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>Programming Advice?
post s/b/d@bw/height/age

>Pastebin (Whatever has not had access revoked)
>High Scores

Previous Thread:>>75159156
powershitting maybe
surely this thread will be better
Good job he has the belt on otherwise I'd mistake him for a fat guy
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shirley. if you check the op its already talking about bobby
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I'm feeling optimistic about this thread.
It won't be

I'm not
Once upon a time, there was a big fat retarded jew named Bobby.

He killed a dog,
He tried to lift a log.
His life a parade of glutenous sin;
He ate the pastebin.
I believe
Oink for me piggy
>He ate the pastebin
While cutting I presume. Heard he follows the see-food diet
(9) isnt natty
If you assume similar mechanics, bar position makes little difference in the challenge presented to the quads and hip extensors.

The major mechanical differences arise because the quads are most challenged at the bottom of a squat, and most people are capable of squatting more low bar (so the knees and hips both shift back a bit).

Since the quads are maximally challenged at the bottom of both high bar and low bar squat and you’re capable of squatting more low bar in spite of greater hip extensor demands, the logical separator: back strength (specifically thoracic spinal erectors).
>quads are maximally challenged at the bottom low bar
Maybe on planet retard
You mean planet bobby: a white dwarf planet with a gravitational pull
Wow, he must be really angry at me this thread. Lmao.
>In the squat, even with 90% loads, demands of the movement don’t get particularly close to the maximum hip extension torque you’re capable of producing.
(That means your quads are doing a lot)
Lot of milking going on this early. I say this thread is already better.
>don’t get particularly close to the maximum
>maximally challenged at the bottom
I accept your concessions
>Bro literally can't read
Oink more piggy
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That's right. You're here for my entertainment.
>hates cardio
>suggests walking dog for cardio
>hates cardio so much he kills dog instead
it's also hamstrings
Keep in mind a westside "beginner" can bench 500 lbs
>We saw George bench in Columbus for 2 years and make zero progress. He was stalled at 475 during this time. We convinced him to join us. Like most beginners, his bench form was terrible. It took a couple of years to correct it, both with technique and exercises

and with that being said
>Given the fact that we are dealing with a beginner lifter, the use of bands and chains would be extremely limited until the lifter gains strength, muscle, and experience. Due to this, dynamic effort days become more like a volume day.
>Just as DE lower is used as a lower body volume day, DE upper is used as an upper body volume day for the beginner lifter. We recommend three week waves of 5 x 5 each week, starting with 75% bar weight the first week. The next week you will add ten pounds, then the third week you will add another 10lbs onto that. Then, you will begin your next three week wave using the weight you pressed during the previous waves second week. It is a very simple approach to DE upper, however this approach will build muscle and pressing strength rapidly.
During this time, I was still using a Westside Barbell-style system of programming. I was reluctant to change, as this system had given me gains in the past. I continued to use a lot of the principles of Westside, but had a lot of injuries. I also was very inconsistent because I was rarely performing the competition lifts. After a string of injuries and bomb outs, I ook some time away from powerlifting. After moving to the Washington, DC area, I met Carlos Osegueda that runs Central Virginia Athletic and Barbell Club. He had been training with the Block Periodization system and making progress. At this time, I decided to research by reading Issurin’s Block Periodization: A Breakthrough in Sports Training and Principles and Basics of Advanced Athletic Training. These books gave me a better understanding and for the next year, I used trial and error along with the knowledge I gained to fine tune theprogramming to fit my needs. Using this system, I set a 190-pound total PR and gained my first Elite at 242.
no it's not the reason for the difference
>in spite of greater hip extensor demands
I see that it's brown people hour.
what flannel and jeans are you rocking at the gym saars?
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Based and mechanics-pilled

>Planet retard
Your celestial object of origin

Go eat a vomelet my guy :^)

Don't be like that little mama, we know your husband's a popular guy
drawing on the street for a few hours is so much harder on the body than a strongman competition. I felt legitimately amazing after the show last weekend but today my knees are aching and my hamstrings are cramped up and my left elbow hurts.
Wait did Bobby really kill his dog just to avoid cardio? Wtf lmao
ive been doing volume conjugate imo its worse than dynamic conjugate.
Hello, has powerlifting ever gotten any of you laid or does it just increase the chances of heart disease?
It’s a black box. All we know for certain:
>dog was a husky
>dog “misbehaved” and Blobby put it down

Odds are good that Blobby had a dog that needs tons of exercise and Blobby is unwilling to do any form of cardio. Having a dog like that be cooped up 24/7 will cause it to eventually start going crazy
Animal abuse but we don’t know specifics
The latter
Great I hate sex and want to have a horse heart.

