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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the round cuties who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/
>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>75146321
5820 steps to go until I hit today's 10000 steps goal. Going for a walk. Then in a few hours I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then do my pull day workout (ez bar curl, reverse ez bar curl, upright row, pull ups). Very fun.

Current weight: 65.5kg

Today's meals:
Weetbix (2 biscuits)

3 scrambled eggs

Zinger Burger (KFC)
Regular chips (KFC)
Pepsi max
nicotine is the cheat code
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Anyone into making spreadsheets to track weightloss/calories or whatever. Trying to put one together as I am more consistant when I have something I need to continually update. I know weighing in daily is not for everyone but its something I need to do to stay on track. Here is what I have so far.
I just drew up a calendar, wrote down all the meals I'm going to have each day, and stuck it on the fridge. I weigh myself every day, and when I reach a new low, I write it down on the calendar. I also log it on LoseIt so I have a graph of my weight loss over time. The best thing about it is I don't have to think about what I want to eat that day. Because in the past, when I allowed myself freedom to choose, I would often eat snacks and other unhealthy high calorie crap. Ever since I started with a calendar (1st september), I haven't eaten any snacks at all. Only what's written down. I'm kicking myself that I didn't do this at the start of the year. I could've achieved my goal by now if I had.
Calories aren't real.
I think ill plan out my meals in MFP ahead of time so theres less chance of over/under eating and everything's spread out evenly. Annoys me that I now do shift work but I will figure out.
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had good cal intake then messed it all up by eating like 1000 from one meal, tried to make myself puke it out for like 10 mins but it didnt work for some reason, fuck my life
rice cakes are good
very filling for the calories. 13 palm-sized disks for 400cal
why do you even still stick around here like an unpleasant wafting fart when you've already given up?
I have a spreadsheet for weightlifting and one for weight, but I don't update them daily. I write weight and lifts down in a little paper notebook, then whenever i feel like it (usually about once a month) i transfer it over to the spreadsheet for longer term keeping.
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>a weeb architect baked this one.
>Got hungry at 11:30pm
>Decided to try volcano noodles I bought
>They were hot as fuark
>Needed a glass of milk
>~90kcal over daily goal
>Probably not gonna be 2lbs down on my weekly weigh in like I wanted to be in the morning

Eating meat is good for you, crab anon.
In the bath again tonight lads, watching the sweat roll down, it's truly amazing for what it does with water weight. Gonna be on track for 68 kg/150 lb on the 22nd. Hardest part is sitting and waiting. Even 20 minutes feels insanely slow. Thinking of starting a movie.

Remember to always cool down for a bit with a cold shower before standing so you don't lose consciousness.
you might be, anon. ive pigged out on days before a routine weigh in and have gotten to a new low the next day. do let us know tomorrow
Tracked food (and drink) intake yesterday, was hungry throughout most of the day and never felt 'full'. Estimated at least a 500kcal deficit, rounding up on food.
>eating is good for you
HOW DO PEOPLE DO IT? Women who get self esteem issues to starve themselves are so lucky. People who struggle to bulk are so lucky. I hate it im addicted to food anons I am stuck. As soon as I get comfortable I start over indulging I only ever make progress if I feel lonely ima cry
gonna /roon/ right now. Dang it dude. I lost my progress and gained 8 lbs in a month :/ i hate this world
post your current weight coward
>Women who get self esteem issues to starve themselves are so lucky.
It's not luck it's hard work. It's not easy, they too fail and have to try again and again. Eventually it works and they get thin. You are also only thinking of the successes.
You shouldn't think of them being different from you. Most likely you haven't even tried any of their methods and I'm not talking about the not eating part.
I have a female friend who I talk to every day about my weight loss, and she's trying to lose weight too (I assume she also wants to look good for when we meet up at the end of the year and go swimming), but she's doing so badly. I've told her so many times to count calories, that she has to do it or else she won't lose weight. She says she will, and sometimes she does, but she just throws in the towel a day or two later. I wish I could help her, but I don't know how. Part of me feels like she doesn't want to lose weight, and that I'm being too pushy by telling her what to do. Deep down however, I know she wishes she was stick-figure thin like every other girl she knows. I guess I'll just keep asking her how she's going, how she's feeling, and see if I can encourage her. Though it is harder for her than it is for me, because she has to eat cafeteria food for work, and often eats at restaurants, which makes counting calories difficult.
left looks like my wife whom I love fucking
My lifts went into the toilet within a couple weeks of starting counting calories and cutting (I was just working out and doing 3 hrs of cardio and trying to eat clean until now).

I’m losing roughly 2lbs per week now. Normal or am I doing something wrong?
Are you retarded, anon?
Nearly everyone who has been significantly overweight for some time is like that because they haven't had the moment where they truly wish to change and want to dedicate their heart to it. It's the moment where the fear of failure outweighs the pleasure of eating. It's the moment where the idea that you don't go exercise again tomorrow is scarier than forcing yourself through that hour. It's the moment where you realize that a cheat day is one more day of being fat and one more day of having to put yourself through this work. Until they have that moment where they make a life-changing decision on the spot and focus on it for the next while, it's like living ethereally. It's an idea that just drifts within you but it hasn't sparked anything.

I understand wanting to be there to support someone. I'm friends with an absolute bombshell who feels she's too fat. But her BMI is 20.6 and she wants it at 19.4, so frankly I don't think she really needs it. But she wants it and I'll support it because I know how annoying it is for people around you to tell you that you don't need to lose anymore weight when you can clearly see that a lot more work needs to be done.
normal. optimal weight loss range is between 0.5-1kg per week.
Your friend will never sleep with you
depends what you mean by "headed to the toilet", but yes it's normal to not be able to progress your lifts and even regress by some percentage when you're cutting
totally normal the retards who are like I am doing 40 day water fast and my lifts are going up are just telling you they are total noobs who are stepping into the gym for the first time
Yeah, that's what drives me. I NEED to have a good looking body by the time we meet up. We're going to be travelling around Australia together so that means lots of swimming at beaches in summer time with my shirt off. I haven't looked good with a shirt off my whole life. Finally I'm starting to like the way I look in the mirror, and by the time we do meet up, I should be confident taking my shirt off at the beach. By 'good looking body', I mean lean and with a bit of muscle. If I skip a workout, or eat something I shouldn't, then I'm only making my future self look worse. That's how I think in those moments when I'm feeling tempted to skip working out or eat junk food. I can see why she might not have had that revelation yet, because she's probably not like me, and doesn't think it matters much what I or others think of her in a bikini.
I was pulling 365 deadlift for 5 and then one week later not only can’t I budge it up, I can’t hit 335 for 5. Today I did 315 for 5 and it felt like death. Maybe I could do 325 or 335 for reps next week.

Upper body isn’t as bad but I had to back down from 245 bench to 225 and my row is still limping along at 225 with some form cheating and doing like 5 sets of triples. OHP down from 155 to 145, couldn’t finish my volume even with singles so going back down to 135.

Squat is fucked because I tweaked my knee so I can only squat 225 for volume
She lives on a totally different continent so probably not. Also she's a few years older than me and wants to have kids in the near future so that's something I'm keeping in mind.

