at which point i just go through it
Distract yourself by doing something, play vidya or watch anime or go on a walk or anything like that. Sometimes I'll just slap myself really hard, the sting does a great job of distracting me. It will go away if you ignore it long enough.
>Distract yourself by doing something
usually this works, but those really nasty pangs are rough
the longest i had it for was 2 hours
ill try again anon, thanks for the help
Yeah its brutal, I go through the same thing for days when I am fasting. Chugging water or tea helps sometimes. Also doing something that would physically make it impossible to eat like taking a shower or bath can be a good distraction. Something about knowing that there's no way I can get to food in the moment makes it easier to forget.
Just picture that hunger inside yourself as a demon, a parasite that wants to steal your life away and the only way to kill it is to ignore its call. Don't let it win.
I'm a vegetarian.
been on a deficit for 14 months, down 85 pounds. Hair on top has thinned way the fuck out in the last year
Help me out bros, does this actually reduce the appetite? Any experiences?
bro fell for the supplement jew...
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This reminds me, I have money for Whey or Creatine. Which one should I get?
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>3% milk in company fridge so people could put it in their coffee
>have a sippy and put it back
Supplements have nothing to do with Judaism, what are you talking about?
No it doesn't
Step 1) Psyllium husk + big glass of warm water. This will remove the hunger pain. Don't over do the psyllium husk take just 1 serving.
Step 2) Chase it with a cup of tea, coffee, soup broth, or diet soda. This is for the dopamine so pick a flavor you like. If you like vanilla + lemon notes the tazo brand "glazed lemon loaf" tea is very good.
Trying to figure out what level of activity I should put down. Problem is I work in commercial refrigeration, and my level of activity can vary pretty widely. eg, Monday I might spend in a rack house replacing a 400lb compressor with a coworker, using a chain fall. Next day I'm adjusting reach-in cases, and spend most of my time staring at a set of gauges and walking in circles. Day after I'm on the roof, patching a hole in a coil and lifting up tools, torches, and tanks of refrigerant. Usually I put down 4 hours of "moderate" activity for my insurance (thanks, Aetna), but I want to be more precise for weight loss. What would you reccomend, /fat/?
Sedentary. Exercise calories are just a bonus you shouldn't count.
Well I'm officially homeless AND unemployed. I guess I'll be fasting for a bit soon
the cut is gonna be crazy
whey and it isn’t close
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Hey /fat/. Today is my Birthday. I drove to a local coffee shop and ordered a piece of carrot cake and a coffee and sat in my car to eat it. This will be the highlight of my day and I don’t even feel that good after it. Tomorrow I weigh myself and we get serious about this god damn weight. I think I will be a couple of kg down from this time last year desu but I really wanted to apply myself this year and was going to do the shirtless thing at the beach as a sort of weird celebration that I’d achieved something. I’m gonna make it, hopefully Dubs confirm.
maybe chewing gum and an eca stack
definitely not whatever that shit is
Good progress
Stay strong brother, I did 6 months on the streets. It can get you down if you let it but I know you'll find a way back.
Join the fatty contest and happy birthday
One way or another. I can't apply for assistance while fat because it implies I soevt all my money on food and lost my job because I'm a fat slob
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Im on my 2nd time around. 140kg to 125kg, then back up to 150kg 12mths later. 12mths after that I tried again and got down to 95kg, currently at a crossroads back at 105kg where hopefully Ive caught myself early enough to start heading back down rather than keep going in the wring direction. Downwards spirals can escalate quickly as I know only too well.
Do I log my 10g of collagen supplement for calories?
I had a fitbit for a while, was ok but then things stopped working on it then google bought them out and I lost interest in it. Helped for a while though for sure.
>4.1 lbs heavier than yesterday afternoon
It hurts

Calories in for the past two days were
>Two cups of All Bran Flakes
>Two cups of 2% milk
>Maybe 5 grapes
>Large chicken breast, bone-in
>Three small-medium baked potatoes
>2 Graham crackers
>A little bit of honey
>2 chocolate cookies with raspberry filling (130 calories)
>2 relatively small servings of pasta
>Four scoops of Tang powder

