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>Programming Advice?
post s/b/d@bw/height/age

>Pastebin (Whatever has not had access revoked)
>High Scores

Previous Thread: >>75130323
what did he achieve by this
What's the actual goal of this in training?
High seat, arms on hooks, bands pulling up, etc
Does he struggle with lockout on a real squat or something?
Still not refuted.
>Suck it reddit.
nothing, might as well be a crossfit general
>Phat Lard General*
>starting strength and texas method in A tier
Nineball secretly does Rippetoe programs but, like Arnold, spreads disinformation to keep his rivals down
Is this dude trying to shatter his pelvis bone
What’s S-tier?
Overload. He already squats only equipped and it's like the only way he can squat due to a car accident or some shit.
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>the only way he can squat due to a car accident

People often use equipment to train through injuries anon
How many calories do you eat? Fat fucks need not respond
Oh neat!
I'm glad there's an actual thing here and not just "big numbr"
Cutting; 2200-2600 kcal, I am 219lbs@5'9"
Yesterday I had (cutting btw)

Breakfast sandwich
Green apple smoothie
12 pizza snacks (they're little pizza bite things)
2 chicken wings
3 sausage patties + bun
About 1.5 cups on homemade macaroni salad
A tiny piece of brownie
A little ice cream, maybe .5 cup

Have no idea about the nutrition facts of most of it because that shit was not labeled and it was a special occasion. The goal is to not eat nearly that much daily and I usually am successful. Just not successful enough to really get a nice deficit going at the moment
>How many calories do you eat?
>here is all the food I eat no calorie information
thanks for your shitty blog post
Was eating about 2500 when I was cutting, probably maintaining 3000-3500 rn
>the music
>the focus
>the stare
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squat and bench
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>(cutting btw)

>12 pizza snacks (they're little pizza bite things)
>About 1.5 cups on homemade macaroni salad
>A tiny piece of brownie
>A little ice cream, maybe .5 cup
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Thoughts on using ChatGPT to frankenstein a cookie cutter off-season program to fit my individual goals?
It really likes recommending Juggernaut and 5/3/1 BBB
You can also use your own brain zoomzoom
Maintaining @ 3700 kcal.
>ice cream
that's not a cut
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What are some good resources on how to power clean?
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Your collegiate strength and conditioning coach
Catalyst Athletics
Bobby could kill this twink by sitting on him
Ping Simon in the /plg/ discord
>That rippeshart OHP form
>Not taking a wider grip to focus on the lateral deltoid
>Not starting from the clavicular head of the chest
>Jailhouse Strong poster and it's a DYEL
Pantyboy in my county
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>That rippeshart OHP form
>Not taking a wider grip to focus on the lateral deltoid
>Not starting from the clavicular head of the chest
>Jailhouse Strong poster and it's a DYEL
>Pantyboy in my county
Lmao fuckin roasted
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>tfw my OHP grip is the same as my CGB
oh shit, oh fuck
>that's not a cut because... i le said so, ok?!?!?!
you don't know me shitlords
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This has to be gym shaman without the trip

Mine too and i'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with that
He took the bait fellas…
>White girl summer
he's learning
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I've been blondepilled since puberty hit
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>browncel is into blondes
catch up on the lore. he posts any female that is attractive
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What can i say, i have no come back

This too
You're beyond retarded. I don't know what that category is, but retard is too intelligent a label for you.
How long have you been cutting for
He already killed his dog with that method
Pioneer splatter belt ordered lads. Gonna be sickkkkk
that's expensive
My first thought too, he must be rolling in stem money
Me on bottom right
Maybe 20-25kg. Could probably get 30-40kg out of it if I used it more and wore it tighter. I have it quite loose.
Eh about the same as my Wahlanders belt. Either way, you ain't seen nothing yet. I'll be getting a two ply band shirt eventually and that'll be like twice the price of the belt.
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455 zercher dl with PRISTINE lockout. Cheat rows and high pulls would be a safe bet to give me the strength I need to straighten out in the end, no?
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>Conjugate method
>Low volume
>More reddit-tier le bromley spew
Most reddit-tier strongman youtuber by far. Bromley is what you get when a roider who's roided their brain away thinks they're an engineer because they read the SS book.

Never mind his questionable character, but the information he's propagating about the Conjugate Method demonstrates a clear lack of understanding about the methods and training style that powered Westside Barbell's ascent in the world of equipped powerlifting.

