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>Programming Advice?
post s/b/d@bw/height/age

>Pastebin (get the google drive keys to the yard)
>High Scores

Previous Thread: >>75173224
yes today is start of week 3, i cannot review shit unitl 9 weeks but I like it so far
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this zoomer has a 4pl8 bench, why don't you?
2pl8 bench is the natty limit. Being too fat or too lean or too bald are all signs of roid usage. I'm watching you. You can't fool me.
>has to use fake gut to impress girls as he knows abs are for faggots
Because I don't have prop plates, I have eleiko and titan?
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>was bitter after doing a 200kg low bar to barely parallel.
>decided to hit 200kg high bar ATG
Yay, letsgo. But, goddamn, the oscillation/bend from the new weightlifting bars almost made me fall backwards after completing the rpe.
Also, adrenaline was high because the girl's volleyball team was lifting just next to me, but they I think they were laughing after that rep lmaooo. That RD shirt may be a girl repellent jfl.
Bro wtf your weight is so far forward your heels just fly up.
Shut up its normal to try and high bar like a front squat
>girls lifting next to you
Test boost. you know who would say that's not natty
Those aren’t even fake plates, they are photoshopped on
Had dull shoulder pain on and off since the summer.
Started from incline press in the smith machine. Dumped the lift, it occurred on and off during close grip bench. Normal bench is fine, I feel it during warm-up sometimes but by working sets it's gone.
It's present in DB flat and incline bench now, ditching both of those for dips. In general my left shoulder just feels more awkward and weaker when I'm pressing with DBs.
OHP is completely fine including behind the neck.
WTF is this? I'm reintroducing face pulls, don't think it will do much though. It's not a big problem right now because I can just not do the accessories where it pops up and bench+OHP is mostly fine.
How the FUCK do I fix my OHP?
going down too low?
>guys in the background
humiliation ritual
+not pausing on bench
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>going down too low
>on OHP
yahahahahhaahah he thinks this is bad ohp
One of the greatest things about going back to school to get my masters is I get to dunk on a bunch of 20 year olds in the university gym
No shaman, fucking your students is a no-no
On symmetric strength
>squats and OHP are inflated
>chins/pull-ups and DL are deflated
>bench is about right
Likely culprit is no depth fatsits and ripeshitard double layback 'strict press', while chins and DL (conventional) isn't possible to ROM and leverage hack so it tests pure strength better
You fat fuck, post scale.
that's the best part
What's the point of the bands on the bar?
training your triceps and delts
OHPing more
Bands attached at the bottom make the lift harder at the top. Bands attached at the top make the lift easier at the bottom. Hope that helps.
>bottom bands = harder at top
>top bands = harder at top
yes much help big thank
that's literally not what he said, kindergarten level reading comprehension
Damn this shit be hard barely 190kg
No shit, but why not just add more weights instead of using bands? Seems pointless.
Because you're dumb go read about biomechanics
use your brain and figure it out
Charmin, recite Hooke's law for this nigga
because more weight is a static addition to the lift, bands are progressive through the lift
read the book
>t. lil brown zoomerito
Have you ever ridden a last rep down to those safeties? I'm no expert and have never even used that type because 'what was even wrong with pins' but they look low to me.
I m-mog y-you, n-nerd
replying just to join the bandwagon
Maybe ur just a weak pussy in the most manly lift?
post OHP
>inb4 50kg
It's shit I'm doing starting strength after like 10 years off injuring myself lifting

Shoulder press was always my best lift though, before i got hurt it was 135 3x5 at 175lbs and I couldn't add more weight because the 45s would hit the ceiling in my mom's basement

Apparently my arms are short for my frame and my shoulders are wide, some people are just built different brah
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>squat high bar
>pull conventional
>bench with medium grip
>press from front rack
>dead hang to below chin
simple as
if you fatsit, pull sumo, archmage max width bench, ripetard double layback press and kip your chins/pull-ups you need to repent to God
Lmao i was right
Okay well don't call it the most manly lift just because your other lifts suck worse.
>>bench with medium grip
I hate how 'pinkies/ring fingers on the rings" is considered medium grip
Open scissor - ribs and hips not stacked properly

Knee slide - sitting into your knees on the eccentric and then going backwards on the concentric. If you balanced the bar over mid foot before each rep this wouldn't happen.
Thats literally wide grip
Wide grip is max grip, chud

