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why do the biggest bodybuilders always have nearly non-existent ROM? pic rel he never locks out or touches the bar to his chest where sciencefags would tell you the pec is in stretched position and builds the most tissue but you only see dyels doing full ROM. why is no one talking about this? is it a conspiracy I feel I'm going insane?
because, with the exception of a couple, most are turbo manlets with t-rex arms.
this isn't the answer and you know it
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>why he so big
because he is on STEROIDS DIPSHIT
I thought soience was all above the lengthened partials now?
Plus when you're this big it's almost impossible to touch the chest unless without compromising form.
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I didn't ask why is he big you retard I asked why do all the biggest guys exclusively do partial ROM? answer the question or I'm going to lose my fucking mind ahhhh
Doing reps during the hardest part of the ROM is the best for roiders. They don't need to do much to grow muscle, right.
Also probably the most safest for the absolute tumerous roiders to avoid snapping.
It’s good to realize this early. When you’re doing bench for example only the bottom 2/3 of the movement is really working the pecs. The top third is mostly shoulders and especially triceps. Avoiding the top third keeps the tension on the chest. Also locking out gives your muscles a mini break. Thus you’ll see most top bodybuilders avoid the portions of the range of motion that take the tension off the muscle they are trying to work
This physique is literally impossible without steroids, thus we can deduce with 100% certainty that he is on roids. And if you're on roids, you can do whatever the fuck you want and still blow up.
>why is no one talking about this?
Why do you give a shit? If I knew an easy way to make a billion dollars, I sure as hell won't be talking about it. I think you're an idiot but go out and profit with your forbidden knowledge.
how will you make sure your reps are consistent without full ROM?
Because they don't need it & it runs counter to their goals. You can't be that big AND have huge ROM. It's also roids. Roids grows muscular tissue WAY faster than tendons and tendons just don't respond much to them. Tendons are far more subject mechanical limits. They workout with limited ROM on purpose to reduce the risk of tendon rupture.
he has top 0.1% muscle building genetics so he can get way with being slightly suboptimal. he can compensate with increased volume and steroids.
Incline bench without a lockout is the single greatest chest isolation there is and I guarantee you he could full rom your deadlift on it if he wanted to.
he's also got protracted shoulders, he's an retard because he is benching but not complete retard:

i also like his cable curl and have modified it to unilateral dumbell "curl" while lying on bench on my side elbow supported
Half reps, be it at the top or bottom, are supposedly great for mass.
>i also like his cable curl and have modified it to unilateral dumbell "curl" while lying on bench on my side elbow supported
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLB82D1qi5A&pp=ygUcamF5IGN1dGxlciBjYWJsZSBiaWNlcCBjdXJscw%3D%3D [Embed]
it is the ONLY position where muscle fibers of long head of biceps are straight between attachments, the only way to properly isolate and work long head of biceps
>Half reps, be it at the top or bottom, are supposedly great for mass
>great for mass
meaning for hypertrophy, meaning building muscle, meaning they are just great, u know what is greater? no reps
static holds are the awesomest shit ever invented to achieve long enough time under tension on muscle belly
>my sets are long enough sigh....
your sets are bunch of shitty singles u cretin, no tut to speak of >>75160672
Locking out your lifts is actually retarded. Even before I started doing gear I got to 2/3/4/5 and rarely locked out except on the last rep or if I was going for a 1rm. Squats I usually go deep as possible and do about 60-75% of the way up before going back down to the bottom, and same for bench.
range of motion in the joint is very different from usefult range of motion for muscle stimulus and no, roods is not the difference, the principles are the same

all range of motion blabber suffers from conflating these 2 things

1,2,3 mine:
>Squats I usually go deep as possible
no tut, u relax at the bottom if u go deep as possible
>locked out except on the last rep
an there goes shoulder joint, u said it yourself
>Locking out your lifts is actually retarded
what u should do is never lock out
lower it on safeties and crawl from under it, benching is retarded anyways:
90 degrees range of motion is all you need
>90 degrees range of motion is all you need
no u need zero degs of motion
It's for joint and tendon health. A lot of lock outs put way more stress on them than the rest of the movement while making little difference to the gains. This is even more relevant to roidtrannies as you might already know.

They justify it by saying “keeping tension on the muscle” stimulates hypertrophy more then full range of motion would. Meanwhile the amount of gear these guys takes guarentees results with either method. It doesn’t matter.
false, it's actually way better than "full range of motion" due to actual time under tension happening as opposed to not happening at all
Gear builds mass regardless of lifting
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A lot of golden age body builders used really wide grip and did partial, close to chest reps
I imagine because ROM is relevant for "functional strength" and they don't give two shits about it as long as they hit hypertrophy.
>golden age
>but you only see dyels doing full ROM.

Stopped reading here. I see guys with unimpressive physiques not going all the way down on pressing every single time I'm in the gym. This 'jacked guys don't go all the way down' thing you're trying to pass off here is laughable

When you're really muscle bound like Jay, flexibility in certain positions can suffer. He's probably getting a great stretch in his chest by stopping an inch short
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OP here, suspected this desu the guy who tore his pec doing incline with larry wheels comes to mind. Dude was doing partials and still tore his pec which I would assume implies it was under an insane stretch with above maximal load
that's pretty much why jay only ever occasionally benched heavy, most of his working sets usually stayed under 3 plates, even doing just 2 after mr o when training with people - injury is a bigger set back, and possibly permanent, than losing like 1% of gains because something's not "optimal"

Yeah going from memory the guy does four and a half plates before trying five and it's basically his max, like I think Larry had his fingers on the bar. Not only that but he wasn't going all the way down on just about any of the sets so now he's got more than 100% of his max in a range of motion that he's not training in, and it's the most stretched portion
Every exercise Cutler does is like the "what not to do" example. It's either because steroids mean you can do basically whatever you want, or the entire science based cuckoldry is a giant fake and gay conspiracy. Or a little of both.
It is exactly the answer, another answer is roids so range of motion is irrelevant
Most people are dumb monkeys

From literally the first time I did a bench press I touch my chest with it

It's cheater mentality
>now he's got more than 100% of his max in a range of motion that he's not training in, and it's the most stretched portion
Coincidentally exactly what's going to happen if it's too much weight.
because their joints are all shot bro. duh
Pro bodybuilding is about stage shows, and being muscle bound might be good for that. You do partials in the middle because the stretch will literally stretch your muscles and you want them tight, and lockout doesn't realyd do anything.
>It's for joint and tendon health.
steroids weaken joints and ligaments so I understand why they do it.
i think its because you can do more total volume that way

imagine going into a deadhang every pull up for example , your reps would drop by half
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>not deadhanging before each and every pullup
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Because when roiding, you don't need good form to get big and you don't need to eat "clean", you just need to pin enough.
>training vs competition
If I don't have to complete the rep why would I. My goal is strength not completing reps.
Yeah also every pro bodybuilder has had like 20 different surgeries for all the damage they’ve done. Ronnie Coleman is basically a robo-man now
They don't actually weaken joints and ligaments, they just cause disproportionate growth that leaves them lagging behind.

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