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>Programming Advice?
post s/b/d@bw/height/age

>Pastebin (Whatever has not had access revoked)
>High Scores

Previous Thread:>>75167665
i pulled my glute deadlifting last week and it still hurts

i wanted to deadlift again, is it over?
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road to 170 push press. my record is 160 at the moment but i think 165 is doable peaked. Going to give up on the 145x5 push press i was aiming for and move onto the block of heavy doubles and triples.
Just finished off my block of front squat 5s also. finished off with 5x5 with 2 of the sets at 185 and 3 of them at 190. Might take a 5rm at 205 next week or i'll just move onto heavy triples and doubles already.
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Probably rehab that shit and ease back into deads as you recover
Speaking of deads, here's my conventional
Thoughts on microloading bench and OHP on TM?
Failed 102.5kgx5 bench (I have done 3x5x100kg not long before that so idk maybe just a bad day) so I'm going 2x3x105kg from there. But while I'm at triples, should I start with +1kg increments to drag it out as long as possible, or fail quicker and get to 5x1 singles across?
Micro loading is somewhat silly as depending on your increment you might just be working within strength fluctuations.
Just add reps until you can break through. It's more volume, anyways
The progression is 5RM -> 2x3 -> 5x1 on intensity days, I'm gonna follow the program for once
based strong tranner
Very nice, always so jealous of your overheads, not to mention your strength in general.

Mogging Charmin hardcore

Rip does recommend micro loading presses but anon is right >>75173349

You forgot 3x2 after 2x3.
>cycling the intensity day
isn't this just "confusing the muscles"? were the bros right all along?
No, you probably mean rep tapering in this context because cycling the ID is when you do each of the rep schemes once before going back and trying to add weight. But the idea is that it slows down how fast you're attempting to progress as well as allowing the higher intensities to work their magic.
>You forgot 3x2 after 2x3.
Looked it up in PPST because I didn't think that could be right, but yeah. Seems a bit silly to not just go down to singles considering the effect from what you described in >>75173511
Might also be worth doing a slight deload of VD weights as well, like described in the Paul Horn video. Given you failed something just over what you've done for 3x5 before, you probably have some fatigue built up.
I just ran VD x2 for two weeks building from 3x5x95kg to 3x5x100kg because I hadn't benched in a long time since starting this 4-day TM. VD is back to 3x5x95kg and I'm going to microload that at the very least, same with press VD and maybe ID as well.
>4 day TM
>210lb bench
>No, you probably mean rep tapering in this context
i'm not any of the posters in the conversation above btw
>NOOO you are not allowed to deload for sets of 5 across until it becomes x number... You just aren't okay???
The example templates in the book have lower weights, this is shit tier trolling
VD's looking a little high in terms of percentage of 5 rm. And probably should do 5x5 and not 3x5 unless you're hammering accessories.
Forgot, it's 4x5. I ran 3x5 when doing it twice a week.
On bench ID days I do DB flat bench after OHP VD
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is this the thread?
What to do instead of max effort deadlift every week. Used to swap between me squat and me dl but i dont squat anymore.
Depends on body weight
You're just pathetically weak. You can't deload if you don't actually have a load in the first place.
323 WILKS if I enter my recent 5RM's into https://symmetricstrength.com/calculator/wilks.
So 3x5x2pl8 is... too weak to run a program? Whats your point here aside from being angry on the internet?
When do we get to a body weight bench for you? 3pl8? 3.5pl8?
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my load, your face
call it a deload
Are you getting beat up by the deadlift max frequency? Are you rotating through movements? Do you really not do any squatting? Not even front or SSB? Those would help your deadlift out a good bit if you can manage them.
No ssb at my gym sadly, no fronts. I only do bulgarian split squats for something like 4x12 or 5x10 after dl.

Not yet as i only stopped doing squats like 3 weeks ago but i feel like maxing out dls every week will catch up soon.