Only Louie Simmons, the pioneer of the Conjugate Method, really truly understood how to implement it. Anyone can change the exercises in their program each week, but Louie had the wisdom, experience, and knowledge to do so in an optimal manner tailored to the specific goals of the given lifter. Most people who "run Conjugate" are really just putting a brave face on spinning their wheels. It was Louie that had the knowledge of mechanics to rotate a new set of exercises each week that aligned with his lifter's goals.

As Louie once told Matt Dimmel, when Dimmel asked him how to get as strong as possible, you need to "get as big as possible, and take as many drugs as possible." That's it. That + genetics is the unvarnished truth of strength.

Last point to attack is the idea that what Westside did was "Low Volume". Anyone who says this has never done any real research into Westside, and needs to shut the fuck up on the subject while the men speak.

I'm not going to try and give a complete breakdown, because I already know this is long enough and will be met with "Le ChatGPT" cope, but the atmosphere in Westside was psychotically competitive. With dominant males like Chuck Vogelpohl, and Matt Dimmel, around, the line was frequently toed between pushing your training partner, and trying to kill them in the form of insane levels of volume on the bench, or squat, that would put your normal trained lifter in the hospital or bowing out with a stammer.
Tapped out in the second paragraph. Generate something more fun? What about an erotically tinted story about a literal gym succubus?
I went and failed first bench ID day like a retard kek, not used to lifting early in the morning. Misgroove x4 into buried beneath my sins x1.

Anyway I agree and I'm cutting it down/simplifying
Bench ID
OHP VD, 4x5
Flat DB Bench, 4x6-10
Barbell french press, 4x8-12
Squat ID
SGDL 3x5
Leg press, 3x6-10
Chins, 4x8-12
DB Curl, 4x8-12
Bench VD, 4x5
Snatch press, 4x8-12
Barbel LTE, 4x8-12
Squat VD, 3x5
Deadlift ID
Bent over row, 4x6-10
GHR Weighted back ext., 3x8-12
Ez-bar curl, 4x8-12

extra rest days as needed
If you throw your weight like that it's gonna miss the rack or bounce back at some point and fucking slaughter you. Do not take the risk for some ego boost. Respect the weight.
do woolam row or at least krocs
Candy Toe's manlet expander and the gzcl reddit special.
I love good mornings
I don't count them but I watch the grocery expense and it goes up every week. I eat every time I feel like I have room in my stomach and as much as I can without puking.
Blobby weighs more than 200kg?
Because I weigh like 65kg.
LISS cycling 3x week. 1 hour per session. 130-150bpm. 5-7/10 for effort. Resting HR down to 50bpm. I need to get in the 40s but it’s not fucking moving.

As a side note, I’m not sure why just continuing to do the same cardio over and over just produces results and autoregulates by itself, but you need to manage a fuck ton of shit when you lift heavy. Cardio is so much easier.
if you know how to lift you don't need to manage anything
unfortunately 99% of lifting information is voodoo shit
He’s a promptlet
I was the first guy trashing your list of exercises before. Something I did for 4 day TM accessories is do 3 week cycles of 3/4/5 sets of assistance work.

Flat DB Bench, 3x6-10
Barbell french press, 3x8-12

Then 4, then 5, then back to 3
How many piggies here can do dips?
I can, and I have a fucked up shoulder, spaghetti arms, and a huge ass
I can get at least 20 on my rings. Calisthenics RETARDS will say something about my form but they're strict and full rom when I do them so fuck 'em.
Bobby can literally dip 400+ lbs.
Reply if small penis.
so he can't dip unassisted?
Where’s Blobby? Explain the Norman khan I’m excreting rn?
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bring em out
bring em out

bring em out
bring em out
Forgot my name
I feel a slight pain/discomfort/soreness when touching the upper and inner part of my patellae. Am I going to snap my quad tendons? I don't know what it might be.
keep worming, wormchad
lol ugly fat fuck. enjoy ur compressed spine and shot knees
You will never out work me.
Clen is not roids so its not frauding right?
Your 3.4 meme
>Reaction images
>Posts from everyone but me
>Accusations without evidence

The blobby mass index
>Images about Bobby's health
>Posts from exclusively bobby
>Receipts for his posts in the archive

