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>Programming Advice?
post s/b/d@bw/height/age

>Pastebin (get the google drive keys to the yard)
>High Scores

Previous Thread:>>75179444
first for shaman is a blight
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he cute
The best cardio for a lifter would be the one that puts less stress/impact on the joints, right? So is then swimming the best cardio a lifter can do?
oh boy another pro obesity thread
the best cardio is the one you'll do
Stop spamming this board with your fat threads there's already 3
piss off newfag
He asked kings, not you. Stupid fat fuck.
He mogs until you post lifts.
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post scale
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>t. never made a woman scream from pleasure (good)
>rest two weeks
>sleep relatively well every day
>lift light once
>cortisol induced insomnia immediately comes back, lay awake for 4 hours
I don't want to lift anymore.
That's the preworkout you dingus
My only pre-workout is one extra coffee, and I lift at the start of my day.
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>Make sure you actually talk to people and make friends and maybe go on a date unlike me
Holy shit relatable. I'm cutting myself some slack because it's the first week but i really need to start socializing, i need gf. Also i believe in you, you'll get a date by the end of the year just trust
You actually look stronger than you actually are, idk if you'll take that as a compliment or not tho. I would've guessed your ohp was like 1.5pl8, maybe even slightly more
Huge load of Norman khan being deposited
dude is pressing INSIDE the power rack
you understand what I mean?
that you're poor
read the green book
the polish lanklet fears the y axis spatially adapted power cage presser
This >>75187593
Me and you will never know the true satisfaction of ohping inside the rack
read the green book
Also i hope you dont call your custumers manlets
i tell them to read green book
I have no idea of I can press inside a power rack, gyms here only have half racks or shaky weightlifting racks.
180cm + 185cm armspan.
I prefer to press on a platform anyways because there's a non zero chance you have to dump the bar backwards if you really fuck up the groove
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>Why yes I am a powerlifter how could you tell?
The first week is exactly the week where you should be socializing, you dork. That's when nobody knows eachother and when your uni organizes events for ice breakers. The longer you wait, the less opportunities you have. Join some club or committee if you can too.
Sounds like you just want to bitch instead of fixing the problem. Idiot.
If I didn't want to fix the problem I wouldn't have taken this long off. What do you suggest I do, o wise old man?
Read the black book
>Martin Luther, 1543, Germany
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Real. it's too late though i'm already one of the loners and then there's the normie group. I've just been very anxious and stressed so socializing seems tiring. It'll happen though i'm not worried
Everyone says this, but within a month there will be a divide between people who just go there to learn and the people who socialize on the side. At that point it will be very, very difficult to break into that other side by just attending lectures. You wouldn't be the first anxious and introverted person to miss the boat like that; "I wish I tried harder at the start" is a regret you'll often hear when people lament their boring uni life.

Find some club or whatever to join next week. Now is your time to change. Don't miss the boat and don't make it ten times as hard for yourself.
Thanks for the advice, you're completely right
This. Also look into some co-ed sporting groups. Don't be shy about answering questions and asking questions with a confident voice during lectures and seminars. People will perceive you as smarter and gravitate more towards you when forming study/work groups and that's a good way to meet people as well.
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I've been lifting since April I think, so about 5-6 months now I guess. My stats are:
OHP: 195
Bench: 340
Squat: 440
Deadlift: 535

Are these okay numbers? 205 bodyweight btw
Thanks. Honestly i didnt expect it to get this real
Isn't this the LARPer who is getting mogged by both the real women in thread, and the troons?
Those numbers are fucking nuts if you're being serious.
Look at his bodyweight. Hes a fatty
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>5 months
>these numbers
And to put it another way: you're already too anxious to socialize with people who also don't know others. They're people who are proactively looking for other students to hang out with. What makes you think it will be easier or more comfortable to socialize in a few months time, when all those people already know eachother and have formed their tight knit cliques? It really is ten times as hard and most people like you just keep postponing this personal development until they graduate.

Like >>75187822 says, sporting groups are good. Any organizational cliques within your student body are also perfect (plenty of women too). I don't know how uni culture is structured in your country, but maybe there are special interest clubs as well. Just join literally anything that has you meeting and interacting with other people even if it doesn't sound super interesting.