Didn't have the opportunity to weigh myself this morning. Tomorrow, since I already drank a lot of water today.
Thats max grip as the namw suggests...
it depends on the type of bar, commercial gyms often have weightlifting bars with snatch ring markings, pinkies on that is equal to approx middle finger on power bar rings

What are your numbers?
>sheiko for lower body
What for upper? I bench 1.6x bodyweight
Pretty much any intermediate program with sufficient volume.
Be sure to do flies and tricep isolations
Don't even bother, just ignore him
>bullying and shit posting has gotten so bad nobody reports their numbers or report them through %, bw multipliers etc
Sounds like a case for GOMAD.
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Found this one in the wild
If bodyweight multipliers upset you then you are fat and I will not hear it any other way.
What does that accomplish tho? Is it broscience or is there actually a benefit to it?
It's both baka
Anon. I also bench 1.6x
I know exactly how small you are lol.
False I bench 2.2x. Thanks for confirming your anger though, that’ll do pig.
If you have to convince people that it's a sport then it's not
Focus less on multipliers and more on solid weight. Don't be a gay zoomzoom 'muh inclusion' retard, that shit ruined powerlifting. Just focus on being big and lifting big.
As for what works for upper: Idfk. I've done all the following and couldn't tell you what worked best, only what I enjoyed most:

>5 3 1
>5th Set Swede Burns thing
>Brandon Lily thing (Cube?)

Those are in order of least to most fun. What made the biggest gain? Idfk. I started on 5x5 so there's a bias to say I gained the most from it, but we're talking a pure beginner who could barely bench the bar and I got to 335 with 5x5 programming then stalled for LOL 2 years because I had shit technique where I was tucking way too hard and making everything a semi-close grip kinda press. Stupid for my body shape, I am not some 300+ pounder like Julius or Kolb or anyone else who can dump and heave that way raw.
5 3 1 got me from 335 to 350 and I ran two full cycles of it to get that result, but also widened my grip to ring finger on the ring instead of thumb away from smooths and I tucked less so I finally incorporated some chest I guess.

5th Set I didn't go up in max but I was kinda just running that for hypertrophy anyway. Notable that the methods there felt better on my shoulders btw, idk why but this programming style 'felt' great.
Cube same thing as above, I got real great at AMRAPS but no new max.

Conjugate and 'just wing it bro' is what I've been on for 4ish years since then and I have had significant gains but I also went into equipped soon after beginning ME/DE programming, I include 'just wing it bro' because I do somewhat often just say fuck thi shit and do random arbitrary numbers without a reason other than 'I feel like it' but overall using ME/DE method seems to be the key to upward progress at this point. Max went from 350 to 375 in 6 weeks, the my shoulder blew up and now I lift in cope gear.
Literally just do texas method.

>Given the fact that we are dealing with a beginner lifter, the use of bands and chains would be extremely limited until the lifter gains strength, muscle, and experience. Due to this, dynamic effort days become more like a volume day.
>Just as DE lower is used as a lower body volume day, DE upper is used as an upper body volume day for the beginner lifter. We recommend three week waves of 5 x 5 each week, starting with 75% bar weight the first week. The next week you will add ten pounds, then the third week you will add another 10lbs onto that. Then, you will begin your next three week wave using the weight you pressed during the previous waves second week. It is a very simple approach to DE upper, however this approach will build muscle and pressing strength rapidly.
I genuinely enjoy powerlifting training and I enjoy a meet every year or so but yeah, 100% this. It's like the community flag football team trying to convince people it's the same as the NFL.
>Verification not required.
Yea I'm built to press, if I can't gaslight on fit what else do I have to live for

So what, my press was my best lift before I got hurt deadlifting and squatting in hs, it might have been slightly higher than that, but I couldn't put 45s or even 35s on the bar
Not great I'm doing the novice progression after hurting myself 10 years ago
It accomplishes several things.
1. It forces you to apply increasing force into the bar. You cannot just glide into the easy part of the lift, you have to keep pushing as hard as you can. This is good if you are a lazy lifter
2. Targeted overload
What about former students
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How new?
>Verification not required.
Lil brown zoomerito.
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Because bands are dynamic effort: they make the tension curve depend on displacement instead of being fixed at the onset.

For example, with enough resistance bands you can mimic the feeling of having a 600 lb weight on your back at the top of a squat, while only having 3 or 4pl8s on in reality.