And 5.5 L of water
>hopefully Dubs confirm
my boi here's gonna make it, I'm proud of you
I appreciate it. I'm not mad at my family that they can't take me in, I'm just disgusted that's the case in 2024. I'm sad I'll have to rehome my pets though.
Stop obsessing over water weight, it's not real.
my bp was 140/95 my last doctor's check up and he told me if it goes higher he's gonna recommend medication
today I checked and it's 113/71 lets go bros
Can someone explain to me how t4 and t3 factor into fatloss? I have t4, should i get t3 too?
Don't listen to those other faggots, it really does
It's just driving me nuts. Got to 70 kg finally and it's back up. I feel like I cheated and I was probably dehydrated when I took that weight, my mouth was so dry when I woke up that morning and I sweat out 1 kg the night before. It's the feeling that maybe that water should have been part of my normal weight.
That's why you should only weigh yourself once a week at most and really every other week. Otherwise you'll lose motivation based on random fluctuations. The only thing that matters is if you are sticking to your diet. If you are than you have nothing to worry about.
I get frozen wild caught sockeye salmon from costco, $11/lb for a 3lb bag
While I eat mostly decent foods, I'll occasionally eat less healthy foods like pasta if I can still maintain a significant deficit. Today I ate three meals. Breakfast was fairly small and relatively healthy. Lunch was fairly small but not particularly healthy. Dinner felt heavy but it was whole foods, but drinking the Tang probably didn't help. Just wanted something other than straight or sparkling water for once.
I think I am going to only weight myself once per month
The big thing with keto is that people will lose tons of weight on keto but then gain it all back when they stop keto because they never learned to eat carbs properly. I started on keto and I cannot count the number of times I read that story on r/keto. Plus, ketofags are extremely annoying and act like they've discovered some secret truth of the universe that carbs are evil.
I dont really know and I had hashis since i was a teen. Take t4 daily which helps keeps things running. Without it i out on weight, take too much i become stick. Blood tests yearly to confirm doseage.
Weighing myself too far apart I wasnt able to keep myself accountable. Id be like this marsbar wont hurt, ill be able to make up for it by the months end. Whereas daily id say i cant eat it as it will affect tomorrow's weighin. Id then chart the weekly average.
Checked. Happy birthday anon. WAGMI
I've had to be on meds for hypertension since my early 20s. To control it the main things are not being overweight, doing cardio for at minimum 30 minutes 3x a week but more is better, not smoking, and reducing your salt intake. Try not to have more than 500mg at once.
If you drink water and then you puke the water, will it reduce the ghrelin in your body?
get a grip
I was taking Ozempic and got off of it, rebounded 10 pounds
what does ozempic feel like?
You feel a little tired and less energy than usual, you get grossed out form eating carbs, and you can be eating something and halfway through not be hungry anymore
>and you can be eating something and halfway through not be hungry anymore
damn so it really gives fats the superpower of self awareness
More like self control
Its more like halfway through eating you feel extremely nauseated and dont want to eat
stop weighing yourself every day. You are gonna go insane doing that.
I think only eating food or taking fiber reduces ghrelin google it and let me know
For me it's weighing every other day
personally I weigh every day because my calorie deficit is so high it is almost always going down a little
From what I was seeing, the hormone ghrelin that is produced when you are hungry is in the stomach acid, so I was wondering if you get rid of your stomach acid it would make you feel less hungry.
get a grip
woof blacking out alone on a couch is not where you want to source your happiness bro
it should scare us all
I'm already insane. Checking my weight when I wake up is my most anticipated part of the day (other than meals). It's probably the same elation and despair a gambler feels. I spend hours of every single day thinking about losing weight, I need that intense focus to stick to it. I understand the risk of burnout, but I have less than 3 months to go. 2.5 years ago I was 110 kg, went down to 72.5, went up to 85, and now I'm at 70. That's 52.5 kg lost, and I only have 13.3 more to go. I've put in 80% of the work, I'm so close.
Nikocado is going to have an ifbb pro physique in two years playing violin kino while you’re coming back to /fat/
Favorite diet food?
What you did was low carb. Low carb diets are just that 50 grams or less of carbohydrate, usually a lot of lean protein and vegetables with some fat. Keto is 70%+ fat with protein and small trace amounts of carbs.

