why are there so many demoralization threads?
>>75209493let me guess you got your feefees hurt because I said lat raises are fucking garbage
>>75209493Crab bucketPeople with low self esteem make themselves feel better by hurting others who think differently. A guy who's worried about his keto results will call you an idiot for trying CICO and vice versa. A guy who's uncertain about his roid long term effects will absolutely shit all over natty lifters. A 5'9" virgin guy will call all 5'8" and under guys subhuman genetic dead ends who will never get laid.
>>75209493I am convinced most people on fit are fat. Not that it matters, you should be motivating yourself in spite of them.
>>75209493I need an apocalypse biker gf
UHHHHHH bc in order to really get in to fitness you have to be a certain level of insecure & hating the fuck out of yourself. so then ppl project their self hatred onto others cos it's easier than admitting the whole reason you go to the gym is bc you can't fucking stand lookng at yourself. all you see is a failure, disgusting, ugly, horrible. having that perspectve of yourself warps how u see other ppl and ya cycle continues :)
>>75209503Post body
>>75209524Jews are responsible for indians?
>>75209493Because you're doing too well
>>75209493This board (and site) is home to some unimaginable losers, as in the kind you wouldn't even believe could be real people if you met them. And you know what they say about misery loving company.
>>75209692Wouldnt fucking surprise me considering all the other kikery they've been up to.
>>75209721Giddy right again
Misery loves company >>75209692Indiana are huge supporters of Israel because they both hate Muslims
>>75209493glowniggers know i started posting herei also indirectly ruined /x/ toosorryat least i mog
>>75209493Is this shopped or does she really have a bunda?
>>75209493cuz the chads arent on the internet
>>75209493the internet has made it so losers have communitiesWe are all losers in some way
Kam and kekkepow are responsible 80% for the shit this site has gone too I believeKam man’s the helm at CBT and skizos around there, keke shits up the board all hours of the dayIf only someone could take them out to pasture
I stopped browsing here last year because its just so fucking negativeIt literally sucks you in with negativity, and then you see someone post something degenerate and its like doomscrolling on twitter
>>75209493we know for a fact russia and china try to destabilize western countries by trying to turn young men into incelsthis is just another path they take
>>75210581I've been on here forever. how do you know who these people even are?
>>75209493It's Monday morning in Tel Aviv.
>>75210780I can understand not knowing kekke bc he’s relatively new but you’re definitely not “here forever” if you don’t know who kam is, literally responsible for ruining cbt since 2022Unless this is kekkypow Tranny and you’re just samefagging, well played
>>75210780Shut the fuck up kekky
There aren't enough demoralization. It's over. You're not going to make it or you already would have. You need to be reminded constantly that you didn't win the genetic lottery so just give up.
>>75209503Garbage for what? Lat raises are fun do.
>>75210361she has a great body
>>75209493Because this is 4chins
>>75209493They want you weak, they want you docile, they want to pull you down into the shit they swim in and eat.
>>75211521The ass is hiding in this pic tho. Impossible to tell. She do be fine tho
>>75209493>why are there so many demoralization threads?Because 4chan is very left leaning and shitskin. ESPECIALLY the boards that are supposedly right-wing.
>>75209503God I hope that's true, because it's one of the exercises I'm the worst at.I have to use 25% lighter dumbbells just to get through them.
>>75209493Incel website
>>75209493Fat, ugly pieces of trash who know it come here to affect the ones who arent or trying not to be because they cant cope with being a trash. Also the jews outsourced internet trolls overflooding this website.
>>75209493>why are there so many demoralization threads?because u made them bot >>75206417 and u r filling em with ur fake traffic bot
>>75209493JIDF bots and hired jeets no i'am not kidding they are destroying all of 4chan by spamming it to death
>>75211952>25% lighterYou talk like a fag and your shits all retarded
>>75209529Most people here never played an organized sport in their life.>that doesnt matterYes it does because it proves most of you are unathletic fat fucks who don't care about being healthy, you just care about showing off on Instagram.
>>75213265Remember after the kikes got attacked on october 7th and the spam threads across this whole site died for a week? And then everytime something goes on in israel, the spam threads die? Range ban israel and the spam/bots will be reduced by 90% overnight.
