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/fit/ - Fitness

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>He includes the bar weight
>he includes the plate weight
>tfw all lifts are lmao 1bar
>tfw no face
>Being bound by the laws of gravity
the bar is just a tool to help you move the actual weight
when you are weighing out your rice and chicken do you include the weight of the measuring bowl?
do you step on a scale wearing pants and belt?
same concept.
I don't even know the plates weights i just put more if it feels light
Do shoulder flyes with the 20kg bar pajeets cmon i dare you.
>he counts the squats using both legs as an actual rep
do you eat the measuring bowl?
Do you walk around with the added weight of the scale?
>Has to start somewhere
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>when his squat plug pops out on the 2nd rep
>he includes his body weight
All I use IS the bar!
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>He doesn't include the weight of his arms, torso, and head when computing his squat weight

Can I post this tomorrow?
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>He includes clips in his PR
The bar's weight isn't inconsequential though. You're not tracking the weight you put on the bar, you're tracking the weight you lifted, in total.
>*Barbell total weight* - *current bodyweight*
Powetfatties can go fuck themselves
the bar is like 20 lbs so you should include it because you are physically moving it along with the weights, I wish it didn't weigh anything so that it was simpler to track but that's just how it is
>he takes gravity into account
Certified KWAB
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>people still actually taking this bait
Most intelligent board on 4chan
are you training in several gyms with different bars? are you conducting scientifical research? no? then don't include the bar weight like a wuss.
>Better calculate how much my upper body weighs for when I do squats

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