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My gf bought me a Superman logo T-shirt to wear to the gym but I don't want to. Do I hurt her feelings by saying no or wear it and look like a complete dork?
Wear the shirt, it'll make her happy and ultimately doesn't hurt anything.
Make sure you wear red shorts so we can h̶a̶v̶e̶ a̶ g̶o̶o̶d̶ l̶a̶u̶g̶h̶ 'mire your gains.
Cmon buddy. We know it was your mom. Unless she's driving you to the gym, just switch it out. It'll kill your gains if you're busy being self-conscious because you look like some marvel reddit dweeb
On the one hand, superman is a really gay raus golem. On the other, it's cute that she thinks you're getting all buff. Wear it. Her opinion > randos at the gym.
Just for the love of pete don't let your picture get taken wearing it next to someone who could actually pull it off.
get used to disappointing your gf, will make your future a lot easier
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>not buying nazi t-shirts to wear at the gym
pussy ass bitch
The gym drip
why don't you like looking like a dork at the gym?
It's fun and it's an easy way to leave an opening for other people and make friends.
>look like a dork.

You've gotta ask yourself a question here, OP..... Which one of them physically puts your cock into their mouth and sucks on it until you cum, her or the people at the gym?
if you wear it with confidence it reverses and you look like a chad instead.
russians are so weird and closeted lmao
Just wear it. It shows your gf that you think her gift is thoughtful
You are now in possession of the item and do with it as you please. It is not your responsibility to do what anyone else expects you to do with something in your possession
This is the kind of retard thats still into emo shit at 38
Wear the gift from your girl you insecure shit
"our elephant?"
She thinks you’re her Superman. Don’t disappoint her.
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it's actually mammoth but close enough
Just wear it retard. Why do you care about looking like a dork if you're getting steady sex in a relationship? Are you afraid the juiceheads at the gym will make fun of you? They're not even paying attention to you.
My ex used to buy me the most fucking RETARDED t-shirts imaginable. I wore them because she liked them and would slob on my knob. Now that I'm single, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing them, because I obviously care about not looking like a dork, solely so I can get laid.
>show up to the gym in business casual. slacks, dress shirt and glasses
>load up the bar with your near max deadlift
>lift it
>drop the weight to draw attention
>turn around, pose, and tear your shirt open, spraying buttons everywhere, revealing the big S of your girlfriend's T-shirt
>walk up to the gym thot with the biggest tits.
>stare at them uncomfortably long before finally saying, "this x-ray vision sure comes in handy sometimes"
>stick your arms out in front of you and make whooshing noises while running around like a retard, pretending to fly, while making your way to the exit.
>leave never to be seen again.
>its a bird
>its a plane
>its the local retard
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My 5yo son got me a towel for my birthday with a really old kids cartoon character on it. It's the first present he ever chose himself and even bought it with his own saved up money (with my wife's help). I take that towel to the gym with me, and proudly so. Everytime I come back he asks if the towel helped me "with my sports" and evertime I tell him it did and I couldn't have done it without his gift. It makes him happy. Picrel is the towel. I love that thing. You see what I'm trying to say?
Wear it once soon to make her feel good then never again. You’ll make her happy and its one less thing for her to yap at you about. Also it will be a good exercise for you getting over caring about strangers opinions
top kek
cute :3
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like this? If you're big you could definitely wear it without any insecurities. It just looks like a fun tee
>Anon think he's so strong, he's like superman
it's like that gorilla tanktop but normie-disgestable

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