Heart disease risk:
High: you either end up enhanced or deciding that you need to get fat/chubby to maximize your strength for your weight class
Getting laid:
It’s how to spend lots of time at the gym without the perks of having a gymcel body. Maybe will help with getting post-wall millennial roasters but it’s pussy repellant for girls under 25
>Says things that are known for certain
>Is blatantly wrong in the second point
you've never held hands with a woman that's not in your immediate family tho
>Squats 4x5
>Lat Pulldown 3x14
>Overhead press 3x12
>Single arm tricep extension 3x15
>Ez bar curl 3x15

>Deadlifts 4x4
>3ct pause bench 3x4, 1x6
>Leg press 3x10
>Leg extensions 3x14
>Dips 3x8
I ran through 10 srat girls in a single sophomore fall thougheverbeit
closing the knee angle shortens the hamstrings, in front squats you extend the hips mainly with the glutes
My D&D character fucked 6 million elves
correct but that is not the reason for the difference
>Lat Pulldown 3x14
>charmin fucked off for an entire thread after the troon dunked on his squat
rdl pr but not by much thinking of adding either a trap bar dl day (high handles) or dl off blocks
Lacking functional strength
What the hell? I thought he really sat on it. I felt bad for the guy. He actually just murdered it? Typical.
Revoked access on that bitch
He also refuses to elaborate on what the alleged misbehaving was. All we know is he had a high energy dog, refused to walk it because he hates cardio, the dog "misbehaved" and he killed it.
Bobby please
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>pulls s*mo
>kills his dog
>keeps his cat
More patterns.
It's a Bobby eat Dog world out there, kids.
Same cat that allegedly caused his self harm scars. So he keeps a cat that literally scratches him until he's scarred. Yet kills his dog for [redacted]
Relatable. Changed my spark plugs saturday a week after comp and i felt much more fucked up immediately after
The fact that blobby doesnt refute any of the dog killing allegation makes me thing its true.
It's called you have poor isometric strength, fat paypig, and need my shaman powers to explain your observations to you.

>Le front squats don't use hamstrings as much
Wrong, very minute difference b/w the two. It's like saying chinups don't use lats.

>Didn't walk it
>Killed it
Some people just shouldn't own dogs
>It's called you have poor isometric strength, fat paypig, and need my shaman powers to explain your observations to you.
you are clearly better adapted to being down on your knees for extended periods
why does charmin still reply to smiggy or twiggy when they dont even respond back?
He oink den he succ lmao
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> It's called you have poor isometric strength, fat paypig
Damn, after all this time you're still retarded
I've already refuted it, once this thread and several times prior. They'll keep bringing it up and lying because they can.
How's belted squat going?
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Prowler Recoovery Roon
Wish I was back to when those 9s were 8s, but in due time. Prerun weight 201.4; post, 195.8. Time to feast.
Jambalaya for the foreseeable future
reverse grip bench. need it or keep it?
blue book
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>IPF says females need more emotional catering
>Numerous females throw emotional tantrums about this

They're just writing the jokes themselves at this point. I got another account banned from plebbit for mentioning this because the mods there are the biggest fuckin white knights imaginable lol. You can shit on men all day, every day and that's fine but if you say one thing about muh females suddenly this weak faggot https://www.instagram.com/benchpolkov/ and his crew of other weak faggots jump in to defend m'lady's honor in hopes it'll get them some e-pussy.
Additionally where the fuck is a good forum for discussing PL'ing that isn't shit up by faggots, troons, SJWs etc? This place sucks, plebbit sucks, BBcom fuckin died.
there are three types of people
>leftists who do everything for wumen
>cucks who HATE THEM and CANT STOP talking about them
>real man who just dont give a fuck
we already know which one you are
unironically the snap group that I'm in is still going strong. if you know Japanese you can talk about pl on Twitter (now X)
Nigga I ain't learning anime language
Bad troll. Go back to the troon discord you came from.
you can prob try ig/threads then
I can see pattern here
why are you posting on reddit?
serious question
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decipher the pattern >>75168919
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Reminder that there's literally nothing wrong with soya milk.

