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Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

Few expect to regain weight after losing it, but most do — up to 90% according to some studies. Many in the fatty contest have as well. That should scare you a little bit. Anon, if you’re dumb enough to get that fat once, you’re dumb enough to do it twice.

In the last thread, many anons explained why it happened to them. Here are the main points — remember them at all costs so it doesn’t happen to you!

>Something traumatic made me depressed. I went back to my old ways to cope.
A healthy mind supports a healthy body, so develop better coping skills. Never eat to relieve stress! The fat demon inside you is just waiting for something bad to happen — and it will — so be stronger.

>I stopped counting calories and watching my portions after my weight loss.
There’s no finish line to this; weight loss is a lifelong commitment. While you can ease into intuitive eating and looser calorie/macro tracking, you can’t stop being mindful of nutrition. Weigh yourself, regularly make healthy choices, and control portions ad infinitum. It becomes second nature over time.

>I entered a new environment or career which made it difficult to focus on weight loss.
Be proactive and flexible about your weight maintenance when there are big changes coming up. Find the workout schedule that fits around your new life. Be thinking about these things before they even happen, don’t try to wing it or you could be thrown off course.

>I was in denial of how much weight I was gaining back, and it happened fast.
If you think, “I can just lose it again later,” your mind is poisoned. Weight gain escalates very, very quickly and needs to be addressed as promptly as possible. Every day you delay correcting course it will worsen future regret. Don’t give yourself one step of regression.

I thought this would be a valuable aside today. Good luck to everyone.

Previous Thread: >>75124869
>read this
>calculate bf%
>calculate tdee
>plan weight loss
>loose skin + gyno help
I’ve been eating nothing but low protein salads like an idiot but the weight just falls off me. I’m nowhere near 100 grams protein.
>ate out three days in a row
it was only an excuse to get sodie slop, too
pathetic. Disgrace to my ancestors
I regroup now
Try to order healthy even when you eat out. It doesn’t have to be so crippling
>No nuns
Slop thread
I did at least do that. Got a 6 inch sub instead of a footlong etc
I'm still mad at myself as I should be
Yeah I once got a salad at subway and it was pretty much just shredded iceberg lettuce and whole pieces of turkey. Never again
I have a really thick craving for chocolate. wat do

Reminder: CICO is the only rule that matters. You can't exercise your way into a caloric deficit.
I don't bother with "eating healthier options" especially at fast food places. Just leaves unsatisfied and want more. If I don't even enjoy the food there's no point
especially stuff like salads at fast food places, in many cases they're just worse than the regular options

Crispy Chicken Salad at dairy queen is double the calories of a chocolate dipped cone for example. That's a bias example but it shows my point.
Which is that I think it's better to just eat less of whatever garbage if you're going to do that, which it's better not to in the first place obviously
exercise is accounted for in CICO stupid
and yes you can, it's just impractical for people with something approaching a normal life
but exercise is a part of cico

Nope. We covered this thoroughly the other day after the Kurtzsgezat (whatever) video.
so 90% of fatties here just stop trying at the sight of adversity or boredom, kek
I don't know what that is. Is that german for autofellatio?
I think you’re coping a little bro. I do agree that you should stop eating so much fast food. But a fast food salad with light dressing still beats a burger.
does it beat half a burger, tho
I just cut my portions to 50-75%.
Even if the salad is better, getting it would be so annoying to me that I'd just want something else
but maybe that's just me. Whatever strategy works
>non cringe
What do you think the co stands for?
I'm guessing that it's just something that takes a while to set in.
In their minds, they think the portions they had at their fattest were normal, and likely went back to eating similarly after reaching a weight they were fine with.
Is jerking off exercise? How many calories does it burn?
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Pussy bitch
I haven't lost weight in over a month. Starting exercise ruined everything.
I started at 390 in June of this year.
Today I weighed in at 332 after spending the last month and a half in the 40s. Crazy how it speeds up once you get out of a plateau.
The only advice I can give to those of you going through a plateau is to just keep going.
I feel this. Went from losing so much every week to a months-long plateau. It's a weakness of character, naturally, but I am going to make it.
The metabolism/muscle thing is just a meme. It only matters for anons who already go to the gym and have muscle. You're at your baseline and will stay there despite cutting.
High protein is still nice to have since it's filling and low cal.
I read that it's not just water weight from muscle soreness (swelling), but also that your body can create almost a liter of extra blood. It's not demoralizing me, but it's counteracting all the motivation I have for losing weight.

At some point I want to start taking creatine too. That's going to be another 2 kg of weight increase.

On the bright side, I could technically stop these things and lose the extra weight if I wanted to.
I had the same problem, but after like 3 weeks of not losing weight (I would lose at most two pounds, gain it back, and even gain more) I noticed that my clothes fit me a lot better.
It wasn't until another two weeks that I started to lose weight as normal. I suggest you don't rely only on a scale, but get a tape measurer.
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>I-I think I’m making it! I’m really mak-AAACCKKKK
it's ok because he 'feels better' eating carnivore
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>Ohh hahaha weight loss is I just eat HALF the quarter pounder with chee-AACKKK
>Lose weight
>Go off the rails
>Return years later
>Post one weight update
Strange people
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>ohhh haha this is the one ri-AAACKKKK
pretty sure the guy that is posting these is larping the entries for people that havent updated in a while
these are just the ones with the courage to post an update
absolutely not they are all winners
I don’t think he planned this shitpost since January
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Proof that I’m not larping these old entries. I looked them up in the archive. Some of their mesages are absolutely grim.

>Fell off wagon
Going off this, he must be 450+ lbs by now
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This one is brutal. Please learn from these people for god’s sake.
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>This anon thinks he was ever chasing bitches
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I did an actual full pull up (close neutral grip) for the first time today
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>S𐐬ya milk reduces the risk of breast cancer in women via the same effect as nolvadex (reducing estrogen). Phytoestrogens take up estrogen receptors while being much weaker, so it's actually masculinizing.
>S𐐬ya milk has lots of antioxidants.
>Clarence Kennedy drinks a liter of s𐐬ya milk a day and mogs roiders who drink cows milk
Not vegan btw I ate 2 chick fil a burritos and a sausage breakfast biscuit today, but facts are facts!
Here is the final guy. It is literally poetry. Same thing every time.
>Durrrr I fell off the wagon a little bit. Durr I cheated a little bit.
Then they come back bloatmaxxed.