They're very effective for box squatting. It's extremely dangerous to box squat a maximal load, but by using the dynamic effort method with resistance bands you can simulate heavier weights in the top of the drive, and eccentric, phases while still using a weight that you can comfortably sit BACK and DOWN with.

These things are important to understand if you intend to box squat. Otherwise you'll end up like Isley, who fucked his shoulder up box squatting with a static effort, maximal load.

Yeah, just wait until you've graduated to fug them. Trust me, they will want to fug you if you're tall, and lift.
>If you're tall
You're not.
>and lift
You don't.
too easy
Switch to decaf.
Boxing squatting a max without AR is not inherently any more dangerous than any other maximally loaded lift. Tbh I have never even seen anyone short of the absolute retards get hurt in training when taking a max attempt; Anyone who is going to ever be 'someone' in the realm of powerlifting/strength training knows how to intelligently load for maxes and won't get hurt. It's the retards (usually indians for some reason) who can't squat 225 and choose to load 800 for a 1/32nd rep and call that their max who end up getting hurt. Numbers for illustrative purposes of course; Plenty of retards injure themselves on loads far less than 800. See: Any gym fails video ever.

Also: How the go damn fuck does someone fuck up a shoulder on a squat at all ever. It's literally not a shoulder movement.
Bodyweight 173 lbs
Bench 2x3, 225 lbs
OHP 5x5, 125 lbs

Bodyweight 173 lbs
Squat 2x3, 275 lbs
SLDL 5x5, 230 lbs

Air Bike x 20 min
>t. someone who doesn't know what it's like to walk into a room and command it
>t. someone who doesn't know what it's like to walk into a room, and have 80% of the women in it giving you bedroom eyes

Yes it is, there's no bailing out from a box squat once you've sat down. You either stand up, or don't. It's not about being ignorant of maxing out, it's about how stupid it is to load up a static, maximal attempt for a box squat in the first place.

The shoulder IS involved in the squat, both in extension and abduction, as a stabilizer. Very easy to get fugged up by heavy weight.
>How to fuck a shoulder squatting
Isley holds the bar in his hands with a very narrow grip. It's dangerous but it does have benefits. Done narrow enough, it makes your back tighter and almost extends your back into a wider area.
And I'm talking low bar specifically.
Where was it implied that BW multipliers is a bad metric? Your LARP has become too aggressive, you keep hitting collaterals
Celly Charmin
>ur just a weak pussy
>is a weak pussy

why do people post shit like this
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>And I'm talking low bar specifically.
>No bailing out
You have to be a subhuman retard to need to bail from a squat. Safeties in racks exist, and intelligently loading a bar based on how previous weights moved isn't a big brain thing. I can't quite understand why you're retarded.

>the shoulder IS involved
If you squat poorly enough, sure.

He had shit mobility then and should've just widened out. Goes back to squatting poorly enough etc, I didn't see the last squat he posted before apparently being hurt but I'd bet instead of fixing mobility or widening his grip he just kept it the same and kept beating his shit into the ground. Idk how bad his injury was/is, dude was incredibly stubborn to take advice so I'm not even surprised he got hurt.

Idk, I have fucked up shoulders from striking for MMA and I just use a duffalo, cambered or ssb and when I use a straight bar for comp practice/comp lifts it's hands to plates or hands to sleeve and all is fine. I can't find any sympathy for someone who definitely had signs of something being off for some length of time and continued to do the same exact thing until shit popped.

Speaking of former trips, where the fuck is Figgy.
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>calls others shit
>is weak as shit
why do pussies post like this
Figgy is too busy being an economic guru on tiktok
>Taking financial advice from someone with a sub-4pl8 bench who browses 4chin

Dear lord.
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>Yeah, just wait until you've graduated to fug them. Trust me, they will want to fug you if you're tall, and lift.
Why do people pretend that lifting 500lbs once is more impressive than lifting 100lbs 5 times?
>weak pussy will be able to ohp more than you in 1 year

Blessed press genetics
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>135 3x5 before getting injured
>y-you'll see!
bro I'm stronger than you ever were this very moment, that is literally warm up weight, and you are going to pass me in a YEAR with your fucked up body?

my sides
Missed out on sports during his youth.
It's even funnier when you consider he has an (unused) accounting degree
Doing nSuns after 6 months off
OHP is starting to slow down, 150x4 today (160 training max). Do I keep adding weight until I can only do 1 rep or do I switch to a more sustainable (slower rate of progress) intermediate program
Fries go in the bag.
[X] Fat
[X] Mad
[X] Balding
[X] Divorced
Fuck off newbitch. Since you’re dyel I’m putting you on a 3 month lurking program. Do not post further until you have completed your program. Enjoy your stay at your new website you just found last week and AS ALWAYS, read the sticky. Thanks for playing newbitch.