>S𐐬ya milk reduces the risk of breast cancer in women via the same effect as nolvadex (reducing estrogen effects). Phytoestrogens take up estrogen receptors while being much weaker, so it's actually masculinizing.
>S𐐬ya milk has lots of antioxidants that reduce DNA damage.
>Clarence Kennedy drinks a liter of s𐐬ya milk a day. If it's good enough for Clarence it's good enough for me
Take the soya milk pill and make big health gains
i understand, underage or brainrotted young adult culture warrior
sad to see young men like this
No, he's right about that. I would like a forum where women are ignored and faggots are afraid to go in.
you literally described polish chan where you literally get banned on spot if you say you are a wymyn
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>fat paypig
Careful anon
I drank a glass of onions milk with my beyond meat burger and now I'm trans
why are you replying to yourself? is it bc your thread isn't getting any traction?
Are you going to cry?
smart. can't be too safe around witches. I saw what they do to my boy, Geralt
Try again xir
>beyond meat burger
They use hexane in that type of processed onions (and they don't have to list this in the ingredients because it's "only in the processing process") and that shit will fuck you up
Hexane processing can't be used in organic products though (and I don't think it's used for onions milk anyway but not sure) but all that onions protein and onions oil shit has it
I browse a few niche subreddits, had the IPF one recommended. I took a peek.
This general is a turd but I'd rather read iterations of you are mad fatty red faced piggy over and over than go to a place like that. I don't think I'm the same species as the people who post over there.
That's the /r/powerlifting mod right?
t. remember posting on there in 2023 when IPF made rule changes on bench and told a guy with a 300 dots/wilks total not to be so upset about the rule change and to just lift heavier
>where the fuck is a good forum for discussing PL'ing that isn't shit up by faggots, troons, SJWs etc? This place sucks, plebbit sucks, BBcom fuckin died.
small and very slow Gen-Xer/old millennial forums, no I'm not linking any
>this guy bitching but wasn't even on the old /fit/ IRC
Shut up, manchild
I mog you, nerd
Ooh, like the roid forums they posted the Brandon Lilly shit on? I should see if that one is still up
>Additionally where the fuck is a good forum for discussing PL'ing that isn't shit up by faggots, troons, SJWs etc?
DMs with people from your local scene
fat piggy is cheating on us
you still have those DMs saved from your gay stalker?
no I left his last message unread almost a year ago
260 5/5/3 after sprints last saturday

Who cares what LI's do, the rest of /plg/ deserves to hear the truth

>Can't stop thinking about a man sucking dick
Stop projecting faggots, I only get on my knees for bpd, demon sluts in tiny shorts
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>I only get on my knees for bpd, demon sluts in tiny shorts
lol wtf
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I miss gobu
Why squats after sprints? Is this a cope of some kind?
>"I could squat more, but I train inefficiently to handicap myself"
>Is this a cope of some kind?
it is, or else he wouldn't have included it
Can a 240lbs pig really sprint anyways? And yeah, that's why. Same reason why he alway said he squatted his 2pl8 ATG.
why does he consistently fail his third set with bitch weight?
Might be the wrong place to ask, but where or who is the best no bullshit resource for weightlifting related materials? I want to get a big front squat, I want a big high bar squat, and I want to learn to and get a huge clean and jerk, mainly for fun. Not sure how to best approach any of these training goals.
read blue book or a green one
what’s the green one? I read the blue book but the author told me not to stretch and I blame it for my shit high bar positions.
poland is imaginary state
>poland is imaginary state
You now remember Rinnegan
Reminder that cats caused parasites. Bobbu is absolutely writhing with parasites. He is a gelatinous tapeworm and a Christ-hating pharisee
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fine specimen
Okay session today. No benching for like two weeks because a tendon in my wrist is bothering me and has been for at least a month. Might switch to SSB for squats for now as well, as I felt some aggravation during low bar today.
>tendon in my wrist is bothering me
doesn't bother your fork lifts
>two weeks
>Anon is keeping track of when I'm going to cut
Cute. I already started yesterday though so whatever.
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find a new hobby
Are you still doing TSA
because it's so difficult to remember your schizo ramblings from 2 days ago
oh joyous, what'd the scale say?
Does anyone have any idea of what happened to him? Does he still lift?
Dunno, didn't check. I'll weigh myself tomorrow. I was 264 at my comp so doubtful it's much higher than that
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leave it to bobby
Happy to see you working on that tendency to postpone, Bobs. Good job.
You do need to weigh yourself daily though. Take it seriously.
I think daily is a bit too frequent but I'll probably do like 2-3x a week.
weekly to monitor an actual trend in loss/gain
same time daily so it becomes habit
I'm a 6'3" viking-mutt lad, the desire to raid churches, and fornicate with christian women pounds through my blood. I can run faster than a medieval nun in a habit with a 1.4 hip-to-waist ratio. Just found out that I've been running 130m dashes instead of 100 so that will be interesting to test my times with the correct distance.

105kg isn't even that much if you were smart like I was, and got there over the course of 30 months. That's just two pounds a month.

Because sprints are a great plyometric, and it's not that big of a handicap if you do them the same day. Worse handicap is squatting day after, just do 3x8 or 4x10 in that case.

