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/fit/ - Fitness

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i’m bored as fuck so give me a random workout to do in the gym :)
neck hangs x failure
suck my dick x finish

>fuck yourself with a barbellxfailure
i should’ve specified non sexual
cuddle me x failure
Bulgarian squats, and make sure your tamelcoe is out on show.
my knee is fucked and i did them this week already but ok, gym owner totally clowned me aswell for having knee problems and im so young
Also more pics.

If not knee then, incline dumbbell curls
3x5 power cleans
3x4-8 zercher deadlifts
3 x
A barbell curls 8-12
B skull crushers 8-12
Add in GHD situps if you feel like it.

P.S. nice tummy bro.
fpbp /thread
That's a man
>lace underwear
You're not doing SHIT. Maybe jog in the treadmill for 5 minutes or so, so you don't get chaffed.
Also tits or GTFO.
Go do some jiu jitsu. Trust me you are going to want to know how to defend yourself from rapist.
Smith Machine Decline One-Leg Calf Raises. Put 3 to 4 45lb plates on the floor. Load the bar up, put one of your feet on the plates, do your calf raises, and then do the other side. This is undisputably the best calf exercise out there. 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 12 reps 3 to 4 times a week. Make sure to set the safety on the smith machines, in case the plates on the floor slip. It's never happened to me, but you can't be too safe.
i actually would like to do a fighting sport i tried karate but the teacher was such a creep i had to quit. i need a better gym with proper personal trainers.
careful. australian anon is gonna get offended you’re calling his gf a man. he’s gonna tell you to post body/dick
Post a tummy pic while planking plz
sweet gyno bro
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>inb4 wrong form
shut the actual fuck up gayboy
Karate is beginners martial art. You can do it for a year or two to learn how to punch and kick but it is lacking in practical training. Great for getting kids started or people who have never done a martial art before, but that is it. Just go straight into kick boxing or boxing if you want to learn how to fight, but as a woman you still wouldn't be able to defend yourself against a man. Just biomechanically your shoulders aren't as wide and your upper body doesn't have as much muscle as men do so unless a really weak guy came after you even with training you wouldn't hit hard enough to stop them. Judo, jiu jitsu, or wrestling are a lot better for that. They utilize leverage and lower body strength (which women can build close to that of a man) to throw and control an opponent. If you are interested in self defense it is the far better option. You should be able to find one of those near you and maybe even a class with plenty of women.
post tits (you won't)
post axe wound (please don't)
i know most women can’t relate but i can say as a taller broader built woman i’ve never had any problems like that and i’ve never had to defend myself luckily. kinda offended but yeah i won’t waste my money on a self defense class, i think fighting competitively would be more fun. and i can definitely pack a punch i have hurt people before without trying to.
blue board, stop trying to get me banned
are you that slav girl or is this someone else?
what's your program? if you're doing legs on chest day because you're bored you're retarded
how many months on hrt?
i’m not slavic unfortunately im brown
i don’t train upper body im a fucking girl now say i’m not legit u fucking faggot wanting a girl to look like a man
would you want a man that doesn't ever train legs?
trannies are embedded into your mind u fucking jew stop watching so much porn, it’s not compatible with the lifestyle of someone who frequents a place called “fit”
lets see them tits
you can upload on catbox(dot)moe I would be pleased to see your breasts
that’s different. having manly arms and shoulders as a girl is unattractive. i can’t make my breasts look any better if i do chest flies, it feels good but it’s pointless. i don’t need to flex my arms though i do a small bit, and i train back, i probably should’ve specified that i only don’t train chest.
bitch do you realize how fucking hard you would have to work to have manly arms and shoulders? fucking moron
that's not a gym
not with my genetics, i had to stop training arms because my biceps and triceps were getting too bulky, i miss having small arms and i want to get em back.
lmao i’m not there yet i’m going now
Thank you nice lady.
the hot girls at my gym do weighted lunges
bro your threads get nuked because you’re a retard. so desperate for the (You)s
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12 mile ruck 35lbs dry in under 3 hours, you can do it on a treadmill or a track
nuked where? also here’s one just for (you)
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bench press, trap bar deadlift, weighted chinups - 6x6
throw in some face pulls, calf raises, dragon flags and curls if you're still bored
>i’m going now
In that case, for time:
1 mile run
50 KB swings
40 burpees
30 push ups
20 toes to bar
10 box jumps and over
1 mile run
Women are weird. They seem uncomfortable even being in the same room as us, but on the internet they crave our attention.
Do pants-less twerks (to improve aerodynamics)
lol so truu
You need to get gangbanged by old japanese men
>no catbox.moe
Yep it's a man
Lunges, farmers, body weight squats, looking lost.

Thank you for your cervix.
there is no way this young lady could do a proper dragon flag. I do them and they are HARD and I have a lot of core development. she should start with hanging leg raises first and work her way up.
>That tiny cock
No wonder you're a fucking pathetic faggot bent on suicide
I love uuuu
I love uuuuu
U sexy bitch yum
Laura sexy and hot
She wants to fuck my cock
Shut the fuck up, tripfag. Link your tits or get permafiltered
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
Yeah lets rape laura
But let me rape op first
Op has a damn sexy hot bitch body
Yum i love brownies
I thought they were pretty easy after I switched to them from kneeling ab wheel (seemed too easy to recommend as she looks very light and has some ab definition), I actually posted my exact workout (sometimes full body, sometimes I split it for shorter workouts) but replaced standing ab wheel with dragon flags to make it easier
Are you female? Answer me.
You are 66.67% correct.
of course not but she should suck it up and train like men do
Are you a twink or tranny? I fuck either one
Rape her if she cant do dragon flags
>rape Laura
I'm not taking her dad's sloppy seconds
>Rape her if she cant do dragon flags
kek every gym should have this rule
Op is a sexy body brown bitch that wants to fuck my cock
fuck off to /soc/
post soles. I need the pic to evaluate the suitable squat variant for the workout plan I'm preparing for you
i love youuu
I love uuuuu
You are my favorite bitch
U sexy brown bitch yum
Your body so sexy and yummy
Op so sexy and hot
Op wants to fuck my big cock