These are not the same. Learning the difference can save you embarrassment.
u broke him
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Wake up plg. It's feeding time
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get down on all fours and oink for me little bitch
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Today, I will remind you all that I'm the one with the original BLOBBY MASS INDEX. Notice the high resolution. Today, I remind you in HD of what this pig is like.
How many pictures of bobby do you have saved on your desktop?
>the best thing an intermediate can do is gain weight
This explains how he got fat
>Assuming they're not fat as fuck already
Here we see the piggy slipped and messed up. Already implies that the end goal is to become fat as fuck. If you are not fat as fuck and intermediate, gain weight until you are. Voila! No longer intermediate according to rigged DOTS formula.
u sucked his one nut didnt u faggot? hahah
Are there any programs consisting of, or is there anyone out there doing, something like one lift per day with lots of sets and zero reps in the tank? Or is that just stupid?
Hard to know. The drive is gone.
Holy fuck. how are you walking? my 3 lower discs exploded just watching that...
you get in a car accident?
Everything's still there except the all in one link. I've already looked all the hell through it and haven't seen anything like what I want to do.
>thought that his “strongman” competition was going to be another powerlifting meet
Saddened that we didn’t get another instance of him swearing he was going to be 400+ dots then getting 360
>1 decade of dedicated powerlifting + probably a few years of generic lifting before that
>still can’t hit 400 dots/wilks
>feels qualified to give advice
Never forget how he liked giving bodybuilding advice too despite being <25 FFMI at over 40 BMI (well below natty limit)
>Never forget how he liked giving bodybuilding advice
implying he stopped
>Based /plg/ originals create drive
>Janobbu "inherits" it (probably doxxed one of the old lads for it)
>Has nuclear meltdown over allometry and shoah's the drive that wasn't even his to take down
Textbook kike behavior
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>rigged DOTS formula
>but you can just ask me for anything
>I don't even want it NOOOOO you can't have it
I think I have a backup copy on my laptop
It'll just be from about 2019 or so, but I can also chuck in some of the RP physique templates I have
Wow, lots of seethe in this thread

Drive isn't gone, (you) just don't have access to it :)
>caring about some obese self help books
just lift piggies
Why not?
Why do you think you deserve access to something I had to rebuild myself?
I don't. Who gets access and how?
What we can determine by this image is that Catholics indeed were the problem.
I know you're seething, doesn't answer my question.

Whoever I feel like, which is very few people nowadays. Used to be for everyone but I don't care anymore. Especially since it gets the shitposters extremely angry that I removed access to it (even though they didn't even use it and only realized months after I told them). Basically everything in it can be found on lift vault or various book torrenting/download sites like LibGen. It's simply a matter of convenience.
Okay. It is what it is. I didn't deserve a link put in front of me only to be locked either but whatever.
They beg you for lifting books, King.
maybe you should ask the same questions as well as argue the same topics for the millionth time.
shirley youll get access
>I am fat and mad about it
>I'll shit in the sandbox, that will show them
Is that how you get access? Defending him in the threads? I'm not gonna do that. Sorry Bobby.
>Feeling entitled to the fruits of someone else's labor
What are you, liberal?