Nope, just appropriate context

Do you think she's coming back bros?
3x a week would maybe work, but you could also be unlucky with the daily fluctuations and not be able to properly monitor the true trend like >>75170035 says. If you just make it a part of your wake-up ritual you won't ever forget either, which you'll definitely do if it's something you only do twice a week ("eh, I'll do it tomorrow"). And honestly, it can't hurt to do that regardless of whether you're cutting/maintaining/bulking. Data is useful.
>105kg isn't even that much if you were smart like I was, and got there over the course of 30 months.
This would be true if you actually gained muscle and strength, but as it stands it's almost nothing but fat, and that's obviously not a good thing. That's 60lbs gained for a 2pl8 squat. Feel free to post body and prove me wrong though.
Okay I'll weigh myself daily
Admit that you eclipsed 300 lbs in bodyweight
Why would I admit something that never happened?
Why would I admit a lie

Nice false flag
>Bobby accidently instareplies without his fagcode
>realizes hes been telling everyone he never anon posts
>Instantly samefags to try poison the well
>inb4 he accuses me of posting the first one to further clip the coin
Real question though, what is it about me that makes anons write fan fiction about me as well as try to push it as fact? It's incredible.
>busted and having a meltdown
It's not a big deal blobbu
the real question is why are you still posting. just post your lifts then go on with your life
the same mental disorder that compels you to respond (and I don't mean because they're wrong)
>asking a question is a meltdown
Once again, I repeat >>75170366

Because I want to?

They are wrong though
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for real though the anon telling you to weigh daily is right. Also track your meals on Chronometer. I know I'm not necessarily the best source for weight loss advice but I am down 10lbs this year and stronger than ever so here's what I eat for most lunches lately:

start rice cooker (450g dry)
2tbsp olive oil in wok
4+ cloves of garlic, chopped
2 large red bell peppers, chopped
sautee, add salt and black pepper
deglaze with a splash of white wine and lemon juice
2lbs ground beef
add more garlic powder, more black pepper, more lemon
half cup of feta
when beef is brown, add a whole bag of baby spinach and wilt it down
throw in a scoop or two of cooked rice to soak up juices

1 large cucumber, grated and water squeezed out
150g nonfat greek yogurt
1tsp olive oil
1tsp lemon juice
like a tbsp of garlic powder
dill and salt to taste

makes 3 servings

200g nonfat greek yogurt
2 scoops vanilla whey
10g creatine
40g honey
100g blueberries
30g walnuts
30-60g rolled oats (soaked in milk overnight)

just reduce it all by 25% and it should work for you. Can also serve on a whole wheat tortilla if you want lower carb.
>know I'm not necessarily the best source for weight loss
You can say that again
>Do you think she's coming back bros?
>L A U R A
She looks hot from her /fit/ posts but once you see her insta it's incredibly disappointing. She can stay away
Honestly, Why not have noobies do PHUL/PHAT instead of ss if those have strength days too? Sure you won’t get strong quickly as a strength program but you’ll get stronger and more defined and athletic across the board.
Too much volume for a noob. Novices don't have much to draw on for work capacity or general volume tolerance so you're just gonna make them do way too much. Plus there's a fuckload of movements in those programs, which means they have to focus on a wider variety of improvements instead of just learning the basics.
>already started yesterday though so whatever.
You started eight years ago
>Cuts never end
>t. Retard
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you know who's been trying to lose weight for the past few years but never did bc weight scales are scary?
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>I think daily is a bit too frequent [to weigh myself during a cut]
Can't make this shit up lmao
What would happen if I cut the periodization Bible from 16 weeks down to 8 weeks?
The good thing about novices is that they can fully recover in 48 hours. There is no reason to not take advantage of that fact and to utilize periodization. Hypertrophy training with higher weights is obviously more effective. It is much more efficient to deplete those beginner gains and get them to a decent intermediate base level as soon as possible. They can switch to other programming at that point and quickly fill in any gaps. What Bobby says >>75170544 is also true. Beginners need a lot of practice to get the main compounds right; there is no need to distract them.
Cuts are supposed to end. Yet yours never seems to.
Stop trying to bully Bobby into cut to 300 lbs.
high school football coaches are going to hate this
>when you're learning how to lift you should actually lift as little as possible
Wrong and gay. Just do a bro split and get into power larping later on if you want to be fat and weird
They've ended on numerous occasions. You not accepting this fact doesn't make it false.