She's like a supermodel European tradwife Japanophile who approached me to be friends, so it kind of feels like trying to fight every single instinct in my brain.
Pooping is more difficult than losing weight
it's normal to lose some but losing 45lb off your deadlift over the course of 2 weeks sounds like way too much to me. 2lbs per week is rather on the higher end, maybe your cut is too steep?
Fatty Contest
No it's not. Food is such a comfort and peanut butter is so good. I am a fucking slave to my pantry and will die alone and fat
True I need to start tracking again but it's just so bleh and hard idk why I'm a slave to my impulses
Fatty Contest
I just notice when I drink water with a teaspoon of baking soda I feel less hungry and food just fill me more. it seems it helps you to reduce your stomach acids.

do you know the risk of this? I'm tired of always being hungry
That's not how stomach acidity works
stomach is supposed to be acidic
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i would def recommend going with that. It helped me tremendously to keep discipline. It's not easy to describe but knowing that I'd need to enter a higher weight tomorrow if I binged or cheated helped me a lot to stay strict with myself. Also, I'm very proud to look at the graph every now and then. It's like the visualization of my achievements and I like that.
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest

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unfortunately that particular anon has given up and now just posts random nonsense, I hope he gets back on the wagon and starts losing again, perhaps all of us might not make it but we all gotta try
what happened between 02.04 and 02.08 anon
See how they lie about me when I say I eat meat to satiety and still see fat loss. Loathsome crabs cannot admit their way of thinking is deeply flawed and unscientific. No weight updates for crabbies who focus on such a metric, especially when weight gained was off of my diet and you all still lie in perpetuity.
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I reached my mid-term goal of 100kg and was happy with myself around Easter. Then, on August 4th this year, a girl broke my heart and I started cutting and lifting harder than I did every before. Oldest story there is. Now I'm going for 87kgs.
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your graph is like mine, interesting
wow that's actually very cool. For me it was mostly psychological because I got less and less strict as I got better results I think.
Is your GW actually 60? That strikes me as very low!
after a year of trying to lose weight your final result is GAINING OVER 20 POUNDS. how can you possibly still think what you're doing is working? stop deluding yourself you fatso
you can start losing weight again anon, I believe in you!
Notice how my weight drops over time when I started the diet. To the calorie cultists I competed with, I was doing better than most despite not restricting my eating. I went off of my diet for months and gained considerable weight. I then went back on my diet and noticed that it's not as easy as the first time around, but steadily my body is losing fat. Those who fixate on my graph are focusing on my reports from the months where I was eating a mixed diet. I eat meat now and I have no need to crawl in the dirt for leaves and count fictional calories like you.
that's what happened to me. above the green line, you can see where i was really focused and losing weight fast. above the yellow line was where i started snacking and sometimes overeating, feeling that i deserved it because of the great job i had done so far, and the red line is a bit of a plateau im in now, where im counting my calories as accurately as possible, burning 300-400 calories a day from walking, but still not losing weight. my next weigh in where i weigh less than 65.5 will tell me how im going and what i need to do.

it's just an arbitrary target. my ultimate goal is to be lean enough that i have a flat stomach and lose my love handles. i'm close, but i think i may have to go lower than 60kg to achieve my goal.
Man I don't know your body comp but it sounds like you're getting skinny fat. Do you lift properly? How tall are you?
Got to remember to have smaller portions. Eating more now doesn't solve waking up in the middle of the night due to hunger, and only makes it easier to go way over my tdee by eating another, large meal
Fatty contest
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its the weekend, show your fridge
thats pork heart on the bottom, im gonna try a stew with it. never had it before
I'm feeling super weak at the gym. I go regularly but I get tired too quickly and I can't lift that much weight. For the last month or so I'm just lifting the same amount of weight basically.

I don't give that much of a fuck about getting big, I just want to be thin. I'm just wondering if this is normal when on a deficit and (hopefully) losing weight.
I was cutting out the wrong foods on my last cut. I was cutting a chicken breast in half, or making a steak do me for two meals. I was way under my cals so not sure why I thought this was the way to go. Im now eating full steaks and more meat in general and I think even my digestion is better now having more volume of food in my belly. Pretty much upping my protein from 100 to 130-140g in the process.
Its the one thing that actually derailed my weightloss. Of all the things. The one thing that scares me the most is going to ER with a problem with my butthole, and my eating healthy was causing it great stress.
Low stomach acid can give you reflux and harm your ability to break down proteins.
Fatty Contest
I'm 290lb at 6'2". I do a lot of exercise and I eat pretty clean. Everyone comments that I look huge/muscular and comments on my gym progress. I am extremely overweight, but I have top abs and some muscle definition. With a pump I literally scare myself. I can cut. I do so much exercise that I can drop weight alarmingly fast, but I usually get sick / injured and the weight always comes back. Am I doomed to bloat max?

Diet is like. AM two scoops with water. Lunch tuna on two slices of toast. Dinner chicken, rice, beans and veggies. PM two scoops with water. Snack protein bar, banana, apple. I drink a beer or glass of wine twice a week.
ive always been skinny fat. i have the kind of body where, if i eat like a pig, most of my excess fat will be in my gut, love handles, chin. my arms and legs will always be quite thin, no matter what. ive been doing a ppl routine for about a month now, just to try and get some muscle mass in my arms and torso, and its working so far. so whats actually happening is, im losing the excess bodyfat, and im starting to look muscular. im 175cm (5'9"). by the end of the year, i should have a flat stomach, visible abs (i can sort of see them already, just need to lose the remaining fat to reveal them properly) and ill no longer look puny in a t-shirt. and thats all i care about, really - just being able to wear a t-shirt without having the arms of a 14 year old boy.
You misspelled "190lbs"
I've not been under 230lb since I was a teenager.
Weird troll
aw man, messed up and burned my stew
after draining the liquid the half cooked ingredients are still kinda edible although tastes faintly like charcoal
i ain't throwing away 4 meals worth of food so i guess im eating this
Feel free to post your body anytime to back up your fake machismo attitude, or well just assume you are fat
Yeah, change tactics when you're caught lying. I see your game, crab anon. You couldn't make it so no one can.
Post weight you fat piece of pussy shit. What have you hit 400lbs already?
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i've lost 10kg in the past 2 months and i'm on track to reach my 80kg goal on january. you on the other hand will be dead by age 50.
honestly i'm glad and i won't even pretend to be trying to help you. every retard who falls for and promotes fad diets should just go ahead and die
>That hilly graph
Lol. Glass houses
You've gained more weight than you have lost you fat piece of shit. Post weight.
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>lost 3lbs this week
>finally over 50lbs lost
LETS FUCKING GOOOOO. 52lbs lost total, 275lbs to 223lbs, so far

Feeling great
We doing diss thang
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>8.75kg (19.29lbs) lost since Aug 9th (107.80kg -> 99.05kg)
>sub 100kg first time in about 5 years
>just following 3 simple rules

i think i'm gonna make it, bros. this doesn't even feel difficult any more, it's just a matter of time and commitment. i think wagmi
Scale go down?
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Oh, bros, I did do it.
I cooked the chicken breast and mushroom milk sauce as well as the potato mash.
Also made myself some salad to eat over the next few days.
>sauce 655 kcal
>mash 415 kcal
>salad 120 kcal
>pickles 20 kcal
Total 1210 kcal, very tasty much wow.
Honestly, BTFOs the yesterday's pizza, no competition.

Had to double-check the calories because that added up to about a whole kilo of food, very filling.
108 kg this morning (107.5 kg actually but that's gotta be water weight unironically).
i use picrel, found it on the internets some time ago
Fatty Contest
>no body
Concession accepted
Fatty contest

I'm losing weight but for some reason I've been bloated as hell for the past two weeks?
Down 2.4lbs since 9/14 lfg
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What’s gonna happen if I don’t exercise while losing weight? Will I actually end up looking like an anorexic lesbian?
if you don't cardio, it doesn't have any real effect on your look
if you don't lift, you'll look like someone who doesn't lift
your progress will be slower and won't reap the health benefits exercise provides if you don't do cardio. Lifting tones the muscles so you'll look better when you lose weight if you lift and it also resting calorie burn if you have more muscles.
Weighed in at 159.8lbs this morning. At one point, I thought maybe 160 was a reasonable goal, but I am still clearly fat. I'm 5'9" and lift regularly. How low do I need to cut before I stop having a gut?
Lifting slowed progress for me. I've made zero progress ever since I started lifting 6-7 weeks ago. At my previous rate I would've lost 5 kg in this timeframe.

Not lifting during weight loss means you lose muscle mass and strength though. I had a few failed attempts at starting to lift where I lifted about once every 4-8 weeks and the amount of reps I could do went down. Lifting regularly has increased my strength.
im around your same stats bro, i saw a dude our height looking jacked as fuck at 145 lmao

thats gonna be my limit
I only record weights in sundays.

