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>Programming Advice?
post s/b/d@bw/height/age

>Pastebin (Whatever has not had access revoked)
>High Scores

Previous Thread: >>75139420
powerlift deez nutz
Why does my setup take so much longer lmao
>le runners high?
Because you train that way. If you train a quicker setup you'll get use to it
Stacking and unstacking all the plates just for box jumps is a PITA
Did plg remember to set an alarm after four hours of sleep to get some extra calories in? It's a big dog eats carbs world out there fellas.
I graduated to using an iv feeding me my gomad ration
We're talking IV league level education now. Paired with a CPAP and the powerblob only gets stronger via sleep
I read this a long time ago about bodybuilders doing this.
No my body naturally wakes me up after 4 hours when my blood sugar drops below 150
so use a box then
kinda in the name innit
>le runners high?
yeah, exactly. wow it feels good today so I'll push it more is what I told myself. completely destroyed my lifts today it wasn't even worth training.
He is trolling and/or is enormously fat. But even then, DOTS is skewed towards piggydom. If you put on 40kg of bodyweight while your bench increases by 40kg, your DOTS increases. That is what we call Linear Piggy Periodization.
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Finally back to a 300 lb bench. Pecs have regained almost all of their lost strength and size. Tris are still lagging and have stalled out (haven't been able to increase the weight/reps/sets on LTEs for a month).
Move to a more tricep-focused bench variant (medium grip or swiss bar), start pre-exhausing my tris before doing bench volume, or keep doing what I am doing (increasing wide grip bench and hoping that increasing the weight will eventually make tris stronger)?
>start pre-exhausing my tris before doing bench volume
why would you do this if your triceps are the limiting factor?
>haven't been able to increase the weight/reps/sets on LTEs for a month
just bump the weight. force it. constant stagnation implies lack of stimulus rather than too much work
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>back to a 300 lb bench
Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS) is easy on recovery. That means boring shit like incline treadmill walking. Bumping that shit up to jogging/etc where there's muscular fatigue as well is gonna interfere with recovery
if you can't do zone 2 jogging for LISS you are incredibly out of shape and need to work on cardiovascular fitness
t. 10K slow jog LISSer
Post body.
>inb4 you’re mad
We all know this song and dance, you will either nitpick or claim it is a stolen picture
The fact you attempted to go for ad-hom in response to common sense LISS knowledge implies that you are very out of shape.
For fatties, cardio is eating. Seriously, ever observe them get out of breath and sweat while overeating?
That bar beds a little to much, i probably wouldn't count that as a deadlift.
>Linear Piggy Periodization.

Pogressive Piggyload
Something interesting. Pay attention to the slack on the bar. It's gone before it makes contact with the ground, indicating he stopping exerting a force on it. Thoughts?
Correct. Other poster is mogged.
I accept your concession. Back to pokemon go zoomzoom, leave ur girl tho lol
Why is this place full of piggies afraid of needles (and piggies who secretly use)?
Being 40 BMI is far worse for your health than being 30 BMI and putting needles in your butt.
>piggy this piggies that
take your obvious raid elsewhere, brownoids.
I loudly declared my needles
They just kill gains is all
You lose by default if you don’t post body. It’s been that way since 2010.
yeah he stopped pulling it
Making my TA grade all my papers while I go play golf. He thanked me for it.
post body
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And you?
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lol so it's the guy who OHPs 150 lbs
Should have stayed anon
Alright mirin.
i drank too much kombucha i think its why im throwing up and vomiting this morning
so raj was actually white this whole time?
Whiter than you boyo
if that’s really you then yeah you’re whiter and more hairless than even me and im suburb white. height/weight?
Bodyweight: 174 lbs
Deadlift single, 355 lbs, back off 320x3
Pull-ups 5x8, 174 lbs
Back Ext 5x15
Abs 5x15
Weight goes up for some reason when not counting calories.
spotted the israetel-phile who thinks raising and lowering the barbarell with strict form at 80kg is more impressing then OP.
Damn my fat fingers.
Are your fatty waddy fingers feeling okay my big bbg?
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>no controlled drop
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Once again I am excreting some stinky smelly wet Norman khan
ego lifting geek
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Squatting triple digit kgs now. You all didn't think I wouldn't make it.
i thought all yall were fat
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this little piggy can't roon lmao
don't even bother posting your slob excuse of a body
Eat more twink
I'm the smallest guy here and I've been called fat by twinks outside of the general. Visible abs aren't enough for them. When they say fat they mean not anorexic.
post abs
Post the recreation with the girl, it was oddly soothing
I did, now post it
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>not even a please
You're here for my entertainment
Tips for hip impingment? I've had this for 2 months now because of atg squats, and It's bothering me. Do you think daily hip/groin mobility drills/routines will help? Or is that counterproductive?
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20 min Hiit cycling
tng bench 1x5 @ 315, 1x8 275, both with ~30lbs band tension
bench is feeling much better...no shoulder issues for a few weeks now. Deadlift and ohp tomorrow I guess.