Cum here bitch whore
Daddy will bloody fuck you
I'm the one uncomfortable if a girl is the same room as me, especially an attractive one
Kek. Fucking shitskin twink troon
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I would start her on 4x25 kneeling ab wheel rollouts and work her up to 5x5 standing ab wheel rollouts. That's what I did and now I do 5x10 standing ab wheel rollouts, 5x5 dragon flags, 5x10 hanging leg raises (straight leg, toes to bar), and 5x20 decline sit ups w/ a 45 plate. Pic related is my results.
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please train me

also rate my dinner fags
Godfucking damn. Those abs are sexy as fuck. I wanna come over to your house and fuck you all night long
post timestamp or fake
wat de fugg :DDDD
>Those hands
Fucking troon
Op can join in. Make it. a threesome. Ill fuck op all night long. Ill fuck laura all night long.
as a female i’m afraid of being accused of this because i too have big hands
Ill fuck all of you all night long
shut the fuck up u degenerate fucking comer i’m not here for this gain some fucking self respect jfc i bet u look like a blob
genuinely do u think anybody gives a fuck how desperate u are for sex? do u think girls like that?
if you think that's bad you should see my calluses lol
>do u think girls like that?
Yes they do
kindly post bob n vagene madam
Whats your height and weight? Are you taken?
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>callused clit
well i don’t. imagine ur trying to talk to a girl irl and she’s just ignoring u like this :| that’s me rn
This is making me more horny
Bring this to the bedroom bitch
Ill make you my whore
anon that's a tan
stop spewing buzzwords you don't even understand, you fucking zoomer. unlike you, not everyone has to touch his genitals right here and now when he sees a woman. at best he's a simp
You are cute young and petite
You need to be protected
Youre my daughter
and im your daddy
First we kiss
And then we fuck
I dont care if you say no im fucking the shit of you
Ill make you moan and scream for daddy
Squats on my face.
>I would start her on 4x25 kneeling ab wheel rollouts and work her up to 5x5 standing ab wheel rollouts
yeah, I probably overestimated her ab strength and kneeling ab wheel is a better idea, but I wouldn't jump straight to the standing ones and add some intermediate exercise, like dragon flags, or at least do them with slightly elevated rings at first instead of an ab wheel. I also heard that some people add bands over their hands and legs at first to make them easier, but it isn't how I progressed to standing ab wheel rollouts, so not sure if it's a good idea.
>Youre my daughter
>and im your daddy
this is somehow more creepy than actual incest and it's always murricans who act like this
I would skip the bands and just stick to an ab routine like so:

- 4x25 kneeling ab wheel rollouts
- 4x12 decline bench sit ups w/ 25lb plate
- 4x12 hanging leg raises
- 4x25 kettlebell side bends

to start with. she can superset all of that. abs repair quickly so she could tack this sort of ab routine to her regular lifting routine at least 3x a week.
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Jogging 20 minutes
Sprints/Walk 30s/30s 10 minutes
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bloody bastard bitch
1.5x bodyweight zercher squats
what’s funny about that?
she might die

this lovely young lady looks like she'd be doing well to hit 1 plate on conventional squats for 5x6. we don't want her to jump into something that can hurt her. zerchers at 1.5x bodyweight AMRAP x3 is the kind of thing more advanced lifters do on powerlifting programming
Whoa mama!
Youre a fucking sexy bitch.
Bitch you are sexy
Good morning sir!
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Bitch you are sexy
If you can get through this kudos to you. So much volume
I'm a guy with a hairy chest, so you're now oficially gay for trying to hit on me
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Now that's a real woman right there
That was a bad joke
Shut up and suck my dick woman
You need my sperm
go away stalker weirdo stop spamming my thread
I love you bitch
>my thread
so what was the work out?
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you're now gayer than Trudeau riding a pink unicorn
i didn’t try any of the suggestions today i just did what i normally do but i saved a lot of them that i will be trying itf:) like the dragon flags seem really fun
>Here's my ab routine
>Pic related is my results
Let's be honest, you forgot to mention your cycle, which makes you another dishonest, attention-seeking roider shitting up the internet.

but also you just gave me the best compliment ever because you assumed I'm on gear which means I officially made it lol

I'm natural so to look like this I have to do a metric fuckton of volume - 7 days a week at 2-3 hours per day - and eat clean. it's work! I'm also not down to grow a little penis and get a deep voice so I would never touch that stuff.

I'm old and I came back here after over a decade to help you kiddos make it. I made it and learned a lot and want to share my experience and encourage you guys.
Post jawline, also phone number
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if you can tell me what your goals are for your physique and how many days/how much time you have available I can give you a weekly routine
i love you
You are my 7th internet girlfriend
You are also my eight internet girlfriend
Whats your height and weight right now.
Fucking gross
You are all homosexual holy shit
You literally sound like a pajeet
5'3" 138lbs
Damn i wanna fuck you
Are you single?
I want to fuck you right now

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