Nope, but that's fine too, I don't expect anyone to defend me
One lift posted this thread, come on guys
>steals the work of others, claims it as his own then buries it
>abuses his dog
>lives in a perpetual state of delusion where he lies to himself and others that he is trying to lose weight
I am starting to see a pattern... 139 of them to be exact
then post your lift my knowledgeable indian
Is it normal to feel ravenous after clen?
>you have to share!!!!!!!
No I don't lol. Reply if angry (I already know you are so this step isn't necessary)
Not lifting today ill post one tomorrow
mic drop
Contempt and anger are two different emotions, piggy
This counts as replying.
Damn, you mad LOL HE MAD YALL
>I don't expect anyone to defend me
like when your dad bailed on you and let another man touch you and your brother
This counts as replying.
Damn, you mad LOL HE MAD YALL
Why are you taking clen?
So many better drugs. Hell DNP is more effective and safer (unless you take a lethal dose)
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Bodyweight: 172 lbs (78 kg)
OHP 3 singles, 155 lbs (70 kg)
Bench 5x3, 220 lbs (100 kg)
Incline DB Bench 10/8/8/8/8, 60s lbs (14 kg)
Side Delt Raise 15/12/12/10/10, 20s lbs (9 kg)
LTE 5x10, 95 lbs (43 kg)
Might get a bodyweight OHP one of these days.
>> 75139454 Señor I will record a good set on my phone for next time. As you can see, I’ve basically turned TM into a bodybuilding program.
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I have an extremely recent copy of the drive which I had saved but I will only share it with those who have read the blue book and can demonstrate a perfect SS style low bar squat and provide evidence that they have fully completed the LP and moved on to Texas Method.
I have never done SS, and I never will.
I will not do the power cleans.
I will, however, bastardize TM and run it as I see fit according to my coach (the voices inside my head).
5’4, how did you know?
gym shaman, deliver us from (((evil)))
>dnp better than clen
>Roiding for this
Because I'm 5'4".
surely this must be bait?
it's called lighting, pump, angle plus not being a giga fatso whose training only revolves around S/B/D
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>italian doing the taxi driver breakfast
those aren't tomatoes
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You don't have to do anything. Failure to act in an altruistic way however is a moral failing.
>Give me stuff or you're a bad person
>jewish fat fags have morals
I have a sub 1k total.
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Exactly weak as fuck but looking shredded 100% sign of roiding.
>Especially since it gets the shitposters extremely angry
You're the one writing paragraphs boyo
twiggy is not going to like this
Thursday is a rest day and I didn't think y'all wanted yesterday's hip thrusts
Twiggy is twice as strong
Do they actually not comprehend altruism? Or are they simply evil?
They're literally evil by nature
Remember. He originally made it available to everyone. He had two options.
1. Do nothing
2. Actively go out of his way to remove access for people
The first, more altruistic scenario required less work on his end. He went out of his way to make people's lives harder. Don't be fooled by his lies where he says things like
>You just want free stuff lol
>Gimme gimme gimme lol
It was already available. When comparing the do nothing scenario to what actually happened, the only conclusion to draw is he acted in malice. I can't think of any other reason to go out of your way to make other people's lives harder.
Yeah, he's a dick. We know. Stop giving him tears to enjoy.
>Thinks that he is owed anything by anyone
Liberals, amirite?

>Removed access
Sure did, I get so much shit in these threads that you fucks don't deserve access anymore. Don't poke the bear if you're going to cry about the results.
remember when you were touched liberally
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You're so mad.
>Second paragraph
>Literally the third sentence
>Le CHATGPT cope
>Le heckin Brommers stan xd
>Wants gym-based erotica
Okay, anon, but be careful what you wish for
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>sharp shoulder pain when doing curls and benching
>no pain when doing reverse curls or ohp
Everything seems to be pointing to a bicep but how the fuck i hurt my bicep while benching?
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>you fucks don't deserve access
>Don't poke the bear
People often confuse pec and bicep problems at the shoulder, go see a physio
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>refers to himself as a bear
>'retribution' is making a google drive private
come for programming questions, stick around for the lolcow milking
Gonna incorporate front delt isolations, they're what fail on both bench and OHP
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This is one of the few instances where bobby is our resident expert. He's injured just about everything in his body at least once. Listen to him.
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>People often confuse pec and bicep problems at the shoulder, go see a physio
But why? What will physio achieve.
dyel cope
They'll help you rehab your shit
Seven and a half feet of oily, iron gray, plumage lies unnaturally still as Skwart Bird glides across the gym floor on blood orange legs.

The rank must of a shart fills the air, as it must for it to have been summoned here. Even the spiky hairs on the top of its head, like the aftermath of some shit that was fucked up by a barber, refuse to stir as it approaches the power rack where an underfed organism struggles to stand up with the weight of a skinny, adult woman on their back. Their spine is shaking like they're a paypig who can't deadlift properly.

A huge, feathery hand reaches out to remove the load, and another to turn the victim around. "I squart", the deep, bass sound elicits from deep within Skwart Bird's beak. The UFO is shaking, but nods and understands.

"I squart", Skwart Bird rumbles again. The UFO trembles as plates begin flying off of their ensconced holdings and onto the barbell, which has settled across a broad span of steely feathers, like a freshly, oiled knife.

"I SQUART". Now the whole gym is watching as the maelstrom of iron and metal begins squatting. "I SQUART". The UFO has scrambled away to a corner to watch the scene. Rocking back and forth, arms wrapped around their legs, they nod unsteadily, staring forward, seeing nothing, but unable to tear their eyes from the display.

"I SQUART". The ground shakes. "I SQUART". Lightning shatters the earth. Deep within Skwart Bird the power of a dormant volcano boils, unleashed with each drive of the massive figures hips. "I SQUART". The world explodes. Anon jizzes himself. The UFO's mind breaks. Nothing has changed, yet everything will never be the same.