Sure im rotating but all my deadlift variations are about the same weight. Even the fucking snatch grip wide stance you told me to do you motherfucker

Im not doing squats anymore because theyre just pain for no gain.
>All the same weight
What variants have you done? Maybe give high deficit (potentially with a snatch grip) and/or block pulls a shot, those should wave the absolute loads quite substantially. Or just do some meme shit like zerchers.
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Let's get something straight. You are here for my entertainment. If you think that a 315 bench qualifies you to not be weak anymore, it's time to find a new hobby. Try rock collecting.
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My max is 235
My deficit is 225
My snatch is 215
Sumo is 210
Snatch sumo is 190
What height was the deficit? I'm talking like 3-4" a la sheiko. As far as other possible variants: block pulls, sumo deficit (yes these suck ass, and the deficit doesn't have to be that high), SLDL, hack, zercher. And those numbers are in kilos, right?
>My snatch is 215
she sounds lovely
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Working on the 'wedge' idea and getting my arms closer to my thighs from the start. Still look like I'm just doing a back raise with the weight, still looks like a conventional pull with wide foot position. What can be improved? This is the 2nd of 3 sessions doing this setup for max effort, 675 last session, 725 this session, next one goal is 765 and id like to try cleaning up the starting position a bit for the next one. I feel like I should be more vertical still.
Yeah, I thought you were supposed to be an intermediate to do TM.
About 7-8cm deficit yeah
Of course its in kgs. I guess i can do some meme variants and just not worry about it. I'll do hack tomorrow or whats the name of that deadlift when you put one leg in front and other behind the bar?
jim charmin is not going to like this
wiped his butt
We heard you the first time, chudstick.
Yeah i'll do that
This is the first time.
>1/2/3/4 x 5 isn't intermediate
fatsos outing themselves again
Mirin. That bar is really popping off the floor quite substantially before you actually get to pulling. Maybe focus on your hip and knee timing better? Should be knees first, then hips. Not both at the same time.

Jefferson. I think that the number difference you have isn't too awful, but you gotta organize it so that you don't only have a 5-10 kg gap in any weeks. Once you get more data with other variants I'm sure you'll be able to organize it better.
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That's fine, I didn't do it for him.
I have still yet to figure out how to really feel like I'm using my legs at all in the lift, I am 100% still just thinking of it like a back movement. I can't find a cue or tip that sticks. I know I twist my feet and try to grab the floor with em but I never feel any leg pressing in the movement. Left leg nerves are shot which might factor in, but right leg is fine and still never feel it. I'm not sure what to focus on to get them more involved :/ I've watched a handful of sumo pullers talk about it as a leg press followed by hip extension but I can't get it to click
Have you listened to any equipped sumo pullers or only raw? That might be the difference. Unfortunately I can't think of any other than Blaine Sumner at the moment but idk about any educational material he has with pulling sumo. JP Cauchi maybe as well but idk about any equipped videos he has on sumo.
That's intermediate if you're 5'4".
Cleans require more strength, and that's about it. The main difference between the clean and power clean is that there's a front squat in the clean. This has nothing to add to the power demands of the movement, and is purely a strength one. Additionally, a trained oly lifter can clean more than they can power clean because power cleans require the bar to travel higher, whereas a clean just requires you to throw yourself violently under the weight. You can see this in Karlos Nasar's C&J from Paris, he basically violently deadlifts the weight, and then throws himself under it.

There is no reason to train the clean unless you want to compete in oly lifting.

This is 4chan, sweetie, tits or gtfo, I'm not an incel because I've ascended beyond the pleasures of the flesh, and am like a monk of iron

>Soft lockout
>Hank Hill ass
3 red lights
So what's the new intermediate LARP barrier? 400 WILKS?
I listen to every Table Talk podcast so I've learned a bit there but nobody goes in depth on equipped sumo. Clint Darden did conventional tutorials which are great but my spine doesn't appreciate the movement pattern so no luck there.

I was unaware I posted a comp lift video. Btw isn't 725 more than your total?
too ez
0:55 is the time to beat
>The ultimate gym twink
would pound supple cheeks in the showers
Fuck I forgot about Calgary Barbell, maybe he has something? I'm looking through now.
Stay out of the girl's showers
Unfortunately nothing useful, just restated what I already said. However, I do have an idea upon rewatching your WebM. How hard are you arching your back into the suit? Because your relaxed position post pull looks vastly different than what you look like when you start pulling. It's almost like the former has more arch than the latter. I know you're fucked from the accident but that's the only thing I can think of.
Tbh I think it's a tard issue lol. I'm pretty sure most people just use their legs by default, I'm just a different case since my legs and low spine shit kinda fuck me up. I feel like this might require a coach in person who has worked with formerly injured lifters or athletes desu, it's just so weird. Alternatively I'm really not meant to be a good deadlifter anyway I just haven't given up entirely yet. I did see Bryce's single ply stuff years ago, I'll see if I forgot anything on a rewatch though. I can't really arch much under load, hence the near vertical squat position and I do arch slightly for bench but it's real bad. If I move too much I feel the pins in my SI feel like they're gonna get yanked out. Eventually I'll find a reputable coach, I'm moving to Ohio next year plenty of options out there
Idk.. probably like 72kg.
>400 WILKS?
Depends on who you ask since it's a made up/subjective thing.
If you ask /r/powerlifting half the responses will be "425+ since that's when you stop making easy month-on-month progress" while the other half of responses will be "whenever you feel like it :) we are inclusive and you can call yourself intermediate whenever you want [just don't give advice or we will ban you]"
We’re not on Reddit lil brown zoomerito.
At /r/weightroom they've switched to a completely different model where your lifts have absolutely nothing to do with it and it's about your proficiency and experience with academic journals.
>actually knowing what reddit replies would be
On a scale of 1-10 how bad is that place?
My main memory is sitting in a COMP lecture and the guy in front of me [6'2" ish beanpole dyel] was posting on there larping as benching 3pl8 for reps
>reddit is.... le bad
Grow up dude
It's ironic since it sounds like Blobby would be right at home on /r/weightroom. His 360 IRL dots won't matter since he can site lifting programs and technically has over a decade of experience.
Yeah I know. That's why I said on reddit and not here.
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>reddit is.... le bad
>Doubling down