> Why does /fit/ hate this diet again?
nu-/fit/ post r/the_donald migration loves keto/carnivore. But it is a kind of a meme diet in the long term. As an intervention to lose weight it's great. I mean there are so many stories of people losing weight on your kind of diet. Everytime you see someone lose like 100 or plus pounds in a few months it's alway on some kind of low carb-ish diet or keto.

I think the best post keto weight loss diet is a high carb low fat one.
I am on Mounjaro 7.5 mg and honestly it hasn't done much for me. I'm on my third month and I don't feel much of an effect. It's kind of meh. Although for some people it works well. Hasn't done anything for my food noise. Thinking about just going all in on keto and fasting.
I have a whoop band on my biceps. it's.. okay.
I've had it two months now and I'm starting to get numb to its gamification tactics to keep me going.
It's tracking numbers that are potentially useful in and off themselves, and I'm certainly more aware that my sleep hygiene is just bad now.
The best thing about it is that it's out of the way to be honest.
Is there food that's more calorie-dense than what it physically weighs? If you ate 1 lb of some food that contained 4000 calories. Eat 7 lbs of it in one day in addition to maintenance and gain 8 lbs, something like that.
I eat only beef and lamb. Being ruminants, they digest away polyunsaturated fats. They don't get accumulated into the fat unlike with pigs, chickens and fish.
Schizo medication. Makes you incredibly fat, hungry and slows metabolic rate. I was already jacked as fuck before though. I am taking off until I lose weight then going to closely monitor my diet when I go back on. Usually your not in ideal circumstances when you go on the stuff and they start you on massive doses so it's very easy for the side effects to overwhelm you.
probably lard
Fatty Contest
no, it's impossible unless you literally ate pure, broken-down macros, like literally a plate of aminoacids and fatty acids, with a side of carbohydrates. any food will have bulk material on top of the actual things you can digest.
maybe alcohol? there seems to be a 96% polish vodka but pretty sure you couldn't drink a lot before passing out
You have to do it with a low carb diet and fasting for it to work.
The amount of people in this general on schizo meds is hilarious. Must all be Americans.
Kinda long story, lost almost 25kgs, recompositioned my body, first time in my life I wasn't overweight (BMI 25.5 at the time), then strange tumor appeared, I couldn't train for 6 months because of surgery, started junking, after a few months I broke up with ex-whale, so I’ve also started coping with more junking and some alcohol and after 2 years I was back where I started from.
Vodka IV slow drip is obviously the answer.
It'll also give your liver a better chance to truly metabolize all of it rather than pissing, sweating or breathing the precious nutrient away.
I'll go make some rotini alla napoletana con salsiccia e pecorino romano and have retards seethe it'll make me gain weight on a calorie deficit.
>I'll make some bibbity boppity schooze
I googled your moonspeak and, well, that looks like normal food.
Are you sure you can have normal food? That's for normal people, anon.
I only gained back 1/3 of it. Moved to Japan, only got a gym membership there because I could manage basic conversation and a friend wanted help signing up. Only went a handful of times despite being signed up for a year, big waste of money. I didn't feel like spending months of my life there hyperfocusing on the gym, and I didn't want to limit what I ate either. I don't think I started gaining weight until the latter half of the year when I visited home and ate a bunch of junk. Came back in April, constant junk, couldn't even afford a gym membership. I hate the "just go walking" advice. I remember my mom bragging about how she lost 2 lbs in a month from walking. Finally got a stationary bike in June, losing 11 lbs a month. My mom is getting really upset and insecure over it because she only weighs 5 lbs less than me now and she's totally screwed up in terms of health information.
>It's not healthy to eat below 2000 calories a day!
>Men should be at least 160 lbs, you're going to starve yourself to death if you're below that!
>Your frame, my frame, and your aunt's frame mean we can't go below 150 lbs, it's not healthy (she's 5'4)
>If you go below my weight I'll kick your ass!

