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>Programming Advice?
post s/b/d@bw/height/age

>Pastebin (Whatever has not had access revoked)
>High Scores

Previous Thread:>>75149241
Blowing your load early again, OP
Bump limit is 310 on /fit/, no? He's doing it right on time
tomorrow is max Monday

really hope my coach programs deadlifts for lower
You wouldn't happen to be manta, would you?
Sundays don't exist btw
what's a manta
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Are Pioneers really the best belts? Bit fuckin expensive. Are there any good knockoffs or other options that prevent spine snappage? I'm getting back into deadlifts after some injuries and can't risk getting another one or I may lose my job. I've watched hundreds of minutes of form videos and mine was a bit off so form should be covered, but I want all vases covered to ensure no chance of re-injury.
like the sea creature? definitely sure I'm not that
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>Not having the Lord as your spotter
>making it
every day belongs to the Lord my brother in Christ
nuttin', what's the manta with (You)

Titan Support Systems are good too, that was my first belt and it's still kicking like 8-9 years later.

Someone that used to post here that had your name. You said you used to post here before, right? Or are you Laura B?
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yup I posted here 12 years ago under the same name and tripcode. Not Laura B. Just Laura.

here's a proof since people keep asking for it
>12 years ago
Oh, you're before my time. Any reason why you didn't put your trip code on the timestamp?
I didn't know I was supposed to do that
>Bobby's one ball is working overtime
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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
best copypasta
it truly pains my heart knowing i will never bed a woman with a body like this. i bet you taste delicious.
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>i will never bed a woman with a body like this
sad! many such cases
im not really into grandmas but i have to say you look great for your age (i saw the /cbt/ post)
>sad! many such cases
i know. if im still alive by 45 and not yet experiencing clenching wetness of a muscle mommy, i will probably fly to vegas and hire an escort
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thanks kiddo :)
You are severely overweight. Even if your testosterone ends up being low, so what? You're going to hop on TRT because of secondary hypogonadism caused by being overweight? Just fix your lifestyle first.
>but maybe my testicle
Yeah, maybe, but you won't know until you eliminate the other realistic option of it being caused by your weight.
Losing weight is still the plan for 2024. I'll be starting again in the coming weeks.
I'm not one of the people that just posts about your weight out of nowhere, but man, Bobby, why do you still not realize that this approach doesn't work? You've been saying that for years now. "I'll do it soon" clearly is not something that you can actually adhere to and that is completely fine, because a lot of people can't. But that does mean that you actually need to become aware of that shortcoming and find ways to deal with it. If you want to lose weight, then just start cutting now and put your entire being into that process. It's not something you can have as a secondary goal that you'll do at some point.

Get rid of some of the weight. Get your test checked. Just losing weight should improve your mood a ton too, and being happy is more important than eating chicken tenders and clinging to your PRs. Then you can reevaluate.
go outside tomorrow, buy a treadmill, and put it in your bedroom. wake up every morning, chug a glass of water, and go do 30 mins of cardio first thing.
I'm going to start in 2 weeks time. And I did start at 290, so I only regained like 5 lbs since I stopped losing weight.

cannot be helped. enjoy being fat forever
You don't need cardio to lose weight anon
So....sharpie in pooper....
>2 more weeks
Complete lack of self-awareness. No accountability. I could have some empathy if you actually were aware of your constant failing, but you genuinely think that you're still on the right track after years of "I'll do it soon". It genuinely disgusts me. A human being should have the ability to reflect and learn from their failures.
It would help a great deal with your depression however.
It wouldn't. I've been depressed since before I was even overweight, forget obesity.
Just stop giving him attention. Fatties feed on it like any other high dopamine snack
>there is no use improving my depression by x% if it doesn't cure it entirely
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LISS and reduced intake is doing okay for me
Now here's my weak as shit bench test
I don't like the joint apprehension on my left side. Two dislocations previously makes me spook easy
>still the plan for 2024
just 8 more years. hold strong /plq/
185 isn't weak for a girl!! good job!! I can only hit 175 so far but hoping for 180 next time I max
I'm already on meds, and based on how bad it has been even when I was light I don't see the point in losing weight solely for depression "improvements" that may or may not materialize. I'll lose weight for my physical health and that's it.

