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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the round cuties who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/
>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>75140849
Reposting my questions from the last bread.

>Back on the stronglifts program. Today was OHP and Deadlifts. Could only do 4 sets of the OHP and I worry my deadlift form was shit. Still, live and learn and I don't think I hurt myself; I'll be staying at the same weight until I feel my form is better.

>Question to the anons doing body recomp, is there a point in which you notice lots of weight shedding off? I ask because I haven't seen much change in weight despite being in a caloric deficit yet I'm really slimming down.

>I'm not going for a full on powerlifter body. Just want to slim down without going full on skinny-fat.

>Also, as dumb as this sounds, is just doing deadlifts, even if my form is bad, at least some progress? Or should I consider it a total wash?
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I didn't exercise for the past few days but I'm still way under TDEE so it's not that bad
I was going to fast today but instead I ate an entire package of tortellini covered in curry sauce and chicken thighs and sausage.
It's not the end of the world I was going to eat it tomorrow but now I'll have to fast the rest of the week instead of just two days.
cutting rn
how do I deal with the hunger
Punch yourself really hard in the gut. Pain should keep you from thinking about eating for a couple hours.
Drink water
Drink your own piss, recycling is the key to weight loss.
ate a shitton of snacks last night. i just changed my sleep schedule so i sleep during the day and wake at 9pm. literally havent gotten a wink of sleep man im supposed to be asleep rn.
Had 42 g of cereal today instead of 34 since the bag ran out. Ate a 65 calorie cookie. Ate a boiled egg even though I didn't need to. Over 400 calories eaten today and it's almost 7 PM.
sucks cuz im finally in a good habit and losing weight, now im hungry as hell and havent slept in days. also havent worked out in a couple days due to exhaustion
for your crimes i sentence you to 30 pushups before bed
Try to eat closer to your bed time
I've reached the second to last hole on my belt
I'm aware of the instructions in the post but can someone give me suggestions on how to lose as much weight (body fat) as possible in the next 4 months? Besides calorie deficit if there are things that can help accelerate it. I also need to work on getting rid of my cravings for snacks.
Eat one meal 1500 calories at lunch, eat nothing the rest of the day. Eat nothing the next day. Eat the same amount the day after at the same time.
Walk/swim/bike daily, drink only water.
that does not sound bad at all, any tips for making it through the fast days? and how about just adding black coffee?
>Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
>Eat processed foods.
>Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
I do all of these and I lost 15 kg over the last ~4 months.
Some people find it easier if they have something to put in their mouth (drink coffee/drink tea/chew gum/chew ice), but personally I find it easier just not to do anything.

Just occupy yourself with something else.
>that does not sound bad at all
Coffee is fine but personally I think it's a crutch people should learn to live without. Caffeine makes it more difficult to sleep and you don't need it to focus once you get used to not being addicted to it. But to get you started on the process its fine, try switching to low caffeine teas or uncaffinated coffee.
Try to keep yourself busy, either through work or activities that occupy your mind like video games or hanging out with friends (although that can be dangerous if they want to eat).
Do your best to avoid temptations of food, things like going on /ck/ or youtube and watching cooking videos. The less your mind is thinking about food the less your stomach will growl.
Last remember that the hunger pangs always go away. Just tell your stomach no and no matter how bad it feels within an hour or two it will go away and you'll be ok.
You can eat more or less calories on the eating days it's not super strict. Basically just eat one big filling meal every other day. Doesn't have to be exactly at noon, be flexible otherwise you'll give up as soon as you can't stick to it perfectly.
Forgive me father for I have sinned
I didn't feel like working out yesterday, so I changed my PPLPPLR routine to PPLRPPLR instead. Also I didn't complete my daily goal of 10k steps. I was shy about 200-250 steps.
I go to /ck/ all the time now. Looking at pictures of food is actually fulfilling my cravings in a way, even if it's kind of like edging.
If you can handle it that's great, but for me personally it weakens my willpower.
thanks anon I will try that, I know to some the plan might sound stupid or extreme but if it works it works, I just want to stop looking and feeling like shit. In that big meal I'll try to protein maxx so that I don't lose my existing muscles that much. As for the coffee / caffeine I can do fine without it, I just enjoy a single cup from time to time early in the day so it doesn't affect my sleep but I'll see how it goes with and without it thanks again
Sure thing, and if that proves to be too extreme you can try doing just plain OMAD which is one meal a day. To work your way into it you can start by just not having breakfast. Than after a few days drop dinner as well. You can do that and occasionally toss in a few fast days when you feel up to it.
And don't worry you don't lose much muscle mass, there have been studies done and any loss is minimal during fasting and quickly regained after you start eating regularly again.
Mums birthday today. Dinner was;

>Double patty beef smash burger with slow cooked brisket
>Large fries
>About 8 fried hot chicken wings
Also had a sprite and a (very small) slice of cake.

The biggest dinner I've had in months. Maybe like 2,500 calories in that one meal.

Fitness tracker says I walked 16,000 steps and burnt 1250 calories today but I doubt it made much of an impact.
Also I forgot to mention, I recommend OMAD mostly because for me personally it has worked the best of the fasting methods. I am weak to thinking about food so the less I have to the better I can follow the plan. So planning one meal and getting food out of the way for the rest of the day works well for me.
But it might not work well for you, it might be too much food in one setting. You can eat twice a day if that is easier to get the calorie goal you desire but whatever method you choose I still highly recommend dropping breakfast. I just don't see why it is necessary and I think it is too closely linked to poor food choices. I think the ideal time for human food consumption is between noon and 6pm. That gives your body enough time to process whatever you eat before you go to sleep and you really don't want food in your stomach when you are sleeping.
I think I’m starting to slack.
I walk/jog 3 miles daily and feel a lot like snacking during the rest of the day.
Haven’t eaten anything bad yet, the most “snacks” I’ve had were a peach and a bag of popcorn, but I’m afraid it’ll spiral into more fattening shit.
I’m also only having two meals a day so it probably hasn’t affected me too much.
I would just suggest you do keto. In a month I lost around 40lbs, and that first month is pretty easy to get through.
>but I’m afraid
That is your problem my son
You must be brave
You have to resist the temptation of the devil
I'm constipated and straining over the bowl right now
Depending on how much you need to cut I don't think 3 miles a day is enough. You probably need to double that.