I didn’t make this thread to humiliate anons I’m genuinely trying to get a warning across to all of you. There is no “wagon,” you can’t fit in a fucking wagon. You’re falling off a skyscraper.
These anons aren't even that bad. I never entered this fat contest thing but I went from 65 kg to 130kg
>eat 500 under maintain
>2 weeks no change in weight at all

i ate the same food nothing changed, for maintenence i calculated with the online forms and got 2500, so i made a diet plan that was 2000 cals

am i missing something or can the calculators be that much off?
Are you weighting yourself daily?
the difference between clarence and vegans is that clarence understands macros/micros. He knows he has to hit certain numbers and eat a variety of foods. whereas vegans might shill 1 fruit like a banana and just claim this is everything the human body needs
Eat less also post age, weight and height.
if you're not exercising (which is bad), you're probably eating too many carbs
eat 1500 calories
yes every morning, it did change, but was like +-0.2

27, 85kg, 175cm

every other day, weight training, also threadmill 30 min walk

yeh was thinking that, im trying 1800 right now though
there are 3500 calories in a pound. a 500 calorie deficit therefore should lose you one pound in a week. two pounds can easily be accounted for by water weight fluctuations. although it's possible your calculation is bad or you're eating more calories than you're properly tracking. did you use the sedentary setting?
>I'm trying to warn you guys, this is totally not a demoralization psyop!

post body
Your life must be very dull.
You might be missing calories from sauces, oils and other stuff that can sneakily add calories to your meals. Trying to lower to 1900-1800 is a good idea.
And why would I eat a salat without any nutrients or protein? lmao
Then rather the burger at least thats a complete meal.
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my calculations on calories are not off, this is how i do it. ignore green its just for portion size

i was thinking about the water thing, if i drink alot of water one day, and much less the next. Does that mess up the the weight on the scale lets say a day later?
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what the fuck is this faggotry of an op, I knew this "question of the thread" bullshit was a fucking psyop started by a woman, females ruin everything kill yourself bitch no one gives a fuck about your retarded opinions, keep the information in the op fuck you
>I suggest you don't rely only on a scale, but get a tape measurer.
I think tape measure is too inaccurate. Whether I'm breathing in or out, whether the tape measure is exactly straight and in exactly the same spot etc changes the result by a lot. Even a single centimeter is a big difference. I do measure that but have noticed no difference.
you clearly havent been around 4chan mentally ill larpers long enough
Not as dull as yours
Calipper is the best way to measure bodyfat.
>all those carbs
I would eat at least 160g protein a day and more fat, less carbs desu.
thats bro science

im following a healthy normal diet but thank you
>fatty thinks he is losing fat on 120g protein a day
Retard you are spending your time digging through the archives and the fatty site to dunk on lards. If you aren't self aware enough to understand how that looks to any normal person I can't help you.
I never asked for your help. You are insecure though, that's obvious.
>i'm trying to warn you
Of what, retard?
A new OP, nice one. WAGMI
>taking out the useful information
Hit 239 this morning lads feeling good. 15th day of fasting. Trying for 40 for Jesus, may reassess See if I can hit 50 for USA.

I've been pretty tired. Lemme see what some iodine does and some dandelion tea.

I'm getting pretty good on the snake juice, I'm checking myself for hydration and I'm pretty hydrated. even though I'm taking in about half to 3/4 what I should be mathematically. lets say 2/3rds on average.

I'm also doing 1 reign thermogenic fuel most days. really helps with the hunger pangs.
I'm starting to lean out on the extremities and neck. The upper arms and legs and trunk have minimal progress thusfar. I've only lost approximately an inch of belly fat. but my visceral fat has cleared a ton. I've only had one dip into ketoacidosis (red on the ketonix) and resalting fixed it.

I've apparently scored a racist Canadian freemason internet gf who wants all the white babies I can give her. Had some incest with her brother but he's in jail now so as long as I can carve off the name he carved into her hip and initials on her ankle I'll be happy. I'm into scarification so some coverup work isn't out of the question. I'm pretty sure I could get some buy in from top artists who'd want to do some dual canvas pieces. she says she's got 83million leaf dollars in a stonks portfolio so she's just like a super dream come true or a giga catfish leafglownigger. Either way its keeping me focused enough in the present. She told me she wanted to be a cuckqueen until I told her I'm only fucking girls with the intent of getting them pregnant she backed down a bit.

If I've learned anything wealth is meaningless without health.

Plateauing at around 255 figured I needed to kill some fat and skin cells. assuming a geometricish distro given my current numbers, I should lose 15(water+fat) 7.5(fat) and 5(fat) and refeed 10lbs water weight at the end. I hate how skinny I'll be but oh well, big & strong me is dead. Only strong.me now

this is me btw.
>Schizo rambling post
Checks out
nobody is reading all that lil bro
I pray every day that I'm the crazy one.
I fear God denies me.

ydy kouhai
>fat fuck avatarfagging gilgamesh
you cant make this shit up
>thread hijacked by a retard
God I hate retards
Guys, i need advices.

It has been 3.5 weeks i started sport and dieting again. So far, while i have tracked my macro and did lots of sport (grappling and mma mainly 3 hours 3 times a week,once or twice weight lifting per week with fullbody workout with compound exercises) yet, i've gained 0.3kg overall

I know it's not muscle, as anyway i couldn't possibly built this much more muscle than fat based on the calories expenditures.

i averaged at -300kcal/day the first week, -450 the second one and -550/day the 3rd one.
Respectively i went from (weekly average) 95.96kg / 96.17 / 96.20kg during that time.
Is that purely water ? I feel that my belly is less bloated tho.

I might have been wrong about some kcal, but based on the amount of sports i did and the fact i didn't eat like a pig nor abused high kcal food, it is impossible that i over eated.