Bench looks fine to me

Only chemically
once again. mogging charmin into bolivia
so glad he can't reproduce
I just need to simultaneously drop another 32 lbs and add 50-150lbs to all of my lifts to be competitive
...and be on hormones for at least 5-18 more months, on account of the whole being trans thing
I bet you crush 180 with extra in the tank next test
There's no fucking way Shaman doesn't out bench me
Mechanically it's feeling better, aside from my shoulder not liking the width
>she doesn't know
>Bench looks fine to me
>ignores the LISS and reduced intake
I mean, I have nothing to lose but weight as my total is already below the earth's crust, so it's different for him
Come on, Bobby. Hormonal issues from obesity - lowered testosterone and whatnot - coupled with shittier sleep and a lack of stamina (and thus drive to do things) is objectively going to lower anyone's mood. Your subjective judgement of depression levels is irrelevant. As long as you are obese you will not improve your mental health regardless of what pharma scam you swallow.
>two more weeks
Can you explain to us why THIS time it will actually work and why the previous dozens of times over the last few years it didn't? What's different now?
Anon, I expect to take at least 1-2 more diet breaks. This one went on for longer than I was expecting but I still was always planning to continue losing weight. Progress isn't linear and don't forget that I'm still not 290 anymore.

>Previous diets
I've been successful on plenty of other diets and lost weight. The problem was keeping it off/not taking long periods of time of eating like an asshole.
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>How so?
You really don't know?
>You don't need cardio
>663 results
>All from two general groups
>Fat retards
>People making fun of fat retards
So fat fucks try to diet, take "diet breaks" and gain the weight back. Truly a mystery for the ages.
Two. more. Weeks.
Transanon, this is what we talked about last time. I know that you take this as a compliment, as someone genuinely not clocking you, but this is just Laura being polite. She knows that you're MtF and shows respect by identifying you as your preferred gender.
it's almost 8:30 in the morning in India and they're going in full force. they couldn't recover from the wrath of Bobby
>Progress isn't linear and don't forget that I'm still not 290 anymore.
you started losing weight at 220
>The idea of a full diet break, in short, is that it’s a period, typically 10-14 days where explicit dieting is stopped. During this time, calories should be raised to roughly the estimated maintenance level although I typically like to adjust this downwards by about 5-10%. Carbohydrates should be a minimum of 120-150 grams per day and training volume can be increased during this time as described here.
Surely he's only been diet breaking for 1-2 weeks and eating within that carb limit. Surely.
I've gone from 195 to 149 before. The problem was keeping it off. And you're implying that I somehow didn't lose any weight when I cut at 220. I did. I just ate like an asshole and gained it back. Just like I did every other cut I've done. You're acting like me cutting somehow means I gain weight during the cut. But that's not the case. I would always lose weight first. Then I'd rebound after a period of time.
Call him Dennis Rodman the way his weight rebounds
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You're an idiot. No, I won't elaborate
personal life of gluttony
>still feeding the fatty attention
you guys wont ever learn
you're right
lost cause
You're here for my entertainment piggy.
kek my thoughts exactly
>new random event/goal inevitably pops up, cutting is postponed, regaining fat is deemed 'necessary' for the event/goal
How many of you can highbar 250kg/550lbs?
>wants to lose weight
>gains it back and more every time
>tries same cutting technique for eight years
>two more weeks
I'm going to apply this same methodology to the barbell
>Thinks I intentionally regain weight