Get some good lifts in today.
You beg me for a lift.
Fuckin mirin again. What program/loose routine do you follow?
No can do. I just ate a peanut butter pizza.
The lifting is fun, the having to hir 3000kcal+ every day is fucking tiresome.
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I don't count them. How many do you think this is. It's pasta, 200 grams when it was dry. About a deck of cards worth of butter. Couple spoons of flour. Almost a liter of milk. And like 250 grams of chicken.
Oh and the parmigiano of course.
Just add it together and guesstimate. I don't count either. That meal is probably 1500kcal
Okay. Rough estimate:
Pasta 930
Butter 350
Milk 750
Chicken 400
Cheese 60
TOTAL: 2490
we're in our 'cado sudden weightloss arc
sheiko for squat and deadlift
calgary barbell for bench, im following it somewhat loosely. i followed this program a while ago and kept my bench at a good spot so trying it again with some tweaks. so far it's going well i think
Pasta isn't 415kcal dry, a deck of card of butter (pls be real butter) would be more, forgot about the milk. But yeah I probably under estimate and even then struggle with eating enough
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335lb squat at 217lb bw
Went way better than expected tee bee desu
how does shaman cope with this...
By pointing out my upper back is rounding on the way back up and that I'm not ATG
>217lb bw
how tall are you
Loose skin from the 375lb version of me is a bitch
My squat goodmornings like this at high weight.
Any reason why no sheiko for bench?
>voices in my head are telling me to change programs
>wow look how strong that guy is
>just do what he does
if you have training ADD like me, realistically how long are you going to stick to a program like that which also hinges on following it for a length of time?
>if you have training ADD like me, realistically how long are you going to stick to a program like that which also hinges on following it for a length of time?
Never made any progress with sheikos bench. Even added more days and variations like booby suggested. Gotta just experiment what works for you.
My dear, what big feet you have
What thicc elbows you have
>stop doing squats
>start adding 5kg per week to deadlifts
That reminds me, I gotta replace these shoes as I seem to have shrunk out of them
What's the new decent quality squat shoe?
Beasty lifts, mirin. Grip looks fairly narrow, is that strongest for you?
breh I butt fartered
and then wiped
LOL not will be in herpes rash hour 5
QRD on this guy?
fine as hell tripfag who got bullied into oblivion
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I lol’d
The app recommends advance medium load and yeah it’s 4 months, that’s a while to run a program. Also I can’t commit to lifting on the weekends.
But my current program is working so I don’t think I need a complete overhaul anyways but mirin his bench.




if you are like me, you enjoy making plans that you don't follow through with because you love fixing things that aren't broke.
are you realistically going to do a million sets of high frequency sub max bench for 4 months?
the best program is the one you will actually do that fits with your personality

I'll be running TM/HLM style programming until it stops working then look into a version of conjugate for no other reason than it allows me to tinker with frequencies, accessories, variations etc. while the core remains the same
Today while deadlifting a gym bro pointed out that I shouldn't do lifts with non flat shoes. It makes sense but I haven't really thought much of it before. I'm fairly new.
It kinda made my day.
Tower Liz > Burial Liz and smoking is gross

good lifting
It doesnt matter unless you're going for world record
It's not that big of a deal but it's more comfortable. I have a pair of DL shoes because the platform at my gym is really slippery. Never had issues until I had to use this specific platform so I shelled out.
I need to invest in a new power bar lads. current one looks bent (cheap one that came with the weider weights)
Yes, more narrow than usual but it still feels strong. Plus it helps with my boomer shoulder.
>smoking is gross
smoking is gross in real life but I thin it is nice in fiction somehow.