We'll remind you of this in like two weeks, so you better make some progress that you can report.
really? literally all I'm doing is eating 200g of protein a day, something around 2500-2800 calories, and doing 5/3/1 BBB. I guess I have been very diligent about going every day and hitting my diet goals
I definitely could still lose some fat weight but I've lost 10 lbs since I started
I already explained the problem. The solution is trivial. Not my fault you're too stupid to notice it, let alone implement it
205 isn't that heavy all things considered. But we don't know what he looks like.
You've been lifting less than a year and you're already above 3pl8s. Very impressive.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how certain are you that it's caused by the extra coffee in the morning?
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>read the green book
>Don't be shy about answering questions and asking questions with a confident voice during lectures and seminars
Here's the brutal red pill. Very rarely do the outspoken dummies ask good questions or sound smart. They almost always sound dumb. My smartest students have either had a quiet confidence where they barely participate (they ask questions privately after class or over email), or they sleep in class. In short, they're teachers pets and emote in class but are usually too shy to speak up. Not because they're wrong but because they don't want to be seen as a know it all. The type of person you described is obnoxious. If that's the kind of people you gravitate toward, by all means.
Why the fuck do you need to ask? Jesus fucking Christ. How hard is it to experiment and see what happens? If I say 1 you'll do nothing and be where you are. If I say 10 you'll do as I say. You're a limp wristed faggot.
>advanced programming where you add weight every few weeks
>440lbs squat after 5 months
Only possible if you almost already had those numbers when you started out. Stop LARPing.
Yeah you’re fat. Post body or lifts piggy.
No, anon, that's not why I'm asking. I want to know how confident you are because it will make my next reply funnier. So, 1 out of 10?
I'm not larping? I am not following the "add 10 lbs to your squat every 3 weeks" shit, I was adding 30 or more lbs to my training max every three weeks depending on how well I was progressing
Sounds like you just want to bitch instead of answering the question. Idiot.
Neat. What were your starting numbers? Were you just hitting 10+ reps on the 1+ days or something? I think 5/3/1 has some kind of thing built in to add more than 10lbs if you just smash the 3rd week or a cycle, but I'm not sure what it is.
I read the Quran so I could more effectively harass Muslims online, all it really taught me was Mohammed was autistic
I accept your concessions
Okay, so it's funny because it's actually clearly caused by my heroin abuse, since that naturally raises cortisol levels. Not by a single cup of coffee in the morning. Don't try to confidently diagnose things based on so little information.
that's the heroine you dingus
literally 100x more based than any other holy book

and I've never read it
I have beach front property in Idaho to sell you.
which lake?
No need to be mean, anon.
I would get like ~+8 pretty frequently, especially on squat and deadlift, now more recently with bench. After adding weighted dips to my accessory work I did a +15
>We'll remind you of this in like two weeks, so you better make some progress that you can report
Holy based and thanks, I'll report back honestly
>Postpone personal development
That's the way i see it too, i need to up my game
>Interest groups
Yeah i need to look into those, havent done that yet. I heard there's a rugby team in my university, I'm thinking of doing that because i dig it (shoutout to white girl summer chad). But there's probably a bunch of other stuff to do too
Post body or lifts.
I dont gravitate towards that at all. There's a fucktard in my class that makes a comment every 3 minutes to the teacher while he's explaining shit, i fucking hate that guy. There's also the problem that i dont really identify with people, the majority are a bunch of 18yos that talk about soccer and want to be seen as cool, so there's that. I pay attention to class and mostly keep to myself and i want to stay that way, but outside of class i need to socialize more. I'll keep that in mind though to not be obnoxious when making comments to the teacher or asking questions
ok I can see why he was so mad
>You squat [underexaggerated number] after [overexaggerated number]
>It's le hecking pathetic!!!
Back 2 reddit


How's it going little mama

Wow, a 6.5pl8 squat at 325+ as a natty! That's so impressive! Bro, you should really start taking roids! You could legitimately compete at WSM in a few years if you did!