Nah bro, I'd rather get shit on here for being a weakling as eventually I won't be (hopefully)
>424 DOTS
that's enough internet for today
Bring down the talent chads
>217 lbs with tits
Anon, I...
It's not all that different from here fundamentally but something about it gives me the heebie jeebies.
Time to rip the Rippetoe-copium bandaid off. Being 300 wilks but only progressing monthly doesn't mean you're advanced, it means your training/diet/etc. sucks
no, it's just an absurd figure if you lift in a real physical gym with real people of different experience levels doing real lifts you have seen with your eyes in the real world.
I'm not american, maybe PED use is much more widespread there in your average "serious but not world class strong" gym. 400+ is considered strong, shit in the average commercial gym 350+ will mog nearly everyone. setting the bar at 425 for where you are not a beginner anymore is 100% nonsense trolling
Lol. Lmao even. Post body, I'm curious to see what this Chad looks like
nobody has said anything about advanced, but at this pace it's 500+
so one or two people in this general
600/350/600 is intermediate
Depends on bodyweight but yeah, a nice base.
>t. x2/x1.15/x2
only giga fatsos squat their DL
It's clearly advanced lol
Robert, you fat fuck, post scale
My bench is not improving well enough.
I am not a powerlifter, but I believe /plg/ will know what's best.
My bench is 55kg/121lbs for 5 reps, and there's barely any improvement from session to session. I'm clearly progressing on any other exercise, but bench is just cursed. I'm stuck on the same 5 reps for 3 workout sessions in a row.
I do 3 sets, at least 2:30 minutes of rest between sets, standard grip, 2 rest days, bulking, every set nearly to failure and the last one to failure if assisted
I honestly don't know what to try next.
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>mid set
>think of some stupid reaction face or dumb meme
>start giggling, lose all strength, fail set
God damnit make it stop
I weighed myself this morning, 265.6 lbs. Didn't take a pic though.

Post a form video. And how's your sleep?

This used to happen to me too, idk how it went away but it's very rare that it happens now
>Post a form video.
I despise seeing myself, and definitely not posting a vid, sorry.
My sleep could be improved, but at the same time my other lifts are progressing much, much better. I doubt it's just my pecs that are tied directly to my sleep.
Hard to help without a form video but if you watch Calgary Barbell's how to bench video that should hopefully help. If not, then could be programming related. As in you need to do something different than 3x5. Maybe look into Nuckols 3x beg bench as a starting point from 28 free programs?
Watching the video right now, ty. It could be programming related because I do it right after pull-ups, but I've also heard many times that doing bench straight after pull-ups will improve the performance. I guess I could switch the two and see.
I'll consider the Greg Nuckol's method, but I'd probably try that only if all else fails. Thanks for the help
does plg fuck with daily undulating periodization
It worked for my pecs when I did a modified version of Nuckol's bench 3x advanced.
at least gains are crazy :)
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s/b/d 140/120/160 kg
72kg bw, 1,76 meter 25 yo
Need some programming advice, I've been pretty much doing whatever i found fun but never followed a rigorous program
What am I supposed to do to increase my lifts?
i wonder why some people can't sleep. like what's the natural cause for it
I wake up and I'm wide awake. I remember times that I got punked and how I could've handled the situation differently.
Are we still pretending conjugate works for natural raw lifters?
works for me :)
Below 375 Dots
Above 425 Dots
Above 500 Dots
What about ~ 400?
375-425 is transition zone to see if you can make intermediate or forever stay the rippetard beginner running SS up to 15 times in their lifespan
it sure is more fun than 5x5 with the same bar for eternity
F, I will never make 425...
I got to the transition zone and now people scream bible verses at me
; _ ;
Exercise-induced cortisol spike
You are effectively inflicting moderate anxiety on yourself through physical stress

