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1 fucking year for this
Err, that looks like the biceps of someone that started lifting a few weeks ago.
You would have got more gains gooning.
gj brah wagmi
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Wristlet ceplets rise up
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relax, just put the gun down. this is what you wanted right? now let the cat go and let's talk this out
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Kill him.
Why is /fit/ filled with DYELs now?
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2.5 fucking years for this
Meaningless if we don't know where you started out from. If you had twig arms that's not fucking bad
Redeem bicep SAAR
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Feel your pain DYELbro

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Ehh I need to eat more
popeye biceps
it all went downhill when you got here
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I do not bicep specific work
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18 inch bicep measurement
14.5 forearms
7.5 wrist
mine got vig after few months but i goy stretch marks all over them now
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I started a month and a half ago and already got stretch marks forming on my bicep. I hate god. I want god to die.
are the stretch marks in the room with us anon
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my coach needs to clean our gym's bathroom mirror
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The only flew elbow flexion efforts I do are during power clean and swimming (breastroke).
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That's nothing
>18 inch bicep measurement
Measured in a relaxed state?
No that's a cold flexed measurement. Don't remember what relaxed is but it's not too much smaller. Maybe 16ish?
But how much could you initially lift, and how much can you lift now?
Ur a cute boy
>Maybe 16ish
Damn that's thick
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They a lil over 16 relaxed. Had to check lol
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I just checked mine with a string and tape measure, they're literally a meme
Kys yourself immediately.
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started at the end of May after a long af 4 year anorexia recovery, I was disappointed with my progress at first but finally convinced myself I'm retarded and this is fine and that I just need to eat more, 57.4kg as of last week for the first time since I was like 16? 28 now.
oops thought this was cbt
I don't get it. Compensating with what?
Chris Hemsworth looking abs
Why do posts like this mever have pics attached?

maybe someday, but I'll take that as a compliment
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Hello. Wristlets where you at?
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who 14"+ club
I’m a proud tanned European. 4 months of the year brown, the rest scarily white.
you are either indian or some shitty mixed race

You're a big guy
If that's 14" you're definitely 4'14".
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1 year? You are doing something wrong
I developed these in 10 months, I have to get my forearms bigger because of them
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the neck is the 3rd bicep
>1 fucking year for this
was 1 year not enough to notice that all u get curling is elbow bicep tendon pain?

You forgot to post your biceps.
so did u bot, cause u have none :D
who is this fucking geek saying bicep curls dont work the bicep LOL

diz me btw
>Curling doesn't work
But there's heaps of proof that it does

Umm cool troll retard
>But there's heaps of proof that it does
no there is no proof :D
and i have figuered exactly why it doesn't work bot, i linked it here:
>exactly why it doesn't work
Here's proof they do work, not to mention the countless others that curl and have biceps
im confused
this must be a ruse
that's an picture bot of some actor i am certain and the picture is doctored - he has no guns whatsoever - u liked this retard-looking actor on youtube before bot
bieceps and brachialis is here:
i have solved it
dude you're gonna shoot your own hand, be careful with that trigger finger
no bot, solved biceps:
That should be 20 inch+
bro what
thats me and the picture is not altered and im not an actor
i have schizophrenia but i think you might be more schizophrenic then me
>That should be 20 inch+
no bot, solved biceps :D
Alright big boy let's see those 18" monsters!
3 months
You type like an ESL fag and your shit's all fucked up. Do better.
curls don't work biceps - tried em, don't work, just elbow hurts :D

so i invented near perfect biceps heads isolations here: >>75149986

>thats me and the picture
>it's a me
i don't believe u bot, why would i believe u bot?
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it is me as you can see
and? fat retard-looking actor on roids :D
u have been posting this shmuck for a while bot :D