3 miles is e.g. about 6,000 steps a day. 11,000+ better for cutting.

Also snacking is fine but switch to e.g. fruit bowls, low calorie snacks, things with protein in them..
How fucking fat are you that you can lose that much that quickly?
I was 390.
I know, this is by far the most I’ve lasted.
I always aim for under 1,000 calories.
I get what you say, but buying fruit bowls and other snacks will only make me get used to snacking and take more than I need. Right now the worst I’ve done is the peach and popcorn once, still going strong I think. I’m also doing weights every other day since I just started.
Don't strain yourself, that's how you get hemorrhoids
I ate over maintenance for the first time since starting CICO today.
You're afraid because you rightly don't know what is different about the you now and the you that gives in to temptation. It's good that you're afraid, it means you know yourself enough to understand you're not infallible and the failures you've had are not a trivial matter. Don't let it snowball.
Went over my calorie goal today. Only by 64 though and was a couple hundred under yesterday so it's okay.
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I am full anons... what do I do
Drink a cup of olive oil.
Have you tried cleaning your disgusting bathroom?
You lose ass loads of water weight when you start keto
>Be lifelong fatfuck
>Decide to lose weight
>Go from 270lbs to 180lbs over the past year
>Slowly come to the realization that I'll always look disgusting because of the loose skin
How do I cope?
post body. I'm going from 270 and have the same goal weight
Surgery exists and a scar doesn't look disgusting.
Anon you can fix it with surgery
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couldn't do it today lads
ate a little over maintenance
>>Also, as dumb as this sounds, is just doing deadlifts, even if my form is bad, at least some progress? Or should I consider it a total wash?
Bad form deadlifts are just going to be putting more emphasis on different muscles like your lower back. This can still help, but it makes you much more prone to injuries. At low weights your body should be able to handle it though. Might even be a little good to toughen them out.
That said, it's not easy to grow muscle when you're in a caloric deficit. The main benefit of lifting while losing weight is to not lose your muscle. Deadlifts are great for this because they use a lot of different muscles.

Try to fix your form though
One been in a 600 kcal deficit since the start of May. Can I continue like this or should I take a break? How can I tell if I have diet fatigue?
As someone who was in the mid-200s, I'm thankful I never had gyno or skin flaps. Chest was always a low fat area for me.
A lady came up to me today and said that she sees me at the gym a lot, that she admires my consistency, and that my progress is noticeable. I needed it. WAGMI
The scarring I've seen looks pretty bad though. Is it really worth the price and lengthy recovery period just to trade one insecurity for another? Either way I'll never have a beach body.
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Yes, a few scars look way better than lose skin
Why not? A scar doesn't stop you from having a beach body. What you're actually talking about isn't a beach body, it's your own idea of perfection. And yeah, you won't be perfect, nigger. You won't find a perfect body on the beach either. Scars and loose skin aren't insecurity, you are insecure and are naming flaws as the source of it, but it's your fag ass mind that is insecure.
Fatty Contest
199.1 lbs
I've maintained at 175lb for over a month at this point counting calories daily and easily staying at my allowance. It's kind of hard to get back into the weight loss mindset because I'm okay at my current weight although I could lose some more ideally. Height is 5'10.
Your stomach isn't growling; that noise is your fat crying.
Yeah, who gives a shit about scars? The skin itself being loose feels so damn gross and seems to get in the way of things at times and is very fucking annoying.
if you have stretch marks, you may actually end up with less overall scars after surgery
I went from 245 to 175 in 3 months and thankfully have no loose skin
>lost 2.6kg a week in 3 months
and I lost 70 pounds in 3 months by doing 5 week-long water fasts mixed in with shorter water fasts and keto diet + calorie deficit on the days I did eat
advice for anyone trying to do the same
post body
I'm still not in great shape and have a high body fat percentage. But I am down from 5'10 245lb to 175lb (which is morbidly obese to overweight).
So many /fit/ bros deal with this, From my research A lot of people say they developed constipation out of nowhere early last year. I wonder whats going on out there, is our food being meddled with?
>is our food being meddled with
if you live in america, yes. you're eating "cricket protein" infused meat
I just drank a coke zero and a regular coke plus mnms..
Perhaps, for me it was getting the balance of soluble/insoluble fiber better. I was upping my fiber like every one says but it was mostly soluble which I though was better, but seems insoluble is just as important and helps to speed up motility which was the biggest part of my problem.
Bros, I don't have time to cook today, so I'll probably just order a pizza and eat it with a can of Dr Pepper for my meal today.
The chicken sauce is postponed until tomorrow.
Thank you for following my blog.
bad mistake
You chose...poorly
Fellas, I know fasting is mostly a meme around these parts but would it work for someone as fucked as I?
I have low t (actual diagnosed)
And other issues

You`re not that fat and I don`t think fasting would be worth it in your case. Eat on deficit and lift (I imagine your doctor is giving you test which will help you progress)
>you’re not that fat
Really? I’ve been told I’m obese here lol
Appreciated regwrdless
just eat a tuna can fat retard
Sorry bros, I failed you.
I'll do my utmost to recover from these 1300 kcal worth of slop!
Nah, not feeling like it and I don't have bread either to make it feel nice.
Is this actually true? What is the reason for this?
>only drink water (sparking mineral water to remember the good times)
>only eat whole foods, even going as far to home make sauces and other annoying things
>no drugs/alcohol not even caffine or nicotine
>no more than 30 carbs a day
>500 cal for breakfast
>1500 cal meal after that
>only eat those 2 meals and never snack outside of them
>try to move my fatass at least 2 hours a day on bikes/walking

I've been losing 5lbs a week for about 2 months, withdrawals from quitting all that cold turkey sent me into a near suicidal depression for 3 weeks, literally crying as a grown ass man for hours a day.