thus, 9 is a strong intermediate lifter (missing the 5pl8 OHP)
Damn. Not even I have a 500+ DOTS. Sadge.
Imagine being a giga fatso and having only 600 squat = deadlift. That's literally blobbert build.
>idk how it went away but it's very rare that it happens now
Because you became a depressed fat fuck who never laughs anymore :^)
yes but
600/500/600 is advanced, see where im going with this
intermediate is 50% of bodyweight added on a chinup, 100%bw on OHP, 150%bw on bench, 200%bw on squat and 250%bw on deadlift
once you can do this, you can claim not to be a beginner anymore
Eat more
You're benching 55kg. As long as you eat it should go up automagically. It's almost guaranteed to be technique related.
>I despise seeing myself
Strengthening your body while keeping your mind weak, huh? Posting a blurred video on an anonymous forum is a very good first step for getting over yourself.
my favorite thing about 2/1.5/2.5 is that Blobbert is yet to hit a single one
is this the part where someone points out that he benched 1.5+ but then we get 100 posts about head on the bench decline archmax bloatROM etc, just kill yourself instead next time
so not a bench?
thanks for clarifying
the thread would undeniably be better without you in it and I imagine that extends to the rest of the world as well.
isnt boby build bench build?
I can do the chin-up and DL
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1.43x is the highest
>250%bw on deadlift
uh, franksisters.... is this it?
do we deload to bar and re-run SS?
>100%bw on OHP, 150%bw on bench, 200%bw on squat and 250%bw on deadlift
all of those are piss easy tho
you forgot one
i dont do chin ups only pull ups also easy
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>Nooooo it has to be in comp
Lol. I did 1.5x+ on several occasions
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>April – May: The Texas Method

>The Texas Method is rough, but it works well, especially if you time it right in an annual
plan. Not as a yearly program, but for short bouts of 8-10 weeks or so, it’s wonderful for
peaking strength or prepping for a meet.

Is there any reason why I shouldn't run it for more than 10 weeks? This is from KSC Training (got the google drive keys to the yard) I'm kind of thinking I should keep going until it stops working and maybe take a week off to deload if anything.
>2 weeks off lifting
>sleep and fatigue only started improving in the last three days
So what now? Any longer and I'll lose more progress, but to abuse my body again the moment I notice improvement also feels wrong. Give it another 2 or 3 days, or start a light-ish week?
It scales especially poorly, and is based on training logic that is faulty both in theory and practice.

As a transition from starting strength, it decreases training volume and intensity. You would be going from 3x5 around 82% 3x weekly to 5x5 at 78% once weekly. As you become more advanced, you need to increase both intensity and total training volume.