>>75209493I'm sh00k, haha. I can overhead press 52.5kg now but can only benchpress 70kg =0. 60kg overhead press equates to 100kg benchpress from everything I've read lmao. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong? Ty ty
>>75213940>what am I doing wrong.You're being weak.>what do I need to do?Stop being weak, mentally and physically. Quit reading about lifting so much and just lift.
R9k, doomer zoomers, and pol frequent /fit/ because they are all basically tripfags
>>75209503fippy bippy
>>75213918That's fair.
yeah whateverI'm the fag who wrote the "love yourself" pasta and now I'm gonna drop another philosophical upper decker in the toilet of your mindon this website we constantly tell people to kill themselves. I just got done telling some retarded faggot to kill himself in some thread where he was complaining about his life and himself and his family and was posting the typical "what do?" baitI was saying "kill yourself" from a standpoint of misanthropy and cruelty, as we do in the moment, but all of us who call each other faggots and tell each other to an hero, if we were stuck in the same lifeboat we would probably help each other survive. we say "kys retard" even if we are struggling ourselves. lately I have been in a classic oldfag midlife crisis, unsatisfied with work and unfulfilled otherwise. started moping, started worrying about the future. do I really want to keep going like this until I'm 40? 50? 60? how depressing would it be if I never made it? my thoughts spiraled out of control and I started to have some brief flashes of suicidal thoughts.but now after some introspection I figured it out: I really should kill myself. NOT in the sense of permanently ending my own life, but in the sense that I should permanently end this version of me. I need to end this version of my life, with this version of myself, with these environmental factors. I'm going to plan it out just like a suicide. I will choose the time and place, and in one specific instant I will cease to exist in my current form. the old version of me will be permanently gone. the new version of me will probably retain some of the positive and negative traits of my old self, but overall the version of me that people know currently, will die.so to any of you fags who are feeling like there's no way out for you, and you are considering suicide, here's my advice:(1/2)
>>75214144/po/ is 4chan. Every other board is just filler. You think this website is famous because of the fat kikes who spam this joke of a fitness board? If you spend more time on any board than /pol/, just go back to r*ddit where (You) belong.
>>75214550man nobody cares about this shit
>>75214550Kys in the classic sense
>>75214550(2/2)Kill yourself.end this current version of your life. whether it takes a day or a week or a month, completely end this current version of your life. move somewhere completely different. talk differently. walk differently. act differently. be completely reborn. start over again from square 0 with a blank slate and write a completely different story for a completely different character. any time you are faced with a decision, ask yourself what the old you would do, and what the new you will do.you don't need to completely abandon every single person you know, but be selective and ask yourself whether the new version of you would really associate with that person or not. you also don't need to explain yourself when your friends or family try to comment about the marked change in your behavior and appearance and lifestyle. they aren't talking to you, they are talking to the old you. the new you doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about, because this is who you are, and there's no going back.this might be difficult if you are married and have children, but it's still possible. and it's definitely better for everyone involved than if you were to just run away or take your own life in desperation.I'm gonna do it on halloween. on the first day of november, the old me will no longer exist. the new me will be everything I have always wished I could be. it's going to be difficult saying goodbye to some people, but life goes on and I've never had trouble making friends anywhere I go. I am going to make it. kys faggots.
>>75214613based, this gave me the courage to finally transition after struggling with gender dysphoria for 16 yearsthank you
>>75209527This but in the most unironic sense possible. I think people don't really appreciate how deep this goes. The irony sounds almost too good to be true, but it's clear as daylight everywhere you look. Even Putin has remarked on it, when ex-KGB leader of Russia for a quarter of a century Putin remarks on something psychological you best takes notes.
>>75209493Dumb bitch is going to fuck up her wrist and her face shooting that 1887 like that. I’m a power shitter and have single handed a 12ga coach gun like that with magnum buckshot and it kicked like a bitch to where you will fuck yourself up if you are weak and/or unskilled.
>>75213935i unironically remember seeing less BLACKED threads the very next day on /b/.anyone can go through the archives and fact check that. it's real. people have no idea how much more peaceful and beautiful culture would be as a whole without these shills and sponsored bad actors.
>>75213935Come on. They've been at it forever, they don't have naked IPs.