I'm losing 5lbs a week, but now I'm scared I'm going have lose skin (need to lose 70lbs, and on track to do it in 14 weeks). Read the OP link, but anything else I can do?
Also I need more salt in my diet, I don't want to eat the artificial shit in all the electrolyte drinks, and they cost like 2 dollars a pop which is retarded.
I've been going without, but I used to just swig a tbsp of onions sauce to get a gram in and avoid artificial crap, but who knows what is in commercial onions sauce.
Anyone have suggestions to get salt outside my eating windows? Pills are dangerous if they don't disintegrate properly, salt water at any concentration makes me throw up instantly.
Is onions sauce even that bad? Is there better brands? Is there something else that has almost no calories and wont make me gag? And doesn't have any bullshit in it?
No matter what any anon says, you cannot control how much loose skin uou end up with. Just cope and get over it.
I started at 280 and trying to get to 210, not sure if just lifting weights is going to fix that.
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Instagram content creator told me it is better to cycle between cutting for 3 months and bulking for 1 month
his logic is you should gain muscle around 1kgs during bulking to increase your metabolism
I'm still obese fuck with 40%bf and tempted to try that shit
>3 eggs and 40g of grated pecorino is a third of my daily ,calories
i'm still not having cravings or anything but this is starting to kinda suck man
think i'm gonna take a couple weeks or a month of maintenance after 3 months total
Did it ever occur to you that maybe 1200 kcal/day is extremism?
based pizza omader
>days without taking a shit: 6
i considered it, but I don't feel any of the negative effects people usually report like brain fog, tiredness, feeling faint, so i figure it's fine. plus a couple times a week I end up going up all the way to 1500~1600 anyway to hit my protein goal
>days without taking a shit: 0
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Fatty Contest
The O
328.2 lbs
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Congrats, anon!
You did it!
Look at you!
Did it hurt?
Damn I've been hiding a big juicy tenderloin of a muscle right on my shins this whole time, knew the calves were there but not that
Fat man legs coming in clutch as the fat reveals them
ive been eating only 500 calories per day and less than 500mg salt per day for one month now and ive lost 20 pounds without exercising
Do you weigh your salt? Im thinking of doing that
>went from 451lbs to now 185lbs
>height is 6'1
everytime a bigger person asks me how i did it i tell them i just ate less and started cooking myself to eat clean instead of processed garbage all the time and that my daily calories are between 1200-1500cal. everytime they tell me they do the same but dont seem to lose weight and i get internally really angry because i know they are lying. i know how it feels to be fucking fat and what it takes to get that fat, i know what kind of food someone fat has to eat daily to stay fat and dont lose weight, i went through all of it. why do they still insist on lying.
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based belt chad, the only better feeling is having to add additional notches
a good chunk of those aren't actually lying, or to put it another way, they're lying to themselves rather than just you. they have faulty perception of themselves and the food they eat
Well done, I'm trying to do about the same, 410 to 180 about halfway through How's the loose skin?

And yeah I never got the delusional copers either. I was very aware of what I was doing to myself the whole time, I was just too apathetic to care until finally I had enough
I guess that's basically the two modes of fat - delusion or apathy
Any recipes you want to share?
i straight up do not add salt to anything, but if you do, buy some measuring spoons, specifically quarter tbsp (i cant remember cause ive stopped using it). 500mg sodium (not the weight of the salt but the weight of the sodium in the salt) is so small that its basically like a flat dime in your palm. it's barely anything at all.

the first week was hard but ever since then i've not missed it at all. whenever i eat something normal from the store now or something that someone else cooks, its salty as all god hell lol.

my binge eating has completely disappeared and now i mostly ear corn tortillas, and then usually ill take some raw vegetables and let them sit in red wine vinegar for a bit before using them as filling. i also use sour cream, which has just the right amount of salt and cholesterol to be tasty and life sustaining. i also eat dried mangos. nothin else really

this pic has fresh mozz cheese but i dont do that anymore, i prefer sour cream now. though the fresh mozz also has pretty low salt
it really shows that i stopped ingesting plant oils
the pores on my face are starting to disappear
wow, at least tell me why im a retard
start lifting and don't worry, the only thing that matters to most women is the face and general shape of your body in clothes and that's where you get the most gains, learn how to properly groom your hair and beard and you're set unless you're genuinely naturally ugly.
Unless you have a massive drape that goes down over your dick you have nothing to worry about.
Also weird but good benefit is that big weight loss transformations turns women on, after losing 70 kg every time I got to the subject and showed before and after to women I was trying to bang the increase in their interest in me noticeably went up.
Perhaps because it's rare seeing people lose so much, or they automatically associate it with someone that's willing to put in effort into something that's hard for most people
Doesn't the surgery cost like 50k~100k+?

Who the fuck can afford that?
flight, hotels, and surgery in turkey cost less than $10,000. only downside is you have to go to turkey, and well, their cosmetic surgeons sometimes fuck up pretty badly
>How's the loose skin?
very bad but im in the process of getting it removed via surgery
uniroincally Keto.
its the one thing that helped me the most since it helped me to reduce my appetite
my mom paid like 4000€ for the surgery last month
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Fatty Contest
108.5 kg
178 cm

I'm ready to start the journey.
How many times are you planning on starting this journey before you actually lose some weight?
>100 degrees outside
>see lemon water
>0 calories
>grab a bottle
>8g of carbs
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I’m thinking we’re back. 6’3”. Gonna keep cutting until sub 200 and then lean bulk. Never letting myself get fat again
My keto diet consists of a lot of cheese. Like large blocks of gouda cheese for a meal.
Stop what you're doing. You're becoming black.
Kek, it’s called a tan and southern European genes. Left pic I hadn’t been outside in the sun in like a year
thats gross
Fuck me. Im 6'4" and weigh around 200lbs and look so fucking gross compared to you due to my drooping tit and belly skin. Even when I get to my goal body fat percentage it still wont be enough.

Anons, never get so obese that you gain loose skin, you will ruin your body for the rest of your fucking life...
eating fat doesnt make your body produce fat
I love cheese
I am not shidding
It's been an absurdly large time
Only tiny little turds
I've even been eating more now, like, there should be tons there ready to go

I have a date this sunday
you can see where this is going

I need to do something now so I have tomorrow as a buffer day
depends on what you eat
i broke my 6 day streak without shitting today and i dont eat plants
implied buttsex
anal suppository, milk of magnesia, just dont over do it, im not a doctor
How long did it take you?
>ate one of those little 5 inch round pizzas from 7-11
>feel like a fucking loser for eating it
>don't even know the nutrition facts because there's fucking nothing online or on the packaging
what do
I got fat a few years back when I was exercising six days a week and waking up hungry, so I overdid it with the food. Well, it happened again.