i have solved biceps bot and u're DESPERATELY trying to hide/cover my findings :D
i think you are having a psychotic episode
it might look like that only because i am talking to robot trying to hide my biceps isolation lol :D
wow nice essay u wrote there geek
have u ever considered actually doing a set of bicep curls, ud notice that u actually get a pump in ur biceps
I have no idea what you said in that link. Can you explain a bit less retarded
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Hey leave the lil guy alone!
he convinced himself that bicep curls dont work the biceps
natty lifters be like
>It was a long journey
>Respect the iron, and it respects you brothers
>have u ever considered actually doing a set of bicep curls,
yes for about 2 years, many, many sets to "failure"
it don't work bot, all u get is tendinitis :D
no bot, biceps is here, i have found it :D
uh... are my biceps bad or something brah? Why did you (You) me?
and lateral raises don't do shit to side delts - it's all true bot, dunno if u want to got there though, want to?
cause u are one bot trying to escape somehow, preferably by ridiculing me the undeniable truth to biceps i speak:
oh man
so i guess you dont use your legs for squatting?
Why don't you show us your biceps then?
what else are you supposed to do to work your biceps then you fucking stupid faggot
fucking killer forearms
skipped forearm day
skipped lifting day
skipped face day
skipped knee and calf day
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A good while for this
>does not post image
Plz dont hurt mr keekee
no one is going to be able to identify you by your arm when the pasta aisle exists
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dont bullshit a bullshitter
I don't lift all and I look like less of a DYEL than some of you, that's sad.
>tfw 13 inch biceps
At least I have a 7 inch cock.
>no picture
sad, many such cases
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Don't even lift.
>bonepressing your fatcep to make it look like there's something there
I'm not taking more pictures faggot.
we can tell you dont lift. why are you here?
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proud of you
you btfo >>75150652
I like the vibe.
fucking tranny
get out of my board
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Oh, I didn't have to take a picture I had another one lying around. Anyways, post bicep, fag.
got that mf
i assume you're trolling/just pretending to be that anon but this is me
Not a single person itt has less developed biceps than you.
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I started consistently going to the gym for the first time in my life two weeks ago and got bigger biceps than OP. Maybe she's a trans woman?
I have never done an arm day in my life, I'm not trying for bicep hypertrophy so this does not matter to me. But okay anon.

You do in fact look like you really enjoy curls day, keep it up anon you'll be ready for the jersey beach soon.
Imagine the size of that clit
>I don't lift all and I look like less of a DYEL than some of you
You look smaller than everyone here.
Dunno, OP looks like he hasn't lifted anything heavier than a half gallon of milk in his life.
Maybe those stretch marks are just testosterone masculinizing your collagen bonds.
how about you clean it you lazy whore also go make me a sandwich
Keep going anon, you've got the right idea
>consistently going to the gym
>since two weeks ago
i think this guy figured out 4chinz bot and he is correct, he is right, biceps curl
z don't work
>farmers tan
>"Don't even lift."
we can tell
cut your hair faggot dyel
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I’m a fucking DYEL after 2 years of lifting almost everyday….
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>label still on the mirror
I now realise everyone samefags themselves to look like they get yous. I never get replies but other people get 15 in 5 minutes. You're literally all psychopaths
It covers up my balding. Gyno is a new accusation though.
Just say something that will make people keep replying to you long after you stop posting next time.
>tfw 17" biceps but 6'1" so I still look almost dyel
I found you gotta post a question or be well above average
least schizo /fit/ poster
Also, EWW
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
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Riceceps checkin in
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I was cursed with freakishly long arms... I'm 6ft tall with a +7.5in wingspan, ape index of 1.101

How can I bulk up my arms?
Post arms faggot
>The only one with actual muscle in the whole thread is a woman
This speaks volumes about society.
She not going to fuck you bro
Masturbation is always an option.
Thinly veiled gay data harvest thread
I attempted 5x5 bicep curls at my current weight four days ago. I failed at the 5th rep on my 4th set. I tried again today and failed at the 4th rep of my 3rd set. Wtf caused that? I'm a weakling newbie and I'm currently only lifting 30 lbs per dumbbell.

best compliment thanks
Thats how lifting works... some days you can lift more than other days for some reason. Maybe you ate more/less that day, maybe you slept better... maybe your muscles haven't recovered. Just keep going. If you're failing you're doing it right. When you stop failing and can consistently do 5x5 of 30lbs move to 35 lbs and repeat
What's that from? A novel by a fucking retard that doesn't know 14 inches is small or doesn't know the imperial system?
Absolute manlet status why are we encouraging this
8 months. Do chin ups 3 sets to failure three times a week. Do some ez bar curls twice a week too 3x15. Anything more I get pain in my right bicep. Feels like overwork. They are often ruined after rows anyway.
A famous article
>blablabla I'm addicted to lifting this is what it's like people treat me different
>goes on like this for 10 minutes
>final paragraphs finally
>14" arms
What a clown.
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Everyone on here is a weak homosexual. I have biceps that with a pump are just under 19 inches
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10 yrs
a tad pumped
what lifts do knee day consist of?
sucking cock xF
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Hairy fat fuck who started lifting in May, pls don't bully.
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6'1", 80kg, 33yo
Bro trained till mild discomfort.
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2 months
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1.5 yearz, by far my slowest responding muscle
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i need more boolets
Mirin shoulder
were you obese anon?
No, never or I'd have big calves
knee grows, obviously.
thanks my delts actually grow but my biceps are on ye olde strugglebus
>No, never or I'd have big calves
big calves are easy :D u just gotta bend the knee and place it over toes and then push hip forward also so that it's over knee which is over toes, unilaterally (kick other leg back and hold wall or sth)
>woah it fixes calf raises and now i got calves and it doesn't hurt where the tendon attaches behind knee but right smack in the middle of gastrocnemius muscle belly, the one i want to grow
your welcome, and here are 3 near perfect tried and true biceps and brachialis isolation
>so that's why curls don't work
>roiding for this
perfect isolation of clavicular head of pectoralis major anyone? since we got ceps (brachialis) and calves covered already here >>75160473
can i see some boobs please
You're more fat than hairy thats for sure
>mogs 90% of anons itt
Testosterone is a miracle drug, I don't understand why beta anons won't just do a cycle to ascend out of DYELdom and Inceldom.
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No reason.
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Sit on my face pls mommy
What's ur stack brother
Most of us Incels have a depressing life, we don't go out, we don't get girls, we don't get respected by other men. Living like this isnt living, it's surviving.
Why should I just keep living like this for another 30 years instead of doing steroids which can definitely increase my chances of succeeding in life?
That's the excuse for every life destroying choice. People start shooting fentanyl because they're already unhappy, "might as well try something".