>>75214558I miss when /b/ was 4chan. Now /b/ is pure trash, i guess /b/ is the containment board for edgy normies.
>>75214558Based. I need to spend more time on /pol. /fit is full of literal faggots, pedophiles, black pill incels, and normies.
>>75215207/b/ has a filter that doesn't just wordfilter like soi => onions, it seems to actually silently not let posts get added to the thread>>>b/925297331
>>75215337im a total newfag, forgot how to do cross-board quotes. but that thread is live now.there are many things about the whole 4chan ecosystem that are getting worse and worse. it's not just /fit/
b/thread/925306156this is why there is so much demoralization shitEVERYONE POST YOUR FINDINGS THEREAND ALSO CHECK /FIT/ RIGHT NOW
>>75209493cus im demoralized bro. i've never felt the touch of a woman and idk what to do about it.
>>75212556I do unironically believe there's more incels on here than on .is, too many larpers here
>>75215970How do you know what .is and .co are Pooh bear? It’s giving incel
>>75211069based looksmaxxer incel game of bones it never even began joever its bidone.
>>75209493>he doesn't like demoralization resistance training Ngmi
>>75215970looksmaxorg is filled with humblebrag chad slayers like amnesia and that iwishiwaschico faggot and some others... 4chan is def autistic incel haven always has been.
>>75216139I’m lebgfinal on .org that faggot mod Clavicular banned me for a month for calling out his humble braggingI’m actually trucel and that fag chad gets to be modSite is ridiculous now
>>75216158dude i got banned like a year ago for i dont even know what man but yea im trucel asf but all the humblebrag posts were just triggering so i stopped going on there. I miss the nightly crestfallen threads i think he quit right b4 i got banned. humebragsdotorg
>>75216139>>75216158>>75216175Fucking nerds
>>75216331>tateGo back shitskin
I turn 30 at the end of the week. Just fucking end it.
>>75215239>/fit is full of literal faggots, pedophiles, black pill incels, and normiesLmao at including "normies" with the other 3 categories and insinuating that would be a bad thing. Also>/pol>/fitGo back.
>>75210003WTF I like indians now
>>75209493I don't come here often anymore, since there'sno valuable information left and like you said - it's very demorilising. One of the reason is unironically bots from india, israel etc, as could be noted during the new Captcha. The chans are rather dead, in most threads it's maybe 10 to 20 actual people talking constantly, the rest are bots.The more serious lifters and channers moved on to either life or more extreme sites.
>>75217576>>75217525Indian here. Wish you fags would stop blaming everything on us — I’ve never posted blackpill, bait or demoralization contentThat’s unironically (((them))) and doesn’t involve usYou want to shit on pajeets fine but stop acting like there’s some Indian underground where we organise raids and bs like that. Ffs
>>75217583>ITS NOT US SARFunny how activity from india died out during that period, too, callcenterjeet. >We just work for the jewis basically what you're saying. Nice redditspacing brown nigger, you're partly a reason people don't want to come here anymore. Go bobble your head somewhere else.
>>75217583Now listen here pajeet, you may have the curcumin, but you will never unlock the gains of (((our))) bagel /sci/ence until you stop shitting on the railway tracks.>>sent from my iPhone 7 in Mumbai
>redditspacingOuts someone as trying to fit in everytime kek, kys newfag
>>75209493Good god imagine how smelly and dirty that pussy is. Days in the desert running around all sweaty with no shower, mmm. What I would do for a taste!
>>75217583I will take a self aware jeet over Americans anytimeMutts ruined the chans and what’s worse is they think they didn’tDon’t bother responding to cry about it or call me Indian, I’m British. Of superior stock. Cope; mald seethe etc trump lost
>>75217583>stop acting like there’s some Indian undergroundOf course there isn't. You'd all be drowning in shit within a month if you stayed underground.
>>75217652You’re American lol
imagine letting >baitposts on fourchan influence your life; ishygddt
>>75209493Because the vast majority of people that are still on 4chan are dysgenic, inbred lobotomites that can't say anything thought provoking enough to warrant a reply so they resort to trolling/baiting. Other retards see that and troll/bait in response and/or thinking that's what the site is about. Also the fact that the population that you used to know rotated out with age and the population you're seeing are zoomers that all have sub 90 IQ due to tiktok and the like rotting their brains out their skulls.