The 5x5 session itself will soon become crippling if progressed linearly. You will not be able to handle maximum poundages during the "intensity" session 96 hours later on the 3 day, or 72 hours later on the 4 day. You are then advised to drop volume further, while resetting volume, again moving in the wrong direction.
So what do you do?
Light week
I entered the syruphole and plugged it completely. I have monopolized and de-flowered the syrup supply. Kneel, Lil brown zoomerito
7x3 with 80%, progressed for a few weeks, then 10x2 once it gets to be about 8% progressed for a few weeks, then a retest
Boring session today, I want to bench REEEEE
yahahahahaha i benched today and im gonna get 0 sleep again
at what frequency with main lift?
>then 10x2 once it gets to be about 8%
85% yeah. Twice a week
So no VD/ID differentiation. How do you handle squat and DL? DL volume on top of a squat sounds psychotic
I'm not a great deadlifter, I usually do them every other week just working up to a heavy single. Run something else for that.
What's that split look like? OHP as main lift?
it does, it's increased my numbers on all of my lifts
When doing clean/snatch, should I start the lift with a neutral flat back? Or do some weightlifters pull with a rounded/slightly rounded back?
Look up torokhtiy
ask your coach
No it didn’t.
>sub 2pl8 bench
>talking about the effectiveness of conjugate
Checks out
Bench isn't even her problem
Her deadlift is
But she's also 6 months into PL training after I assume intermittently fucking around with gymrat stuff off and on for a decade
Shes a, may Allah forgive me for saying this, CrossFit chick
Same thing tbdesu
As long as she works on her s/b/d shes better than at least half of this general
Don’t ever post again lil brown zoomerito.
Trip on, Yakob.
>putting big stone up and down is a sport
holy shit this is sad
doesn't fit his style of typing
he's one of the many washed up, balding, fat and crippled anons that compensates by gate keeping powershitting on 4chins
Now they know how to hurt you.
By reminding you.
You are brown.
And you are a zoomer.
You are become a lil brown zoomerito.
He's the only person that uses that gross "brown little zoomerito" slang.
this kills the poojeet
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>You would be going from 3x5 around 82% 3x weekly to 5x5 at 78% once weekly.
You didn't read the book. You get what you fucking deserve.
read the green book
Don’t ever post again lil brown zoomerito
>GP asks me whether I really don't use any substances the moment I take my shirt off
Powerlifter bros, today we were vindicated def.
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Give it up lil brown zoomerito.
I've been asked that too, doctors are dyels
>Are you on that pig feed formula again?
>Pig feed formula
>Horse electrolytes
>Gorilla pellets
The trifecta of gains
They were gorilla biscuits you pleb
>pizza snacks
They probably have a very low threshold for asking. They ask 16 year olds if they smoke and drink too.
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do whatever works for racking the weight. it's not a beauty pageant, there's no points for technique
585 @210 back squat (highbar)
did this seem real in your mind?
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>my gp asks me if I'm on gear, what about you
Fuck off
Mine tells me my breast development seems to be moving apace and then conclude my mammogram
>wiped his butt
>little brown zoomerito
>you WILL do the power cleans
>read the green book
>go to archive
>400 dots
>nooooo you can't be peds, ok??????
shit lord
that's a tumor
Just glandular tissue and fat.
Wife found the dudewipes.
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>wife found the dude wipes
>wife found the blobby mass index
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>wife found the green book
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Yea that's what I fucking thought.
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d: 325, x375, 325 x4 straps
lp: x8 at 800ish
low row machine: 4x8 at 3pl8
getting things firing again is gonna take a week or so. need to work the base if we gonna beat the 10pl8 squat any time soon
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Squat 2x485lbs
18" deadlift 6x545lbs, 6x6pl8, 3x7pl8
Squats were feeling strong during warmups. On top set the weight didn't feel heavy but I felt a sharp pain in my right knee on each rep. Decided not to push it. I'll rest and hopefully it's not an issue next week. 18" deads felt fine.
ezpz good work
>coach in person who has worked with formerly injured lifters
Maybe isley will let you borrow his coach
You should've just made a webm for that shit, bobbu.
now THIS is a bobbypost
Been a while.

Came down with the flu or covid on Sunday.

Saturday I hit bench and got 170kg for a 5 sec pause. Then 125kg for a set of 12. Followed by CG Spoto Press for 100x8. Then some OHP.

I went to the gym yesterday and struggled with 140kg. Like I had no power in my shoulders. Crazy. Hopefully I haven't injured anything
I think i may do them mid shin beltless when the routine gets back to normal
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Sugoi third rep
Use a deadlift bar and those will be above the knee rack pulls lol.
hit 185 on 3 board press tonight at 136lbs bw so it's doing something

my DL is 325. it's my squat that sucks

I did crossfit twice like 12 years ago and it made me want to die, hate it
>I did crossfit twice like 12 years ago and it made me want to die, hate it
nice try, I know your instagram
>inb4 but I dont have instagram
yes you do and I found it
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I don't get it
lol ok sure
>Raw natural
>Obvious user of anabolic steroids
Holy shit, do people even read anymore?
you don't get to make facts, young man. the truth is what it is regardless of whether you believe it or not. the whole point of what I'm doing is to find out what my genetic capacity is before I'm too old to see it. I have absolutely no desire to do PEDS.