Last Sunday I was 184.2

This morning (Saturday) I am 185.2

Which means I need to drop like 2.5 lbs just to meet my weekly goal

I’ve been pretty compliant honestly. I did an OMAD yesterday and had a shit ton of sodium in my food right before bed (probably a 2000 mg meal) so I am hoping that’s why I appear to be might heavier than I should
does keto honestly work or is it bullshit
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Same story over here. 5’7” and I thought 155 was a reasonable goal but now I’m realizing that i will need to be easily 145 if not 140 to be as lean as Stefan from Vampire Diaries
Eating low carb affects the insulin regulation in your body and drastically reduces your cravings and appetite.

No matter what “diet” you’re on, as long as you consume at a caloric deficit you will lose weight

But by doing a low carb + caloric deficit you will have a much easier time, especially if you lack discipline and have binging problems.
for some it works
yeah all the stat frauding and roidmonkeys just inflate the weight numbers, idgaf anymore, fully agree with u
I think I finally found a weight loss strategy that is working for me bros. Basically I determined that the thing that always fucks me over is the long term goal looming overhead. So 3 months ago I decided to start dieting again with absolutely no long term goal in mind, just a very realistic goal of losing 2kg by that time next month. Then, when I hit that goal, I set the same goal for the next month, while imposing slightly higher standards on my diet/eating habits, and repeat. Well, it has been 3 months, I'm down almost 10kg, and I don't feel like I'm anywhere close to 'snapping' like I usually did during my failed weigh loss attempts

This >>75156137 is "overscientification" of a rather poorly studied subject.
i.e. what anon describes sometimes indeed works. Sometimes, that is.
We also know that insulin spikes are kinda linked to the feeling of hunger. Kinda, that is.
And we know that insulin spikes are partially caused by consuming carbs. Partially, that is.

The biggest insulin spikes throughout the day for most healthy people tend to happen right before their regular scheduled meals - that's the supposed link between insulin spikes and hunger.
The problem is, having you insulin spike doesn't necessarily mean you will feel "hungry" because "hunger" is a mostly psychological feeling and how you personally perceive your hunger is likely different from how other people perceive theirs.
Consuming little to no carb will indeed drop your overall insulin levels which may (or may not) result in you feeling less hungry overall.

It's most certainly worth to give a try - it works for many people.
You can disregard the entirety of the meme nonsense that people tend to attribute to keto - but it is very effective at curbing hunger for many people.
But if it doesn't work for you - that's fine. Keto doesn't do shit for me. It doesn't mean you (or I) got scammed - it just means keto isn't for you. Try the next meme diet. IF worked wonders for me.
Fatty Contest
Any ideas how I can get all of my vitamins and minerals when only eating 500 calories a day?
I'm your height and I just weighed in at 150 lbs even. I'd say aim for 135 lbs, that's a BMI of 20 which is considered aesthetically pleasing if you're not heavy on muscles, just toned. Your weight loss will become more exaggerated the lower you go.
She doesn't need to count calories. Tell her to cut her meal in half before she takes a bite and save the half for her next meal. If she does that she will lose weight no matter what she eats.
No reason to eat 500 calories a day. You’re gonna end up losing significant muscle mass and end up with nasty loose skin.

1200 calories per day is a solid cut for any man, and it still allows you to eat 1g of protein per goal body weight. 2 meals per day of 600 calories each, or if you do better psychologically you can do 400, 400, 400. Try to split your protein evenly for better absorption.
stop smoking pot
I thought his goal was 500? Isn't that why his chart always goes up?
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Remember that just because calories in calories out is true of everyone, it doesn't mean counting calories will work for everyone because psychologically some people just aren't wired the same.

Tell her to find what her biggest weaknesses are and to address them directly. Does she snack often and does she have trouble dealing with cravings when she tries to not snack? Does she go over calories because she wants meals to be filling? Is it stress eating maybe, where she just decides "fuck it" because of work being a pain or something? Each of these should be addressed differently, and sometimes, middle-answers are better than no answers.

For example, let's say she snacks regularly and it's habitual and she wants to stop. She could go cold turkey, but some people just aren't built for that or aren't up for it at a given time. In that case, try recommending that she find some low sugar sucker candies. The kind that last in your mouth for like 30 minutes. They can be as little as 10 calories per candy and having one can satisfy a craving she might be otherwise filling with a 400 calorie sandwich or 200 calorie chocolate bar. Obviously this isn't an ideal answer, but it serves as a stop-gap to prevent worse, and can later be treated as a step towards weaning further off certain foods or habits.
Some people respond to it really well, and some don't respond to it at all. The only way to know which group you are in is to try it and see.

The people who are really lucky say it is like a cheat code to weight loss, where cutting carbs shuts off their hunger. There are enough well documented examples that we know it is not bullshit. The big question is why it does not work for everyone.
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looking good anon, heart sounds disgusting but I commend you for giving it a try, I should stock cottage like you stock greek yoghurt, your veggies looking fresh as fuck

couple of notes about mine
the can of guinness is alcohol free and it's been there for a week or so
oat milk is absolutely delicious, deal with it
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Fatty Contest
are you maintaining? are you tracking autistically or less so than before, or you never did?
it's the part that scares me the most but you seem to be doing great, assuming that's your goal.
Why must we suffer fat bros?
because of your past sins of overeating.
we enjoyed binging (to a certain extent at least), now we must suffer the consequences.
you have to accept this fact before healing can take place.
Nobody forced the slop down your throat
eating a normal amount of food isn't suffering.
I started semaglutide 2 weeks ago and it is ABSURD how easy it is to not eat food now. Jesus.
explain your reasoning on why you think i smoke pot, i'm curious
We have incurred a debt by indulging in a hedonistic lifestyle.
You can either pay up with a couple months of suffering now, or you can pay later with chronic health issues directly caused by gluttony.
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maintaining with a crazy amount of walking/hiking (ie. 10-20 km twice a week or more) and lifting/calisthenics at least once a week for a few months now.

doubled protein in the last two days, but the scale's been getting lower since September. wish i had a better answer as to why, good shit's been happening in life, less stress overall, maybe. the plan is to stop trying to lose at 59kg, then go harder into weight training and bulk a bit. the scale isn't scary anymore.

it's gotten to the point of lifestyle change. never understood why the rooners and lifters would try so hard, but now i do: it becomes part of your life to challenge yourself consistently, and (at best) it feels good instead of a chore.

i made it already (normal BMI), but now it feels real. wagmi /fat/.
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1500kcal everyday or 2000kcal on workout days and fasting the other 4 days of the week?
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>Freshona pickled cornichons
holy fucking shit anon I'm so jealous, my hometown used to have them but only in a Lidl, they stopped having them 6 months ago and after that I realized that not a single pickle brand I can get comes even close to how they taste
You won't be able to sustain either
Already doing ~1800kcal without even trying to diet
Who would've thought that working for 8 hours every day would make me less hungry than being a NEET sitting on my ass all day/?
need some advice, is losing 12kg of fat feasible in 16 weeks?
yea. 1kg of total weight loss a week is considered a decent rate, though it won't be all fat
that's okay, i'm fine with losing some muscle.
Could do even more, if you're obese
Keep active and workout and anything that you lose, if any, will come back really quickly later.
how do you have your cottage cheese? just plain out of the tub or what?
I just want to do it for a month, there's something coming up I want to look better for but afterwards I'll have a less aggressive deficit. trust me I have the weight to lose lol
freshona is a lidl brand. kinda weird yours isn't stocking them, i used to go for full sized gherkins but these little shits are much more satisfying and crunchy
I suppose they outsource this, like I don't think lidl really has a bunch of pickle farms and shit and maybe your local source got fucked or something like that

yes 95% of the time just straight out of the tub, I eat it as a side to meat as in pic related, that's 100g
on a rare occasion i mix 100g cottage with a scoop of (flavoured) whey for a sweet dessert, or when I'm lacking protein and also need a meal but not too big, it's a very specific situation
In the past i've tried adding chives and lime and stuff like that but i'm just too lazy to do that most of the time as i like the plain flavour on its own but it's also always accompanied by something else
I mean I guess by out of the tub you meant straight spoonfuls out of the tub, in which case no, I put it from the tub as side to something else, I mean I don't add any more flavouring to it anymore sorry for the autismo
Another day, another deficit. Really fucking hope that I don't wake up due to hunger in three hours.
incredibly weird, they're stocking everything else from the Freshona brand(except the gherkins, they have them every once in a while so I snag them to satisfy my cornichon lust).
Hope they return someday, I live in a little town in a middle of nowhere

Just when I thought there might be light at the end of the tunnel. I guess seeing the stats posted here all the time has completely skewed my idea of what 'normal' body weight is.
Fatty Contest

Guys, I have done it. I've finally broken through my plateau of 6+ weeks with a loss of 0.1 kg. I guess it helped that I didn't exercise yesterday.
you need to eat less retard, you're not plateauing you are eating at maintenance
actually i take that back, you're close to normal bmi you might be legit recomping
if your bodyfat has stayed the same, you've been on maintenance though
>take the biggest shit of my life
>scale doesn't change
it's rigged
I've eaten 1767 kcal/day on average in that timeframe. Previously I ate 1575 kcal/day and went from 101.8 kg to 93.4 kg in 99 days.