Lmao don't bother replying I'm exiting out of the thread as soon as I post this.

[ ] x gon give it to ya
[ ] x is giving it to ya
[X] x gave it to ya

[X] Served
[ ] Not served

[ ] Big Man
[X] Little Man
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>80% of
Yes my press advantaged body following a strength program correctly instead of being a retarded 17 year old will mog you in a year
I played plenty of sports but team sports become lame when you realize you're a genius
She left you for a reason.
>when you realize you're a genius
found out sitting the bench isn't being on the team?
I found out that team sports were a significant waste of time when I could be advancing my own goals>>75181049
Now they know how to hurt you.
Weren't you leaving the thread?
Open wide for me, bitchtits.
holy fucking wiped i kneel
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>Focus less on multipliers and more on solid weight.
Lower your tone. Don’t forget the oath you took. Stop trying to take shots at the king to make a name for yourself kid, we got a good thing going here.
I don't feel my chest when bench pressing, only my shoulders. I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything correctly (pull shoulder blades together, bend back, tense abs and buttcheeks, bend the knees but with feet fully on the ground). What am I doing wrong?
How wide are you gripping? Also shoulders should be down and back, not just back.
About as wide as your asshole when your girlfriend's done using it as a plastic dick holder
Pretty wide, like this
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Protip for newfags: try doing stronglifts 5x5 but replace barbell rows with lat pulldowns and/or cable rows (deadlifts already hit the lower back, this is why starting strength doesnt have barbell rows at all btw)
Could just not have the mind muscle connection yet or your shoulders are your weak point. As long as you don't feel like you're gonna hurt yourself then just see how it feels in like a year or so of progress.
Hey a hole’s a hole you think you’re better than me?? Fucking bitch
Protip for newfags that aren’t GDEs:
Do the power cleans
power cleans are for crossfitters and mark rippletits is a covid denier, i can only hope he gets long covid soon
Good bait, but it's 2024
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How you felt when you typed that
I had the opposite issue and only felt it in the chest. Narrowed my grip a bit and strengthened tris
really hate /fit/ and /int/ being the same board because its just all the same coombait and demoralization
You know as much about fucking as you do lifting: you've read a lot and seen others do it, but you clearly have no meaningful experience of your own and everyone who has witnessed it from you is amused at your expense
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You pick the weight up.
You put the weight down.
You eat the food.
Lifting is a solved game, people.
I never buy the 'I don't feel my muscle' shit. Unless you are benching lmao1pl8, what's doing the extra lifting? Same deal with rows/pull-ups if you're not just kipping, you can't curl your own bodyweight so what is making up the difference? Could it be the primary mover of the compound you are doing? Hmm
>you think you’re better than me?
idk (u)
>jim shitmam
This is so true. Just comes down to putting in the work. No guesswork involved.
>8 min rests
what would happen if i ran this
there's no running involved
what would happen if i did this program and these are my current lifts:
Potential crash and burn but you're weak enough that you might manage, depending on how heavy you are
I weigh 175 lbs. And yeah doesn't seem sustainable
Bobby, asking you what program should I run? Main goal is increase SBD.