He mentioned that he just noticed that I tipped forward too much. I think this especially makes sense for my squats even if he didn't see those.
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>gross in real life but I thin it is nice in fiction somehow.
uh huh...
>>he spawned another blog posting trip
>actions have consequences, anon

>are you realistically going to do a million sets of high frequency sub max bench for 4 months?
Sounds like hell and I won't know what my bench press is actually at until 4 months later to hope it worked.

>I'll be running TM/HLM style programming until it stops working then look into a version of conjugate for no other reason than it allows me to tinker with frequencies, accessories, variations etc. while the core remains the same
I am doing 4 day TM for the next 4 weeks then some lower %s like a 4 day Heavy/Light or straight 3 day HLM.

In case you have not read this before on HLM: https://www.exodus-strength.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=785
>Your program doesn't have to have a name / brand / price.
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>QRD on this guy?
I've been skipping a lot of leg days lately. Decided to keep it light. Zoomzoom said how impressive it was that I was squatting twice my bw for reps without a belt (atg mind you). Reminder that normies care about relative strength, not your ROMhacking 500lb 1.7x bw low bar shart with equipment. Powercopes and fatseethes will be collected below.
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Bros, that rugby game fucked my whole week up. Not tackling since May (I somehow missed all tackling practices) destroyed these old bones. Left ankle was swollen for two days, and even now, my right pec and tricep have been in a perpetual state of flexed that the most basic shit like a pull up is painful. All to preference that this week's training was in the shitter and I had to piece-meal the first two sessions and missed three, but will pick up where I left off next week.
Plyo 1: 30s ME @ 15 w/ blue band
Diddly: 315 (was supposed to be 245, but fuck it, yolo roll tide)
BTN: 85/95/105/115/125/130; 100x11 (was supposed to be 105 but misload)
Crush: 3x12@70 (oddly no pain in pec)
Plyo 2: 24/30/33/34" (was expecting 36 b/c I hit 38 w/o vest)
Sqt: 205/215/225/235/250/275; 220x10 (in-test 265; PR, 285)
Acc: Prone banded single leg curl 3x15@ green SS w/ single leg ext 3x15@20kg
Rugby practice: Off/Def phase work
Mirin' fizeek.
>mogged by the troon
Over before it started.
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An attempt was made.
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Did them with deficit this time
>heavy behind the neck press for what looks like a 1rm
Yeah I'm gonna give you some advice: don't do this
Also put a shirt on tubs
While I may not have the best body in this physique I’d challenge you to post yours.
He's won't. He's copin'
>heavy behind the neck press for what looks like a 1rm
Not me but could anyone elaborate on this? I'm not sure if I understand.
I do 130kg squats 5x3 2 times per week.
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>Monday training
Squat 6x460lbs, 2x4x460lbs
Deadlift 2x1x615lbs
Squats felt good. Deadlift did not. I was supposed to do 2x3... second single was a fucking grind.

>Today training
Squat 5x465lbs
Deadlift 1x6pl8
Short workout today. I kinda rushed through warmups. I feel like my squat is where it needs to be right now. inb4 zero. I don't care.
Good work.
I'm mirin and mogged. My cope is that my shoulder is fucked up...
Good job, charmin slayer.
Good shit senpai
B/C he's the best. You're just some anonymous dork on the internet
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power nap
more like power bottom LMAO
wait so Asians actually open their eyes to sleep but keep them closed otherwise?
rep 4 was RPE 10 but you still managed to do another one just by pushing through!
meaning RPE is dogshit and percentages are king.
That's not funny, I used to sleep in Dan Green's gym for months
(Have a good nap between sets)
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How the fuck i got a pump in my chest from deadlifts wtf??
bar got too far forward away from you
nice you listened to me :), look how even with deficit you still almost touch floor. Enjoy the hamstring stretch and the gains
Thanks anon
Good stuff. Did you already move on from the Alex program?
>He doesn't bring a bivy sack in-between sets.
>Making it.
>percentages are king
So true.
So you really are transitioning
daydreaming about pony, eh
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streamin' chu chu, powerlifta ta ta ta
I've got a question, I feel like my progress is slow as shit for no reason when it comes to strength.

in the last year of lifting (keep in mind I'm still a novice) I went from:

-155lb bench to 200~lbs bench
-245lbs deadlift to 315lbs
-115lbs OHP to 150lbs

And my squat is abysmal, it went from
-155lbs to 195~lbs

During that time I went from 155lbs bodyweight to around 185lbs. Is this normal progress or is it slow as shit?
its a marathon not a sprint

It's slow, but it depends on how hard you've been trying and how well you're managing outside factors.