I think it's a water weight issue. When I started exercising I went from that 93.4 kg to 95.5 kg in 3 days. And ever since then my weight has been oscillating despite weighing in the same way every day. It goes up the 2 days following exercise, then drops down a little, but then I exercise again and it goes up. How far up it goes has been decreasing though and how far down it drops has been getting better. Today it finally dropped below my previous lowest from about 6 weeks ago.
I want to drink 10 beers
Fatty Contest
Big Frigate
291.2 lbs
On my third day of fasting - feel like I could keep this up for wayyyyyyy longer.

Gonna refeed today cause going out with the in laws.
Those who do one meal a day, what are your go-to meals? I need something high in volume that isn't salad.
Fatty Contest
197.2 lbs
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What's the difference between gherkin, pickle, and cornichon?
Do you guys eat these just like that? I honestly can't stomach more than a few before it's too bitter /acrid for me.
>lost 120 lbs so far
>bandmate keeps posting flashback candid pics of me on our socials from when I was still 400 lbs
Brah wtf
this is my experience as well. ever since i started lifting, my weight loss has stalled. i cant tell if im losing body fat but increasing muscle mass, or if im just not losing any weight at all. i feel like i am losing body fat and gaining muscle though. every time i look in the mirror, i feel like i look leaner and more muscular than before.
track more than one metric
Good ideas anon, thank you. I think if I at least ask her about her weaknesses, she'll start to think about the root causes of her overeating. That might be enough to get her to stop.
What do you guys do for workout clothes?
I'm relatively new to working out and go out jogging sometimes in collared shirts. Any cheap shirts you can buy in bulk?
good idea, i was thinking of measing my waist.
Yeah definitely track waist at least. Like I know losing 1 inch is literally imperceptible at my current waist circumference, but it is pretty hype to see proof that I'm actually getting skinnier even this early into the process. I'm also taking weekly naked progress pics.
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>Another saturday night all alone and fat
How we doing fellow /fat/ bros?
My roommates family is over. This means partying and almost definitely booze and cigarettes. Kinda happy at the prospect of having fun but not happy at the fact that I know I'm going to fuck up tonight.
Working. So doing fine.
I bought an under armour shirt because I sweat through cotton tees to shit when I work out
Wore it once and it felt nice but I'm too insecure of how much it shows off my man tits
>not tracking his cock stats
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>Have been walking to lose weight
>Can't go on for too long because this part always hurt
What do I do fat anons
I want to star cardio 4x week, but I have a problem /fit/.
I'm not finding a good podcast to listen to while doing it?
Any recommendations? I want something that has substance, not just some dudes or duddetes talking random shit for an hour.
>I'm not finding a good podcast to listen to while doing it.
stop being obese is the only fix
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>Want to walk to help stop being obese
>You have to stop being obese to walk
the good thing for you is that 90% of weight loss is diet.
65lbs down as of this morning. I'm not sure how much I got left to 15% bodyfat.

Be straight with me, those who made the journey before. How bad is the loose skin gonna be?
Are you getting side stitches? From walking? What's you heart rate when walking?
If you don't have loose skin now you arn't going to in another 10lbs you fucking retard
It's those tits, anon. They worry and disgust me, and I want them to go away.

Not stopping the cut until I'm at least down to 15%. Maybe even lower.
High enough that I can't talk. My city is pretty hilly with some intense inclines so I am usually fighting for my life since I've been sedentary for quite some time now.
I wouldn't have assumed you used to be obese if that's what you're worried about. If you build muscle it will be even less noticeable (it is barely noticeable now)

My question; anyone get severe ankle pain and have it go away after losing weight? I injured my ankles frequently as a child and have flat feet, so I'm not sure how much weight loss will help
Opss this is meant for >>75157708
>Started at 350lbs 6ft
>Goal 200lbs
Is is possible without loose skin?
You look fine. Try lifting. May need to bulk to grow your pecs
Bakeries are the devil.
>Mom brought cake while visiting
>One slice is 280 kcal
>I could easily eat 2-4 slices in one go
No wonder people get fat when baked goods have such insane calories.
Time to go for a walk and search for that podcast as you're walking.
There is no such thing as always being thin "no matter what".
You're either eating too little protein, not working out properly or both. 65kg wit love handles at your height means you have probably something close to only 45kg of lean body mass where you someone that lifts properly should be somewhere between 60-80 depending on your bulk.
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Look at the bright side- once you've lost the weight, you'll be already well-trained from a cardiovascular standpoint. Your calves especially are gonna be epic.

Thanks man. I was fat as shit, almost 300lbs. Down to 213 as of this morning, and proud as a motherfucker. I was worried that at 37 there might not be a way to lose it all without looking like a flying squirrel.

As to your question, yes. All sorts of pains will go away as you lose weight, your body will be under far less stress. Whether they go away completely is a big question mark tho, nobody can tell you that. I can promise most of them will get better tho. For me it was lower back and knees, not ankles. Also this weird fucking creak in my neck whenever I walked, was driving me crazy.

I got lucky, all gone, completely. I hope the same happens to you.

Nigga, I was lifting. I can deadlift 3.5 plaet for reps, ohp 70kg for reps, squat 2.5plaet for reps. But all I care at this point is getting lean, I'll worry about looking swole later. But its good to know the loose skin I see is just my dysmorphia.
you look untrained. start lifting. dont bother with a strength program. train for hypertrophy only. get some noob gains fast. bench press for chest and triceps, ez bar curl (and reverse ez bar curl) for arms, upright rows for shoulders. do some sit ups or leg raises for abs. in 3 months youll look GOOD
yerp it's a problem that makes itself worse
bot post
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Jesus Christ. I've been lifting on and off for years, man. Mostly strength routines, I'm not quite up to 1/2/3/4, but gonna get there by next year for sure.

I am tall tho, 6'3. Lanklet mode activated, I guess?
You're getting side stitches. There's nothing harmful about them they just mean you're working too hard. You need to lower your heart rate. Walk slower and/or somewhere else. Fuck treadmills so try a local park. Go on trailforks.com to find parks with trails near you. Walk the green hiking trails and especially the purple access trails.
>pic related: a park near me with green and purple trails
I listen to audiobooks, they're exactly what you're after. Here's a link for free audiobooks:


Just find something you're interested in. I'm currently listening to spare by prince harry. Next I'm probably going to listen to a military history biography, maybe something written by a soldier in the napoleonic wars. I can't wait
>doesn't post bench lol
Right, 95kg for reps. So not quite 2plaet.
BUT, I don't really do bench anymore, my shoulders are fucked up, and bench wasn't helping. Gonna have to do with dumbbells.
Also I'm retarded and colorblind so if it's actually not purple, I'm referring to the color trail that is Fendly station trail, deerfield forest, etc.
I pushed myself on the treadmill and fucked my loweback, i know how you feel
no. stop doing strength routines. theres no point in having strength if you dont even look like you lift. all you had to do was those exercises i listed, for 3 months, and youd have a body that looks like you lift. come on man. if you go to the gym, start doing a PPL routine and just go hard.
normal people don't get fat because they dont eat 2-4 slices in one go
Ngl dude but other than your lats in that shot you do look kind of like a dyel. That's disheartening because I can't lift anywhere near what you can, so I'll look even worse once I lose the fat. Fuck.
But man, you're definitely gonna make it.
Are your abs weak? Maybe it is a front/back muscle imbalance causing pain...
It is pretty weak, I've been doing decline sit ups and plank just in case it is that
Never really thought about eating more on workout days but it makes sense. Even if I just added a protein shake on those days it might be better
finally managed to get back to where I was like 8 months ago only to overeat by 1000 calories today
damn. guess that means the last 8 months were null and void. you better reset your weight and start again
I finally found a pair of under armour shorts that I fucking love and went to buy another pair and they have I think been discontinued
Well, part of it is height, 6'3, and part is that I never trained for hypertrophy. That's gotta change now, clearly.
Bros I’m getting miserable and more irate during this cut.
This week I cut down to 1800cal.
Any tips on any supps or “enhancements” that’ll make me less of a cunt during these last two weeks?
Weird bit is that I ate over 2100ish and scale weight went DOWN. I ate 24ish g dark chocolate(85%) more than my allotted amount. Granted, I was still below 70g of sugar and 120g of carb.
I eat either 1500cals or 3500cals. I think I need to rev-calculate my tdee and refocus.
more like my whole life is null and void
how bloggy and faggy can we get here?
My mother got me a genshin happy meal. Kinda nice, why does she remember that I played that at all? its been years. I feel loved
pickle is an all encompasing term, gherkin is a big motherfucker of a pickle while cornichons are small crunchy pickles
Why would you want to be either of those things?
try it, sometimes the bloggy faggy parts help anons determine what advice to give you if you're asking for help
Fatty contest
>been eating the same food for months
>had the same exercise routine for months
>nothing in my life has changed for months
>suddenly feel nauseous today
i wish i knew why
Eat meat instead.
>Losing weight to get with girls
>Like fat girls
>They'll all be gone thanks to ozempic
It's my own fault, but why has God done this to me
Because eating the same food for months is nauseating? Are you autistic?
That happened to me. I was apparently low on some vitamin. You stockpile that stuff in your system it takes a while to get a deficiency.
I failed at fucking my wife because I'm so unfit, signed up for a gym, will go in the morning.

Posting this blog as a reminder that even if you do get a girl you owe it to yourself and her to not let yourself be a fat piece of shit like me.
I'm on day 2 of zepbound. Lifted today; did not affect my lifting at all. Had 2 poops today because I'm really watching my fiber. They were dark brown and kinda soft so I'm really happy to not have constipation. Definitely have some nausea. Forgot to eat dinner yesterday. Ate through the nausea today. I got a 6" from subway instead of a footlong. It was more than enough which makes me quite happy. I don't think about food or drinking alcohol at all. I already lost 7 lbs from CICO before zepbound so this is definitely helping the mental illness aspect of obesity.
I found a brand of organic pickles about the size if my thumb that i actually enjoy. Some are too sweet, others too savoury. These are a german origin pickle and are delicious. Most others here are product of india
I bought some vitD as my skin was starting to go white and dry. Hopefully this is what I am deficient in, dr internet said worth a try anyway
Take multivitamins instead of trying to guess which one you're deficient in
Ghost stories for the end of the world
I'm losing at a rate of 1 kg every 6 days and I've lost 17 kg after just over 100 days (under 15 weeks).
It depends on how much muscle you have. You can have low body fat% and be 160 lbs and look good. One of the reasons I'm going as low as I am is that it guarantees a low body fat%, but I'm stopping at the barrier to underweight (below 124.9 lbs at 175 cm). I figure I'll maintain it for a bit, see if I can get any recomp in at that point, and really get my core as maxed out as it can be, maybe get my abs and Adonis belt in. Then I can work up from there with lifting until I reach a point I find aesthetically pleasing, but I've heard that a BMI of 20 is considered pretty attractive.
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good inspo for starving myself
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For me its right here, in the low-mid of my back, it's fucking killing me by the time I finish my walks. I've been walking for 3 weeks now and every time it start hurting about half way into the walk and its killing me by the end of the walk. I'm hoping once I lose weight it'll stop hurting so damn much.
I've always hated the fat that piled up at my hips. Well now it's almost gone after many years, it's mostly on the back of my hips now. But I'm also aware now just how wide my hips are. It's strange to look at myself in the mirror and see my hips wider than my waist without the fat, I thought they were supposed to be about equal or even somewhat like an upside-down triangle.
Normal people are fat though. 72% if the US is overweight or obese. 55% if the EU is overweight or obese.
Part of it is also that you're not flexing your muscles.
Being fat through adolescence changes your build in ways like that
I was somewhere around the low 160s at the end of high school, not that any of it was significant muscle. Found some old statistics from when I was younger. I was 160 cm and 55.8 kg when I was 13 which was a BMI of 21.8, borderline overweight at that age. I think I was always borderline until after high school, so I don't think my hip size would have been affected that much.
And you notice this more so once you start to get lean. The majority of people are overweight and just plain look unhealthy. Eat better, look better. It wont take long to be in the top 10-20% of society.
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I fucking suck at barbell rows anons.

I was doing them in the air for the longest time before learning the bar should hit the floor each time. Think my back was at a 60 degree rather than a 45 degree angle. They'd touch my tits rather than my lower chest. Seemed like my wrists were folding, too. All in all it felt like the workout was mostly in my arms rather than my back + hips.

Do you raise your upper back when you bring the bar up? Aim for explosive movement? Someone recommended focusing on your elbows and shoulder blades. Anyone got any advice?
Mom was really upset when I told her my weight today. Only a 5 lb difference between me and her now, and she's been sick for two days and has lost 4-5 lbs from that. Says if I go lower than her, she's not talking to me anymore. Said she doesn't view herself as fat (her BMI is over 25 and she has very little muscle), said CICO is nonsense and doesn't work and the "five small meals a day" method works probably because she heard it from a celebrity doctor like Dr. Oz or Dr. Phil or somebody shared it with her on social media. I said if my method doesn't work and hers does, then why have I lost 40 lbs in 3.5 months while her weight has stagnated. She didn't want to entertain me with an answer and told me to go away.

I've tried to tell her that muscle is beneath belly fat and you can't see it until the belly fat is at a minimum but she thinks otherwise. She believes your belly transforms into abs with enough situps. She hates the idea of counting calories, she hates me using BMIs as a reference, she hates it when I say body fat percentages, she just hates me using numbers and treating it like math or a science. But she's the kind of person who watches Dhar Mann videos all the time and won't watch a movie if she doesn't recognize any celebrities.
Just lose weight and be a good son man
Why do you give a shit what your mom thinks?
She's getting self-conscious about herself because I'm going to weigh less than her as an adult man 6 inches taller than her and half her age. I don't have an eating disorder or anything, but she's treating me like I do. If I keep losing weight (and I have no intention to stop until I hit my goal no matter what she says), she's going to be a bitch about it and I have to deal with that. It's like if a flat earther tried to tell you that you can't take a flight to another country or you'll fall off the planet.
You need to eat more fat if you're taking vitamin D or you won't absorb it
Square meals and CICO are equivalent in scientific voracity, to be fair. Neither of you understand why you lose bodyfat. It's cargo cult shit, except you do lose mass.
We should just shut down all bakeries
Testing if I can reply to four anons. Please ignore
Look, she's already told you everything you need to know to convince her. Just become an e-celebrity yourself and then she will believe all your advice. Simple as.
Fatty Contest
205.97 lbs
>never had it before
Is this a religious thing?
FYI pork has a bad rep for a reason. Treat it with more caution than other meat. Make that stew asap and over-stew it. It's probably fine but you're used to leaving chicken on the top shelf so just be careful ok.
> why have I lost 40 lbs in 3.5 months
That's almost 3lbs per week or a 1400 calories deficit per day. Yes, why have you lost that much?
It's because of savages. The bad rep is entirely religious.
Why do most americans ignore organs?
Only crispy chicken skin or pig intestines are regularly eaten by American people on the basis that they're cutting down on the overly expensive meat intake, fast food restaurants rarely serve organ meat, and we see vegetables like lettuce, broccoli, and kale as peak nutrition. We have a saying, "Make sure to eat your greens!" This saying appeared at the start of the obesity epidemic.
Because I have the willpower for it. I haven't fasted, and my dietary deficit tends to range from 600-800 calories. I eat two meals a day, and I tend to stick with whole foods with the odd little treat. I do two hours of cardio on a stationary bike every single day while watching Netflix, and I find that it doesn't affect my appetite. I get a full night of sleep everyday. I stay away from cheat days too, I had maybe one day where I intentionally forced myself to have a calorie surplus in the hopes it would end a plateau. It just all evens out to 1 lb every 2.7 days.