Am i fucking cursed ?
I swear to god i'm this close to just give up and use clenbuterol to loose the fat it has lasted for too long i'm the fatty since more than 10 years i'm tired of it guys i'm fucking tired of my miserable life please tell me where i fucked up please help me
>I might have miscounted some calories
And you wonder why you can't lose weight for 10 years lmao fucking retard
I find it hard to believe that my goal weight is only 5kg away. I still look fat as fuck. Manboobs, love handles, fat on thighs, double chin. Just seems like bs
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Its been 3 weeks you have to give it time.
and count the fucking calories. It got to a point where too many onions and tomatoes were throwing me into an insulin resistant state.
if you don't take accurate measurements you're never gonna do it right.
just accurate measurements alone will lose you 10% bf.
retardo, i'm pretty sure i didn't since i went full autist and wrote it down in an excel sheet, just to be extra sure.
At worst, i miscounted by 100 to 200kcal/week of round up. But as i always round up on the superior (750 instead of 745, for example), i'm 99% sure i didn't anon
You're the one who can't lose weight you fucking ape brain. Clearly you arnt doing it right fucktard.
are you doing body fat measurements? you might be skinnyfat.
go into ketosis, its literally that easy, no need to even exercise
use an app, also have patience with your calorie amount, the calculators are not perfect and you'll have to fine-tune it to you
It's not a meme
Extended high deficit will 100% eat at muscle too
don't talk about yourself like that :c
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just buy a scale
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>a bunch of homos
Deficit is a defici. regardless of the macro ratio, you are going to loose weight
The YoYo diet is just bulking and cutting. Once I embraced that I was just going to hover between 185-215 and never reach my goal weight of <175, my fat % went down because I could just focus on building lean mass.
>ate all my calories by dinner
I guess it's sleep for dinner
being fat is so embarrassing bros, but i cant stop drinking
>Eat meat, fish, salt, butter, and eggs
>Don't eat organ meat to obtain nutrients that are only obtained by either them, fruits, or vegetables
>Eat more because your body is nutrient-deficient and is telling you you're lacking

Actual "carnivore" diets for all wild animals have them instinctually eat organs of other animals.
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Have you taken the horsepill yet /fat/?
>obtained by either them, fruits, or vegetables
>fruits, or vegetables
>he doesnt know
> i started sport and dieting again
muscle strain causes tears and fixing it needs water
if everything is as you say you're losing fat but retained water
Collagen peptides, useful?
>those anons who posted an update years later showing they reballooned and then no other updates
worst case scenario it's slower than anticipated, but i'm pretty confident in my tracking of both food and efforts (i keep the cardio belt during mma & grappling to track the kcal on garmin and i autist enough food)

so it's just water but fat will eventually disappear....
Ok, frustration is here but i'll continue anyway, i'm just happy to have an explaination that isn't "you fat fuck can't read kcal properly" mdr
>i keep the cardio belt during mma & grappling to track the kcal on garmin
here's your problem, do you think these shit is accurate?
>go to gym for 3 months
>get a bad cold that fucks with my asthma and have to stop at home for one week
>lose gains
>go back to gym and rebuild
>get cold again
What is the point in lifting. It is over for me. Cardio only
don't try to count stuff from exercise gadgets into your budget, that's what's fucking you over. As the other anon said, they are notoriously inaccurate. If you're not losing enough weight and being strict about the deficit, then the number for your deficit is incorrect
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Hey /fat/ I think I'm going to stare working out while also trying to lose weight. I know to lose weight I need to go down to 1500calories but if I start lifting should I increase my calorie intake? Or should I just eat more protein to make up for the muscle gaining? Or should I lose the weight first and then start working out?
I don't know the technical answers to your questions but as someone who does the same thing lifting on a 600 cal deficit lifting feels like shit. Like it just feels bad not the good kind of bad where you get endorphins or whatever.
Yeah since lifting would make you burn more calories that's why I want to know if I should stick with the cut to lose weight or eat more since burning those calories for muscle. Or actually keep the 1500 calorie -500defecit and just eat more protein to make up for the calories burnt and muscle feeding.
there is no point in lifting unless you want fags to give you compliments and/or get joint problems
you get joint problems from cardio too
i couldn't protect his smile : (
If you find yourself not losing weight at a certain deficit, you can either lower it by an additional 100-200 calories per week until you start losing weight again or you can eat at maintenance calories for a couple days then go back to your deficit.
I had to do the former when I was starting out because I found that my estimated calories were a bit too high so I wasn't hitting my goals at the expected rate (we're talking about over the course of about 40 days).
The latter I've just experimented with just to see how much weight I bounce back from eating at maint. so I have an idea of what my actual goal weight should be.
Neither are too major calorie wise but I find that both can shake me out of holding patterns - whether its a placebo effect or not I'm not sure.
what the fuck is this OP, no wonder the thread has gone to shit it was cursed from the beginning
Fat ass here. 5'10 255lbs. First goal is to get down to 215lbs. New to exercise. Previous experience is walking & a handful of things to do with dumbbells.

I was looking at using row machine as my cardio this go around. Can I use it everyday? Or do I need to go every other day for rest? My thinking was 30mins every day. Some days I definitely could squeeze in another half hour later in the afternoon, but again I have no experience not sure if that messes with recovery or anything else
Exercise is good for your body, but it's not going to be the thing that takes the weight off. Reduce your caloric intake in a sustainable way
It depends on the intensity of exercise. If you go very hard every time then your body will just get fatigued and you won't perform as well next time. It's the same as with weight lifting. But with cardio you're mostly interested in exercise volume, so if you go a bit overboard you can take a rest day and go at it again when you feel better.

For weight loss the more exercise the better.

But early on I would definitely take rest days. You might even want to take multiple rest days for the first 5 sessions. You'll be super sore from it.

My recommendation is to get yourself a small notebook and log all your exercises, durations and intensity on it. That way you can look at your progression and try to set goals on it. After all, you got to actually do cardio for it to be good.
Recalculate it with the "sedentary" setting. My estimation puts you at a ~200 kcal deficit.
If you recently increased the intensity of your exercise then you could've also gained "water weight": >>75132346
That could've masked your weight loss.