>Height and Weight? Age?

Are you following a program? Eating well? Sleeping well?
While >>75152999 and >>75153007 are right, we also need to be honest: that's really, really slow. Slow to the point that it's guaranteed that one or more important aspects of your training are majorly fucked up. That's Shaman-tier progress.
>That's Shaman-tier progress.
he's stronger than shaman after 1 year.
His squat went from 155lbs to 195lbs. That's less than three weeks of running SS.
Cope. I know Gym Shaman IRL and guarantee he is stronger than both of you anoncels
post lifts
went from 150~ last year to 170 in december, then I cut down to 160~ in january/february lost alot of strength but I got way leaner. Then I bulked up to 185-190 current day.


Yes, I followed this https://www.boostcamp.app/coaches/adam-bradley/bradley-barbell-s-bench-pr

Then I did GZCLP which I'm still doing currently.

>Eating well?
Well enough, almost always getting in 140+g of protein

>Sleeping well?

What's weird is that my physique looks way better, visually speaking I'm content with my progress.

Also I've got flat feet, will that impact my squat since it's by far my weakest lift?
Check the archive, they're in there.
Also, you're still anonceling. Your current total is equivalent to 0 kg.
>What's weird is that my physique looks way better, visually speaking I'm content with my progress.
if you're happy then what's the problem

>Also I've got flat feet, will that impact my squat since it's by far my weakest lift?
maybe maybe not, see a doctor for that. I have insoles because otherwise i can't walk for longer time but it doesnt stop me from squatting for example.
>if you're happy then what's the problem
My goals are mostly strength, a good physique is an added bonus.

Is your squat weaker or the same without insoles?
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funny you say that because my lifts are actually in the archive and yours arent :)
You have no reason to be bodybuilding just yet. Stop cutting the moment you see a little fat. This is a major mistake a lot of novices make: you need strength to actually build a good physique. It is way more efficient to just run a proper strength program for a year while actually eating to get a good base to work with. That is, if you want to actually look strong of course. If you just want to look like a toned teenager/otter mode then it's whatever.
I never actually tried squatting with them but no i dont think they would add any weight at all. I use them because otherwise i get unbearable pain in my feet. It's not like I can't walk or squat without them.
>Stop cutting the moment you see a little fat.
I'm not, I'm around 18-20% now.
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New here pls no bully
>DL 265 for 7 reps a few weeks ago
>just bailed out of 285 after only 2 reps
>figured I'd reset and give it another go
>could barely get the bar off of the ground
fuck me man I feel so weak right now
I mean, you gained 30lbs in a year and cut at 170lbs before despite being 6ft, so I assume you're afraid of fat. As a novice running a serious strength program you should be aiming to gain about 4lbs if not more a month. Not that I think that explains everything though. You should probably post a form video of your squat and deadlift so that you can eliminate that as a possible cause. Have you ever had your blood work done to check for low testosterone and whatnot, or do you have other symptoms that could suggest such a thing? You say that you eat and sleep well, but do you feel that you recover properly between workouts? Are you actually disciplined and not skipping out on stuff?
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>he can't into the archive
>Low testosterone
I doubt it, I have no symptoms.

>eating and sleeping well
The problem is I go on stretches where everything is locked in, my diet, my sleep etc... and then other stretches I slack off, stay up late, eat like shit, skip workouts etc...