>post s/b/d@bw/height/age
just give up or trt
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>t. someone who has never heard a woman genuinely scream in pleasure
>t. someone with a small dick who has never heard a woman genuinely lose her mind because she can feel you in her stomach
>t. someone who only eats pizza and a bottle of olive oil because if they gain 30kg they'll put 30lbs on their squat
Keep going, protip: you have to be speaking the truth in order to win an argument, so you should focus on that first.
That makes a lot of my favorite recommendations a tough sell. Maybe try sheiko beginner? What's your training history?
Hey guys, any recs for places to get a dog from?
>Maybe try sheiko beginner?
I'm aware of this one. It seems cool because it's a short program that I can use to test my maxes regularly. Is this actually put together by Sheiko?
>What's your training history?
6 months Powerlifting to Win
2 months SS
2 months TM
I believe it's from the original Sheiko app. If so, then yes it was put together by sheiko.
ask bobby
he's a walking (lol) encyclopedia of knowledge
i'd say shaman, too. but he just outted himself as an incel virgin
As wide as you gripped your fresh bag of McDonald's when we (correctly) stated that you weigh 300 lbs
Springfield, Ohio
Nigga meet me somewhere
Any opinions?
I think I’m gonna increase my OHP by 2.5 lbs per week until my bench starts stalling
It’s a shame, I didn’t think my muscle memory gains would slow down this early
You projecting again babe?
I'm sorry you feel so badly about your performance. Maybe if you practiced your social skills a little a woman can let you practice doing something useful with that mouth
ok now i believe its another sean character
only dead dogs there
Are chest flies necessary if you are doing 15-20 sets of pressing excercises a week? I thought pressing fully activates the pecs. I bench 360 lbs atm
>are the best exercises for chest growth good for bench press (pec dominant compound lift)
take a ticket
someone weaker than you will come along shortly and set you right
No, however they can help you stretch out the pecs after a ton of benching. Sheiko prescribes them for this reason.
Look at bobbys chest (if you can call it that) before you take his advice
Why do people only use safeties for benching in home gyms? I have a home gym and do the same but have literally never seen someone use them in a public gym.
It's a sign of weakness
I bench 420, you're coping
You bounce it off of your stomach, you have a baby chest
Yes it’s in the app. I think I will give it a try it’s only 2 months and I would be able to tell how I respond to it
>You bounce it off of your stomach, you have a baby chest
Said the coper

5 weeks, you don't need to run the full comp block if you're not competing.
he got to you
youre right bands are for onions nerds
bobby is my biggest motivation to bench 200@~90 because honestly its fucking embarrassing to be outlifted by him.
went to training after only 3 hours of sleep today and everything sucked, nevertheless I did everything according to plan but counting RPE just for myself it was heavier than expected

Squat 2x1 than 4x7
Bench 2x1 than 4x7
DB Bench 4x10
DB Row 3x10
basically zero freshness, having problems with locking the form just strength smashed through it
it sucked it stinked
right now, 420?
really, billy?
>he doesn't put the numbers
its light day on TSA, no numbers to show
tomorrow also light day with paused deadlifts
other half of the week is anything worth while with squats for 5s and deads for 3s
if you're weak every day is light day lmao
>5 weeks, you don't need to run the full comp block if you're not competing.
Really cool. The app is recommending Advanced Medium Load for me but I think I will start with Beginner and go from there. Don't want to start a 4 month program just yet
what is definition of strong
OHP 1x bw
Squat 2x bw
Bench 1.5x bw
Deadlift 2.5x bw
If you cannot do a single one of these wi the full ROM you're weak.
thats piss easy beginner tier
>squat 2x bw
thats to easy everyday in sleep
>ohp 1x bw
thats to easy
>deadlift 2.5x bw
confident I get this in 6 weeks from now
to tell the truth I only dont have bench on it and im not that far off lol

not like 300/200/320?
i honestly dgaf about neither squat nor deadlift. Both can be easily cheated or are leverage dependent. you have twinks (pony) deadlift 280 and cant bench 120 lmao
Each lift is levraged dependent, want to test real strength put guys that do this lift to do something that they're never doing and see who wins
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I am, once again, asking powershitters to report their REAL one rep maxes. These apply to ALL lifts, including you "Strong" men.

>Compression suit
>Elevated heels
>Low bar
>Excessive arching
>But muh safety/mobility/cope
Then you can't lift the weight.
you will never see a twink bench 200 simple as. 300 squat and deadlift are just there to make sure it's balanced upper and lower body strength
you will not see twink squat 300kg either, only deadlift is other way
also there are some twinks on instagram benching 200
you want real not twink strength?
show me twink ohping 140kg+
true add 140 ohp to that
>two week break
>still gassed from just warmups
It's over.
Deadliftcell spotted
Who's gonna post it
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Feel like hell, didn't bother streaming because I expected a terrible day between not sleeping well and still being sore from the street Alart festival. Thought I was going to fall asleep and throw up after warmups. Squatted 635 for some reason.
+ 10 strict pull-ups
>you will never see a twink bench 200 simple as
>massive pecs and triceps
He doesnt train lower body so hes ~40lbs lighter because zero lower body. his upper body is far from twink
Wew lads and laura
lupron, Covid and flu booster all in one visit
you and me today
wiped his lil brown zoomerito bish azz
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>Bobby isn't even a beginner
>in like a year or so of progress
I like full rom with my squats and bench but, since my gym makes me use pussy pads for my deadlift I'm getting a few inch lift off the floor on my deadlift atm, the weight is low