>Same technique every time
That's where you're wrong
this is where the useless argument goes on until bobby goes to bed
>bobby goes to bed
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>>You don't need cardio
The blob is technically correct. CI is far easier to control that CO. People can lose weight without exercise but as we both know high weekly mileage = high TDEE = faster/easier cut
7x3 for hbs, ohp, power cleans
10k steps per day
It’s that simple
How bad would the quality difference be if I just went with a cheap $20-30 one off Amazon? It's just a strip of leather and locking mechanism, why the fuck are some brands charging $200-300?
oh naw I just saw a sports bra and 185 on the bar and was like OH A FELLOW GRILL
IPF approval (depending on brand), whether it's real leather, how many pieces of leather actually go into it, etc.
Also I'm not sure what you're really complaining about, pioneer 4" single prong is $115, that's pretty damn reasonable for something that will almost certainly last you a long ass time. The really cheap belts you get on Amazon won't be nearly as supportive and likely will be made of vastly inferior materials that don't last as long.
Quick question guys, would you take a whole scoop of pre workout just before squats during a meet? Or would you rather take half a scoop before squats, and then the other half after bench?
I doubt it but anyone know what Chris Duffin did to get kicked out of Kabuki?
azn females are lifting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1KgIL3Dg4o
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Two up, two down, better make it a double. Second of four straight away games, this time to play up a division against the city boys. Dog fight all game, finally coming up with lead in the final minutes. Our success on the conversions and their lack of made the difference. Played a full 80, maybe had one more minute left in the tank. Need to ensure I hit my stamina and cardio sessions this week.
Because I have a gnarly one.
Natty Daddy Goals, forever mirin'
>Pull sumo pls
>wetness of a muscle mommy
Good luck, m8. I'm trying to add more muscle to the cardio bunny, but she keeps getting pregnant, delaying the process.
>bench test
Looked ez.
>plenty of other diets
To beat a dead horse, you shouldn't view it as a diet, but a lifestyle change, or else the cycle continues.
If that's what the fuck the other posters were implying then they couldn't have done it in a worse manner. You're right that I should though. I don't disagree.
he probably sold out his portion. ive not heard anything about being kicked out
His recent posts are definitely making it seem that way, using words like unexpected and surprise
Does your husband lift?
They aren't fat.
Trip on, charmin
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I need some shoes and I only want to pay as much as I have to for them to work and work forever. No fashion. Purely fundamental. What should I get?
>Thinks I intentionally regain weight
Is your girlfriend force feeding you against your will? If not, then you're willingly choosing to consume more food. It's a choice, and like all choices are intentional. You really think you accidentally gain weight. Amazing. Nobody becomes an obese sphere like you do unless they binge eat consistently almost every single day for days, often to the point of puking from overeating. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't tell me that's an accident, faggot.
Definitely don't eat to that extent anon
lol, got his ass
Fat people are ravenous and are completely oblivious of how much they eat.
There was a show called Secret Eaters back in the day showing how stupid they are; eating 5000-7000 calories and assuming it is around 2500.
If I could snap my fingers and make it happen every fatty would be put on tirzepatide/semaglutide because they are too stupid and weak willed to stop eating fried food, cake, and processed slop
DOTs lives matter, chud
at least this tranny has a trip so you can filter it
that’s it, the death of /plg/, I hate women. kill yourselves all of you pathetic simps, you know who you are.
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Pee happens chuddie.
Her DOTs is higher.
She IS stronger.
I'm also a non fat 70kg man so I'm not a fan of DOTs either. What's the real cross weight class standard?
Let's be real, everybody here is at best the brown guy from that image.
Powerlifting was originally meatheads comparing who the strongest was, now it's anime-watching nerds
>70 kg
Pick one and only one

>What's the real
Whatever they use in the fed you compete in. You DO compete, right anon?
I’m the green guy and I hate tranime.
Played sports but I was weak
>finish cut at sub 10% bf
>rebound going perfectly, getting strongest i’ve ever been on lowest weight ever (83-84kg)
>slowly working to 5 plate bench
> first mess up rotator cuff, doesnt matter i ll just lift through it
>next session something in pec snap during weighted dips

How do you even do it?? Is it just genetics or am i doing something wrong. I feel like half of my gym progress is doing rehab work. I am not even mentioning totally destroyed left ac joint that should’ve been operated already.
I’m actually surprised you guys are falling for this. She will post videos from someone else’s account next.
Bait? Or are you an archmage?
>be roider
>get continually snapped up
>cry about it
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>>finish cut at sub 10% bf
>>rebound going perfectly, getting strongest i’ve ever been on lowest weight ever (83-84kg)
>>slowly working to 5 plate bench
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>I don't eat to excess what are you talking about

>>70 kg
>Pick one and only one
I wish i was jesting, i am actually serious how do you manage lifting and injury prevention. Is there a way or it just comes down to genetic- injury resistance.
OHP 5 x 65kg
Bench 3 x 5 x 100kg
Snatch press 4 x 8 x 40kg
LTE 4 x 10 x 40kg

CNS stopped acting gay today and let me grind the fifth rep unlike bench earlier this week
I didn't say I didn't overeat. I clearly do or I wouldn't be obese. But eating to the point of puking? No. I just eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. That's it.