Personally exercise has started my weight loss for over a month now. I used to lose about 2-3 kg per month. I averaged about 1575 kcal per day from 103 kg to 93.4 kg. This was on average a deficit of 653 kcal per day. Your exercise intensity will probably increase your TDEE above mine though.
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>Made steady progress from a little over a year and a half ago, dropping from 210lbs to ~160lbs via CICO and a consistent gym routine
>literally haven't been able to break 160 since the end of June (briefly hit below like 159.X for a few days but then it stopped)
There have been a few moderate cheat/non-deficit days due to social events, but every other week I've been maintaining the same calorie intake (with minor adjustments over time, was last losing weight at around 1800 calories, will now be moving to 1500 calories next week after seeing no further progress at 1700 and 1600) and even throwing in some weekend/3-day fasts or short-term increased deficits in as to account for said cheat/slip days, but I literally can't get below 160. Measurements haven't gone down either (potentially bloating maybe, to many vegetables?), so it doesn't seem like there's any fat loss in that period and macros have been consistently good, protein being 130g at a minimum depending on what I meal prep for the week. Even made improvements in sleeping hours and am getting more than I was at the start. I got this far and with a goal weight of 150, I feel so close, thoughts or inputs would be appreciated.
intermittent fasting until you get down there. ~600cal deficit is nothing
Wow you're me 3 years ago. I'm 100 lbs lighter now, and only 10 of those 36 months were spent actively focusing on exercise and weight loss.
noted. thanks anonns
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rowings really good. Focus on intensity and good form. time is irrellevant. muscles don't care.
for example walking 1 mile is 2000 but the running is 1000.
walking is a little more goated b/c it circulates lymph (fat waste and oil sludge)
rowing will make you an upper body beast eventually b/c most of those muscles are coded for endurance work
Absolutely serious talk, stepping on the scales are just one way of monitoring your progress.
Weigh-ins become somewhat reliable measure short-ish term if the vast majority of your calorie deficit comes from the changes to your diet, while exercise is mostly kept at the same level as it was before you rethought your food intake, yes, even if there was no exercise whatsoever.

Exercising on a calorie deficit will make the process of weight (not fat) loss very difficult to monitor.
Even at calorie deficit, you can gain muscle - that's especially pronounced in muscles with little to no prior training.
Muscles are more dense than fat, so gaining muscle mass while losing fat can easily lead to your weight increasing.

The best advice here is to introduce another way of tracking your progress - such as taking your measurements (belly, waist, thighs, etc.) with a soft tape.
It doesn't matter how precise or "correct" you are - if you consistent in your measurements across all of them, you should see in what direction you're progressing.
If you gain weight but your body measurements are shrinking - that's great and you don't have to change anything.
If they are increasing - it might be a sign of increase in body water but realistically you might be indeed miscounting calories.

Another approach, however this is ultimately a bad advice, but if it's really important to you to see the number on the scales go down, you can reduce your calorie intake slightly and stop exercising for now.
That will simplify the process massively, and the increase in calorie deficit will lead to a rapid loss of water weight, after which you should see the more or less "expected" progress of ~1kg of weight loss per 7700 kcal deficit total.
After you makes sure you're on the right track, you can reintroduce exercises back in.
Do I have to do barbell workouts? Shit kinda intimidates me, I just want to stick to dumbbells and machines
Yes you can stick with dumbbels and machines
today I will eat half the big mac and save the rest for tomorrow
lifting doesn't actually burn that many calories, but it will jack up your appetite. I had to pause lifting because I couldn't hit my macros and was stagnating in weight.
>intermittent fasting
More or less have been doing that, but I have been getting a bit lax on the time frames since I eat during work, but I will tighten it back up.
>~600cal deficit is nothing
Are you saying I should be running like a 1200cal diet (from 1800)? I figured that 1500 and fasting on the weekend would be enough, feel like it should have been even with some of the other calorie amounts I was slowly working down
So it's better for me to just lose the weight first and then bulking all back while working out?
He's not wrong. Separating signals from noise is a critical part of the observation of the world. When my tape measure, scale, body fat, and calipers agree thats a signal. If one or more disagree thats a little noise if all disagree, thats me being delulu.

The only thing that should physically limit you from barbells is a lack of flexibility or injury that prevents proper form.
There are some basic prerequisites for ligaments. can you do
25 strict pushups slow (5 seconds up 5 seconds down)
50 squats slow heels touching the ground
can you do overhead squat with 5lbs without your upperback/shoulders bending forwards?
can you touch your toes?
Do you have any cross body issues is one side significantly weaker/stronger than the other?

That said weighted stretching is super goated.

You can do lightweightbabby shit for a while, but the barbells help with bone development. Had a negro roomate we would argue this point back and forth. I looked like shit in comparison to him, my nutrition wasn't locked down at all. But in terms of muscle and strength dev I blew him away. Any way one day we were arm wrestling. I won despite being a lardass and out of shape. Any way we switch to lefty and I took his humerus to snapcity.
Find someone who knows what the fuck they're doing to spot your form with video. And watch tons of people on youtube. Rippletits is a great starting resource.

but what are your goals?
Its more straightforward. it takes longer, but you learn the most out of that path, which makes coming back into shape easier.

Pros generally bulk before the cut.

Lean bulking is a bit of a myth, Its possible but you gotta be super tight with timings, and rest. You're really no lifing.
Your TDEE is 1800-2100 and youre a woman. You do high level cardio 2x a week. Using CICO, what calorie deficit do you do? Because 500 deficit prevents me from doing cardio.