I don't expect anyone to go to the same extent as me, because I'm the kind of person who needs to remain focused on something if it takes a lot of time or else I'll never get it done.
i get its your mom and you probably love her and care for her, but her being heavier than you is her fucking problem man. keep at it, do not fall for crabs in a bucket bs. it's ultimately your life on the line longterm.
You have an eating disorder. (NGMI)
>spends the day with a headache, lethargic, irritated, water only
>immediately feels good
My stomach never grumbles and I never had any "hunger indicator" but I think this is a good indicator of when I need to eat, unfortunately the experience is not good.
I'm willing to get her on track to losing weight too. I personally don't care what she weighs as long as she's not obese, but I have plenty of female friends who are in the 110s and don't have any problems. It's not like she has any reason to lose the weight other than her insecurity around me, and she doesn't have the patience or willpower to commit to something she believes she doesn't care about. I personally blame all the body positivity stuff found in western media and social media, because she eats up that garbage and doesn't really practice critical thinking. The amount of times I've had to sit in the same room was she's watching AGT while they give the latest contestant sob story while playing "Scars to Your Beautiful" or "Firework" has to number in the hundreds. And when I would criticize it, she would try to explain how deep it was because of what the song represented and I just don't even know anymore man.

How do you help someone who is so programmed? Like >>75159804 says, I would probably have a better chance of convincing her if I was famous. I just worry that she's going to arrange an intervention as I approach my goal weight.
Counterpoint: Anyone who actively diets to lose weight has an eating disorder by the definition that it changes their eating patterns into intentionally taking sub-maintenance level calories on a regular basis because they reject their current body in some way.
Stop caring about your mom's weight like a controlling husband dude it's weird as hell
Do you have a sustainable job?
Is it weird to want your parents to be healthy and make them live as long as possibly? When they are gone, no amount of regret or "I should have done that" will bring them back.
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Barbell rows are hard to execute correctly plus they're not even that good for it to be worth it. Switch to dumbbell rows
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Anyone else feeling sweaty more often than when they were obese? I used to never sweat and now I can feel the droplets running down my body.
Weird since it should be the opposite and I should be colder

you sound like an asshole man. WHY then do you keep bringing up your weight then if it 1. upsets her and 2. she has no reason to lose weight? just keep your mouth shut about it and stop hassling your mom for no good reason
Since you didn't reply to me >>75160264
I'm going to assume you live in your parent's house for your benefit instead of hers, what it sounds like is your mom trying to relate to you but then you go on this autism spiel while constantly spiting hers. Had someone like that in college, tried to befriend the lonely guy with DnD, but then he gets super competitive and elitist while dissing the way we currently play as not true DnD, it's just annoying.
If this doesn't applies to you then it's ok, I'm just blogposting, if it does then time for a perspective change.
Not at the moment. Life went off course this year and the job market in my town is really bad, so I'm living at home searching online. Sucks, but I no longer have a vehicle, savings, or even laptop, I've been stuck on a phone since January. But it's because I have this downtime that I can focus on weight loss without it causing too much stress, because I have to be doing SOMETHING productive or I'll go insane. I'll be at my weight loss goal by the end of November at least.

I don't care about it, the only reason I want to help is so she'll shut up about mine.
>3 eggs
>cup of milk
>3 rice cakes
>boom, that's half your calories for the day FUCKO

(i'm actually fine with it and not having that much trouble but complaining is cathartic)
I live with her, it comes up. She asks me how much I've lost so she can tell other people (probably not in a good way based on what she's said to my grandmother).

I will 100% admit that my weight is on the lower side for men my height, but it's nowhere near gravely ill or anorexia. My goal is the point right before it becomes considered underweight. I'm not going down to a BMI of 17 or anything like that. I've worked my ass off to go from a BMI of 36 to 22.2. I'll hit 18.5, and no lower.
I've only been taking it seriously for two days now, but my navel has shrunken by 2.5 inches. I know weight and size can fluctuate, but I'm glad to see progress. I've had at least 500kcal deficit the last two days. I do need to eat more vegetables to keep up with vitamind and minerals, though. Tracking all food, tracking sleep, tracking caffeine intake, and trying to eat half portion sizes. In the past, I'd fast and then eat large meals and portions, and part of the reason I gained weight was still eating those large portions despite eating more frequently/adding another meal.
hey anon. she doesnt respect you. its that simple. my mother is the exact same.
>is trying to lose weight herself
>wont listen to anything i say about weight loss
>doesnt make any effort to actually lose weight
>everything i say goes in one ear and out the other
>constantly tries to tell me i should stop losing weight (i still have a big gut)
>tells me i need to eat more
>asks me every day "do you want something else to eat?"
>actively tries to sabotage me by buying snacks and placing them in prominent positions in the kitchen
its so tiresome
i used to give in and eat them just because i didnt like the idea of her spending money and havingit go to waste, now i just leave them until she throws them out

shes wrong, no matter what, you can not do what she says, you must continue losing weight the way you know how, when she sees how committed you are, she may begin to respect you, but if not, so what? shes an abuser, a controller, a manipulative narcissist, you can not give in to her ever, EVER
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>Fat my entire life, family is all fat, all my friends are fat
>Spent my entire life hearing about how impossible dieting was, how much pain and suffering you had to go through to lose even tiny bits, how it was all genetic anyway, etc. etc.
>Convinced myself that losing weight was impossible, after all, if all these other people were unable to do it, how could I be so arrogant to think I have more willpower than them?

>Finally, at 31 years of age, make a commitment to eat healthier. Not even really a diet, just quit soda and started only eating when I was hungry
>Down 100 pounds after about a year and a half, feels like I've barely adjusted my diet at all
Wait, it was this easy? All this fucking time??? Besides quitting soda I cut maybe one meal a day and I feel like the main character of Thinner, what the fuck?????
Based. Keep up the good work.
I think she respects me, but she's not good at thinking about things. I love them and I know they want what's best for me, but neither of my parents are very smart. When my grandmother on the other side of the country was struggling with money, my mom was angsting over what to do. I assumed she just couldn't spare the money herself because my family has always been blue collar so I didn't say anything. Two weeks later she excitedly tells me that she came up with a solution: she will send her money. I was dumbfounded that the thought just didn't occur to her for two weeks.

My dad sounds more like your mom where he'd constantly try to tempt me with snacks and soda and leave them everywhere. Asked me at every opportunity, trying to break down my will. He eats to feel happy though, so when he sees someone not eating as much, he thinks they're either being stubborn and turning up good food or they're unhappy. None of my family saw the point in me exercising or dieting, though by this point my dad has just accepted it because he started to see that I still like the junk he eats and wasn't turning it down because I didn't want it.
Fatty contest

The grind continues...
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Yesterday ended up totaling to 1650 kcal. It was very nice.
Had the same thing again today (made two days' worth of mash) with a bigger piece of chicken, a bit more oil and whatnot - ended up being 1310 kcal.
Stuffed but I'll make myself not three eggs but some TEAMILK just a bit later today for 420 kcal more and have a muffin (200 kcal, give or take) with it.
Another good day of good progress.
Fatty Contest
>I'm willing to get her on track to losing weight too
Its not your job to do that. And she's gaslighting you fyi. Just be a good son and dont discuss fitness with her anymore.
i dont want to believe my mother doesnt respect me, because shes also not very bright, but compared to how she treats my sister, its clear she doesnt respect me or value my opinion on anything at all. ive had to come to terms with that and stop letting it get in the way of my weight loss progress.
>they want whats best for you
it doesnt sound like they do anon
>love them and I know they want what's best for me
They really dont; theyre projecting because you'll be thin/fit & they'll still be overweight and unfit and they'll look like failures. Your family will likely be the first & consistent crab bucket you endure in life.
just ate taco bell for the first time
im sure i went over my calorie limit today
oh well, i had to try it
it sucks and ill never have it again

had 3/4 of a beef burrito, large fries and pepsi
No, you're just too warped by your eating disorder to realize you've spouted bullshit.
>scale didn't go down enough
It's over, time to order 5 big mac meals
I should rephrase that. They want what they THINK is best for me. My dad doesn't care about losing weight, sees it as pointless effort, doesn't even think about it. He expects himself to die in 10 years anyway.