Showed her a picture of my super attractive Swedish friend who's looking to go from 115 lbs to 108 and she was aghast, never heard such a despairing "She's PERFECT!" before in my life. I'm trying to give her the hint that if she wants to lose weight, all she has to do is put in the effort, but she doesn't have the motivation to stick to it.
Lmao twink manlet
apple watch
not necessarily "motivation" but everything is recorded, so you can record progress, and the device prompts you at times
in some ways it's similar to have a smart scale that also has an app, in that you can see progress in an app
yeah I think you are right man, its makes dieting easier. otherwise glp-1 agonists just aren't all that impressive for weight loss when you look at the data.
stopped concentrating on the discipline of my diet and started eating stuff that i shouldn't have, e.g. more processed foods.
being a bit lazy and having take away instead of home cooked meals.
stopped exercising/lifting as hard as i used to, and started doing other exercise/lifts that weren't as beneficial.
drank too much beer and whisky.
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wa la

this + 3 gherkins = 1210 kcal
ton of fucking calories for such a small plate, you can eat like 4 full chicken breasts for less than 1200 kcal

looks good tho hope you enjoyed
Another day, another 0.3 kg down in the scale. Feels good man.
Fair, but it tastes more interesting than 4 breasts back-to-back.
The looks are deceptive too - it's half a kilo of food.
I'll prolly eat the last sausage with some eggs and after that make a chicken breast and mushrooms in milk sauce with some mashed potatoes. But that'll be in ~three days or so.
>amerifat meme
>most of the weigh-ins here are in kilos
Fat Eurosweep or Americans not even trying?
post hand
Sup /fat/, 5 days ago I quit smoking weed and I've already lost another pound since. Was it really as easy as just not being a druggie all along? I already surpassed my weight loss goal, but I might as well keep going and get leaner since it's working.
Kek, try not to have a schizo meltdown Ameritard.
i need to buy new clothes but i REALLY DON'T WANNA
bigass tent like shirts are actually comfy, plus i barely leave my house anyway except to go to the gym
Tfw can't tell if the light-depression symptoms starting to come back are just my usual bullshit or extended deficit related
At least the diet is concrete enough of a habit by now that it's still holding up during it
If you're depressed, stop being depressed.
Fatty Contest
How can depression be real if our fat isn't real?
Fatty Contest
226 lbs
lost that fat crease between the side rib cage and love handles
>will be under 300lbs this week
Firet time in probably 5 years, feels good.
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>start losing weight
>widows peak starts forming
i heard fat prevents balding cuz of extra estrogen but what can ya do, shit's rough brothers
thankfully i've been shaving my hair for over 10 years so it's not a huge deal but i hope i have at least half a decade before i go full colin mochrie level
my dad has a full head of hair at nearly 60 but my grandpa went bald early so it's a coinflip i guess
I've been bald since 19. What can you do?
Is this true? I have a full thick head of hair and do not want to bald as I lose weight.
Deficits over 1000cal daily cause hair thinning almost inevitably
When I eat normal will my hair recover?
get on fin+min+ketoconazole shampoo asap. you can slow it down. save yourself brother, its too late for me....
yes, calorie restrictions are a stress on the body, but it can take 3-6 months. because your average hair cycles for sprouting to shedding takes 3 months. but just take fin and min as a precaution they are cheap.
175 cm
>just kill your dick bro
I noticed I had a widow's peak a few weeks ago and it scared me. It was never that severe. But then I saw a picture of me from 3 years ago when I was getting my head shaved bald and the hairline looked about the same, so I don't know. My hair has never been thin, so I don't know how a hairline just moves backwards. I've seen my friends' hair thinning out and it's rough.