I also do strength 2x a week.
>went to taco bell today
>only ordered two items
>only 970 calories
>was pre-gym and the only thing I had eaten at that point (~6:00pm)
I call that a victory. Normally a trip to taco bell is a $20+, 5000kcal+ affair.
>had a frozen chicken pot pie after the gym
shit meal desu but didn't want to cook.
~1900kcals for the day. Only like 60g of protein though lol
>got chicken and broccoli for tomorrow though
ice cream lowkey has decent macros for what it is. Top tier dessert for sure from a /fat/ perspective
Not refeeding your exercise is a meme and eating disorder tier behavior. Wear a garmin and it'll be fine.
tell yourself you're saving it for tomorrow and then toss it in the morning.
barbells are fuckin dope man don't be a pussy
I went to the gym for the first time after a cold/maybe rona tonight. Shit really sucked. But I;ll be back on thursday because I'm not a pussy.
it's the opposite
the more sedentary you are and the worse your body composition is, the harder your metabolism is going to take a dive and especially if your macros are shit
What the fuck anon
what's up?
It depends on your body, for me it's that way. For people who are already intermediate/advanced lifters will have to lift while cutting to avoid losing muscle. I also have a theory that beginners need more rest because your body is not used to the heavy work, so that triggers more appetite.
Yeah I've noticed me standing for 3hours hurt my back since I'm usually sitting all day. I should probably start walking at least an hour a day.
Colorado, the thinnest State.
>harder your metabolism is going to take a dive
Irrelevant, if you require fewer calories then you simply eat less and the weight loss continues the same.
you fucking nigger, never do this again. Post regular OP and then put this shit in the first post
go easy on the carbs, at least don't eat more carbs than protein. What did you eat for dinner row 4? 12g protein @ 73g carbs. Grapes or smth?
>exact same weight to the tenth of a kg for 5 days straight
maybe my scale is shit
Eat less
>Will never be able to get a remotely accurate estimate of body fat% using measuring tape because my waist at navel is narrow, my hips (even though they don't need to be measured) hardly have any fat surrounding them, but all the fat is right above my hips and on my belly

When I lie on my side, the hip on that side is jutting out, it almost looks gangly. If you look at me from the side, I'm really thin. It's being wide at the front that's driving me nuts.
Get over it
I'm hungry
I miss eating snacks in bed
Everyone says it's not about losing weight, it's about losing fat. Logically you should therefore pursue a certain body fat%. But if you can't even get accurate measurements until near the end when all the stubborn fat is practically gone, what's the point? Might as well aim for a specific weight rather than a specific amount of fat.
I dunno, this general is filled with people being hyper autistic about losing weight. I just have a goal in mind (200lbs) and when I get to that weight I'll decide how I look and go from there.
It's like running without finish line. Being able to set a goal date helps keep me focused. I have probably 10-11 weeks to go if I'm only pursuing a goal weight.
Measure the circumference from the part has most fat and see it go down as you lose weight. Waist circumference alone is really useful, more useful than weight, more useful than fat% too in my opinion.
That might at least keep me motivated through the plateaus if I can see the worst parts decreasing still
fat calipers or dexa scan
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First time I've weighed everything out, not just the oats but the milk and the seeds etc.

How am I doing? Breakfast is going to be the only meal until dinner. Except for secondary cups of tea.
I didn't know rodents could post on 4chan.
>He doesn't know how good porridge is
>bowl of pure slop carbs

What's your breakfast then?
>Bulimiamaxxing to lose weight
Chicken potatos and brocoli, repeat for dinner.
Bad idea unless you want to increase risk of brain aneurysm
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i went down a shirt size bros
two more to go
Bulimia sucks, temporary anorexia is better.
Ever since I added exercise I seem to only be able to sleep about 6.5 - 7 hours. I don't really feel fully tested, but I also can't fall asleep again. I feel like I slept for longer before exercise, but maybe I'm misremembering.
It's the thermodynamics equilibrum retard, if you don't get enough proteins the body will take what it needs from the stored proteins without asking you, just like fat burning for energy if you don't give it enough calories for it's needed energy.
There is no "standard" body, your body is around how many proteins or fat cellules you have stored, these can be used if you don't supply what it's needed for the day.
>slowly becoming afraid of eating because I desperately want to see scale go down
Well I'm going full schizo brain
Potato is just carbs, why is it better than porridge?
It is the king of carbs while porridge is literally slop.
>go to Japan for 2 weeks
>eat ice cream and other slop every day not counting calories in the slightest while taking 20k+ steps in the summer heat
>come back having lost almost 10 pounds
I chalk that up to no creatine or lifting plus walking everyday but it's pretty crazy
that's my dream, how much did it all cost?
Back on the wagon again after 4 days at maintenance. Hope this breaks the plateau
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>think i'll start eating healthy and lose weight for real this time
>follow the diet for a day to a week
>urge to order mcdonald's gets too strong
>eventually cave in and stop dieting altogether
>repeat for 7 years, a few times a year

how to break this cycle? I feel that not skipping meals (specially breakfast) help a ton with keep the cravings away, but it's no miracle

i feel kind of hopeless desu
Anyone else experienced issues with ulnar nerve entrapment while losing weight and lifting weights?
I can feel slight numbness on my ring and pinky on the left hand and most of the mornings I wake up with my hands fully numb
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I do this except
>fast for 1-3 days
>give in and eat
>eat like a pig for couple of days
>repeat until I give up again
>health problems, can't gym for a few months
>keep my deficit going, lose 20lbs
>able to slowly start adding strength training back in again, keep eating exactly the same
>gained 2lbs in 3 weeks
it's just water r-right
Maybe, if you took a break and then start training again it could be water weight, plus your blood volume may increase though I think that's more for cardio. But 2lbs in 3 weeks isn't majorly concerning, as long as it doesn't keep going up. If you still are gaining in a week adjust your caloric intake.
slept only like 5 hours today, unsure if i should cardio
I mean you can but I do agree that how much you eat is.more i.portant than how many calories you burn.

You can eat 1000 Cals in under 30 mins compared to burning 1000.
i'm giving you a plebbit-tier response here, but have you thought about seeing a professional? it sounds like you have a difficult relationship with food. otherwise, eat satiating foods and learn to cook so that lower calorie, made-at-home foods taste good to you. there are ways to enjoy meals that aren't mcd's.

for me, personally, after a few months of restricting my calories/food intake, i find it much easier to just say 'no'. i've built up a habit, i guess. you get better at things the more you do them. also: are you taking any prescriptions that increase appetite? that was a major problem for me until i got my doctor to put me on an alternative med with the same purpose as the appetite-stimulating one.
just do low carb or keto, doing low carb killed my hunger and cravings completely.
You can find low carb alternatives for a lot of stuff so even if you want to eat something sweet etc. you'll be good.
Some people also find OMAD helpful because it's hard going over your calorie limit even if you're on a deficit in just one meal, I eat 2 meals a day and never eat breakfast.
He could also try just cutting out added sugar. I still eat whole grain carbs but I've had zero appetite since I cut out the sugar.
rationally i know it's not a big deal but it's hard on my discipline to go from consistent weight loss to worse than plateau after making one simple change to my habits
Just go and eat McDonalds while staying within your calorie goal - all big chains have calorie information for their menu.
You satisfy the craving, and you'll also learn why it's best to avoid those places on a regular basis (i.e. the food there isn't that filling for the calories you're consuming).