Haha, just kidding, you're already roiding, and you'll never compete at WSM despite competitive strongman being your dream. It's dead, just like your soul from the burden of your constant lies
My firm belief is that he's trolling everyone. No one is that delusional, retarded and obnoxious all at the same time, it's too much, almost cartoonish
I would let him do everything.
>Omg I can like see why he was like so mad
>Omg he's so mad!!! I win!!!
>No, I'm obviously not roiding, you're just mad!!!
You're a 40 year old woman with the arms of a starting JV running-back for a Texas 4A high school football team, and the abs of a La Liga soccer player. Remind me again why you're still acting like you don't take anabolic steroids?

>Yeah, I'm like super antisocial and cool, no one gets me, and no one satisfies my standards.
What a fucking retard
>You're a 40 year old woman with the arms of a starting JV running-back for a Texas 4A high school football team, and the abs of a La Liga soccer player.

omg thank you :'-)
>person lifting for a dozen years has bigger arms than me
Bro you sound so mad constantly
>Wow, a 6.5pl8 squat at 325+ as a natty! That's so impressive! Bro, you should really start taking roids! You could legitimately compete at WSM in a few years if you did!
a 6.5pl8 squat at 325 is actually not very good at all even for a natty
It's part troll, part reality. Is he truly that weak? Yeah. Is he truly miserable offline and does he really not have any friends or family close to him? No doubt. But he's aware of this and how pathetic he is, which is why he plays it up and intentionally leaves a lot of bait-y statements in his post for people to latch onto. He's the kind of loser who will take any attention that he can get, and sadly for him it will never be the positive kind.

Responding to him is playing into his hands, but I guarantee you that it also makes him feel miserable. That's why he stopped showing his face the moment people made fun of his appearance, and why he started leaving a lot of time between trip posts when people pointed out how obsessed he was.
600+ squat is very good at any bodyweight. Standards are inflated now because of the amount of freaks out there.
he just gave me what is quite possibly the best compliment anyone has ever given me on my arm gains, I'm elated
He broke you.
I think being accused of being on roids means I've made it, wew
I think he's fake and he's using someone else's images. Doesn't really matter though.
sorry maybe not very good is an exaggeration but it's not particularly impressive or competitive at that weight
No, he already provided timestamps when he started posting here.
Embarrassing post.
Travel outside of your country next year.
I wonder this too. But he did provide a timestamp of the clothes he (?) was wearing on the vids. Also the degree, but i think someone proved that could be faked easily? I dont remember that well
>no body
Dude Blobby exists
Trip on charmin ultra soft
it's entertaining tho
>Haha, just kidding, you're already roiding, and you'll never compete at WSM despite competitive strongman being your dream. It's dead, just like your soul from the burden of your constant lies
Look at this shit, no one talks like this, it's bordeline psycopathic, this dude is ill
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Look, another roider!
Bobby is just a bit delusional but he's cool, he has helped me out a ton with programming and stuff. Gym charmin is kinda evil

Yeah well he's practically flirting with you, he calls me retarded
I don’t care for Charmin, Senor or Laura. Also Pony.
must be an obese thing
>charmin's self-loathing
We know babe
No I'm not REEEEE
Right, see I deal in reality, and the reality is you're roiding. That's not a moral statement, it's a statement of fact. Where morality enters the picture is when you lie, deflect from, and gaslight about it, just like you're beginning to do now.

A normal person telling the truth would be acting completely different from the that you're acting. You have tried everything from outright denial to sarcastic acceptance, because you're just looking for the mode that will make it all go away because you don't want to deal with the consequence of your lying. Ironically, for you there would be none if you just told the truth.

Same goes for smi*ggy and tw*ggy, you don't seem so bad as them because you're just a confused cross-shitter, and not a soulless excel spreadsheet golem like smiggy, and air-force chud like twiggy. I'm the dominant male here now. I'm the combination of smartest, strongest, fastest, tallest, largest, and most athletic, male here, and my decree is that fake natties get the shaft like they deserve because their tren-addled brains have translated their sexuality entirely into their asses.

Members of the fitness community deserve the truth, not to be gaslit and led by the noses by roiding faggots, and this is it.

Love me or hate me, I'm real, and I do what I do to propagate the right information about lifting to the masses, not the information that gets me a following so I can gain followers, and sell them worthless supplements.
I enjoyed the character development at first, but now the writing comes across as trite and uninspired.
You will learn as you grow older that some people do not deserve mercy or care. Any you show to them will be seen as weakness or an opportunity for them to dominate. The world is cold, and brutal. You are just lucky to be born an apex predator, so act like one.