My mom doesn't think outside the status quo. Has tried to tell me that a man needs 2000 calories a day, and I respond with that's for people who want to stay around a specific weight range and do a certain amount of physical activity, but she doesn't want to hear it because she heard some simple fact she can repeat and I made it complicated. The closer I get to her weight, the more upset she gets. She was weighing herself multiple times these past couple days while sick and bragging about her own weight dropping, so even though I dropped a lot in the past few days, she wasn't concerned since the gap was still the same. It was the moment I said I only have to keep it up until the end of November that set her off. Started questioning just how low I was going, but didn't want an answer. I was giving evasive responses like giving my target BMI or target weight in kg, but even though she didn't understand either she was still upset. When I told her she didn't have to be self-conscious, she denied that she was and that she didn't think of herself as fat. I think she just hasn't clued into it being the case.

The thing is I know she wants to lose some weight. She goes walking with her friend most mornings, and she has a treadmill she uses sometimes though she admits she procrastinates a lot. When I started off exercising and dieting, she started doing stretches with me and kept it up for about a week before losing motivation.

Ate a box of mac and cheese and drank a can of Pepsi tonight, barely finished it I was so stuffed. No intention of throwing up or fasting. Gonna eat slop again come December. Will eat till I'm as stuffed as the turkey on Thanksgiving. No headaches or illness or weakness. I've been doing fine.
challenge your mum to a weight loss competition
write down both your names on a piece of paper, stick it on the fridge, and write down how much you both weigh at the end of the week
real progress will shut her up
and if it doesnt, who cares?
Yesterday was my sisters wedding
So yeah.. I overate to the point where I felt I'll.
Gained 1.4kg

Guess I'll be fasting today.
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Your parents sound utterly retarded, desu. I would just do my thing and let them see the results. You can't force a horse to drink, and you can't force a retard to start thinking.
I've tried suggesting it but "I'm fine just the way I am", it's the media brainrot self-empowerment shit. I don't want to call her fat. Nobody thought I was fat, but they never saw beneath the shirt. My family just hides it well.

But my way of thinking is that if I'm not satisfied, then I'll work on it until I am. I can make big life-altering decisions that require serious time commitment at the drop of a hat now after I developed a sense of discipline. Just usually one at a time though. If you're satisfied with yourself, that's fine. If you're unsatisfied with yourself, change. Don't resign yourself to the status quo, because that kind of mindset is more damaging than every problem you have combined. This guy >>75160370 knows it. Life can be better if we stop "accepting" how it is now. The path of least resistance is the path of mediocrity, of lost dreams, of waiting for life to happen until you're fucking dead.
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guess what retard failed to realize for 6 full months of lifting that being well fed in the hour or so leading up to it making a massive difference at the gym?
I'm always amazed when I meet my friends' parents by how intelligent they seem. And after being around enough people, I realized that's actually pretty standard. My friend's dad likes Pixar movies and particularly enjoys The Incredibles. My parents can't understand watching an animated movie as an adult because "cartoons are made for kids". They've always been confused by adult animation. Every time Family Guy came on and had a PG13 scene, my dad would be shocked and say "And this is for KIDS?". Tell him otherwise and he goes into a stupor and ignores you. Ask him to repeat what you said and he can't even remember you talked to him.

I've fucked up the thread with ranting about my parents, I got endless stories and rants. I love them, but goddamn. I'll keep up my weight loss because I do know better than them.
Have you ever had your IQ measured? It's mostly genetic, but not everyone born to low IQ parent's ends up as retarded as them. You seem to be sensible.
regression to the mean happens on both sides of the curve friend
She's upset she's 'losing' the son she knew, but if you dig deeper it has everything to do with her insecurities and self esteem, it's pure projection. Menopause and age are factors too. I'd still not discuss weigh-ins or fitness with her, it is apparent thats a touchy subject.

What you can do - if you feel compelled - is to do more activities with her. A nature hike, a riverside/park walk with coffees. A good couple of hours. Each of you take turns shouting the coffee. Or bring a thermos and enjoy a cuppa halfway through the walk. The coffee kind of takes the chore aspect out of exercise.

When people ask me how to lose weight, I ask them how many sugars they have in their coffee. Its usually like 6 sugars or something insane. Every week, suggest reducing by one teaspoon. That's a good start. Cutting out incidental calories like added sugar will make a difference in the long run and she will lose weight (as long as she doesnt gorge elsewhere). It shouldnt be torture either, it slowly trains new habits without pulling the rug from underneath. Most people conceive a diet to mean eating plants that resemble weeds and torturous starvation. Untrue; you can start to lose weight by doing a simple process of elimination gradually over time.

I can almost guarantee she will be obstinate even to this, but try if you feel inclined. Essentially, the only person you can change is you and you must accept that you cannot make anyone else change themselves.
Arguable. Many high-performance athletes intentionally fast before setting new records, however, there is some performance benefit to carbo-loading if you're coming from a suboptimal dieting background, as most ameteurs enjoy.
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True dat. And a good thing, too, the more I think about it. Otherwise things would quickly spiral out of control, and in the wrong direction.
but chatGPT told me to wait 2-3 hours after eating before i start lifting
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Had an absolutely dogturd week and expected to weight more than I did last Sunday, but surprisingly I don't. The grind continues indeed.
Oops I fucked it up

Fatty Contest
Holy fuck, I'm starting to see the actual shape of my limbs under the fat as it droops and my muscles are so fucking small, like twig thin
I never thought I was strong particularly but worrying about it was always supplanted by having fat mass

Maybe 100 lbs in 6 months with no lifting and not worrying about protein for most of it was too fast after all bros...
Oh well, I'm trying to do it right now, I will rebuild
>not satisfied with current body
thats ok anon. keep working, and you will be.
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Time to stop lurking and start tracking, only 116lbs to hit my first goal can’t wait
>only 116lbs
Yikes, see you in a year and 6 months anon.
Yeh it’s going to be a grind, but It took me years to get this fucked up Id consider a year and a half well worth it
don't worry though, around 50kg of my 70kg weightloss was under a year so if you're consistent and don't fuck around you'll get there before next summer.
Good luck anon. Make it an enjoyable journey. Take pride in your achievements. Track your progress meticulously. Take progress pictures regularly. Become the person you want to be.
Nice I’ve lost about 78lbs over the last 7 months with cardio and trying to stick to low carb and high protein thankfully I’m autistic enough I can eat the same meals most days only time I tend to slip up is eating out with friends and family
God damn it. I crashed hard after only 4 days again. This shit is hard man.
What do you eat?
Chicken and shredded carrot and cabbage on low gi wholemeal bread with sliced tomatoes and or onion for dinner, lunch/breakfast is usually poached egg on toast and an orange or apple
Fatty Contest
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Another argument for lifting and eating high protein is that even if you fall off the wagon and actually go into calorie surplus you actively put on some lean body mass at the very least.

The typical no workout fat yoyo effect is a death spiral when it comes to lean body mass.
You drop weight, so you always lose some muscle mass. Then you gain it again because you fuck up but its 100% fat because you dont work out.
Then you start losing again and you lose more muscle mass. Down the line its just an increase in body fat percentage.