IMO going for a DIET diet, restricting yourself severely, and only eating """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""healthy"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" food will end with a rebound for the vast, vast majority of people.
Ease yourself into the diet, don't go for a too much of a calorie deficit, don't chase quick gains, play the long game instead.
get off the wagon and walk you fat ass
Like between 3 or 4 thousand I'd guess. I want to go again, it was an amazing experience. I was shocked by how kind they were to me, tatemae or not.
200-300 for tickets to tourist places
50 dollars est per day for food and other things. You can eat for cheap(er) in Japan if you try
500 for shinkansen and transit tickets
1400 for the flight
600 for hostel/hotel stays for the 2 weeks
What part of Japan did you visit, Tokyo? I've been interested in visiting Hokkaido eventually
Stay out of my swamp, you stupid gajins.
Or at least swarm other places rather than Tokyo.
It's been insane lately.
what is it like being a lardass in japan?
Sheathe your sword samurai, I said I wanted to go to Hokkaido, not your sacred land
Tokyo and surrounding areas (kamakura, Hakone, Yokohama), Kyoto and surrounding areas (Osaka, nara), and Hiroshima. If I go again I'd go to Hokkaido or kyushu, probably kyushu as a dumb アメリカ人 I don't want to rent a car as I read you need to if you go to Hokkaido, if Tokyo and Kyoto are anything to go by the roads are small and there are tons of pedestrians, I'd rather not drive.

I saw some fat japs (and fat euros) there and I have no idea how they don't jump in front of the train when they have to deal with 95+ degrees and 80+ percent humidity. I also don't know how they get fat as their food isn't poisoned burgerslop and they walk like 3 times as much as your average burger.
anyone else doing intermittent fasting simply because they're too lazy to cook 3x a day?
maybe a sugar free chocolate protein shake will help. otherwise try having a piece of dark chocolate. decide how much you will eat and break it off before you start. temptation increases so be vigilant.
not because of that particular reason but even when I was 140kg I always ate two big meals a day so when I began my weightloss journey I just continued going on like that but ate 1500 cal less a day.
Having 2 big meals also helped me feel full, I was never particularly hungry in the mornings even when in morbidly obese mode so 2 meals were enough to keep me satiated when I drastically lowered my calorie intake
these niggas are saving me, every time I crave something sweet I just eat one of these or similar brand(or high protein quark).
They're always so low in sugar(iirc 5-10g a cup) you can have one or 2 even on low carb/keto and each one is 140 cal.
Also you get some extra protein
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>chocolate protein shake
These things makes me want to barf. It's like returning back in time to when they treated chocolate as medicine before they put sugar in it.
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That looks too good to be true; it has better protein macros than my 0%fat greek yogurt.
Put protein powder in your yoghurt and all the sudden it has better protein macros than every dogshit product you can buy
If you think this thread is about “dunking on lards” you’re an insecure lard. This thread is about understanding why anons are gaining the weight back.
lily's chocolate products are relatively normal tasting and have no sugar so it's less horrible for you
>dropped from 220 to 200lbs from January to April last year
>had a really really shitty summer
>gained back almost all the weight I lost
God fucking dammit. Time to buckle down again. 215 now, gonna aim for 190 by Christmas. End goal is 175 by my birthday (May).
You get treated like the circus attraction you would've been 80 years ago in Western society.
it's more or less like a regular pudding with sugars replaced by sweeteners, less fat and with whey protein added in so they're really thick.
yep, I dislike yoghurt taste though so these are great
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You euros have it so easy with quark and this witchcraft yogurt
Oh yeah on this nip TV show they had 100kg fat women and they had videos of them eating raw egg rice and it was grotesque (no idea how japs eat that it's fucking nasty)
I'm also aiming to lose the weight by my birthday in April.
How much are you looking to lose?
thats tuff
About the same as you. I'm 220 right now aiming for 180.
>westoid larping as nihonjin
a 4chan tale as old as time
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>this summer was all about losing weight
>this winter will all be about getting strong & lean
I'll be a new man come spring
I have so many weight loss, weight gain stretch marks. I think I have really bad hormones/genetics coupled with really fast weight loss it fucked me up bad.

I feel like they won’t look super bad on a great body but on my skinnyfat body they’re pretty ugly.

Hopefully medicine advances enough to cure them in my lifetime. Idk bros
why are you being a cunt hes trying to help everyone
just cuz she might not be a catfish doesnt mean she wont ruin you. Have fun, but make sure your motivation is in the right place. God is our strength. Keep praying bro
Autists throw a sperg fit when their routine is broken. I like the op too I think it is kinda valuable
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I want to drop 50lbs in 2 months, so about 0.8 lbs per day. How feasible is this? Anyone achieved loss that quick?
whatt site is that bro
im intrigued by the horsecock. hows the taste
the trips have spoken
What's your starting weight/height?

But realistically no man... That's like massive starvation mode, whatever you're trying to crash diet for, you'd look like shit at the end of it anyways.
>ordered KFC
jesus fucking christ
it like happens automatically before I have time to think about it rationally. It's so obnoxious
Should I just throw it out?
Meh ill just eat less portions over a week
just pathetic
I feel like willpower doesn't even matter because when this shit happens I didn't even get an opportunity to think about it or apply willpower. I spent all last week starving and that was fine.
Just excuses and cope I guess. Pathetic. Whatever.
Imagine unironically eating KFC ever. It's so disgusting I'd rather eat rice cakes before KFC. Eat Popeyes if you want fried chicken jfc
6'2, 250lbs