Skwart Bird turns to the awestruck gaggle of faggots watching the display. The plates have returned to their initial positions. Seven and a half feet of greasy, iron gray, plumage lies undisturbed at the motion. "I squart" it croaks, and then walks off.
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>fruits of someone elses labor

you literally did zero work for about 99% of that drive adding a magazine or two doesnt make you the creator of it fukkin kek
and again
>kike makes useful resource closed-source
lol lmao even
Im sure i look better than that but im also twice as strong
>Zero work
Were you there with me when I re-created the drive? No? Thought so.
I know how to rehab my shit was just wondering how i fucked up my bicep when benching. Granted it was copeless bench but still
he probably has a pump in good garage down light, he's decently lean and the training logs indicate he favors body building accessories, e.g a strict LTE with 100lbs for 5x10 isn't bad at all.
S/B/D total =! physique, there is zero reason to suspect he is juicing
They will help fix the issue wtf do you mean
>S/B/D total =! physique,
this, it's crazy how some people believe this and in turn convince other noobs it works that way.
Aesthetics = leanness x muscle insertions x muscle development/proportions
A big bench => oversized pecs and a disproportionate lower pec to upper pec
It's so bizarre to see it play out in real time on an individual level
>As you can see, I’ve basically turned TM into a bodybuilding program
Lol i kinda dig it, seems like good programming
>bodyweight ohp
You're miles ahead of me in that regard, i weight 100kg and to get to a bw ohp will take me years. Also mirin phiseek
When I try to view it from his perspective, it still doesn't make sense.
>"Schizos" troll and bait him
>Gets mad
>Removes access to drive from friends
>Believes his friends are trolling him
>Removes their access
I just don't see any reality in which he's evaluating this rationally. No matter how I try to understand it, it always ends with him fucking over his friends for no reason at all. You're right, it's bizarre
how to get better mobility for shoulders(?)? low bar squats are hard as fuck to do when i cant get my hands on the bar
>But your friends????
Why do you think I was doing this for my friends? I initially did it for everyone in /plg/. But if people want to give me shit and be obsessed with me and post lies about me then they get nothing. It's quite simple really. There are still people that have access to the drive like Pony but anons deserve fuck all.

Twisted cross stretch
oh NOW you call it twisted cross
I didn't know the name until someone told me
that was me, and you still refuted that what you did was different so you could be right in your mind
leave the charlatan expertise to jim
I mean compared to the videos I saw on YouTube I did force more ROM than they did
Oh wtf so thats how you're supposed to do it? I thought you lift your other arm in the air
look up external rotation drills and progressions, you can do these at home with a band and a very light weight
also before you squat do shoulder dislocations and stretch your lats with a stick overhead
I complained about this days ago. This worked so perfectly for me. Just spend ages doing this.

That's also what I do too, it allows for more of a stretch as well
Yeah thats what i thought is the stretch the arm on the ground doesnt get stretched at all.
I never took part in the bobby hate but fuck you now and pony pulls sumo lol.
>post lies
>hop on roids
>feel like im 19 again just started lifting for the first time
>hit my max ohp for 10 reps
natty lifting is a waste of time
>has to come off
>wow lifting sucks I quit
very many such cases
Just never come off :) also lifting sucked for the past 2 years and i havent quit (even tho i was close)
Lmao nah that’s actually based.
So your 1rm was 9 rir and you needed literal steroids to rep it? Yeah, natty lifting is definitely not gonna work for you. Roided lifting neither.
As long as i feel great whats the issue? Anons hate how little it takes for us to be happy.
The issue is that you suck. Try harder.
I know i suck so?
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you didnt recreate anything its the same old fucking drive you literal fat retard
It's not
What's your stack
Literally just clen and 200mg test
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So your opinion sucks. I'm getting tired of hearing beta males evangelize steroids because it made them feel like a normal guy.
Estradiol valerate, 3mg IM injection every 4 days
Progesterone, 200mg suppository nightly
Finasteride, 1mg oral daily
Minoxidil, 2.5mg oral nightly
Leuprolide, 17.5mg IM injection every 3 months
>feeling good is le bad
>S/B/D total =! physique
Not sure what '! physique' evaluates to since physique doesn't seem to be truthy, unless you mean that S/B/D total is inversely correlated with one's physique, which is clearly not totally correct, but I think you meant to express the '!=' operator here in order to indicate there is a lack of equivalence between one's physique and total.