>Charmin is evil
No, young man, I am savage.
Yawn. Give us something funnier to work with; you lost me by the end of the first paragraph. How about finally posting physique?
>a normal person
>something shaman has the awareness to recognize
Pick one
You're 1000x the person that charmin is, dont worry about it. Also i have my own delusions going on kek
>this mad he's out lifted by a middle-aged broad
it's like in shitty anime where the calm and calculating villain gets mildly confronted by the hero then immediately goes crazy and foaming at the mouth and flailing around like a retard
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yea. what season of GoT do you think we are in?
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>tranime analogy
Bob's not THAT obese
I'm the hero in this analogy

I can kimura you

Read a book faggot
Didn't shit before weighing myself so I was 266.9 this morning. Need to eat more fiber I think, basically haven't gone all day.

Charmin, go kill yourself. You already estranged your family, they will be sad for a week or two but ultimately relieved.
I just flew back from the gym. And boy, are my arms tired!
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>mad little tripweenie think hes hard
>has visible bitchtits and fupa

lol. lmao even. get fucked tripweenie
>apex anything
Cute, but I the only kind of predator energy you give off is a sexual predator
You sound like the middle schoolers who yell at their teachers because Andrew Tate told them they deserve to

>are just lucky to be born an apex predator, so act like one.
No, i want to make frens
Why does this general attract so many weirdos
Open wide
Seen gets bored and makes a new alt
Charmin thought he was gonna be Greg Nucholz the sequel but kept getting dunked on my women and "women" and became another angry incel
Dunno Yakob's deal
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Is Gym Shartman even real or a new character in the sean/hank multischitzomentalverse
Ban all trips.
It is not needed.
>Yakob's deal
just polish
trips are important so you know if you're talking to someone who actually lifts or Gym Charmin
my favorite larp detail is the obese dad raising a pussy of a
They’re all brown now
tlaw is not going to like this
tlaw, 9, and weakman should trip
but if we know them, why trip?
They can't, they are permanently banned, they have to anonpost.
for what?
That only applies to men. Women don't naturally have enough testosterone to look like that.
>damn look at dem titties, this bitch on estrogen
He's posted time stamped pics of his degrees.
gobu come back
They don’t talk about lifting much.
>charmin's self-loathing
You don’t know what that word means.
i too can buy cardstock or print something through kinkos. There is no good proof that those are his lifting videos and not more shit pulled from reddit.
but not a timestamped pic of himself holding the degrees or the clothes he layed on the bed like the schizos
>the timestamp cover story is being unraveled
>the new character is radio silent
I literally am on estrogen and am only a B-cup
Dunno how shaman got his though
Yeah, dude. He found some guy on Instagram and before he started his LARP he went out of his way to buy the exact same outfit, because he anticipated the "post timestamp with outfit" question.
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Personally, my favorite se*n character is bobby.
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quite the damage control, jim

on that note:

I went off program today because it was speed low straight bar squat 4x7x45%. I know there is probably a reason for going this light on the compound today but I am stubborn and old so I did 5x5 @ 90% instead.
The dispute can only be settled by Charmin posting time stamped ass with the sharpie inserted. If he does not perform this action within the end of this week, it's a confirmed LARP.
Lmao meme king
generic gym clothes everyone can buy from Walmart for under $10 isn't proof.
theres not one convincing video that its him. its the simon chronicles all over again
Yeah mb too, my post derailed to uni talk and then i charmin posted. Also I'm drunk. I'll try to keep to lifting posting
since youre here. have you ever been to the splash zone?
the wut
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Fake powerlifting fan...
It's when women succumb to hubris and try to lift heavy weight only to be mocked by God as they piss themselves and are reminded of their inferior statue.
not fake just newb