Post lifts and/or body
Imagine not utilizing noobie gains during your once in a lifetime natty anabolic state because you listened to a fat genetic deadend with one nut
>just spend your first two years benching 10x60 like your average commercial gym dyel! Volume is king, you'll be ripped!
>its impossible to get strong without following specific programs
I forget how genetically inept and brown most of you are. You can easily hit 2/3/4/5 in under a year on a bro split by accident basically and then go from there
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February, 2016
>I'm going to be cutting very hard. Plus, I think it'll be pretty fun. I'm 200 lbs at 5'9", ~26% bodyfat. Gonna be doing 2 lbs a week loss until ~18%, then 1.5 lbs a week loss until ~14%, and so on.
March, 2016
>~207. Gonna start cutting the first week of may. Should be pretty close to my goal weight by September.
>when I get in the cutting mind set, I rarely falter.
April, 2016
>If one of you lads was kind enough to record the men's 74's and 83's, I'd be eternally grateful. (And I might suck your dick)
>I'm gonna be cutting very hard until I hit 180s or so
>I'm going to be cutting for 5-6 months m8
>Cutting from 210 to ~175, so yeah, I am. I'm at 26-27% body fat. And I'm going to be aggressive as fuck starting out, 2 lbs a week until I get to 18% body fat
>Tbqh, even though I'm bitching about cutting, I'm going to be so relieved to not be a ginormous fatass anymore.
May, 2016
>I'm cutting til abs, which will hopefully be 12%
>when I cut, I'm surprisingly strict about everything I do and rarely allow for slip ups. Strange, since I can't do the same for literally anything else lel.
June, 2016
>Once I finish cutting though, I don't think it'll take too long.
>I'm cutting pretty hard and I'm not getting enough sleep to manage that. My deadlift is currently in free fall, I'd rather nothing get worse.
>I started at 215 and I'm cutting to 175-180. You could do a slow cut so you'd progress with less difficultly than a full cut like me. Imo it's worth it, because I'll look half way decent
July, 2016
>Cutting lyfe is treating me like shit at the moment. I'll probably do a month of maintainance calories
>In regards to cutting, the only reason for the speed was because I was obese, and was able to handle it. I was going to slow down the speed of my cut as my body fat got to more acceptable levels
August, 2016
>started cutting May 1st. Was bulking like a dumbass until then
>going to be maintaining for a month or two now
>215 -> 196
>Eventually cutting to 180-185
People like him are the reason there are so many people posting on qtddtot, asking why they're weak and small after years of lifting.
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are you bragging that you somehow slithered your creepy ass into her IG
August, 2016 (cont)
>Maintaining for 2 months, then cutting at a slightly less steep deficit.
>I'm a cunt. Don't really need the reminder.
September, 2016
>Might hold off on cutting until after I bench 3pl8, tbqh
January, 2017
>haven't weighed myself in months. Probably 210 if I had to guess. Probably gonna start cutting in May, just like last year, but I might start with a really slow cut in March, idk yet.
>2/3/4/5 in under a year on a bro split
Bait for the bait god (me)

All of those cuts ended, retard.
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And people like you are why they're still weak. If you're gaining more weight than you do strength, you're doing it wrong. You're not Frank.
>People like him are why there are weak dyels on qtddtot
>No u!!!!!
Lol. Nobody accidentally gets 2/3/4/5 in under a year, especially on a bro split. Your resistance to posting body or lifts also contributes to the fact that you're baiting at best and completely pants on head stupid at worst
>All of those cuts ended, retard.
There's a post limit worth of quotes refuting this lie of yours, fat Jew boy.
Read it. Recall what you said. Think really hard about how your words today echo the words you stated 8 years ago while you failed. I know you're working with a double digit IQ, so try extra hard.
the only way to redeem himself
they never began, retard. just like yesterday. your split persona thinking it doesn't make it so
>it does, because I say so ok?????
proof is in the pudding and you ate it
>Just because I didn't say they ended on /plg/ means they didn't end
Do I have to do a status update every time I take a shit or something? Are you the same idiot that thinks I should be posting every time I'm here or I'm not actually here?
>They never began
Sure they did, I've lost weight on each of those cuts. I just stopped and then gained it back after a period of time. Is your brain incapable of understanding this?
>Do I have to do a status update every time I take a shit or something?
while yes you do lose weight, that's not how a cut works, babby
why is it difficult for bobby to do this ONE SIMPLE TRICK (stop posting)?
Since summaries don't work, let's try this instead. Here's how your cut went in 2016
>Goal: abs
>Motivation: tired of being a fatass
>196 (starvation)
>Status: sad about lifts
>Result: stress eating
>Goal: unmet
>Goalposts: shifted, just cut in 2017
When I get more time I swear to God I'll document your other years of failure you pathetic lying kike
Because I like talking to you guys, even if a lot of you are either baiting or morons :)
you have a case of the shamans
Bobby wants to talk but he has no friends and Reddit would ban him for giving advice while being sub 400
He’s stuck here
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go play video games you loser
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You heard it from the pigs mouth fellas. Ever defended him? You're either baiting him or a moron.
>noooooo you can't go to LA fitness for 8 months and hit 2/3/4/5, it took me 7 years 300lbs bw and encyclopedic knowledge of every powerlifting program ever published to accomplish that!!!!
Hate to break it to you but you really can just go to the gym and lift weights and then eat afterwards and make gains. You dont need specific programming jargon, especially as a beginner. By the time you need to 'program', you'll know enough to do it yourself.
>You have to reach your goal weight every time or it wasn't a reaaaaaaal cut