feels pretty good, infact I've never felt this good deadlifting from my memory, either I've tuned out all of rippetoes ques and just lift the weight and that's making me feel good, or this 3 inch lift off the ground is evening out my trex arms and making the deadlift more bearable for me

there is definitely a place for rippetoe and hyper autistic analyzing of the movement, and then there is just feel, if it feels good it's probably right, like atg, benching full rom, and whatever I'm currently doing with the deadlift despite a 2-3 inch pussy pad that lifts the barbell off the floor
>my gym made me
couldn't be me
1,5x bw squat nice

it's the only gym in my area that has a squat rack, 2 infact
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Bench 110x1
Bench 90 5x3

First week of uni. This workout was on an empty stomach and after i had walked a lot. Lost about 2kg having to walk a fuck ton around campus and not eating properly because of time, anxiety and stress. At least i'm getting closer to my bw goal heh. Also lost a bunch of strength, i'm basically at the same level as when i started training again in the beginning of the year. At least i'm surrounded by hot college women
>do meme lift
>get hurt
i am special
How does Chang do it guys?
hank hill ass
When you say stretch, do you mean for more like mobility purposes or like for a bigger stretch for more rom for muscle growth? Because I'm haven't been doing my flies and only been doing pressing variations and I'm wondering how much gains I lost
Hooke's Law relates the tension in a spring to it's displacement from equilibrium, and it's spring constant, which is the property of the spring that describes how much tension develops per unit displacement.

This law is only valid in a linear region about which the spring behaves elastically. If stretched outside this region, i.e., too much, then the spring will undergo a plastic deformation and no longer behave linearly.

By applying Hooke's Law we can understand, as lifters, why our goal is STIFFER tendons. STIFFER tendons imply a larger spring constant, and since tendons can only be stretched so much, this means more force-production capability.

How Hooke's Law relates to dynamic effort is the following: the tension in the bands increases as they are displaced from equilibrium. By adjusting the configuration of the bands, they can either assist or resist you during a portion of your lift. This biasing of the strength curve allows one to get the experience of lifting heavier weights without having to suffer the risks, or for example with the deadlift, the experience of lifting heavier weights without having to break them off the floor, unassisted.
>tension in a spring
Stopped reading. Idiot.
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>tfw 163 verbal 165 quant
Stay mad brainlets, I was one of the first done too. The other two were a mat sci guy who also disemboweled the exam, and the third guy was some random who shit the bed. Me and the mat sci guy were chadding it up about our grad school plans while wondering what this dude was doing out of the test so soon.
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Hookes law is merely how a spring restores itself to its relaxed state when minority disturbed. If you can't explain something this simple, then I question how you ever earned an advanced degree in physics.
Ranjesh is finally here to talk about his experience. say hi to him!
Mobility I believe
Why did i read "morbidly i obese", not even joking
How old is this chart? I took the GRE about 13 years ago and got a 1440 on it on a scale of 1600. Perfect 800 on the math, pathetic 640 on the verbal. 5.5 on my ananlytical writing. Why did they change the scale?
>I took the GRE about 13 years ago
Damn so you're 35+
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b:250, 265, 235x4
cg spoto: 120x6, 2x6 150
lat pulldow
getting back up to 6hundo range. coming back from these last meets feeling quick on b&d. s is a big ???
pls don't die
When's the next one?
Your children will be born retarded
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He'll be dead by mid September [next year for sure].
No refunds vaxxie!
next meet? april maybe
You think they're lying and they actually do feel it? I think they know what they feel better than you do. The way I see it the better your form the closer your lift is to the limits of your musculature and the more you feel it. Making I don't feel X muscle in Y lift a legitimate inquiry if they also post said lift. (they never do)
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7pl8 this year
Public gyms are like timeshares except you don't even get the time. It's not worth pondering why an oversocialized retard who buys into that and doesn't own a squat rack does the things he does.
I'm amazed anyone bothered to type this stupid shit out unless it was satire.
>except you don't even get the time
Heh. You get the time, just not the time you want. Like a timeshare. Even the busiest gym is almost completely vacant at some hour.
Very good
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Got my first 1pl8 press for 1.
mogs gym charmin thats for sure
I checked the archives and he talks a lot and I have no idea how much he lifts.
He doesnt its a larp character
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He doesn't lift a lot. His OHP is slightly over 0.5x bodyweight.
So you're telling me that the 1 out 150 threads on this board that's actually about lifting is also for inane bullshit? Damn the luck.
There are groups dedicated to destroying 4chan since they cant manipulate narrative like on reddit twitter or other sites they just shitpost here 24/7 to make this place unbearable.
Yeah, I'm aware of the conspiracy theories and I agree with them. I'm really more casual than new. I guess if this site is worth destroying there's probably not a better one out there. How much do you have to lift to tripfag without getting clowned on?
as long as you can prove you are said trip. you're good to go
I dont see any reason to trip here as 90% of posts is schizos and bobby arguing with them.
I don't wish to be rude but
>inside power rack
So if my first post with it is an original video of me lifting, I'm good?
It'll be 89% then. I'm thinking they're using the anonymity against us, and poster identification but without a vote system may be the winning formula.
It's a 12' rack.
>>ohp 1x bw
>thats to easy
Post 110kg strict press
/fit/ is so fucking retarded it's unreal wish I never listened
>do lowbar because muh rippetoe
>not enough flexibility
>every squat is torture
>million advices, none work
>persevere for years, squat lots
>injure elbow several times in a row cannot lowbar
>try highbar despite screeches that it requires "superior mobility" and muh function anal strength
>immediately able to squat perfectly with 0 problems
if I just started out with highbar I'd probably squat 400kg now
I have big probleeem
Now im salesman in production company that prdouces waste containers and atmosphere is 10/10 im good friends with the boss but I have topped the ceiling of what I can make really, and bonuses from sale arent that big