What programming are you currently doing? And if you're natty then you're a serious contender for the 83 kg bench world record in the IPF.
The ironic thing is that the Blob is a manlet and as such his ideal weight is around 70kg
Height in cm - 100 = 'ideal' weight in kg
>Ideal weight
I've been 67.5 kg before, albeit before I started lifting but fuck man if that's my ideal weight then that must not allow for much muscle at all. What is that equation for? Non-lifting gen pop?
I’ll just ignore most of replies because over the years this board has been regressing, i dont even bother with trip posting anymore
I’ve always been doing modified version on PHAT. Doing just powerlifting is not fun, this was i progress with strength (main goal) and also do lots of accessories. I am drug free but dont see myself competing in powerlifting, mainly cause i am very prone to injuries
>67.5 kg before
Yeah at high bodyfat.
Sounds like PHAT is too much for you to recover from. Probably from all the accessory work. If you like having lots of accessories still I would recommend looking into conjugate, as accessories are like 70-80% of the program.

>Layne Norton programming
>Getting injured
Name a better duo
You don't understand how fat you are.
80kg @ 10% bf @ 180cm would be an FFMI 22.22.
That's not a bad number. You'd rather be 90kg @ 15% bf of course which starts to creep up on 25FFMI. 100kg at a real 20% bf would be 24.7FFMI.
Believe me I understand. I got a dexa scan at 290. Wish I knew what my bf % is now but probably high 30s is a good guess.
FFMI is funny because people thing higher FFMI = more muscular but it's just everything that isn't fat. Fat people will clock in at a high FFMI because they've got water weight, etc.
Blobby's DEXA had him at ~40 BMI and over 40% bodyfat. That's a FFMI below 24 => would probably be around 23 if he were to magically cut to sub 15% without even losing muscle mass
do y’all prefer to do all your intensity lifts in two workouts and all your volume lifts in two workouts or one intensity lift and one volume lift each workout?
intensity + volume
1rm then volume, staggered
Incline bench before OHP volume
Flat bench before incline bench
Deadlift 1rm is an exception because it ruins rest of the workout for me
rip says it has less systemic fluctuation in stress though. should i ignore that?
Intensity, then volume.
Exception is volume squats.
Keep in mind i do a VERY modified version, i just keep the main “concept”.
All the volume in one session plus accessories = enjoy your 2-3 hours in the gym once things become hard
I mean if you're doing anything close to what he's suggesting in terms of total sets it's almost certainly too much for you to recover from. Don't forget that strength training takes up a lot of recovery resources, so the volume from bodybuilding work has to be lower. If you do a concurrent periodization approach like in PHAT then you have to be careful how much bodybuilding accessory work you're doing. Especially as you get stronger, because the amount of muscular damage you can cause only ever gets worse.
Thanks for your input, i will lower the volume and maybe intensity a bit during bb days
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Anyone got a good resource on proper breath during squatting?
the blue book
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>doing pendlay rows
>6'4 zoomer broccoli head walks up to me
>"you're doing those deadlifts wrong bro"
i hate being 5'8. i just told him im doing rows and he walked away
>I just eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. That's it.
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>taking advice from this
This Norman khan that’s coming out is rather stinky..
I lock out the deadlift above my weiner
rip is retarded
ss is good for someone with 0 access to quality coaching just starting out (so 99% of gymgoers) but rip is retarded
forget anything you read from Practical Programming
I've been hitting 1rm 6x12 dips/incline/ohp/squats/rdls/sled with 0 rest days with no problems natty and progressing every workout, just don't do shit like deads or any other massive compound without stretch reflex. Lowbar squats might be too taxing too, I highbar my volume.
His openpowerlifting page tells an even more dire story
>325 to 365 in a bit short of a decade
Looks fun is your training specific for sport?
Too many bad nights with that stuff
Sphere mode is so far beyond normal that he broke the equation. There are two possible conclusions to draw. The first is that the equation is useless. The second is that he's so fat he's an anomaly. Can you guess which he believes? Clearly he's not too fat. The equation is wrong, you see.
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Let's review the facts. On average
>scars progresses at 20 dots per year.
>Frank progresses at about 20 dots per year.
>The roider in this general is also progressing at about 20 dots per year.
>Smiggy professes at about 20 dots per year
>John Haack progresses at 20 dots a year too...
>Robert progresses at 4 dots per year
>Inb4 coping
Check OPL for any powerlifter with 400+ dots, and calculate the average dots increase per year. The trend is very consistent.
This is cap.
Nobody gets to close to a 5 plates bench natural at 83 kg and decide to not only not compete but to not upload to Instagram.
I am not close to 5 plates, i am just confidently lifting 4.5 plates for a single
Also, i have a successful career in my profession, i have ZERO desire for an online clout. Lifting is nothing more than a hobby for me.
Well I'm sure you are able to make and upload a webm with a 200 kg bench press single then?
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No i wouldnt, i rarely record myself in gym
I have this video dated may 12, 2019 of me pressing 190 kg, you can extrapolate from there if i am larping or not
Remember this whole discussion started with me asking how to prevent injuries
>this random video from 5 years ago will help deal with a problem that started a month ago
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>almost bench 200kg
>still look DYEL