hahaha ohhh yeah guess I'm not strong enough to have been there yet
Frank is banned, he can only anonpost, he flagrantly ban evaded too often while posting anime porn
Posting very cheesy pizza
The Figgy the FELON argument is massive projection
I didn't do flies for 8 months as a lifter trying to go from 360 bench to 405. I just dies pressing variations? How bad of a choice was this? Doesn't pressing fully work the chest?
Just did*
sit patiently. someone weaker and fatter than you will be along to show you the error of your ways
Trip on Shame-man
Shouldn't need chest flys for that
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Need some advice. I'm 34. In my mid to late twenties I got to 245 bench, 410 squat and 520 deadlift. Life got busy and had a family, and I ended up doing hiking and calisthenics for about 5 years. Been lifting again since July and I'm back up to 190 bench, 315 squat and 415 deadlift. How long do you all think it will take me to get back to my old numbers? How much does prior training effect getting your strength back? Feels great lifting again, I want to be a stud for my baby boy as he grows up.
where did you find this image of me???
before next july
about time bobby
Thanks man. I definitely don't take offense at being told I look strong. Not that I'm content with my lifts.
He's far too narrow minded and egotistical to defer to God.
Shots missed, now open wide bitch tits
holy fuck I'm jelly of that rack position
I have a coworker who's a little bit soft and every once in a while I just slap him right on his belly. His posture and reflexes have improved and he's starting to get abs.
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Tricep and wrist stretching with a stick and mash out your traps with a barbell
All it took for me to get that
I imagine, I'm doing those as well
I guess it'll just take time
At that point I'd been working on it for a couple of months ?, so yeah, it takes a bit
Anyone have cutting? I'm sick of being fat. I weight 320 lbs and want to cut at least 100 lbs.
Is being able to clean half your deadlift the bare minimum?
>hey guys is this good hehe??
You never posted your starting weights here >>75188076.
We will wait for you to do the math, I’ll help you:
+10 lbs for lower/month
+5 lbs for upper/month
im trying to bench 330lbs before 2026
right now i can do 245 lbs x2 but im getting kind of fat (5'7, 182lbs)
can i still get stronger while cutting? my goal weight is 160lbs or 170
Fat fuck, help this man >>75190668
For bare minimum that sounds about right for someone who doesn't train WL. I remember power cleaning 65kg w/o contact when I had a 140kg conventional and was starting WL.
I dont think i could clean half of my deadlift desu
How the fuck is your OHP technique so bad that you risk dumping it backwards?
>can i still get stronger while cutting

do 4-6x8-12 to failure sets on bench once a week and some other upper body push with same rep/set also once a week, i suggest high incline bench for tris and delts or whatever is weak

start with 70%rm bench for work sets, increase weight for set when you can hit 8-12 reps on that set, always go to complete failure, cheating a bit is ok

test 1rm bench as often as desired

eat high starch high protein low fat dont eat starch 4 hrs before bed
Im not strong but all my prs including 150kg bench when hit while cutting. Ive actually no joke outside of begginer gains never made strength gains on a bulk.
bulking is retarded
dietary fats do nothing for your muscles
sugar is poison
starch/glucose are great but if you don't go crazy overboard with volume it probably wont matter much
Should I pause if I’m not competing? And will sheiko work if I’m not pausing
No pause
You don't have much experience so don't overthink and don't do sheiko, you won't understand it. If you plan to compete and eek out every kg learn westside and then try to apply it just don't read anything by louie until you figure it out, he will just confuse you with rambling. If you just want to be strong and big then just approach it from a bodybuilding standpoint focusing on legs & core.
Amazing to me how utterly retarded this general is with diets
Just put the fucking fork down holy shit it's not complicated. Literal children understand. Why can't you?
fitness influencers/broscientists/journos spamming 999999 articles posts and videos "u cant lose fat and build muscle!!!! did u know about anabolism and catabolism!!!! did u know if u diet your metabolism slows down and u actually gain wait!!!!!"
I wonder what fucking retard spread the whole you cant build muscles on cut
Pick two on your way out.
>Literal children understand
that's the problem, they don't, and this general is full of children that never grew up
>volume upper day
>just start warm up
>group of zoomer broccoli heads ask how much i have left
Oh no no no no no no poor zoomers will be waiting for an hour before i free this bench.
It's hard to understand problems you don't have. You're supposed to be lifting so hard that it's difficult to even grow a power gut. What are we supposed to tell a guy who's benching like 1.3x his bodyweight. Do what you're doing, but better? If he can't do it he can't do it.
>don't do sheiko
Hmm well it isn’t for everyone and Instagram is mostly Western methods, this is fair.
>learn westside
>don't read anything by louie
Don’t ever post again lil brown zoomerito.
whew, i was worried for a second
Instead of seething over bodyweight multipliers, why don’t you talk about lifting and what you did to be so great.
i understand westside better than you
until you figure out the very basic principle behind it aka
>do 1rm or equivalent dynamic shit
>if you're strong and 1rms burn you out do whatever variations you want
>then do bodybuilding for lagging groups
>try hard and be done in under an hour
all of louies "on monday we do 3x4 good mornings using 45% of 23% of banded squat at 25% band tension at the top with chains 31.5% weight of dl rm off a 4 inch box" is just details to help you choose exercises that will confuse you
everyone here is either too weak and inexperienced for it to matter and can just do 1rms of main lifts (save for maybe deadlift) or so experienced they know better what works for them and what louie said is just suggestions