sorry if you're less jacked than I am. work harder?
>before I'm too old
>too old
too late grandma, surprised you were even able to shit out a baby this late in life
PEDs don't change your genetic capacity you fucking idiot. It's not like they magically make you the strongest person on the planet. Why is that? Rhetorical question. Because all PEDs do is enhance your abilities. They don't break through your genetic limitations. That's basically a fucking definition. It's like saying taking steroids will make you taller. Dumb fuck. Kys.
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thanks yup I'm old af

why are you so angry
approximately 33 years old but who would even know haha
She's twice as old as you? Holy grandma, am I rite?
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9 is natty and has a +2350lbs total and does conjugate
>gym charmless mad another girl mogs his lifts
i can't seem to do cable chest flies without hurting my shoulder/rotator cuff
okay fucktard, what do we do with our elbows when we bench? they're tucked, why are we not doing this on the cable flyes? Use your brain, stop flaring your elbows and turning your palms down.
proud of you sport
he thinks everyone is roiding because he's weak, just ignore him
ah gotcha. thank you sir.
that's a pretty good set

you better get it together before I match your (recent) mixed grip pulls
no one thinks you're roiding
Wow, so that is just a ton of bullshit. You do understand it's obvious from your physique that you're roiding, right, you silly varbie? Women don't naturally have the free testosterone to build the muscle mass that you have. My guess is test + tren (to season) + anavar + god knows what else your husband can afford because I'm not an idiot that uses drugs to improve my performance at a hobby.

It's like someone saying they've got the trading strategy to make $1m in a year, but they only have $1k to start. You just don't have enough testosterone in circulation unless you're injecting it.

Your horseshit reads like a PR firm doing damage control for a teenage boy who was found molesting a dog. Are you truly that profoundly narcissistic about your image that you're lying on a taiwanese spoon drumming forum?

What's even the point of lying on 4chan about your roid status?
>inb4 exactly that's why I'm telling the truth
No, the real answer is because you're some brand of personality disorders, which are inflamed by your abuse of PEDs, that has a passing acquaintance with the truth, one where you've kidnapped it, and tied it to a pole in your basement so that you can torture it on occasion. Just like 80% of the people here.


You understand that 120 lbs to me is a warmup set for the OHP, right?

You mean Frank? The guy who posts here, and also has YouTube videos made by other channels about his lifts? Frank isn't natty, he'll just say "not here, boyo" because he's a smart dude who isn't going to incriminate himself with a paper trail. Test + tren (to season) + gh
wiped her pin cushion ass
so you're super angry at some old lady online who's more jacked than you are despite being both female and natural, got it.

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>match your (recent) mixed
its been a month since i last pulled 375 mix and had enough to try 390. 375 will be back in like a week or so. i wouldn't have even deadlifted if some dude from online wasn't in the area who had deads and is like a 900lbs puller
sorry, natty here. making up fanfiction
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medium intensity tomorrow? or low intensity tomorrow then some heavy stuff friday?
Here we can see the fake natties band together to defend themselves.

>He thinks everyone is roiding because he's weak
I'm not the one who can't even get advanced numbers, or figure out how to deadlift, despite using enough gear to appear pregnant, and bloatmaxxing to 325+ lbs.

You keep repeating that "you're weak" mantra like I care, and like it's not also a projection of your own inner voice. My respectable natty lifts have nothing to do with my statement of the obvious facts. I think you're both roiding because you both exhibit obvious signs of anabolic steroid usage.

As to why you feel the need to lie about it, it's some brand of personality disorder that makes you feel the need to project an air of false superiority. "I'm natty, just big" - what an obvious lie. Is that why you have visible abs, and enough visceral fat to make a baby?

"I have no desire to use PEDs" is that why you have no breasts, a thinning hairline, and other signs of virilization?

Holy shit, you two should have been squirted onto a tissue, and throw into a wastebin, instead. Disgusting liars.
what did you do today? and yesterday?
>My respectable natty lifts
See, there's the problem. Your lifts aren't even respectable for a natty teenager. You obviously care about the weak statements, or you wouldn't make up cope like "respectable natty lifts" to try an cool your seething and would just recognize them as not very strong.
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>my respectable natty lifts
Off day today, yesterday was deload with ssb and bench
>blah blah blah the varbie is speaking
>tihihihi you're angry, I win!!!!!!!
Cold logic is much better than anger, and I never kill in anger.

Genuinely curious, what do you get out of lying about this? Is there some thrill to it? Or, is it a situation where you genuinely have convinced yourself, and it's a thing where you need that feeling of superiority, like "look how jacked I am, and natural, I'm so much better than everyone else, I'm not the same sad sod that everyone else is. I'm natural" *tests needle* *injects 2.5mg trenbolone acetate for the seventeenth day in a row*

Yes, I am natty. Yes, (you) are making up fanfiction. Oh sowwy wittle woider, is it bad for yew pwecious mental hewlf to hew da twoof? Der der let's pat tat pwecious wittle bum bum, oops, mind the injection sites, looks like one of them is infected.
You've been in your home gym too long, and had your perception warped by social media, and the lies here. Very few people squat anywhere close to 2pl8, much less 265 x 5.