I'm tracking everything I consume, sleep, and some body measurements. I've been eating to fullness, but I think I need to start eating just to satiety. I'd have my tdee in calories and then wake up hungry again, so meal timing is important.
Don't eat again for atleast a week
Count calories mongoloid
what are your macros? My hunger issue was solved by lowering carbs not to the real keto or low carb diet levels but by keeping them below 100g most of the time. Try it out, maybe it will help you also
yes sir
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103 days until 1st january 2024

at 1 lb a week (very easy and comfy schedule) thats 14.7 lbs of weight lost by jan 1

It'll be here before we know it and being a whole 15 lbs lighter is good enough and we can get there by being slow, steady, and not starving ourselves

Lets get it, kings!
Fatty Contest
248 lbs
>Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
How do I calculate my goal lean body mass?
Don't be so hard on them anon. They're addicts. They don't pay close attention to what they're eating because it would force them to confront their demons which they don't want to do

It's the same as asking an alcoholic in denial how much they drink. How many will candidly say "Oh I drank 2 before work, had one on my break at the pub with a meal on dinner break and intend to buy 8 tall boys and some vodka on the way home tonight". Hell no, they will say "I enjoy a few every now and then".

Don't take it personally what they say to you, if they're not ready to accept their problem then you cant help them. Just be positive and say exercise and diet is all it takes (like you do) and move on
You stupid? Whatever your goal weight is. It's that.
How the fuck am I supposed to know what my goal weight is?
Figure it out dumb dumb
height and sex, there are charts that have ideal weights with those two factors, just type your those two in google+ideal weight. That should be your first goal, after that you'll see with how much bodyfat you end up with and adjust from there
he has to be trolling, right?
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Thanks bros
I ate pounds of meat again today and will eat pounds of meat again tomorrow.
Post weight
So after that rescue pizza and Dr Pepper, I had some granola-nut-nonsense and a glass of milk.
The total for the day is 1821 kcal. I could've fit in a glass of orange juice but I decided not to.
Another day, another victory!
Onto the next day...
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I'm an absolute wreck when it comes to counting calories, macros and all that. I'm literally too retarded. I'm also too poor to pay a nutritionist to do it for me.

Someone please give me some 1500 to 1800 calories meals I can make and I swear I'll eat them for the rest of my life because I'm too fucking stupid to figure it out myself but I'm also tired of being fat and dependent on kebabs.
Go see an endocrinologist. I discovered I had benign tumor that was responsable for my weight issues and other shit too. 20 years fighting against windmills and the cure was a single pill.
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I've lost 8.6lbs in the last 13days
I'd recommend long water fasts in this case
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Been feeling super fatigued the last few weeks and haven't been to the gym in over a week. Said fatigue is making work more difficult too. Funny enough though, the nearly 3 month plateau I've been stuck around seems to have finally lifted, 3 consistent days of being below 160lbs
Nothing of that was water weight.
I think you're fucking with me.
i started in ~2018 at 451
in 2022 i had ~286 and went down to 185 since then
There are calculators for that, not 100% accurate but still gives you an idea

Fatty Contest
i eat only animal products, so i dont need to count calories
Do you exercise?
I walk for two hours every other day. I'm not currently lifting. I disagree with /fat/'s take on lifting. If you're 25%+ BF, lifting is an added stressor. You have shit recovery because of your chronic inflammation from being obese. I slept 11h+ when lifting while obese, it's ridiculous. You won't be able to see your muscle definition improve day to day. You will have to fight a massive deficit as you try to progress your lifts. It's just not worth the time and effort to me. I'm probably only going back to lifting after I'm done with losing weight.
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I've been thinking about stopping my fast sometimes.
4chan x isn't working for me so I can't see my (yous) but I just wanted to make it abundantly clear that I am not shoving a suppository, or anything, up my ass. Thank you.
Thanks for the explanation! Lifting seems to do very little for me other than stall my weight loss. I'm getting a little stronger, but that's about it.

But aren't you below or close to below 25% bf?
>aren't you below or close to below 25% bf
Going by eye and and guesstimating with a chart, I'm probably between 25 and 30.
>look in the mirror today
>like how I look
I never thought this would be possible.
You body needs salt potassium magnesium and calcium to function daily. Without them your heart sill give out first, and before that you can irrepairably damage your bones due to leeching. Later being one of the synthesis mechanism your body goes through to make said electrolytes.
Obese males in what im guessing is ketosis in your case should be getting like 3g of salt minimum a day, unless you also have hypertension and are black.

Your body will make the electrolytes it needs regardless of food intake, but dont cry when your bones are beeing leeched of minerals and you fuck yourself up bad.
A general response to keto discussion here is that you are hooked up to an infinite source of "calories" 24/7, calorues shoukd not be on the mibd of a keto dieter. You just need to hit your protein, electrolyte and mineral/vitamin quota daily, and calories mean fuckall beyond getting in the way of weigbt loss.

Salted and limed avocado is amazing for potassium and sodium, vitamin C etc. Eat as much greens and non starchy vegetables as you possibly can, and try to fill out your protein with non meat sources like nuts and greek yogurt etc. Take a multivitamin every day especially if you are eating like boiled chciken and broccli like some retard that cant cook.

A perfect keto meal has nuts, seeds (pumpkin/sunflower), berries (great to add to plain greek yohurt with a tiny amount of honey), a salad, dressing is fine but learn to make your own so you arent injesting low quality s o y oil thats in all of them even the expensive brands (how does dressing cost less at the store than a bottle of even mid tier oil when thats 90% of it by volume? You know by just asking the question) and then another vegetables like broccli, asparagus, avocado, carrots even.