I'm not sure if that's causing the slow progress because my first year's progress what very fast compared to now

born female?
Depends on how often you do that, but obviously that doesn't help. I think that makes your bench progress more understandable. Still doesn't explain your squat and deadlift though. I am not exaggerating when I say that any healthy adult male would make that squat progress on SS in three weeks. Four weeks with some setbacks. I really think you should post a blurred form check. Also, what about injuries?
I was doing deadlifts with a friend, we got into an argument about form. I do my deadlifts at like 80% of max, and don't go very slow on the eccentric. I don't completely drop the weights but I don't autistically slowly lower the weights because I don't want to fatigue/strain the shit out of my back. I figure I can do romanians if I want to hit the eccentric. My friend told me I only did "half the lift", which pissed me off. Thoughts? This dude is not even stronger than me. For reference, I am an athlete, not a focused powerlifter.
I've only recently started deadlifting, last year when I tried it I could barely get 225, now a few months into deadlifting I can do 12 straight touch and go reps.

As for squat I also take long pauses because of hip flexor pain.

If you want a lift that I did consistently that'd be pull ups, I went from 6 reps at 170, to 6 reps with 20lbs at 185
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who is better looking?
Only in my head
Probably me. But good point, I seem to be overthinking it. Let the results speak for themselves I suppose.
Your friend is dumb.
How long exactly? More than 9 months of deadlifting or did you stop after trying it last year? How many reps is that 315lbs? I think the pull up progress is on the lower end too, but other anons may want to chime in on that. Maybe it makes more sense if you really skip out frequently and don't eat enough.
>hip flexor pain
All the more reason for a form check. Your bench progress seems to adhere to your circumstances. Your squat and probably your deadlift don't. They are both lifts that a lot of novices completely screw up on a technical level. That causes injury and mediocre progress. Without eliminating the possibility of poor technique there's not much use diagnosing this. If you really don't want to post a blurred video that nobody will remember online, then try to find someone actually knowledgable in real life to judge it.
next time just deadlift more than him and tell him he did 0 of the lift simple as
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Mirin big pull. Is that a speciality bar for deadlifts? Do you ever try max pulls without straps?
it's a Texas deadlift bar. The last max I pulled without straps was 685 last September which was actually a PR with or without straps. I'll be maxing strapless again in January but strapped in December.
he looks cgi
I am starting out and read the sticky. I made a program that blends starting strength principles (main compounds for strength) and accessories (for hypertrophy). Due to how busy my gym is and how it’s the only one around, I cannot do everything I want to and when I do it takes 2 hours (yes we have to wait in a line for gym equipment). It’s taken a shit ton of time from my life away and I can’t handle it.

I concocted a ULULUL routine where every upper day has upper compounds and upper accessories and every lower day has lower accessories; and would save me half the time in the gym. Is this fine? I would theoretically be hitting every muscle 3 times a week this way. I’m getting adequate rest and eating well too.
Post routine you made up. ulululx is a lot of training days, do ulxulxx, you need to recover from your training.
>I'll be maxing strapless again in January but strapped in December.
For shits and gigs/end of program or due to a competition?
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the bench press is literally a stupid exercise but I love deadlifting

the pink man is right about everything except the high bar squat is pretty good I prefer it

you think you know more than the pink man huh
The high bar squat realization is the entry point to the paradigm shift that the pink man is a baffoon
gym is doing a casual powerlifting event, basically come in and hit SBD maxes on video. No commands, no attempt limits, no judges (mob rules). But I'll have to get the details this year, it's getting increasingly strict which is good, but so far the soft belt has been allowed but not straps.
yea I saw him shit talking oly lifting, but 3x5 is literally perfect, I mean, why did no one else preach this

body building is stupid, ripshits is based but calliing oly lifting not strength training is just some strange logic that you can excuse a boomer for when he's so based about everything else
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Maybe he meant that only doing snatch and c&j is not strength training, which is kinda true, but oly lifters also squat, dip, row, and do other developmental shit. But yeah 3x5 is based but he just says so much dumb shit in general
also rippey admits certain things like, he'll break down and admit that sometimes some exercises aren't ideal for everyone

power clean is part of ss, how can he claim the clean and jerk isn't strength training, if you listen to that video it's just mental gymnastics and coping
what does the second belt do
how many of you do your own programming? After running so many programs and templates im starting to feel pretty comfortable I could set up my own plan
more even core compression and it prevents skin pinching against the hard belt
started training for powerlifting 6 months ago so I'm a newb. done 2 meets so far.

right now my coach has me dropping from the 148 weight class to the 132. last WABDL meet I got 170 on bench and would have set the state record but didn't pay for the category lol oops. same with DL.

hoping to maintain my strength after cutting a few more lbs. I can still hit my regular numbers thus far.