>>75209692yes. Who do you think pays the jeets?
>>75217773This is too accurate desu
>>75216456I never insinuated that normies are equal to the others… You aren’t very smart are you anon?
>>75216368Nice job taking the b8 retard. Feeling called out? Maybe you should touch grass and stop being a genetic dead end
>responding back 7 hours later>I-I was just pretending to be a Retard! You fool! I’m le epic trol!!KEK
>>75209493because they are desperate and it's not working
>>75209527A foreveralone incel slash married to a feminist will guilt you because he's jealous of your qtp2t asian gfIt's rough out there bros
>>75218798>white boomer couldn’t get girl of his own race and now settled for an East Asian leftover and thinks he mogs the incelsTale old as time
>>75218808Uh oh, I caught one, that didn't take long!
>>75217583>indian hereyeah, no shit (for once), you subhumans are swarming fucking everywherenuke the ganges
>>75209493Gosh darn, those are some nice hips. More or source plx
>heh, I’m what you incels call a “chad” because I managed to snag a sweet 4/10 Qt Korean leftover. Bet you’re jealous huh>you mad incels? I could totally get girls my own race btw
>>75214550(2/2) and in conclusion I am a fat gay tranny, ama
>>75217583Don't worry Sar, we're just playing around
>>75215114INTIMIDATED because a girl is stronger than you, INCEL?
>>75218840I'm not kidding anon, I'm a good looking dudeI'd outdo you in the dating marketI had nicknames about my philandering in my mid-20sI'm absolutely impervious to this part of the conversation where it's like I must be ugly who snagged an ugly Asian girl in desperationHope you find love some day, keep holding out! Do some more rear delt flys, that'll do it!
the interracial porn on /b/ has returned. that means the spammers recovered from whatever happened yesterday with the attack on israel and are back at it.that could mean the demoralizers on /fit/ are back at it. just letting everyone know.(some reading for everyone - https://thebarchive.com/b/thread/925306156)
>>75219725Sorry, impervious as I saidVery good looking guyMake sure you go to failure on all your sets anons, women will love that
>>75217583Bloody fuck you bastard bitch
/fit/ has always been about exaggerating our insecurities to the point that they become ridiculous and we can laugh at them. It's a therapeutic funhouse mirror. You're just not in on the joke yet.
>>75209493Incels (aka: spiritual jews) really get upset over anyone bettering themselves for some very bizarre reason. Like they get unironically mad about it.
>>75209493non whites being exposed to the internet and all the glory that is the White man leads to intense feelings of jealous rage. knowing they can never compete, they do everything they can to bring everyone down to their level.
>>75220888check em btw
>WMAF settler still replyingKEK
>>75220382Got a name?
>>75217635>British>Superior stock
>>75209527>t. 5'7" roiding CICO tardoh wait... Greg Doucette is that you?
>>75217635>britoid jeet apologist complains about an american website love to see the seethe
>>75209493people who succeed in their lives don't spend every waking moment posting online. the internet has an intense selection bias for angry, depressed NEETs who either have the world's worst case of sour grapes or just get their kicks from being cunts online >>75209503yeah? FUCK YOU buddy
>>75209493Angry dyels. Just ignore all critique when they refuse to post body
>>75214613Based apotheosis anon
>>75213940play around with the position and tension of your scapulas. play around with the bar path. once you get into a more natural position you might get a stark increase in weight lifted
>>75209493Pajeets and slavoids
>>75214550>>75214613This is just Fight Club but gayer and not cool
>amerimutten jeet calls 4channel “American website”Love to see the cope
>>75215114Kys /k/uck
>>75229094Sorry she chose the bear bro
>>75215114Kek, you just suck. Don't fight the recoil. Think of it as driving during an emergency, grip the wheel well but don't choke.
>>75210588>I stopped browsing here last year because its just so fucking negativeIve begun to suspect 4chan is just a loosh harvesting site.
The majority of the world's population lives in absolute squalor.Oh? You're lonely? That's the human condition, bitch. Get a hobby. Y'know, like lifting.
>>75209493is the image from a movie or ai generated?reverse search gives nothing