Just eating chicken +1 green thing like broccli aint cutting it even with a multi vitamin. And if you dont want to cook, go to the fucking store and buy rottiserie chickens. Make stock with carcasses after.
stretch marks are scars and they remove skin with stretch marks lol
>5 inch round pizza
put it in as a slice of pizza wtf
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You can't calculate the exact calories but you can get close enough
Potato is king
I ate pizza and alfredo 2 days in a row. Girlfriend visited so I took her out for Italian food.

Next time I will just order a salad.

Forgive me
Don't. If you're taking your girlfriend out then you should enjoy yourself. A part of an enjoyable time with someone else is it they're enjoying themselves too.
>spend 4 hours telling myself i'm taking a break from gym today
>end up going anyway
i guess this is a good thing but somehow it irks me anyway
/fit/ is not for sex havers.
putting needless stress on your body is a bad thing
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Why there are so many anons crying about eating pizza today? Pizza is not even that bad, especially a handmade one.
>Pizza is not even that bad
mental illness, pizza is bad for the same reason that bread is
carbs turn into sugar which promotes fat creation
Pizza is extremely calorically dense. Obese people have no concept of satisfaction unless their stomach is bursting full, so they can easily eat 6000kcal of pizza in one sitting before they feel full.
Pizza is also sold in amounts much larger than the healthy serving size. It's tempting to overeat when you're a mindlet and you can always just grab another slice or three.
keep coping
I am quite obese (120kg), but 2 slices usually are enough to make me at least 80% full which is what we should be aiming for anyway.

I got fat mostly because of soda so maybe I am different but I still think learning how to control your appetite with foods like pizza is important since cutting it from your life is pretty hard, eating pizza is basically a social experience for most people.
Its Pizza Friday
>go up a flight of stairs
>not winded

might not seem like much but for me that was big
I've been lifting weights and doing good on that front but improving my cardio has been struggle. Good job anon.
you burgers would do anything to keep eating that shit
Have you considered salting your food?
I've been plateauing for a couple of weeks now, finally out of 188. I guess going a few days at maintenance was the right call.
8 dollar hot and ready
>I guess going a few days at maintenance was the right call.
Meme science. Calories are calories.
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5'7'' 195lbs->172lbs. I know I'm still overweight, but I'm no longer disgusted with how I look and pretty content. Going to aim for 165lbs (which is still overweight BMI?) to give myself some room for caloric surplus while I attempt to gain back the strength I lost.
If it works it works
How often do you lift?
Fatty Contest

Just another 600 grams and I'll no longer be obese by BMI standards. I know it doesn't mean anything but it feels great.
15 years and god knows how many tries... I'm finally making it. Never give up. Make your dreams come true!
3x a week. I haven't tested my 1RM lately so I'm not sure how much I've lost, probably not that much in the grand scheme of things. I would estimate 10-15%. All I know are my light days feel heavy and I'm failing reps on my heavy days.
153 lbs even today. Updating goal weight to 124.9 lbs. BMI calculator said 18.5 BMI for 175 cm was 56.7 kg, but if you do (Height in m)2 * (Desired BMI), you get the exact target weight in kg, which is 56.65625 kg, a little bit less.

I thought this ws interesting. In Japan, certain BMIs have names.

22 = Standard (considered the most healthy BMI, though lately some people might think of it as slightly chubby)
20 = Beauty weight (with the right amount of muscle, considered aesthetically pleasing, slim and stylish)
18 = Cinderella weight (tends to make people think "this person is pretty thin", seen with actresses)
17 = Model weight (seen as somewhat sickly and obsessive, mostly seen among actresses)
well done anon, stick with it and remember to keep up the healthy living when you're at your goal. don't slip back into the fat lifestyle.
it's just a matter of time for both of us.
Looks good anon
>eaten really healthy last week
>gf wants to order takeout for lunch since we've just been slamming healthy stuff
>Get satay chicken starter which comes with lots of sauce & a katsu curry. Both quite oily
>Feel fucking disgusting since (~6 hours) which I think is due to the crazy amount of oil relative to my last week of eating. Feel so unbearably lethargic, not even walking the dog fixed it
>I should have just said no to takeout and had leftover dahl FUCK
going that low to get rid of bf%?
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>Another weekend alone and fat
How we all doing bros?
Fatty Contest
being fat isnt why youre alone. you're alone because you let being fat crush your self-confidence, which is ironically the most effective contraception on earth.
Yeah, I have a few reasons.
>I want to be as far from overweight/obese as possible while still being in the normal range
>Lean body mass calculator predicts that at my height, I'd be around 11% body fat at that weight
>Can live on maintenance and recomp for a bit since I've neglected it so I can tone my body more and further lower my body fat% while maintaining the BMI
>My younger brother has always been much shorter and thin despite eating like shit for his entire life and mocked me for being fatter, and I'd be at his weight but much taller. He keeps telling me it's retarded to think I'd ever be at his weight, and he and his 400 lb friend also used to tell me that I wouldn't lose weight and CICO doesn't work. Well I've lost 115 lbs and he's still 400.
>I'm going to live in Japan (again) hopefully within the next couple years, and large muscular body frames aren't really seen as aesthetically-pleasing as they are in the west anyway

152.6 lbs now, gonna work out and maybe hit an even 152 after the sweating.
Anybody who lost massive weight, at what point did you switch from walking to jogging?
How massive?
Guess it doesn't really have to he massive
Just starting from where jogging was too much and then at what weight could you start
I actually don't mind just having a protein and a mountain of broccoli. I find it filling and generally satisfying. Been going at it for 2 weeks now changing between steak and chicken breast.
I usually just put the broccoli together with the meat in the pan to soak flavors. Today I just boiled a fresh one. The other times it's been frozen broccoli.
I should probably get a steamer to maintain more nutrition.
not fat but alone
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Lads I've somehow gone from the high 250s to 225. Historically the 210s is where my body throws a fit, ramps up hunger and tanks metabolism. If I can break through I'm confident I can finally be shaped like a normal human. Wish me luck.
Get a baking tray, line it with parchment paper, ever so slightly coat them in an oil (quick blast of a spray oil is fine), sprinkle salt/pepper/whatever seasoning you want, and bake for like 10-15 minutes. Been doing this for a while now and always comes out great, really tasty too and realistically can be done with any vegetable for easy massed prep
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Lads, please explain me this:
>Be me, live in Germany
>Trying to lose weight
>Try everything from 2500 to 900 kcal a day
>Do a LOT of sports, cycling everywhere (5 to 24km daily), High Res training and Lifting in the GYM, etc.
>Feel bloated all the time, weight loss is about 500g to 1kg a week
>Be vacation time
>Visit Turkey cuz everything is cheap there due to exchange rate
>Eat normal (no cut at all)
>Don't do any sports at all
>Lose weight effortlessly like it's a national sport (2 to 3 kg a week)
>Go to ER because I freaked out, doctors there say I'm fine and that it's normal
>Be the other day, back in Germany
>Haven't changed my eating habits to cutting yet, eat like I did in Turkey
>Feel bloated and without energy again
>Literally as if my entire body is inflamed
I know we Europeans love to shit all over American "food" because it's all processed shit, how come the same thing is happening to me now, German whole foods should in theory be the best if I go by EU "Propaganda"? Is there something I'm missing?