They bore me. I was playing osrs and rs3 for a while but after maxing both I just don't have a desire to play.
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So post proof of someone hitting 2/3/4/5 in under a year while doing a bro split. I'll wait.
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illegal wide grip banded incline press 2pl8+doubled reds 3x5
standing incline press (OHP no head through) 1pl8+reds 3x10
chest supported db rows 90lb 3x10
rope tricep pushdowns idk like 100 reps hopefully
junk today, pizza and wings. Rest of the week will be clean except for jalapeno poppers probably tomorrow
legs feel a lot better already. Left elbow still feels stiff but it didn't interfere with pressing as much as I expected, should be good to keep progress rolling.
>I was playing osrs and rs3
i said video games.
>Tbqh, even though I'm bitching about cutting, I'm going to be so relieved to not be a ginormous fatass anymore.
You hate being fat. You don't want to be fat. Unless you stop being fat, your cut has failed. End of story.
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>gain weight on a cut
>yea, but at least it ended
Good shit

They are videogames. They even have generals on /vg/

So did I fail each of my cuts or did they just never finish? Pick one.

I'm gonna blow your mind with this

>Cut weight
>Stop cutting weight
>Don't care about food intake
>Gradually gain weight again
step on the scale
I'll weight
>So did I fail each of my cuts or did they just never finish? Pick one.
Those aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, they go hand in hand you fucking idiot.
>surely this thread will be better
Wiped him
>I'm gonna blow your mind with this
>>Cut weight
>>Stop cutting weight
>>Don't care about food intake
>>Gradually gain weight again
>when I get in the cutting mind set, I rarely falter.
>when I cut, I'm surprisingly strict about everything I do and rarely allow for slip ups.
You can’t do that.
can you pinpoint when you became a fat retard?
was it when your daddy threw you down the stairs?
was it when you sucked your first dick?
was it when you were first pegged in the ass?
was it when you killed your first animal?
Blobby likes being morbidly obese with sleep apnea to own the chuds ITT.
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Just so we have someone posting something of value, I'm 268.9 after a full day of eating and drinking with clothes on. I'll likely be 266 in the morning.

Those concepts are actually mutually exclusive, retard. You can't fail something you've never finished.

Yeah that's still true. During the cut is fine. It's when I stop cutting that's the problem.
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>You can't fail something you've never finished.
The kike has never failed a cut. He's simply been cutting for eight years. Weight it up from the comp btw.
There you go, you finally picked one. Good job anon.
Anon, anon, anon *slowly shakes head at u* you understand nothing of the sensual arts, do you?

*teleports behind u to whisper softly in ur ear* It's about having a flesh-and-blood, trenbologna, bpd demon slut in tiny, booty shorts drawn tight over her labia, peeling them down to show a little bit of mons, for us personally.
Target weight 175-180
Didn't meet target
Terminates cut
Didn't fail cut
Cut merely finished
Robert actually believes this
Yes, I chose to stop cutting, so the cut was finished. Are you dumb?
This is the most disgusting photograph I've ever seen on this website
>>>/b/ or >>>/d/ for more then 2 seconds and I'm sure you'll find something worse, unless those boards have massively changed since the last time I was on them
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I request that you take this post down. We don't want to propagate the existing culture of blind leading the blind.
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2/2 for getting the fat bastard to step on the scale
he really is here for us
There was a scale? All I saw was a brief flash of the most abominable pair of feet on planet earth before my vision was obstructed by projectile vomit
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>the fat feeding the fat
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the tip of my middle finger has gone numb after benching twice now, safe to say im pinching a nerve when benching, anyone had this problem before?
BMI? sounds like high cholesterol issues
here an image of me, its not too bad is it? plus if i had high cholesterol, wouldn't my toes go numb first?
Bobby stole this guy's bench technique
Anobbu busted and covering his tracks
Nigga brought the receipts
>charmin ultra thinks he has room to judge anyone
Also you're kind of a gross incel, even by the standards here
We need a Simon return to bring order to /plg/
if only we had a poll to show that
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bobbys weight isnt the problem, its body composition due to fucked hormones
This is his excuse and we've never seen proof because he's too much of a pussy to post on /gif/ or /b/
>bobbys weight isnt the problem
270 lbs at 5'7" is a problem
Why would I lie about being a one nut wonder?