I got offer from other comapny that also as salesman but in recreation business - race tracks, big events, flying etc. They offer me 1/5 more of what I make right now for a start plus clear bonuses that are big if you are good - you can make 3x your base salary
But I feel fucking connected to company im now in and I dont want to let them down, fucking kill me
what u need money for
if u have home etc then stay its better to be mentally healthy than buy new iphone all the time
use sanity to swing trade or somesuch
t. from the perfect heart of bactrian camel jewel of 5 livestock of mongolia
This, after a certain income getting more money doesnt really improve the qol. So ask yourself if you need more?
You’ll forget about this hobby after 3 months.
I've been lifting for 8 years and have 290kg lowbar despite constant setbacks and fucked form.
We are trying for a child and I want to be still financial secure and comfy when the child comes, also take in account what you make in USA and what poor europoor makes
0:50 is the mark for today
So what do you make and how much you spend?
Lets just say I would need to make 2x what I make now to make same as my dad and have comfy life like he does
I am 37, a virgin, mentally ill, uneducated and penniless, wronged by life.

Strong, successful and rich, I hate you. You are social Darwinists, bastards and oppressors of the weak and disadvantaged. Life has broken me and I have lost, but I believe that a new Lenin will come, new Bolsheviks will rob all the rich, take everything and divide it, and build a society where there will be no rich, where all the too smart, cunning and strong will be enslaved and driven into a common stall. I hate life at its very foundation, nature must be defeated, the strong must be overthrown, God must be overthrown. Humanity must build a society without exploitation, at any cost. Let it be a prison where everyone will have a bowl of soup and a bed, but guaranteed, and so that no one dares and cannot fool another and make a profit at the expense of another. I die with hatred for the world, for life and for God, with hatred for the market and competitive competition.