>Verification not required.
Schizo vibes
I ate 3 1/2 pounds of sausage and pasta today. You lost.
If you're actually a German (white) in Germany, your government hates you and would glady see you suffer so that you can pay for your "crimes" against the jews
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i ate a homemade one today
120g of barley flour
3g salt
10g olive oil
75g passata + oregano/pepper
125g light mozzarella
some cubed bell pepper and champignons
around 800-850 kcal, was delicous
barley flour gives it such a good taste compared to just regular wheat flour imo
kneading and everything done by myself (a cooklet), grated the low fat mozzarella myself too so i had to work for my cheat meal today
taste was really good, too bad there was a bit too much liquidy stuff, not sure where that came from
+ yeast i forgot to add
Fatty Contest
Yes, while keeping /pol/ to a minimum, what's the solution to my problem?
well idk anon maybe tell us what exactly youre eating here and what you ate over in turkey?
maybe some food intolerance like gluten/dairy?
>keep /pol/ to a minimum
>solution to my problem
I won't give you the final one, but take a serious dive into what your eating assuming not everything you eat is home made. From there you may just need breaks here and there, more than just a rest day or two.
cardio fucking sucks so bad bros
how do people decide to "jog" out of their own free will? for fun? incomprehensible
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look, i don't mind the ai crap, but can you at least make it reasonably competent ai crap? this stuff sucks
Ganbatte, believe in CICO Anon-kun!
I Basically whole foods and bread here
>Meats & Chicken from the local butcher
>Different Veggies
>Frozen fruits instead of ice cream
>Bread, can't live in Germany without bread
Oftentimes this, but it varies: https://www.der-baecker-eifler.de/produkt?number=2057
>NO PROCESSED FOODS like Candies or pastries or shit

What I ate over there was what I liked and enjoyed, if I saw something cool, I sat down in the restaurant and just ordered it. Had friends with whom I went out every day.
>maybe some food intolerance like gluten/dairy?
I don't have any known food intolerances, already got it checked at my local doc.

>but take a serious dive into what your eating assuming not everything you eat is home made
That's the thing, EVERYTHING IS HOMEMADE when I eat here.
In Turkey I'd just eat what I enjoyed in the local shops while being out with friends (none of which were fat, funnily. The only fat people I saw were older people).
For me, it's feeling my phone clap against my thigh and it actually irritating me because I don't have a cushion of lard. Actually in general sitting is less comfy now
>no thigh chaffing enters the chat
im gonna kill myself if i ever get anywhere near that again, holy fuck
Do keep a look out regarding the food stuff, could be a case of a specific brand or farm location being the issue. But food specifics aside, looking back at your cardio regime, start by maybe winding that down. I know some heavy cardio days have thrown my stomach off and you seem to be doing a ton
Fatty Contest
You don't need to count calories, just use common sense and you can lose weight. Most of the food we eat these days comes with calorie info printed on them, the stuff that doesn't usually doesn't matter like a head of broccoli. You don't need to autistically calculate and dissect your meal to get a pinpoint number.
Just eyeball it and you'll get used to it quickly.

Here's a simple example.
Bag of rice: 1 cup serving, the bag says how much this is, forever after you don't need to do any math you just know a cup is so much and if you make it a cup and a half or 2 cups you already know.
Potatoes: 1 medium potato has roughly 100 calories, you can eat shitloads of them they are a superfood. Just make sure you eat the skins and don't slather them with butter and cream or you are defeating the purpose. Most of their flavor should come from them absorbing the flavors of whatever else is in your meal.
Pound of X meat: packaging says how many calories are in the whole point, if you eat a third or half of it or the whole thing this is easy to calculate and from then on you know how much a certain amount of a pound of meat is going to be give or take.
Veggies you don't even count.
Fruit you should eat the same as you would candy bars, it is candy with a bit of fiber. Some frozen berries or a banana are your best option. Eat them a few times a week as a treat nothing more so you don't need to know exact calories.