Hopefully it'll be like >>75129731 says and it'll be fine again once I'm done.
Buy one uniqlo oversized shirt or two
>40lbs down
>feel amazing
>realise I have 100lbs still to go
>want to give up
It's a grind bros........ how do you guys mentally deal with the grind?
I think that I'll probably have to do something very similar till the day I die anyway, so the year or two seem to be rather short-term.
you already basically did what's the best way of dealing with it, you saw how much you lost and felt amazing so focus on what you've achieved and not on the ultimate goal.
Good motivation can come from the outside, talk with your friends and coworkers(families are often crabs so avoid those topics) on how you've been losing weight and they'll basically give you compliments every 5-10kg lost because your brain will be lying to you about how differently you look while outside observers often recognize the changes better in my experience.
Also start wearing fitting clothes as soon you can, at least have one outfit that fits you as soon as you reach that size, you will immediately feel better and your weight loss will be much more noticeable to you and the people surrounding you.
One thing that also helps is trying to do physical stuff that you physically couldn't do before, like one pushup or trying to do a hobby or sport activity that used to leave you winded in a matter of seconds.
Take progress pictures(front and profile) every 2-3 weeks and compare them, you'll immediately see the difference and get a motivation boost.
Post in /fat/ when you're in a crisis but don't be vague, knowing you're not alone in your struggles and seeing other anons fighting the same fight as you helps even if they call you a retarded faggot
I started taking 200mg caffeine pills for productivity and hunger supressant once per 2 days (coffee doesn't work and only gives me acid reflux).
However, recently I started to get chronic headache and increased body heat, should I start to look for alternative?
i eat chicken thigh instead of breast
much more delicious and easier to cook well
yeah it has a little less protein but so what
Snap the pill in half and spread out the doses
Could I just eat 600g of low fat curd and then nothing else? That's 102g of protein for 540 kcal.
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>Tfw feet are in excruciating pain when I'm walking but too poor to afford doctor
Go on without me bros, I'll be fat forever I guess.
Just eat 600g of chicken breast
>much more delicious
Breast tastes good.
Breast, even in its worst form, tastes at least alright.
Thighs have to be cooked properly to taste decent and will NEVER taste better than breasts.
That's higher in calories, much higher in cost and requires a lot of prep and cooking time.
didnt know hands could get herpes
>wrap in foil
>put in oven at 190c for 30 minutes
Literally that easy
Salmon is best eaten raw.
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>never leaves the house