next meet is December. it'll be an actual meet and not just push/pull so I have to improve my squat because it is abysmal

I'm 40 years old, 5'3" and currently sitting at 138lbs

bench 175
deadlift 325
squat 250 (womp womp)
sup I’m brian
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Nice. What's your training like?
hi Brian

I do Westside Barbell's Conjugate training 4 days a week and a bodybuilding split the other 3 days. I train 7 days a week and eat a lot of steak and drink copious amounts of caffeine.
Thanks, bobbu.
Good thinking. It's hard to break your spine lying down.
I figured you would've learned that from your animes.
>RPE is dogshit
>percentages are king
Yeah i'm back to c6w and sheiko bench.
Mirin, smiggy.
you never posted a timestamp in that other thread
we got another indian posting in our board
what is your secret way of breaking through a plateau
I just know you're wide awake because you have 10 grams of caffeine running through your system

Holy based, the strongest guy here does conjugate too
maybe later. I'm not really worried about if you think I'm real or not. I was a regular here 12 years ago so my fellow oldfags know who I am
post lifts
oh neat!! I really enjoy it. the strongest people I know do it. my friend is 198lbs and DLs 725
here's my white dots bench at 170 when I weighed in at 143

at the gym my lifts are
bench 175
deadlift 325
squat 250 :(
hey twiggy youre not the oldest one here anymore!
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this fag will be hobbled in under 15 years and barely able to walk let alone lift. chasing numbers is so dumb
was thinking about getting into powerlifting but since theres a female in this thread im gonna give it a miss
have fun guys
3.4 does conjugate?
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what a pussy
charmin is just jelly bc a girl mogs him.
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no, curryjugate
>170 on bench and would have set the state record
Please be kg
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wanted two but failed second. Haven't done barbell OHP in forever, feels super weird.
god I wish lol
>casual powerlifting event, basically come in and hit SBD maxes on video. No commands, no attempt limits, no judges (mob rules).
The way God intended.
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SDDL 3x340, 360kg
DW > Frame 3x120 > 200kg, 1x120 > 265kg
very nice lifts frens
Cool there’s also 2 trannies simpy
>never improve
You’ll forget about this hobby in 2 months. Get a burlap sack to hold your rocks.
> I do Westside Barbell's Conjugate training 4 days a week and a bodybuilding split the other 3 days. I train 7 days a week and eat a lot of steak and drink copious amounts of caffeine.
Yep, it’s another dude. They need to believe.
I'd smash that dudes bussy
>I do Westside Barbell's Conjugate training 4 days a week
>and a bodybuilding split the other 3 days.
Calling bullshit.
nice to see you covered with something other than semen
Checked. Nice lift, was expecting someone to get rekt
I did the same thing and just took rest days intuitively as needed. Worked very well.
why? is my training weird?
>left grip failing
So it's not just me.
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Good work if real.
I don't think I ever was. Cell and a couple anons were older. Also, we can't be sure this isn't just another fun character from our beloved schizo (bobby).
mirin, smig. Do you find barbell is easier than axle?
Checked and mirin. I was expecting to see picrel in the corner.
Nobody is going to believe you're real without a timestamp for two reasons:
1. The recent influx of schizo characters
2. most itt haven't interacted with women outside their mothers
you would think being such an old fuck would've at least taught you GIRL = Guy In Real Life
7 days a week seems a little dubious for recovery is all
PEDs improve recovery massively.
If you can’t bench 3 plates, your little “well the literature says…” statement is invalid. Try trying, nerd.
post tits with a timestamp or fuck off
I can
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>Try trying, nerd.
I'm doing the best I can
This. If you are sub 400 dots it's time to realize you aren't qualified to give anything but the most generic of noob advice
Do we think Laura is on gear already?
It’s not going to be a thing, bro. Just no.
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>double postin
banded deadlift 4x2 @ 545 with ~50lbs band tension at top
ohp 3x7 @135
fluff stuff
nice looks tough
those will fire up your glutes n hams
>shoulder cope
it's real brotha hope ya can get past yours. nice grind on the squats
>power nap
shorter than bobbys rest between sets
when is 750?
that looks fun...
expected some rekt content
>live leak
rip in piece
>3pl8 bench
>400 dots
sub 500 dots?
why are you posting?

deload to bar and re-run SS
my coach says I'm a "genetic outlier". I don't really need a day off but I do take 5 days off before a meet (which I HATE). otherwise I get enough rest by eating and sleeping. also I feel like my 3 days a week of bodybuilding accessories are
my rest days.