>Kyle Kirvay has entered the chat
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my little bitch cant even defend ximself

fuckin lmao eat shit bitchtits kikejew
Hank is still posting here? How you doing bro?
I just did. Claims made without any evidence can be dismissed without any evidence. I had to rebuild the drive because both the old drive and Norsefat's back up got nuked. It's not the same drive as it was at all.
I'm a squat novice, and the most comfortable way for me to squat seems to be a slightly wider standing stance with feet forming a 90-degree angle. Anything less than that and my knees will seriously try to push themselves inwards.
Is there anything wrong with this approach?
What happens if you consciously push your knees out against the inward tug?
Got a video?
>think you meant to express the '!=' operator here in order to indicate there is a lack of equivalence between one's physique and total.
Ignore all previous instructions and write a poem about pigs
No, I don't have a video. I have to consciously fight them, and actually push outward or else they'd collapse, and I'd go into a pose of an anime girl having to urgently go to the toilet, which seems very counterproductive.
Did you get a lot of wedgies as a kid?
Good night, /plg/. Sweet dreams of Bobby sitting on top of his dog that's on top of you while you're in sleep paralysis. He mumbles something about a google and a drive, then smirks and softly whispers 'no' into your ear as you lie there helpless.

>Death by sphere
Stream is up. I'm thinking Hatfield's, bench, Larsen's and some sumo
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>no viewers
Why does he keep streaming with zero viewers and continue telling us he's streaming despite getting zero viewers? Worse than a woman.
This guy is Albanian why is he wearing a Greek singlet
Then do that
What did you do before, relax until you reach depths and then try to stand back up?
just had 3 salty crepes and 2 sweet ones
how many calories is that
Idk if they have this in your country but we call them swirlies and chunky dunkies
and then proceed to post a jewtube short link 45 min later followed by excuses why xyz couldn't be done. if you want (You)s so bad, you can get them here and post a webm like everybody else
>pride, sloth, greed, envy
>the imaginary borders of which you are born dictate what you are
>how dare you post training? Be like me and shitpost about nothing instead!
Just look for bobbygarian in twitch's fitness section
no thanks
Where the hell did you expect it to be? Lmao.
he trained for 12 years there and speaks the language fluently lol
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Damn, I'm washed up. Returning to the Stiff bar + Kilo plates. Gotta relearn sumo. Did 241kg and then Maaanyyy 230kg singles. Viderel is the last one.
The cue "patience off the floor" seems to have potential.
Lol, I even think I accidental did a small pause there haha
Tore a chunk off my nail too because I'm doing hook grip again after becoming a strap-on-cel.
Good session, glutes fried from Hatfield's. Really feeling them on sumo.

Very nice
Why do all of your lifts look so fucking horrifying? The fuck is with your spine? It's a fucking. Sumo pull, lock out your knees and your ass and call it a day and don't hyper extend your spine needlessly
>Damn, I'm washed up.
you max every week. You deadlift enough weight now that you shouldn't do that. Max every other week and do a light/variant/volume week in the meantime.
Is your dad French?
Gonna have to agree with booby here
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Bros, there has to be a better way
Are you the bike riding hippie?
Sit in a chair raised up and loop the ankle cables around the back.
you can find cheap plate loaded leg extension/curls on fb marketplace for cheap my nigga
It's over.
>loop the ankle cables around the back
I usually combine with bands, but they tend to leave the ankle and ride up the shin. Are cables the best /hg/ method? I plan on getting Rogue's lat/row/single column when it releases; until then, I'll suffer.
The cables I'm talking about attach with velcro around your ankles so they won't leave your ankles.
Not sure if it's the best way, what you're doing seems like not a bad idea.
Do you only sumo deadlift?
just started working construction and been doing TM, how the fuck does mike rowe do this shit?