thank you for this riddim that song is a banger
That is the risk we run dealing with such people. I'm getting old so I only have one or two shots in me. so I'd need to see how bad she gets bi-polarwise. but I don't think its non-addressable with a good domestic asset protection attorney. Not much you can do about the emotional vulnerability angle though. Kind of the game. As long as the money is right thats 90%.
Same height and starting weight as you. Took me 7 months to go from 250 to 170. One month is probably not possible even if you fasted the whole time, I'd expect like 20-30 lbs at the very most.
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At the very most you can lose ~5.5lbs/wk through total starvation and assuming your metabolism doesn't slow accordingly. That's just shy of 0.8lbs/day, and that's at the very extreme under perfect circumstances. In theory you could lose more through increased exercise, but at that point you're torturing yourself and probably doing serious damage. Plus a lot of the weight lost is going to be muscle.
The good news is that you probably have a good 10lbs of water weight that will fall off fast. But outside of that you really shouldn't try for anything over 2.5lbs/wk (.36/day)
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Fucking loose skin. Son of a bitch. At least I won't die at 50 I guess. Fuck
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I dropped 90 pounds, I feel that so hard
Just gotta lift heavy to fill it back out i guess...
>tfw 245 to 155 and it didn't solve my issues
t. 370lbs -> 185lbs
might get approved for multiple skin removal/tightenig surgeries though (belly, breast, thighs)
Is it stupid to have a BMI goal of 18.5 for no reason other than it being the bottom of the healthy range?
>Is it stupid to have a BMI goal
it's a range for a reason, because its hard to make it apply to everyone so your range might be higher or lower
Fuggin shin splints
>OP text cometely changed by a troon
Not surprising. Fatty contest has always been packed by trannies, /fat/ was kept from the corruption of outsiders for a long time, all things considered
You should always have a high percentage dark chocolate bar in the fridge. When you get a craving just break off a small piece. It's actually good for you as long as you don't eat the whole bar all at once.
Meat is good for you.
^this cow ballooned back up to 450 pounds disregard anything it says
haha glad no one noticed me...
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That's fair, I've only ever lean bulked but the past few years I've let myself go so I'm trying to build a plan. My ideal range is 195 to 205, so I was thinking of rolling 48hr fasts for 4 months. Just curious if anyone has done it quicker and what their results/methods were.
have consistently gone over my goal by like 300~cals every day lately. usually the oil that goes into a dish puts me over
thankfully my goal is low enough (1200cal) that it's not a big problem
There is no nutrient in a heart or liver that can't be gotten from a multivitamin.
You probably are not noticing all of your calorie intake. The best way to beat that is to have a strict meal prep plan. Works well if you eat at work. Pair it together with OMAD or rolling 48 hour fasts (eat lunch one day, eat nothing next day, eat lunch day after that, repeat). If you do this it's impossible to fuck up and guaranteed weight loss. This guy has a ton of great meal prep recipes that are piss easy to put together.
Today I went running for the 1st time since HS. I ran 1km, now I feel pain deep inside my eyesockets and I'm completely exhausted. I hate fat people, I hate goyslop, but most importantly I hate myself for letting myself go and embracing the lazy, hedonistic lifestyle. Goodnight.
The finish line is looking at yourself in the mirror and being content. Weights and percentages are just cope, there is zero reason you ever need to do either.
>500 for shinkansen and transit tickets
500 dollars to ride the train for 2 weeks? I thought the meme was nips ride the train everywhere. There's no fucking way it's that expensive.
It really puts a damper on the whole fat positivity thing when you realize just how weak and vulnerable it makes you
>most of the mornings I wake up with my hands fully numb
I have this but only my right hand and I'm pretty sure it's because I stop breathing at night because I have severe sleep apnea.
I eat meat until satiety. When I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm thirsty, I drink water. No plants involved whatsoever, no express need for organ meet, although I do enjoy skin and include it when I eat things like chicken or fish. I don't subscribe to the belief that fat loss is tied to energy consumption because there is no evidence that humans can absorb or use energy. When it comes to mass in/mass out, as fasting anons believe is the ultimate goal, I don't need to worry about that, as my body is saturated with the abundance of nutrients present within meat, so I can trust my body to tell me how much to eat and when without needing to micromanage the quantity, and I don't have to worry about needing to take silly things like multivitamins. I do take a single nutrient supplement, although it's not standard or necessary to have my diet. That nutrient supplement being Lugol's Iodine Solution 5%. I take 4-16 drops a day.
Great words for your gravestone feller
organ meat*