Reeee I'm 5'9
An adult male stands atleast 6' tall
This isn’t a democracy
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Off season begins with lawg cluster sets
Its nice that my gym has like comp benches and good quality free benches but man those things are completely incompatible for incline press, fucking nightmare to figure out the set up today
Getting my elbow/upper arm scanned tomorrow to hopefully diagnose the niggle ive had since february, fuckers persistent
yesss this is a real gym
>started doing crossfit in 2012
>decides what a 'real gym' is
lmao, even
Fingers crossed it's nothing bad tlaw
>50lbs heavier than bobbu.jpg
weird you saved this
any of you guys do your own programming? After my next meet I think i may set up my own training blocks
7x3 with 80%, add weight every week until
10x2 with 85%, add weight for a couple weeks and retest

Got me to a 585 squat @210
are you in the gym for 4 hours
3-4 minutes rest
>4 hours for 7-10 sets
do some cardio, now
Can I get some insight on the various bench press forms? I've been doing a wide ish grip, (noticeably more than shoulder width but nothing crazy). And while I have a bar path curve it only goes down as far as my nipples. None of that high arch and touch tour stomach with the bar game. I arch just enough to be stable though. I just want to know if that sounds right.
And, the part I'm really worried about, I internally rotate my shoulders. Is there ever a case for doing that or should I fix it right now and externally rotate?
If you're gripping properly (bulldog grip) that comes with some internal rotation. Everything else you've mentioned is personal preference or dictated by grip width and arch size. If you want general bench videos then Scot Mendelson's how to bench video will work if you're more of a sink and heave type and Calgary barbell's how to bench videos will work if you're more of a light touch type.
>30 min rest times
>If you're gripping properly (bulldog grip) that comes with some internal rotation.
I am in fact. So when you say "comes with some" does that mean I should be squeezing my elbows in and trying to externally rotate and then just not caring that it doesn't quite happen?
>sink and have
>light touch
Never heard of these. Now I know what I don't know. Thanks.
>Squeezing elbows in
Personal preference. Usually though, if you're going wider you should be more flared instead of tucking but your shoulder morphology could prefer tucking instead. If by it doesn't quite happen, do you mean you aren't really able to tuck at all and you stay flared with your elbows?

>Never heard of these
Light touch is also called T-shirt pressing as well, just so you have some other phrases to look up