Post routine so others can avoid this ill begotten fate that has befallen you.
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I most definitely look like i do some kind of sport, what about you
Ok I believe it.
I just want to make sure people don't larp on /plg/, there are too many larpers here.
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Should’ve stayed lil bro.
>too many larpers here.
name them
What the fuck am i looking at, tell me you have squat rack somewhere in that rape dungeon of yours
Should I keep doing my own programming even though it’s “working” or do someone else’s program who is 500+ dots?
Don't fix what's not broken. Maybe when you stop progressing you can revaluate your programming
>it’s “working”
Roughly how many lbs are you adding to your squat/bench/deadlift per month and what's your DOTs
...Also how much weight are you gaining per month? Dirty bulking at 1[+] lb per week gives the fake impression of progress when it's really just increased body fat giving you better leverages
True. Wondering if I could be making faster progress.
> Roughly how many lbs are you adding to your squat/bench/deadlift per month and what's your DOTs
+10-20 lbs in 10 weeks, 300 DOTs.
>Also how much weight are you gaining per month?
~1 lb.
Dots is 320*
>+10-20 lbs in 10
You mean 10 lbs to bench and 20 lbs to squat and deadlift over 10 weeks? ~= adding 20 lbs to your total per month?
Relative intensity needs to go up over a training cycle while keeping the volume near constant.
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Squat 200kg x 3 PR
Now time to test my 3rm bench, and then 3rm deads.
That last rep looked horrible because I ran out of air and forgot how to lockout my knees.
First two look high
Sort your glutes out
Yes, I'm a pussy, I was alone (no spotters) and those safeties are garbage. I mean, idk if I could've done the reps anyways, but being afraid certainly made me scared to go deep.
Nice grind. Your undies can't be clean after that push
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Furk bros, my core is so weak, my squats and diddlys are always hampered by my lack of cire pressure. How do I get a core like pic rel?
What are your lifts (in lbs) that are limited by your weak core?
Also, what is your height and bodyweight?
probably just too retarded to brace
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Which belt should I buy