Lifting and eating proteins lowers the amount of muscle mass lost on weight loss and builds it if you do fuck up. Win/Win.
How the fuck do I stop eating the snacks at my work
I can’t stop myself from raiding the fucking break room
How low can I go on carbs without accidentally slipping into keto?
Just stop
don't go in the breakroom, ez pz
keto is basically a no carb diet so just as long as one of your meals contains a moderate amount of carbs it's not keto
>*NEEDED* a glass of milk
No you didn't
if you mean ketosis it differs from person to person but if you go below 50g carbs a day you'll most likely slip into ketosis.
If you mean keto as a diet then you'd need to do a high fat(60-70%), mid protein(25-35%), low carb(5%) to be in a diet that is traditionally regarded as keto, that's why people always differentiate keto and low carb because low carb implies different macros than keto, most often high protein, mid fat, low carb
Why do you want to avoid ketosis?
I have a pretty balanced diet, but you might be right. I had a nap and woke up feeling better, not 100%, but no longer nauseous at least.
depends on your energy expenditure.
its not that easy to go into ketosis without trying desu.
and even if you do end up in it by mistake you might at most get some brainfog for a day and you can get rid of it by eating some carbs.
basically just experiment.
personally I think a good rule of thumb is enough proteins to support your lifting, enough fat so that your hormones get to work and then you can fill the remainder of your calorie budget with carbs.
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This much oats is 140 calories. How do people eat sugary cereal and drink 5 cups of corn syrup in their coffee daily and stay thin? I fucking hate my body.
your body is not to blame and they don't eat that much and stay thin. You're still eating calorie dense shit. Oats are calorie dense, 100g of oats is 380 and 100g of sugar is 400 cal. Like even Capn Crunch is around 395 calories per 100g.
Start eating less calorie dense foods, why are you eating oats if you want to lose weight?
I just drank 420 kcal worth of milk tea and I'm losing fat as we speak.
Hecking love my body.
Stick to your oats on water and broccoli while I'm ordering pizza, fatso.
My roastie friend drinks starbucks twice a day and eats like garbage and is still thin. I envy her metabolism.
How else do you explain people eating so much sugar and staying thin? She doesn't exercise.
They eat fewer calories than they need, you turbo fucking retard.
Because she either doesn't consume as many calories as you think she does, or she burns a lot of calories from passive exercise like walking.
Fatty Contest
She eats nothing but fucking Burger King and drinks more calories than I eat. A 1 hour walk isn't going to change that. We both work the same job but she sits on her ass for half the shift and leaves me all her work.
fatties tend to underestimate how much they eat.
skeletons tend to overestimate how much they eat.
>drinks more calories than I eat
They clearly don't do they
"metabolism" statistically accounts for sub 200 kcal of true sedentary TDEE at the absolute most, with all other parameters being equal.
The actual real difference between 99% of people would be in the 0~100 kcal range.

i.e. "metabolism" doesn't amount to shit, and is most certainly not the reason why thin people are thin and fat people are fat.
"drinking starbucks twice a day" is fuck all in calories if you aren't drinking their 1000+ kcal monstrosities, and if your "roastie friend" does that, she should be captured and studied in a lab because that's no human but a skin-walker.
People who "eat a lot, don't exercise and stay thin" always overestimate the amount of calories they consume and underestimate the amount of calories they expend.
Example - my Belgian colleague:
>I was always thin and I don't exercise and I can easily eat a pizza for dinner - I always stayed thin!
The "pizza" he refers to is a pizza from an Italian family restaurant that's 800 kcal at most when it's covered in olive oil.
The "pizza" I would "eat for dinner" is an L-size Domino's with stuffed crust that amounts to 2500 kcal all on its own, and I'm not eating just that.
My understanding of "not exercising" is sitting on my ass 16 hours a day. The rest 8 hours I lie down to recover from all that sitting.
His understanding of "not exercising" involves hiking on a weekly basis and taking daily walks.

We are not the same.
And that roastie friend of yours is not the same as you.
She doesn't eat as much as you think she does, and she probably moves way more than you give her credit for.

But to give you something to think about, fidgeting can amount to over 500 kcal of daily expenditure. People who fidget a lot quite often find it much easier to stay thin because of that.
That is the closest thing to what people tend to mean when they say "metabolism" in this context.
So teach yourself to fidget more.
>4 more cocks

Just tell yourself that if you don't stop, you're a faggot
Uh huh. Still consuming less calories than maintenance.

Holy shit, not everything ignorant retards say is """good for you""" is actually a good idea to eat when you're trying to lose weight.
Nuts are incredibly calorie dense, if you want to snack on something how about you pick something that is, you know, NOT AS FUCKING CALORIE DENSE?!
You don't drink oil out of the bottle when trying to lose weight, do you? So why do you find it acceptable to do the snack equivalent of just that?

Snack on salted pop-corn or something if you must.
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bring apples to work.
or some other fruit, doesnt matter. snack on that instead.
How many calories are in that gator?
That donkey is gonna become obese.
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>Go over to a friend's house for dinner
>Eat one schnitzel and a spoonful of mashed potatoes too many
It's over. Ordering 5 dominoes and a diet coke as I'm typing this.
Too late, it's over. It's fucking over. I can't recover from this. My life is over. What's the point? It's over. It's just over. I couldn't resist one more sesame seeded schnitzel. I'll never make it. It's over.
You could just go for a jog walk instead. It won't erase your sins but it will keep you on the right path.
Yeah, what >>75161553 said.
Jog to the Domino's shop instead of ordering delivery, it's cheaper that way.
2 weeks into my 'diet' of eating 2/3rds of the normal amount of rice and pasta I'd eat and it's going well
I've also started eating oat porridge every day instead of leftovers
Also started lifting weights
In the past I always lost motivation because I was addicted to the feeling of soreness but I've since learnt that soreness isn't necessary and so I'm just trying to stick to a routine and do it every 2nd day
I think it's all about consistency
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The brown doordash immigrants that exclusively populate my city will know that I cheated on my diet and will silently judge me for it.
Fatty Contest
238.4 lbs
You can feel sore at any training level if you finish the workout for a given muscle group with drop sets.
What’s your definition of ”fidgeting”?
>I ate a bit too much today
>might as well eat more since I messed up the day
You literally have 6 days left to fix that by eating a bit less and making up for the extra calories and you will be fine
Ordering extra slop will just ruin the 6 other days too and will take you longer to fix it
Small restless movements people do throughout the day, mostly unconsciously so.
Shacking your leg while sitting, for instance is an example of that.
Fatty Contest
its ok it lost a whole legs worth of calories after.
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honestly I stopped ordering takeout because I dont want to interact with those slave cast bike-browns.
I dont want to see them at all so I dont want to fund their existence.
>get a grand total of maybe three cases of nosebleed over the last ~five years
>last four months eat less, move more
>got my second nosebleed this week
Bros . . . my strength . . . it's waning . . .
Fatty Contest
High Jackman Off
250.1 lbs
Fatty contest
Certified Turtle
Fatty Contest
Hugh Jackman Off
250.1 lbs
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I'm down 30lbs in the past three months, all I had to do was quit drinking. I'm aiming to lose 20 more
5'11 203lbs
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>Philosophy lecture
>Professor says Camus was being nihilistic
>Make a bad argument about sisyphus because I'm exasperated at his shit take
>Professor says "Not by a long shot. But apply that level of reductionism to your calorie intake and you might fit in one seat."
>Whole lecture hall bursts out laughing
>People I don't fucking know laughing at me
>People I don't fucking know talking about me
>People sharing the video on social media

Before you say it I've been trying really hard to lose weight, I go to the gym, I do my research. I've even started the Mounjaro which has fucked my eyesight really bad and hasn't helped much. Matter of fact is I have ADHD and stopping eating is near impossible for me. It kills me on the daily that I haven't weighed under 300 lbs since I was 18.

Surely I can get this old fucking asshole fired? This shits ruined my self esteem and I don't even want to go back in on Monday. It was the induction week idk why he was such an elderly faggot about it.
Things that never happened
Start lifting if you arent already
Your body is frame is perfect for muscle
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cutting without lifting is heresy, I just hate that it isn't obvious yet
how come you look 2x my size at the same weight
I unfortunately have wide hips
>isn’t obvious yet
I definitely could tell. However, it’s quite insane how much fat is hiding muscle, that is definitely a thing. Just a few kilos of fat can hide any contours across entire upper body I feel like. But maybe I am also coping and have shit mass genetics, only one way find out
>only managed 100g protein today
should i go 200cal over for another scoop of whey or leave it?
i'm at a very steep deficit so it'll still be a big deficit after it. and yes i'm lifting
stay locked in anon, I'm going crazy only losing 10lbs a month but I guess that's the only way to do it
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest
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