The only teenagers you will find squatting that much are football players, wrestlers, and extremely talented weightlifters.
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>check program for today
>3x zercher AMRAP @ 1.5x bw
then wouldn't it be time for some heavy stuff? yesss?
Trip on twiggy, we all know you're taking enough testosterone to kill an italian, and your Norwood status is the only advanced thing you have to show for it.
If this guy is bothering you put your pony tail on the other shoulder and I'll have him mogged.
because I'm not lying. keep writing your paragraphs upon paragraphs of fanfiction though.
poor kid is big mad™
Good luck
I suppose
Nope. It's a matter of principle. Girl enters the room. Someone, mostly gym shaman, falls in love with her. Everything goes to shit. Gotta make fun of mf's.
jim wendler is a massive faggot brainlet dipshit
why wouldn't it work? Its just a system that you need to tailor to your specific needs. If it doesn't work you probably didn't implement it correctly.
What do you guys think of the effective rep model? It just means the last 5 reps in the tank are what counts.
A standard 5x3 is 15 effective reps when all goes well. If you fail the last rep then it's 14 and you can estimate your 1rm 100kg÷0.88=113.6 and then estimate a 9rm 113.6×0.76=86, the 5th rep of which will be effective, and make up for the missed rep by doing it for 5.
Or say you got 8 reps on the last set. That would mean only the last two counted on your first two sets so you need to get 6 more or you didn't do enough volume. You could say, estimate a 1rm of 100÷0.79=126, estimate a 5rm of 126×0.88=110, and do that for six singles. Form practice and hypertrophy inducing volume.
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Laura, baby, this is the freak that is harassing you.
>left handed
What's unclear?
I just did it again just now so I'll give you a real world example. Last week I did squats for 100kgx5x3. Zero reps in the tanks so I assume the last 5 are effective so that's 15 effective reps. Today I got 105x5 so I see that the 15 effective reps worked. I did the second set of 5 and then amraped the last one for 6 reps. That made me recalculate that the first two sets of 5 only had 4 effective reps because the second, third, fourth, and fifth were among the last 5 to failure in my new max of 6 reps. This leaves 2 effective reps on the table so I another set at 95kgx6 to nab them up and I expect to work with 110kg next week.
Idk.. maybe I'd be making the same jumps with 5x3 because it's only just over 2pl8 but I also only weigh 65kg and RIP claims 5lb jumps so I think I may be onto something.
>next week
Sunday. I'm currently doing it every 4 days for anyone who's reading this and giving a shit.
>tied it to a pole in your basement
What did yakob do?
Hes angry because he wanted to fuck you and got rejected hes a typical incel
M'lady if you could be so divine as to grace me with a link to your donation page I could make up for that wretched gym scoundrel and the troublesome accusations he hast leveled against thee.
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Plyo: not good. Topped out at 4.5, avg 4.8, the same when I did it weighted.
P/u: 20>+10>70 then 1x3@56
Sqt: 215
ST: 21 rounds
A1: 3x10@53
A2: 7+14 rounds/reps (70 EZ curl)
Rugby: defensive day with an emphasis on counter-rucking and jackaling.
Craving a cuban sandwich, or some form of pork sliders. May need to go on a tenderloin spree next week.
SSX3 Soundtrack
Still have pec and long head tricep pain/discomfort. Lifts mildly effected and tackling ability degraded (I prefer to lead with the right). Should be good for Saturday and then I can coast into a 2 week bye and give it time to recovery.
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>Sqt: 215
Still shit, but I have improved on keeping off the toes and bar path seems to be better than what it was a couple months ago. It felt like the sets became easier as they went on.
215kg squat for reps is pretty good
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That it is. Maybe some day.
Living a lie is exhausting.
You are not a weightlifter or powerlifter. You aren't a devout wife.
You're a shameless whore. Everybody loves a honest, shameless whore.

Sharpie. Pooper. Spread. Brapper.
Post it.
Good job bobby!
Stop painting your toenails though fag
The Romans thought left handed people were evil. I'm starting to understand why. Wouldn't be surprised at this point if Robert was also a lefty.
You're obviously an incel. If you've ever fucked a woman you'd know all women are liars.
You got mad.
You lost.
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chang i need to see your guy fieri shirt
lol the catch all, appropriate for a wendler thread
Don’t ever post again lil brown zoomerstado
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From Rippetoe, I learned of the milk.
From Louie, I learned of bands/chains.
From Wendler, I learned of the air bike.
From Candito, I learned of TryingHard™ and Overreaching.
From Sheiko, I learned of frequency.
From Chad, I learned of RPE.