The gym I'm currently in has a box full of liftingbelts and straps but the other gym I go to doesn't have that
Which belt and starts should I buy
I live in Europe btw
>racism outside of /b/
BR is not going to like this
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Yay. 120kg (2reds) x 3 bench PR!
So fckn weird: 1st rep rpe 7, 2nd rep rpe 7, 3rd rep rpe 11.
Now I can safely say that my sticking point is the lockout.
Your bench is by far the least terrifying of your lifts to watch that I've seen
Good job and grats on your pr
I wanna lick that (your tummy)
I thought the point of sumo bench was that you don't have to do bar path fuckery?
Its not sumo bench at all. I'm doing middle finger on the ring, and sink the bar. I can't even arch that much.
>You mean 10 lbs to bench and 20 lbs to squat and deadlift over 10 weeks?
Yep just about.
Yeah you're fine then.
Thanks I needed to hear this.
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Sumo technique so MUCH better than 2 days ago. Only took me one session to figure out how to pull with stiff + kilos + hook hehe.
Then I did 500 x 3. Big things ahead, especially if I manage to fix my squat.
The stiff bar WON'T rape my sumo! 275kg soon :3, or whatever my coach wants me to do desu. Also, too lazy, so I used the video from the 'gram.
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what did he mean by this?
>I posted here 12 years ago
Holy based
>Literally half of ROM
>Thinks weight lifted is impressive
Why do you lean back after it's already locked out?
My bench and squat ROM make up for it.
I'm not sure, to make it competition standard? Idk
lets see you do the same weight in perfect form oh wait
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>Perfect form
Good one. Abs are getting a workout today boys
>bobby hasnt posted in the last 8 hours
>still talks about him
its getting desperate over here
Trip on bobby.
he anon posts frequently
I don't. What is up with this trend of anons lying about me?
If you are reading this, you are fat.
If you are fat, you're mad.
If you are mad, your face is red.
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hope she sees this simpy
I am fat, but I am making steady work on it with both a food and exercise plan.
No real room for mad; I just have to keep at it
And my face is more of a cool pale complexion with pink undertones
So you got a little bit right?
hope she sees this simpy
Lol what a fucking bitch.
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>bobby hasn't posted in eight hours you see
>Instantly turns trip on and responds within minutes of being name dropped
What's more likely: that he's lurking here all day, every waking minute, refusing to post... Or that he's anon posting?
I wish I could cut, but alas, my testosterone is low and my thyroid is hyperactive. The moment I go into a caloric deficit my body shuts down even harder, and recovery and strength maintenance become impossible. I don't like spinning my wheels "recomping" either, so I'll just have to cut a bit more when my health improves. It sucks.
My test is 13ng/dl
Suck it up
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Yeah, and your thyroid? Anon, I wake up sleep deprived after 10 hours of sleep. My lifts are all over the place while eating at a slight surplus already. Last time I cut I had to sleep over 12 hours daily only to wake up and doze off all day. My squat 1rm dropped by over 15% in the span of two or three weeks. If it was mentally tough I'd suck it up, but it's not feasible physically. Shit's fucked.
Can you talk with your doctor? And possibly have a sleep study?
They don't want to treat it because it's probably caused by substance abuse, which is understandable. It was completely fine up until one faithful day though, so I still think it's weird - it really wasn't a gradual decline. I did get my GP to prescribe me TRT however so hopefully that will aide the recovery part a bit. Might even try to cut again even before I sort out my health and hormones.

Thanks for reading my blog. I just wanted to complain.
>complain about something fixable
>present options for fixing it
>no I don't want to I'd rather keep suffering actually
Good luck, I guess? FWIW my wife really struggled with her narcolepsy before they diagnosed and treated her. I hope you can eventually get your shit sorted
Bobby hasn't redeemed yet that's why Rajesh has to get the last word in
It's not that I don't want to fix it, but no GP wants to refer me to a sleep specialist or an endocrinologist while I'm still actively using, since poor sleep, low testosterone, and hyperthyroidism are very common side effects. Of course the likely fix is still really obvious and "simple", but the mind is capable of a lot of gymnastics. I'm making progress though.
>my thyroid is hyperactive
That should make cutting easy, also you've got medication
t. diagnosed HYPOthyroid
Did your coach point out the horizontal movement (towards you) with the bar at the beginning of the lift?
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>I did get my GP to prescribe me TRT however
>My lifts are all over the place
Can you explain to me like I’m from a country where you pay to use the restroom?
Fuck, you're right. I am retarded. My TSH values were too high, which means hypothyroidism. How is hyperthyroidism for (power)lifting? Can you basically medicate it away?
My testosterone levels fell within the target range for females.
>My lifts are all over the place
They are though. My intensity day lifts can randomly plummet by 10% over a single week for no reason.
vote or shut the fuck up
>My intensity day lifts can randomly plummet by 10% over a single week for no reason.
Sounds like you should use RPE. Not I won't elaborate.
The Wizard - Medium Day