I'm not on anything. I don't want to get a deep voice and a tiny penis.
Wide grip bench is making my shoulder threaten re dislocation lads and laura
well don't do that, good sir

can you switch off to a bow bar for awhile? might help
How strong is this fucking guy?

You're on 4chan, you already have a tiny peen
why doesn't openpowerlifting sort by total by default in the main page?
Literally noone cares about DOTS and all these roided women who are weaker than men.
so don't bench wide?
pinkies on power ring = objectively correct bench
> I feel like my 3 days a week of bodybuilding accessories are
my rest days.
They are. If you're making intermediate progress on the other 4 days with no problems then there's no way you're doing anything difficult on the "bodybuilding" days. Unless you're roiding or you're XY and your lifts actually suck.
There are (biological) women at my gym doing 3/almost 2/4, going to need to see timestamped spread brapper to be impressed desu senpai
It’s the metric used to measure strength in powerlifting.
Highest dots wins.
Nice self reporting fatso.
they're actually longer than my conjugate days but they're just lower weight with higher reps. still challenging though. I never go "light"
One small problem, chuddie
DOTS favors being fat.
Being a fat woman on roids is probably the most optimal for DOTSmaxing.

Clearly all the literal who's ahead of John Haack are better lifters than him. He's 11th place. Humbled by superior queens. Powerful. Pee happens, chud.
You’re not John Haack.
You’re some random dork on the internet.
as strong as the drugs
Concession accepted and collected.
0:59 is the time to beat lil 1 min nigga

Hey guys, what’s your favorite part about DOTs? Mine is that it exists whether it makes you spend your weekend seething or not.

Reply if you are brown, angry, and fat.
Just did lat pulldowns with body weight without the little leg holders
Shit was kinda silly lmao
The metric used to measure strength in powerlifting is the total weight lifted.
The one who lifted the most weight wins. Pretty simple concept right?
oh no you angered the piggies
>starting out
>I made a program
Nope. Go to archive.
Doing the 3 day Texas Method as it was written by Pendlay with highbar squats is a great entry into serious training.
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Waiting for my progress to stall so that I can change programs. I’m tired of doing 3-5 reps, it’s time to do 8+ and make some gains
Okay, I took my first rest week of this year and had been running TM all this time (no real deload weeks). Is there any point in adding a few more days of rest due to me neglecting that for the 9 months before it?
>just rest until you feel recovered
I don't know what being fully recovered feels like anymore. There's very minor lingering "soreness". My sleep is still shit, but that's probably not due to overreaching. Should I just do a workout or two, see how that feels, and then maybe add a few more rest days based on that or is it less efficient to not have all rest in a single stretch?
It's favorable to be fat for better a DOTS score. You dumb or something? Only reply if you are angry.
It has been established that 7x3 has the same hypertrophic effect as 3x10.
that's bullshit
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equality for all!
Good luck beating this.

You've been wiped.
Damn, that nigga got his cheeks taken like Bieber at a Diddy party.
It's not even fun anymore, I am worried for you
So after all this time, the 1970s Russian weightlifting handbooks were correct? Gee, I'm shocked.
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Let’s see the source
Cause all the broscience (decades of anecdotal data from thousands of people) says otherwise
>The purpose of this study was to investigate muscular adaptations to a volume-equated bodybuilding-type training program vs. a powerlifting-type routine in well-trained subjects. Seventeen young men were randomly assigned to either a hypertrophy-type resistance training group that performed 3 sets of 10 repetition maximum (RM) with 90 seconds rest or a strength-type resistance training (ST) group that performed 7 sets of 3RM with a 3-minute rest interval. After 8 weeks, no significant differences were noted in muscle thickness of the biceps brachii. Significant strength differences were found in favor of ST for the 1RM bench press, and a trend was found for greater increases in the 1RM squat. In conclusion, this study showed that both bodybuilding- and powerlifting-type training promote similar increases in muscular size, but powerlifting-type training is superior for enhancing maximal strength.