can any power lifter beat me at strict curls? keep in mind i am a mountain of a man
My elbows don't tuck in on account of the bulldog grip. Even if I try they're flared. So basically I'm wondering if I would get more tension or something from trying to tuck them anyway or if I should just be consciously flaring to brace that internal rotation harder.
I would say do what feels most natural to you. I imagine that would be what you're currently doing. Usually tucking more helps if you're narrow because you can use your lats almost as a trampoline to brace your arms against. But if you're wide(r) you can't really tuck enough to overcome the distance your arms are from your body. I wouldn't say to flare too much though, you don't want to turn it into a guillotine press. Do you have any videos of you benching?
Uh oh. What feels the most natural to me is suicide grip with my triceps glued to my lats. Not that this way feels unnatural though. I've been posting between warmup sets and I will post a video but I still don't know what form I want to do it with.
I meant most natural in terms of elbow flare with how you're currently describing your bench form. But that's good to know as well, some people are stronger and feel better with a narrow bench grip like you're describing. Just gotta experiment and see what you move the most weight with in the most comfortable manner. Also, if you want to compete, check the rules of the fed you want to compete in. I'm not sure about WRPF or USPA but at least in USAPL and IPF you can't use suicide grip.
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Here's a warmup set with bulldog grip and trying to tuck my elbows but it looks pretty flared to me.
>710 kb
we max out the file size over here cuh
It's hard to tell with the angle but it doesn't look bad. You are tucking somewhat but you're keeping a stacked position under the bar with your wrists and elbows (at least as far as I can tell). No tucking at all would involve a higher touch point on your chest (as in towards your head, not vertical displacement). Vid related is more of a minimal tuck, but that's also because he's gripping so wide. https://www.instagram.com/p/C_b1OsmTb9r/?igsh=MjhlbDB5dDN4cWV2
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Here's my best angle, file size, and set (85xF).
Looked pretty good overall. Your touch point is a little inconsistent but it's not drifting that much. Also on the last rep that you failed you pushed the bar towards your feet instead of towards your head, could have been what made or broke that rep. Are you benching heels up? Check the rules of the fed you want to compete in if you do want to compete because that's definitely a no-go in some feds. Anyway, gonna try to sleep now so I can help in like 4-5 hours if you still have questions.
No. I keep my heels planted and try to drive through then as best as I can on my manlet block. Appreciate the help.
This is the gayest video ive ever seen and i watched gay porn.
I need some advice. How do I make my bench press less gay?
stop wearing undersized crop tops
It fits at the shoulder seams. Is it really that gay to not get your old t-shirts that you lift in tailored? I can't keep up with modern culture.
Lift in whatever you want to. People are going to talk shit regardless
I did that and I think it's a good thing, by squat is lagging by S/B/D autismo standards but w/e I think it made me more well rounded
Actually I have to pick middle one
My bp before powerlifting was 150/100 now its pretty much perfect 120/80 my resting hr was 80 now its 50 my number of girls was 0 now its 0
bro you're wearing a crop top you look gayer than bottom twink in blacked video.
It's not cropped.
>sleep 3 hours
>hit 150 bench and 120 drop off sets
I think it's cortisol dump, I have also set a bunch of surprising PR's on terrible sleep and high stress. I believe you get temporary performance boost because your body/brain thinks it's in a dangerous situation it has to fight itself out of, but bad for your gains long term
I know lmao i also know its not sustainable.
How much weight is it?
A real man has visible abs. No exceptions.
Powerlifting is about being consistent and prepared and this carries over to real life PRs.
>an adult male weighs at least 200lbs
>pic rel
This aged well.
Holy shit is that bobby? No fucking way lmao
9 years ago i lifted girl from uni at a party so she can reach something. One week later she started hitting on me and few days later we had sex. She told me she got really turned on by how easy was for me to pick her up. My performance was below average and the sex was unprotected using pull out method.
2 years ago i overhead pressed a girl using one arm only (she was like 5’1 and petite), and she told me it made her feel feminine and sexy. I am in a relationship so i had no desire to act upon her singals, i was merely showing off my strength.
I cant imagine it is, its never painful and its not like i *cant* do normal movements, its just that sandbag picks, stones, and mixed grip axle cleans (especially with sleeves) tend to aggravate it. A real injury would be worse
Maybe something out of place?
everything is over-use injury until proven otherwise for which the recipe is technique adjustment/lift variations and time off from, and it also tends to be connected to diet, sleep and overall inflammation
>source: personal esoteric insight
Excreting Norman khan
forgot to add, often because of weak link muscles/ligaments if the cause wasn't retard programming
>overhead pressed a girl using one arm
No context in which this would ever occur. Larp.
Incel self-reporting lol I pick up girls at parties all the time seethe more
Yeah nah, the cause of it was conans wheel back in february comp, the crossbar sorta slid down my belt a little bit and afterwards something (thinking brachioradialis) just felt off, almost like itd been moved out of place rather than torn or strained
Would it be correct to state that a clean requires/produces more force/acceleration/power than a power clean? To me it just seems that when you do a normal clean, because the load is higher, you gotta accelerate more to hoist the bar high enough to get under eat. On the other hand, the power clean is like a clean but with less weight, so like a warm up? Being able to catch it without going into a full squat just must means that the weight you lifted wasn't heavy enough, right? (Assuming the highest vertical distance the bar achieved are the same between the clean and the power clean). Then, it doesn't make sense to call it "power" Clean.
Of course, I'm pretty sure there may be some faults in my logic because I'm not well versed into physics and weightlifting anyways.
pls post your full clean, squat and bench is already spastic so I want to see what a zoomzoom clean looks like
I sumo your total, bitch.
You forgot !
It's called that because you're catching it in the power position
i hit 115kg deadlift today :)
Explain exactly the way in which you OHPd the girl at the party. Biomechanically it doesn't make sense.
good false flag bait but unfortunately the distinction between the bold text trip name and lack of ! in the tripcode gives it away
You’re wrong, you forgot about Balkan parties
he used two hands thoughbeitever
>zero zero zero
>deload to bar
>Two hands = one hand
Must be balkan math too
Nah I’ll just let you seethe in your head over parties I’ve been to years ago.
Webm in progress but I did get a lmao4plaet conventional pull to match last week's sumo
So I guess we'll see how that goes over the next few weeks of block 2
One arm is for lifting other one is for making sure she doesnt fall down and crack her skull, it really isnt hard to figure out
Bend over
>Two arms are used
>Claims one arm for OHP
Its not even an ohp
I mewn, look at most people saying one-armed pull up but they hold one arm with the other
lol no
Bring back syruphole posting
Here comes the coping
>I.. I can totally do what I said
>You know what I mean
Fat fuck lmao eat your feelings away loser.
road to 170 push press. my record is 160 at the moment but i think 165 is doable peaked. Going to give up on the 145x5 push press i was aiming for and move onto the block of heavy doubles and triples.
Just finished off my block of front squat 5s also. finished off with 5x5 with 2 of the sets at 185 and 3 of them at 190. Might take a 5rm at 205 next week or i'll just move onto heavy triples and doubles already.
Wow that sure was a thread, boys. I hope the next one is just as good.
You’ve never been to a frat party.
Me either. Which was apparently a mistake. If you get laid there by drinking and lifting Idda been set.

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