2min rest on everything

Chest Supported T-Bar Rows : 160x12-11-9

DB Barrel Press : 80x12-7 / 65x10

Belt Squat : 220x10 / 200x11-9

BTNP : 105x12-9 / 95x9

Good Mornings on pins : 195x12-12-10

Incline DB Curls : 37.5x12-10-9

BW Dips : 11-10-9

Total time : 1:41 I managed to cut 5 minutes compared to last week, and almost all my lifts are progressing. Good stuff!
I second this >>75164991
2 votes for kys
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Finally crossed the 100kg bw barrier, 99.8kg today lads. Will maybe continue to about 95kg, we'll see
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3rd for kys
Heh. For a sec, I thought you meant cross the 100kg bw barrier in the other direction
4 day upper lower is the goat
Lol, i guess that's the natural thing to assume in this general, no hating tho
An adult male weighs atleast 200kg
That happens because of my hips shooting slightly back, so the bar ends up rolling towards me. If I were able to maintain position, it wouldn't roll.
Moreover, even if I started with my shins touching the bar, the bar would still roll.
>Did your coach point out (sumo observation)
Honestly, my coach is just a friend and I'm trusting him with the programming, he doesn't pull sumo. The task of figuring out the sumo tech is up to me, and I've been doing a decent Job at it. Also, that rep was after a full SBD day for triples, so… idk.
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>An adult male weighs atleast 200kg
Squats feel good
I will fuck you in the ass, zipperhead
they sure don't look good
whatever happened to kimcels roid arc?
oh yeah definitely, I was awful sorry

that was before I met Jesus
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tourist racists can't even get their slurs right
Jesus won't fix BPD
NTA but explain to the class what zipperhead is a slur for and what race[s] Ponyboy is [hint: while he lives in Peru neither of his parents are Peruvian]
I don't even remember posting that. I guess at the time I just thought Jeff Seid was really annoying
Based, subjectively they feel better though.
You don't have to explain anything, I know how bpd whores are. Just remember to take your psych meds and try not to cheat on your husband every chance you get
ok no need to be rude :) but have yourself a nice day
I take it that a certain fat Persian is out of its containment board
hanging out in a public bathroom longer than you need to is so gross.
Blobby is worse than Kam.
Not falling for it, ive seen it a million times. You spent your whole life being a psychotic nymphomaniac whore, found yourself isolated and alcoholic in your late 20s/early 30s, and decided to go to church and find some cuck to marry you. But it's all fake, you're still the same crazy slut you've always been
I love a tight tummy. Good work. Keep it up!
>that was before I met Jesus
Unironically what does that mean. You just decided to become a christian out principles or did you have a spiritual experience where you met jesus or god?
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This is, Satan. Ignore.
Felt bad about living the life of a drug addicted prostitute, but not objectively speaking, just felt bad because her eggs were drying up and she wasn't married. Church was the solution for her
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Why has it been so bad again since the start of September?

like 140kg?
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150kg, same thing though. Threads have been like 1% lifts, 3% discussion, 96% schizo posting for a while now.
devil trips, haha

I don't want to derail the thread anymore
so I'll keep it brief- it was simultaneously an intellectual/philosophical process as well as a series of spiritual experiences. It took years for me to finally come to Him.
>took years for me to finally come to Him.
Fuck that's hot
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*stuffs you inside a washing machine*
*takes a shit in it*
*turns it on*
Care to quantify that?
I kinda miss Norman khan posting compared to whatever this is
That's unironically him (sean)
Very Christian photo to take, very cool
theres more christian photos in the archive (and also her instagram)
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Learning from mistakes of last week, full day of rest, even scored a short nap.
Summer's over, sloppa season.
Flanker bro separated his clavicle at the ac joint Saturday. So pressure's on to pick up the slack. Need to stay healthy and continue getting stronger these next few weeks, and again, hone in the cardio.
>Looks fun
Especially now that we have a good winning streak going. Already went through the rebuilding year, need to capitalize on it.
>is your training specific for sport?
More so a GP instead of rugby specific.
>The cycle will focus on building the athlete's strength-speed (moving heavy loads as fast as possible) and their speed-strength (moving submaximal loads as fast as possible) by honing in on stamina and building power output within the three energy systems of the body
Each day has a plyo, two compounds, stamina, then a unilateral accessory with optional bonus work. End of October will conclude the first half of the season and this training cycle. I"m on the fence if I want to do a powerbuilding type of program for winter or default to the only collegiate offeason program I still have lying around.
So what is your coach/friend having you run?
>and almost all my lifts are progressing
That's it, mane.
Continue to 91; come be an adolescent with me.
They sure do look good.
>Continue to 91; come be an adolescent with me.
Oh god i really wanna do it since you challenge me but i'll look like a utter twink at that bw i'm afraid, i'm already feeling twinkish at sub 100. Continue your a t h l e t i c venture without me
Shut up with your completely nonsensical who-cares-bullshit about your experience learning that you can accept assertions, and post more slutty photos the next time you pin tren.