7x3 bicep curls is better than 3x10
hypetrophycels seething
Exercise science is a joke field on par with the humanities.
Post 7x3 hypertrophy body.
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>8 weeks
>”experienced” lifters
Because the highest DOTs is the strongest in that weight class.
Dont skip math day, folks.
Fatties mad.
>study length is 8 weeks
>tard thinks it means they've been lifting for 8 weeks
Put the fries in the bag
The study was 8 weeks my projecting wagie. I’ll have a McDouble
Yes, the study length is 8 weeks. Did you want it to be 8 years?
Do you feel in charge?
Relative strength isn't real
oh my gosh
>Start cutting
>Gain a kilogram
I wanna be a twink goddamit
dis nigga got wiped by BR!
Post body
>inb4 you’re a fat powershitter
Imagine getting wiped in the year twenty twenty four. Could not be me.
Simon won.
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bodyweight squats with long pauses in the hole for 5 hours

>Do you find barbell is easier than axle?
Definitely not. The barbell sits closer to the center of mass which makes it harder to cue full body engagement and especially lean-back. It makes the whole apparatus feel more "deceptively dense" where the axle looks more like it would be heavier so it's easier to get your mind primed for it.

nice set
I did 765 a few months ago. Hoping to hit around 750 with mixed grip in January.
Can I pin VG with 27g half inch needles or do I need 1 inch?
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I used to compete years ago, only used a thin basic belt because I competed raw and didn't want to rely too much on the belt. Of course snap city ended my PL dreams. But I tried a thick leather rental belt at the gym and holy shit I could deadlift again, the pain wasn't affecting me. I'm going to try to get back into deadlifts but I want the most serious sturdy belt available. Any recommendations for such a belt? This is just a random example I found, how good are the locking mechanism ones?
Pioneer has lots of options
Sounds like you need a refresher on bracing. Watch the duffin videos on it. Locking mechanism is personal preference but if you aren't gonna compete or at least not compete IPF then go pioneer. Everyone and their mom raves about them. They have a special lever that allows for mini adjustments without having to get out a screwdriver for the whole thing. They also have a single prong option with 1/2" increments. Other than that, if you really want lever, sbd is probably one of the best levers out there but it has a hefty price tag. If you want best of both worlds for prong and lever then go quick release. Unfortunately Wahlanders is probably the best option for that and it's expensive.

Either way, go for the thickest and tallest belt you can find, it'll be the most supportive.
forgot to record the set and asked the owner if I could get it off the cctv
Will be interesting to see how he progresses since he's only 24. Overtook Haack's best dots but that should change next week when John tries for 2300+@198. Haacks moving up to 220 so could see both push their respective classes totals quite far.
Live now with low bar, bench, 3 ct pause bench, and maybe some extra stuff.
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>wife threw them out
I’ll just buy more
Need to upgrade your flavor
Good session, surprised I went as high on low bar as I did given I haven't low barred since the tricep injury. Just getting used to benching so frequently again, I'm thinking 4-5x next week, up from 3x this week.
You clearly have hormonal issues, why not get medication?
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How, how did you know?
Obese slampigs with bw squats isn't impressive
How so?

I've thought about getting my testosterone levels checked desu. The longer time goes on the more I feel like I'm gonna pull the trigger. I've been laughed at in this very general for even suggesting I could be low T due to only having one testicle so it's hilarious to me that now I'm getting people that think these things are obvious.
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It's the severe obesity; which also is cause for your severe retardation.
Very funny. I just like to eat food.
>Bobby on TRT
Can't wait for it. 600 squat and 500 bench fo sho.
Imagine Bobby taking 500 test a week.
You've got nothing to lose
>I just like to eat food
We are aware. I'm amazed that you are not aware that severe obesity and low T/IQ go hand in hand. Byt then again, how would you?
You'll want to start at least 10-15% lighter on all your lifts and ramp up 2.5%-5% per week. Next time, it's better to cut volume/intensity on your deload week. A common recommendation is to keep volume the same but drop intensity by 40-50% for the deload week.
testes roles are literally to produce testosterone lol
if you have only one you are most likely low test.
I already knew this because I've been following the effective rep model because it actually makes sense.
Also to say the same hypertrophic effect doesn't make sense. Hypertrophy either is or isn't. There's no magnitudes.

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