There you go, you have the basic idea of most foods. Look at how much is on your plate, think about how full it makes you feel. If you feel stuffed you are eating too much. You should stop eating before the feeling of fullness kicks in. If you do that you can go the rest of your life without counting a single calorie. That is how humans have lived since the dawn of time.
ONE calorie... TWO calorie AH AH AH... THREE calorie
Fats get fat because we don't have food common sense and intuition, counting calories brute forces around that
Remember, if you lose a dramatic amount of weight people will think you're a better person. Just look at how people reacted to 'Cado
>you don't need to count calories
Failed at the first hurdle
I run to relax and de-stress. My mind is only focused on the music and completing my goal. Nothing else.
blessed, we're all gonna count calories bros
I don't like jogging but I don't mind incline walking
Just put on a podcast and go, at first it's for health benefits but then you realize you feel way better in general when you do it regularly
Like I miss an exercise day and I can feel physical anxiety return to the body. Shit's important
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>Do keep a look out regarding the food stuff, could be a case of a specific brand or farm location being the issue.
I think I found out what it is. Pic related. Drank two to three bottles of that stuff a day and it made me visit the porcelain more than once a day.
>But food specifics aside, looking back at your cardio regime, start by maybe winding that down. I know some heavy cardio days have thrown my stomach off and you seem to be doing a ton
I don't know if I can do that (or even want to), the "heavy" cardio is a consequence of me living in a shithole city having 2nd highest migrant percentage in all of germany, literally bordering the city with the highest percentage, with the result being that the usage of public transportation has turned into an imposition that would have peta up in arms if it was made for animals instead of humans.
In turn, I bike everywhere and skip cardio at the gym. I mean, I DO have a car, but driving everywhere is fucking retarded because the city is bending over backwards to make drivers as miserable as possible (15 minute cities + you'll own nothing and you'll be happy bullshit).
Oh yeah, also gas prices are like 1,80€ / Liter which is about $7,60 / gallon (US Dollar).
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That's not the pic I wanted to post, the fuck? Pic related is the stuff I was talking about.
Mushrooms contains moisture, so you're supposed to cook them before you put them on the pizza. A lot of people make this mistake, but now you know for next time!
the mushrooms are precooked from a jar
Me poop big
Me no poop
>one week of mild constipation as I adjust to high increase in fiber from introducing keto breads and wraps
>back to normal now
>that one week gave me hemorrhoids for the first time in my life that haven't shrunk
Is it over? At least they're not painful and bleeding like happens to some, they're just there being lumpy
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whats the best way to end a fast? going for a week long fast(i've done it before) but last time on refeed i pissed out my ass, ate chicken soup with instant noodles. i was thinking kefir to help replenish my gut and oatmeal for the fibre
You are very compassionate, anon
If you work physical labor/trades or were in one during the course of losing weight, around what BMI did it become easier?
Exercise is fun when you have a normal brain not fried by 24/7 social media, digital entertainment, video games, and porn.

Try quitting just half of the above, youll go into a severe deprrssion in a matter of days as bad as heroin withdrawal without the physical symptoms.
I personally have serious problems with vegetables that aren't really well cooked
Goddamn it /fat/ I just can't get over this work crush, I'm such a sperg that the other day she bumped into me and the first word out of my mouth was "JESUS" before I apologised and walked away swiftly leaving a trial of spaghetti as I went.

Also today was gym day, still stuck at 55kgx10 on bench, fucking triceps are losers. At least I'm at 110kgx5 on deadlifts now and that's technically more than my bodyweight.
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make a chronometer account and fuck around with it for a while
and remember to search everything as "raw" so you get the weight of the ingredients rather than the cooked food
in practice you use a kitchen scale of course, weight your food, write it down on chronometer, it gives you the calories
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I see you are an anon of exquisite taste. May your losses be blessed this week.
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>6 am innagym because massive spaghetti dropper afraid of people
>just me and the same dude that's also there at opening hours
>meet other guy's gaze by accident
>brain freezes
>break eye contact and have to fight a giant shit eating grin for 5 minutes
I'm not even at goal weight.
Turns out the gym isn't that scary lads. Do your reps and you'll get there
Your body betrays your degeneracy.
hell yes brother, may we accomplish our goals
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gym isnt scary until youre doing bench press and someone approaches you and says "how many sets you got left" and youre on set 1 of 5 doing stronglifts 5x5 and youre gonna be a while so they ask "can i work in" when your rest period is only supposed to be 90 seconds, and in the time they take your weights off, put theirs on, do their set, its way longer than 90 seconds, fucking up your whole workout
no you cant "work in", you can wait until im done
After exercise I was 151 lbs even, unbelievable. And last night I was 155.8 before the bath. After the last plateau, my rate of weight loss got way worse (no longer 1 kg every 6 days), but now it's better than it would have been at that rate. 16.5 kg lost in 100 days.
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>weighed myself last week
>Weight loss stalled
>126 kg
>Weight myself this week
>118 kg
>Right after lifting and drinking 2+ liters of water
What happened
While plateaus can be caused by your CO coming to match your CI, this won't happen if your deficit is large enough. Rather what you're experiencing is water retention as your body eats and expels the the glycogen/carbon. After enough water builds up, it becomes too heavy and flushes itself out and you lose a lot of weight in a really short period of time.
Fatty Contest
310.2 lbs
I never feel hungry which is odd, I usually drink some electrolyte mix with my water during the day. Think I am going to drink some protein powder though just to get more protein as I am lifting and doing cardio.
Currently 187 down from 210, but a lot of that is from keto/water weight.
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How real is pic related?
I got tons of compliments and questions after losing weight but they were from people who saw me often. I don't think I was ever treated badly by people though. And I moved so none of the people I came to meet ever knew I was fat, so I don't think there was a perceivable difference on my end.
Its not related to fat per se, the more good-looking you are the better you get treated
Losing fat just causes you to look better so you get treated better
Some retards still have the half-a-century old impression that it's about eating """"""""""""""healthy"""""""""""""" and not about CICO.
i.e. they are unironically certain it's literally impossible to lose fat if you dare to eat anything but plain chicken breast and broccoli.
>I don't think I was ever treated badly by people though
It's less outward hostility and more assumption of failure. They see your life is out of control so they always assume the worst from you. This manifested for me at work, even though I knew I was performing better than my peers because of my weight everything I do looks slow so people assume I am not working as hard as I am. I can't tell you how many times I carried a shift only to be told I was being lazy or barely carrying my weight. It was so frustrating they couldn't see how much effort I was putting in because all they saw was the blob.
Unless you are a comedian if you are fat people will always think lesser of you and assume the worst.
people will definitely treat you better
Guys and old ladies treat me pretty similar. GIrls on the other hand are night and day. It went from being invisible or polite tolerance to actually smiling and sometimes being kinda flirty.

I noticed this with how I dress. I wear hoodies and sweatpants every day, and people typically don't treat me well. I don't blame them. I look like a bum, really. But if I wear jeans and a jacket, people seem to be nicer. I notice girls looking at me, where normally they wouldn't even look in my general direction. And when I wear a suit, man, the difference is night and day. People treat me like I'm important.
Went from losing 100lbs to dirty bulking in the blink of an eye. Whats happening bros?
why don't you tell us?
only healthy thing there is cheese
i'm eating brown rice, chicken cut and vegies. small portions of course.