I die, but I do not give up. DEATH TO CAPITALISM
Ok so 2x is a lot guess go for it.
>you can make 3x your base salary
These are always red flags for me.
You’re young enough you should not burn any bridges so make sure you leave on good terms if you do. Might cross paths again with them.
But really you don’t owe your employer anything don’t feel bad, it’s a business decision.
in this case it isn't that the biggest problem.
You have clear % of sale on the contract that you earn, I was recommended there by a financial director of company that I work for now. She parted ways with the company 2 years ago and works as freelancer now and has contract with this company
plus take in advance that this was my first real long time job, and I didn't negotiate the best terms and now I know they wont get higher with it as the potential growth of this company is staggered and basically Poland catches up to west and production companies like this will have only harder time, Poland wages and prices of production catch up to west of europe very quickly and its stopping to be good buisness to export it which was 50% of company revenue
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Beltless pause deadlifts, filmed in copeless angle
Make sure you actually talk to people and make friends and maybe go on a date unlike me
I believe
Good work
I dont understand you set up for the first rep and then never again why?
Because after the first rep im finishing each rep in close to an ideal start position so setting myself like a first rep would be a waste of time and energy while also sacrificing good position
I mean looking at your back rounding at the start of every rep makes me think its not a perfect position, but you're stronger than me so if it works it works. Whats that like 5-6 pl8s?
My back isnt rounding thats just how my spinal erectors are. More importantly im not collapsing through the rep which is where an actual problem could occur
Ive already gone through the stage years ago where i got hyperconscious of rounding and doing whatever i could think to change my position and nothing changed, thats just how i look deadlifting
Wipe the cum off your lip before posting, little bitch
nah m8 i lift about the same so i also got erectors + i round upper back and your low back looks more rounded than what i'd consider safe
not saying you will slip a disc but i personally stopped doing deads in favor of rdls and good mornings, easier to recover/do/grind through

oh man
i am starting to remember you
which city?
I remember reading yakob coping in the exact same way.
>stopped doing deads
Hey thats cool and all but how about instead of retarded comments like this you point out how to fix it if its so egregious
Your first rep is fine and then you just dgaf for some reason.
Need to work on my tris
How high should I put the pins for pin press so that I can focus on tris
arm size and bf%?
I half assedly test dl sometimes. It increases.
15” unflexed, 16” flexed @ 6’1” 175 ~13-15%
Ez. Last two were goot
They are a lower because if I accidently knick them during a lift it throws me off. But if I need to bail, I just drop to the floor. The front straps are higher so the bar rolls away from me and if I'm doing front squats, I have the front straps lower.
>ribs and hips not stacked properly
Hmm yes.
>Knee slide
Someone else mentioned this, too.

Next squat session I'll keep in mind
>slight sit back
>neutral spine
>bar over midfoot (1 & 3) might go hand in hand
>when its lumbar hyperextension during squat we dont call it lumbar hyperextension we call it OPEN SCISSORS
ok duffin
So I wasn't the only one.
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>started with rippetoe
You were doomed from the start if you couldn't tell rip was a snake oil salesman
Lublin neighborhood, why?
your upperback is rounding a bit on some. last rep two reps the best example. the extra hip height on the second is gotten by rounding the upperback more, which leaves the lockout harder.
not a big deal. upperback rounding is fine, especially in strongman where you just hitch it up.
do you folks incorporate affirmation mantras into your warmups at all
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Post scale, fat fuck
Wtf is wrong with "open scissor" literally every weightlifter squats like that and they for sure squat more than you.
You're leaking energy into spinal extension. You want a neutral spine when you squat. Stack your ribs over your pelvis. Proximal stability unleashes distal athleticism. Ignore fake natty shills who want to penetrate your ass with their fluids. Watch Squat University.

You'd know these things if you weren't fucktarded.
by far the best character
Yeah i tend to round upperback purposefully, its generally worked well for me. I didnt even consider anyone couldve been referring to that
I can't progress on the press, I can't do 5 reps for 3 sets because I risk passing out. Maybe I complete a set, or do 4 reps, or 3, or 2. Whenever I top up the air I lose the brace.
Do you guys switch your mixed grip deadlifts up or always do it the same way?
Frank doesn't switch them and neither do I. Does that answer your question, weakling?
switch hitting is gay
I always do the same for work sets but will use hook grip for warmups
Ok counter argument, oly weightlifters have medals you dont.
Only switch my grip for rdls or on the rare occasion that I use straps
Mixed grip kings, is your dominant hand pronated or supinated
you squat body weight after 3 years, it's beyond pathetic
stop posting
I switched to hook grip for the difficult
(in reality I just use straps)
Started pro then went to sup not too long after
It's personal preference. It's not completely consistent across people as far as I'm aware. There should be a way that feels most natural for you though. In my case my dominant hand is pronated.
Put a bow on this gem
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>You want a neutral spine when you squat.
Yes. It does.

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