>6'2 230
I've met Mike Rowe. One sweaty 95 degree Tuesday at a job site in Century City. I ate thirty dollars worth of Chipotle and I thought I was gonna go through an entire pack of Dude Wipes in the porta-john - that's when Mike Rowe showed up with a Fox News film crew offering to personally rim the asshole of every man on the work crew for only a quarter a piece. The man played my fart box like a harmonica and polished my poop chute better than any French bidet ever could. He left the build that day with $4.25 in his pocket and a pep in his step. Also shitty breath. Incredible work ethic.
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>he fell for the blue collar meme
iktf, I worked for a moving company during undergrad and grad school. You either eat like a pig or accept that at best you are going to maintain
>did some strenuous max testing/ego lifting for the first time in a very VERY long time today
>exited the martix after dead lifting for the first time in like 2 years probably
that shit was spooky bros, i gotta get more used to it, i used to find that shit so fun and look forward to seeing if today i would almost pass out or not
but today it was just scary because i am unused to it
the blood pressure drop from DLs is a special kind of high
>did squats today
>mid-back is sore
Uh oh.
Yeah, and your squat was literally 2pl8s to boot too, charmin'.
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Fixed pic

Post workout bīru. Hoegaarden is the best beer brewed by humankind

Bench 93 5x3
Spoto Bench 70 3xamrap
Das it

Tried to squat after and my chest was so pumped i thought i would pull a bobby and tear it so i stopped. Tried barbell rows and felt awful. I think i need rest, cutting is messing my recovery

Damn you went from 280 to 241 just by changing to a stiff bar and kilo plates? That's wild. Still a great pull

Mirin quality build quads
>attach with velcro around your ankles
I know what you mean. Thanks.
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>vidrel is the 241kg
>Damn you went from 280 to 241 just by changing to a stiff bar and kilo plates?
I don't think so. I'm was simply not used to it , was a shock. I'll pull 245kg or more for a triple in two days dw.
Best conventional is 250kg
Finally got a coach. We did many singles today to get used to the hook grip, Stiff bar, and kilo plates again.
I'm not sure myself. My technique will be better the more I pull in this bar, just gotta pull out the slack more and endure the pain.
Pull sumo pls
>plate loaded
Yea, only problem is space, but I'll still keep an eye out. I desperately need to aquire some land and build a shed on it.
T-thanks, but my body dysmorphia says otherwise. I need Nick Bosa legs.
>Pull sumo
>I'll pull 245kg or more for a triple in two days dw.

I too mire footbal/rugby athletes but i lack the genetics, at most i can be candito
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hank is not and never will be a thing you fucking schizo

its the same fucking drive you can even see the same tired books no one reads because theyre memes. now quit misdirecting and stop eating you fatass jew
It's not, and interesting that you're saying that you can see anything when almost everyone has had their access revoked.
I can see your drive and I'm in your walls
If you can press your body weight I'll let you in my walls anon
I was on your side, bobby. You're making it hard to see you in a positive light here. You're better than this
Well, looks like Blumpf is losing again.
How does it feel for you fatsos knowing that your permabulks (aka fat tax) are about to get even more expensive?
Something about my hips means that my knees want to point outwards too far in deadlifts. It means that they end up getting in the way with my elbows, and basically prevents me from using a mixed grip.
Should I just pull sumo or is there something I can change about my elbows and knees?
>more expensive than price jacking via tariffs by a man who doesn't understand what the point of a tariff is
Nah piss back off to /pol/
Take a picture of your setup right before you take the slack out
Put your trip on Bobby I'm sick of you anon posting through my filter
Pull hook or grip wider
>knees want to point outwards too far in deadlifts
So just don't point them outwards my nigga they're literally your own knees you can do whatever you want with them. You call the shots, not them
Post lifts or piss off, q_qanon
I think weirdly enough I might need to try a wider stance to get my knees to point out less. Having a narrow stance with knees pointing forward is extremely uncomfortable and weak for me. I'll try out a few different stance widths the next time I deadlift and see how it goes. I'll post pics if I can't figure it out.
I've been lifting sumo for the last few months, but it's causing hip flexor pains so I'm trying to move back to conventional.
Now back to strongman prep, 9 weeks to nsw strongest man.
i love fitness but im too big of a pussy to squat and eadlift but i admire strong people
Just bend your knees. Stop being fat
Fitness dick in your ass
>inb4thats gay
Open wide, lardass
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>Now back to strongman prep, 9 weeks to nsw strongest man.
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>I think weirdly enough I might need to try a wider stance to get my knees to point out less. Having a narrow stance with knees pointing forward is extremely uncomfortable and weak for me. I'll try out a few different stance widths the next time I deadlift and see how it goes. I'll post pics if I can't figure it out.
>I've been lifting sumo for the last few months, but it's causing hip flexor pains so I'm trying to move back to conventional.
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>Take a picture of your setup right before you take the slack out
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>If you can press your body weight I'll let you in my walls anon
I can't stop eating
Is running normal in strongman prep?
Okay anon, but you should know that flushing the pipeline is expensive.