lmaoing at retards never competing and using powerlifting as an excuse to eat ice cream
did you know louie once got so disgusted with fatasses in his gym he put everyone on diet
You don’t compete. At least not raw/tested.
Hardly of any of the guys who compete do westside but cool dog chains and skulls bro.
>did you know louie once got so disgusted with fatasses in his gym he put everyone on diet
Lmao i need a source for that
they don't do sheiko either
do you know what they do?
can you share this information?
i used to compete at uni (we had a powerlifting club) now i just lift
what i described in previous post is conjugate and it works just fine
westside is easier to google which is why i told that dude to learn it if he wants a powerlifting routine
i think it was in one of westside related podcasts
Yeah I got groomed by Rippetoe and other fat guys into believing that anything under 1 lb/week was pointless.
>tfw you realize that the Canadian manlet who sounds like Gilbert Gottfried was right and maingaining is the way to go
Slow and consistent gains > 4 steps forward (dirty bulking) and 3 steps back (big cuts).
Also the grip that ketolards and keto-adjacent people had on nutrition discussion back in the 2010s. For a long time I thought that carbs were bad and fat was good. It turns out that fat isn't anabolic while carbs are. Eating lots of fat does nothing but make you fat.
Hell, eating a high protein diet won't even put you in ketosis since protein increases blood sugar -just to a lesser extent than carbs do. So to hit ketosis you need to be eating a diet that's ~90% fat and 10% protein.
>Canadian manlet who sounds like Gilbert Gottfried
yeah just remember fructose isn't anabolic
>protein increases blood sugar
ye true
aminos float around in the blood get taken up by cells that need them at a low rate
rest is converted to glucose on every pass
eat meat -> aminos trickle into blood slowly -> most of them are used to cover protein needs
slam a shake -> aminos all hit bloodstream -> most is convreted into glucose
>anything under 1 lb/week was pointless

1lb/MONTH is a great pace. the only downside is that tracking it can be difficult and you won't really know if you're at maintenance or above it within some time
it's a marathon not a sprint, and in either case you are going to have to spend time to lose excess fat at the end so sloppy fast weight gain isn't even faster in the long term

I fucking hate the term "maingaining" though because it implies that broccoli shit heads can go eat some chicken and stay 140lbs "just maingaining bro"
I don't fraud it like you, it's a strict press from a front rack. Same way it's possible to have to dump a push press backwards.
You tell him to try harder
You’ve never heard of anyone doing Sheiko leading up to a comp? Something like that or periodization? How long did you compete? Are you not American?
>barbell bench and standing barbell OHP is 1pl8/40kg+ apart
>seated DB press and flat DB bench is 6kg apart (12kg)
Explain this shit to me
Smg struggling on 635? Tf.
>watches the dave tate video
>”i understand westside better than you”
Now THIS is lil brown zoomerito’ing!
core issue
I never fold on DLs or squats and I can do strict hanging toes to bar for reps, I don't think so. My strict press is actually strict tho so maybe I am just nerfing myself by not cheating
I've never heard anyone except some memers on here doing sheiko leading up to a comp.
meme, you can train neural/skill components at the same time as growing muscle or "myofibrillar hypertrophy" if you like that term
no need to dedicate a week to "intensity work" unless you're a week out