Make sure to pull your thong out of those tiny, fuck-me, shorts, and up over your hips next time.

>I was a horrible person before I met Jesus
No, you're still a horrible person, you've just learned to mask it with religion like lots of horrible people do.

>Dyel retard
>Apex taste in women
Reality will never completely make sense
I'll rethink my life choices since your retarded ass has the same taste in women as me
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>Make sure to pull your thong out of those tiny, fuck-me, shorts, and up over your hips next time.
>used up 30yo+ woman turns to jesus
many such cases
Jesus would call him a faggot too.
I checked the archive, its too late. The funniest part is how I completely guessed about your life situation and after 15 minutes of research it turns out that everything I said was precisely correct. I've dealt with bpd demon witch sluts before, I know more about you than you know yourself
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>>I was a horrible person before I met Jesus
>No, you're still a horrible person, you've just learned to mask it with religion like lots of horrible people do.
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I don't know if you have been lurking, Laura, but to add context to that post imagine it being said by picrel.
/fit/ should do what /biz/ did except instead of an email address you have to send a timestamped video of you lifting
thats ez tho. anyone can pick up a weight and put it down
Damn I didn't expect to agree with you on something.
Rare Charmin W.
>initially use some shitty blurring tool that leaves a bunch of frames unblurred, say that you don't care
>anons make fun of your appearance once
>immediately start using a solid static overlay
Is he insecure?
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chatgpt response incoming
>having a meltdown over one girl posting
Keep it up, don't let her interrupt our sekrit man club where we post catty and snide comments to each other over and over >:(
Trip on
It means her husband is Christian and she's pretending to be a good girl for him.
How are you that strong but look weak?
Fatties will never understand. Nobody tells him.
Read through Greg Nuckols’ article on the squat and it has really exposed how retarded Rippetoe’s reasoning for low bar sharting is. Sorry, I’m switching to high bar squats.
I just squat mid bar
>can still use a lot of hips
>no need for wrist wraps as there's no pressure on your wrists
>bar is secured by rear scapula and will never roll backwards on you if your setup/shelf was shitty
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trip on what?
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Trip on deeze nuts mufugga
Pro-tip: Don’t post videos if you are not ready for feedback.
>Post lift for proof of claims
>Lift is posted
>Irrelevant feedback and advice on lift
>Protip: don't post lift if not seeking feedback
Youre not cool
Get thicker skin or go to reddit if you need to be hugged.
Pro-tip: anonymous users can respond to video and not just the original poster. I posted recent photo of me just below the video, and i obviously look like i lift.
Lift: posted
Body: posted
>Dozens of seething fatcopes follow
The piggies are squealing at this one. It's gotta sting to see a leanchad with abs benching more than they do while weighing 100lbs less.

how do i avoid this
you're Indian tho
Imagine being weaker than an Indian. Couldn't be me.
He broke you with 3 letters. I’m sensing a former fatty amongst us.
why are you squatting that much weight with your pencil legs?
do some legpress and eat some food

>that much weight
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>Pencil legs
His legs are appropriate size for his strength
I just googled Greg Nuckols squat article, found one called how to squat, and read it. He said and then restated like 5 times that it doesn't matter which one you do.
And personally I like lowbar for reasons other than Rips. The best squat I've ever done in my life was highbar but I had hamstring mobility issues and got out of the game young with back problems. Rips a good teacher even though I don't agree with a lot of his thinking either and with his guidance the lowbar squat is waking my hamstrings the fuck up and fixing my unathleticism.
he still mogs you
Athletic Mediterranean looking girls are my weak spot. She's probably a bpd narcissist, and that only makes me more aroused
He posts lifts, you dont
Never have, never will. You're here for my entertainment pantyboy.
I mog you, nerd
Maybe on planet retard

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