Best practices is trying to think coolly about how likely things are to get better, by how much, and for how long, if you do something risky. And compare that with other options. For example if you're 5'4" your choices are being a natty manlet or a roided manlet, not dyel manlet vs 6'2" male model gigachad.
A roided manlet can look 10x better, he just has to stay within the ottermode look and not blast too much, having another 20lbs of extra muscle can be life changing for some.
You should be eating more.
>A roided manlet can look 10x better
Hard disagree, I mean if you bust your ass natty for 3 years that's about ideal. Roids can get you there quicker but with downsides.
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this is a roided 5'7 manlet, you cant get a body like this in 3 years of lifting, more like 15 years and I still don't think you can get that fullness and leanness without the right genetics
Maybe not, the question is is that ideal. At some points,
-It looks like you're trying too hard
-Your arms and start to look stubby
that guy went from literal incel with no girls to being a slayer, contrary to what /fit/ says, everything ive seen so far tells me that muscles equals more success in life for the most part
can we see some boobs please
It is not ideal. It is only attainable by roiding so in the end you don't look strong or athletic you only look like a roider. Who wants to look like a roider? The connotation is that you're insufficient, biologically and genetically inferior. Maybe in the past you could get away with lying and claiming natty and "muh elite genetics" but that cat is pretty well out of the bag, everyone knows what you are, at a glance.
what is ur stack?
tattoos are so fucking cringe and gay

ugh you disappoint me anons
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Shave your pits you fucking trannies
Disgusting thread
Fuck, you look damn fine
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2 years in.
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This is the longest bicep I have seen
No gear here, satan. Dialed in routine, nutrition and good genetics desu
Holy shit. What is your routine?
>3d veiny delts
st0p lying to /fit/ natty cucks
Upper/Lower kettlebell split 4 days a week and 4 days a week bjj.

Not lying just was genetically blessed, sorry.
>kettlebells and bjj
and you want us to believe you got that body natty doing meme kettlebell and bjj?
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Nobody told you to get naked bro
>Not lying just was genetically blessed, sorry.
those nipples ain't natty
what do you gain by lying anonymously ??
One thing any long term test users have in common is those long pencil erase nipples
never seen it in natties, but seen it in any fraudster
9 months. Am I cooked? I weigh 70kg and am 6'3".
you have same weight as me but im 5'6
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Picture was taken of me. Started October last year as a fat guy(138kg/304lbs), although I always did physical work before this. Shitty picture, but it was taken of me as I don't take a lot of pics of myself.
ur mom did
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What movie is that?
Please may we have an ass Pic.
Kill yourself fag.
>bicep thread
>gets compl naked
You should be taking progress pics. Once a month is adequate.
>gets compl naked
It was a recent pic I had that showed my arm. I didn't think it would be a big deal and it's too late to delete now.
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Need to take new ones soon but I've only gained 0.2 inches since then anyway
I'm trying to get to 85-90kg
Where's your cock bro?
under my hand
There's no problem. Thanks ive added it to my folder.
Keep up the good work anon thoes biceps are looking good.
>Thanks ive added it to my folder.
what folder?
ty for the compliment tho
I hope you've learned a valuable lesson anon.
16.75" biceps, can hammercurl 55lb dumbells
im fat though :(
because zoomers now make up the majority of people in their 20s
sick t-shirt, bro. where'd you get it?

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