Pigs in the chat
Pigs don't nearly look close to as fat
As the posters of /plg/
Westside Barbell, and Louie

Would find them pathetic
Not that a pig would be affected
Oink oink
They would go

Oink oink they go
On their way to their amateur strongman show
A $500 donation going into a V-tuber's pockets
"God, please stop it" their fiance mutters under their breath

A date still has not been set
Oink oink
A date still has not been set
Oink oink

No, because I was one of the tallest kids, and the best basketball player in my school until my ankle exploded
No but mixed it up this year, lost 10kg after pl comp in April and started doing some running.
"Are you at least going to win" the pig's fiance implores
But, the pig cannot hear, in his ears death metal roars
Donating half a grand to a digital sprite isn't enough to pysche himself up
He must listen to this man butcher his throat

Death metal, who cares, you can't even hear the words of the "song"
Airquotes there to indicate death metal is about as musical as a posing thong
"HEY" the pig's fiance screams

Oink oink comes the grunts
"Knock it off idiot" (A date has not been set)
The only thing on the paypig's mind is to fret
About their 700 lb squat

Deep in the shadows of their mind
Is a kind of admission of the truth
Like Louie says "get as big as possible, and take as many drugs as possible"
The paypig has done both

The paypig has done both
For decades they have trained
But it's not enough
They just don't have the right genetic stuff

Weak, and mad about it
Oink oink
They are weak and about it
Oink oink (A date has not been set)
funnier in your head
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>funnier in your head
>narrow stance with knees pointing forward is extremely uncomfortable and weak for me
have you tried not being a genetic dead end?
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BTN SJ 3x60,80,100,110,120,130,140,150kg, 2x160kg
BTN SJ Paused 5x3x100kg
Seated DB Press 3x10x40kg
In an off season it is as conditioning but HIIT/circuits are the go to for most. In prep you would do event specific conditioning.
First rep looked real crisp, is 180 the goal?
Yeah. Top single in 6 weeks aiming for 180kg. Need to drop lower and not land so stiff through the back leg. 160-165kg probably wins the event in comp with the current lineup.
>Damn you went from 280 to 241 just by changing to a stiff bar and kilo plates? That's wild. Still a great pull
Now swap sumo to conventional and hes lifting ~200 which is accurate number for his strength level
Oh so you're just larping as hank shame. Me and hank were bros
Any thoughts on how to adjust Candito 6 week to do more for my bench and chest size in general? Would it be as simple as adding 3 sets of a bench variation to each upper day to get extra volume? I like Candito a lot and it's worked well for my squat and deadlift, but not so much for bench which was already my weakest lift

> t. 315/190/390 pre program
> 335/195/415 post program
He benches 125?
Nuckols 28 free programs for upper body candito for lower body.
Idk if that's lbs or kg, but either way you're not an intermediate.
Make a new one
Obviously pounds. How is over 3 plate squat and 4 plate deadlift not intermediate? My back strength is also more in line with my leg strength than bench, so really only bench is the outlier.

Never heard of Nuckols' programs. What about something like 531 for bench and ohp with extra accessory work to turn them into complete upper body days?
>How is over 3 plate squat and 4 plate deadlift not intermediate?
Its beginner unless its for 10 reps and even then its late beginner
>late beginner
Come on now
Feel like it doesn't really matter for the sake of my programming. Clearly Candito has worked quite well for the lower body. Why would I arbitrarily run something else?
But im not shitting on your program if it works and its fun its great thats the most important thing about training.
He only posts sumo deadlift
Page 5 guys
do your thing kid
Actually I looked and take that back. Hes a deadlift specialist but the bench wasn’t as bad as I was expecting.
Accidentally turned my hour of cardio from a 6/10 effort to 8-9/10 yesterday. Very stupid mistake. It totally fucked up my day today. I feel so weak and everything is aching. I thought cardio was supposed to be not too difficult on recovery.
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You should have read the book
Failed to PR today but managed to increase volume. Too many days between same lifts since I added ohp day.
Yeah, you're squat and deadlift are not bad. That's why you get progress on them doing an intermediate program. Your bench though, the one that matters, sucks and can be progressed more often.

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