All Hail the Barbell. We Bow Before Him and All Who Dare Stand In His Pathway to Gains Shall Reap Death and Pestilence.
All Other Bells - Dumb, Kettle, Door, & Cow - Are Inferior Bells, And They Shall Burn In Our Fires on The First Full Moon Following Louie's Date of Passing.
We Will Bathe In The Blood of Those Who Oppose Us.

From Rippetoe, I learned of the milk.
From Louie, I learned of bands/chains.
From Wendler, I learned of the air bike.
From Candito, I learned of TryingHard™ and Overreaching.
From Sheiko, I learned of frequency.
From Chad, I learned of RPE.
I have this one, but why is this relevant?
Who tf is white knighting for shaman?
That's the best part about the program though for shills. If it doesn't work for you (non-equipped lifter, natty, etc) you can simply say that you didn't do the program correctly.
A) DE twice a week
>You should have been doing RE
B) RE twice a week
>You should have been doing DE
C) (Catch All)
>You should have been doing more/less volume on accessories.
Wait, I do still out pull shaman?
>my last heavy single before my work set of 125 is a warmup
Good for you, desu
Also I love your test cope here? I get mine tested regularly and range from 9-15ng/dl and still make better progress than you, so what gives?
I've never had my test tested and I'm fine.
I don't need the government to tell me if I'm a man or not.
>petite old woman has more natty testosterone than bobby
To be clear, I believe she's natty. This is more so highlighting how pathetic bobby is.
To be clear, I am excreting Norman khan right now
Forgot my name
I can't help that I only have one testicle :(
3x5 or 8x2
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>3x5 or 8x2
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>did a 200kg low bar to parallel rpe 10
>Decide to do the same weight but high bar and ATG this time (struggled too ofc).
This is so dumb, some days my high bar feels stronger than my low bar. Once I learn how to properly do low bar, it's game over. I'm probably simply not doing low bar properly. Coach told me to narrow my low bar stance and I did easy 150kg 3x8, so maybe that's the fix.
Like, there's probably a 5kg difference between my high and low bar JFL
>crossfit colored plates
>long hair
>panty boy
>bikes on the wall
>crossfit shoes
I used to dislike polandi but after the trip above me started gigachudding in the general I now respect polandi
He looks like the chud meme
Push your gut and ass back like you would if you were closing the gkdoor behind you with your arms full
High bar? I would recommend bending over slightly so weight is over mid foot and then sitting down. As is you're getting knee slide and you're also in an open scissor.
do you need even to ask? hes full of crossfit shit for god sake
Nice, I like your squat technique, but why are you wearing running shoes to squat? You'd probably benefit from raised heels or just barefoot.
Why? You mean to "sit back" when squatting? Idk if that'd be a good idea for high bar.
gypsy bike thiefs left him malding
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>no mention of lifting shirtless with his gut hanging out
they are equally retarded, like (you)
>saving Twitter screenshots from 4channel
i seriously hope you guys dont do this
I'd give heeled shoes a try too
>visible abs
stilletos would be perfect
Not sitting back like low bar, but pre load the glutes somewhat and have a better bar path/weight distribution
I suspect that some people in this general are fake natties because they have terrible balding/thinning going on (the rate of which has gone exponential when for most baldcels it is a slow and steady rate) and are competing in untested strength 'sports'.
Robert, you fat fuck, post scale
I saw a fake justin timberlake post from brittney's book about how she was so disappointed by how small his penis was. Told it to a big group of friends and they called bullshit and now everyone thinks I just make up stories. Fuck you /tv/.
Balding is genetics...
Soon 33, full head of hair.
Just don't bald? It's easy.
thinning/balding at the crown at lightspeed isn't genetic

Baldcels hate this one simple trick
>balding at the crown isn't genetic
you've never met my dad
are you still doing tsa 9 week
>be a baldcel
>life already as shit as it gets
>now have to listen to dyel call you a roider because you bench 160kgs
>Thinning hair at the crown is a common sign of male pattern baldness. It is caused by genes

1 second in google
I wish. Those guys have ideal natty fizeeks, and their Slavs make for the best swimmers. Your people must be so proud.
I'll keep that in mind for next session.
>As is you're getting knee slide and you're also in an open scissor.
>I like your squat technique
>heeled shoes
Maybe down the road.
came here just to complain that your stupid fucking "sport" is making my wife fat
you should kill her for partaking in a made up
and being obese

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