Also, I go for the fattiest cuts of meat I can. I aim for a naturally high-fat diet.
underrated post, the wagon should be reserved for pregnant women and invalids.
Post weight
>I don't subscribe to the belief that fat loss is tied to energy consumption because there is no evidence that humans can absorb or use energy
you're dumb as a bag of hammers boy
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>I don't subscribe to the belief that fat loss is tied to energy consumption because there is no evidence that humans can absorb or use energy
I'll post my weight update when I have reached my nearest goal. As it stands, I'm still losing bodyfat, I assure you.
Post weight
>Nearest goal
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>I'm still losing bodyfat, I assure you.
But you never lost any bf, you gained weight.
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Does showering count as cardio?
At my fattest (515) yeah I was breathing heavily and sweating after showering. It takes a lot of work getting to all those caverns of flesh and making sure they are clean.
Impressive girth
What weight are you down to?
time to step up another effort level on the elliptical
i hate it but at the same time it feels good to progress
405 this morning, hoping to see 3 on the scale for the first time in decades before the end of the month.
Only if you're 350+ lbs
Good job bro, only gotta do that a couple more times now
I went from 410 to 293 currently, love to see the big losses, getting to the next 100 range always feels good
Thanks, just wish I could stay disciplined. I really should be 350 or lower by now but I fuck up a lot.
pasta has that kind of macros
You forgot about protein.
Apparently research says that people subconsciously aim for the same amount of protein as ever, but due to changes in diet of modern civilizations, they end up eating more calories.
Are you telling me drinking soi milk might skew the test-estrogen ratio in favor of testosterone?
I crave salt and carbs so badly bros
You're less likely to fall off bigly if you satisfy cravings that fit into your daily calories
You can have that just don't go wild on it
For me it's my mothers meatloaf and macaroni and cheese. God it's so fucking good I would rather give up sex than never taste it again. But I cannot control myself so I only eat it once a year when she makes it for my birthday.
i'm not sure what I would even do to fill the craving, I am planning a salad for dinner and I have no snacks or anything in the house. I have a store underneath my apartment but if I walk in there its going to be a bad day for calories
Keep in mind I took the shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto, Kyoto to Hiroshima round trip , and Kyoto to tokyo. Those combined were like 300 dollars. The rest was probably 100 ish for transit within the city lines and on busses but I could be wrong, it may well be lower, I didn't track well I just loaded up my suica when it was low.
Still sounds crazy, I thought the whole hype of trains was that they were supposed to be super cheap compared to other forms of transportation. I feel like you could have spent just as much or less with a car. I dunno maybe I'm just missing the big picture. Are salarymen blowing half their paychecks riding back and forth to work every day?
I know that feel. I don't care about sweets at all. I just want crunchy, salty carbs. Nothing else will satisfy.
carrots or cucumber with some salt
Try salted meat.
Try putting down the fork.
I put the fork down when I'm done eating. Try eating meat.
These posts are so America-brained I don't even know where to begin
>went and bought 10 chicken wings
>waiting for food to cook, I'm the only person there
>assume the next order to finish is mine
>guy at the register says "57?"
>I didn't even check my receipt, just reached over and said yeah thanks and walked out
>got home, 3 chicken tenders in the bag, it's not my order, I guess it was an online order someone else made
>drive back, they have my order waiting at the counter, I offer my mistaken order back but the guy said to just keep it
and that's how I ate 10 chicken wings and 3 chicken tenders for 2700 calories in one meal today, I literally am the victim
Why are you buying fried chicken in the first place?
i wanted to
But what if I just want to touch it to prove that I can. I'll get one scale reading that equates to 18.5 or less and then I'll bulk up a little to whatever is more appropriate for me. That's not crazy, right?
you can really tell who is never gonna make it in these threads
id say going for a body fat % is more reasonable and better result than BMI imo, but its your life anon, nobody can stop you from doing anything you want if you want it hard enough
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>work 50-60 hours a week
>gym 4 days a week
>cardio 6 days a week (low intensity)
Unmarried childless coworker who doesn’t work OT says he doesn’t have time to meal prep like I do
BMI is fairly accurate excluding outliers, but it also considers skinny fats to be healthy weight. BF% is 100% a better measurement it’s just harder to measure
that's a meme
you're stroking your own ego because you think that putting food in plastic containers to eat later makes you somehow better than your coworker
Bold of you to assume unmarried childless folks' time is boundless and therefore worthless, although you're far from alone in that mentality.
What your coworker is telling you is that he's found better uses for his time than to waste time in the kitchen.
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>putting food in plastic containers to eat later makes you somehow better than your coworker
It does
>fairly accurate excluding outliers
Outlier group is very large though. It is almost completely useless for individuals, and as much has been said so by not only the creator of the BMI but also those that expanded upon it after him.
I put my food in a glass container, therefore I am superior to just about all other foodprepfags. Enjoy your microplastics.
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Losing weight is such a slow process bros
decided on a whim to shave my body hair today. now it's abundantly clear how totally clapped out my body is with stretch marks and loose skin.
for example, i found out that i have this dark purple line going up and down my coccyx, apparently that's a sign of late stage pregnancy in women
So was gaining it.
Do you want to be fat too? Making some chicken thighs yourself is just as satiating and way healthier.
based. there's no excuse for using orange spaghetti stained toxicware, glassware is so cheap now
i try to put a discount on the number, just to be extra careful, but honnestly this shit is so exhausting i truly belive that i do -2000kcal in 3 hours based on the effort i give

but i honnestly might be delusionnal
it's 2024 and Garmins can measure HR, respiration, and estimate vo2max. You're literally retarded if you believe they can't derive a reasonably accurate estimate of calories burned with this data. It's not 2007 wearing a fitbit.
>corporation needs to make more money
>puts random numbers on watch
>trust us goy they are totally real and accurate
>don't forget to preorder the 2025 model that measures your flatulence levels
>anon doesn't understand how you can calculate calories burned with respiration and vO2 uptake
>anon thinks the body runs on magic
>anon thinks math is a jewish conspiracy
>anon is actually retarded
>No express need for organ meat
You're an retard.
And don't forget to put a little more back in savings, we're raising the subscription price for the ultra premium version next year. You wouldn't want your malic acid levels to be inaccurate would you?
Congratulations. Do you know what sex it is?
Usually I do a cup of coffee, 2/3 cup of whole-milk yogurt (plain, unflavored), and whatever I can find around the house.

Once you get used to the plain yogurt taste it's nice, it's like sour cheese - actually a pretty enjoyable flavor. Flavored yogurt was the biggest psy-op, plain yogurt tastes great.
The Shinkansen is country-wide, though there are specific lines, and a pass for one is expensive because it's basically unlimited use for a certain amount of time. Imagine traveling to 14 major American cities all around the country in as many days and the travel time isn't bad and the final cost of travel is like $500.

But larger cities have their own trains. If you're commuting to and from work on a regular route everyday, you can apply for the appropriate pass and be paying like 1 yen for every stop. If you don't, you'll be paying roughly the same as if you were filling up gas every month. I was paying $5 a day everyday to go to school because despite the amount of time I lived there, I was too chicken to apply for a student pass. But that's on me because usually the application process for anything in Japan is incredibly seemless and service is really good so people will try to make it as painless as possible.
wendys was out of chili
didnt eat
Ok that makes more sense, thanks for explaining it.
fresh bread
Anons who fast: how do you do it? Do you have to be a NEET to fast?
I am a tech chud and by 2:00 I feel awful and can't focus on my work due to hunger. Fasting was a lot easier when I was a NEET because I could just sort of... exist without thinking of anything, and zone out the hunger
Non-NEETs who fast, got any tips/tricks?
You need to wean your way into it. Start of doing a week of skipping breakfast. Than a week of skipping breakfast and dinner. After that keto for a week. Then you can start true fasting doing alternate day fasting. Eat lunch one day fast the next and back and forth.
been losing some weight recently, looking where to go from now, want to make abs more visible and working on my frame (ie shoulders, pecs, and arms. picrel previous body
I fasted for two days and my boss got me a burger and wrote "this is a treath" on the box
I was apparently grumpy kek
Maybe I'll shoot for 8% BF instead then.

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