I went from 195 to 185 and in 2 and a half weeks.
How bad is this weight drop. my fat is still on me and that's what I wanna lose but I feel like that could be bad.
i walked 9.8 miles today and mostly do 6 miles
>wants to get arsenic poisoning
i will never understand you burgers and the more than normal brainwashing you go through in your education systems
Arsenic poisoning from eating brown rice, chicken, and veggies? That’s a wild leap. I think you're mixing up a health-conscious diet with conspiracy theories. Unless I'm eating industrial quantities of rice straight out of a contaminated swamp, I think I'll be fine.Last time I was in school, conspiracy theories weren't part of the curriculum
you do you then, i cant stop you being retarded
and calling me a conspiracy theorist isnt an argument
>Get below 30% bodyfat
>Clearly muscular physique
>Look pretty good in clothing
>Girls smile at me while I walk down the street
>Shirt comes off
>Tits and lower gut
What bodyfat percentage do you need to be to feel comfortable without a shirt on?
Visible abs and adonis belt
Aim for between 10-14%.
Thousands of years of humans eating rice, and now you’re the one with the ‘secret’ about arsenic poisoning being found in your food? Spare us the conspiracy theories. Listen, I know I’m not perfect, but let’s not throw around wild claims just because you can’t handle veggies without gagging

stop smoking the pipe anon
Around 20% if you're really jacked.
15% and lower otherwise.
>Thousands of years of humans eating rice
baseless regurgitation
eating plants is VERY recent compared to human existance, based on the fact that every single plant that humans eat today is cultivated
if you believe in evolution pseudoscience, then it's looking even worse for you
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Baseless regurgitation? Humans have been eating wild plants for ages, long before cultivation And evolution is just solid science, not pseudoscience. Sounds like your education outside the U.S. might have skipped that part. It’s never too late to learn
15% seems to be the sweet spot unless you're super jacked like that other anon said
i stand corrected, burger brainwash
>makes up fake information
>can't handle
>calls it brainrot
Those lacking intelligence often label facts as 'brainrot' when they can't handle the truth. Just keep screaming in the air sir.
I got thin in highschool and most people treated me the same but there were a few girls who weren't willing to even speak with me before suddenly became chatty and sometimes even friendly with me. At the time it just made me feel contempt for them, but now I don't blame them, no one likes hanging out with or talking to fatties.
now you're just strawmanning, quote the post where i said brainrot
How old are you, boomer? It's 2024 and been interchangeable for two years in the political space where i live. Understandable since you’re not from the good old Hamberingtown, but neither am I, you base rottard

keep screaming at the air
still waiting for you to quote my post
can't read can you
Can I get a bodyfat estimate before and after bros?

hoping for abs soon, then a very slow bulk
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forgot pic lmao
>eating plants is VERY recent compared to human existance
Humans were omnivores for millions of years.
The earliest human ancestors the science is more or less certain about were omnivores.
The earliest debatable human ancestors were omnivores as well.

There is literally no known or theorized line of direct human ancestry that wasn't omnivorous.
You are literally making shit up with absolutely no basis whatsoever.
it's like they don't realize humans began planting crops they already used as food sources
grog and grogette just noticed over time the seeds of the plants they foraged would start growing in the places they dropped them
Your like the grade-A definition of a retard. We are not here to watch you type about stuff you no nothing about anon. stick to the thread
you are either illiterate or retarded if you don't realize I was agreeing with the post I responded to
it's literally what you would learn in a basic history course
had my first non rock hard poop in 6mths and all I had to do was eat pizza and diet cola. There you go.
I'd prefer a diet pizza and a coke instead but you're doing great, anon!
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Ah, time for the morning boomer cheat code they don't want you to know about . . .
The first sip™ is always the sweetest.
you are agreeing to the fact you are wrong. Unironically just stop talking
~25 to ~18
option 2 then, got it
I understand that setting the tdee calculator to seditary is the goto but how would i manage calories if i work out and run. I would imagine that 1500 calories isnt enough for me to exsist on if i actually lift and run. Id be too damn hungry afterwards.

Also stronglifts but i run in the morning lift in the evening? i gotta run for my job (milfag) and i suck ass at it so i have to run to maintain it
Take yo meds
Just go by BMR and treat physical activity as a multiplier of 1.X that you can only determine after 1-2 months when you can calculate the rate at which you've lost weight.

Let's say your BMR is 2000, so you set your daily calorie limit to 1500. After 60 days, let's say you've lost 15 lbs. There are 3500 calories in 1 lb, so your net deficit has been 52,500 calories. That's a rate of 875 calories a day. Therefore, your physical activity multiplier with a 500 calorie food deficit is 1.75. But you can very easily eat fewer calories and do more exercise.

Let's say you only eat 1000 calories a day and do 1000 calories of physical activity. That's over 34 lbs in 60 days. But you'll only be sure how many calories you burn through physical activity after getting the results and sticking to your BMR deficit.
why does body fat percentage matter? who cares? its a meaningless number. just continue losing weight until youre happy with what you see in the mirror. its that simple.
>most of that is keto/water weight
So if you're still doing a calorie deficit but it's not keto, will you still keep that weight off or will you gain some of it back? Say, for example, someone does rolling keto fasts over period of months and loses 30 pounds. How many pounds will they gain back if they switch to a traditional diet with a deficit? 5? 10?
>week 2 of my weight loss plateau
>still between 66-67kg
>lowest weight so far has been 65.5kg
i know i would lose weight instantly if i just fast for a day, or hop on a train and walk around another suburb and do 30k steps, but god damn, i need the energy for lifting and i dont want to risk losing muscle
I'm on week 7 of my plateau. Lowest is 93.4 kg 7 weeks ago, then I started exercise. Yesterday I finally got close: 93.6 kg. I'm hoping that tomorrow I'll get a new record low.
are you counting calories?
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It depends of you. A shit ton of fatasses are shirtless during summer.

>not looking bad
Less than 20%

>looking good
less than 14%
I knocked up a new thread. Hope its ok.
Just had a coffee, off to gym. Heart is racing. Think I went too strong. Hopefully will be good sesh.
stop weighing yourself multiple times through the day you dumb fucking retard
once in the morning after waking up and taking a shit or peeing
Fatty contest

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