>days without taking a shit: 3
only if not farmed
the opposite actually, unless you enjoy parasites? have you never seen those videos of bears with spaghetti tapeworms coming out their assholes?
girls that wouldn't have even looked in my direction are smiling at me and shit now and it's really messing with my head
enjoy it bro go talk to them
You're imagining things
let him have this
I think so. For job reasons I couldnt lift for 2 weeks, lost weight due to deficit. Started lifting again, 2 kilos instantly gained despite deficit
Covid lockdown brought all the bad habits back to the surface. No gyms, nothing to do, tasty food was all the fun left
feel ya>>75125806
and what's the % of wild ones having parasites?
nearly all water animals, wild or otherwise have parasites because spread is so much easier in water compared to land. thing is the vast majority of them don't do anything inside your body even if they somehow survived all the way there
A slimy tendril typed this
It makes me have zero boner
Being with my gf played a huge roll, we always eat together… in general just trying less with my social life
I ate bacon
> I'd say fatties on here are more motivated than your regular joe
I think that if anything they’re less motivated
> it's fun doing this shit alongside anons
Agree bro. wagmi together
Does high calorie restriction give you guys chest acne? My skin was pretty clear right until I started dieting really hard and now I broke out on my chest of all plaes
The trick is to weigh often but not act like a schizo about water weight. Keep note of your moving average.
rather be full with boring food than hungry with interesting food
euros acting like they’re not fat too is always a highlight
quit eating a mountain of slop every day?
I'm full though.
2006 calories today, which is my target.
About to go to sleep.
Not hungry in the slightest.
God I love asian women and I’m not afraid to say it
That sounds like a “fat guy giving dieting another shot” meal to a t
Eat more nutritious and less palatable foods to deal with hunger
What do the watches even do? Isn’t it just tracking heart rate and steps?
Stay hydrated breh
If I wear Uniqlo some tranny on /fa/ will bully me
just buy the cheapest black t-shirts and cheapest black jeans and cheap black shirts. Black is thinning and clothes like that look good even if they're cheap trash
you can check if eggs have gone bad by putting them in water
if it floats throw it away
Yeah it always feels like next summer is the one, then next summer comes around and I look the same
but at least you can coom inside now
I agree honestly
Heart rate, sleep, steps, can track work out calories burned for basic exercises like swimming, outdoor indoor running, biking. The upmarket ones can detect afib and measure oxygen levels.
I see them more as entertainment devices and not critical for fitness ir health. Your phone tracks steps and you can track exercise through time and how hard you're breathing.
No that has never happened to me unless i was eating s 0 y
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I need to learn japanese
>88 lbs
Is the 88 in reference to heil h*tler? Is the "he" you mention Adolf Hitler?
You should make it 77 lbs avoid being antisemitic
she won’t fuck you bro
i actually want you bro
>law school

I'll take fries with that
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oh yeah you sound real happy sitting alone drinking and crying about your ex, why do drunks always lie to themselves and say it makes them happy?
We are, but not as fat.
Overweight or obese:
>America: 72%
>Europe: 53%
>America: 42%
>Europe: 17%
but you specifically are probably fatter than me
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I wish to feed, father