can you correct me if i made any mistakes
core issue
How long did you compete? Are you not American?
db bench is unstable compared to bb bench
seated db press is stable compared to standing ohp because of back rest
standing ohp has a more complicated bar path/technique because of barbell going through chin thing
desu ohp is not that godo for hypertrophy just do seated bb ohp on a high incline
4 years of uni
i'm euro
Thank you.
thanks for being civil, if i'm wrong can you correct me?
Yes, majority of powerlifters use some form of periodization. You can’t max out every week forever.
which is why westside rotated variations and added speed days
Is decline bench a meme? Never see anyone talk about it or do it
My max is only 645 from like a year ago. Squat has been very low priority for me for the past several years but I want to get it closer to 700 in the near future. I wouldn't call it a struggle either, just the walkout was shaky because I've been hitting upper back so much recently that stabilizing it was a little challenging without triggering a cramp, and the last time I squatted big was on a squat bar which is just easier for me to get my hands around. The squat itself was pretty easy and it mainly moved slowly because I'm trying to get away from bouncing out of the hole.
I do the DB bench as accessory to barbell bench and seated DB press to OHP. Might ditch the DB bench for dips or a machine press because the weight I am using is low but maybe it's a good thing to correct potential weaknesses that don't show themselves on barbell bench
shh let the children play conjugate
i dunno consider guillotine bench press if your chest is weak
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Hmm, so you used to compete in a university powerlifting club and now just lift for fun? Cool, I’m sure your personal experiences can replace decades of data and proven training methodologies.

Let’s clear something up Lil Brown Zoomerito. You’re dismissing periodization as a "meme," which is interesting because periodization has been foundational in virtually every high-performance training environment, from elite powerlifting to Olympic sports. Your approach of treating Westside like some universally applicable shortcut ignores a simple truth: people periodize their training to not burn out, exactly like how Westside splits max effort and dynamic effort days. So, you’re promoting the very thing you’re dismissing.

Also, you're contradicting yourself by saying periodization is a meme, then endorsing conjugate training, which is literally a form of periodization where you rotate through different emphases (neural/skill + hypertrophy) over time. Maybe it's not the terms confusing you, but the fundamentals?

Oh, and not everyone wants to chase the ‘1RM every week’ mindset and wonder why their joints feel like they’re 60 when they’re 25. Funny how that burnout works.

Finally, sure, Westside has its value, but throwing chains on every lift and flexing like you're Louie's long-lost nephew doesn't make you strong. People need to understand that effective programs fit their goals, whether it's conjugate, linear, or—yes—even Sheiko. Maybe it's not the routine that’s confusing, maybe it’s your understanding of it.

Stop giving advice. We don’t want to promote the existing culture of blind leading the blind.

Don’t let the door wipe you on the way out.
>OHP ID day
>5x65kg last time, switch to triples because the 5th rep was my best grinder ever
>fail 3x67.5kg
>involuntarily have to do 3x2x67.5kg
am I become rekt & rippedunked?
Shut up charmin
thanks for being civil, if i'm wrong can you correct me?
Shut up charmin
Flies are a bodybuilding meme, to build a big bench you need dips, ohp, and tricep extensions for the elbow extensors, and chinups, pendlay rows, pullups, cheat and hammer curls for the flexors. Simple as.

I'm far too humble and open-minded to listen to christcucks who just want to bludgeon you into submission with a book they haven't even read LOL
As I already stated, I have not been following the +10 +5, it’s retarded to do when you are first starting out and getting 1+7 in the third week. I don’t know what my starting stats were, I never wrote them down
You're right but counter argument your pathetic sub bw bench
Lmao shut the fuck up
You went a big bender about being a big apex predator and conquering women
You aren't humble, you're fucking dunning-kruger
>Not an apex predator
You understand we're ALL apex predators by definition?

>Conquering women
More anon gaslighting, reply if mad oink oink
it’s not fair
>gets slammed the other thread about being as shit at lifting as he is at fucking
>still thinks he's apex anything
Okay babe
You're sooooo big and fierce lmao
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no sharpie in pooper?
It's a LARP
Nothing to see here
How do I filter anon shaman
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He's an apex weenie
they seethed because he told the truth
Conjugate is like periodized blocks if they were conjugated.
And now he thinks he's Jesus
Pretty funny since Jesus was brown and all that shit charmin just said about a book he didn't read
thanks for being civil, if i'm wrong can you correct me?
Shut up poo-bear
I accept your concession.
Stay mad lil brown zoomerito.
Lmao 4 years powerlifting club

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