I wish to eat of the twinkie and drink of the dew

But I will not let this temptation overpower me

Not today
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>start going to the gym
>weight loss starts slowing down a bit
>it's fine, probably just my body getting used to it
>the past two days I've gone back up a pound
your mind is way too short term
muscle weighs more and will slow down your number on the scale but you'll be burning the same, if not more, fat.
never forget water weight is always a thing too.
If your diet hasnt changed you have nothing to worry about
I've been fantasizing about a dessert I saw in instagram again
it's probably not as good as it looks but I can't help wanting to try it atleast once
well what is it?
I’m honestly just excited to start fitting in my old clothes again
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it's a pistachio and chocolate crepe
Damn I could probably eat four bites of that thing then tap out. Truly a fat guy craving
Statistics are a valuable tool if you’re smart
scale stay same :(
Fucking pears man
I think the ozempic hate is really low iq. I’m not fat enough to be zemped up but that stuff is saving lives.
Bless wagmi
in reality they probably just over embellished it for likes/clicks
I found this tiktok that is probably closer to reality for a non-influencer order
Yeah its just dough and chocolate bro nothing special compared to your dream body
>officially 29.9 BMI today
>no longer obese
>now im so fat im almost obese
yeah I said in my first post it probably isn't as good as it looks to me but I still want to try it atleast once for the novelty/experience
congratulations though frame it this way
>beat obesity
I had a normal bmi for like a month six years ago and even then I felt fat
Any fellow SEAniggas in here I recommend just eating nutrijell all day it’s super filling and has like no calories or chemical Jew slop in it, grass jellies also
>I recommend living off diet fruit snacks
this is why whites take asian women
this is why all you jungleniggers get the beetus at 35, you know
there's no way any SEA is obese
you gain like 5 pounds and get publicly shamed as if you were a 300 pound lardbeast
damn that picture is evil
They do, internally. They have almost no subcutaneous fat storage ability, it all goes straight to their viscera, around their organs.
I am only losing weight because I’m poor.
That is kind of a good thing
Next thread
the most aesthetic kind of cut
I’ve been eating nothing but low protein salads like an idiot but the weight just falls off
Probably depends. For me, heavy deficits (down to full fasting) always make me feel good, like I can do anything. In that state, I also get way more random erections than usual, and fapping doesn't seem to help with it.
My best guess is that it's sort of a survival reaction that uses hormones to improve motivation and increase chances of getting food again.
Wouldn't be surprised if it depended on macros, too - I eat lots of protein and fat (milk and meat), so if some stone-age guy eating like me went hungry, motivation could actually fix it. On the other hand, if a farmer / scavenger (with carb-heavy eating habits) went hungry, it was probably because it was winter / spring and there was no food to be found, so getting lazy and hibernating would be their best bet at survival.
That's just guessworkthough, and I have no idea if there's proper research in that direction.
turkey is incredible when you’re tired of chicken
I usually do turkey sandwiches or scrambled eggs for lunch
Interesting your libido goes up on heavy deficits mine is the opposite. Lifting and / nosex does bring my libido way up though
It is hard to tell exactly when I stopped but I gradually stopped caring and weighing myself. One day I looked at the scale and went “Well, fuck. Oh well.”
But don’t they also live the longest?
cheicken has better macros and more versatile and probably cheaper tho
I think fasting helps acne with autophagy but dehydration makes it worse
>Is there food that's more calorie-dense than what it physically weighs?
>Eat 7 lbs of it in one day in addition to maintenance and gain 8 lbs, something like that.
Both Glycogen and fat will bind additional water, so if you're eating something that has less water in it than your body needs to store it (ex. grilled meat) part of what you drink gets bound to it.
But that water weight is already part of normal weightloss calculations, which is why (a kg of fat is normally assumed to be 7000kcal, even though dry fat would be closer to 9000.
Japanese do
Sorry I made new thread a few posts early I was typing it out
That's the nips, completely different race. SEA niggers are mutts, not even strictly Asian. Most of them have a lot of pacific islander in them, some Spanish, some azn, etc
There are lots of reasons for feet to hurt, but one of them can be cardiac problems, like if your heart is struggling to push blood all the way there.
If you're also sometimes seeing fluids leaking from your feet, ankles or legs, you may be well overdue for a visit to a cardiologist.
The good news however is that you don't need to walk to lose weight. Heck, try putting yourself on a clear liquid diet (water, soup broths, jello, multivitamins) for a few days, and see what happens.
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The whoop band isn't a watch. there's no screen, and no button, although it can detect when you hit it, and it can vibrate, in the off chance you need that, which you almost certainly don't. It has no plugs, and charging happen by induction by sliding a battery on top of it, which means you never really need to take it off. That also makes the device suitable for bathing/showering, except I hate the feel of a wet band slowly drying against my skin so I take it off to shower anyway.
I don't think it's tracking steps, although it might. It tracks your heart beat, your skin temperature and your SpO2, and that's it.
It can augment that with its phone app, so for example it'll use the phone GPS while walking to throw a few more numbers at you.
The rest is just data crunching on their backend, which they use to put together a stress chart, a daily strain and recovery level, some magic guesstimating on how much of your sleep is light, deep or REM, and a bunch more stuff, like estimating calorie usage, HRV, resting HR, average HR, sleep debt, respiratory rate, and a few more.
The way their system works is that you get almost no useful data out of it for the first couple of weeks as their backend "calibrates", until it gets a general grasp of what "normal" means for you. For example, my normal HRV is around 31, which is bad, but it doesn't make me feel bad about it. It goes "you're doing great scrot, your HRV is in your typical range again" so I don't get to feel bad about it. Except right now it's at 20 because I'm sleep deprived AF, and that's apparently dire enough to warrant a warning.
I forgive you
This is so backwards
Breast is easy as hell to fuck up, thighs are basically foolproof
I got face acne
Weight loss messes with your hormones and can cause it
Also maybe sweating at an elevated level if you weren't exercising before
thats normal, muscle strain causes inflamation which causes water retention
if you know your calories are in check then nothing to worry about

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